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S08.E30: Road Rage


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I live in NC. Is Janelle a concealed carry permit holder? I know you can look it up somehow by county, I am not inclined to do so right now. If not, she is illegally concealing a gun in her car. Open carry would mean the gun was plain sight on the seat. To get a permit is an all day class followed by written exam and firearm target shooting. My test was 50 questions and you have to have some smarts to remember the info and pass test. After you complete class you visit county sherif office for application paperwork and fingerprints.  I remember questions about felonies, misdemeanors and mental health. How would Janelle be approved for a CCP?  First words to the officer should have been (with hands clearly in sight) "I am a CCP holder and have a firearm here in my vehicle."  

  • Love 19

Corey and Leah need to take some of that TM money and instead of buying bigger trucks and unicorn poop birthday cakes, hire a lawyer to fight for Ali. This isn't the first battle they will encounter when trying to get the school to comply . They also need an advocate for matters related to insurance, housing, social security disability, etc. Standing around bitching does no good. 

As someone else pointed out up thread, there are two sides to this story and we don't know the school's version of the situation. Cory and Leah have not always complied with their doctor's recommendations, especially when it comes to the wheelchair and how often Ali should be using it. I would want to hear the school's side of things before making a final judgement on whether Cory and Leah need to sue the school.

  • Love 8

I have so much to say and then like.. nothing because you all have said it so well but here we go.

This is the first time I’ve watched Brianna’s scenes since her first episode and wow. 

Also.. I don’t like her sister. She’s annoying and very much wants to be a meme from teen mom. She desperately wants people to think she’s funny. Also yeah everything she said to Javi. High five. And Javis “you think I’m doing this to look good for the show?” Uh.. yeah. 

Also not sure how I feel about Brianna’s surgery. This was elective right? She didn’t have to do this, did she? I don’t know anything about it as I never watch her scenes but this was not something someone told her she had to do.

Anyways.. I have nothing to say on kail. Kind of boring.

Chelsea was kind of boring but yeah.. it’s ridiculous that not only Adam not set up anything yet but the center then started calling him to set up something after Chelsea and Cole Did their paperwork or whatever. I agree with Cole, if Adam was wanting to be a dad, he would be one and be doing these things.

I cannot believe what we saw with Janelle and Jace and the car. That was scary. And yeah production probably would have stepped in if they were shooting this footage but most of it was on the stationary camera and they can only do so much with that, right? 

  • Love 5

I don't follow any news of these people but I'm curious if there have been any legal ramifications or consequences from this. I'm assuming it was filmed this spring. Wish Barb would take some legal action and never let Jace ride with Jenelle again. But Barb is always hopeful that someday she and Jenelle will reconcile so she'll never do that.

Edited by jacksgirl
  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

I don't follow any news of these people but I'm curious if there have been any legal ramifications or consequences from this. 


Nothing to date. The only ramifications she will receive is negative comments on social media until she or UBT do something in the next few days to top the events that transpired on Jace's ride home from therapy. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. 

Edited by druzy
  • Love 14

I live in Pennsylvania and people have to sue school districts to get proper support services all of the time.  Welcome to the real world Cory & Leah. 

Dr. Miami and his drive through surgery is shady AF.  Those girls are lucky they didn't have complications, including sepsis.   As if the name Dr. Miami isn't pathetic enough, his sign looks like the women depicted on truck mud flaps.  These girls are nuts. 

I'm glad Jennelle's incident played out on camera or we'd never know what actually happened.  She can't even be bothered to put the phone down when the cop approached the car.  There was zero concern for Jace during that whole thing. 

Edited by MerryMary
  • Love 19
3 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Anyone feel bad for Leah’s sister? Here she is living the life Leah should’ve had babysitting her kid while she’s in Hawaii you’d think Leah would surprise her with a nice new couch lol. That couch made Roseanne’s couch look luxurious. ?

Ha! I have a feeling that she’s being well compensated for her babysitting- isn’t that the sister that’s had a consistent drug habit? A new sofa might not be her top priority. 

  • Love 14

Very clearly thinking she was super clever with her "Captain Save A Ho" line...Brittany annoyed the fire out of me. Not to mention every time she said it (three? four??) I was thinking, "You're calling your sister a ho!" Which...ok. Whole 'nother ball of wax. But it took away from the whole slam-on-Javi thing. Brianna/Roxy/Brittany: why make the kids come on a school night when they will just see you in pain and be scared and, as noted above, YOU HAD A NURSE?

