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  1. I was sad for Dan that he couldn’t get over his self-esteem issues to be happy with Christine. At least he did end up happy eventually with Sarah and hopefully Christine had a happy life as well. It’s strange to think of her developing feelings for Dan because I always saw Christine and Harry as the endgame.
  2. Zaz put way too much filler in her lips and face. It's even more obvious since the beginning of the episode was a flashback.
  3. At the beginning we did see a (live) black cat on the kitchen counter, so he has at least one.
  4. I haven’t watched the farm show yet, but man this is the most subdued episode of Dr. Pol I’ve ever seen. If this is what the whole new season is gonna be like I think I’ll take a pass. I like the narrator and the music, especially when they pluck the violin string as they pull out the porcupine quills. If they don’t have the little bit of silliness in it, it makes a kind of boring to me.
  5. Hollie did get John’s name tattooed on her! She posted it on her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzEQ8-GrtUX/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  6. I just watched last night's episode, "Mystery in the Ozarks," and I really hope Chris Hoye didn't just run off and leave his wife and kids, thereby letting his ex-girlfriend take her kids back after not being in their lives. Since she (the ex) was in the area the weekend he disappeared, and they had an adversarial relationship due to the custody battle, it's not hard to imagine she had something to do with his disappearance. And WHY did the daughter's fiance not stop and talk to the guy he thought was Chris at the gas station?!
  7. I can’t believe the girl (I’m terrible with names) who made the “pancake” pavlova didn’t go home. What even was that? When she poured it into the pan it looked like cake batter, not fluffy at all. Her alien cake didn’t look that great either.
  8. I remember that line but I recall it as her telling Harry when he was trying to make conversation with her while she was waiting for him to sign some papers. It was one of her first episodes.
  9. I just finished the series. I like that he shared personal things about himself, it made it something more than an ordinary travel show. I’m always interested in the stories of people who leave the US to live in other countries. I hope there is another season.
  10. I wish there had been more interaction between Dan and Roz. Aside from Harry, he was probably closest to her back in the day. She taught him to dance, and helped him with his claustrophobia when they were trapped in an elevator. But hey, we got a Dan/Abby hug for our tender moment, so I’m happy with this season finale.
  11. Loved Grogu jumping in to help his dad with all the “NO NO NO” from the IG-12. I wasn’t sure I wanted Grogu to talk, but the yes/no with IG-12 is really funny to me.
  12. I just watched the series for the first time ever. I know, I’m behind the times. In all the years of hearing my own office gossip about the show, I had no idea Don was really Dick Whitman, so that was a good mystery as it unfolded. I hated Pete at first, but after seeing his parents, and his own despair at his life sometimes, I felt sorry for him. I think it humanized him over the show’s run. I was disappointed Harry turned out to be such a jackass. I wanted to like him, knowing the actor from “The Office,” and I did at first, but by the end…whew. Lane! I really liked him, and loved Jared Harris on “The Crown.” I wish he’d had a happy ending, but what a gut punch that episode was. I hope Don found happiness eventually.
  13. Think trauma "triggers" and transgender identity acceptance are topics today? Night Court devoted entire episodes to those issues decades ago. https://www.cbr.com/night-court-nbc-controversial-episodes/ I agree that the show was ahead of its time.
  14. I make loaf cakes to give out at Christmas, and I’ve found when I use the regular oven at 350, three loaves take 75 minutes. If I use same temp but with convection setting, they only take 50 minutes. However, I think they are too dry inside and too brown on the top when I use convection.
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