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Season 2 Discussion

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4 hours ago, Suzy Smith said:

Angela is a FAT!!! Redneck bully bitch!! Angela do you really think that a 30 year old would want your UGLY ass??? Keep smoking you look like you your 65 anyway!! Of course the only reason Michael put up with you is to come to America. Get a life!!!!!!

Well put.

She will never see the error of her ways, too stupid.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, MagicCat said:

I literally had anxiety watching beastly-ass white trash Ang go off on Rachel who's probably a quarter of her size. I love that Rachel didn't back down.  

Michael has to realize he dodged a bullet.  His days in america would consist of being screamed at by that boob-dragging, no-inside-voice-having dumpster fire all day every day.  He wouldn't be able to do a damn thing right and his nights would be nothing but having to go out and buy cake for the oldest 52 year old in the universe and then having to do lord knows what with it.

I think Michael is sick and tired of apologizing and trying to soothe Angela. It’s become a full-time job. I think he’ll find someone else to facilitate his move to the US...I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already in contact with women here.

Angela was ridiculous. The fight with Rachel was just strange. And she yelled at Tarek not to touch her when he wasn’t the only man trying to restrain her. I’m glad he said he was just going to sit down because the way this country is, Tarek would never hear the end of it as a Black man trying to restrain a white woman.

The town mother/abortion tea story Tarek and Hazel told was so strange. Like, I still don’t understand what was going on there. Why would she have an abortion if she’s pregnant by an American man?

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 17
11 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

The town mother/abortion tea story Tarek and Hazel told was so strange. Like, I still don’t understand what was going on there. Why would she have an abortion if she’s pregnant by an American man?

He apparently just misunderstood when she was telling him she'd gone to see the local woman. Apparently, he thought she did it because she wanted an abortion, but that was not the case. I think she was having some pain and just went for some sort of pain relief. In the end she was not pregnant after all.

  • Love 7

To be fair, isn't calling Angela a "big, fat, white trash bully," or something similar thereto, with multiple exclamation points littered throughout for emphasis, basically, well, bullying?  Asked not to judge but to pose this thought: Simply watching someone on a "reality tv show" for what was maybe an hour or two cumulative, total, provoked seriously strong reactions from A LOT of people, none of whom have any vested interest in the situation, and I find it difficult to believe that all or even most of the people behind those rather impassioned opinions are truly bullies. So, starting there, is it really that much of a stretch to give the person actually living the situation some grace for reacting in a less than optimal way, rather than just assuming she's nothing more than a "fat, loud, old, white trash bully?"

And no, this is not Angela, lol.  Just another viewer who can't seem to stop myself from siding with the underdogs, so to speak  (-:

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, renatae said:

He apparently just misunderstood when she was telling him she'd gone to see the local woman. Apparently, he thought she did it because she wanted an abortion, but that was not the case. I think she was having some pain and just went for some sort of pain relief. In the end she was not pregnant after all.

But he said he googled the tea and found out it was used for abortions. If it was a misunderstanding, how strange. 

  • Love 5

Anyone else think Ang figured out Mykuhl wasn’t worth the investment, figured it was time to cut her losses, and decided to manufacture some drama to get out of the “engagement.”

I’m always fascinated by Darcey’s crying. Between the lip filler and the Botox, she gets the most bizarre reaction looks. 

I’m still team Lucy. And feel for the other kids. 

  • Love 14

I found that whole Tarik-Hazel-pregnant-abortion tea-not pregnant-just late thing stupid and a waste of time.  If we didn't see it happening on the show, we don't need to hear about it.  Especially since during the 'conversation' they attempted to have about it, they all said a whole lot of nothing. 

I actually guess this must be a sign that these two crazy kids must be doing okay.  Because if that was the only "bombshell" thing Shaun could drop to try and create some sort of drama for the tell-all, then I guess that's a good thing. 

  • Love 8

I'm late to the party, (in our house AMC and TWD reign supreme as far as Sunday night TV) but wanted to say Jesse's suit was giving me Jack Skellington vibes. Nightmare Before Christmas realness. 

I did watch Paul's segment at the start of the show, and if I knew nothing about him, I'd go as far as saying he's a good looking guy. His eyes are dazzling.

As for Angela screeching about how she's  "fiddy two" all I can think of is Cotton Hill and his constant need to remind people that he killed "fiddy men".

