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S20.E11: Live Eviction #3. Head of Household #4

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Angela has a Diary Room moment! It must be a first this season!

"It's better to keep Brett" as they show Brett rolling his stomach.

Hey Level 6, I'd rather have Winston to stay because he is funnier to watch.

Oh good,  they're showing Rock Star stuck on the climbing wall! I missed it on the feeds.

(I looked out my living room window to see something furry hanging by one arm from my birdfeeder pole. Went to check it out and here it's a small raccoon. And now he just climbed back up the pole.)

  • Love 6

When Sam says "Sugar Shack", I think that she must be a Survivor fan. And speaking of raccoons . . .

And there's the wine Sam was making!

Kaitlyn voted to evict Brett.

Rachel voted to evict Winston.

Kaycee voted to evict Winston.

Angie RockStar voted to evict Brett.

Fessie voted to evict Brett.

Bayleigh voted to evict Brett.

Angela voted to evict Winston.

Haleigh voted to evict Brett.

JC voted to evict Winston.

Tyler voted to evict Winston.

Sam voted to evict Winston.

I feel so sad now.

And Sam didn't use her power on him.  Oooo, Rock Star's mad! But why is she so mad at Brett? He didn't vote. And I missed what he said about her.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I also don't understand why Rock Star went postal.  On her daughter's birthday! 

She's bringing the charm in 'Charm City". Ha. Well, Brett did tell the lie that she went to him with a plan to flip her vote. It was really Tyler. So I guess it was Brett's way to try and divert from Tyler but no way Kaitlyn will believe it was Rockstar. 

  • Love 5

Rockstars muttering "ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY!"

I used to think Winston was pretty to look at but as I examined him for a potential boyfriend... his ears are tiny and stick out.  He doesn't do "leg day" at the gym... CLEARLY.  He has too many teeth for his mouth... ok veneers for this mouth, whatever.  He's bitter.  I just know he would do gay for pay. He's kind of dumb, and I like to watch Jeopardy! and guess the answers and he would hate me for my normal sized brain.

Edited by HighMaintenance
  • Love 9

Y’all, I was so confused, I thought Rockstar was actually swearing on her daughter’s birthday that she didn’t flip. I was thinking “is that a thing”? And no, no it’s not, apparently her daughter’s birthday is a holy day which must not be tainted.

That said, I thought it was a really stupid speech by Brett and is going to put an even bigger target on his back. He is SUCH a bro.

Winston picked up his ball and went home, didn’t he? Loved him trying to hint at a buyback, only to get the stone face from Julie. 

  • Love 11

"DISGUSTING! DISGUSTING! ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY!" For me, that will rank right up there with "The red hots are for my mommy!" Classic.

The big build-up to "will she or won't she" re: Sam's power makes me wonder how the heck does she use it. They seemed to be building to a situation in which she'd announce it in the DR while voting, but does that make sense? Like "I vote to evict Winston but in case Bret goes I wish to activate my Extra Life for him"? Would she have announced it right after the vote results? If she had been evicted herself would she have walked to Julie and announced?

I don't know why I care, since it's mostly irrelevant now, but there was part of me wondering if Julie could get a birdie in her ear telling Winston that, yes, the execution has been stayed! Now try this game to get back in - and fail miserably in your rage-gasm!

  • Love 5
48 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

  Oooo, Rock Star's mad! But why is she so mad at Brett? He didn't vote. And I missed what he said about her.

Cause Brett had Tyler's back and made up a story BEFORE the about how Rockstar was flipping tonight and voting out Winston.  She was pissed.  Then the vote went that way and she went ballistic.  Excellent game play, Brett.  The now Level5 + 2 won that round while still losing a member.  

And him making a target of himself is good for the rest of the now Level5.  Plus Sam's power is simply an automatic power now that WILL activate next week so the person booted gets to play a challenge to come back in the house immediately. 

So funny if Rockstar wins HOH, puts up Brett and he doesn't get upset and smiles all week driving her crazy and when she gets him voted out he comes right back into the house.  Think Rockstar exploded tonight?  This scenario would send her into apoplexy.  She'd go more loopy than Kait.

And you could see Tyler acting surprised by the vote too and talking to Krazy Kait on the side.  Easy to play it that Rockstar protested way too much after the vote so it looks like "she doth protest too much."

