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S08.E30: Road Rage


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9 hours ago, Bridget said:

No way a principal shrugged their shoulders regarding the removal of a 1:1 aide for a student with an IEP. It just doesnt happen because it’s against the damn law. 

The hinky part is that Leah said the aide’s name was on some paperwork that said “transferred”, so if the aide was transferred to a different site/school, Ali’s school would still have to find a sub aide for Ali (just like when a teacher will be out & they need a sub) until a permanent aide is hired. 

We only heard 50% of the truth re: the 1:1 situation for Ali at school.


I can just tell that there is something Leah is leaving out..  I bet she was supposed to meet with the teachers and/or principal and she probably blew off the meeting.  Maybe when she was in Hawaii?  She keeps getting weirdly flustered (more than normal) when talking about it.  Knowing her as we do, I am sure she f-ed up, and her daughter is paying the price.

That being said, no matter what, Ali (Alleeah??) needs that aid, and I don't believe the principal just shrugged her shoulders and walked off.  There is more to this story!



5 hours ago, ghoulina said:


I have no words for Jenelle's segment this week. I was literally crying while watching it last night. Yes, I do think the guy in the white truck was fucking around too. He did appear to slam on his brakes WAY too hard.  But if it were ME? I had MY kids in the car? It's not about "winning". It's about the safety of my children. I would have let him pass. Taken an exit to get away from him. Whatever I had to do to de-escalate the situation. 



That's the thing, and I tell my husband the same thing when he gets all indignant when someone is going too slow or cuts him off... WHO CARES??  That person is not going to see him swearing and giving the finger and suddenly feel bad about it.  So, let it go!  It is not worth the anxiety.  Also, why scare everyone in the car just to show that you are "right?"  I can understand feeling angry that someone has messed with you on the road, but it is not really that big of a deal.  

When that happens to me, I just figure that person is having a bad day, and I slow down so they can get the hell away from me!


2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Did anyone else note that, after MTV put up the card indicating she’d pulled out her gun, what we heard her say was:


I wonder why they didn't show her brandishing the gun.  Why not show it?  She knew the cameras were on, and she pulled a gun.  Why doesn't MTV show that?  

  • Love 22
11 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I can just tell that there is something Leah is leaving out..  I bet she was supposed to meet with the teachers and/or principal and she probably blew off the meeting.  Maybe when she was in Hawaii?  She keeps getting weirdly flustered (more than normal) when talking about it.  Knowing her as we do, I am sure she f-ed up, and her daughter is paying the price.

That being said, no matter what, Ali (Alleeah??) needs that aid, and I don't believe the principal just shrugged her shoulders and walked off.  There is more to this story!




That's the thing, and I tell my husband the same thing when he gets all indignant when someone is going too slow or cuts him off... WHO CARES??  That person is not going to see him swearing and giving the finger and suddenly feel bad about it.  So, let it go!  It is not worth the anxiety.  Also, why scare everyone in the car just to show that you are "right?"  I can understand feeling angry that someone has messed with you on the road, but it is not really that big of a deal.  

When that happens to me, I just figure that person is having a bad day, and I slow down so they can get the hell away from me!


I wonder why they didn't show her brandishing the gun.  Why not show it?  She knew the cameras were on, and she pulled a gun.  Why doesn't MTV show that?  

Because they care about their audience, don't'cha know? It would be just too much! 

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, toodywoody said:

As heartbreaking as losing the aide is, maybe there needs to be another option, like in specialized class or something. I don't know much how elementary schools run now, but couldn't they come up with another solution or have her use her wheelchair and she can put her backpack on that and have just a table for her to pull up to and use? I don't know, just seems like the school isn't thinking of ways to help, but I also don't know what else they could do, if they don't have the funds, they don't have them. Could they hire an aide themselves? Not like Leah doesn't have the money. Just saying. And ok she has it in her plan but maybe they can home school her.

I'm sure other people are going to point this out, but here goes:  If Ali's IEP says she is to have an aide, she is to have an aide, and it's not up to the parents to provide one.  This is law, the IDEA and the ADA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Americans with Disabilities act).  Every child is entitled to a free public education to age 21 in the least restrictive environment.  That's the law.  If Ali is able to function in a regular classroom with the assistance of an aide, then that's what the law says the school must provide for her.  I hope Leah and Corey will be contacted by lots of disability lawyers who will help them sue, if that's what it takes, to get Ali what she is entitled to *by law*.  I am shocked that the Kanawha County Board of Education would be so stupid as to deny Ali this right, knowing that it's all going to be televised.

  • Love 21
15 hours ago, MinorL said:

Yes! We can obviously not be sure of the whole story, but a school cannot just remove services from a child who qualifies for special education (I’m assuming Ali does, and that she has an IEP in place because she had a 1 to 1 aide) without holding an IEP and getting the parent to agree (or going to hearing if no agreement).  They can’t just do it unilaterally. 

I dunno...it is WestVirginia.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, FreetheGirlses said:

THANK YOU. As a special ed teacher, I call BS on all of this...unless she doesn't have an IEP. And for some reason, why do I not put that past Leah and Corey? There are plenty of parents I know who are against getting their kids an IEP who need it, who have far less difficulties than Ali, simply because they are in denial or think there's a stigma attached. 

If the aide is in the IEP, which the aide should be, there is no way that the principal can just pull the aide. You're 100% correct; it's against federal mandate/IDEA. 

I really hope that they have an education advocate for Ali, though I highly doubt that's the case. 

If it comes out that Ali only has a 504 plan and somehow, a 1:1 was approved, I would love to see the language of the document.

I hope they have an advocate too, or kept a copy of the safeguards (rules & protocols for parents to educate them about the process) that are handed out at every IEP! Why do I think those are somewhere in the back of Leah’s car, next to the unused wheelchair?

I really want Dr. Tsao to be on the next reunion to read them the riot act (in his gentle, Tsao-like way).

