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"The View": Week Of 7/23/2018

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1 hour ago, OnTime said:

I completely despise Meghan on all levels but I honestly don't think she was jealous of Sara. I don't think it is possible for Meghan to be jealous of anyone. She thinks entirely too highly of herself.

I think she thought of Sara as a waste of time.  Sara wasn't the best at picking a side, except for gays. Meghan wants some one she can fight with and throw sand at.

Pride is insecurity. I stand by my post that MM is jealous of Sara's authenticity.

MM is exhausted having to memorize talking points because, in spite of her claims to being a politico in vitro, she obviously doesn't know US history.

MM is a snobby brat who looked down on Sara for not being a bigger celebrity or a lawyer like Sunny. IMHO. 

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16 minutes ago, Tosia said:

MM is a snobby brat who looked down on Sara for not being a bigger celebrity or a lawyer like Sunny. IMHO. 

I actually disagree.  I think Meghan can't comprehend that Sara coming from a modest background could be so successful.  Meghan who has had the money and connections to go very far is working on the View.  As a co host among five other women.

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2 hours ago, ari333 said:

MM does not like to be interrupted, but she does not stop talking even to take a breath. Who can even respond? She monopolizes the whole conversation; and btw, a conversation takes more than one person, otherwise it is a monologue 

I turned closed captioning on and backed it up a couple of times and they can't catch it either . I'm sick of it. 

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10 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

I actually disagree.  I think Meghan can't comprehend that Sara coming from a modest background could be so successful.  Meghan who has had the money and connections to go very far is working on the View.  As a co host among five other women.

Plus, Sarah comes from a family who voted for Trump, so Megan cannot act like the only person who knows his voters. I loved it when Sarah said that people should stay out of her uterus. Megan was fit to be tied.. 

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Meghan acts like a child, screaming when she doesn't get her own way, not allowing others to speak.  She is a horrible panelist for The View, or any show where intelligence is valued at all.  I will miss Sara.  She is a person who looks at things from more than one angle, and who presents her views without screaming or interrupting others.  I don't think Meghan caused her to leave.  I think doing a pre-taped show may be presenting her with more opportunity to spend time with her family.  After all, she has two very young children.

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44 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Meghan has never taken a debate class, has she? 

Ohhhh....she brags that she has.   We just don't know if it was in her Brownie troop or in her Fine Arts university classes.

1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

I don't think she cares about Sunny. I think she dislikes her for her intelligence and her conservative stance on some issues.

I think she's also a bit wary...and smart to be wary.

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Screeching banshee Meggie shrieks that Joy and Sunny are delusional to compare Norway to the US!  She said name one successful socialist country, they named several and she just out-screamed them in reply.

90% is taxes?  Is this one of her husband's talking points?

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4 hours ago, ari333 said:

I was horrified at that clip with that man's pants down. I am no prude, but wow. How stupid can someone be?

And the fact that that man called Alexandria a "girl" was appalling. If someone calls a man a boy all hell breaks loose. 

The entire clip is much worse. The part they showed on the show is the least offensive thing he did. I do wish they spoke about the clip involving a small town in Arizona who spewed hatred towards Muslims and Black people. Seeing someone in government act like a fool due to his fear of those women in burqas only to see the end result where regular people are terrified of any kind of Muslim was sad. The show is hit or miss, but there are some good segments there.

The clip is available on YouTube, but the gentleman yelled the N word three to four times. He was told to act Chinese and he went full racist with regards to Asians, mixing up everything.

The hosts kept saying that the show is called This is America, but that's the name of Donald Glover's song. The show is actually called Who is America. And even though they (i.e. Meghan) keep bringing up Bernie, he didn't really get pranked. He spoke about his ideals and was confused by SBC horrible math.

Regarding the Socialism "debate" it proved once again that Meghan doesn't want to debate or have a discussion. She has her views and refuses to change them. Joy mentioned many countries, but she didn't listen. Sunny mentioned what Cortez said and Meghan still didn't listen. Adequate health care that is free is important, to argue against that is immoral. It goes back to what Sunny said. You can't scream that you care about traditions and pro-life stuff, when you are against everything that will help people live their life. Canada doesn't have the best health care, but at least I can go see someone without worrying about how much it will cost. I don't have insurance at the moment and need medicine, but thank God it isn't so expensive that I have to worry about whether I should get something for my health or pay my bills. Whoopi likes to shut down the convo when everyone (Meghan) yells, but she needs to do a better job because Meghan kept talking and talking and talking and talking. Joy had important points and Sunny was trying to help her make them, but we didn't get to hear any of that due to Meghan.

That's not right.

Ana or Tara would be a great addition to the cast.