44 minutes ago, Lamima said:

I don't get JC and Sam voting with super 6 or whatever they're called. Do they not realize they are #s 7 and 8 on the totem poll? It's like last BB and what's her name that kept voting with group that she wasn't part of.


Level5 won't be around forever as the Clueless side aka The Gang Who Can't Shoot Straight goes down.  Best be on the winning side and when it splits, as it must, you have good relationships with the people and will be in the inner circle with one of the new alliances.  Sam and JC are playing this perfectly and Tyler already has a thing with Sam and Kaycee on the side and works with JC a lot so they are golden.  Make nice with Footy or whatever they are calling themselves these days and you will get nothing when they are all gone. 

Not that Bay or Hay will wait until then.  Those two will be the first to jump ship because they are the only ones with gray matter in their heads.  The other three are indeed clueless.  Scottie made a horrible move this week and he is toast, Rockstar is busy digging her grave as I post and Fessy isn't really playing the game at all.  Meanwhile Kait is living in some parallel universe of her own making where Tyler does her bidding.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

"DISGUSTING! DISGUSTING! ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY!" For me, that will rank right up there with "The red hots are for my mommy!" Classic.

The big build-up to "will she or won't she" re: Sam's power makes me wonder how the heck does she use it. They seemed to be building to a situation in which she'd announce it in the DR while voting, but does that make sense? Like "I vote to evict Winston but in case Bret goes I wish to activate my Extra Life for him"? Would she have announced it right after the vote results? If she had been evicted herself would she have walked to Julie and announced?

I don't know why I care, since it's mostly irrelevant now, but there was part of me wondering if Julie could get a birdie in her ear telling Winston that, yes, the execution has been stayed! Now try this game to get back in - and fail miserably in your rage-gasm!

The way it would have worked is that Sam would have stood up immediately after the vote and said she wanted to play her power.  She ONLY plays it AFTER the eviction.  She didn't stand up and Winston was out the door.  Next week I assume Julie will announce AFTER the vote to evict that the power is activated since it is now out of Sam's hands and is automatically used.

Winston blew his exit interview entirely.  Winston, exit interviews are to make you look good on TV, not someone begging for a Battle Back and complaining about something having gone wrong at the last minute.  Pssss, nothing happened at the last minute.  Brett is a player and more important to your alliance.  You were a liability.

Loved Rockstar's flip out ... ON! HER! DAUGHTER'S! BIRTHDAY!  A moment of silence everyone as we all celebrate this sacred day.

The HOH stuff they showed you could see she is still seething and repeating silently something most likely involving the what she would do if given a sharp instrument and Brett alone in a room together.  That anger is releasing her adrenal in such huge quantities I bet she is the first to fall.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

apparently her daughter’s birthday is a holy day which must not be tainted.

And apparently it was everyone's mom or dad's birthday from the extra vote chatter. Which is getting wayyy out of control this season. I swear they should just say 'Penalty noms for anyone sending out messages or hellos to home after your vote. Say hello to Julie make your vote and leave silently.'

Damn but that was a blow up! She was sooo heated. I think she was muttering some incantation to the effect of Brett's weeny going soft and all his hair falling out, leaving him a shrivelled up shell of a man. Or something to that effect. Were she not a self-described pagan witch I'd have thought she was saying the rosary.

Also we're all going to Sensitivity Training on Sunday, what fun that will be! I can't wait!

As per usual could a feedster message me who wins the endurance comp?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, green said:

Cause Brett had Tyler's back and made up a story BEFORE the about how Rockstar was flipping tonight and voting out Winston.  She was pissed.  Then the vote went that way and she went ballistic.  Excellent game play, Brett.  The now Level5 + 2 won that round while still losing a member. 

And you could see Tyler acting surprised by the vote too and talking to Krazy Kait on the side.  Easy to play it that Rockstar protested way too much after the vote so it looks like "she doth protest too much."

Level5 won't be around forever as the Clueless side aka The Gang Who Can't Shoot Straight goes down.  Best be on the winning side and when it splits, as it must, you have good relationships with the people and will be in the inner circle with one of the new alliances.  Sam and JC are playing this perfectly and Tyler already has a thing with Sam and Kaycee on the side and works with JC a lot so they are golden.  Make nice with Footy or whatever they are calling themselves these days and you will get nothing when they are all gone. 