We have seen photos of the girls wearing lipstick, but WHY is Gracie wearing lipstick to go to her dad’s house and WHY does he seem to be OK with it? I can see the cycle starting all over again. 

I understand that expectations for kids/behavior/activities in certain areas don’t fly in other parts of the country, or might not even fly with other parents/guardians in the same zip code, but as many of you have stated, there’s just no need to for so.much.makeup.on.the.girlses. They’re not even playing dress up - Gracie was headed home with her dad after school!

What is that?

GenEd teacher here (but have my SpEd Cred too), and you’re SO right re: the feared stigma that parents have. Most classes (at least on grades 6-12) are inclusive, so the kids don’t even know who has an IEP or not! Get your kids the help they need and are legally entitled to by the federal government!

IEPs also transfer to college and allow a slew of benefits for students who are eligible.

It’s better to have an IEP and not use it than to need one and not have it! 

Re: taking legal action against school districts

What most sites (at middle/high schools) have been doing for last few years is aiming for a model of inclusion, which means most students are all in the same room and receiving the same instruction. It involves co-teaching, one GenEd teacher and one SpEd teacher. I’ve had some awful experiences with some of the SpEd co-teachers I’ve “worked with.” (Not shading the SpEd teachers here, but we all know the types of people I’m talking about.)

During the 2016-17 school year, I was teaching 10th grade English, with an average class size was 35 and roughly 40% of the students had an IEP. My “co-teacher” and I were assigned to work together for two classes (out of six) a day. His employment eligibility had been based on him having an emergency credential that had been renewed for the last three years! He couldn't pass several of the exams that are required. He also completed his SpEd Teaching Cred program via an online university. No shade at the online profs here, but he definitely tried to buy his credential. His last emergency credential expired in Oct 2016 with the caveat of it not being eligible for any more renewals. He had to take and pass the CSET and RICA exams in order to be "credentialed."  He was (illegally) employed and "working" full time until June 2017, getting a nice paycheck and receiving benefits. And by “working”, I mean he was on his cell phone every 2 minutes - am not even kidding bc I kept anecdotal records! He was a joke! He did nothing. He was late to class all of the time and would step out (10-30 mins at a time) to handle “school business” when he was supposed to be working with me. He already had two prep periods, and that’s when he was supposed to take care of his stuff, not during a group activity to debrief the novel we read!

He wasn’t legally allowed to have his own classroom because he didn’t even have his credential. Talk about the school opening themselves up for a lawsuit! Even after his emergency credential expired in Oct 2016, he still held IEPs, did the paperwork, and signed off on so many documents. It made me sick.  He even admitted to me that he threw away papers instead of grading them. 

I spoke to the head of SpEd at our site and she told me she’d look into it. Anyone want to guess how that went? ?

Admin couldn’t/wouldn’t do anything. They told me it was my job to speak to him directly about my concerns. Um, no. That’s why THEY get paid to handle this type of shit! 

If the parents knew, they’d be millionaires. However, getting letigious is overwhelming. Also, school districts are clad in ultra strong insurance plans that protect them from being sued from most major events. However, they are not immune from being sued when IDEA, ADA and other federal laws/guidelines are in place for students who have IEPs, 504s (a “watered down” version of an IEP for specific students for varying reasons) or receive any/or other specific service(s) that are being withheld. Even if one accommodation is not being honored or there are issues of non-compliance in that legally binding document, the families have the right to take legal action. I know it’s a long and tiresome route that many families cannot afford to take, but I wish, as a teacher, I could share more info with the parent(s) that would help them “scare the school” into adhering to the IEP. It’s true that schools withhold information from parents when they can because they can. I have spoken to a few parents in the past that I know would never throw me under the bus when they were having issues or being screwed over by the site. I simply shared information and gave them my 2 cents, such as: “I’d email this person, CC this person and say XYZ. No reply? Keep forwarding that email for 10 business days and then go down to the district office.” I’m happy to help parents fight for their kids when it’s the right thing to do. When the parents who’ve been MIA all year long and come at me in June, blame me for a failing grade, that’s a different story. 

Some of you know that I was assaulted at work by an 18 year old male student in Nov 2016. I picked up his backpack as the third & final nonverbal sign for him to leave. He grabbed my R arm the minute I reached down & grabbed his bag. It took me 30 minutes to get an ice pack from the health office because she "didn't want to let hand out the last ice pack in the freezer in case someone needed it for an emergency." Bitch. I just had my arm/wrist/hand grabbed by an 18 year old male In my classroom. What the hell do you consider an emergency? (Granted, I was still in a state of total shock and disbelieve, but I didn't tell her I was a teacher and it was an emergency because I didn't want the eleventy thousand pairs of ears in the office to start talking and/or create rumor mill fodder.) 

I know Oil of Olay is amazing and I do look younger than I actually am, so maybe she thought I was a student? Wasn't sure how to handle her reaction.

During the rest of the year, as I battled with my injury, my “co-teacher” didn’t even have the brains to step up to the plate and scribe on the board or even pretend to care about how he could help me. I worked from Nov 17 until June 5 with nerve damage, wrapped up in an arm brace, lookin’ like RoboCop and was supposed to limit the use of my R hand. It was impossible! I was careful, but at the end of the day, I still had five classes to teach and needed to fill up the white board for each lesson so it would sink into their heads. I did have kids offer to scribe, and that helped a lot. Sophomores in high school. Not the adult in the room earning a paycheck! HR didn’t acknowledge my needs (I couldn’t make/carry my Xeroxes by myself) and they only wanted to talk over the phone. I’m no dummy. I made them email me! 

I ended up having to have an ulnar nerve transposition on March 6, 2018. That's right. One year and just under four months after I was injured, I had surgery. Surgeon said my nerve looked like fettuccine noodle when he made the incision. I’m currently fighting Work Comp to authorize another round of PT because my injured R elbow arm/hand (and of course I’m right handed!) is still crooked! Have had to go get my hair washed at Supercuts over the last 20 months bc I had such severe nerve damage & loss of strength. (I have super thick, curly hair. Me washing my hair in the shower isn’t happening!) WorkComp told me that having my hair washed every 7-10 days (the benefits of having dry hair!) is a WANT, not a need. I cannot get that service reimbursed.

