green July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 9 minutes ago, Annlynn said: What is with all the cuddling, rubbing,stroking of hair going on? Is this a generation thing? Are these the babies that mom picked up every time they cried? Why are these people so needy for attention? I find it very very very strange. You have known each other for just a few weeks! Good Gosh!! Yeah it is weird. They look like monkeys grooming each other. Maybe de-evolution is starting with our species. But still it is better than past years when the endless boring showmances were doing far more than stroking hair or even just cuddling. 5 Link to comment
Nashville July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) 5 hours ago, Lamb18 said: I have to like Sam's way of shutting off Kaitlyn. "I'm not going to go ten rounds with you," which she would have done if she hadn't shut Kaitlyn off. Frankly this is exactly, precisely what flatlined me on Sam - this scene, this episode. Sam doesn’t want to “go ten rounds with” Kaitlyn? Fine and dandy, Sam - go upstairs where you don’t have to hear K’s bullshit (Lord knows I wish *I* could, but my willpower isn’t that strong). But for Sam to tell K she can’t talk to the other HGs, and interfere with K when she tries...? Sam had ZERO fucking right to pull THAT shit. Kaitlyn would’ve totally turned around my view of her if at that moment she had come back at Sam with something like, “You don’t want to hear my words? Fine - got back up in your HOH Room and crochet a Lithuanian out of dryer lint, or whatever the hell you do up there. But you don’t get to tell me how to play my game, so BACK OFF, BITCH.” Quote Brett offers words of consolation to Kaitlyn and Haleigh: "I'd pick you both up in a bar." A strike for female empowerment! When I was original-watching the episode with the old lady? Damned if I didn’t say the exact same thing. :D Guess I’m all-in on Tyler now - at least, until he buys it in the DE. :) Although Angela and Rachel are both starting to show definite glimmers of promise.... Edited July 26, 2018 by Nashville Punctuation 13 Link to comment
Brian Cronin July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) A quick fuck you to the show for not giving JC a freakin' stool or something to stand on adjusting JC's platform so that he would not get hit in the groin area. How in the world do you not adjust the machine so that it doesn't hit the short guy in the balls constantly?! That was fucked up. EDITED TO ADD: You're right, folks, my bad. The stool was TOO high. Still, the basic points stands, ya know? They were brutalizing the guy for no good reason (and yes, he definitely played into it for dramatic purpose, but still). Edited July 26, 2018 by Brian Cronin 12 Link to comment
Wings July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) 9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said: A quick fuck you to the show for not giving JC a freakin' stool or something to stand on. How in the world do you not adjust the machine so that it doesn't hit the short guy in the balls constantly?! That was fucked up. It was hitting above his genitals, a stool would have raised him enough to get a direct hit. I sensed a little drama on this one. I think he was on a stool that was too high. Edited July 26, 2018 by Wings 2 Link to comment
cork dork July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said: A quick fuck you to the show for not giving JC a freakin' stool or something to stand on. How in the world do you not adjust the machine so that it doesn't hit the short guy in the balls constantly?! That was fucked up. He had a raised platform but it was raised too high. They needed to drop it a few inches for it to be hitting his abdomen like it did on the others. They somehow got everyone else’s just right, so for his to be so far off was impressive in a how’d they screw it up so badly kinda way. 2 Link to comment
Nashville July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 52 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said: A quick fuck you to the show for not giving JC a freakin' stool or something to stand on adjusting JC's platform so that he would not get hit in the groin area. How in the world do you not adjust the machine so that it doesn't hit the short guy in the balls constantly?! That was fucked up. EDITED TO ADD: You're right, folks, my bad. The stool was TOO high. Still, the basic points stands, ya know? They were brutalizing the guy for no good reason (and yes, he definitely played into it for dramatic purpose, but still). On a rather cynical note - it occur to anybody else besides me the notion of Production casting JC not out of any serious consideration of him as a viable contestant, but purely as comic relief? IMHO that’s kinda messed up - and I don’t even like JC. 9 Link to comment
Brian Cronin July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 6 minutes ago, Nashville said: On a rather cynical note - it occur to anybody else besides me the notion of Production casting JC not out of any serious consideration of him as a viable contestant, but purely as comic relief? IMHO that’s kinda messed up - and I don’t even like JC. Oh, he's definitely here for comic relief mostly. And yes, it's very exploitative, but if you're going to be exploitative, at least they picked a guy who seems to be totally cool with being exploited. 3 Link to comment
