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S01.E05 Mother's Day

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This was a good episode. MJ Rodriguez was the acting star with Blanca’s scenes regarding her mother’s death. So I thought Blanca was older (out on her own at least a decade if not two), but it’s onlu been 6yrs since she left home. When her brother shoved her over the notebook I wanted her to kick his ass (or someone to). Her sister did the right thing in bringing it to her and acknowledging her name. 

I am glad Patty didn’t verbally assualt Angel or anything (from the previews it seems she continues to be respectful and not take her anger out on her); but I don’t understand confronting the mistress trope. Now if the mistress comes to your home/job etc looking for the guy, yes absolutely set boundaries, but how is speaking with Angel going to get Stan to man up and admit to the affair? This is going to be interesting......


I am enjoying Pray Tell more and more. 

  • Love 15

I thought the acting was awful in that scene between Elektra and Blanca in the hospital room, but damn it was moving as hell. It made my heart melt. 

Blanca's story with her mother and family was good although ugh, the acting. The actress who played her aunt was so warm and genuine. I wish she had been the one to take down the brother.  The actress who played her sister was good. It was sweet when she showed up at the apartment to give Blanca the cookbook. Maybe there is hope for their relationship. Blanca with Damon cooking the pancakes was sweet.

I loved Pray Tell standing up for Blanca at the funeral. I just love him.

Nothing good can come out of Patty and Angel meeting because Angel is freaking delusional.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 18
1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

I loved Pray Tell standing up for Blanca at the funeral. I just love him.

Me too.  I wish I had a Pray Tell in my life.

I kind of love how green all the actors are. I used to be an avid daytime soap watcher and I've seen newbies that were 10x worse than this group. MJ and Indya are growing each week and now that I know that Elektra is supposed to be Crystal Labejia, I understand Dominique's acting choices a lot better.

I did feel that the ending was a little too perfect and unrealistic, but it was heartwarming. 

Angel, please stay away from Stan. He's not worth your life and you are disposable to him. I'm so worried about her.

  • Love 7

My favorite moments are when the emcee (usually Pray Tell) loses his mind with shock or takes great offense.  Blanca's debut was awesome in that regard.  

I really liked the slice of life at home with the whole Spring cleaning deal at Blanca's.  That's a family, all right.  Not about orientation or nuthin'.  Just the universal loathing of cleaning and trying any trick to avoid it.  Nice moment.

I know they were being evil, but I enjoyed the "sistas" ripping Blanca after the Ball outside.  Then, Elektra adopting Blanca at the restaurant was another cool moment.

Having recently lost my mother, I was checking myself as Blanca was identifying what that loss really meant.  I was heartened to see that flashback in the kitchen.  Blanca and Mateo really did know a mother's love.  Never perfect, yet wondrous all the same.  Her sister attempting an amends of sorts was super cool, as well.  "Tis a shame many are missing out on such great scenes.  

I had a nice, broad, smile when the Plaza deal was brought up at the Trump, Inc scene.   That organization lost a freaking boatload of money on that one IRL.  Trump waaaaaaaaay overpaid.   Boy wonder Stan?  Not so bright after all, eh?

I am not expecting Patty to be a bitch to Angel.  I think it plays out more as disgust for Stan.  And a real fast trip to get tested.

  • Love 5

Ugh, Dawson the Douchebag strikes again. It's so gross (yet realistic) to see someone so threatened that he spills Stan's secrets to Patty.

I can't wait to see what Patty says to Angel next week. I love that she didn't barge into the middle of the runway to confront Angel (although I think that has more to do with her uptight nature than respect for Angel). I'm just glad that she didn't cause a public spectacle at the ball because that wouldn't have ended well for anyone.

I liked that Angel congratulated Elektra on her surgery. It's nice to see those moments of camaraderie between rivals.

While the acting wasn't great, I still liked the scene between Blanca and Elektra at the hospital. I'm glad that they have reconciled (heh, but that Elektra still wants to squash the House of Evangelista in competition).