I have to retain an attorney if those PT authorizations are denied. In the state of CA, I cannot take legal action against the school district or the site either. I cannot take them to court for a single thing. For those who might wonder why I didn’t take immediate legal action, it was because I was at a new school and trying to make a good impression. I was also in a state of shock for a good two months and was scared I wouldn’t be invited back the next year to work (I was on a temporary contract for the year) if I sought out medical care. How sad is that? I stayed in my lane bc I didn’t want to be black balled! (I also need health insurance and I haven’t found a Mr. Bridget yet) I ended up telling HR that I would not being going back to the WorkComp designated health care clinic and demanded to see a REAL doctor. The orthopedic surgeon at the clinic told me I had tennis elbow because I'm "right handed and a teacher. It's inevitable that all teachers end up with carpal tunnel syndrome." I think you can all confidently assume what my response was, after I told him I only use my own personal ergonomic keyboard to type. They're the split ones that everyone hates, but I love mine.

Regardless, that is how fucking horrible the system works. They don’t take care of their teachers properly, including those who were fucking assaulted, (and I’m going to step out on a limb here and say I’m more educated than Leah & Corey put tgthr), so they sure as shit don’t expect families with less educated parents to take legal action. 

The student who assaulted me (who did not an have IEP) was suspended for a few days and sent to a diff English class. After I debriefed with my principal (two weeks after it happened!) and told him what/how it went down, his exact words to me were: “Well, you shouldn’t have touched his backpack.” Then he scolded me for the “lost six minutes of instruction time that were taken away” while I called security (twice) to get the kid removed from the classroom. He said “you could have taken the kids outside the classroom and continued the lesson.” Principal also said "I asked the police department what constitutes assault and they told me it includes malice and forethought. Ya know, when I sat here with __________, he didn't appear to have a malicious bone in his body." I wish I would've said "The kid knows he put his hands on a teacher and is now in the principal's office, all by himself. Of course he's not going to act malicious, you moron!"


True story. I wish I was making this up. (One guess where the principal went after that school year.) 

No one from Admin ever checked on me or asked if I needed help with anything from Nov-June. Not a damn thing. Yes, I could have asked, but I stupidly was trying to make sure I had a job for the next year and wouldn't be pink slipped as my contract was temporary.

If anyone has any info on a similar situation or can point me in the right direction for further legal/WorkComp ass kickings, pls message me! 

Apologies if I veered off topic. I was simply trying to illustrate the legal BS that envelopes most public school districts! 

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 20
15 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

When Corey and Keah were complaining about the loss of Ali’s aide, I had to wonder about how they vote regarding tax policy and school funding. Nobody wants to pay taxes until the services THEY need are axed due to funding cuts.

That's exactly what I was thinking, too.  An astounding percentage of parents who have children with disabilities do not understand the relationship between voting and the rights their children have.  Find out who your representative and senators are and how they vote on rights for people with disabilities, then vote accordingly.  I suspect Corey is more interested in protecting gun rights than he is in protecting Ali's rights.  Just a guess, given where he lives (I'm from WV, so I get to say that).

  • Love 19
15 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

When Corey and Keah were complaining about the loss of Ali’s aide, I had to wonder about how they vote regarding tax policy and school funding. Nobody wants to pay taxes until the services THEY need are axed due to funding cuts.

I'm quite sure they've never even made that leap. They're pretty dumb. At most its probably "taxes bad".


2 hours ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

Could not believe the coven could not leave Bri alone. They are terrified she will breathe that sweet air of life without them and never come back to the cauldron. Why wasn’t this the plan all along rather than call the ex?


This made me laugh very heartily.

30 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

The coven is so weird!

I would never think to offer up my daughter's bed to her baby daddy.  

Why did the Coven barge into the building where Brianna is staying like the damn militia?  Roxanne cussed at Shirley when she answered the 

phone "Let me in the F*&king door". Ummm...ok?  Then they charge the apartment like Stormtroopers looking for Brianna.  

Relax!  Everyone has seen you.  No need for all this performance, but Javi gave them the perfect scene entrance.

Let's go save our dumb ass ho daughter/sister from Javi's nefarious clutches. 


And did Javi say he "lost his image" being with that family??     Have sales of Javi Marroquin trading cards plummeted?  Boy bye.

Right? They stormed that place like they were a SWAT team and she was a hostage.

Roxanne is just pissed that Javi is getting camera time that is rightfully hers.

Brittany can miss me with her perma bitch face and her wannabe badassery. She'd fold like a card table if she was ever confronted by someone who didn't walk away from her foolishness.

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

With so many dramatic things going on in this episode I didn’t address Kailyn and Chris. 

First off Chris is absolutely 100% responsible for the care and support of his son- no matter what Kailyn makes. Secondly I’m not saying that Chris is the picture of respectability and proactive parenting. BUT (and here’s a big BUT) at the time this show was filmed Chris hadn’t been out of college a year- anyone would assume that his income is going to increase as he gets out there and starts working full time and not just an entry level job. Kailyn doesn’t understand this as she’s never had to actually “work” like @Christina87 pointed out. Chris was a broke college student when you decided to procreate with him- did you think that was going to change over night? I’m not giving Chris any kudos for supporting his son (that’s his job), and if yes he should be working at least 40hrs, but Kailyn is so self righteous I cannot take it. 

So true! Chris was a convenient sperm donor for Kailyn...she had "baby fever" and was looking for someone to knock her up. Don't act so morally superior Kail...Chris cheated on you and you have cheated on all your baby daddies while you were still in relationships with them! Kailyn seems to enjoy being angry at all these guys...there's always a reason to fight with any one of them at any given time. I really hate the way she bad mouths all these guys in front of the kids and uses words that would make a Teamster blush. 

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 7

I know that the train wreck that is Jenelle and the whining of Briana and the coven grabbed the mist attention, but Kailyn got to me.