amazingracefan July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Confirmed, as if most didn't know already, Faysal really is an idiot. How did he think he could get away with promising the same thing to two people. The only way to get out of it would be to not win the veto and then he does. Even in his DRs he switches from one to another, he really is weakminded. I think Kaitlyn's point that she is the bigger target was decent. As for Sam it was hilarious seeing her cuddle up to Tyler. When she made the surprise announcement of putting up her main alliance I really thought she meant Tyler, but according to JC she meant him. __________________ 7 hours ago, dizzyd said: How the heck does Tyler even influence who the replacement would be. His game continues to blow my mind. Sam said earlier she would replace a nominee with Rockstar. Just like before Kaitlyn said she wanted to put Swaggy up, it just happened to go with what Tyler wanted in both cases. 1 Link to comment
amazingracefan July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 4 hours ago, Christi said: Fessy had the perfect reason to pick Haleigh..she picked HIM to play basically he was playing for her. Though that's just luck of who got that HG's choice pick. She did the worst in the competition which could be an excuse not to pick her, and Kaitlyn was up there with Faysal (I'm not calling him 'Fessy') at the end. Link to comment
amazingracefan July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said: yes, he definitely played into it for dramatic purpose, but still). [JC in the competition] Very much so, I suspect it wasn't a big issue at all. It was part of the JC comedy scenes I think, but I don't find them funny really. Edited July 26, 2018 by amazingracefan 1 Link to comment
MrHufflepuff July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Annlynn said: Ok, I'm going to be the bad guy. I'm not sure of the proper term....but.....if a smaller person wants to be treated equal, then isn't this all fair? I don't see how people say..I'm the same as anyone else and then needs special adjustments. Just saying. I'll go hide now. I'm not going to go back and re-watch the comp, but if everyone else's platforms where adjusted so that they were getting hit in relatively the same body areas, but JC was the only one whose platform wasn't, then he wasn't getting treated equally. It might have been a genuine accident on the part of the comp designers, but the result would have been unequal treatment. Edited July 26, 2018 by MrHufflepuff 4 Link to comment
mojoween July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 If JC was really hurt I do genuinely feel bad, but the cuts to him in the DR in various stages of distress with the ice packs all over were funny to me. 4 Link to comment
amazingracefan July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 This is the point where a less middle of the road show would go to Sam's family for their opinion on her position in the house, and not earlier on before all this blew up. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) Okay, even I'M souring on Sam now. I was one of the few who wasn't put off by her HOH speech. Valid gameplay or not, I just hate when people cuddle and flirt and use another player as a shield, while doing nothing to advance their game. I do think it's cheap, and lazy. And yes, Kaitlyn did win an HOH and make moves - but they were all based on emotion, over some guy. So I got it. But then, last night, we've got Sam cuddling all over Fessy in the HOH room, and singing his praises like he's the best man to ever walk the face of the earth. And if dawned on me - maybe it's not so much about their gameplay, maybe Sam is actually jealous of the attendion Kaitlyn and Haleigh get from guys. I hate to pull the old "jealousy" card, because it's so easy and overused. But.....I can't figure out why she came down so hard on their behavior, yet she says nothing about Fessy. Yes, one thing about me is I have no issues admitting when I'm wrong. I mean, if ANYONE was disrespecting people in the house last night, it was Fessy. He was playing those two girls so HARD. Kaitlyn actually threw a comp to him (idiot!) and he saved the other girl! I don't even get why he made such strong commitments to both of them. He didn't have to tell Kaitlyn to throw it. It's like he was trying to save Haleigh no matter what, and used Kaitlyn to sabotage her own game. I hope that either Kaitlyn can swing the votes to stay, or that she gets sent out but wins her way back in and immediately gets HOH and nominates Fessy. She's annoying as fuck, but at least she's more entertaining than Haleigh-boring-stories. And right now I want to see Fessy go down. Oh, and back to Sam - how sloppy was it of her to almost nominate JC, then capitulate to his pouting in front of everyone? That's some weak shit right there. Looks like I'm down to just rooting for Tyler. Edited July 26, 2018 by ghoulina 6 Link to comment
ghoulina July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 8 hours ago, asabovesobelow said: I legitimately cannot tell if it’s Angela or Rachel on the screen. BB doesn’t even pretend they’re active houseguests. They focus more on Tyler’s headband than on either of those two women. No shit. I can't ever remember being a good month into the game and being this confused over two houseguests. 8 hours ago, Christi said: Fessy had the perfect reason to pick Haleigh..she picked HIM to play basically he was playing for her. Do you think of Kaitlyn got Houseguest Choice the results would have been the same? 1 Link to comment
llewis823 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 10 hours ago, leocadia said: I guess she decided that it wouldn't be "respectful" to put up JC despite the fact that she had a logical game-related reason for doing so (giving him a chance to return and ensuring Kaitlyn's ouster) so she puts up Rockstar instead. If she is smart, she did this so Angie (again, I refuse to call her that stupid self-inflicted nickname) would blame JC rather than her. If JC had not whined, it would have been him so Sam changed it to Angie. I think they had it planned that way so the blame would transfer to JC instead of Sam. 9 hours ago, North of Eden said: I'm not even going to rag about the childish Three Stooges Veto comp. That was one of the most boring comps EVER. 6 Link to comment
