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S08.E27: Thirsty


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i try and fast forward thru all of chelsea’s scenes. and that’s saying a lot for this show. her incessant baby talking, repeated trips to court [i feel like her next court project will be cole adopting aubrey. 2 episodes of chels not-so-subtly planting the adoption idea in aubrey’s head. 2 episodes of her preparation for court + asking aubrey if she’s excited, 1 episode post-court] constant asking her children if they are “excited” (see above) about mundane happenings (such as grass growing. or balloons inflating.) and sofa sitting bore me to no end. she’s like amber of north (south) dakota with the sitting. i feel like she needs a job or hobby outside of the house. something to occupy her time. this baby feels like a way to secure her storyline on this shit show. cole seems like a sweet (...patient) man. 

Edited by Belle0712
details matter
  • Love 18
14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Did Jace ever say why they didn't take Kaiser on the boat? I was trying to watch and talk to someone on the phone at the same time and missed most of the dialogue. 

Jace said that they sent Kaiser to daycare. A few people here-- and I agree with them-- said the poor boy was better off at daycare than out with these freaks on the boat.

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, Gyproselee said:

In SC the age for the front seat is eight and 80lbs.

If your car has a front seat airbag, your child should not ride in the front seat until age 13, regardless of size.  The airbag warnings state this, including the warning "Children can be killed or seriously injured".  Size is not the issue, the development of the bones is.

  • Love 6

My thoughts on Brianna- which I normally fast forward thru...Briana is such an idiot.

Producer:  “ What surgeries are you having?”

Bri:  “a breast lift, uhhhhm lipo, deflating my ass,  uhhhhm a tummy tuck... and that’s it”  

That is a lot of surgery.  

I think the good people of the state of Delaware would object to Brittany calling it a “raggedy ass state”. 

And-her producer reminds me of Leather Tuscadero. 

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, MrsSlinky said:

I get why Chelsea's life seems boring, especially compared to the other girls, but I actually like it. It's the closest to a "normal" life that any of the girls from either show has. Chelsea's life reminds me of my own as a stay at home mom, and Cole has an actual job. I DO think she was lucky enough to grow up around money, so it didn't have the same affect it does on the other girls. And I am pretty sure Chelsea prefers only showing a portion of her life, and keep the rest private, all while securing a future for her children and herself.

I know I sound like a total Chelsea stan, but... well I guess I am :P

I am with you.  The juxtaposition is quite startling no?

  • Love 14
25 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Right??? I noticed a theme there with his presents. So adorable. 

My god daughter who’s 3, loves toilet trouble and asked for it in her Easter basket. I said she had the humor of an 8yrs old boy and I was right. So cute. 


Javi has so many emotional issues I don’t even know where to start. I think he did know (because he doesn’t have a low iq) that Briana wasn’t really into him and she would never move to DE. Granted if this was ANYONE but Briana I wouldn’t expect a Mom of 2 to pack up and relocate her children away from HER support system to be with a guy without a least a year of serious dating AND an engagement ring AND a date set. But because it’s Briana she will never leave the comfort of her Mom, I just don’t want her to string another decent guy with a Capt Save a Ho complex along. 

Like a fair number of people Javi doesn’t know how to be single. If he’s not living a heteronormative lifestyle he doesn’t know what to do with himself hence getting another woman pregnant so quickly (Do we know anything about her? Is she “normal” with a job etc? Or does she want on the gravy train of MTV?)


Chelsea and Cole are cute. As far as Chelsea deciding when to announce her pregnancy I think that’s a personal choice. IMO the idea of not announcing until the “threat” of miscarriage is over adds to the idea that miscarriage is shameful, something to be hidden- although it’s changing now so many women didn’t have support after a miscarriage because no one knew they were pregnant and they didn’t have anyone in their life who talked about it happening to them. Again I just think that’s something a woman has to decide for herself. 

Leah, Leah, Leah.....she and Jeremy should be done for good.

Fuck Janelle. 

  • Love 15
On 7/3/2018 at 9:49 AM, druzy said:

I still can't get over the fact that Jenelle admitted on camera that she didn't give Jace his medication. The courts and CPS probably wouldn't accept the video footage as evidence of neglect/abuse but then I think back to The Homemade Ice Trial and think maybe the video would be admissible. 

Even if the video isn't admissible, Jenelle made the statement in front of witnesses who could testify.  I am certain that failing to give a child medication prescribed by the kid's doctor will be a big roadblock to Jenelle's getting anything in the way of more contact.  That's just about the bottom level of parental responsibility, and her blithe assurance that he was "fine" indicates she doesn't understand why he's taking the medication or how it works.  In fact, I bet Barb could get all overnights with Jenelle canceled--at least overnights--depending on how frequently he needs to take a pill.

  • Love 17

Just started watching this episode but had to come here and post:

Repeat after me: "Kail is always trash."

Leah has really ugly hands. Oh and, Fuck you, Leah. Ali is tired. What a shocker. The bitch who doesn't listen to the doctor and have her in the wheelchair.