Not that Bay or Hay will wait until then.  Those two will be the first to jump ship because they are the only ones with gray matter in their heads.  The other three are indeed clueless.  Scottie made a horrible move this week and he is toast, Rockstar is busy digging her grave as I post and Fessy isn't really playing the game at all.  Meanwhile Kait is living in some parallel universe of her own making where Tyler does her bidding.

The Rockstar thing....So I go against my alliance and go to other alliance and say I am flipping my vote to vote with you guys, then my plan is blown BEFORE the vote by guy in other alliance (same guy I was going to flip and keep), there is no way I still go in and vote with that other alliance and against my own alliance and keep guy who outed my plan. The footy alliance may not have a full deck of cards, so to speak, but they aren't THAT dumb to buy that crap. 

And I don't think Scotty did a dumb move. I think it was very smart to break up a pair of two meathead bros who would always be voting together and can win comps...any pair needs to be broken up (like Steve and Scotty...then Swagster and Bayleigh.). Haley and Fessy should separate tout suite. 

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 2

Not sure what was sadder...Julie fishing for Winston to name names or Winston fishing for a Battle Back and neither side would reward the other with the answers they were seeking.

That Samantha fest was so bizarre and out of left field! They had nothing else to fill up the episode with than that? The family and friends at CHEERS seemed very muted in their reaction when she won the power ap. Oh well you can bet you'll never see a Kaycee back at home segment. Even her peeps are probably bored by her.

I'm liking the real emotion like we got from Rockstar tonight...its good to see factions that genuinely hate each other like in infamous season 6 with Cappy's sheep versus Janelle and Kaysar's group. The last few years of block voting and unanimous votes were damaging to the entertainment factor and frankly unwelcome.

Glad that Tyler has been exposed and won't be able to play the middle from now on.

Kaitlyn actually is helping to make this a better season by bringing the "whack factor" to the show. It might not be as fun without her.

I like Rockstar and say this as someone who likes Rockstar but honey people don't give a damn if it's your kids birthday when they act against you. Nobody is going to stop and think they "Gee maybe I shouldn't do this. Its her kids birthday" and why does everyone's parents have birthdays the same day or week? I found that weird.

FInally out in TV LAND somewhere Swaggy's ego was deflating when Bayleigh made nary a shout out to him during her vote with Julie.

  • Love 5

Do these fools not realize they are on camera 24/7 and could shoutout people all damn day?

Hayleigh, with the second week in a row telling Julie she looks raaavishing, is working my last nerve.

Although I was amused when she went and laid all over Tyler when Kaitlyn was doing it first.  I was disappointed that the green-eyed monster did not make another appearance.

Bayleigh’s good-bye to Winston sure turned on a dime didn't it?

Brett needs to always wear a shirt because his upper body is gross and unpleasant to look at.  At least he shaved the ‘stache.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, mojoween said:

Do these fools not realize they are on camera 24/7 and could shoutout people all damn day?

No guarantees that they'll be on the feeds when they do, and while families and friends may be too busy to dedicate 12 hours a day to the feeds *whistles innocently*, you can bet your ass they'll be watching the live shows.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

As per usual could a feedster message me who wins the endurance comp?

The Season 20 Spoilers: Live Feed Summary thread has ONLY the winners of these things listed as well as nominations, veto etc.  So through tomorrow art least the only spoiler you will get is who won HOH.  Nothing more period.

2 minutes ago, Lamima said:

And I don't think Scotty did a dumb move. I think it was very smart to break up a pair of two meathead bros who would always be voting together and can win comps...any pair needs to be broken up (like Steve and Scotty...then Swagster and Bayleigh.). Haley and Fessy should separate tout suite. 

Scotty made himself a target when he didn't have to.  He folds himself into the winning alliance and stays under the radar and it breaks up as it must and he is in an excellent position.  If he had nominated Kaitlyn cause she nominated him and Winston he could let the house decide and be safe.  It is way too early in the game to make big moves. 

The only thing Scottie did was HELP the remaining Level5 players because they all knew their number would have to turn on each other eventually but now with their numbers down they wont split apart as soon as they would have so he really made them stronger for the middle of the game now. 

He is so not going to make jury now because he is always an easy nomination for anyone right now and no one will get upset because the Footy people aren't in an alliance with him.  He is just a hanger on with them.  If it is one of them vs Scottie they will vote him out too.  He is screwed now.  One of the worst HOH decisions in recent memory.

And Winston couldn't win a competition if you handed him one on a silver platter.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, green said:

The Season 20 Spoilers: Live Feed Summary thread has ONLY the winners of these things listed as well as nominations, veto etc.  So through tomorrow art least the only spoiler you will get is who won HOH.  Nothing more period.

