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S20.E09: BB App Store #3; Nominations #3

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Bayleigh, you are much better off without Swaggy. I think you will realize that the longer you stay in the game.

I don't get Winston's weird shirt.

RockStar is smarter than I thought.  But she is right when she says she's not the evil genius mastermind. "He's probably not even a virgin." Ha! ha!

Cameo by Grandpa Lou.

Funny how the flippers end up being HOH.

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Ooooo, Scotty, mastermind genius strategy - all plotted out! Hey! I saw Angela's profile for just a second. Wait - you can see 3/4 of her! Angela again! 3 times so far in the episode.

Now it's battle of the masterminds: Scottie vs. Tyler. 

Oh oh, Sam just sealed Winston's fate. On the other hand, she's certainly no threat to anyone.

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Tyler is scary. He isn’t sending out any shady signals- people trust him when they shouldn’t. Scotty may have screwed up big time by confiding in Tyler.  Scotty maybe isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. 

I liked Sam earlier, but her innocent little girl personality is starting to get on my nerves. 

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The quasi-patriotic background music while Brett is talking to Scottie is so funny.

Alas, poor Yorick, Haleigh knows next to nothing about Hamlet. Haleigh, get thee hence to a nunnery!

Swaggy probably stuffed the ballot box for Bayleigh. Ha ha Kaitlyn! Not a trender.

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"Swaggy C ya later"  LOL!

Rockstar does math.  Oy!  She's right about Scottie, but annoying as hell.  

Some strategery there, bros.  That's what got your asses on the block.

Scottie may really be an evil genius at this game.  Maybe not  :)

Tyler is good at this.  Knows when to back off.

Sam doing her endearing routine with Scottie and whacks Winston.  Oops!  I don't think it really matters all that much.  Scottie seemed determined to put up the bros from the start.

Brett trying to do damage control.  Fails miserably.

Good app for Bayleaf.  It's pretty much a Cootie-Taw, except the HoH is still safe.  She'll have 5 chances to use it?

She is playing much better with Swaggy gone.  I imagine pageant world is very cutthroat so she should have some skills.

Brett's mustache has to go.  I don't care if he goes with it.

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Wow, Angie looks compleeeetly different with makeup on. She goes from none to too much here, but still she looked okay talking about/tracking down the flipped vote.

Also it looks like Sam has finally gained control of her hair, which is nice to see. I love that she unintentionally blew up Winston's game.

Scottie talking about being 'misted' up in the HoH room was hilarious. I'm glad he stuck to his original bro plan though. It was kind of cute how much effort put in trying to get his revenge on whoever flipped to vote out his bro Steve.

Poor Haylay, thou art in for an education and quite the distraction. Given the Kenneth Branagh version topped 4 hrs to play out reading the play may take a while!

Okay, so numbers aren't really JC's forte (not to be confused with foutte) what a yatus.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Are they ... really going to try to convince Sam, who had the backed the bus over several times for unintentionally telling the truth about two dudes she's not even aligned with, to use her power to save one of them? What is logic like in Kaycee-land?

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Another enjoyable episode for me.

The editors are clearly trying. My two favorite moments were the cut to the bird (including a chirp) who “channeled” one of crazy Kaitlyn’s grandparents as she swore to Fessy on her grandparents. And the second was the patriotic generic music playing in the background during Brett’s mist talk. 

Also, I love the fact that Scottie keeps referencing the mist. Or as I call it, Dan’s mist.

But the moment that literally made me laugh was when Winston, bless his heart, said they needed to keep his vote for Sam secret forever, only he hadn’t actually told Sam that yet, and when she admitted she blew his spot, Kaycee just burst out with this quick laugh, as if she was recognizing what a dumbass Winston was and how it already blew up in his face. I like Kaycee.