I love Jace. That poor boy telling Barb that he missed her so much and that Jenelle was mean to him. God I can't get him and Kaiser out of my mind. I wish I could adopt them, and I never wanted kids!

I'm totally confused. Why would Briana having work done (which many of these girls have) be an impediment to her getting a job or would damage Javi's image? WTF is that all about? Also, she is a young woman. How about going to the gym and get a trainer to work on your body? 

Edited by configdotsys
  • Love 15
On 7/3/2018 at 10:02 AM, ghoulina said:

He definitely is. From a viewer's standpoint, we can see the benefit in Kaiser spending most of his time at daycare. But it also goes against the happy, little picture Jenelle is trying to paint. And maybe it could be used against her in a custody situation. 

Also, as much as I GET that it's better for Kaiser to be away from them, for his own safety, I also know it probably breaks his little heart that they're all having fun without him. I see the bigger picture, but I want to hug his cute, cuddly, neglected self. 

You know what?  I don't know why Jenelle fights to hard to keep custody of Kaiser or to have more contact with Jace.  She likes them, I guess--or at least Jace, since he's cool-looking, but I'm not sure she loves them as a mother loves her children.  I think maybe it's a matter of pride, of not being publicly painted as unfit, more than any real desire to take care of her children.  I pity Kaiser--whose name I've seen Jenelle misspell as "Kiser" in some tweets, btw--because while he's safer away from Jenelle and UBT, no one is cuddling him or telling him he's the best boy ever or any of the other stuff mothers do, and that's going to have bad effects on his emotional growth.  He is not learning (unless this is some extraordinary daycare) how to show love, deep, unconditional love, or how even to tolerate behaviors you don't like in people you love.  He's missing out on a whole litany of emotional milestones, and they are important.  I predict lots of trouble for this little guy.

And watching Jace this last episode, for the first time I felt that it's very, very wrong to have this little boy on tv.  He is suffering, and shame on MTV for making money off it.  Barb should step up here and get him off the show.  He needs to live quietly, in a stable home with his grandmother, without any interference from his crazy bitch mother or her abusive husband.  This kid is melting down in public, and it's not fair.

  • Love 24
2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I'm totally confused. Why would Briana having work done (which many of these girls have) be an impediment to her getting a job or would damage Javi's image? WTF is that all about? Also, she is a young woman. How about going to the gym and get a trainer to work on your body? 

Dr. Miami is giving her a big discount in exchange for him videoing the surgery and posting it on the internet. 

  • Love 5

Javi is so immature that I actually somewhat sided with Brianna on this episode . He's been in a relationship with her at this point for what , a month ? And he's saying they're not on the same page because she's not willing to move to a different state right that second ? With 2 kids ?  His whole " I'm 25 and need to be married this moment " shtick is so ridiculous . He doesn't even care who he's getting married to. I know he has his son in Delaware so he "can't move" , but I guarantee he'd move to LA in a hot minute if he was offered another trashy reality gig . 

  • Love 19

I am assuming that Ensley went to daycare too. I know it is not mentioned because Babs only asked about Kaiser but I don't see Jenelle or UBT trying to take care of a baby on a boat (or at home or on "vacation").  Babs has not been able to forge any kind of connection with Ensley and I think she has her faults but she is concerned about the welfare of her grandchildren, but has been able to have more of a relationship with Jace and Kaiser.

I laughed so hard when Jenelle claimed David just wasn't filming.  What a coincidence!!!

Javi is so annoying. Please no more Javi.  More Lincoln and Issac.  I haven't gotten chances to see them as funny as they usually can be.


I like Chelsea's segment and I was looking forward to seeing Cole's reaction.  Them all hugging was so sweet.  That being said I just hate the new blood test that can tell you what you are having early on.  It serves it's purpose for many medical issues but don't people want the thrill of being surprised anymore?  Even finding out at week 18 you have plenty of time. I enjoyed seeing the sonogram and trying to guess what gender my children were.  I'm too much of a planner to go through my pregnancy and not know the gender until the baby comes out but if I had more money and could buy things on a whim I would have done this!! Well, that's just me. 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

As far as Chelsea deciding when to announce her pregnancy I think that’s a personal choice. IMO the idea of not announcing until the “threat” of miscarriage is over adds to the idea that miscarriage is shameful, something to be hidden- although it’s changing now so many women didn’t have support after a miscarriage because no one knew they were pregnant and they didn’t have anyone in their life who talked about it happening to them. Again I just think that’s something a woman has to decide for herself

I’d hate to think anyone would still consider a miscarriage shameful in any way. Experts recommend waiting until the second trimester before telling children for a variety of reasons, the most important being protecting a young child from potentially dealing with loss/grief/confusion/emotional distress when it can be avoided by waiting a few weeks. Research also seems to suggest that a child will find it easier to understand when mom has a bump. And being a few months in helps with a child’s somewhat poor perception of time. I would prioritize my child’s emotions over my excitement to tell them, but It is a personal choice, others see nothing wrong with showing an 8 year old a pee’d on pregnancy test, I just think Chelsea could be more age appropriate when it comes to Aubree. 