And it's not that I don't trust the thread's explanation and/or purpose, I don't trust the people that post there that don't remember/follow said rules and it takes but a mere sentence to be spoiled. I trust the description but not the contents so I play it safe and ask someone to message me.

Apology for being off topic.

1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

And it's not that I don't trust the thread's explanation and/or purpose, I don't trust the people that post there that don't remember/follow said rules and it takes but a mere sentence to be spoiled. I trust the description but not the contents so I play it safe and ask someone to message me.

Apology for being off topic.

Nashville usually posts the results and there is nothing but the results.  Only time someone didn't post a result was someone asking for a clarification because Nashville listed Chris and the person had no idea he meant Swaggy.  The thread is spotless this season  ... don't know what happened in past seasons.

  • Love 2

No big loss, IMO, with Winston going... he's an arrogant jerk who apparently thinks he's better than everyone else. At least, that's how it looks to me.


I don't get the feeds, was 'Rockstar' ( gah ! what a dumb nickname, about as bad as 'Swaggy' !) droning on all week about her daughter's birthday ? Because if not, would Brett even know about it ? I realize she was really mad and just spouting, but does she think he gives a crap anyway ? He barely knows her and doesn't know the daughter AT ALL ! Sometimes these people, I just don't know....

1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Rockstar losing her shit is the best part of this season.

Dayum that was great. Classic Big Brother.


1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar: "How could you? You're disgusting! On my daughter's birthday? I can't! I can't! You piece of crap! On my daughter's birthday! I can't!"
Callaphera, while laughing hysterically: "Oh, I can!"

and this...

1 hour ago, Thalia said:

I also don't understand why Rock Star went postal.  On her daughter's birthday! 

No word of a lie I was laughing for about a good minute over Rockstar's reaction and every once and awhile I think about it again and I being to laugh all over.  I cannot stand Rockstar so anyone that wants to troll her, is fine by me.

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder what Rock Star is muttering to herself. Now off to the live feeds!

All I know was she was heated and as others have said I think she was still going on about her daughter's birthday. 

If Brett really wanted to commit to the bit he should have walked over to her and thanked her for the vote and ask her for a hug because she saved him.  That would be what I would have done just to fuck with her even more.  

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

And it's not that I don't trust the thread's explanation and/or purpose, I don't trust the people that post there that don't remember/follow said rules and it takes but a mere sentence to be spoiled. I trust the description but not the contents so I play it safe and ask someone to message me.

Apology for being off topic.

That thread is basically just bullet points. Alliances, house stuff, things like that never make it in there. Just comp results and results of Veto meetings. Us feedsters are pretty good at self-policing ourselves.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I was laughing so hard when Life Coach Kaitlyn was “helping” Angie down from the rock wall, Angie was like “fuck that shit” in the DR, and it was edited like Haleigh is the one who actually helped Angie get down.

Kait was all "this is a life lesson" and Haylay was like "Just move your right foot down... and... done." Heh. That was great though.

  • Love 4

Heh, Sam is a femmay fatale.

What was Tyler's sh!t-eating grin in the diary room all about?

Winston went out like a sore loser. What a baby.

Should I feel bad that I didn't do anything today to honor Rockstar's daughter's birthday? I didn't realize it was a national holiday.

Loved Bayleigh's goodbye message to Winston. I think she should've saved that flight attendant bit for Kaitlyn's exit though. Astral plane and all.

  • Love 2

Ah, what did I just watch?

For someone who calls herself Rockstar and dresses like a unicorn threw up on her, she certainly acts like one entitled bee-yotch. How dare you? And on my daughter's birthday!

Ermagerd! She has 3 kids. Is every single one of their birthdays a national holiday? No mail delivery? Stock markets closed?

And it's Hayleigh's mother's birthday, too! What about her? Huh? And everybody else whose birthday is July 19. What about them?

O, the outrage.

I don't like her, never have. I honestly thought she'd be one of the first to be gone. Along with that nerd-ass waste of space, Scottie.

But what do I know?

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, JD5166 said:

I barely know anyone’s names at this point except Taylor

And his name is Tyler.  But even so.

8 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

I just know [Winston] would do gay for pay.

You say that like that's a bad thing…

8 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

The big build-up to "will she or won't she" re: Sam's power makes me wonder how the heck does she use it.