Poor Blanca. Losing her mother was such a blow, but it ended up having a lot of positive things come out of it. She is on speaking terms with her sister, she forgave her mother, and she got the love and support of the family she created. Man, everyone needs a friend like Pray Tell.

I was totally cracking up at the spring cleaning scene. It was so typical - mom is trying to get everyone to clean, Papi is clueless about dusting, Blanca shoved everything in her closet, etc. Ha, and then Blanca pointing out that Angel moving out doesn't seem to be punishing Stan in any way while rolling her eyes at Angel's predictable decisions. Yup, they're definitely a family.

  • Love 10

I like how Patty is handling this. She is placing the blame where it belongs: Stan. He's the one who owed her loyalty and didn't give it. I saw it coming a mile away but I loved how Patty was walking through the ball and everyone was like "real fish! Who is your doc-taaaah?"

The Blanca/family stuff was so good. So glad she got the recipe book.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

This was a good episode. MJ Rodriguez was the acting star with Blanca’s scenes regarding her mother’s death. So I thought Blanca was older (out on her own at least a decade if not two), but it’s onlu been 6yrs since she left home. When her brother shoved her over the notebook I wanted her to kick his ass (or someone to). Her sister did the right thing in bringing it to her and acknowledging her name. 

I am glad Patty didn’t verbally assualt Angel or anything (from the previews it seems she continues to be respectful and not take her anger out on her); but I don’t understand confronting the mistress trope. Now if the mistress comes to your home/job etc looking for the guy, yes absolutely set boundaries, but how is speaking with Angel going to get Stan to man up and admit to the affair? This is going to be interesting......


I am enjoying Pray Tell more and more. 

If I were in love with my husband, and found out he had a mistress, I would be very curious and would want to know what she looked like, her personality, etc. I would want to know how I wasn’t enough for him. 

I am wondering why Blanca chose “Blanca” as her name. It means white, no? Unless she liked it because white suggests innocence and purity?

  • Love 5

Stan's boss is such a tool. Do you guys think that he's coming for Stan because he sees him as a threat at work? I can't wait for the next episode when Stan gets him. Seeing how this unravels means that Stan may lose his job and possibly his wife as well. He may even take it out on Angel. :(


Blanca's story was heartbreaking and almost brought me to tears being that I was my mom's only son and being gay...I sorta related to the story as I was very close to my mom and so grateful that she never disowned me and was somewhat supportive of my sexuality. I am glad that Bianca ended up getting her mother's cookbook as it had a special connection to her and her mom. 

Edited by latincoffee
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

Just as long as we remember that those who shine brightest need to be taken care of too. The Pray Tells of the world look after everyone, but no one looks after them. 

Oh I think Pray Tell has a good support system, especially Blanca.  Also, he seemed to be pretty close to the other house members when they were going to get HIV tested, and at the funeral.  I think they've all got each others' backs.  

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

If I were in love with my husband, and found out he had a mistress, I would be very curious and would want to know what she looked like, her personality, etc. I would want to know how I wasn’t enough for him. 

I am wondering why Blanca chose “Blanca” as her name. It means white, no? Unless she liked it because white suggests innocence and purity?

Thank you for the response. That reminds me of a scene in the Joy Luck Club where she asks her husband “is she pretty?!” (Like what does that have to do with anything????) I am not married/partnered and never have been (and will most likely never be) so I appreciate the perspective from someone who’s married.


So often we hear about women blaming other women (rather than the cheating man who is the most wrong party), but I never thought about the curiosity aspect. I appreciate that they had Stan’s wife (what’s her name again?....Patty) keep her dignity because she deserves that. 

Stan is going to regret straight up LYING to his wife when confronted at Xmas. That’s probably going to come back to bite him more than the actual affair. 

4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I loved how Patty told Stan's boss that, no matter what happens, she didn't want him and made it very clear to him to back the fuck off.  

