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Season 2 Discussion

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5 hours ago, JasonH said:

Anytime Darcy says “my girls come first” it’s so transparent that it’s complete bullshit and is an obvious learned response to say because that’s how it’s supposed to be.

Don't forget she said her girls DESERVE to see her in happy in a relationship! 

4 hours ago, shockermolar said:

I think the question isn't whether or not she has a place to live as it is whether or not she has a JOB to pay for a place to live.

In her first TH, she mentioned working at a low paying job for ten hours a day

  • Love 4
Just now, pinky33 said:

Right...because being in a happy relationship with a man is the ultimate gift to our teenage girls.

Something tells me the girls do a lot work uplifting Darcy, telling her it's going to be okay. They seem more mature than Darcy, and seemed to sense that this whole Jesse thing was doomed since the steak wasn't cut on the bias. Darcy is an emotional whirlwind, she's probably exhausting to live with.

  • Love 10

Didn't Jon say he had been kicked out of University because of the fighting incident that severely injured someone's eye? Maybe the money he owes isn't "student debt" and instead is some kind of restitution he's been made to pay his victim? 

Oh and about their wedding, at first glance I thought they'd gotten Judi Dench to officiate. 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 15
36 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

So Jon quit his job. This idiot

Is there something wrong with him? He stares and has his mouth open. Maybe that is how he thinks!

He bugs me and I want to wack her one- Eyore girl


What did he study that cost 50,000 Grand??? And he does what for a living?

Edited by booboopbedoo
  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Don't forget she said her girls DESERVE to see her in happy in a relationship! 

OT, but I was looking for something on gofundme, and saw a family with three kids who were financially strapped because they just bought a new house, and they wanted $5,000 so they could take their three kids on vacation to Disney World, because they all deserved a vacation.  


  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He could go to the public library and use a dictionary! Why doesn't Karine teach him some useful words/phrases? Walk around the city and teach him the words for things!  Do they do anything but sit around that filthy apartment and whine? 

But why, when you can loll in bed (without sheets) with your phones on your chests and press a button and have a robot voice translate for you? What would these two nitwits do in the event of dead cell phone batteries or no wifi?

  • Love 8

At first glance when Paul is getting the house ready for Karine's return from the hospital we see 2 huge dog crates, have we seen the dogs? 

I love how Paul bought the story of having only one female family member with her in the hospital.

Paul stayed in a hotel by the hospital, what hotel does not have sheets on their beds?

I thought Brazil has socialized medicine (a poster told me that) so why does Karine have medical bills?

Worst acting ever for Jesse and Darcy.  Also, Jesse was smoking?  
Yes, Darcy you control this break up, 'cause it is a competition!

Hazel, Hazel, Hazel you really should have played the sex card if you wanted a free ride on Tarik's dime.  I little bit if nookie goes a long with a man who is desparate for love.  Heck, he would have probably give you an allowance too.  What happened to her job and apartment she had when they started filming?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Lady Iris said:


Looking forward to next week. Wonder why Angela got all up in Rachel's face and can't wait to see what Jon's reaction will be.

I am guessing it goes down like this: rachel makes offensive comments to Angela, "WE are the fairy tale story of this season u aren't", Angela threatens to punch her out, Rachel points her finger at Angela and says "get the F*** outta my face." 

Why does TLC have the cast members fight with each other? They are all already fighting with their fiances. 

Where is Marta on the reunion?

Edited by Lily247
  • Love 5

Oh, Jesse and Darcey...please shut the f up.

Jesse: This is full-on crazy.


Darcey: This isn't a healthy relationship.


Let's give a big LOL for Darcey climbing forlornly into bed fully dressed, bustier, hair extensions, and all.


Jon [to Rachel]: I quit my job, and, um, I've got a bunch of debt. Anyway...wedding tomorrow.

Jon [to producers]: I want Rachel to trust me.



A confidential note to the TLC promo writers: two people, and two people only, are "shocked" by Angela's discovery: Angela, because she either cannot or will not see what's right in front of her; and Michael, because he can't believe anyone could be so stupid.

Edited by the-grey-lady
  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

Oh, Jesse and Darcey...please shut the f up.