Well, it's irrelevant now.  As noted, Julie will do the honors next week.  To be honest, I was pretty sick of those "I don't know what to do" teaser DRs from Sam, so I'm glad it's over.  

Although I think she should have used it this week, after gaining assurance that she'd have the votes if she went on the block in any of the next two or three weeks.  Extend her protection (especially as the Power is only "a CHANCE") in exchange for saving the numbers;  I think L6 would have gone for that.  Oh, well.

7 hours ago, green said:

Scotty made himself a target when he didn't have to.  He folds himself into the winning alliance and stays under the radar and it breaks up as it must and he is in an excellent position.  If he had nominated Kaitlyn cause she nominated him and Winston he could let the house decide and be safe.  It is way too early in the game to make big moves. 


He is so not going to make jury now because he is always an easy nomination for anyone right now and no one will get upset because the Footy people aren't in an alliance with him.  He is just a hanger on with them.  If it is one of them vs Scottie they will vote him out too.  He is screwed now.  One of the worst HOH decisions in recent memory.

Scottie still has a chance for Jury because there are only two non-Jury spots remaining.  Since Tyler and Kaycee know that Sam's power kicks in automatically this week, there may be a push to (should L5+2 win HoH) nominate and evict somebody who'd be unlikely to win the "chance" to return, such as Angie (Stupid Nickname).  Tyler and Brett setting up Angie as the flipped vote would also make such an eviction more credible, to say nothing of Angie's own meltdown after the vote.  Ironically enough, Scottie's decision to frame Angie as one of the possible "flippers" last week would also help him here, although he clearly intended for Haleigh to catch that particular round of blowback.

So if Angie ends up being one non-Juror (please, please, please…) and Bayleigh's power is used to flip the noms another week, it's possible that Scottie might make it to Jury.  Plus, of course, he could win a comp or two for safety.  But his road is much tougher now, I agree.

7 hours ago, willco said:

I don't get the feeds, was 'Rockstar' ( gah ! what a dumb nickname, about as bad as 'Swaggy' !) droning on all week about her daughter's birthday ?

HGs almost always know about these things.  (They have so little else to do but talk.) Little Aradia's 10th got a big shoutout on the Pinpression wall one night this week (I believe it was Wednesday), as seen on BBAD.

6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What was Tyler's sh!t-eating grin in the diary room all about?

He knew that Brett's speech had set up Angie as the "flip" vote (ON HER DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY!) and thus he'd be able to get away with breaking his promise to Kaitlyn.  He may even have been anticipating the meltdown we got after the vote.

I must say, as much as I despise Footy and their associates, they do give great shocked-faces.  Bayleigh and Chris when Steve was voted out, Bayleigh when Chris was backdoored, and now Angie and Kaitlyn (at least) tonight.  Tyler better learn how to fake "surprise, shock, and confusion" if he doesn't want to get caught out…although I doubt any of the others were checking his reaction, anyways.

Poor Isaac; his sisters get cool names like "Aradia" and "Avalon" and he's stuck with an Old Testament name that's been around forever.  You could at least call him Naphtali or Malachi if you were determined to go old, old, old school, Angie!

Rachel for HoH, please.  Because I'm still very scared that Bayleigh's power might toss her on the block, although I guess Brett might have earned himself a return ticket, now.  Thanks, Bro!

  • Love 4

Angie being stuck on the rock wall was super freaking hilarious. The best part was when Kaitlyn was tossing all these cliche platitudes about "letting go" at her, and Haleigh just walks up and starts telling her exactly what rocks to use to get down. 

Angie can go because I just find her so annoying, but Kaitlyn can stay all summer, because she brings so much to snark on. 

It was cool seeing Sam's hometown and family. Her artwork was pretty cool. I loved that reindeer she made on the wall in the house. 

Since I'm rooting for Sam and Tyler, I was glad L6 got their way and sent Winston packing. Out of the bros, I found him the more offensive of the two anyhow. But I still have yet to understand why everyone finds Brett so funny. 

I want to know more about that "bomb" Brett dropped pre-eviction - about Angie planning to flip and blame it on Kaitlyn. Clearly that didn't happen. Both girls voted to keep Winston. But I had to wonder if TYLER didn't have something to do with that. If he got Brett to say that, in order to throw suspicion off of him and onto the girls....well, that would be just genius. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Lamima said:

I don't get JC and Sam voting with super 6 or whatever they're called. Do they not realize they are #s 7 and 8 on the totem poll? It's like last BB and what's her name that kept voting with group that she wasn't part of.