I was so pissed off at her...being her money hungry selfish self. Complaining how she is being punished on child support because of her income. Saying how Chris is not working as hard or as much as he should...lime only working 15 hours compared to 40. Please don't get me wrong here, I believe in supporting your child and fair child support, but I am talking specifically about Kailyn.  BITCH, when have you ever worked a 40 hour week! Driving fancy cars, designer bags (wish u would buy designer clothes, this leggings and ripped jeans are gross) and constant vacations, yet bitch about money for your kids, while millions of women scrape by trying to get any support. I doubt any of her repulsive salary goes into any kind of trust for her kids. 

She then complains about $346 per month...I know a lot of women that would be grateful for that. Then I rounded that up to $400 and thought how if she only got that much from 3 baby daddies. An extra $1200 per month (but I know she is getting much more from JO and Javi) she should really count her blessings. Like she got pissy about the onsies Chris sent over, i do t k ow any mothers who cant always use extra onsies. Entitled bitch..I just don't think she spends all this on her kids. Remember when she went after JO and he asked for a.list of expenses and she got all huffy . Put it I a college fund or spend it on nice clothes and try to dress appropriately.

I almost forgot. I kind of  respect the fact that Chris is working a regular job instead of filming and trying to cash in on his child by appearing on film.

Edited by Poohbear617
  • Love 23

I laughed hysterically at Devoin in the car with his headphones. I kinda like that he didn't seem to give a shit about anything and just went along for the ride. 

Fucking Jennelle. I agree with David (ugh, I just threw up in my mouth as I was typing that sentence) you don't follow someone to their house!! I don't care how much of an asshole that guy was being. You have no idea what people are capable of and she put herself and her child whom she claims to care about so much in a very dangerous situation. I was almost in tears watching poor Jace. 

Stella and Watson are cute

  • Love 12
44 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I can just tell that there is something Leah is leaving out..  I bet she was supposed to meet with the teachers and/or principal and she probably blew off the meeting.  Maybe when she was in Hawaii?  She keeps getting weirdly flustered (more than normal) when talking about it.  Knowing her as we do, I am sure she f-ed up, and her daughter is paying the price.

That being said, no matter what, Ali (Alleeah??) needs that aid, and I don't believe the principal just shrugged her shoulders and walked off.  There is more to this story!




That's the thing, and I tell my husband the same thing when he gets all indignant when someone is going too slow or cuts him off... WHO CARES??  That person is not going to see him swearing and giving the finger and suddenly feel bad about it.  So, let it go!  It is not worth the anxiety.  Also, why scare everyone in the car just to show that you are "right?"  I can understand feeling angry that someone has messed with you on the road, but it is not really that big of a deal.  

When that happens to me, I just figure that person is having a bad day, and I slow down so they can get the hell away from me!


I wonder why they didn't show her brandishing the gun.  Why not show it?  She knew the cameras were on, and she pulled a gun.  Why doesn't MTV show that?  

I love your post. I have same attitude about crazy drivers. Pretty much say the same to my husband. ...who cares let them pass you. . I always tell him you realize I'm the only one that can hear you , right? Life's too short for all the rage about people driving.  

Even if Leah didn't go to a meeting  at school,  they wouldn't just drop Ali's aide. I have to meet once a year with a group (lead teacher special class teacher, principal,  school psychologist,  schools physical and speech thearpist, aids ) to go over my son's  IEP it almost always weeks befor actually starts. I'm in constant contact with aid and teacher . However the IEP is set for the year. As others have said Leah is leaving something out. I'm wondering if the  aide took a different job it , happens.  Leah  misunderstood, thinking Ali would be left without one. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

I don't have any experience with it, but I think some form of online public school is available in all states.  We have quite a few friends who opted for that with their kids, and they speak highly of it.   Parents just have to make sure the kids do it, but everything is planned out and done online with the guidance of teachers.

Considering Ali's health problems, this would be the best option for her.  She could rest as needed and work at her own pace everyday.  

Yes, I agree with you.  This is Leah we are talking about so no realistic options will be pursued.

I don't agree that homeschooling Ali would be a good solution, not even considering the abilities of her parents to teach her.

Kids with disabilities need to spend as much time as possible with more typical children.  It sounds as if the actual educational material isn't a problem for Ali, so the socialization is all the more important.  Plus--and you almost never hear this mentioned--it's *good* for typical children to get to know kids with disabilities, to not be afraid to talk to them, to interact on the playground--all kinds of things.  It makes us all better people.

Furthermore, I think we all can imagine what Ali's downtime if she were homeschooled would be like.  Contrast that with downtime at school.

  • Love 18
6 hours ago, CalicoskiesNC said:

I live in NC. Is Janelle a concealed carry permit holder? I know you can look it up somehow by county, I am not inclined to do so right now. If not, she is illegally concealing a gun in her car. Open carry would mean the gun was plain sight on the seat. To get a permit is an all day class followed by written exam and firearm target shooting. My test was 50 questions and you have to have some smarts to remember the info and pass test. After you complete class you visit county sherif office for application paperwork and fingerprints.  I remember questions about felonies, misdemeanors and mental health. How would Janelle be approved for a CCP?  First words to the officer should have been (with hands clearly in sight) "I am a CCP holder and have a firearm here in my vehicle."  

That's what I was wondering...how the hell did she get a CCP??? After this episode I am convinced that Jace has no business being in an unsupervised setting ever again with Jenelle. The authorities should go over this footage and yank all unsupervised visitation from her and no way should Jace be allowed at the swamp house ever again. After viewing her road rage and irresponsible, careless and dangerous behavior with a loaded gun, I am beyond outrage. I fear for all of Jenelle's kids living in a home where guns are so casually thrown around the house and property...something bad will happen at the swamp house with guns. I think we all can agree that poor Jace needs to be protected from Jenelle and David. Both have anger management issues and adding guns into the equation is extremely worrisome. I felt so bad for Jace...he deserves better. I noticed he has developed facial ticks with constant eye blinking. A sign of anxiety and stress...he would be better off only seeing Jenelle at a visitation center like Adam and Aubree.