llewis823 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 35 minutes ago, ghoulina said: Okay, even I'M souring on Sam now. I was one of the few who wasn't put off by her HOH speech. Sam and Tyler were my favorites from day 1. And like Ghoulina, even her HOH speech didn't offend me. But when she was wrestling around with Faysal and not pushing him away or asking him to get off of her, I thought to myself, "Self, Sam's a hypocrite!". I just wanted to keep liking her. Looks like I'm in for Tyler for the win too. 5 Link to comment
Snappy July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 4 hours ago, Annlynn said: Ok, I'm going to be the bad guy. I'm not sure of the proper term....but.....if a smaller person wants to be treated equal, then isn't this all fair? I don't see how people say..I'm the same as anyone else and then needs special adjustments. Just saying. I'll go hide now. The words"fair" and "equal" do not mean the same thing even though people use them as though they do. Equal means treating everyone the exact same way, while fair means having to make changes to how people are treated based on circumstances. In this case, since everyone's box was the same height, the contestants were treated equally. If they had adjusted JC's box so he was hit in the same location as the others, that would be fair. I am going to be in the minority here, but I don't hate Sam just because she has opinions different from everyone else and shared those opinions. Could she have said things nicer? Yes, definitely, but lets face it, Haleigh has done nothing but cuddle up to Fessy at this point. She hasn't been competitive at all, except in words. I wonder if she thought her cuteness and Texas charm would get her to the end. As for "what grampa sees", doesn't she realize that grampa may be more upset at seeing her under the covers with Fessy that at what Sam said? At least Kaitlyn has been competitive and made a bold move, getting Shaggy out, but even she has relied on tears to garner cuddles and sympathy from Fessy and Tyler. As for Sam and Fessy, it was Fessy who initiated that moment, admittedly to not get put on the block. Sam didn't exactly push him off, but she didn't search him out, rub his back, and try to cuddle. She did stroke his ego though. I'm sure Sam's reasoning was based more on her working in a male dominated area rather than because she is backwoods or clutching her pearls. She wants to see the women put more effort into the comps instead of the touchy feely. Rockstar?! Just stop. No one cares. She is a clown, not an empowered woman. Using her children as crutches and shields for why no one should say or do anything to her? Banging pots like last year's guest (who's name escapes me)? He did it better. She needs to grow up, act her age, and put on a bra. Is it me, or does this season seem to have a larger than normal number of floaters/non-players? Rockstar, JC, Angela, other pretty girl, Jaycee, Hayleigh. Am I missing anyone? 10 Link to comment
Jeanne222 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 I hope Sam gets nothing from this show. How could she! Words hurt. These two girls, Haleigh and Kaitlyn, will take Sam's mean words with them forever! Sam is holier than thou and so mean spirited. I hope to see her behind leaving the bb house sooner rather than later! Tyler's game wow! I thought Sam was going to put him up! It will be interesting to see if he reacts to Sam's week. Can he still trust her after she turned him down when he asked who would be the replacement nominee. He looked scared. JC looked shocked to even be considered by his good friend. I think Sam burned lots of bridges this week! 6 Link to comment
Gummo July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) Count me in the camp that's done a 180 on Sam. What a judgmental, hypocritical POS. If there's one attitude I absolute HATE on TV game shows (you get this on Survivor a lot), it's "the way I play is the only moral and correct way to play, so anyone who plays differently is a bad person." Fuck that. Everyone knows the rules going in; if you follow the rules, you're playing the game properly. Period. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. If you're Fessy, it's your looks, strength and lack of brains. If you're Tyler, it's looks, empathy and guile. Why SHOULDN'T Haleigh use her looks and touchy-feely personality to advance her in the game? It's like saying Fessy using his strength is unfair. You use what you have. And as others have pointed out, Sam gave the men in the house no agency at all. They're all just victims of the evil, manipulative hussies. That insults everyone involved and is pure sexism. And as someone said above, "keeping it real" does NOT mean slut-shaming people on national TV and acting like you're doing them a favor. Sam cloaking her resentments and insecurities in pious bullshit only made it worse. Fuck Sam, is what I'm saying. Edited July 26, 2018 by Gummo 18 Link to comment