And you know what, go Scottie! This could easily bite him in the ass, but I don’t care. Those two are a huge threat, and historically bros do well in this game, so break that shit up sooner rather than later. If only so I can stop watching the saga of the bros with their bromance of doing bro things and being all bros with each other, because they are bros.  ENOUGH!

Edited by Katesus7
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Look now I say this liking Bayleigh but its pretty clear the "Aps" are being manipulated. The good ap was probably thrown her way to appease the fans angry that the only showmance is split up. Also there is no universe where Hayleigh is trending less than Angela or Kaycee (who they actually dusted off for a few minutes and put on the show tonight).

Don't everyone get too excited about a Level 6 going home. How old is the DR of Tyler saying things were out of his hands. I'm betting since that was recorded he probably has been working diligently to convince Sam to  use her power to save Winston  in this years version of the infamous Cooty Ta.

Can't believe Bay was considering toasting her new power already! It tells me it won't be used wisely.

That left handed segment at the hot tub reeked of footage that could have been shot as far back as the first week and just slapped into the episode as useless filler.

Sam has a big mouth...she shouldn't have told Tyler anything!

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Just now, Eolivet said:

Are they ... really going to try to convince Sam, who had the backed the bus over several times for unintentionally telling the truth about two dudes she's not even aligned with, to use her power to save one of them? What is logic like in Kaycee-land?

Here is where the dumb part comes in, how do the “not pretty” people not know the prett people are in a stupidly named alliance? The bros know they can’t both come off the block, right? Ugh....what a couple of huge douchebags. 

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1 hour ago, rockibirdi said:

Tyler is scary. He isn’t sending out any shady signals- people trust him when they shouldn’t. Scotty may have screwed up big time by confiding in Tyler.  Scotty maybe isn’t as smart as he thinks he is.  

True, but he did get 5/6 on the alliance and we will see if he puts it together when he thinks about the fact that Tyler was in Kaitlyn's ear. 

58 minutes ago, phlebas said:

I bet Texas A&M wishes Hayleigh wasn't wearing their t-shirt when she admitted she doesn't know shit about Hamlet.

Ugh! Also, how are the houseguests so clueless that they dont realize it's a freaking play so reading it aloud should be about that length. 


The inadvertent blowing up of Winston's game was hilarious. You can't expect Sam to know you want something secret unless you tell her.

I am excited to see Bayleigh playing on her own and I was glad she didn't mope around. She really seemed to get it together and push forward, which was nice. So often, the houseguests act like those voted out are immediately executed. Her power app is really strong, if she uses it correctly. 

I am left handed, so I got a kick out of that entire conversation. The majority of my immediate family is left handed, so I didn't actually realize how rare it is (though not nearly as rare as those two seem to think). 

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18 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

That left handed segment at the hot tub reeked of footage that could have been shot as far back as the first week and just slapped into the episode as useless filler.

Yup, welcome to Sunday on Big Brother... it's always 'filler' day.

18 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

there is no universe where Hayleigh is trending less than Angela or Kaycee (who they actually dusted off for a few minutes and put on the show tonight).

Indeed. I called this 'trending' game a blatant 'our intrepid producer makes clear who her faves are' prop from the getgo. Haylay? Really? And I have big doubts about Baylay being the 'most trending' this week too.

My head almost exploded when we saw both Kaycee AND Angela in the same shot, let alone with speaking parts. Is it a full moon or something?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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17 minutes ago, The Companion said:

I am left handed, so I got a kick out of that entire conversation. The majority of my immediate family is left handed, so I didn't actually realize how rare it is

The internets say 10% of people are left handed while only 2% of people have green eyes. So if you ever meet a green eyed lefty you are beholding a righteous freak of nature, to the tune of .25% of the world.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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22 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

The internets say 10% of people are left handed while only 2% of people have green eyes. So if you ever meet a green eyed lefty you are beholding a righteous freak of nature, to the tune of .25% of the world.

My husband has green eyes, but he is right handed. So close. 