Jesse: This is full-on crazy.


Darcey: This isn't a healthy relationship.


Let's get a big LOL for Darcey climbing forlornly into bed fully dressed, bustier, hair extensions, and all.

I totally believe Jesse found her sobbing on the floor. The same scenario as the last time they broke up and he returned and they had sad sobbing sex. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, EastCoast4Life said:

Something tells me the girls do a lot work uplifting Darcy, telling her it's going to be okay. They seem more mature than Darcy, and seemed to sense that this whole Jesse thing was doomed since the steak wasn't cut on the bias. Darcy is an emotional whirlwind, she's probably exhausting to live with.

Because if they don't I believe she would turn on them and get vicious.  

  • Love 3

I can not watch Darcy ugly cry one more second..not one more second...I deserve to not have to watch her cry.  Her girls will know what's up if she goes home crying?  Her girls know there is something up with their mother because there is a "Y" in the day.

I am behind in my 90 watching, the hubs and I were on a quick get away to Atlantic City for a couple of days, I reek of cigarette smoke and saw a lot of Angela look a likes.

How did Ricky's ex wife get Noxcema's phone number?

  • Love 15

Hazel probably could move in with someone rather than live on the streets, but why do that if Tarek will supply a place?  I get that after two weeks, it's crazy to think that he would provide a place.  However, he decided that he loved her and was ready to marry her.  If that's the way he feels about her and he has the means, he should be helping her out to live somewhere nicer. 

Maybe leaving the country will make it impossible for someone to collect on Jon's debt, but I wouldn't be okay with a spouse who basically ran away to avoid paying back what was owed.  Someone who tries to "get out of it" is not the kind of person I would want to marry.

Darcy's daughters do deserve to see her in a happy relationship, as opposed to whatever this business with Jesse is.  They deserve to have a mother who will form a good relationship with a good person, so that they learn what those relationships look like.  So, Darcy, in order to give your daughters what they deserve, stop this nonsense with Jesse immediately.  We as viewers deserve not to have to watch it anymore either!

I don't think Michael is the one who stole Angela's money UNLESS he has decided that either she will never bring him to the US or he's done with her and has decided to find someone new to give him his pass to the US.  With all the fakery on this show, it's hard to say which of those may have occurred. Angela with her "don't go on social media" was so annoying.  She is a bossy old bitch and I hope Michael does use her for a green card, THEN steal her less that $1000 life savings, and disappear.

Never mind where is Marta at the reunion, why was she on this show at all?  A couple little appearances that were boring and went nowhere.  Does no one edit this show?  Marta should have been nowhere except the cutting room floor.

I noticed Jesse smoking, but mentioning that would mean talking about them more and they should also be edited out.  I'm tired of watching them fight over stupid things, break up, and then get back together for sex over and over.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, snarkish said:

But why, when you can loll in bed (without sheets)


56 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Paul stayed in a hotel by the hospital, what hotel does not have sheets on their beds?


Ok, I am started to become obsessed with the bedding situation when I watch this show.  Ever since Michael & Angela returned to their hotel after their romantic getaway and their bed was completely trashed.  It looked like a crime scene.  Now I can't stop paying attention to the beds and am noticing the lack of fitted sheets and people laying on bare mattresses, people mainly being Paul & Karine.  No sheets on their bed at home and then another bare mattress at the hotel by the hospital.  Wtf is going on?  Is there a TLC stager who is deliberately trashing the beds for effect?  For what effect?  For dramatic effect?  Is Paul himself removing all of the fitted sheets from all of the mattresses and using them for something?  Is there a sudden influx of murders in the area?  What? 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, snarkish said:

But why, when you can loll in bed (without sheets) with your phones on your chests and press a button and have a robot voice translate for you? What would these two nitwits do in the event of dead cell phone batteries or no wifi?

We got to see a good example of that when Paul called Karine at the hospital. They  and couldn’t even talk to each other over the phone! They  used the few stock phrases they knew like “I love you” and that was the whole conversation. That was pathetic.

  • Love 11
42 minutes ago, vimsa3 said:


I haven’t read all the three pages but wowowowowoow did nobody see jessi smoking???? Really health trick that thinks a glass of wine will ruin you’re health and he smokes ?????