I don't know how Janelle isn't facing charges. Poor Jace!

*Whispers* - I'm kinda with Kail on the child support thing. I make more than my ex-husband and in our state it's just an income calculation so we both pay CS even though I'm the custodial parent. He purposefully stays in a lower-paying job to not pay more $, while I'm trying to get every promotion I can. And his now-wife's salary isn't factored in at all, which I get, but he has access to a whole lot more money than me just by being a dual income household. Yes, she should be thinking about the future and non-Teen Mom days, but seems like a double standard that it's ok for him and not her. Just my .02!

Edited by 3outta5
  • Love 8

On watching on better quality I can not even see any damage to Janelle's car, I know there is a white mark only because Barb has to really look for it and she says it's not that bad. No mention by Janelle of how messed up the back of her car was from running into the mailboxes which from her smirk and fake oops I think was on purpose. While I am snarking I loved her crying to the cop about the HUGE truck that made her veer off the road her car is nearly the same size I was curious so I looked up the specs, his car was 6cm bigger width wise and 10 cm taller.


  • Love 17

I’m sorry but Roxanne rushing down to Miami 4 hours from Novas school with Brianna ex boyfriend in tow just to tell her almost New ex-boyfriend that he’s only there for the limelight was so hypocritical — Roxanne is so friggin thirsty someone pour a tub of water on her head...while they wait for the ex EX EX BOYFRIEND forgot about Dre shows up to wipe Brianas ass. ? 

Sooooo Brianas got not one, not two, but THREE EX-Boyfriends attending her postop to fight over who’s going to wipe her ass??? What’s that all about?????? Oh wait, the cameras. And Roxanne is just as bad with Britney. Roxanne reminds of those significant others that are paranoid about their partners cheating because THEY’RE the ones doing the cheating. Roxanne knew Javi was just there for the cameras because that’s why she’s there. She’s just got the mommy card over Javi “I wanna be there for my daughter!” BS. 

  • Love 23

For some reason MTV is saying "service unavailable" and I'm signed in with DirectTV Now.  I've had to settle for watching the clips posted in this thread.  *sad face*

From reading the posts here, are we being quoted by coven member Britney and Mother Witch Roxanne?  If they are hanging around here, let me just say "Hi, Coven!  Hi, Mother Witch!" lol

Unfortunately, we had to deal with an uncooperative, law violating school regarding our daughter's IEP and their refusal to provide her with the one-on-one aide she more than met the guidelines to receive.  Filing a lawsuit and suing the school is easier said than done.  Yes, we would have been within our daughter's rights to do so, but a lawsuit takes time and the emotional/mental costs are steep.  So let's say we did file a lawsuit...we would have to send our special needs daughter to be alone for 8 hrs/day 5 days/week to a place that we were engaged in a hostile legal battle with.  No!  That absolutely was not going to happen.  And besides, the school still wouldn't be providing her with what she needed!

So we made the choice to stop wasting valuable time and energy trying to make the school follow the law and provide her with the proper services and we started homeschooling her.  Best decision we ever made for her!  Once we started homeschooling, it was such a relief and she started thriving in all aspects.  It has been 6 years and we have never looked back!

We got the same excuse as Leah ~ that it was a funding issue.  If the school is telling parents that there isn't any money there to do what needs to be done then the money isn't there.  We too offered to hire a private aid and the school said that wasn't allowed.  Once you do the math on that though, it is cheaper to pay for a private school.  But most private schools do not offer special education services.  There are exceptions to that but they are generally 4-5x the price of private schools that don't offer services.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Ajb1112 said:

First of all, Jace shouldn't even be in the front seat. 

Second, as a parent, I can tell you that when your child is old enough to sit in the front with you, it's an uncontrollable natural reaction to throw your arm out and try to shield your child and hold them back if you ever have to slam on your breaks. I still do it to my 215 pound 15 year old. Jenelle didn't do that to Jace. She wasn't concerned about him one bit in that instance. That's not a normal reaction.


11 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I do this with my PURSE! (And of course my Mom- if we are riding together I always drive)


ding ding ding. 