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The geek was on fleek. I think whoever wrote that line should feel very ashamed and regret all their choices in life.

What is that stuff growing on Brett's face?

Is there something unrequited going on between Winston and Brett? I feel like one of them is a lot more serious about the bromance than the other, in a "heading for a heartbreak" kind of way.

Wait, what? They just showed an ad for Kevin Hart's ripoff of Wipeout and Tyler is going to be competing on it. Is BB20 already in the bag for Tyler? That seems guaranteed to help him over the other houseguests unless they're all going to be on that show.

Dumpass. Sounds like a horrible intestinal condition. Poor JC.

The biggest move ever? Yeah, stay delusional, Kaitlyn.

I guess America rewarded Bayleigh for being rid of that albatross of a showmance.

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

After getting Swaggy out I was hoping it would be the Bros turn to sweat it out and they are! So I am so happy! I am ready for Winston to go and Team 6 to lose a team member.

I'm afraid Winston is going to guilt Sam into using her app.  She already looked upset at the noms ceremony.  Hopefully Tyler realizes he needs to cut a bro and he convinces Sam she needs to save her app until next week in case he or Sam is nommed.

I like Tyler, but oh, it felt great when Scottie rejected the manipulation.  About time! 

If anyone is misting - it's Tyler.

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"He may not even be a virgin." As lame as Rockstar is, she can still bust out a good line on occasion.

I have to admit the little bird tweet in reference to Kaitlin's poor grandpa had me laughing pretty hard.

Sam. Sam. Sam.  For someone who has claimed she's not even playing, she can make a big ol sloppy mess. Poor Winston. (I could practically hear him scream "NOOO!! !This isn't happening!!" full volume in his head after Sam told him she spelled the beans on the Steve vote.)  And then she's conspiring with Tyler and Kaycee? I'm not sure what to make of her except she's trying to learn Big Brother on the fly. Maybe she needs a copy of "BB for Beginners"? ( Or BB for Dummies,.Take your pick.) 

I am interested to see how Sam's power comes into play.

Bayleigh's power sounds hella powerful (if used correctly.)

I don't even know what to say about Kaitlyn at this point.

I hope something happens and the Bros stay. Brett seems like a good enough player. And Winston's paranoia gives me life. (Please somebody, anybody call him "Winnie" to his face. I need his reaction!) 

I don't think much of Scottie. He looks like a little rat, and seems like he's still trying to pull his big boy pants up to play with the bigger kids.

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Well, that sucked.  A lot.

Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly mark out for the Bros, but they are on the side of the house I support and I enjoy them for what they are.  Brett trying to rein in Winston's paranoia is always good for a smile. 

Meanwhile, the people I vehemently dislike (Angie, Faysal, and "trending" Bayleigh) haven't had to sweat this game for a single second of the 24 days they've been in the House.   Yes, they were surprised when The Old Guy Who Sat In the Corner and Smoked went home in Week 1, and they were somehow too stupid to realize that the braggart who claimed he was running the House was a perfect Week 2 backdoor candidate, but Brokedown Toni Collette (™Victim Noises) and her buds have had total safety from the jump both weeks, and Scottie barely blinked when Tyler and Brett tried to steer the attention away from Level 6.  

And why Scottie thinks it's a great idea to attack what he knows is a large alliance head-on, that beats me.  Large groups have the problem that most of them survive the eviction, and then you have a number of people coming for you.  That's why one goes after floaters, or picks on the pariahs, or at least uses a pawn or does a backdoor.  "I've got to break you two up, fuck the consequences" is a real good way to be home before Jury.  Except that, unknown to Scottie, it will take two Level 6 HoHs before they can even make a move on him.  Sheesh.