  • Love 6

As a non-Chelsea fan (not because I want to see her beating her kids or doing drugs), I usually FF past her segments but I left hers on this week. I thought it was pretty self-absorbed to think at 13 weeks in a winter coat "someone might see something" and say it when she bought pink balloons. She "needed a plan"? Really? Come on. Buy plain pink balloons and drop a buck on a Happy Birthday sign so it looks like you are buying stuff for a birthday party. In any case, Cole saying "another girl" makes him aces in my book. Unscripted, unrehearsed. A good (but boring and a little odd) guy.

Jenelle looked scared to me when telling Barb in her clipped voice, "No. I'm busy all week." She is clearly afraid of David and Barb knows it. When Barb said to Jenelle during one of the parts of the reunion show, "This is the worst I've seen you. When you were on drugs, you weren't even like this," that was something else. Saying "He was fine, don't worry about it," as to why she didn't give him his meds for a couple of days and thereby throwing off the timing and Jace's system, followed by not returning the rest of the meds would have had me immediately stopping all visits, filing a court order to end visits, and maybe even a call to CPS. That was a huge deal. Jace is not safe there. And they are likely stealing a child's medication probably for their own use. Unforgivable. Unacceptable. Just no.

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, BARISTA said:

I’d hate to think anyone would still consider a miscarriage shameful in any way. Experts recommend waiting until the second trimester before telling children for a variety of reasons, the most important being protecting a young child from potentially dealing with loss/grief/confusion/emotional distress when it can be avoided by waiting a few weeks. Research also seems to suggest that a child will find it easier to understand when mom has a bump. And being a few months in helps with a child’s somewhat poor perception of time. I would prioritize my child’s emotions over my excitement to tell them, but It is a personal choice, others see nothing wrong with showing an 8 year old a pee’d on pregnancy test, I just think Chelsea could be more age appropriate when it comes to Aubree. 

I understand why Chelsea told Aubree. I can't imagine keeping a big secret from my child for that long. It's natural they want to include her in the excitement & celebration. 


As a non-Chelsea fan (not because I want to see her beating her kids or doing drugs), I usually FF past her segments but I left hers on this week. I thought it was pretty self-absorbed to think at 13 weeks in a winter coat "someone might see something" and say it when she bought pink balloons. She "needed a plan"? Really? Come on. Buy plain pink balloons and drop a buck on a Happy Birthday sign so it looks like you are buying stuff for a birthday party. In any case, Cole saying "another girl" makes him aces in my book. Unscripted, unrehearsed. A good (but boring and a little odd) guy.

I thought it was more about her buying a ton of pink balloons when it's likely her pregnancy news had already been in the tabloids.  Or, maybe it's a such a small town that she didn't want the news to get back to her extended family before she had the opportunity to tell them?  

Edited by snarts
  • Love 20
3 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I like Chelsea's segment and I was looking forward to seeing Cole's reaction.  Them all hugging was so sweet.  That being said I just hate the new blood test that can tell you what you are having early on.  It serves it's purpose for many medical issues but don't people want the thrill of being surprised anymore?

But its just a question of when you get the surprise, isn't it? You can opt to be surprised at the birth, or you can be surprised earlier. Either way, its a surprise.

  • Love 18
On 7/3/2018 at 7:06 AM, Mr. Minor said:

Yes, Aunt Bone, Aunt Quay and Aunt Daddy Dom were there.

fixed it for you

On 7/3/2018 at 10:13 AM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Chelsea made me laugh with her concern about hiding her pregnancy from the employees of Party City. What are they going to do, call the tabloids?

I'm sure it could make its way there quickly if one person in that town found out.  She said she's terrible at lying and kids are also terrible at lying so I think she was smart to have a plan going in so she didn't hesitate when asked what they were for AND also so that Aubry wasn't caught off guard either. 

On 7/3/2018 at 3:36 PM, smores said:

I'm honestly surprised that Barb gives Jenelle the full prescription bottle when she has Jace.  There's no way in hell I'd do that.  She'd get a pill case with the exact number of doses for the length of his visit and no more.  I wouldn't be relying on her to return the meds back to me after a visit.

I think it's been said before on the show that Barb only gives the amount that Jace will need during his time over there.  And I'm not sure how getting extra bottles goes, but she's probably smart enough to ask for 3 if one is needed for school and both homes.  

On 7/3/2018 at 4:44 PM, ghoulina said:

If it's a controlled substance it needs to be labeled. I'm not saying they'd haul Barb off to jail,but you really can't just toss those meds around in an unmarked container. 

One thing I have learned from live PD - make sure you have pills in their prescription bottle!

On 7/3/2018 at 5:17 PM, Bridget said:


I do keep one or two extra pills from each additional RX that I legally have to manage chronic pain (and might need to take if I’m not at home) in with RX #1. I have three herniated discs in my back & sciatic nerve pain. Long story short: I’m super observant about the rules of controlled substances and have been treated for the pain for a very long time. I actually ran this all past my doctor and he said it makes perfect sense. It’s not like I’m walking around with tons of pills that could be mistaken for intent to distribute.