I was going to say the same thing! I'm not even a parent and i do it with my purse lol Or sometimes just an empty seat because I don't know whats sitting there. 

10 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I felt for Jace. He was so calm while it was happening (although I could see him tic/blinking). 

Afterwards he was blinking and stuttering. That was anxiety and andrenaline. 

Jenelle really is a piece of shit. 



She didn’t even stop to think “oh, my baby is in the car.”

I actually noticed that he didn't have his nervous tic much at all - I was looking for it because i feel like that would be a super stressful situation for a kid but he seemed calm as a cucumber which was WEIRD to me.  When Janelle asked for his phone (yes HIS phone, not her's) as he handed it over he said "i already called 911".  And then he was very calm (to me) when talking to the police officer.  

And I have to say that both Janelle and that guy were totally in the wrong.  He was being a jack ass driver, and it wasn't smart of her to slow down to piss him off (but I'm sure most of us have been there and done that so Janelle is not alone in that behavior) but she was absolutely wrong to follow him AND he was also very wrong to try and block her in, which I think really freaked her out and caused her to pull the gun so she could get out. The guy freaked out because she backed into his mailbox.  She thought she was going to be all big and bad and turns out she couldn't handle an adult man coming back at her. That guy better not get any praise either because he can sit on that asshole platform with Janelle. Both of them were completely in the wrong.

And I can't believe David actually 'yelled' at her for following him and told her she shouldn't do that.  I thought for sure he would be praising her for finding an excuse to pull out the gun. 

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, crazychicken said:

On a lighter note I loved Jace saying that he wanted to change his last name to a better one than Eason, you could tell Janelle was so hoping he would want to use Eason like her and as a bonus it is for more ammo to use against Barb.

That was great. He actually said, "I want a good name". 

In reality, he was probably thinking of just a name that sounds cool like - "Jace Thunder" or something. But the way it sounded was such an awesome dig at his scumbag step-dad. 

9 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Jace has seen some S**t.  If either of my kids had been in the car with me when they were 8 years old, and I was acting like Janelle, they would have been crying hysterically and asking me a ton of questions about what was happening.  He just sat there in silence except for when he was helping her justify her behavior.  My heart breaks for him.

It also appeared that he called 911 for her. It's like he is completely used to the kind of situations my kids only see on TV. (Not really, because I wouldn't let them watch garbage like this.)


9 hours ago, SimonSeymour said:

I have only watched the first segment, but that dinosaur museum seemed like it would be scary for a baby, with all of those sounds. (I’m not a parent, so I’m just guessing :)). 

LOL, Watson was throwing such shade at that museum. His face said, "da fuq you think I care about some extinct ass dinosaurs?"


9 hours ago, druzy said:

The only one who was (almost) kidnapped in this episode was Devoin. Thank goodness he grabbed his earphones.


LOL! Anyone else shocked that he was allowed to sit up front????


8 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I honestly cannot imagine a principal shrugging her shoulders, as Leah said she did, after informing Leah that they were pulling her aide.

Sadly, I can. I live in a small town and it shocks me the attitudes I've seen coming from some of the "professionals" at our school. And my kids don't even go to school! But I've seen some messed up stuff in my little town. Grown ass women acting like teenagers. 

That being said, Leah is not the brightest person, so I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a full grasp of the situation. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

Anyone feel bad for Leah’s sister? Here she is living the life Leah should’ve had babysitting her kid while she’s in Hawaii you’d think Leah would surprise her with a nice new couch lol. That couch made Roseanne’s couch look luxurious. ?

She sure did have a monstrous fucking TV in that living room, though. Maybe Leah helps her and most of the money went to that tv and pillssssss, baby!

  • Love 3

And I have to say that both Janelle and that guy were totally in the wrong.  He was being a jack ass driver, and it wasn't smart of her to slow down to piss him off (but I'm sure most of us have been there and done that so Janelle is not alone in that behavior) but she was absolutely wrong to follow him AND he was also very wrong to try and block her in, which I think really freaked her out and caused her to pull the gun so she could get out. The guy freaked out because she backed into his mailbox.  She thought she was going to be all big and bad and turns out she couldn't handle an adult man coming back at her. That guy better not get any praise either because he can sit on that asshole platform with Janelle. Both of them were completely in the wrong.