IndyMischa July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 12 hours ago, Growsonwalls said: So Big Brother is dragging Sam on twitter. Last night opened with the announcer saying she "cast the first stone," and then she had one of the worst (/most honest) edits in recent memory. Production is OVER her, and I am here for it!! 12 hours ago, vb68 said: (So much so that she makes Kaitlyn seem semi-sympathetic.) Kaitlyn is my #1 BEC this season, and even I felt sorry for her. Way to overachieve, Aunt Sam. 11 hours ago, leocadia said: Oh, Fessy. That was just awful. His need to win was at complete odds with the smart thing to do for his game. Sam was NEVER going to put him up, Kaitlyn would (most likely) be voted out over Hailey. All he had to do was LOSE that veto. I think it's a combination of dimness, extreme competitiveness, and a genuine desire to save one of "his girls." I just can't decide on the proportions. 11 hours ago, Growsonwalls said: Scary thing is I think Sam actually thought that the massive slut-shaming would get a great edit from CBS. I've met people like Sam and they always think that people will admire them for their prejudices because they "keep it real." They never think that sometimes "keeping it real" is also being an asshole. Yep. Particularly the specific flavor of "keeping it real" that involves slut shaming and giving men a pass on whatever. Self righteousness ---> delusion. 10 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: That kind of made me like Brett. It's not what most of us would have said to comfort them but, in his own bro way, that's probably, in his mind, the highest compliment he can give them. Same. Also, one of them (forget which one) was trying to brighten their collective mood with "we looked so pretty on the wall!" So it's not like his pickup line came from out of nowhere - he was agreeing with her. 10 Link to comment
gunderda July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 7 hours ago, Wings said: It was hitting above his genitals, a stool would have raised him enough to get a direct hit. I sensed a little drama on this one. I think he was on a stool that was too high. Yea I don't think it was a direct hit - to me it look like it was hitting right at his waistband area. And I don't know why he could put his hands there to block it if indeed it was getting to close to that area so did we hear anything on the feeds about Rachel coming to the house? Or maybe since there's another Rachel they did talk about her and I didn't realize it was Rachel Reilly. Link to comment
DannyRugg July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Best moment of the night--Kaitlyn in the Diary Room dramatically announcing that she "felt a vibrational shift in Fessy's energy" during their ultra-dramatic bedroom discussion! No kidding, Little Aura Annie. As for Rachel Reilly and her irritating "laugh," I'll just borrow Amy's comment to Marcellus from Season 2 concerning Kiara: "She needs to go back where she came from, being the drunk slut at the mall. 555-SLUT." That Amy just had a way of putting things. Sam's puritanical fury over the immodesty of Haleigh and Kaitlyn definitely reeks of internalized misogyny, as a previous poster suggested. 7 Link to comment
Wings July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 4 minutes ago, DannyRugg said: Little Aura Annie. YES! Perfect. 4 Link to comment
Gregg247 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 I like Sam. I think she's tougher and meaner than she at first appears (she's a professional welder, after all), but I have no problem with the fact that she thinks differently than the rest of the house. If there's one problem with BB, its that every year, we have a house full of millenials who all seem to be in lockstep agreement in what they think about the world. I like having people in the house with completely different beliefs and ideas. Otherwise, it gets boring. (I still hold out for a season where everyone is 30+ years old, but I know CBS will never give us THAT!). That conversation Sam had in the HoH room with Kaitlyn was riveting. Sam was all steely-eyed, and I think Kaitlyn "got a hit" that her babbling nonsense wasn't working this time, and had to retreat. I kept thinking that Fessy must have had some brilliant plan he was working on, something so devious that I wasn't able to figure it out. Afterall, why would he purposely convince his 2 showmances in the house to pick him for the veto competition? Surely, he was playing some angles I hadn't considered. No, he was just an idiot. I had/have no sympathy for him at all. I don't like Kaitlyn most days, but when she gets mad and vengeful, she rockets up my list of favorites. She's aiming for Fessy! lol What happened to Rachel ("the Vegas showgirl") and Angela ("the workout model")? They're beautiful, yet also invisible! At some point, won't they be forced by circumstances to actually do something on-camera? I hope they both get nominated soon, just so we can see if they still have a pulse. 10 Link to comment
Hanahope July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Its always fun to see a what appears to be a generally nice person, get HOH and all that power goes to their head and they believe themselves to be the judge and jury of others, which usually paints a huge target on their backs for later HOHs. I wouldn't have been surprised if Sam put Kaitlyn up because Kaitlyn wasn't very nice to Sam during her robot week, but saying that her and Hayleigh were bad people because they were "using" men to get ahead in the game? That wasn't nice, or very strategic. And I didn't get the whole attempt by Sam to initially put JC up as the replacement nom. Sam said early in the episode she planned to put up Angie-Rockstar as the replacement if necessary. So why did she start to nominate JC? Did I miss something? Or was this just a whole act by Sam before putting up Rockstar? I know Fessy likes Hayleigh better, which is why he chose to take her off the block, but yeah, Kaitlyn is definetly going to hold a grudge, whereas Hay will not (because Hay doesn't like Fessy as much as Fessy likes her). 3 Link to comment