  • Love 18
39 minutes ago, SpecialSnowflake said:

To be fair, isn't calling Angela a "big, fat, white trash bully," or something similar thereto, with multiple exclamation points littered throughout for emphasis, basically, well, bullying?

I'm not sure, maybe.  But, she is exactly those things so these comments are pointing out truths.  Would calling a criminal a criminal be bullying?  Her being nasty to Michael over basically nothing is not a truth but a power trip.  I think that may better be described as bullying.  

  • Love 18

Was I the only one wishing John had been there in the same room as Jesse?   

I'd love to see this, just for the height comparison alone! Add Ricky to the mix, so we can really see how short those two morons are. 

I would love to have more of a timeline regarding Karine, Pole, the miscarriage, and when she got pregnant. Maybe Paul has finally figured out the math on the first pregnancy, and it's clear he doesn't trust her at all. Karine's hair looked so much better short. 

  • Love 10

If Michael were shown treating Angela the way she did him, he would be called an abusive bully. Yelling at her, striking her, blaming her for his anger. Yeah, I feel no sympathy for Angela.

I cringed when the other asshole, Jesse, asked Darcy for a hug after he basically spent the last two episodes calling her a violent drunk. One last action of emotional abuse. I wanted her to tell him to go fuck himself with a bronzer covered makeup brush. But alas, she was too polite to do that.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 22

Angela talked to him for how ever long, spent the time, effort and money to meet/go see him, planned on marrying him, realized he didn't steal her money and kicks him to the curb for saying "elder".  Makes sense.  

I was reading here more than watching Ricky's part. Did he blame his daughter telling him to take it slow as the reason he split from Ximena?  Didn't mention still being married to wife #2?  

If it's true that Darcy went hunting for international warm bodies to be on the show, she got much more than she bargained for with the Meester.  If he agreed to it to further his career, I guess he's gotten a few jobs out of it, and some adoring teenyboppers, but it seems the majority of people who have seen this think he's a bigger tool than she is.  

It seems Jon and Rachel are the only two that actually like each other.  Hazel used the Tarturd, Michael was using the old bat (I can't call her Big Ang out of respect to the real Big Ang who was a nice woman), Darcey and Jesse were only attention whores, Kreeny had to want to get to the States really badly to waste time with weird Pole and Ricky is a pig. It's kind of pathetic that a program about an interesting subject was turned into a sideshow.  I'm ok with it being ridiculous but  maybe they could throw in a normal person once in a while.

In other news, I think Shaun looks good for 56.  

Edited by Kareem
  • Love 13
7 hours ago, tanyaintheburbs said:


hazel is still a question mark for me.  Her one word answers are still off putting to me.  I’m glad for Tarik that the have finally had sex.  I was really worried that she was withholding it until she got here.  I just thought that would have been a manipulative move since she’s obviously had sex with her ex.


I wonder if now that Tarik has had sex with Hazel, that his itch for the Asian Angelina Jolie has been somewhat scratched, his suspicious nature will take over and he will start to wonder what she’s doing and with who while he is in the states. I don’t trust her, I don’t think Tarik trusts her and I don’t think she cares one whit for him.

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

It's a little more complex than that. In the Philippines abortion is flat out illegal - the constitution of the country actually stipulates that life begins at conception and that abortion is legally murder. Terminating a pregnancy is a felony offense and women convicted of having had abortions do significant prison time for murder committed to conceal their "dishonor."  So there's a LOT of illegal abortion, but it's not medical. It's pharmaceutical - home brewed teas that contain any number of herbs (there are legitimate abortifacient herbs out there) and there's also apparently a thriving black market for an ulcer medicine whose main ingredient is misoprostal, which is basically RU-486.  So what we were hearing was probably some really, REALLY guarded information about Hazel having either (1) actually used a black market method to abort or (2) spoken to an herbalist just in case. And in either of those cases she was committing an illegal act - so dancing around it on tv was necessary for her. Personally I'm guess she actually did take some kind of abortifacient.  The whole "tea that makes your period start" thing sort of sealed it for me. 

Sure, okay.  But I still stand by my original comment.  That we were(n't) hearing much of anything and the dancing around about it made for some very boring, awkward, klunky television.  They should not have brought it if it was such a serious taboo thing to (not) talk about it.  Why do that to Hazel?