It doesn't matter if it's 1 pill or 20, if you get pulled over and they search your car and find them. You could get in big trouble for not having that 1 pill in it's prescription bottle (I guess maybe that depends on the state). And likely if they don't think you're a drug addict they'll probably let you off with a warning (and I think maybe take the pill) but from watching Live PD it seems a lot of states have the law where the pills need to be in a bottle with your name on them.  It was surprising to me when I started watching Live PD because while I don't have prescription pills I have a little pill case in my purse with aspirin and before I wouldn't have even thought twice about keeping prescription stuff in there with them if I had a prescription.


16 hours ago, Mothra said:

You know what?  I don't know why Jenelle fights to hard to keep custody of Kaiser or to have more contact with Jace. 

I've never really understood this either.  And she doesn't care until her guy of the year puts the pressure on her which is equally as confusing because none of them seem like they like kids either.  Is there some sort of money they can get for having kids??? That's the only thing I can figure is that there's some sort of monetary value to having all these kids in their care. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, snarts said:

I understand why Chelsea told Aubree. I can't imagine keeping a big secret from my child for that long. It's natural they want to include her in the excitement & celebration. 

I thought it was more about her buying a ton of pink balloons when it's likely her pregnancy news had already been in the tabloids.  Or, maybe it's a such a small town that she didn't want the news to get back to her extended family before she had the opportunity to tell them?  

I'm confused now. My take was that she thought people in the party store would notice that she was pregnant so they needed a plan. I have no idea if the actual trip to the party store happened before or after the Internet news of her pregnancy. If it was before, she was being silly because no one would "see" that she was pregnant at 13 weeks and lots of people buy balloons for lots of occasions and buying a Happy Birthday banner or something with the balloons would be a pretty simple thing to do without needing a mission impossible plan in place. If it was after, then the cat was already out of the bag so I don't see the problem there. Even the party guy asked who was having a birthday. Where did the "It's a girl" banner thing come from? If she ordered it online or had a friend get it, then she already had a plan and employed it before the trip to the party store.

  • Love 3

Part of the reason Barb hasn't tried to forge a connection with Ensley is that she is, after all, UBT's child. That relationship is already fraught, her entering into a relationship with the baby daughter would trip all of his wires. She may also feel that Ensley is a bit protected from the worst of it, as a girl, and will only suffer from the general neglect and abuse present in the environment. (Not saying I agree). Also, she does have her hands full.

It occurs to me that Chelsea and Aubree have been the only ones there for each other during the whole entire experience of Chelsea's motherhood. In a way. Randy, Chelsey, Landon and all the rest are amazing support, and now Cole is in the full time Dad mode... but Chelsea and Aubree have created this routine together from the beginning. Wanting to share the latest experiences with her must feel natural in a way. Aubree is very caring with Watson, and is very cared for by Cole... but some of the single mom roots of their relationship are sticky. I think it's nice, and I hope they continue to be close. 

  • Love 19
16 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I am assuming that Ensley went to daycare too. I know it is not mentioned because Babs only asked about Kaiser but I don't see Jenelle or UBT trying to take care of a baby on a boat (or at home or on "vacation").  Babs has not been able to forge any kind of connection with Ensley and I think she has her faults but she is concerned about the welfare of her grandchildren, but has been able to have more of a relationship with Jace and Kaiser.

I laughed so hard when Jenelle claimed David just wasn't filming.  What a coincidence!!!

Javi is so annoying. Please no more Javi.  More Lincoln and Issac.  I haven't gotten chances to see them as funny as they usually can be.


I like Chelsea's segment and I was looking forward to seeing Cole's reaction.  Them all hugging was so sweet.  That being said I just hate the new blood test that can tell you what you are having early on.  It serves it's purpose for many medical issues but don't people want the thrill of being surprised anymore?  Even finding out at week 18 you have plenty of time. I enjoyed seeing the sonogram and trying to guess what gender my children were.  I'm too much of a planner to go through my pregnancy and not know the gender until the baby comes out but if I had more money and could buy things on a whim I would have done this!! Well, that's just me. 

I don’t disagree with you or @Pepper Mostly about finding out the gender before the birth, but I also don’t have any human children of my own. That said, my fur baby, Hamish, did turn 7 yesterday. 

My mom once said that there are so few positive surprises that one has to look forward to in life, that finding out the gender of your baby at birth (babies in her case; I’m a twin) is one of them. 

One of my mentors was pregnant with baby #2 during my credential program. She and her husband opted to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender. It made much more sense when she explained it to us, so please forgive me if the wording is funky. She explained their reasoning as follows: “For the entire nine months, the pregnancy is about the mom. The woman is the one who gets to let the world in on the secret of her being pregnant. She gets to see how happy people are for her, see the tears, receive the hugs and feel the love. Her husband/boyfriend/partner isn’t always there to see or feel the insane joy in telling people and getting such huge reactions. He is a part of this too, but the father-to-be isn’t pregnant, so people usually don’t see the plethora of emotions that he’s feeling too, whether it’s baby #1 or baby #3. However, once the baby is born, the dad gets to go out into the waiting area and announce some big news himself, with ‘it’s a ____________!’ ”

I’ve also been to many baby showers and typically when the gender is known, the only thing the mother-to-be receives is clothing. Lots and lots of pink or blue clothing, always in small sizes, or other ridiculous items that, to be candid, won't be of use at all. A friend of mine was due in August and at her baby shower, she received a baby girl's bikini, size 0-3 months. Yes. Because all new babies belong poolside or at the beach.   