A mature adult would get the license plate number and call the cops. And yes, the cops probably wouldn't do anything in this situation, but you don't go all Rambo and follow a stranger home and pull a gun on him. Then yell at HIM to leave YOU alone, when YOU drove to HIS house. Especially with your 8 year old child in the car, who is already in therapy and acts out and probably doesn't need any more examples of how to be an immature asshole. 

In this sea of douche bags, Jenelle is the worst one. 

  • Love 22
19 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

So we made the choice to stop wasting valuable time and energy trying to make the school follow the law and provide her with the proper services and we started homeschooling her.  Best decision we ever made for her!  Once we started homeschooling, it was such a relief and she started thriving in all aspects.  It has been 6 years and we have never looked back!

This sounds like a great outcome for your family! I just can’t imagine the Messer Simms Calvert Messers trying Holler Homeschool on Ali. The kid is bright. She’s probably already passed Leah in math and reading. I hope they get the aide thing figured out somehow. 

  • Love 17
9 hours ago, Steph J said:

It means she's playing on her privilege. Being white means she's going to get the benefit of the doubt that most people of color would be denied. Being a white woman who's crying means that she's going to get the benefit of the doubt that she was the vulnerable party, even as she admits to the cop that she followed the guy, which is in and of itself an aggressive act even before she brought out the gun.

Does that work with white trash though? I('d like to) think cops see through that shit.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

This sounds like a great outcome for your family! I just can’t imagine the Messer Simms Calvert Messers trying Holler Homeschool on Ali. The kid is bright. She’s probably already passed Leah in math and reading. I hope they get the aide thing figured out somehow. 

I don't have any experience with it, but I think some form of online public school is available in all states.  We have quite a few friends who opted for that with their kids, and they speak highly of it.   Parents just have to make sure the kids do it, but everything is planned out and done online with the guidance of teachers.

Considering Ali's health problems, this would be the best option for her.  She could rest as needed and work at her own pace everyday.  

Yes, I agree with you.  This is Leah we are talking about so no realistic options will be pursued.

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

She pulled the gun out as soon as she got off the highway to start following him. He only blocked her in after she hit his mailbox, to I assume not let her leave after she VANDALIZED his PROPERTY. He was not wrong to do that, and I bet that is where David's delusional "kidnapping" thing came from. 

it's a freaking mailbox first of all and second he should have done exactly what she should have done instead of following him. They BOTH should have gotten license plates and called the cops and quit trying to handle it on their own. What did he expect to accomplish by trying to block her in?  

And I'm not siding with Janelle on any of this but they're both assholes. 

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She sure did have a monstrous fucking TV in that living room, though. Maybe Leah helps her and most of the money went to that tv and pillssssss, baby!

That TV is ancient. I had one during law school, that I got for free, that I had a hard time unloading when I moved. It was a good 100 pounds and impossible to move, with a terrible picture. That's not a TV to brag about!

I can't even speak about Jenelle. I was almost in tears watching Jace stammer his way through his version of events. I wish he never had to see her again. I wish none of the kids did. I wish she and Lurch could just live together alone in their swamp and never have any contact with the outside world, or our screens.

  • Love 12

Jenelle pulled out a gun supposedly in " defense " because the driver blocked her in , but if she shot him , what would she have told the police ? There is no proof that he chased her off the highway . There is only proof that she followed him to his house and she was next to his property .. not vice versa 

jace is seriously well behaved for what type of "role models" he has in his life . I feel so sorry for him and he has such an indifferent look in his eyes at such a young age . Kids his age shouldn't have a care in the world and should be happy and playful . But this poor kid always looks sad and scared . I truly hope something happens to Jenelle and David so he can get away from them for good . 

  • Love 12
27 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

This sounds like a great outcome for your family! I just can’t imagine the Messer Simms Calvert Messers trying Holler Homeschool on Ali. The kid is bright. She’s probably already passed Leah in math and reading. I hope they get the aide thing figured out somehow. 

Not to get super off topic, but it's a common misconception that one needs to be intelligent to homeschool their kids. It certainly doesn't hurt! But you can have them do an online program where everything is essentially set up for them. I am a lot more hands on than that, so I'm very actively involved in our schooling. But I know people who choose a more computer-based curriculum for their kids. I even know one lady who's son actually attends a virtual school. He has teachers and meets with kids nearby for field trips and everything. 