And yet, I bet that around the internet you'll see comments like "oh, good, I like when the power shifts!" and such like.  Except that Level 6's "power" thus far has consisted of being outnumbered in Week 1 and only lucking into being able to turn Kaitlyn at the last moment, having to ride herd on a neurotic HoH to perform an obvious backdoor in Week 2, being helpless targets this week, and having their next HoH (whenever it happens) stolen away by I'm Bitchy, Fly Me.  If this is "steamrolling", I'd hate to see what getting crushed looks like.

Until Grampa Lou tells Kaitlyn, "I am thy Father's spirit, doomed for a certain time to walk the night…", all I can say is: Ugh.

6 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Good app for Bayleaf.  It's pretty much a Cootie-Taw, except the HoH is still safe.

The HoH (and Veto Holder) were safe from the Coup d'Etat, too.  Mind you, Chicken George didn't know that in All-Stars, so when Boogie made an oblique reference to it ("there is a power in this House"), he thought it was best to play it safe and nominate Howie instead, but he actually was untouchable as it was.  I believe this also applies to the Diamond Power of Veto, which is why Mensa Matt settled for backdooring Sheriff Kathy in S12, rather than going after HoH Brendon.

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4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Hopefully Tyler realizes he needs to cut a bro and he convinces Sam she needs to save her app until next week in case he or Sam is nommed.

Ironically enough, the fact that Level 6 won't know the details of Bayleigh's Power App might convince them to use Sam's this week.  It's reasonable for Tyler and Co. to assume to that they might win HoH next week, so if they haven't used Sam's power this week, they'd not only be down a Bro, but the power would thwart their plans to take out a number on the other side.  They'd be gambling that they can win HoH, but it's arguable that this is a chance worth taking.

Whereas if they knew the real situation (no matter who wins HoH, Bayleigh can fuck them over and Level 6 will be on the block next week, one way or another), then of course it makes sense to save it.  But they don't know that.

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2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

 being outnumbered in Week 1 and only lucking into being able to turn Kaitlyn at the last moment, having to ride herd on a neurotic HoH to perform an obvious backdoor in Week 2, being helpless this week......

OMG -  We're ONLY in week three?????  It seems like we've been at this forever already. If the season truly is 99 days long that means we've got 11 more weeks to go. ? Aaarrrrgggghhhhh

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Well, we've done 24/99 days; we're at the quarter-mark, at least.  

But yes, 12 evictions to go.  More if Sam's power/further buybacks add to the total.

(And personally, I wish the season was longer.  But then, I'm addicted.  And possibly insane.)

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8 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Nothing will replace the original Magnum P. I.

If all CBS is going to do is bring back old shows, then why have Moonves on the payroll at all?  Just grab an old TV Guide and go from there.

After seeing Moonves on an old episode of Cannon, it is easy to see why he moved on from acting.    Apparently he was also on an episode of "The Six Million Dollar Man" as well.

I call bullshit on Bayleigh winning a power application.  I hate the word "app".   The world has really gotten lazy when people can't use multiple syllable words.

Me thinks a little funny business might be going on in the voting process.

If you had gone by her lack of edit the nights before Bay shouldn't have gotten the Power App. She wasn't shown much at all. I think the whole App store was difficult to use. I attempted it once but never finished. I have more important things to do with my time. LOL!!!. That said, her app is pretty powerfull. It's good until 6 people are left. I guess she might be around to use that long though. I don't anyone is giving her a second thought. Right now, it's the guys who are leaving. Nice change of pace.

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So....Scottie's vote to send home Swaggy wasn't some personal vendetta, like it sounded? He just wanted to cause paranoia amongst Foutte, in hopes to elevate his position? I'm not sure that was very well thought out. The group is too small for much to go amiss. They've already figured it out, and are likely to be done with him once his HOH reign is over. 

I do wonder why so many of them were suspecting Haleigh at first, though? What has she done to warrant that?

LOVED Kaitlyn swearing on her grandpa...cut to the pigeon!


So, back to Scottie. His little plan to question everyone and make it seem like it was a consensus to put the Bros up could have been interesting, but it didn't really play out that way. 