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, FreetheGirlses said:

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. Parents need not be afraid of entering a legal battle. It is truly the only way things start to change in some cases. Once a couple of parents start wising up to the situation, the house of cards falls. It's the only thing admin are afraid of. 

Another reason I hope Leah and Corey pursue this.  The more people who give up on legal recourse--and I'm really glad that homeschooling worked out so well for the other poster; every child is different, and I am not opposed to home-schooling in general--the easier it becomes for schools to deny services to children who, like Ali imo, really *need* to be in school. Plus, can you imagine the damage keeping Ali home would do to Gracie?  She's already pissed off at the special treatment Ali needs.

  • Love 10

I don’t know why this is bothering me but the way Britney spoke to Shirley over the phone irked me big time!! Maybe that’s how they greet each other for fun, but it was rude. Then Shirley, who is still recovering, had to go several flights down stairs (even if she used the elevator) with bitch ass Javi sitting down chowing on food - I thought he was there to help??

i feel bad for anyone Briana marries. 1. Briana is nasty like the black sludge found under some water faucets 2. Her meddling family 3. He will have to compete for lip action with Roxanne. ?

You can be a close family but this is too much. Why wasn’t this the original plan? Did Javi showing up to the post op really effect Roxanne that much that she had to load up the entire entourage including devoid because whiny Briana chose to get sliced and diced for her elective surgeries?!?!? 

Javi sucks and I know he had motives for being there that weren’t genuine but I could feel his aggravation when he said “omg. They’re ALL here!!” Non-verbatim. Does Roxanne sleep in the middle of Brianna and her boyfriends too???

Hey Britney, how does it feel being in your ugly sisters shadow???? When Briana is considered the pretty one that’s messed up. Britney would be gorgeous if she’d shut the F-Up once and a while and get her own identity.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 5

It looked like Jace was left in the car with the gun.  I don’t know what is more terrifying, leaving Jace with the gun, asking a crazy Janelle to secure it, the cop who isn’t familiar with that gun moving it and having it accidentally discharge, or asking Jace to get out of the car and then the potential to get hit.  All scenarios are terrifying and it is 100% on Janelle.  Do we have any cops on here?  Curious what the correct procedure is in these situations.

Kail is such a fucking bitch.  She was complaining about Chris vehemently to the cheap ass nanny friend and Lincoln is right there.  Kid is smart and knows that if Kail complains about Lux’s dad then she complains about his and Isaac’s dads as well.  Stop being a shitty mom and talking crap about your kids’ families.  Then she bitches about Chris not being involved enough with Lux.  A few ep back she was complaining because Chris wanted to see Lux and she was all about how she is a nursing mom and her baby shouldn’t be away from her at all.  It’s like she is prepping in case the MTV Awards ever add a “Most Annoying and Negative Bitch” category.  No worries Kail, you are a huge cesspool of negativity and will win hands down.

Edited by Booger666
  • Love 20

I am familiar with special education/IEP's as I have a special needs child myself- why wouldn't Leah question the decision right away when the Principal told her that they were taking Ali's aide away? If she has in her IEP that Ali needs an aide then they would be in violation....

Janelle clearly doesn't think about anyone else besides herself. I cannot believe she was actually pursuing the guy that cut her off and slammed on his breaks when she has her freaking kid in the car! You know its bad when even David questioned why she followed the guy to his house!

Kail whined about Chris not getting a full time job but she lets him get away with paying a low amount of child support per month...

The entire Coven plus Javi annoy me so I find myself fast forwarding their scenes... 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, FreetheGirlses said:

THANK YOU. As a special ed teacher, I call BS on all of this...unless she doesn't have an IEP. And for some reason, why do I not put that past Leah and Corey? There are plenty of parents I know who are against getting their kids an IEP who need it, who have far less difficulties than Ali, simply because they are in denial or think there's a stigma attached. 

Cory mentioned Ali's IEP several times. She appears to have one. 


2 hours ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

Is it a thing to call the cops whenever someone tailgates/brake checks you? I’m in LA and I have other things to do with my life than wait around and deal with a cop in hopes that they...do what?

People get stupid on the road. When that happens, I just slow down and let them go on their merry way. No point in engaging when it could put everyone on the damn road's life in danger. I've certainly never called the police over it. It looked like Jenelle called 911 too, which - it wasn't an emergency. She is wasting everyone's time. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

I would never think to offer up my daughter's bed to her baby daddy. 

I appreciate Devoid helping out in Briana's absence, but I don't see the need for him to STAY there. Unless it's a transportation issue? Maybe it's too hard for him to get back and forth? At any rate, take the couch. I'd be weirded out by my ex sleeping in my bed.


48 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Mother Witch Roxanne's "you're a camera whore" lecture would hold more water if she wasn't doing exactly what she was lecturing him about.  Oh! The irony!

Right? The bitch put her ass in a car with 4 other people and drove 4 hours, just to put herself on camera "protecting Briana". They're just as bad as Javi. Worse, really. They drug a poor baby along on that insane mission. 


46 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Fucking Jennelle. I agree with David (ugh, I just threw up in my mouth as I was typing that sentence) you don't follow someone to their house!!

Why do I feel like David WOULD follow someone to their house? I bet he just meant "YOU don't follow someone to their house" - as in "You, Jenelle, a woman." 

(He'd only follow with a gun, though. Punk ain't relying on uppercuts alone.)

27 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

i feel bad for anyone Briana marries.

Briana will never get married. 

  • Love 16

We have to renew my son's IEP every year, and before that the therapists and teachers have to give their reports on how much of a delay there is and if their services can still be continued. Then, at the meeting everything is covered. I wonder if Leah missed the meeting where it was determined that an 1 on 1 aide was no longer warranted. If Leah and Corey never send her to school in her wheelchair and let her play sports, maybe they didn't think an aide was necessary anymore? I have never understood why they have never followed the doctors orders ever. They never make Ali use her wheelchair or allow her to play softball.