The showers I've attended for mothers-to-be who don’t know their baby's gender get the baby basics that they need at their shower. That’s the perfect time for 2-3 guests to go in together on the stroller, baby monitor, musical play mat/activity center or other higher priced item that would normally be too expensive for one guest. (For the record, I would immediately disown any friend who wanted a $150 Boppy, a $300 car seat or anything crazy like that.) 

One of my closest friends is expecting her 1st baby at the end of September and will be a single mom (by choice). She’s an elementary school teacher, so I know her site will throw her a shower in addition to the one her sister will throw. I’ve calmly begged her not to share the gender with many people because she is someone who will need the basics, like hooded towels, a breast pump, baby audio monitor and a car seat, not a closet full of frilly clothes for her unborn baby girl.

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

Barb hasn't been allowed to have a relationship of any kind with Ensley. Or, Kaiser. Kaiser was pretty young when Jenelle made the Tinder hookup with UBT and he completely took over Jenelle's life and dictated her every move. Allowing Barb to see Kaiser wasn't part of his plan and he certainly isn't going to let Barb near his biological child. He tried to insert himself in all the drop offs with Jace to keep Jenelle from talking to her. I'm glad Barb was able to get a judge to order him to not be present when she drops off of picks up Jace. And, Jenelle has to get off her lazy, stoned ass and do it herself.

Didn't Barb actually say that she didn't want to get close to Kaiser because she knew Jenelle would use her attachment to him as a weapon?  I'd be surprised if she's ever held Ensley; I'm hoping that Ensley 1. being a girl and 2. being UBT's biological child will protect her at least somewhat, as was said above.

  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, Fosca said:

Didn't Barb actually say that she didn't want to get close to Kaiser because she knew Jenelle would use her attachment to him as a weapon?  I'd be surprised if she's ever held Ensley; I'm hoping that Ensley 1. being a girl and 2. being UBT's biological child will protect her at least somewhat, as was said above.

I don't think Barb has ever held Ensley. I think the closest she's ever come to her is if she was in the back seat at a drop off. I don't remember her saying she didn't want to get close to Kaiser but she may have. It certainly would make sense for her not to want to get attached to the little guy. The pic she used to post a happy birthday message to him on Instagram was a very old one. I'm sure her bitch of a daughter refuses to give her recent pics of him.

ETA: I remember reading about UBT kicking Barb out of the hospital when Ensley was born. Maybe she got to hold her for a minute before that asshole created a scene and probably threatened her with uppercuts while stoned Jenelle sat there and allowed him to treat her mother like shit.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 17
21 hours ago, Mothra said:

Even if the video isn't admissible, Jenelle made the statement in front of witnesses who could testify.  I am certain that failing to give a child medication prescribed by the kid's doctor will be a big roadblock to Jenelle's getting anything in the way of more contact.  That's just about the bottom level of parental responsibility, and her blithe assurance that he was "fine" indicates she doesn't understand why he's taking the medication or how it works.  In fact, I bet Barb could get all overnights with Jenelle canceled--at least overnights--depending on how frequently he needs to take a pill.

I would 100% take her back to court over that. If she can't care for his medical needs, she can see Jace in a court supervised facility once a week. 


6 hours ago, snarts said:

understand why Chelsea told Aubree. I can't imagine keeping a big secret from my child for that long. It's natural they want to include her in the excitement & celebration. 

Not only that; but, and maybe it's just me, I get super sick in my first trimester. I have to eat constantly to keep the nausea at bay. I'll throw up from time to time. You can't hide that from a kid Aubree's age and I wouldn't be lying about why I'm acting differently. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, akr said:

Just sounded to me like she didn't want to and didn't care enough to even pretend she had a real reason why not. She might also be scared but all I saw was a variant on "leave me alone. "

Okay. Just throwing out a vibe I got when watching that scene. I usually get the same vibe that you did when Jenelle is on the screen but for some reason I had this feeling that she was inwardly trying to avoid a conversation at any cost because she didn't want to lose it. No clue why I felt that way but I did.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, gunderda said:


I think it's been said before on the show that Barb only gives the amount that Jace will need during his time over there.  And I'm not sure how getting extra bottles goes, but she's probably smart enough to ask for 3 if one is needed for school and both homes.  

One thing I have learned from live PD - make sure you have pills in their prescription bottle!

It doesn't matter if it's 1 pill or 20, if you get pulled over and they search your car and find them. You could get in big trouble for not having that 1 pill in it's prescription bottle (I guess maybe that depends on the state). And likely if they don't think you're a drug addict they'll probably let you off with a warning (and I think maybe take the pill) but from watching Live PD it seems a lot of states have the law where the pills need to be in a bottle with your name on them.  It was surprising to me when I started watching Live PD because while I don't have prescription pills I have a little pill case in my purse with aspirin and before I wouldn't have even thought twice about keeping prescription stuff in there with them if I had a prescription.