He thought his idea was so smart, but I guess he didn't realize that Tyler was working with the people he was targeting; and he told Tyler his entire plan!

While Tyler didn't exactly get his way, he at least knew when to pull back and let it be. His side still has numbers, even if they lose one. And I think he plays well enough to keep himself safe anyhow. 

Brett is another one who's not as smart as he thinks he is. He was rambling on and on, but his ass still ended on the block. Mind hack, my ass. 

I'm don't hate Brett and Winston. But I'm not super attached to them either. And I'd kind of like to see an even house for awhile. A little tit for tat. 


I'm always amazed at the arrogance displayed when people don't get top trending. Kaitlyn, your move was NOT that big. Especially when you spent the whole week crying about it. 

I was a bit perplexed that Bayleaf got it, though. What has she done besides cuddle with Swaggy?


Next week on the door -JC can't do math. 

Seriously, how does he think there's only1 million people in America? At any rate, both he and Fessy were wrong. 10% of Americans are left handed.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I was able to vote at cbs.com on Friday morning like I did last year.  I don't know why I had to read through all of that voting crap at the CBS website, only to find out that I could vote without using Facebook, Skype, or Kik.  I don't use any of those three anyway.


I would laugh hysterically if it turned out that Sam was conning everyone, and that she really isn't that naive.  It would be so funny if she had a PhD In Psychology or was some other sort of brainiac.

I was so hoping that Magoo (Rockstar) would get put on the eviction block along with Bayleigh.

I'm assuming Bayleigh has to guess beforehand whether she may be put up or not as to whether she uses the power.

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I loved this episode, these were my dream nominations.  I really need the gunnut Winston evicted and hope Sam's not stupid enough to waste her power when she might potentially need it next week.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I do wonder why so many of them were suspecting Haleigh at first, though? What has she done to warrant that?

My guess is, because she committed the heinous crime of refusing to wear one of the ridiculous t-shirts. 

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I was a bit perplexed that Bayleaf got it, though. What has she done besides cuddle with Swaggy?

From what I could find on Twitter, that's all she needed to do. As the more appealing half of the sole showmance (so far), she supposedly did pretty well in the second round. Her "bae" [barf] getting the boot pushed her over the top.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

So....Scottie's vote to send home Swaggy wasn't some personal vendetta, like it sounded? He just wanted to cause paranoia amongst Foutte, in hopes to elevate his position? I'm not sure that was very well thought out. The group is too small for much to go amiss. They've already figured it out, and are likely to be done with him once his HOH reign is over. 

I think Scottie and the rest of Farty were laboring under the misconception they were still the largest alliance in the House even with the Chris and Steve losses - thinking the only organized opposition was at most a foursome (Brett, Winston, Angela and Rachel) and Kaycee/Tyler/JC/Sam were all unaffiliated floaters - which We the Viewers know not to be the case.


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

He thought his idea was so smart, but I guess he didn't realize that Tyler was working with the people he was targeting; and he told Tyler his entire plan!

When it comes to misting, Brett is spritzing toilet water compared to Tyler’s full-strength perfume.


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

While Tyler didn't exactly get his way, he at least knew when to pull back and let it be. His side still has numbers, even if they lose one. And I think he plays well enough to keep himself safe anyhow. 

Tyler’s screwing up my fantasy game; I expected him to be a lot stupider.  :>


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Brett is another one who's not as smart as he thinks he is. He was rambling on and on, but his ass still ended on the block. Mind hack, my ass. 

Dunno about that.  Scottie had his mind made up from the start to nom Brett and Winston, and was simply going through the one-on-ones for show - and Brett still almost talked Scottie out of it.  I’m not a particular BroFan, but that was kinda impressive.  Where’s THIS Scottie been hiding?  :)


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I was a bit perplexed that Bayleaf got it, though. What has she done besides cuddle with Swaggy?