I think Ali could really thrive with homeschooling if they were able to pick a good program and keep her accountable. 

  • Love 11

I could not stop laughing at Roxanne and Brittany telling off Javi. Hilarious. Roxanne got it all right though. Was Devoin just sitting there the whole time not getting involved? Get lost Javi!

I love the relationship between Chelsea and Cole.

The whole storyline with Jenelle and Jace gave me goosebumps. Sickening and disgusting is what is was.

I felt bad about Ali losing her aide. That is unfortunate.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

They cannot just take the aide away if it is in her IEP. Doesn’t matter if they don’t have the funds. They have to find them. If they don’t, Corey and Leah can make a formal complaint. (These are federal protections, btw, under IDEA.) 

I honestly cannot imagine a principal shrugging her shoulders, as Leah said she did, after informing Leah that they were pulling her aide. I am not sure I am buying Leah’s version of the story. (This is all based on Corey stating the one-on-one aide is part of the IEP.) Any teacher or administrator knows that following that IEP is a huge deal. 

What does that mean?

THANK YOU. As a special ed teacher, I call BS on all of this...unless she doesn't have an IEP. And for some reason, why do I not put that past Leah and Corey? There are plenty of parents I know who are against getting their kids an IEP who need it, who have far less difficulties than Ali, simply because they are in denial or think there's a stigma attached. 

If the aide is in the IEP, which the aide should be, there is no way that the principal can just pull the aide. You're 100% correct; it's against federal mandate/IDEA. 

I really hope that they have an education advocate for Ali, though I highly doubt that's the case. 

  • Love 13
13 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

and keep her accountable. 

That’s the problem. Leah isn’t just dumb; she doesn’t stick with anything or enforce a basic level of order or discipline in her home. Maybe Corey could do better but if he works full-time, it would fall on Miranda, who might understandably not want that responsibility. 

You might not need to be super smart to homeschool but it does take more than a pulse!

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

For some reason MTV is saying "service unavailable" and I'm signed in with DirectTV Now.  I've had to settle for watching the clips posted in this thread.  *sad face*

From reading the posts here, are we being quoted by coven member Britney and Mother Witch Roxanne?  If they are hanging around here, let me just say "Hi, Coven!  Hi, Mother Witch!" lol

Unfortunately, we had to deal with an uncooperative, law violating school regarding our daughter's IEP and their refusal to provide her with the one-on-one aide she more than met the guidelines to receive.  Filing a lawsuit and suing the school is easier said than done.  Yes, we would have been within our daughter's rights to do so, but a lawsuit takes time and the emotional/mental costs are steep.  So let's say we did file a lawsuit...we would have to send our special needs daughter to be alone for 8 hrs/day 5 days/week to a place that we were engaged in a hostile legal battle with.  No!  That absolutely was not going to happen.  And besides, the school still wouldn't be providing her with what she needed!

So we made the choice to stop wasting valuable time and energy trying to make the school follow the law and provide her with the proper services and we started homeschooling her.  Best decision we ever made for her!  Once we started homeschooling, it was such a relief and she started thriving in all aspects.  It has been 6 years and we have never looked back!

We got the same excuse as Leah ~ that it was a funding issue.  If the school is telling parents that there isn't any money there to do what needs to be done then the money isn't there.  We too offered to hire a private aid and the school said that wasn't allowed.  Once you do the math on that though, it is cheaper to pay for a private school.  But most private schools do not offer special education services.  There are exceptions to that but they are generally 4-5x the price of private schools that don't offer services.

I am not judging you in the slightest. But as a teacher, I WISH more parents would pull the legal card. I worked for a school where my students' services were cut/not being provided left and right. That school is still doing the same thing because parents were either unaware or not raising hell. The ONLY WAY things get changed in a school is if the parents open their mouths. 

I left that school, as I couldn't stand going to bed guilty every night because I wasn't giving my kids the things they needed to succeed. I wasn't provided with the tools or resources. It killed me. I couldn't let the parents know that their kids weren't getting their services,  either. It was an awful experience, and it still pisses me off to this day. 

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. Parents need not be afraid of entering a legal battle. It is truly the only way things start to change in some cases. Once a couple of parents start wising up to the situation, the house of cards falls. It's the only thing admin are afraid of. 