I put my pain medicine in a small container when I leave the house but I always have me paperwork for the prescriptions with me.  I think that's fine, as long as I have proof that they're mine, I don't see a problem. 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I put my pain medicine in a small container when I leave the house but I always have me paperwork for the prescriptions with me.  I think that's fine, as long as I have proof that they're mine, I don't see a problem. 

That might work.  All I know is every time I see someone get pulled over and they find a pill they say "by law you must have the pills in the prescription bottle with your name on them".  Of course these cops are pulling over people in known drug areas so I'm sure they'd be a little more lenient with people who don't scream 'drug addict'.  They usually give people benefit of the doubt unless they have other drugs on them as well. 

It was surprising to me because I would find it awkward as hell to constantly carry around a pill bottle, especially if you don't use a purse or bag.  And what about the older people who use those daily bill containers? 

  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, gunderda said:

That might work.  All I know is every time I see someone get pulled over and they find a pill they say "by law you must have the pills in the prescription bottle with your name on them".  Of course these cops are pulling over people in known drug areas so I'm sure they'd be a little more lenient with people who don't scream 'drug addict'.  They usually give people benefit of the doubt unless they have other drugs on them as well. 

It was surprising to me because I would find it awkward as hell to constantly carry around a pill bottle, especially if you don't use a purse or bag.  And what about the older people who use those daily bill containers? 

I get my medicine once a month so at the beginning of the month, I'll have 180 pills in a huge bottle.  I'm always afraid they'll get stolen or I'll lose them so I only take with me what I'll need for the day.  My pills were stolen once at the beginning of the month. It would have been such a hassle to get an early refill that I didn't even try. I just suffered through. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Bridget said:

I’ve also been to many baby showers and typically when the gender is known, the only thing the mother-to-be receives is clothing. Lots and lots of pink or blue clothing, always in small sizes, or other ridiculous items that, to be candid, won't be of use at all. A friend of mine was due in August and at her baby shower, she received a baby girl's bikini, size 0-3 months. Yes. Because all new babies belong poolside or at the beach.   

The showers I've attended for mothers-to-be who don’t know their baby's gender get the baby basics that they need at their shower. That’s the perfect time for 2-3 guests to go in together on the stroller, baby monitor, musical play mat/activity center or other higher priced item that would normally be too expensive for one guest. (For the record, I would immediately disown any friend who wanted a $150 Boppy, a $300 car seat or anything crazy like that.) 

One of my closest friends is expecting her 1st baby at the end of September and will be a single mom (by choice). She’s an elementary school teacher, so I know her site will throw her a shower in addition to the one her sister will throw. I’ve calmly begged her not to share the gender with many people because she is someone who will need the basics, like hooded towels, a breast pump, baby audio monitor and a car seat, not a closet full of frilly clothes for her unborn baby girl.

It's true that you'll get fewer clothes if you don't know the gender, or don't share it with people.

As a guest, I find it annoying, because I like to buy something from both categories (something useful, and also a cute outfit), and the selection of cute unisex baby clothing is pretty limited. 

As a parent, and a planner, I'm fully in favor of finding out as early as possible. I think this is particularly important if you have a gender preference, and might be disappointed by the answer- finding out early gives you time to work through that before you actually meet your baby. 

As a procrastinator, I just needed the extra time. We found out the sex at 10 weeks, and still didn't settle on a name until 4 days after she was born. 

But to each their own!

  • Love 1

Sorry to go off topic but a hearty THANK YOU to all of you for pointing out this prescription situation. I've never in my life been on any type of prescription so when I was diagnosed and in severe pain, I used to throw a few pain pills into a sandwich bag and put them in my backpack in case I needed them. I don't carry them anymore because the treatment thus far has shrunk things so there's no pain (yay!) but wow! It never occurred to me that I had to carry the bottle or papers or could get into trouble. Good to know because after surgery, I may have to carry a few again. So thanks!

Edited by configdotsys
left out a few words
  • Love 4
On 7/2/2018 at 10:49 PM, Ajb1112 said:

Why the hell is Ali not in her wheelchair?? Maybe, just MAYBE, that's why she's so tired. They were told a long time ago that she needed to be in her chair all the time, and that she would get worse faster without it.

But Jesus was gonna fix it, right? That's what Leah and Corey say.

Sorry, but I was on Bri's side in that argument with Javi. Big Papi Javi is CRAZY codependent, I'm starting to think he's really mentally unstable. And no, Kail, you didn't *see through* Briana--SHE *saw through* Javi.

I don't like plastic-surgery-addict whiney Bri at all, but come on. The desperation from those two (Kail and Javi) just reeks from their pores.

Jeremy and Leah are a match made in hicksville--these people need to learn to keep it in their pants.

Cole and Chelsea were fine but the 'gender reveal' hype nowadays bores me. Not much to see there. I agree she needs a hobby or interest, or they need to start filming whatever that is.

Jace was right, and I have no words for how much I truly despise Jenelle and David.