Smoking stinky CIGARS, no less. And we have seen Jesse himself drinking wine. It’s only Darcey whom he pronounces shouldn’t drink because of her “issues with alcohol.” 

Also, re the screenshot from next week’s show. I guess Jesse and Darcey didn’t get the memo that it was “casual attire.” 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Smoking stinky CIGARS, no less. And we have seen Jesse himself drinking wine. It’s only Darcey whom he pronounces shouldn’t drink because of her “issues with alcohol.” 

Also, re the screenshot from next week’s show. I guess Jesse and Darcey didn’t get the memo that it was “casual attire.” 

Lol ?  yes !! I saw that

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Drogo said:

Jon's not great at the maths. 

              Exhibit A:

Jon: "How many men's wedding rings do you sell?"

Salesman:  "I sell as many men's wedding rings as I do women's."

Jon:  "But like... you wouldn't say they're common, right?"



Too funny. And anyone who uses Jeff Goldblum for a funny gets an extra upvote from me!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:


At first glance when Paul is getting the house ready for Karine's return from the hospital we see 2 huge dog crates, have we seen the dogs? 


The dogs have not been shown, but I believe Pole took his two dogs down to Brazil with him.  

1 hour ago, EllaDisco said:

Never mind where is Marta at the reunion, why was she on this show at all?  A couple little appearances that were boring and went nowhere.  Does no one edit this show?  Marta should have been nowhere except the cutting room floor.

All I can think of is TLC thought they had some extra time they needed to fill and Marta the stripper would add a counter balance to Grangela.  

4 hours ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

I don’t think Mikey scammed her, he’s playing a long con and wouldn’t risk it. When we were in the UK our debit card was skimmed at an atm, beware they are everywhere.

I bet someone in Alabama scammed Grangela, or most likely, she can’t keep track of how much money she has in her account.  

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Absolutely right. He's trying to give himself time to make something up.

I think it was payment for services rendered.

I kept listening for a denial, and it never came.  But see, Michael learned what Angela doesn't like--she doesn't like lying.  She never said anything about theft.  Give the guy a break.

8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Didn't Darcey say they did it twice?  "We were intimate.  Then there was cuddling.  Then we did it again."

You totally misunderstood what she meant by "girls" . . . she meant the girls that were pushing up out of her bustier almost to her chin.  They come first.

Literally.  They precede her by about eight inches when she enters a room.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

So, I can give Jon a pass on the wedding ring. My dad never wore one and my husband doesn’t either. He’s a chemist - and they never wear jewelry in the lab- and he doesn’t wear rings, watches, etc. Men can be painfully practical, so he didn’t want to spend the money on something he wasn’t going to wear. We got him a super cheap gold band and a more expensive one for me because I wanted to wear mine. He kept in on his key ring for years until it broke. 20 years later we are still married and I have no idea where his is. It never bothered me one bit that he didn’t want to wear it. Why would I force him to do something he is not comfortable with? Now, I might have been more pissy if his hands were full of rings and he wore watches and bracelets, and just didn’t want to wear THAT ring. Course I never felt the need  for rings or a shared last name to feel bonded or connected. Those symbols aren’t going to see you all though the tough times. A marriage has to be built on more solid stuff than rings and names. Plus, a cheater is gonna cheat. Those rings aren’t superglued on. Anyone see Nurse Jackie? A ring pops off so easily and slides into a pocket as necesssary.


I am also wondering if Jon’s bombshells are producer shenanigans.   Going to university in Europe/England  is usually pretty reasonable. Tuition is pretty negligible. It’s the living expenses that are the greater burden. I really can’t imagine how John acquired 50,000 USD student debt. That sounds like a problem an American audience can relate to, but not one that you would find in Great  Britain. 

Labour law in the UK is usually geared much to protecting the worker, and vacation time is pretty generous. I find it weird he would be sacked just like that for needing a week to get married. So, I call producer-driven bullshit or Jon is not telling the whole story. We did see camera footage of him sorting garbage on the line with other men,  so we know that he was employed somewhere they didn’t mind having cameras on the premises, i.e., somewhere probably at least legit and following labor standards.