Helifino - make AG think Bae will bring the drama, maybe?


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Next week on the door -JC can't do math. 

Seriously, how does he think there's only1 million people in America? At any rate, both he and Fessy were wrong. 10% of Americans are left handed.

Don’t know whose ass JC pulled that 0.2% figure out of - especially considering, yaknow, 2 out of 16 HGs (at least) were lefties.  ;) 

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26 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Dunno about that.  Scottie had his mind made up from the start to nom Brett and Winston, and was simply going through the one-on-ones for show - and Brett still almost talked Scottie out of it.  I’m not a particular BroFan, but that was kinda impressive.  Where’s THIS Scottie been hiding?

Am I the only one who didn't think Scottie was as snowed by Brett as he was putting off? I think he found him charismatic. But ultimately not logical. But maybe I'm just biased, because *I* find Brett so ridiculous and unimpressive. 

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At some point before both Bros are voted out, I pray that a veto comp will end up with RS the Pagan Witch (TM BB announcer) chained for a day to a Bro. Remember all the fun Britney had when chained to Brendon the Neandertal, whom she despised? A Pagan Witch/Bro combo would convince me to take a "yatus" from work and party like it's 1999!

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33 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I think Scottie and the rest of Farty were laboring under the misconception they were still the largest alliance in the House even with the Chris and Steve losses - thinking the only organized opposition was at most a foursome (Brett, Winston, Angela and Rachel) and Kaycee/Tyler/JC/Sam were all unaffiliated floaters - which We the Viewers know not to be the case.

It's interesting, because I don't really get the feeling that Level 6 is that strong an alliance; even, really that FOUTE or whatever it is is that strong, either. This house seems to be made of some strong couples, or groups of three, some of whom are in larger alliances. But the alliances themselves don't seem particularly strong. And I almost got confused seeing Tyler getting upset about Level 6 being targeted, because he barely seems like a part of it. He wouldn't be in it, except he was HOH the first week, and I can't tell how actually close he is to anyone. Tyler would be smart to act like he's part of that group to the other alliance members, but work 100% for his own cause. He did OK with Scottie--pushed what he wanted, but backed down quickly and quietly when he saw it wasn't going his own way.

3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Am I the only one who didn't think Scottie was as snowed by Brett as he was putting off? I think he found him charismatic. But ultimately not logical. But maybe I'm just biased, because *I* find Brett so ridiculous and unimpressive. 

I think it was one of those moments where Scottie was taken in by Brett--but only for a minute, which means Brett isn't as good as he thinks he is. Scottie is smart to try to get rid of him, though. It was never enough for Scottie to waver, I don't think, but he could recognize that Brett talks a good game.

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15 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Am I the only one who didn't think Scottie was as snowed by Brett as he was putting off? I think he found him charismatic. But ultimately not logical. But maybe I'm just biased, because *I* find Brett so ridiculous and unimpressive. 

I don’t think Scottie was actually snowed by Brett at any means, but I definitely got the impression Brett spun a good enough yarn that Scottie was well and truly impressed - enough so for Scottie to do a quick mental double-check to reassure himself Brett’s spin wasn’t more valid than his.  And it was the fact Brett had Scottie double-guessing HIMSELF that truly impressed Scottie.

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13 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

The internets say 10% of people are left handed while only 2% of people have green eyes. So if you ever meet a green eyed lefty you are beholding a righteous freak of nature, to the tune of .25% of the world.

I just wanted to mention my husband is green eyed and a lefty! I didn't realize how rare he is!

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11 minutes ago, Carly13817 said:

I just wanted to mention my husband is green eyed and a lefty! I didn't realize how rare he is!

I’m a lefty, and I have changeling eyes; they shift between brown and green, depending on my mood.  