That's about all I got this week. Man, this show is EXHAUSTING.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 8

This is all from The Ashley, about Jenelle:  On or around July 2, Nathan's mother refused to let Kaiser return to Jenelle's custody because of bruising on his butt.  Jenelle called the cops, who involved whatever the equivalent of CPS is.  CPS didn't find serious enough bruising to keep Kaiser from Jenelle, but the responding cop disagreed and refused to let Jenelle take Kaiser.  The next day, UBT and Jenelle underwent extensive interviews (and drug tests, which they passed) by CPS, and Kaiser was returned to them.  UBT, incidentally, said the bruising was from when Kaiser was on the boat.



And Jenelle is refusing to sign up for Season 9 unless UBT is allowed onscreen.  Plus Briana got a raise.


  • Love 7
On 7/3/2018 at 8:43 PM, Gyproselee said:

In SC the age for the front seat is eight and 80lbs.

I believe it is legal in North Carolina, too. But it is not recommended.  I worked at an elementary school. It is very unusual to see kids who are only 8 riding in the front seat. (Of course, some kids are actually as big as a 12 year old but the vast majority of them are not.)

When can my child ride in the front seat?

According to North Carolina law, children less than age 5 and less than 40 pounds must be in the back seat in vehicles with active passenger-side front airbags.  However, the recommendation is to keep kids in the back seat until they are 12 or 13.  Rear-facing car seats cannot be installed in front of an active airbag.  The child could be seriously injured or killed if there is a crash and the airbag deploys.


Edited by lilmarysunshine
  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Mothra said:

Good, I hope Jenelle doesn't film! I can't stand her. She is all talk anyway- she will never leave MTV money. She won't be able to afford anything including her house that is sinking into the swamp.

Javi is mentally unstable. He is like a stage 5 clinger. I think Brianna dodged a bullet by breaking up with him.

Edited by Lusterleaf
  • Love 15
42 minutes ago, Lusterleaf said:

Good, I hope Jenelle doesn't film! I can't stand her. She is all talk anyway- she will never leave MTV money. She won't be able to afford anything including her house that is sinking into the swamp.

Javi is mentally unstable. He is like a stage 5 clinger. I think Brianna dodged a bullet by breaking up with him.

These young women are going to cling to that MTV teat until their lips fall off.  Not one of them is capable of making anywhere near the kind of money they're getting from MTV, which is going to make the inevitable final season most delicious to watch as they scramble to put their MTV experience into a resume.

There really is something wrong with Javi.  I like him for the way he treats Isaac, and I respect him for serving in the armed forces, but he's like a giddy teenager falling in love, or lust, or something constantly.  In other areas of his life that we've been allowed to see, he seems reasonable and focused--my god, I hope he's focused if he's being sent to some hot spot with heavy artillery--but he wants so much to be involved with a woman it seems like he doesn't care about who she is, what her circumstances are, how many baby daddies she already has, even whether she's as interested in him as he is in her.

Maybe he's the beneficiary of an estate which he'll receive *only* if he gets married before midnight.  That would explain it all.

  • Love 15
On 7/4/2018 at 2:20 PM, Scarlett45 said:

My god daughter who’s 3, loves toilet trouble and asked for it in her Easter basket. I said she had the humor of an 8yrs old boy and I was right. So cute. 


Toilet Trouble has been THE HIT of several bbqs and parties we have been to recently.  All kids love it.  I think it is kind of boring, but my kids cannot get enough of getting hit in the face with water apparently.


On 7/5/2018 at 6:38 AM, configdotsys said:

As a non-Chelsea fan (not because I want to see her beating her kids or doing drugs), I usually FF past her segments but I left hers on this week. I thought it was pretty self-absorbed to think at 13 weeks in a winter coat "someone might see something" and say it when she bought pink balloons. She "needed a plan"? Really? Come on. Buy plain pink balloons and drop a buck on a Happy Birthday sign so it looks like you are buying stuff for a birthday party. In any case, Cole saying "another girl" makes him aces in my book. Unscripted, unrehearsed. A good (but boring and a little odd) guy.


HA!  I know I was like, calm down Angelina.

Cole is a boring, odd, but good guy.  That voice...


On 7/5/2018 at 6:45 AM, snarts said:

I understand why Chelsea told Aubree. I can't imagine keeping a big secret from my child for that long. It's natural they want to include her in the excitement & celebration. 


I think there is a difference between keeping secrets from kids and not telling them about something big and life changing until everything is set.  My husband and I have been discussing moving across country but we are not telling our kids because it is not set yet.  I do not feel like I am keeping secrets from them.

Chelsea treats Aubree like a girlfriend, and I know it is because it has been the two of them for a long time, but it is also because Chelsea is extremely immature.  IMO.  


On 7/5/2018 at 11:22 AM, Grandma Saracen said:

Part of the reason Barb hasn't tried to forge a connection with Ensley is that she is, after all, UBT's child. That relationship is already fraught, her entering into a relationship with the baby daughter would trip all of his wires. She may also feel that Ensley is a bit protected from the worst of it, as a girl, and will only suffer from the general neglect and abuse present in the environment. (Not saying I agree). Also, she does have her hands full.