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, FreetheGirlses said:

THANK YOU. As a special ed teacher, I call BS on all of this...unless she doesn't have an IEP. And for some reason, why do I not put that past Leah and Corey? There are plenty of parents I know who are against getting their kids an IEP who need it, who have far less difficulties than Ali, simply because they are in denial or think there's a stigma attached. 

If the aide is in the IEP, which the aide should be, there is no way that the principal can just pull the aide. You're 100% correct; it's against federal mandate/IDEA. 

I really hope that they have an education advocate for Ali, though I highly doubt that's the case. 

I tend to believe she has an IEP just because neither Corey or Leah seem bright enough to know the term if she didn't. 

  • Love 11

Is it a thing to call the cops whenever someone tailgates/brake checks you? I’m in LA and I have other things to do with my life than wait around and deal with a cop in hopes that they...do what? I wouldn’t want this trashy, irrational bitch knowing where I live either. Ridiculous she pointed a gun, willing to use lethal force, so a guy will move his truck after she was trying to flee without paying for the mailbox. If she had shot him, bitch would still be blocked in! I would’ve loved to see what her little pea brain did then. Did the cop leave Jace alone in the car with the gun, btw?

Leah isn’t the best at understanding things, and her default nature of “Give me more!” makes me dubious there wasn’t more to this. Maybe the aide didn’t want to deal with them and they don’t want to go down this road again and again with the family. 

But it reminded me in my HS the deaf kid had an aide who would speak for him, and she would say all the N-word and associated garbage that came out of his mouth and say it was her job. I kind of want to go back in time and smack the shit out of her. 

Kail and her goddamn housepeople. Is this a halfway house for busted lesbians? 

Could not believe the coven could not leave Bri alone. They are terrified she will breathe that sweet air of life without them and never come back to the cauldron. Why wasn’t this the plan all along rather than call the ex?

Javi is so gross and deranged. I can hardly even look into his eyes he’s so far gone. 

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Long time public school teacher here. Agree we only know part of the story re Ali and her aide. An IEP is it legal document and must be enforced. It is renewed yearly after consultation with the team including the parents, educators, school psychologists, etc., but it also can be modified with parent consent before the year is up. That being said, I want to tell you that there is no one in my public school that works harder than our aides and paraprofessionals. Of course most public schools are in financial difficulties, please know that these people who work in special needs classes in public schools are doing it for love of the children. I need a lot more of the story before I'm willing to criticize Ali's school.

I am a public school teacher, too, and the parent of kids with “special needs.” Certainly not the kind like Ali’s but I also understand having to fight to have your kid’s needs addressed (and what we have sought is totally free!). But to have it in her IEP that she will have an aide and then to just get rid of her is a huge violation. Schools have to provide the services. I personally would not have left the school without scheduling a STAT ARD to discuss this. And with Leah’s money, I would hire an advocate or lawyer. It seems like her first reaction was just to bitch about it. Corey is the one who mentioned the IEP (individualized education plan), not Leah. Girl needs to spend less time with motivational BS and more time learning about how to actually help Ali medically and at school. 

Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, FreetheGirlses said:

I am not judging you in the slightest. But as a teacher, I WISH more parents would pull the legal card. I worked for a school where my students' services were cut/not being provided left and right. That school is still doing the same thing because parents were either unaware or not raising hell. The ONLY WAY things get changed in a school is if the parents open their mouths. 

I left that school, as I couldn't stand going to bed guilty every night because I wasn't giving my kids the things they needed to succeed. I wasn't provided with the tools or resources. It killed me. I couldn't let the parents know that their kids weren't getting their services,  either. It was an awful experience, and it still pisses me off to this day. 

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. Parents need not be afraid of entering a legal battle. It is truly the only way things start to change in some cases. Once a couple of parents start wising up to the situation, the house of cards falls. It's the only thing admin are afraid of. 

I hear you and I agree, but in order to accomplish that, these parents have to offer up their kids to get chewed up and spit out by an already shitty system.   Realistically, that is what has to happen.  That's fine if someone else wants to do it, but I wasn't doing that with my kid.  When you engage in a legal battle with school, you still have to send your kid alone every day to deal with the angry adults in that school.  Lawsuits are not pretty and they come at a high mental and emotional cost.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought it was interesting seeing Cole get so worked up this episode. I know it didn't seem like much; but given that he's such a chill dude, that was a lot of cussing and annoyance coming off of him. I can't say I blame him. This may sound odd, but I can almost see HIM being more upset by the Adumb situation than Chelsea. Because Cole is the one who has stepped in and loved that kid. He has no biological ties to Aubree; he didn't know her from day one. But he's done more for her in the past few years than her father has her entire life. And I'm sure in infuriates him to see that sweet, little girl as pretty much an afterthought to the man who created her. 