How big of a bucket does that drop me in?  :>

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1 hour ago, springbarb said:

I think it was one of those moments where Scottie was taken in by Brett--but only for a minute, which means Brett isn't as good as he thinks he is. Scottie is smart to try to get rid of him, though. It was never enough for Scottie to waver, I don't think, but he could recognize that Brett talks a good game.

Yes, and it's quite possible Scottie considered that Brett might have even more luck with someone less perceptive than himself. (Like maybe that Yanus, JC.)

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9 hours ago, vb68 said:


I hope something happens and the Bros stay. Brett seems like a good enough player. And Winston's paranoia gives me life. (Please somebody, anybody call him "Winnie" to his face. I need his reaction!) 


I love the bros, too, and am hoping they both get to stay.

If one has to go, I prefer it be Winston, but I'd rather they both manage to stay. 

Usually, I am totally turned off by bro-dudes, but these two are laughing at themselves. They know they're being ridiculous, so it works for me.

Or, I've been misted...


8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Ironically enough, the fact that Level 6 won't know the details of Bayleigh's Power App might convince them to use Sam's this week.  It's reasonable for Tyler and Co. to assume to that they might win HoH next week, so if they haven't used Sam's power this week, they'd not only be down a Bro, but the power would thwart their plans to take out a number on the other side.  They'd be gambling that they can win HoH, but it's arguable that this is a chance worth taking.

Whereas if they knew the real situation (no matter who wins HoH, Bayleigh can fuck them over and Level 6 will be on the block next week, one way or another), then of course it makes sense to save it.  But they don't know that.

Yes, Sam, go ahead and (foolishly) use your power app on them. By all means!

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16 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Alas, poor Yorick, Haleigh knows next to nothing about Hamlet. Haleigh, get thee hence to a nunnery!

Nunnery as in convent, or whorehouse?

14 hours ago, JD5166 said:

The bros know they can’t both come off the block, right?

They may be figuring that Veto + Power App = both saved.

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And you know what, go Scottie! This could easily bite him in the ass, but I don’t care. Those two are a huge threat, and historically bros do well in this game, so break that shit up sooner rather than later. If only so I can stop watching the saga of the bros with their bromance of doing bro things and being all bros with each other, because they are bros.  ENOUGH!

Agreed. I've been waiting for about 10 years for someone to target the alpha-male dude-bros right out of the gate instead of these lazy and cowardly nominations of nobodies and floaters until the power alliance has no chance of ever being taken down. It makes no sense to me not to go after the most obvious threats to run the game. 

And I always get a kick out of the indignant reactions where they basically say "How dare they come after me? They made a big mistake!" Entitled assholes. Hey Winston . . . no matter who Scottie nominated, one of them would have remained in the house. You get that's how it works, right? 


Here is where the dumb part comes in, how do the “not pretty” people not know the pretty people are in a stupidly named alliance? 

This is what I don't get either. Both Tyler and Brett tried their hardest to get Scottie to nominate Hayleigh and Rockstar. The same way Tyler manipulated Kaitlyn into voting against her own alliance then getting rid of someone from her own alliance. These people are idiots.

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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

He thought his idea was so smart, but I guess he didn't realize that Tyler was working with the people he was targeting; and he told Tyler his entire plan!

Yeah he want all 'Bond Villain that has Bond captured' on him and layed out his whole plan to him. Good job by Tyler to know when to pump the brakes.

Also, that whole 'misting' scene with Scottie falling all over himself made me wonder if part of the 'never been kissed' thing is that he finds girls icky. He was mightily impressed by the 'charisma' of Brett.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I think there's a case to be made for Sam using her power this week. The only reason to save it is just in case her or Tyler get put up next week, which is a good thing to have the insurance for, but what if their side gets HOH? What if Sam gets HOH? That HOH will essentially be nullified. Not using it this week loses a number on their own side and would take away their opportunity to get rid of someone from the other side next week. Of course, this is assuming that Sam is on the Level 6 side of the house. This also assumes that they have no idea about Bayleigh's power. What would be hilarious is if they didn't use the power this week, they win HOH, Bayleigh uses her power to put in her own nominations and Sam's power kicks in automatically and returns the evictee to the house. Now, that would be fun to watch!