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8 minutes ago, telemachus2 said:

As a cancer survivor, the ONLY comment I wanted, during the several years my life was consumed w/treatments/hope/fear, was fact-based optimism, & I even chose as my primary oncologist (among 3) the only one who expressed professional positivity re my prognosis.  Thanks to Herceptin, here I am, 10 yrs on, & I pray that Lexi has a similar outcome, & much greater longevity.

Congratulations, Telemachus, that's wonderful. Continued good health!

The fact that Meghan did a 180o from screeching banshee to compassionate humanitarian in 0.2 nanoseconds leads me to question her sincerity.

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5 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

What in the hell is that stuff decorating Meghan's shirt collar?

Bernie Sanders didn't do anything remotely ludicrous to what those Republicans were doing in the Cohen's prank but Meghan thinks she's slick including Sanders in her comments about lacking awareness of his surrounding. I'm pretty sure the point of the show is not to illustrate how easy it is to get an interview with politicians, but how stupid and bias driven politicians can be when you tell them what they want to hear (or don't want to hear), effectively giving them all the rope to hang themselves and I'm pretty sure Bernie didn't fall for it anywhere near the likes of the others.

Sometimes when I hear Whoopi and Meghan speak, I feel like my brain cells hate me for making them absorb their ignorance by way of my eardrums. Socialism and democratic socialism ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Venezuela is not the model that Sanders or Cortez are advocating. Meghan repeatedly spreads this lie because she wants to instill fear in voters and make them believe that they will become poor because they will be paying for everyone else's bills. Democratic socialism is working within a capitalist society that uses taxes as a means to re-distribute wealth in a manner that allows basic human rights and needs to all, regardless of their economic status (medical, full or partial education funding, housing, etc.). What do Americans think welfare, employment insurance, social security, food stamps, etc. are? It's an example of democratic socialism that is already instituted in your country. In Canada, we have universal healthcare, we have partial education funding, we have government housing and on a sliding scale, we actually pay less taxes than quite a number of places in America. The idea that you have to pay 90% in taxes is ludicrous because in Canada, wealthy corporations don't get to bring in a $1B in quarterly revenue and pay ZERO dollars in taxes. THAT's how we make things work here. We protect our middle and lower classes and we require a slightly higher tax to the more wealthy and guess what, our wealthy are still pretty fucking wealthy,  so shut your ignorance ass up Meghan.

This post needs to be liked 1000 times, if it was possible and sent to everybody who thinks like Megan in this country. 

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1 minute ago, Apprentice79 said:

This post needs to be liked 1000 times, if it was possible and sent to everybody who thinks like Megan in this country. 

Right you are. I am part Canadian and live not too far from the border. Meghan and her party's tax cuts for the wealthy is bullshit. Canada has it right.

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I'm not sure what audience this show is aiming for lately. Someone had mentioned that one of the producers said he likes the drama that MM brings. I sure don't. If I want to hear shrieking morons spewing vitriol and lies, I can watch Fox. I don't want it on the View. I FF through so much of the show anymore that I see maybe ten minutes of show lately.

It's off my DVR as of today, and if the idiot blimp is on next season without Ana or Tara, I'm not coming back. Even then I'm not sure I'll watch.

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8 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

In case anyone doesn't want to watch the show, but see the clip that most of us are talking about - YouTube has it up.

Thanks, CheezyXpressed.   For some reason the show wasn't on today in the Phoenix market.  I'll watch it later, but the clip is a gem.

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38 minutes ago, nokat said:

I'm not sure what audience this show is aiming for lately. Someone had mentioned that one of the producers said he likes the drama that MM brings. I sure don't. If I want to hear shrieking morons spewing vitriol and lies, I can watch Fox. I don't want it on the View. I FF through so much of the show anymore that I see maybe ten minutes of show lately.

It's off my DVR as of today, and if the idiot blimp is on next season without Ana or Tara, I'm not coming back. Even then I'm not sure I'll watch.

THIS ^^^^^

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12 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

In case anyone doesn't want to watch the show, but see the clip that most of us are talking about - YouTube has it up.


Thank you for posting this.

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I think the panel is not challenging Meghan on things like 90% taxes in the 50's and the Iran money returned is because Meghan goes off topic and throws in the kitchen sink and anything else she can to divert them - and they have had it for the most part. 

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In addition there are too many labels- half the time I call myself a dem or a liberal but I don't really know the exact lines of a dem, republican, conservative, moderate, liberal, progressive, etc. Too many slots for my brain to drop people into a slot while following a conversation.

Also - for someone that hates labels - MM sure uses them a lot - socialist, the above, Trump Deranged Syndome, tribal, etc.

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1 hour ago, maggiemae said:

I think the panel is not challenging Meghan on things like 90% taxes in the 50's and the Iran money returned is because Meghan goes off topic and throws in the kitchen sink and anything else she can to divert them - and they have had it for the most part. 