Adumb hasn't seen Paislee in roughly a year?? No wonder she was confused at the bowling alley about whose dad was whose. 





Cole has been so great with Aubree from the very beginning.  It warms my cold, black heart to see how passionate he is about the way Adumb treats her.   I'm sure it bothers him even more since Watson came along and he's knows what it's like to love a child from the moment he was born.   He's a great guy.

Not making excuses for the driver of the pickup, but I wonder if he was stuck in traffic behind Jenelle while she was doing things like throwing French fries out the window, and was pissed off about the way she was driving.  Even if he was, they both over reacted and were endangering other people and there's no excuse for it.  Jenelle's evil grin when she pulled out the gun, and the way she unbuckled her seatbelt and left it off for awhile are proof to me that she was hoping for a showdown.  It's telling that Jace called Barb, his real mom, and the one person he feels safe with.

I really hope that Ali wasn't hearing about losing her aide for the first time while the whole family was in the vehicle.  It's been previously mentioned that likes her aide, and she should have been gently told about the situation off camera. 

Darn you, Devion, you're making me like you.  I laughed at his wink at the camera and I thought he was funny on that Teen Mom Online or whatever it was that came on before the show. 

I never want to see Kail eat again.

  • Love 14

As for the White Woman Tears, I do agree that Jenelle feels she is better than everyone else for being white, and knows that pretending to be a dainty little angel will help her stay out of trouble with the law. And I completely agree that a black man behaving that way would have been arrested. 

However (now take into account that I am a white woman with very little experience with the cops), I view it as a sex / attractiveness thing. I think men in general would have a harder time avoiding prison, no matter their race. If it had been UBT, he would have seemed a much better threat. He also would not have cried crocodile tears because it wouldn't be "manly," and probably would have been taken to the station for getting belligerent and staying angry while talking to the cops. And I do think it may have been worse if someone like Devoin (who I don't think would ever behave that way) had done it, because he would have been "perceived" as more of a threat based on being black. Black males really do have it rough with stereotypes, especially since the way most black males dress enforces those stereotypes. Someone like Devoin is not going to wear a business suit every day, and understandably so. By wearing "street" attire, which is in fashion, it makes them seem like more of a statistic, which is wrong.

However, I feel that a pretty, petite woman of any race with a child in the car would probably be treated with kid gloves. Does anyone think a beautiful, four foot nine Asian woman would be hauled to the station? What about a gorgeous black or middle eastern woman? What about an uncontrollably sobbing Indian woman in a sari? I think Jenelle would be far more likely to be arrested if she were ugly and obese, but white, or an old hag, or even a butch lesbian. Or a skeletal woman with track marks. Or a trans woman who still looks masculine. 

I remember learning in psychology class that attractive criminals were always given lighter sentences, UNLESS they used their looks to commit the crime, in which case the sentences were heavier than average. I've always thought that was interesting. I'm not saying that being a white woman doesn't help Jenelle, but I think it has a lot more to do with attractiveness and gender. Still, I do think a clean cut, white pretty boy charmer would get further with the law than an obese, belligerent black woman. There are definitely stereotypes that do influence the law, but they are more complicated than black/white male/female. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 15
18 minutes ago, Abmis said:

Cole has been so great with Aubree from the very beginning.  It warms my cold, black heart to see how passionate he is about the way Adumb treats her.   I'm sure it bothers him even more since Watson came along and he's knows what it's like to love a child from the moment he was born.   He's a great guy.

Not making excuses for the driver of the pickup, but I wonder if he was stuck in traffic behind Jenelle while she was doing things like throwing French fries out the window, and was pissed off about the way she was driving.  Even if he was, they both over reacted and were endangering other people and there's no excuse for it.  Jenelle's evil grin when she pulled out the gun, and the way she unbuckled her seatbelt and left it off for awhile are proof to me that she was hoping for a showdown.  It's telling that Jace called Barb, his real mom, and the one person he feels safe with.