Edited by Cementhead
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Kareem said:

Angela talked to him for however long, spent the time, effort and money to meet/go see him, planned on marrying him, realized he didn't steal her money and kicks him to the curb for saying "elder".  Makes sense.  

Angela isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I think her basic lack of grammar and understanding of the English language played a large part in this insane freak out. He said "elder" which she thinks means "elderly". He was using it as a fact, that she is, older than him. She just heard OLD LADY. At the time this was filmed, she hadn't seen any of the season yet. She must have lost her mind when his friends called her grandma. 

  • Love 13

Shaun Robinson is awful, this whole season gets summed up into a TELL NOTHING instead of a tell all.

She seriously can’t even ask about the contradiction on if Darcy and Jesse slept together after their break up? 


She cant ask Paul how long he was in Brazil after her miscarriage ? If she had a miscarried pregnancy then a D&C how soon can she ovulate ? At LEAST two weeks. Didn’t he leave soon after ? 

Alonzo for a forensic FBI tell all finale ! 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

It's a little more complex than that. In the Philippines abortion is flat out illegal - the constitution of the country actually stipulates that life begins at conception and that abortion is legally murder. Terminating a pregnancy is a felony offense and women convicted of having had abortions do significant prison time for murder committed to conceal their "dishonor."  So there's a LOT of illegal abortion, but it's not medical. It's pharmaceutical - home brewed teas that contain any number of herbs (there are legitimate abortifacient herbs out there) and there's also apparently a thriving black market for an ulcer medicine whose main ingredient is misoprostal, which is basically RU-486.  So what we were hearing was probably some really, REALLY guarded information about Hazel having either (1) actually used a black market method to abort or (2) spoken to an herbalist just in case. And in either of those cases she was committing an illegal act - so dancing around it on tv was necessary for her. Personally I'm guess she actually did take some kind of abortifacient.  The whole "tea that makes your period start" thing sort of sealed it for me. 

Yeah, I believe she knew exactly what she was doing. I wouldn’t be shocked if she’s done it before.  There’s just something so off putting about her, I can’t trust her.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, EastCoast4Life said:

Angela isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I think her basic lack of grammar and understanding of the English language played a large part in this insane freak out. He said "elder" which she thinks means "elderly". He was using it as a fact, that she is, older than him. She just heard OLD LADY. At the time this was filmed, she hadn't seen any of the season yet. She must have lost her mind when his friends called her grandma. 

She's well aware of the age difference and aware of her size according to what we've seen on the program but my point was that she was appeared to be dumping him publicly for ONE WORD after all the things she had done to make the relationship happen. Makes no sense. Even for her.  

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

She cant ask Paul how long he was in Brazil after her miscarriage ? If she had a miscarried pregnancy then a D&C how soon can she ovulate ? At LEAST two weeks. Didn’t he leave soon after ? 

Alonzo for a forensic FBI tell all finale ! 

I was wondering about this also. I think even a clueless about lady-functions Paul wouldn’t be back at the sexing right away after a miscarriage and D&C, so I am also curious about this timing and subsequent pregnancy. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, lucy711 said:

Rachel, spare us the "it's not fair" narrative.  Yes, how dare US immigration have doubts about your indebted, criminal husband with obvious rage issues!  And how dare you have to prove that you are financially stable before bringing someone else into the country.  These laws don't make any sense at all!  Ugh.

There's a lot that I think is unfair about the immigration system.  But, if I were to make a list of unfair things, banning some dude who punched someone's eye out is gonna be pretty low on that list--scratch that, it's not even going to make the list.


  • Love 16
37 minutes ago, shockermolar said:


It's a little more complex than that. In the Philippines abortion is flat out illegal - the constitution of the country actually stipulates that life begins at conception and that abortion is legally murder. Terminating a pregnancy is a felony offense and women convicted of having had abortions do significant prison time for murder committed to conceal their "dishonor."  So there's a LOT of illegal abortion, but it's not medical. It's pharmaceutical - home brewed teas that contain any number of herbs (there are legitimate abortifacient herbs out there) and there's also apparently a thriving black market for an ulcer medicine whose main ingredient is misoprostal, which is basically RU-486.  So what we were hearing was probably some really, REALLY guarded information about Hazel having either (1) actually used a black market method to abort or (2) spoken to an herbalist just in case. And in either of those cases she was committing an illegal act - so dancing around it on tv was necessary for her. Personally I'm guess she actually did take some kind of abortifacient.  The whole "tea that makes your period start" thing sort of sealed it for me. 