I agree with everything you say, even the parts I cut out for brevity.  My father never wore a wedding ring, nor does my husband, and it never occurred to me (or, I guess, my mother) to find that suspicious.  As you say, why would having a piece of jewelry that's easily removed keep someone from cheating?  Plus, Jon's now ex-job looks like something where wearing a ring would be very dangerous, both to his fingers and to the ring--how easily it could slip off and be gone in a flash.

I, too, was surprised by Jon's university debt.  The English people I know paid virtually nothing to go to college, beyond living expenses, and how on earth could Jon have accrued a debt of $50,000 when he wasn't even there for the full four years?  Or do they boot people from online schools for fighting?  I'd like to have that debt, if it truly exists, explained.

And who on earth wouldn't have asked for time off to get married, rather than quitting his job?  If the boss said no, no time off, then you reschedule the wedding for vacation time.  AFAIK there was no rush for them to get married--Rachel has been told that even with a spouse visa, Jon's wait time is a matter of years, not months.  Or forego the week at the cottage and get married on the weekend for crying out loud.

  • Love 3

No one else thinks Jon didn’t quit but was fired? Hell, he could have called out sick a few days if he didn’t have the days to take off. I don’t for a minute believe he quit. Also, he is living in his Mother’s house so how is the money for boarders his to spend? Maybe he should let his mother in on his plan. Rachel doesn’t have a problem with his mother using much needed money to pay for daycare for a child she just met? I am trying to understand why it never occurs to Rachel she should maybe dress a little better for the pre-wedding party. I am someone who doesn’t like dressing up at all but I will always be appropriately dressed for the situation. 

I figured the sex was real because Darcy had that look of being sure Jesse is madly in love with her because they had sex. Sex seems to equal love with Her. Welcome to the world of being a stupid teenage girl Darcy. 

I just can’t with Paul and the underwear. I don’t understand how you need to sniff to see if your underwear is clean. Am I the only one who keeps clean and dirty clothes in different locations? Isn’t that common? Even when I travel I take a trash bag to put all the dirty clothes in so I can just throw them in the washer when I get home. 

Angela only having $900 in her bank account isn’t a big deal to me. Lots of people live paycheck to paycheck. There is no shame in it. My guess is that all or part of the $900 was likely from a direct deposited paycheck while she was on vacation. 

  • Love 19
7 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

Why would Michael rip her off before he gets to America? Maybe the ATM machine was outfitted with some sort of illegal card reader, and someone came in behind Michael who was able to withdraw money? The whole storyline is freakin' wild!

I think we need to know exactly when the ATM withdrawal took place.  There were several points during Angela's visit when Michael might reasonably have thought she was not going to propose to him, in which case, stealing what he could would be free of consequences.  Further, I think Michael believes Angela has money, and I doubt that he knew that the $900 in that account was all the money she had in the world.  Maybe he thought she wouldn't notice; maybe  he thought she wouldn't mind.  Michael thinks Donald Trump is Angela's next-door neighbor.

7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I thought it was funny that Hazel remembered anything from Tarik's stupid rap: "Faraway girl from the other side of the world."

You're assuming she was forced to listen to it only one time..

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, iwasish said:

I totally believe Jesse found her sobbing on the floor. The same scenario as the last time they broke up and he returned and they had sad sobbing sex. 

The Michael/ATM thing was easy for me--he totally did it.  But Jesse and Darcey?  I think maybe there's some truth to what each of them says.  Like you, I believe he came into the room (and I believe the door was unlocked) and found her moaning on the floor.  When I first saw his denial that they'd had sex, I believed him because I thought her "and then we did it again" was a little OTT.  Thinking back on his outrage at the very idea they had sex, now I'm starting to believe her about the sex but not that he found her sitting in a chair.

Whatever the truth is, I'm tired of them.  Please make them go away.

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I agree with everything you say, even the parts I cut out for brevity.  My father never wore a wedding ring, nor does my husband, and it never occurred to me (or, I guess, my mother) to find that suspicious.  As you say, why would having a piece of jewelry that's easily removed keep someone from cheating?  Plus, Jon's now ex-job looks like something where wearing a ring would be very dangerous, both to his fingers and to the ring--how easily it could slip off and be gone in a flash.