I, too, have had it for the most part as well  :-)

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Sara's leaving now presents an interesting dynamic if, in fact, The View adds a second conservative to the panel.  We've all speculated on Ana or Tara to replace Meghan, but being added to Meghan is a whole other animal. 

Ana is smart, passionate, emotional, and eloquent.  Tara is smart, strong, experienced, and persistent.  Meghan is ill-informed, under-educated, over-emotional and self-centered.  No matter which is hired, Meghan will lose by comparison.  I feel it will be a highly exasperating and frustrating situation for Meghan as she struggles daily to argue her points, which will ultimately force her from the show.  Her ego and tolerance won't be able to handle such a strong competitor...and either will be a competitor at least in Meghan's mind.  I picture her red-faced, teary, loud and angry as she exits.

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10 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Shut up Megan, she is the worst...Do the producers not see what we see. If she is back next year, I will have to stop watching. 

I'm in the same boat, Apprentice79. I have to brace myself before I watch McCain, and my blood pressure rises while I shout at the TV. With all of the other bad news going on in the US and the world, I'm not going to subject myself to her idiocy too. I'm sure she will be back next season because she seems to be more confident in speaking out, and she's getting a lot of attention on the internet and in the press, which probably makes her think she is such an important political "pundint" (her grammar skills are awful). This world has gone topsy turvy in the past couple of years, and I'm not going to subject myself to more angst if she is on the View.

Edited by Kenz
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2 hours ago, Tunia said:

Sara's leaving now presents an interesting dynamic if, in fact, The View adds a second conservative to the panel.  We've all speculated on Ana or Tara to replace Meghan, but being added to Meghan is a whole other animal. 

Ana is smart, passionate, emotional, and eloquent.  Tara is smart, strong, experienced, and persistent.  Meghan is ill-informed, under-educated, over-emotional and self-centered.  No matter which is hired, Meghan will lose by comparison.  I feel it will be a highly exasperating and frustrating situation for Meghan as she struggles daily to argue her points, which will ultimately force her from the show.  Her ego and tolerance won't be able to handle such a strong competitor...and either will be a competitor at least in Meghan's mind.  I picture her red-faced, teary, loud and angry as she exits.

... from your fingertips to ...

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Agree Tunia and Crow - will be worth tuning in to see.

Plus - Meghan seethes when there is not a rehab segment for her like today.

BTW - Thanks Whoopi for your influence in getting Hamilton tickets for Lexi and family!

Edited by maggiemae
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32 minutes ago, maggiemae said:


BTW - Thanks Whoopi for your influence in getting Hamilton tickets for Lexi and family!

Even though she really wanted to see Wicked. 

It's like Lexi suddenly remembered, "oh, I was supposed to say Hamilton."

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If a calm, insightful, well-spoken Republican like Ana or Tara join the show, what excuse will Meghan have for screeching that she must represent all Republicans? Ana & Tara don't need to read cards or dictionaries to get their points across.

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In what universe is it ok to be so bullish and rude about speaking over others?  

Do her parents actually watch her act so beastly with no concerns about her classless manners? It's like she's possessed....a Stepford conservative....bound and determined to get her lies out there louder than anyone else.  

Why is ABC ok with this bullshit? 

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Thinking about how she is that spoiled. Parents don't care, perhaps not ABC.

She said last week she is called JM in a dress by her mother. But we don't see angry JM. Just angry MM.

She is their princess.

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7 hours ago, Haleth said:

The fact that Meghan did a 180o from screeching banshee to compassionate humanitarian in 0.2 nanoseconds leads me to question her sincerity.

It's only because the girl has the same disease as MM's father that makes MM  so interested and compassionate.

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The thing for me is MM does not realize people go through this every day at a time their elderly parents start to pass on. And how difficult it is whether they had the same cancer as her dad or anything else that caused it. She takes this on as the most important disease ever without concerns for others with awful ones.

IMO it is playing the victim. I never did with caring for my parents, I hope.

Shouldn't she be telling us how difficult it is and how wonderful he has his wife and round the clock nurses and fabulous insurance, let alone trying to keep up in the Senate, and the support of her siblings (that she ignores and never mentions)?

I am the fortunate one because my parents had great insurance. And my boss was understanding when I needed time off - and I religiously documented it because I had 5 weeks off then. So, very fortunate.

It was much more, for MM, about Lexi, than Lexi.

 Or Lexi's family's support of her through this. Just Meg - me, me. me. No mention of her family's daily support.

Sorry - I can get behind cancer, strokes, heart attacks, parkinsons, etc. Too bad MM can't.

ETA and the pain and sacrifice they go though to try and ease them through this, In my experience, they lead US though it often.

Edited by maggiemae
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Tuned in today. Heard high-pitched dolphin sounds coming from the blonde wearing floating devices. Switched channel.

Megan is awful.

Edited by SunFun
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