There is no way Barb is getting anywhere NEAR Ensley.  When would Barb have a chance to even hold her let alone forge a connection?  Jenelle won't even have lunch with her.


20 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I put my pain medicine in a small container when I leave the house but I always have me paperwork for the prescriptions with me.  I think that's fine, as long as I have proof that they're mine, I don't see a problem. 

I never bring all of my pills with me - I am not risking losing them or having them stolen.  I keep them in a non-marked container, but I have never been asked to show the police my purse, and the contents.  I imagine that would only happen if I was driving erratically or something.  Even when pulled over for speeding, police don't ask to look in your bag.  They would need a reson for that, no?  In any event, I do have a print-out from the pharmacy that is stapled to the bag when they give me my medicine, and I keep that in the car.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 9

Why couldn't Chelsea have the doctor give them an envelope with the gender on it, and then have her and Cole open it together? For me, I liked being able to find out the gender of my kids while my husband was there .

I'm due around the same time as Chelsea and I found out the gender the time in the pregnancy as Chelsea. I assume she used the same test as me and at least for me, the test results came from a separate lab than the doctor's office. I got an email with a report that I had to download from the lab's site. So there was no way of me receiving the report without me seeing the gender before my husband. I ended up telling him when he picked me up in the car from work (no balloons or anything). But it was still very exciting and special for us. Everyone is different. 

Edited by sandwoman
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

Another thing I forgot to comment on- Why couldn't Chelsea have the doctor give them an envelope with the gender on it, and then have her and Cole open it together? For me, I liked being able to find out the gender of my kids while my husband was there .

Possibly because she wanted to do the reveal the way she did it? Just because she didn't do what you would have done doesn't make her wrong. I personally think all the foofaraw around "gender reveal" is a bit much, I just called my husband on the phone and told him, and we told our friends and family as we ran into them. Chelsea and Aubree seemed to have a great time planning their surprise for Cole. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 18
5 hours ago, Mothra said:

There really is something wrong with Javi.  I like him for the way he treats Isaac, and I respect him for serving in the armed forces, but he's like a giddy teenager falling in love, or lust, or something constantly.  In other areas of his life that we've been allowed to see, he seems reasonable and focused--my god, I hope he's focused if he's being sent to some hot spot with heavy artillery--but he wants so much to be involved with a woman it seems like he doesn't care about who she is, what her circumstances are, how many baby daddies she already has, even whether she's as interested in him as he is in her.

I still fully believe this all circles back to his famewhoritis. He's not some vulnerable knight in shining armor who wants to find "twu wuuuv" with someone he can rescue. He has already found his true love, and that is the MTV cameras. He made a hard sell for Briana because she is on the show, and that was his ticket in. When she was like "whoah dude, I don't think so", he IMMEDIATELY goes & hooks up with Kail (I mean really, wtf). Then when he saw that wasn't going to give him a free pass back to camera time, he goes & immediately knocks up a girl in hopes of getting the vacancy on Teen Mom OG. 

  • Love 8
On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 3:22 AM, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I am assuming that Ensley went to daycare too. I know it is not mentioned because Babs only asked about Kaiser but I don't see Jenelle or UBT trying to take care of a baby on a boat (or at home or on "vacation").  Babs has not been able to forge any kind of connection with Ensley and I think she has her faults but she is concerned about the welfare of her grandchildren, but has been able to have more of a relationship with Jace and Kaiser.

I laughed so hard when Jenelle claimed David just wasn't filming.  What a coincidence!!!

Javi is so annoying. Please no more Javi.  More Lincoln and Issac.  I haven't gotten chances to see them as funny as they usually can be.


I like Chelsea's segment and I was looking forward to seeing Cole's reaction.  Them all hugging was so sweet.  That being said I just hate the new blood test that can tell you what you are having early on.  It serves it's purpose for many medical issues but don't people want the thrill of being surprised anymore?  Even finding out at week 18 you have plenty of time. I enjoyed seeing the sonogram and trying to guess what gender my children were.  I'm too much of a planner to go through my pregnancy and not know the gender until the baby comes out but if I had more money and could buy things on a whim I would have done this!! Well, that's just me. 

I had the blood test because at the ripe old age of 36, I was considered a "geriatric pregnancy" and therefore high risk.   I found out I was having a girl at week 12.  It was awesome.  I'm insanely impatient (like Chelsea) so it was perfect.  It's also nice to know everything is good genetically and there are no abnormalities.  It's a difference of 8 weeks, so not that big of a deal. 

And dentists ARE doctors, for the record.

Jenelle is the worst.  Has her medical assisting degree and doesn't know that psychotropic meds need to be taken consistently?  I know that and I have ZERO medical training.  I'd bet good money David told her not to give Jace his meds and Jenelle, who does anything her soulmate of the moment tells her, agreed.  Which is why she should NEVER have custody.  I also don't shame any parent for having their kid in daycare but putting one in daycare and taking the others on a boat trip is all kinds of fucked up.  Poor Kai.

  • Love 9

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