I, too, was surprised by Jon's university debt.  The English people I know paid virtually nothing to go to college, beyond living expenses, and how on earth could Jon have accrued a debt of $50,000 when he wasn't even there for the full four years?  Or do they boot people from online schools for fighting?  I'd like to have that debt, if it truly exists, explained.

And who on earth wouldn't have asked for time off to get married, rather than quitting his job?  If the boss said no, no time off, then you reschedule the wedding for vacation time.  AFAIK there was no rush for them to get married--Rachel has been told that even with a spouse visa, Jon's wait time is a matter of years, not months.  Or forego the week at the cottage and get married on the weekend for crying out loud.

Per a website regarding student loans in the UK.

hat means, if you take on loans for tuition and for living expenses, and go to school for 4 years, the most you’ll ever be in debt is £67,000 (approximately $114,000).  And while that may seem like a lot (it is), it is the absolute maximum.  That differs from here in the United States, where students can borrow just about any amount they want, and spend it as they wish.  

The above is based on the current tuition cap of 9000 pounds a year, loans are capped at the same, years ago when Jon most likely was in school the tuition/loan cap was 3300 pounds a year. 


repayment is that it is handled like payroll taxes once you’re employed.  Since all of the loans are handled by the government, once you’re working, your repayment amount is taken out of your paycheck with your taxes.  So, you never really need to worry about it unless you work abroad.  Because, remember, if you’re not employed (so your income is less than £21,000, then you aren’t required to make payments).  


The formula for repayment is 9% of annual income in excess of 21000 pounds . So if he earns 30000 pounds he pays 9% of 9000 pounds or 810 pounds per year.  No way are they taking half of his check.

 I worked in payroll and in the US, the DEPT of Ed was taking 15 to 25 % of gross wages. So he was getting away cheap.

I suspect Jon is running a scam. Rachel is more interested in looking at his social media than his finances. That’s why he told her about the old GF FIRST.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

I just can’t with Paul and the underwear. I don’t understand how you need to sniff to see if your underwear is clean. Am I the only one who keeps clean and dirty clothes in different locations? Isn’t that common? Even when I travel I take a trash bag to put all the dirty clothes in so I can just throw them in the washer when I get home. 

THIS!!! Lol. I was going to post this, as it was going through my head last night..."Am I the only one who's dirty clothing is in a very different location from clean clothes?" And yes, I travel with kitchen trash bags always for my dirty stuff when I have to repack!

  • Love 9
14 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Per a website regarding student loans in the UK.

hat means, if you take on loans for tuition and for living expenses, and go to school for 4 years, the most you’ll ever be in debt is £67,000 (approximately $114,000).  And while that may seem like a lot (it is), it is the absolute maximum.  That differs from here in the United States, where students can borrow just about any amount they want, and spend it as they wish.  

The above is based on the current tuition cap of 9000 pounds a year, loans are capped at the same, years ago when Jon most likely was in school the tuition/loan cap was 3300 pounds a year. 


repayment is that it is handled like payroll taxes once you’re employed.  Since all of the loans are handled by the government, once you’re working, your repayment amount is taken out of your paycheck with your taxes.  So, you never really need to worry about it unless you work abroad.  Because, remember, if you’re not employed (so your income is less than £21,000, then you aren’t required to make payments).  


The formula for repayment is 9% of annual income in excess of 21000 pounds . So if he earns 30000 pounds he pays 9% of 9000 pounds or 810 pounds per year.  No way are they taking half of his check.

 I worked in payroll and in the US, the DEPT of Ed was taking 15 to 25 % of gross wages. So he was getting away cheap.

I suspect Jon is running a scam. Rachel is more interested in looking at his social media than his finances. That’s why he told her about the old GF FIRST.

Thanks for posting this.  I may have missed something, but it seems to me there's no interest charged on these loans?  I agree--this is a great deal, esp. if the loans are interest-free.

I had what was called a "war" loan when I was in college.  I could borrow $200/year (not much today, but then my tuition was around $2000/year) and pay nothing back as long as I taught school.  After six years of teaching, my loan was totally forgiven.