I think they might see it more as a core 4 - The bros with Angela and Rachel. And then there are several outliers - Tyler, JC, Kaycee, and Sam. With one of the bros gone, that might make it more even. To be honest, even though Tyler was part of the original L6 and Sam wasn't, I see him being more loyal to her than anyone. I don't know, I don't watch the feeds. But just from what I see, I don't necessarily think those on the outside are as much on the "outside" at all. 

We shall see. 

10 hours ago, green said:

Plus Sam's power is simply an automatic power now that WILL activate next week so the person booted gets to play a challenge to come back in the house immediately. 

I think waiting this way may have been her best best. I mean, yes, you still have to actually win the challenge. But knowing that, they can be a lot more thoughtful in who they put up if they win. And if they keep it completely quiet that Sam HAS this power, and Foute wins, maybe Tyler can orchestrate to get their best players on the block. We shall see. 


9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Glad that Tyler has been exposed and won't be able to play the middle from now on.

HAS he been exposed, though? All the drama with Angie and Brett after the eviction seemed to nicely detract from what the votes really were. And most of them still don't trust Kaitlyn, who flipped before. So I think there may be room for doubt. 


9 hours ago, mojoween said:

Do these fools not realize they are on camera 24/7 and could shoutout people all damn day?

Not everyone watches the feeds. 


7 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

Ermagerd! She has 3 kids. Is every single one of their birthdays a national holiday? No mail delivery? Stock markets closed?

And it's Hayleigh's mother's birthday, too! What about her? Huh? And everybody else whose birthday is July 19. What about them?

It was my sister and BIL's wedding anniversary. Does that count for anything???

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:


Although I think she should have used it this week, after gaining assurance that she'd have the votes if she went on the block in any of the next two or three weeks.  Extend her protection (especially as the Power is only "a CHANCE") in exchange for saving the numbers;  I think L6 would have gone for that.  Oh, well.


Before the actual eviction I was all for Sam using the power. Afterward, though, I was no, no, NO! Winston was so bitter he would have gone back in, guns blazing, targeting anyone that voted for him, which he knows is anyone in Level 6. 


44 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:


I know what it is like to be tormented, bullied, beaten up, and basically treated like a doormat.  What the bros may have done to Scottie is so weak by comparison, I wouldn't even consider it bullying.  Intimidation tactics?  Sure.  Bullying?  I don't think so.


I totally agree. These guys are harmless compared to Evel Dick and Paul & Company. The most these guys have done is have heated discussions (I use the term 'heated' loosely, here). They've name-called behind Scotties back. Really, I'm sure most of us have done that when someone has wronged us. And we've used worse words than dork and geek (ha!). 


40 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

But I had to wonder if TYLER didn't have something to do with that. If he got Brett to say that, in order to throw suspicion off of him and onto the girls....well, that would be just genius. 

That's what i thought, too,  and it would explain the evil genius look he had while voting.

Edited by Blissfool
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Y’all, I was so confused, I thought Rockstar was actually swearing on her daughter’s birthday that she didn’t flip. I was thinking “is that a thing”? And no, no it’s not, apparently her daughter’s birthday is a holy day which must not be tainted.

That said, I thought it was a really stupid speech by Brett and is going to put an even bigger target on his back. He is SUCH a bro.

Winston picked up his ball and went home, didn’t he? Loved him trying to hint at a buyback, only to get the stone face from Julie. 

He said battleback.  I wouldn't mind him earning his way back if he caused chaos like he said he would.

During the end credits, was the Pagan Witch muttering some sort of spell, incantation or curse to ensure Brett's defeat? Maybe Kaitlyn/Jerri Blank can help the Witch astral project herself to her daughter's birthday party, which is apparently a sacred Pagan holiday. Her screaming meltdown conjured visions of such glorious events as the infamous Keesha birthday cake and the priceless footage of April ("Busto") from the Crappy Cult season sobbing on her knees in the bathroom because Howie says he wanted to kill and eat her dog Pepperoni. Good times!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Angie being stuck on the rock wall was super freaking hilarious.

And appropriate, as she's been driving me up the wall all summer.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

It was cool seeing Sam's hometown and family.