Growsonwalls July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 9 hours ago, Nashville said: Frankly this is exactly, precisely what flatlined me on Sam - this scene, this episode. Sam doesn’t want to “go ten rounds with” Kaitlyn? Fine and dandy, Sam - go upstairs where you don’t have to hear K’s bullshit (Lord knows I wish *I* could, but my willpower isn’t that strong). But for Sam to tell K she can’t talk to the other HGs, and interfere with K when she tries...? Sam had ZERO fucking right to pull THAT shit. Kaitlyn would’ve totally turned around my view of her if at that moment she had come back at Sam with something like, “You don’t want to hear my words? Fine - got back up in your HOH Room and crochet a Lithuanian out of dryer lint, or whatever the hell you do up there. But you don’t get to tell me how to play my game, so BACK OFF, BITCH.” It's also ironic that Sam made the entire house listen to her preachy moralizing bullshit but then told Kaitlyn she couldn't have her moment on the podium. What a sour thing Sam has turned out to be. 13 Link to comment
iMonrey July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Quote On a rather cynical note - it occur to anybody else besides me the notion of Production casting JC not out of any serious consideration of him as a viable contestant, but purely as comic relief? The token gay guy is always the designated comic relief. It's why we always get the same type of over-the-top cartoonish gay. I just can't take Sam seriously, ever since someone here pointed out that she sounds exactly like Bobby Hill. Now I can't un-hear it. Quote My gosh, all Sam did was call them out for their game play, she didn't beat the shit out of them. She didn't steal their lunch money. She didn't threaten them. She didn't make their lives hell. House guests making comments about other house guests, that's part of the game. I'm not crazy about "my strategy is to drape myself over the guys" either. My issue is that Sam said they didn't respect the men in the house. Uh, say what now? So this is all on them? The men play no part in it? The men are helpless victims who can't unsnarl themselves from the webs of these devious women? I have never heard of women shamelessly flirting with men called "disrespecting" them before. That's . . . weird. I can't think of one man in the world who thinks he's being disrespected because some hot chick is all over him. WTF Sam? She just seems to have some bizarre, backward-ass notions about men and women and their respective their culpability in flirting. 8 Link to comment
mojoween July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 43 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Haleigh and Kaitlyn both put themselves in that position. They aren't victims. Sam called them out for their game play and they couldn't handle it. In this era of "wuss" it isn't any great surprise that they couldn't handle it. I couldn't imagine those two growing up in the 70s or 80s when things were so much worse. My gosh, all Sam did was call them out for their game play, she didn't beat the shit out of them. She didn't steal their lunch money. She didn't threaten them. She didn't make their lives hell. House guests making comments about other house guests, that's part of the game. Haleigh and Kaitlyn can talk all they want. Their mouths aren't glued shut. If Sam doesn't want to listen that is on her, but there is nothing stopping Haleigh and Kaitlyn from talking. Oh, and if Kaitlyn and Haleigh don't like the way Sam runs her HOH, then perhaps they should have won the HOH competition themselves. When Faysal put his arms around Sam, Sam should have told him to keep his hands to himself. She didn't instigate the contact, but she should have put a stop to it. I’m 44. The 80’s were my jam. And what Sam SAID, was bitchy in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and all the Aughts. You wanna call people out for their gameplay? Have at it. But when you discuss hair-flipping, not having self-respect or female empowerment? That’s PERSONAL. That is not gameplay. You can nominate people without attacking their character. It would have been a lot classier on Sam’s part to have one on ones and explain her rationale, rather than call them out in front of the country like that. MMV, IMO, etc. etc. 15 Link to comment
laurakaye July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Best part of the night for me was Scottie laughing so hard he couldn't breathe during the POV comp. I like Tyler and all, and I feel like he's definitely the mastermind among these idiots, but I am #TeamScottie. My intuitive psychic vibe tells me that his gameplay is similar to Tyler's, but Scottie is just more low-key about it. I would love to see those two put their brains together and go to Final 2. Oh, Fessie, no...calling Kaitlyn by Haileigh's name? Oh man, you'd better sleep with one eye open whether she's in the house or not. Best of luck on the outside, dude. And is it just me or is Sam's accent growing stronger with each passing episode? I thought it was cute at first but it's quickly grown to nails-on-a-chalkboard. 10 minutes ago, mojoween said: You can nominate people without attacking their character. It would have been a lot classier on Sam’s part to have one on ones and explain her rationale, rather than call them out in front of the country like that. I simply do not understand why she would shut down one-on-ones like that. She might be the season's wide-eyed country bumpkin, but how can she possibly not know that she destroyed the best way to get any information on the rest of the house? Unless along with her female-empowerment superiority complex, she also believes that she either already knows everything that's going on, or any information would be of zero benefit to her since she knew who she was going to nominate as soon as she began the HOH competition. 8 Link to comment