ETA: Nevermind, I don't know how I missed the earlier post by Halting Hex saying pretty much the same thing.

Edited by greyflannel
Making sure you don't miss a post is a good thing.
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13 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yeah he want all 'Bond Villain that has Bond captured' on him and layed out his whole plan to him. Good job by Tyler to know when to pump the brakes.

Also, that whole 'misting' scene with Scottie falling all over himself made me wonder if part of the 'never been kissed' thing is that he finds girls icky. He was mightily impressed by the 'charisma' of Brett.

He doesn't ping for me - I think he's just SUPER socially awkward. [There's nothing awkward about being gay! But being super self-delusioned about it and/or closeted can lead to wonky behavior.] Scottie's one of the superfans, right? So I can see how the misting would hit him pretty hard.

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16 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

The internets say 10% of people are left handed while only 2% of people have green eyes. So if you ever meet a green eyed lefty you are beholding a righteous freak of nature, to the tune of .25% of the world.

I have green eyes and eat with my left hand, write with my right, so am i somewhat of a righteous freak ?

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8 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

After seeing Moonves on an old episode of Cannon, it is easy to see why he moved on from acting.    Apparently he was also on an episode of "The Six Million Dollar Man" as well.

Les was still acting in the '90s, just playing himself.  He did a cameo on the teaser of an episode of Doctor, Doctor (medical sitcom starring Matt "Max Headroom" Frewer; baseball's Darryl Strawberry did a similar star-cameo, for example) and had a full-length dramatic role on The Practice (ironically enough, an ABC show), where he was taken hostage by a deranged Andie MacDowell, who held him responsible for the shitty quality of TV and was going to kill him unless he…did something, I forget her exact demand. [/OT]

8 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I hate the word "app".   The world has really gotten lazy when people can't use multiple syllable words.

Particularly as a restaurant chain (T.G.I.Friday's, I believe) now uses it to refer to appetizers, offering "endless apps".  So…Friday's expects you to eat your phone, is that it?

8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

That said, [Bayleigh's] app is pretty powerfull. It's good until 6 people are left.

I believe it was final 8, not final 6.  Still pretty powerful.

2 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

[The Bros] may be figuring that Veto + Power App = both saved.

It's even simpler than that, but the Bros aren't in the loop on Sam's power.  Those who know (Sam/Tyler/Kaycee) know that it's a post-eviction power, so (say) one Bro is saved by winning the vote and the other by having the power used on them.  Of course, nobody knows what the "chance" will entail, so it may or may not be that easy.

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Is it safe to assume that all three Power Applications can be used in the same week, one right after the other? 

If so, how would that work?

1) After consulting, Sam/Tyler/Kaycee reluctantly decide to let Brett (targeted as "the bigger threat") go this week because they may need the power for next week.  Brett goes home.

2) Somebody that Bayleigh doesn't like (say, Rachel) wins HoH.  They try to nom (say) Bayleigh and Faysal, but Bay steals their HoH power and nominates (say) Winston and Angela instead. Rachel is furious, Level 6 is scared.

3) Angela wins Veto and saves herself.  Tyler, not knowing if Rachel can protect him from the renom (the DR won't tell her) decides to play it safe and uses his Cloud.  Rachel renoms Bayleigh, and this time there's no app to save her.

4) Bayleigh gets voted out.  (Even if Kaitlyn votes with Scottie and the Foutté remnants, there are still three available L6 votes + Sam/JC, so she's out 5-5, Rachel breaking the tie. Winston, winning his third consecutive eviction vote, is now completely zen about the whole business.)  The Sam app kicks in automatically, and Bayleigh gets a "chance" to return.

And that would be that. 

Edited by Halting Hex
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