Many decades ago in my 20s I too was "late" and unmarried. An herbalist in Long Beach CA prescribed a tea, which in my best recollection was peppermint, and produced the desired effect. 

  • LOL 1
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8 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:


The kids of this show continue to amaze me.  That these useless, self absorbed people could have pretty great, wise, fairly well-adjusted kids is quite a surprise.  Potential, 1) they could be decent parents, or 2) these kids have had to grow up quickly b/c of their shitty parents (feels more likely). 



7 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:


I think it's pretty cool that Darcey has such intelligent life coaches--hang on.... oh.  Those were her daughters?

Well, at least Ricky has a pretty insightful therapist.  Who eats ice cream with him.... What?  That's his daughter?

What is wrong with these people?


I'm of the opinion that the children are the real victims in these families.  The adults that they depend upon score high on the narcissism scale and low on the self awareness one...

The only way that the kids get time-with/positive-reinforcement-from their drama-obsessed parents is by taking the role of the good listener/rational coach/provider of reassurance.

While this role makes them appear level headed and mature on this show, the long-term effects of always taking a back seat to their parent's amour de jour and rationalizing the abandonment (both physical and emotional) that goes along with it aren't great...they're likely to play this role with partners, choosing people who need them to continue living in the state of self-denial that their childhoods required.

Edited by OldButHappy
  • Love 10

If I never see Rachel, her Hobbit, Ricky, Darcey or Jesse ever again, I will be happy.

Tarik and Hazel don't bother me. I won't be surprised if they are featured on another season of the show.

None of these people have any room to talk about being whores for reality tv fame. That is the reason they are all on the show in the first place. I laughed at Darcey trying to insist that Jesse only continued their relationship for more perks. That's probably true but she's as bad as he is.

Karine needs to divorce Paul. Her options for child support are limited but the man is trash.

  • Love 6

I didn’t catch every episode of this show.  Has Paul’s father ever appeared on the show? 

Regarding Karine being pregnant and if it is Paul’s, Tarik said he had visited Hazel in the Philippines between filming ending and the tell all so I wonder if Paul did the same thing.  Seems an obvious question the host should have asked instead of wasting our time on stupid questions.

I don’t believe Angela started the K-1 process.  If she only has $601 in her bank I seriously doubt she spent a penny on anything but cigarettes, XXXXL shirts and XXXS leggings.  She used Michael for sex and TV time.

I’m giving Rachel serious side eye about having two children, one of which is an infant, and not having enough money for the visa process for her husband.  I hope her children don’t need anything more than generic cheerios and a towel for a bib because Rachel is not interested in stepping up as a parent and providing for them.  Instead of her stupid karaoke hobby and traveling internationally she needs to get a better paying or second job.  

Edited by Booger666
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, EastCoast4Life said:

Did Hazel get new teeth, or are they just whiter? She appeared slightly healthier. 

Ximena telling Ricky she didn't even know where the ring was, maybe she threw it out, was great. He is such a little troll. 

The darker, shinier hair does wonders for her. Did anyone catch the part where they said her son will not be coming to the US with her ? How sad for this boy, that his mother is basically abandoning him for real. Tarik said they will eventually try to make it back to the Phillipines 2 or 3 times a year. Hazel must be q very broken person inside to actually go through with that. 

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Sterling said:

Am I the only one who thinks Paul is right to want the DNA test?

Karine admitted to talking to other men.  She brushed it off, saying they were "far away".  Well girl, in most marriages, talking to anyone of the opposite sex outside the marriage is not ok.  
Methinks she's a lying liar.


I agree 100% with all of this! Get the DNA test, Pole! Karrine is shady as shit. The timelines with Pole and Karrine never make sense. She had a miscarriage, then shortly after Pole had to leave so he could make more money in the US and he is still in the US. I'm not sure about this so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there supposed to be a waiting period before trying to conceive again after a miscarriage? Where was the time for her to get pregnant again? 

Also, WTF is this about her talking to other men far away? That craptastic host Shaun skimmed over that very telling information because she was too busy giving Pole the stink eye over the DNA test. 

  • Love 13

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