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I laughed hysterically at Devoin in the car with his headphones. I kinda like that he didn't seem to give a shit about anything and just went along for the ride. 

Fucking Jennelle. I agree with David (ugh, I just threw up in my mouth as I was typing that sentence) you don't follow someone to their house!! I don't care how much of an asshole that guy was being. You have no idea what people are capable of and she put herself and her child whom she claims to care about so much in a very dangerous situation. I was almost in tears watching poor Jace. 

Stella and Watson are cute

This was the one time I wish we could have been privy to a conversation between Janelle and Lurch.  If he didn't realize before she was wack a doo, he knows it now.  Chasing someone to their house and pulling a gun? Its the height of reckless.

  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

It looked like Jace was left in the car with the gun.  I don’t know what is more terrifying, leaving Jace with the gun, asking a crazy Janelle to secure it, the cop who isn’t familiar with that gun moving it and having it accidentally discharge, or asking Jace to get out of the car and then the potential to get hit.  All scenarios are terrifying and it is 100% on Janelle.  Do we have any cops on here?  Curious what the correct procedure is in these situations.

Kail is such a fucking bitch.  She was complaining about Chris vehemently to the cheap ass nanny friend and Lincoln is right there.  Kid is smart and knows that if Kail complains about Lux’s dad then she complains about his and Isaac’s dads as well.  Stop being a shitty mom and talking crap about your kids’ families.  Then she bitches about Chris not being involved enough with Lux.  A few ep back she was complaining because Chris wanted to see Lux and she was all about how she is a nursing mom and her baby shouldn’t be away from her at all.  It’s like she is prepping in case the MTV Awards ever add a “Most Annoying and Negative Bitch” category.  No worries Kail, you are a huge cesspool of negativity and will win hands down.


My husband went through the police academy and was a reserve for years.  He hasn’t done it on a while but I’ll see what he says.  The cop (or his backup) could have secured the gun while the cop who made first contact questioned Jenelle. It may have been edited out. They want to make sure not to scare Jace any more than his mother already has.  

Edited to add: I just asked him. He says the cop should have secured the gun in his vehicle. That is what they typically do until they are finished talking to her.  They could have removed it and it was edited out.  If not, major fail on the policeman’s end. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 15

Jenelle Evans didn't know who the hell she was dealing with in her road rage incident when she whipped out her gun, and she's lucky she didn't get her head blown off ... so says the other driver.

Robert Robinson Jr. -- the guy in the truck in the crazy video with Evans -- tells TMZ ... the "Teen Mom 2" star was the one who started acting crazy on the highway, so he admits he brake-checked her to try and chill her out.

He says once he saw Jenelle pull down his dirt road to follow him home in a rage, he alerted all his neighbors someone was coming -- neighbors who are like family to him ... and are all armed.

Robinson had a gun in his truck too, and tells us he only pulls it out to protect himself ... and shoots to kill. But he says he exercised restraint once he saw she had a kid in the SUV. 

As we reported ... Evans didn't exercise restraint ... because she pulled her gun while her 8-year-old son sat beside her. 


Edited by druzy
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I love your post. I have same attitude about crazy drivers. Pretty much say the same to my husband. ...who cares let them pass you. . I always tell him you realize I'm the only one that can hear you , right? Life's too short for all the rage about people driving.  


Ha!  I say that too!!  I am like, you know you are basically just screaming at me and the kids, right?  The driver doesn't hear you!

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, CalicoskiesNC said:

I live in NC. Is Janelle a concealed carry permit holder? I know you can look it up somehow by county, I am not inclined to do so right now. If not, she is illegally concealing a gun in her car. Open carry would mean the gun was plain sight on the seat. To get a permit is an all day class followed by written exam and firearm target shooting. My test was 50 questions and you have to have some smarts to remember the info and pass test. After you complete class you visit county sherif office for application paperwork and fingerprints.  I remember questions about felonies, misdemeanors and mental health. How would Janelle be approved for a CCP?  First words to the officer should have been (with hands clearly in sight) "I am a CCP holder and have a firearm here in my vehicle."  

It’s a common misconception that you need a CCP to have your gun in your car.

Legally, your car is considered an extension of your home, so you can absolutely carry your gun in your car without a CCP. 

Jenelle does a lot of illegal shit and everything she did in this awful road rage incident that Jace had to witness (poor kid), there was nothing illegal about her having her gun in her car with her (threatening someone with it, etc, is another story, but it’s oerfectly legal for her as a someone who can legally own a gun - which she unfortunately is, as she’s not a felon - having their gun in their car).

4 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

That’s the problem. Leah isn’t just dumb; she doesn’t stick with anything or enforce a basic level of order or discipline in her home. Maybe Corey could do better but if he works full-time, it would fall on Miranda, who might understandably not want that responsibility. 

We’ve seen Leah barely be able to handle getting the girlies to school on time. I believe I read she basically let Addie quit pre-k because it’s not mandatory and because it was too much trouble to get her to school on time five days a week.

Leah absolutely does NOT have the ability follow through or enforce that Ali would actually do or complete her homeschool work even if they had the best online program ever. And like others have said, Corey works full-time and Miranda understandably may not want that responsibility while the girlses are at their home M-Th. 

(I tend to think we’re not getting the whole story with whatever is going on with Ali’s IEP anyway.)

3 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

I hear you and I agree, but in order to accomplish that, these parents have to offer up their kids to get chewed up and spit out by an already shitty system.   Realistically, that is what has to happen.  That's fine if someone else wants to do it, but I wasn't doing that with my kid.  When you engage in a legal battle with school, you still have to send your kid alone every day to deal with the angry adults in that school.  Lawsuits are not pretty and they come at a high mental and emotional cost.

This!!!! All this!  

Also, (although this doesn’t apply to Leah because TM$), lawsuits cost money. It takes money to sue the school system and many parents just don’t have that kind of extra money to start the lawsuit/get a lawyer/pay court fees even if they sued for court fees and legal expenses to be paid by the school if they won. It takes money to sue. 