Too bad her parents are apparently divorced (they were filmed separately and only dad was at the bar's watch party), but so it goes.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I had to wonder if TYLER didn't have something to do with [Brett's claiming that Angie would vote for him]. If he got Brett to say that, in order to throw suspicion off of him and onto the girls....well, that would be just genius. 

I'm almost certain he did; it may even have been a precondition of Tyler's vote.  We may see on Sunday, if there's enough time in the episode.

57 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

HAS [Tyler] been exposed [to Foutté], though? All the drama with Angie and Brett after the eviction seemed to nicely detract from what the votes really were. And most of them still don't trust Kaitlyn, who flipped before.

And also, Tyler will benefit from Scottie's framing of Haleigh as the flipper on the Chris eviction, through the "wear a 'Swaggy' shirt to show your loyalty" ploy.  Tyler may not even be aware that he has this working in his favor, though.

33 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Was Sam wearing Christmas's shirt?

Apparently "Christmas" is either Sam's nickname or her middle name, I'm not sure which.  So that's her own shirt.


Naturally, this has caused suspicion among the other HGs that Sam and Christmas are somehow related.  They even look a bit alike. (And they're both from Virginia.)  But, since Julie hasn't said anything about such a twist, I'm inclined to doubt it.

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8 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Before the actual eviction I was all for Sam using the power. Afterward, though, I was no, no, NO! Winston was so bitter he would have gone back in, guns blazing, targeting anyone that voted for him


Obviously Sam wouldn't have given him the chance to come back if she went back on what she said to him.

8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Angie can go because I just find her so annoying, but Kaitlyn can stay all summer, because she brings so much to snark on.

Since I'm rooting for Sam and Tyler, I was glad L6 got their way and sent Winston packing. Out of the bros, I found him the more offensive of the two anyhow. But I still have yet to understand why everyone finds Brett so funny.

Kaitlyn's great, though predictably most of the internet audience will hate anyone with much character.

18 hours ago, North of Eden said:

That Samantha fest was so bizarre and out of left field! They had nothing else to fill up the episode with than that? The family and friends at CHEERS seemed very muted in their reaction when she won the power ap. Oh well you can bet you'll never see a Kaycee back at home segment. Even her peeps are probably bored by her.

I'm liking the real emotion like we got from Rockstar tonight...its good to see factions that genuinely hate each other like in infamous season 6 with Cappy's sheep versus Janelle and Kaysar's group. The last few years of block voting and unanimous votes were damaging to the entertainment factor and frankly unwelcome.

FInally out in TV LAND somewhere Swaggy's ego was deflating when Bayleigh made nary a shout out to him during her vote with Julie.

I hate the shout outs, they should really enforce the rules, it's becoming a joke now.  Even as the episode ended they were shouting out during the start of the competition.

Maybe Sam's family already knew she had the power app before the episode was shown.

I agree a split house is more interesting than one where they just all get along.  It may provoke some bad reaction from some but if the show becomes too middle of the road and safe I don't think it works as well.


18 hours ago, mojoween said:

Hayleigh, with the second week in a row telling Julie she looks raaavishing, is working my last nerve.

Two of them were doing that flattery, it's as boring and generic as the shout outs.


16 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The key to winning BB is to have as many kids as possible and make sure they are all born in the Summer so that no one can ever plot against you, because the odds are it will happen on your kid's birthday and you become immune to people working against you on your kid's birthday!

I hate it on reality shows when you have people going on about how they have children and how that makes them more deserving or important.

Edited by amazingracefan
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I usually only post when I don't see many (or ANY!) posters that share my opinion.  So... 

I kinda like Rockstar, despite her unfortunate sense of fashion.  I don't know how old her daughter is but totally get feeling extra emotional/vulnerable being away from her kid on her birthday.  If she'd shared this with the House, her OTT reaction makes sense TO ME.  Granted, it's game play & Brett's entitled to strategize however he wants, but I wasn't put off by her blow up.  And I thought she was probably doing some kind of chanting during the HOH comp; maybe something she learned from the resident life coach. lol

Glad to see the bros split up; my only disappointed was that they couldn't evict both together.  With the exception of Brett, I like everyone left in the house (to varying degrees).

I kept waiting for Julie to say officially when Sam's opportunity to use her power ended.  They milked it SO much leading up the vote, then let the Big Moment pass without acknowledging it.  I couldn't breathe easy until closing credits, afraid TPTB were gonna yell "PSYCH!!!" and save Winston.  Thank goodness they didn't.

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