The world would be a better place if everyone had a Pray Tell in their life.

Yes! I like Patty so far. I loved “I believe you but I don’t trust you.” I want her fleshed out more, a character point that she’s not just an obstical in the Stan/Angel relationship. 

  • Love 2

I can't really enjoy any scene involving Stan/Angel/Patty/douchebag boss because I'm just holding my breath for the emotional trigger to be pulled enough for someone to go rage murder Angel. It's stressful!

Interesting that Blanca hasn't started showing HIV symptoms yet - I thought the progression in the 80s was swift and brutal, in a matter of months. Or did the decline only start when it became AIDS?

Wait........do Patty and Angel/Blanca/etc. live on the same floor?!

1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I can't really enjoy any scene involving Stan/Angel/Patty/douchebag boss because I'm just holding my breath for the emotional trigger to be pulled enough for someone to go rage murder Angel. It's stressful!

Interesting that Blanca hasn't started showing HIV symptoms yet - I thought the progression in the 80s was swift and brutal, in a matter of months. Or did the decline only start when it became AIDS?

Wait........do Patty and Angel/Blanca/etc. live on the same floor?!

No- Patty told Stan she was having a girls night out and he rented a town car to drive her and her friends around-Hence why she got all dressed up with evening makeup and jewelry. Patty and Stan live in the suburbs of Jersey. Patty was given Angel’s address by James Vander Beek and saw Stan’s name on the lease. 

 I also think on a vanity level she wanted to look her best when meeting Angel (and girls night out was a good cover for getting dressed up). 

  • Love 5

When Matt went to visit Patty to narc on Stan, I'm pretty sure she was wearing both the bracelet and the necklace Stan purchased at Christmas with her everyday clothes.  Notice when she was all dressed up to go out (after she found out about Angel) she was wearing neither.

On 7/2/2018 at 3:58 PM, Scarlett45 said:

That reminds me of a scene in the Joy Luck Club where she asks her husband “is she pretty?!”

Well, if she's younger, prettier or rich (or something else you aren't), you can convince yourself that his head's been turned.  If she's middle-aged like you and no more attractive, it must be love.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Interesting that Blanca hasn't started showing HIV symptoms yet - I thought the progression in the 80s was swift and brutal, in a matter of months. Or did the decline only start when it became AIDS?

So for this time period, where the virus wasn't really treated, HIV went through three stages, each with its own symptoms.  There are early symptoms, and that's why Blanca was worried about Damon's flu.  Then there's a period of time of about 5-10 years (although it can be shorter or longer) before it reaches the final stage, which is AIDS.  Once AIDS hits, death would follow pretty quickly--like a year or so.

That middle stage isn't always symptom free but it can be. 

Edited by Irlandesa
  • Love 11
21 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

When Matt went to visit Patty to narc on Stan, I'm pretty sure she was wearing both the bracelet and the necklace Stan purchased at Christmas with her everyday clothes.  Notice when she was all dressed up to go out (after she found out about Angel) she was wearing neither.

Well, if she's younger, prettier or rich (or something else you aren't), you can convince yourself that his head's been turned .  If she's middle aged like you and no more attractive, it must be love.

When I saw that Patty was wearing the yellow gold necklace and the white gold bracelet at the same time, all I could think about was - people didn't mix metals in the 80's.

You mean like how Prince Charles chose someone a lot older and less attractive than Diana?    

  • Love 5
On 7/2/2018 at 9:46 PM, Irlandesa said:

So for this time period, where the virus wasn't really treated, HIV went through three stages, each with its own symptoms.  There are early symptoms, and that's why Blanca was worried about Damon's flu.  Then there's a period of time of about 5-10 years (although it can be shorter or longer) before it reaches the final stage, which is AIDS.  Once AIDS hits, death would follow pretty quickly--like a year or so.

That middle stage isn't always symptom free but it can be. 