gunderda July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 I don't mind Sam getting personal with her speeches. Every year we get people who are too scared to say what they are feeling. Whether it be right or wrong. Did Sam have to say what she did? No, but I kinda respect that she isn't scared to piss people off or say exactly what she's thinking. Now the cuddle session with Fessy WAS really weird... But I didn't see how it started. 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 5 hours ago, mojoween said: If JC was really hurt I do genuinely feel bad, but the cuts to him in the DR in various stages of distress with the ice packs all over were funny to me. At one point he had bandaids all over his face as well. I got a few chuckles from that one I must admit. 1 Link to comment
greyflannel July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 From what I've seen, Fessy seems to have Kaitlyn firmly in the friend zone and Haleigh in the "I want this girl to be my girl" zone. Unfortunately for Kaitlyn, her guides haven't clued her in. Maybe they think she's ridiculous too. Anyway, if you need to ask someone to choose between you and another person, you need to be prepared for the answer. Kaitlyn wasn't. 2 Link to comment
backformore July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 41 minutes ago, iMonrey said: I'm not crazy about "my strategy is to drape myself over the guys" either. My issue is that Sam said they didn't respect the men in the house. Uh, say what now? So this is all on them? The men play no part in it? The men are helpless victims who can't unsnarl themselves from the webs of these devious women? I have never heard of women shamelessly flirting with men called "disrespecting" them before. That's . . . weird. I can't think of one man in the world who thinks he's being disrespected because some hot chick is all over him. WTF Sam? She just seems to have some bizarre, backward-ass notions about men and women and their respective their culpability in flirting. I think she worded it very poorly. It might be influenced by my own view, but I interpreted Sam's words as calling out the girls for cuddling, lying in bed, sweet-talking the guys and pretending they have a romantic interest in them, when they did not. Kaitlyn being overtly sexual, but saying she has a boyfriend, Hayleigh letting Faysal think that there is some possibility of a romantic/sexual relationship, then giving mixed messages about whether or not she's interested in him. IF Sam had used different words, like "leading on" the men, or "faking a relationship to get ahead", it would have come across better. Choosing to use "disrespect" instead, was not a good message, because that is not what was happening. 8 Link to comment
Jeanne222 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 I don't see Fessy with either of these girls. I think he will marry within his own religion. This is just play time for him! 2 Link to comment
llewis823 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 4 hours ago, Snappy said: I don't hate Sam just because she has opinions different from everyone else and shared those opinions. Could she have said things nicer? Yes, definitely, but lets face it, Haleigh has done nothing but cuddle up to Fessy at this point. She hasn't been competitive at all, except in words. I wonder if she thought her cuteness and Texas charm would get her to the end. As for "what grampa sees", doesn't she realize that grampa may be more upset at seeing her under the covers with Fessy that at what Sam said? At least Kaitlyn has been competitive and made a bold move, getting Shaggy out, but even she has relied on tears to garner cuddles and sympathy from Fessy and Tyler. As for Sam and Fessy, it was Fessy who initiated that moment, admittedly to not get put on the block. Sam didn't exactly push him off, but she didn't search him out, rub his back, and try to cuddle. She did stroke his ego though. I'm sure Sam's reasoning was based more on her working in a male dominated area rather than because she is backwoods or clutching her pearls. She wants to see the women put more effort into the comps instead of the touchy feely. Rockstar?! Just stop. No one cares. She is a clown, not an empowered woman. Using her children as crutches and shields for why no one should say or do anything to her? Banging pots like last year's guest (who's name escapes me)? He did it better. She needs to grow up, act her age, and put on a bra Yes! Yes! Yes! (*read in the Meg Ryan voice from Sleepless in Seattle) 2 Link to comment
iMonrey July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Quote Hayleigh letting Faysal think that there is some possibility of a romantic/sexual relationship, then giving mixed messages about whether or not she's interested in him. Except . . . Faysal did in fact use the Veto to save Haleigh so her strategy seems to be working for her. Take that, Sam. It doesn't really matter whether Sam "respects" that strategy or not, the fact is, it's working. Oh, and did my eyes deceive me, or did Sam actually pick JC up after the Veto ceremony was over? I swear I saw her carrying him like a doll. Now that's disrespectful. 6 Link to comment
phlebas July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) This whole show was some of the funniest shit I've seen on reality TV. There are a couple of moments that might displace my favorite single moment (Erik Reichenbach giving away his idol). Fessy calling Kaitlyn by the wrong name Or Sam: "I'm going to put up someone everyone loves. I don't think he's going anywhere. My best friend in the house..." JC: "please don't do this. This is a bad idea. I would never do this to you." Sam: "fine, then I pick Rockstar" More please. I want Kaitlyn to go out decisively, immediately return, and RUIN THINGS. Edited July 27, 2018 by phlebas fixed some typos - stupid phone 7 Link to comment