  • Love 8

Haven’t read the comments yet… can’t wait to...

Chelsea: I have no storyline so I’ll take Watson to a museum where he won’t really understand what’s going on. Then we’ll have multiple scenes in the car: visitation, blah, blah, Adam, blah blah, he doesn’t visit her, blah blah…. goodnight.

Leah: Leah going on about how much she missed them and the two girls have their faces in their phones. Addie looked “thrilled” to see Leah. If she didn’t tickle her, would she have smiled at all. Saying, “Thank you for coming,” to you mother? What was that about?

Regarding Ali’s aide, there was a transfer sheet shown to Leah. How does that translate into Ali no longer having an aide? 

How about Devoin is cooking and cleaning and helping out with HIS daughter, Mother Witch.

The forced conversations in the car with Jenelle and Jace made me cringe. Jace was looking back even before Jenelle even said anything about the crazy driver. Pure genius, Jenelle. You have  your kid in the car and choose to pursue a madman on the highway. All that chaos with mom crying, car chases, guns, and police and Jace has zero reaction to any of it. I could weep. For a 4th grader, Jace has a serious speech issue. 

Kail’s a pig. That is all. 

  • Love 4

I’ve been saying ever since we met David that the whole “David & Jenelle out on the land” thing isn’t going to end well. (And I still think that it won’t end well.)

But I always thought David was the more dangerous one in the Jenelle + David + swampland + guns + kids equation.

I’m not so sure anymore. Jenelle is physically smaller, but I think she might be just a tad crazier and more aggressive than David. He told her not to follow the dude. He was actually a voice of reason. Jenelle was raging hard and she had a gun. I’m not so sure that whatever happens when things “end” at the swamp will be at David’s hands anymore. I just hope none of the kids are around whenever it happens (whatever “it” is). Jenelle needs to be nowhere around weapons. 

Also, LMAO at Kail complaining that Chris doesn’t work enough. I know Kail thinks or thought that a college degree automatically means $$$$ but she’s got to know by now that’s not the case. The guy just graduated like a year ago (if that) and to the best of my knowledge he didn’t get a degree in a high demand field like nursing, computer science, or engineering. (I think he has a communications or similar degree, like Kail.) 

News flash, Kail: There’s a TON of under-employed college graduates out there, particularly in the social sciences and liberal arts.  Chris is working (and ok, maybe he should get a second job or something, and he certainly should support his son), but it’s not as easy to walk into a 40 hr/wk, middle class paylevel job with benefits as it once was, despite having a college degree. Wake up and realize that without TM$, you & your communications degree would be in a similar situation. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 20
1 hour ago, BravoAddict72 said:

We have to renew my son's IEP every year, and before that the therapists and teachers have to give their reports on how much of a delay there is and if their services can still be continued. Then, at the meeting everything is covered. I wonder if Leah missed the meeting where it was determined that an 1 on 1 aide was no longer warranted. If Leah and Corey never send her to school in her wheelchair and let her play sports, maybe they didn't think an aide was necessary anymore? I have never understood why they have never followed the doctors orders ever. They never make Ali use her wheelchair or allow her to play softball.

We review ours every year, as well . What part of the school year is the show in?  I'm assuming nothing would change in the middle of the school year. I can't see why they would miss the yearly evaluation.  Even if Leah was on vacation  Corey could go. I'm sure Leah got something wrong....need details lol.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 5

I agree that something isn't adding up with the aide for Leah's kid situation.  Something feels ... off.  She made it sound like word came down from on high, like the local superintendent or school board decided to personally axe the funding for only her kid.  I don't own any children, but a good friend is a school board lawyer and advocate for kids who need IEPs and that sort of thing doesn't just happen out of the blue, it opens the schools (and school board and thus tax payers) up to too much litigation risk.  


As much as I love Roxanne telling Captain Save-a-Ho what's what, but let's be honest.  She was planning on being there from the get-go.  This all just seemed to manufactured, like third-rate pro wrestling "league executives" sitting around and writing the most trite and stupid storylines.  "Oooh, oooh, even though we already broke up, I'll show up at your surgery anyway!"  "Yeah, and then I'll get my mom and sister to bust in all like ready to bust heads!  MTV will *HAVE* to keep us on."  Ugh.  


Anyone else watch LivePD?  Anyone else notice how differently Jenelle "Human Tofu" Evans was treated than the average skell who gets pulled over?  Anyone else find it a bit funny that she wasn't raged at for not telling the cop she has a loaded hand gun in between her seat and the console?  Or that she wasn't detained (aka cuffed) for officer safety because she didn't tell them she had a loaded hand gun?  And that no K9 unit was called out to paw through her truck (because you know that either the truck or she reeked of weed)?  What was it?  Was it because she was a white chick in a pretty nice truck with a kid in the front seat?  The cameras everywhere?  I don't get it.


I have nothing to say about Chelsea.  Not that I'm bored by her, but in the words of Eleanor Shellstrope, I'm a messy bench that loves drama.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Coffeewinewater said:

We review ours every year, as well . What part of the school year is the show in?  I'm assuming nothing would change in the middle of the school year. I can't see why they would miss the yearly evaluation.  Even if Leah was on vacation  Corey could go.

In California, not every student's IEP meeting is held in the same month. Very much like how no one has the same exact date to renew their car registrations as someone else, an IEP meeting date is made up of several factors. I am not comparing your student to a car registration date, please know that! :)

The annual (or triennial) IEP meeting is based on when the student was originally officially deemed eligible for services, usually after the initial IEP was held. Sometimes that's in October, February or even as late as May. The spacing out of IEP meetings works well to make sure everyone should make it to the meeting. Between trying to get a parent to commit to attend on a date (knowing there's a chance they might flake and re-schedule), sadly, many support personnel (psychologists, speech/lang paths) either work a contract that's less than 100% or they shuttle back and forth between more than one site. Due to the actual length of IEP meetings (and they should be long!) and the input of professionals, there's no way all IEP meetings can all be scheduled before the start of a year.