This is exactly why it was important that Pray Tell get tested regularly. He looks in his 40s which means that the incubation period would be shorter for him. Hopefully, he and Blanca are in the early stages of the incubation period and they get access to antivirals soon. I don't think that antivirals were widely available in the late 1980s and they certainly were not as effective as they were in the mid-1990s.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 3
On 02/07/2018 at 5:35 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I love that she didn't barge into the middle of the runway to confront Angel (although I think that has more to do with her uptight nature than respect for Angel). I'm just glad that she didn't cause a public spectacle at the ball because that wouldn't have ended well for anyone.

 Considering the reception she received upon entering ("Who is your doctor?!" had me laughing), confronting Angel on the floor in front of everyone was probably the last thing she wanted.  


On 03/07/2018 at 1:56 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

The category IS...The Wake of a legend.

"Show off your finest veils and be fierce in your best black attire!"  I think I would want to go to there. 

  • Love 2
On 7/2/2018 at 3:58 PM, Scarlett45 said:

Thank you for the response. That reminds me of a scene in the Joy Luck Club where she asks her husband “is she pretty?!” (Like what does that have to do with anything????) I am not married/partnered and never have been (and will most likely never be) so I appreciate the perspective from someone who’s married.


So often we hear about women blaming other women (rather than the cheating man who is the most wrong party), but I never thought about the curiosity aspect. I appreciate that they had Stan’s wife (what’s her name again?....Patty) keep her dignity because she deserves that. 

Stan is going to regret straight up LYING to his wife when confronted at Xmas. That’s probably going to come back to bite him more than the actual affair. 

Yes! I like Patty so far. I loved “I believe you but I don’t trust you.” I want her fleshed out more, a character point that she’s not just an obstical in the Stan/Angel relationship. 


On 7/2/2018 at 8:15 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

When Matt went to visit Patty to narc on Stan, I'm pretty sure she was wearing both the bracelet and the necklace Stan purchased at Christmas with her everyday clothes.  Notice when she was all dressed up to go out (after she found out about Angel) she was wearing neither.

Well, if she's younger, prettier or rich (or something else you aren't), you can convince yourself that his head's been turned.  If she's middle-aged like you and no more attractive, it must be love.


On 7/3/2018 at 6:03 PM, Feline Queen said:

When I saw that Patty was wearing the yellow gold necklace and the white gold bracelet at the same time, all I could think about was - people didn't mix metals in the 80's.

You mean like how Prince Charles chose someone a lot older and less attractive than Diana?    

That is exactly what I was thinking of as well. Women always think it is about the looks, but from what I understand it is more about how the mistress makes the man feel "like a man" since the wife is too busy. Supposedly, many men can not communicate this vulnerability, so they take on another woman (rolls eyes). I love that they are allowing both Patty and Angel to behave with dignity and it did not break down to a Jerry Springer fighting match. I wish Angel did not take up with a married man but does respect herself enough to not be the side piece, though her expectations were totally naive. I have a question...why the heck is Stan going behind Dawson's back to take these meetings? Is it because Stan knows Dawson will take all the credit? When I have a proposal at my work, I have to take it to my boss before any higher up will even try to look at it. Also, why is Stan trying to piss off Dawson, when he knows Dawson is a sneaky shit that knows all about him having a mistress? Also, Dawson did hire Stan, you think he would be a little grateful.

  • Love 2

The actress is giving us a very nice, subtle and interesting portrayal of cheated-on wife.

I think that Stan attended the meeting along with many of his coworkers. Dawson slept in or decided to blow off the meeting, believing that Trump would not be in attendance. Trump probably asked if anyone had anything to say or contribute. So I don’t think Stan was deliberately trying to go around Dawson. He could have been extra cautious and decided to run the idea through Dawson. Which would have been wiser, since Dawson knows about the mistress. I guess I would consider his behavior foolish rather than sneaky.