Jess14 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 7 minutes ago, iMonrey said: Except . . . Faysal did in fact use the Veto to save Haleigh so her strategy seems to be working for her. Take that, Sam. It doesn't really matter whether Sam "respects" that strategy or not, the fact is, it's working. Oh, and did my eyes deceive me, or did Sam actually pick JC up after the Veto ceremony was over? I swear I saw her carrying him like a doll. Now that's disrespectful. I was not going to mention the bold, but I thought the exact same thing. Like what the hell! Dude isn’t a toy! On the first point, not only did Hayleigh’s relationship with Faysal save her in this case, but he spent the episode leading on two girls. He is not the victim that Sam has painted him out to be, and frankly the only reason why she seems to think he’s being disrespected or taken advantage (use whatever word you want) is because he’s a man. It’s gross and divorced from reality. Likewise, Tyler is well aware that Kaitlin has a boyfriend. He doesn’t care. 3 Link to comment
Gummo July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Quote Likewise, Tyler is well aware that Kaitlin has a boyfriend. He doesn’t care. Well, to be fair, Kaitlyn doesn't care, either! 8 Link to comment
Jess14 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 2 minutes ago, Gummo said: Well, to be fair, Kaitlyn doesn't care, either! Oh for sure. Unless they have some sort of open relationship, i imagine the boyfriend will be gone once she gets out of the house. I was just responding to Sam trying to make Tyler out to be a poor victim. He’s not, nor do I think Kaitlin is a victim. They’re both playing the game. 1 Link to comment
HighMaintenance July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 16 hours ago, Callaphera said: JC talking himself off the block with two simple sentences and some pretend tears was amazing. "Oh, okay. Rockstar, then." HA! Hey, I know I do the drinking game during this show, but did I black out during the veto meeting? Did they edit down the veto meeting to the Reader's Digest version? I don't think I've ever seen a HOH change their replacement nom so abruptly. Fessy is a "himbo". He will apparently climb anything with a VJJ. 2 Link to comment
Vixenstud July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 16 hours ago, Callaphera said: Sam: "I had to nominate two people. Simple as that." Sure, but you didn't have to make it a personal attack and slut shame them and tell Haleigh and Kaitlyn that they need more respect for themselves. Haleigh was 100% correct in saying that it wasn't game, it was personal and that is a shitty thing for Sam to say. But hey, thanks for doubling down on your old fashioned and outdated views in the DR, Sam. Once again and for all the people in the back who might not have heard the first time: you know what the opposite of female empowerment is? Shaming other women for their behaviour and how they "flip their hair" and how they need to have "more respect for themselves". Fuck you, Sam. We see you cuddled up with Faysal on the couch after all your blather about the other women doing it and how they're evil hussies for it. JC talking himself off the block with two simple sentences and some pretend tears was amazing. "Oh, okay. Rockstar, then." HA! Yeah, Sandi Griffith can choke on a huge slice of homemade FUCK OFF! pie....talking/being about it and you're all snuggy-buggy on Fessy afterwards; FOH with that hypocritical shit. That's probably why she went so personal on Kaitlyn/Hayleigh, wishing that Fessy would moon over her like he does over them. And suck me, telling Kaitlyn that she had no right to be upset. Kaitlyn with the baby voice and eye fluttering about Fessy using the POV was stupid....NEVER depend on someone to do something for you that you could damn well do for yourself! I didn't feel sorry for the dumbass at all, throwing the VETO knowing her neck is on the line. JC? You are playing a game moron, if someone puts you up you can't talk your way out of it (well, he did it with Sandi but I doubt anyone else will fall for that in future). His getting bonked/chopped/spanked was fucking golden though, I never ki-ki laughed so hard in my life. 1 Link to comment
amazingracefan July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 Remember Bayleigh and Swaggy apparently had sex in there, that's a completely different situation. It's quite normal for people to feel close to others on BB as you are stuck inside there 24/7 for weeks, and if someone is a touchy feely kind of person that will come out too, not just with one gender even in some cases. Plus there is the gameplay aspect as well. That doesn't mean that there's much that's likely to happen on the outside. Best not to confuse it with normal life I think. Link to comment
Jinxie July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 16 hours ago, mscav said: So Sam put them up not only because she thinks they're sluts but because she wants Fessy for herself. So Sam what is it when you are rolling around under the cover with a poor innocent young man in the house? Let me guess innocent fun if you do it. She definitely wants Fessy for herself. Did you see how she fawned all over him after he won veto? she was calling out to him from the end, something ridiculous. She put those two up out of pure jealousy and spite. 4 Link to comment