You're right--something's going on here.

  • Love 1

Jesse said he went to Darcy's room and she was laying on the floor crying "I'm dying, I'm dying".

And Darcy is somebody's MOTHER. I was about the same age as Darcy's daughters when my mother had freakin' CANCER, and I never had to witness anything so dramatic as Darcy's breakup with some dude she barely knows. The daughters are going to see this shit. So are all their friends. 

  • Love 19
10 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

But why would she have to go to daycare if she isn't working?  btw I generally think it's more nurturing for mothers to be with their kids but in this case, it's her kids' advantage to be away from her..

Well, they haven't shown themselves to have critical thinking skills now have they haha. Who knows what she was doing while Lucy was in daycare. But like you said she wasn't working. Perhaps it was extra time dedicated to exploring her hobby on the singing app lol. 

If they are going to continue making poor decisions, she might as well start owning up to them financially. 

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Thanks for posting this.  I may have missed something, but it seems to me there's no interest charged on these loans?  I agree--this is a great deal, esp. if the loans are interest-free.

I had what was called a "war" loan when I was in college.  I could borrow $200/year (not much today, but then my tuition was around $2000/year) and pay nothing back as long as I taught school.  After six years of teaching, my loan was totally forgiven.

You're right--something's going on here.

There’s interest, the website covers that area.


Jon is trying to pull a fast one on Rachel.

Loans are forgiven after 30 yrs or if you become disabled. 

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 1
1 minute ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Could Jon's $50,000 debt actually  penalties for the fights that got him expelled? Or punitive damages to his victim? He's calling it college debt because technically he was in university when it happened?

  He’s lying about the amount taken from his check if they are student loans, no way does the UK take 50 %. So maybe it is his restitution, but 50% still sounds awfully high. 

Hes lying about something big, one reason he’s so content to have a long distance marriage, he can basically tell her anything and she can’t verify it.

  • Love 8

It was so ridiculous when Darcey said she couldn't return to Connecticut because it was too late.  It was still daylight out.  I live about the same distance from NYC as she does (I'm in New Jersey), and if I had just been dumped, I would have been on the next train out as soon as possible.  They runs trains out of the city to NJ and Connecticut all the time because of the number of commuters.  She was hoping they would make up again.  She is delusional.

Also, I don't understand the hate-breakup sex things.  My husband and I aren't intimate when we are mad at each other, and I don't understand the appeal of angry sex at all.

  • Love 18
47 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

And Darcy is somebody's MOTHER. I was about the same age as Darcy's daughters when my mother had freakin' CANCER, and I never had to witness anything so dramatic as Darcy's breakup with some dude she barely knows. The daughters are going to see this shit. So are all their friends. 

My 11 year old (who loves drama...) watched about 5 minutes of Darcey last night and was mortified by her. "She's embarrassing", was her remark. I figured the high drama would hold her attention but she couldn't handle it and left the room.

  • Love 14

Regarding the possibility that Darcey's hotel room door was unlocked and Jesse came in . . . I've traveled quite a bit and stayed everywhere from Hotel 6 on up to some nice places.  Except one older place in Idaho that still gave me a real key to open my room door, I don't think I've ever stayed at a place where the door didn't automatically lock when it was closed.  It's a safety feature to ensure that strangers don't go walking into rooms - occupied or unoccupied.  Jesse either had a key from when he originally got the room, or Darcey got up out of her chair or from being curled up on the floor and let him in.  Or someone had propped it open with that little extra security lock at the top of many doors.

  • Love 23
9 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:


Why would Michael rip her off before he gets to America? Maybe the ATM machine was outfitted with some sort of illegal card reader, and someone came in behind Michael who was able to withdraw money? The whole storyline is freakin' wild!

That’s my question. He stands to gain way more by being on her good side. He could have come here, played lovey-dovey for two years, and left. In the grand scheme of things, that’s not that long. As happy as he was when she proposed, I couldn’t see him sabotaging everything in this manner.

Also, ATM scams are pretty huge. There are tips online about how to check ATMs to see if they are rigged. I don’t even use them anymore unless absolutely necessary.

  • Love 1

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