A parent or Case Manager can call for an IEP meeting at any time during the school year though. 

I have a dear friend who works as 1:1 with a student and has been with her since grade 6. Student is headed into grade 11. That's how it is meant to work: the 1:1 moves with the student as they reach new grade levels and/or schools.  My friend is also in constant contact with the student's parents, even if it's to clarify HW or keep them up to date on deadlines.

Students have a 1:1 for a reason. No one takes the 1:1 away without having a backup plan. I bet Leah stopped listening the minute she heard the words "Ali's aide is leaving." Why didn't she ask what the "transfer" paper meant?

Maybe the aide wanted to work somewhere closer to home, put in a transfer request at the end of the last year and it was approved when Leah was in Hawaii. 

Maybe the aide really didn't want to work with Ali anymore since her two nincompoop parents refuse to open their eyes to the situation. 1:1 aides are typically the most patient people I know, so to see Ali's idiot parents having her play softball and not using her chair, she might've just cut ties with Ali because she was OVER Leah and Corey's choices. 

  • Love 9
38 minutes ago, Lemur said:



Anyone else watch LivePD?  Anyone else notice how differently Jenelle "Human Tofu" Evans was treated than the average skell who gets pulled over?  Anyone else find it a bit funny that she wasn't raged at for not telling the cop she has a loaded hand gun in between her seat and the console?  Or that she wasn't detained (aka cuffed) for officer safety because she didn't tell them she had a loaded hand gun?  And that no K9 unit was called out to paw through her truck (because you know that either the truck or she reeked of weed)?  What was it?  Was it because she was a white chick in a pretty nice truck with a kid in the front seat?  The cameras everywhere?  I don't get it.



I watch it. I had the same thoughts. I also said to my husband too bad she wasn’t in the county deputy Kevin Lawrence is. Ha! 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

That's the thing, and I tell my husband the same thing when he gets all indignant when someone is going too slow or cuts him off... WHO CARES??  That person is not going to see him swearing and giving the finger and suddenly feel bad about it.  So, let it go!  It is not worth the anxiety.  Also, why scare everyone in the car just to show that you are "right?"  I can understand feeling angry that someone has messed with you on the road, but it is not really that big of a deal.  

When my husband was alive, I would dread him being in the passenger seat because even though he was not driving, he was one of those people that had that "driver's anger" even as a passenger. One day, we got to an all way stop and I was clearly there first, a driver who got there a second or so after me went first. My husband got so pissed off and gave him a smart ass thumbs up. I was FURIOUS. I said to him, "How would you feel looking at me with a broken jaw if instead of squaring off with you, the guy decided to punch me and break my jaw? That would kill you, wouldn't it?" You just don't know who is out there. And this is Brooklyn, NY where we have lots of hot, crowded, cranky people on the road, some of whom are off kilter to begin with. It's just not worth it. Jenelle took it to a whole other level. Reading that story linked above with the guy and his neighbors and all of them were armed,  and this crazy lady with a gun pulls up... that could seriously have turned into a deadly situation very quickly. 

  • Love 3

The coven goes to Miami to confront Javi and brings not only the babies but a baby daddy. I literally laughed out loud with Devoin (whatever his name is) sitting in the front seat with this headphones on. I bet they were noise canceling.  I can't believe they dragged the kids their for that crap.  HOWEVER, watching Javi try to scramble was so good.  

I would never go to a plastic surgeon with a logo as cheesy as that.

Leah's twins could give a shit she was back. 

Janelle is psychotic and should not have a firearm. I loved how she conveniently left out running over the mailbox with the cop but he pulled her out of the car to look at the damage.  At no point did she show any concern for her son. If I were Barb, I would be calling my lawyer to protect Jace. I wouldnt trust her with him alone anymore.

David shockingly was the voice of reason. He tell that you don’t follow a grown man in this situation. I hate that I actually agree with him.

Edited by usernameG
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Christina87 said:

As for the White Woman Tears, I do agree that Jenelle feels she is better than everyone else for being white, and knows that pretending to be a dainty little angel will help her stay out of trouble with the law. And I completely agree that a black man behaving that way would have been arrested. 

However (now take into account that I am a white woman with very little experience with the cops), I view it as a sex / attractiveness thing. I think men in general would have a harder time avoiding prison, no matter their race. If it had been UBT, he would have seemed a much better threat. He also would not have cried crocodile tears because it wouldn't be "manly," and probably would have been taken to the station for getting belligerent and staying angry while talking to the cops. And I do think it may have been worse if someone like Devoin (who I don't think would ever behave that way) had done it, because he would have been "perceived" as more of a threat based on being black. Black males really do have it rough with stereotypes, especially since the way most black males dress enforces those stereotypes. Someone like Devoin is not going to wear a business suit every day, and understandably so. By wearing "street" attire, which is in fashion, it makes them seem like more of a statistic, which is wrong.

However, I feel that a pretty, petite woman of any race with a child in the car would probably be treated with kid gloves. Does anyone think a beautiful, four foot nine Asian woman would be hauled to the station? What about a gorgeous black or middle eastern woman? What about an uncontrollably sobbing Indian woman in a sari? I think Jenelle would be far more likely to be arrested if she were ugly and obese, but white, or an old hag, or even a butch lesbian. Or a skeletal woman with track marks. Or a trans woman who still looks masculine. 

I remember learning in psychology class that attractive criminals were always given lighter sentences, UNLESS they used their looks to commit the crime, in which case the sentences were heavier than average. I've always thought that was interesting. I'm not saying that being a white woman doesn't help Jenelle, but I think it has a lot more to do with attractiveness and gender. Still, I do think a clean cut, white pretty boy charmer would get further with the law than an obese, belligerent black woman. There are definitely stereotypes that do influence the law, but they are more complicated than black/white male/female. 

Jenelle is attractive?

  • Love 6

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