I really hope that Ali wasn't hearing about losing her aide for the first time while the whole family was in the vehicle.  It's been previously mentioned that likes her aide, and she should have been gently told about the situation off camera. 

Darn you, Devion, you're making me like you.  I laughed at his wink at the camera and I thought he was funny on that Teen Mom Online or whatever it was that came on before the show. 

I never want to see Kail eat again.

Devion needs to run from the coven i like him 2...

  • Love 6

She pulled the gun out as soon as she got off the highway to start following him. He only blocked her in after she hit his mailbox, to I assume not let her leave after she VANDALIZED his PROPERTY. He was not wrong to do that, and I bet that is where David's delusional "kidnapping" thing came from. 

The guy wasn't wrong, but he was incredibly stupid too. You have a psycho with a gun at your house, and you're willing to risk death over your broken mailbox. Where do these people live?? I want to make sure never to move there.

  • Love 1

I am little peeved at Barb because she knows David fires weapons on the Land and expressed concern about whether he does so safely. That should have been enough to pursue supervised visitation. Now you have Jenelle thinking she is Annie Oakley, then blantantly lying about it and yet, Jace is still allowed to spend time on the Land.  Come on, Barb! Jenelle's wrecklessness could have gotten Jace killed!

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Ajb1112 said:

First of all, Jace shouldn't even be in the front seat. 

Second, as a parent, I can tell you that when your child is old enough to sit in the front with you, it's an uncontrollable natural reaction to throw your arm out and try to shield your child and hold them back if you ever have to slam on your breaks. I still do it to my 215 pound 15 year old. Jenelle didn't do that to Jace. She wasn't concerned about him one bit in that instance. That's not a normal reaction.

Aaand he was sitting with his legs folded under.  Couldn't he have been propelled easier from the car? He needs to be in the back.  That poor poor kid.  My heart hurts for him.  The whole following the guy home was so damn stupid!!!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Carly13817 said:

I could not stop laughing at Roxanne and Brittany telling off Javi. Hilarious. Roxanne got it all right though. Was Devoin just sitting there the whole time not getting involved? Get lost Javi!

Good point. I imagine Devoin was just relieved he was not the target this time. He has Roxanne backing him and his efforts, even if they do include some camera time and intentionally avoiding certain conversations via headphone engagement. lol. Now I wonder if he was actually listening to anything or just pretending to.

  • Love 6

I'm finally able to watch the episode.

Jace had some great stuff to say and it has been over shadowed by the road rage.

Jace and Jenelle are discussing her name being changed on her license.

  • Jace - I want to change my last name.
  • Jenelle - To what?
  • Jace - I don't know.
  • Jenelle - What?  You want to change it to Eason?
  • Jace - No.  Something better.
  • Jenelle - Huh? Why?
  • Jace - A good name.
  • Love 16
12 hours ago, druzy said:

I wonder if Jenelle got a ticket for talking on her cell phone while driving. 

Assuming they were in North Carolina, there's no law against talking on a cell phone while driving.

And I don't ever talk on the phone when I'm driving, and I almost never get pulled over by the cops, so I'm probably talking out of my ass here, but I can't see me telling a cop that I just need to finish my call before addressing whatever he's standing at my car window about.


14 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Please tell me Jenelle didn't leave her 9 year old in a car alone with a loaded weapon?


Please tell me the cop didn't, either, but I think he did.  Can't say I'm surprised about Jenelle, for obvious reasons, but a cop? 


2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Did anyone else note that, after MTV put up the card indicating she’d pulled out her gun, what we heard her say was:

”Dude! Leave me alone!”

I died a little. It’s such a useful phrase for her. Appropriate in many contexts.  ???

This and Devoin's headphones in the car are tied for "Best Moment of the Episode." 

How many times have we heard Jenelle wail, "Leave me aloooooone"?  But even I didn't see it coming in a road rage situation where she got off the highway to follow somebody to his house and ran over his mailbox.  Gave me a mighty chuckle.

Hmm...that's three things Jenelle did that I can't even picture myself doing.  Not to pat myself on the back or anything...




Jace - A good name.

I like @ghoulina's theory that he was thinking along the lines of "Jace Thunder," but appreciate the bonus dig at David.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
  • Love 8

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