DEL901 July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 2 hours ago, backformore said: I think she worded it very poorly. It might be influenced by my own view, but I interpreted Sam's words as calling out the girls for cuddling, lying in bed, sweet-talking the guys and pretending they have a romantic interest in them, when they did not. Kaitlyn being overtly sexual, but saying she has a boyfriend, Hayleigh letting Faysal think that there is some possibility of a romantic/sexual relationship, then giving mixed messages about whether or not she's interested in him. IF Sam had used different words, like "leading on" the men, or "faking a relationship to get ahead", it would have come across better. Choosing to use "disrespect" instead, was not a good message, because that is not what was happening. The different between the Big Brother House and real life is that you have to lie and manipulate to win the money. Telling someone who is interested in you that you don't return their interest (if it isn't done delicately or the person is a nutbar), can cost you the game. We know what happened a few seasons ago when Caleb's "lady love" rejected him. And both sides know that the other person may be faking an interest to get ahead in the game. It is simple strategy and if they don't realize this, they get what they deserve. 2 Link to comment
HurricaneVal July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 I don't hate Sam, I see her as a very complex and complicated person who is in a pressure cooker sort of situation where portions of her personality are getting sharper and more dominant. Yeah, she's been a hypocritical bitch during her tenure as HOH, but I'll be damned if I don't find her mightily entertaining. She's still one of my favorites on BB right now. She's a real person, not an underdog paragon of cuteness and light which is how she was painted earlier. I'm finding this Sam to be much more interesting. I feel she's going to turn that junkyard dog attitude on the guys for some other moral offense soon. I suspect that the Veto replacement nomination discussion went on for a lot longer than the Sam: "I'm going to nominate my best friend." JC: "Why would you do that?" Sam: "OK...Rockstar." interaction. I have to think there was a lot more there that got edited out for time. Too bad, it was probably pretty good. Tyler is playing a deep, deep game. Almost a submarine game. I like his style, he may be running the board, but he's doing it from behind. But he's waaaaaay more charming than Derek ever was about it. Now if he could just get rid of that pesky Kaitlyn he had to pull into his orbit during her HOH reign, he'd be a really happy camper. If they don't get her out next week, she's going to be on the jury, and that might just be a wee bit of a problem. 10 Link to comment
toomuchtv July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, phlebas said: Sam: "I'm going to put up someone everyone loves. I don't think he's going anywhere. My best friend in the house..." JC: "please don't do this. This is a bad idea. I would never do this to you." Sam: "fine, then I pick Rockstar" Did she say she was talking about JC? Or was she looking right at him?? I admit, I was only half watching, but I wondered how he knew she was talking about him?? I thought she was referring to Tyler at first. I don’t even recall Sam ever having any conversations with Jc, let alone “best friend”. Seemed like it came out of no where for JC to respond. And then the flip to Rockstar immediately was nuts. Like, ok then Edited July 26, 2018 by toomuchtv 2 Link to comment
Callaphera July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 14 hours ago, Brian Cronin said: A quick fuck you to the show for not giving JC a freakin' stool or something to stand on adjusting JC's platform so that he would not get hit in the groin area. How in the world do you not adjust the machine so that it doesn't hit the short guy in the balls constantly?! That was fucked up. EDITED TO ADD: You're right, folks, my bad. The stool was TOO high. Still, the basic points stands, ya know? They were brutalizing the guy for no good reason (and yes, he definitely played into it for dramatic purpose, but still). They did that in the BB17 wall comp, too. There were eagles that swung out and hit them. The women, typically shorter, were taking the hits directly to the breasts while the men got the hits in a more comfortable area. I'm pretty sure it was Jackie Ibarra who yelled at Production "Hey, I paid for those!" Big Brother has a history for not adjusting comps for height. Link to comment
Nashville July 26, 2018 Share July 26, 2018 7 hours ago, Snappy said: The words"fair" and "equal" do not mean the same thing even though people use them as though they do. Equal means treating everyone the exact same way, while fair means having to make changes to how people are treated based on circumstances. In this case, since everyone's box was the same height, the contestants were treated equally. If they had adjusted JC's box so he was hit in the same location as the others, that would be fair. Simply put: “fair” is the adjustment needed to make things “equal”. :) 6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said: I hope Sam gets nothing from this show. How could she! Words hurt. These two girls, Haleigh and Kaitlyn, will take Sam's mean words with them forever! I doubt it. :) Really think six months or a year from from now, Hay and K will even remember Sam’s words without making a conscious proactive effort to do so? I’d be surprised. Even if they do, that remembrance will be little more than an uncomfortable memory - and nobody gets through life without a few metric tons of THOSE. Unpleasant, yes; life-disfiguring, no. 1 hour ago, DEL901 said: And both sides know that the other person may be faking an interest to get ahead in the game. It is simple strategy and if they don't realize this, they get what they deserve. Here’s what I think is Fozzy’s problem in a nutshell. Fozzy certainly recognizes and utilizes his own capacities to lie / feign interest / dissimulate / etc. in the House to advance his game. Fozzy generally doesn’t recognize it when others do the same to him, though - or, if/when he does, he takes personal offense. This is Fozzy’s double standard. :) 2 Link to comment
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