  • Love 7
On 7/1/2018 at 10:44 PM, SimoneS said:

Blanca's story with her mother and family was good although ugh, the acting. The actress who played her aunt was so warm and genuine. I wish she had been the one to take down the brother.  The actress who played her sister was good. It was sweet when she showed up at the apartment to give Blanca the cookbook. Maybe there is hope for their relationship. Blanca with Damon cooking the pancakes was sweet.

I liked this episode and thought it was spot on for the era and culture.  I was so happy that the aunt came to clear things up for Blanca.  I did not know that Blanca was positive.

I just caught this show on this episode and have watched a rerun of another episode.  I find it very well done and, as someone who was a young adult in the era, it brought back memories of the stigma, the fear, and the quickness of HIV and AIDS.  I went to a couple of quilt shows and it was very moving.

I am all for everyone being who they are.  It would stop a lot of problems, shame and misdirection if they were free to be who they are.  My mother had a cousin, back in the 50s, who married a man that told her he was gay on their honeymoon.  She tried to get an annulment from the Catholic church and was told she was at fault for not being a good wife and changing him.  It sounds crazy now.  She lived like his sister the rest of her life and he had another life apart from her.  She was needed at work functions, his family functions etc.  She told her family so he moved them to another state.  He outlived her.  How sad.  My mother never saw her again and would correspond through letters.  This seems crazy to me.

Anyway, I am on board for this show and wish that FX would run the series over and over again or at least put it on Hulu or Netflix.  I missed the last 2 episodes of The Feud.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

The actress is giving us a very nice, subtle and interesting portrayal of cheated-on wife.

I think that Stan attended the meeting along with many of his coworkers. Dawson slept in or decided to blow off the meeting, believing that Trump would not be in attendance. Trump probably asked if anyone had anything to say or contribute. So I don’t think Stan was deliberately trying to go around Dawson. He could have been extra cautious and decided to run the idea through Dawson. Which would have been wiser, since Dawson knows about the mistress. I guess I would consider his behavior foolish rather than sneaky.

Thanks, for clearing it up, because I was confused as to why Stan seemed to be purposely leaving Dawson out. I wonder If Dawson is going to get fired and then really be dangerous as Stan takes his job (like he said he would do in the interview).


1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

May I just take a moment to appreciate that we all call the character Dawson? I haven't even bothered to learn his character's real name. James Van Der Beek will always be Dawson, and that is wonderful :)


  • Love 1
3 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I liked this episode and thought it was spot on for the era and culture.  I was so happy that the aunt came to clear things up for Blanca.  I did not know that Blanca was positive.

I just caught this show on this episode and have watched a rerun of another episode.  . . . Anyway, I am on board for this show and wish that FX would run the series over and over again or at least put it on Hulu or Netflix.  I missed the last 2 episodes of The Feud.

Watch it on the FX website. 

  • Love 2

Despite the fact that Stan has been lying to his wife because he has a mistress and a ho pad, in general he seems pretty straightforward at work. In other words, he doesn’t seem like the kind of sneaky snake who’s trying to claw his way up the corporate ladder by stabbing all his coworkers in the back, stealing their ideas, sucking up to everyone above him on the org chart, etc (so he’s the opposite of Dawson). I don’t think his promotion or inclusion in the new project were a result of Stan scheming and plotting. He seems so non-aggressive in the office that I’m guessing it was just good old fashioned hard work that resulted in him being rewarded. Of course, human nature is that we assume other people are like us which is why cutthroat Dawson suspects that Stan deliberately fucked him over because that’s what Dawson would do to get ahead. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Of course, human nature is that we assume other people are like us which is why cutthroat Dawson suspects that Stan deliberately fucked him over because that’s what Dawson would do to get ahead. 

In an organization like Trump, Inc., a newbie like Stan is not given a "break" by another VP out of the goodness of the VP's heart.  It's a way of driving a wedge or of getting intel on a rival like Dawson.  It's a move Dawson probably used on others -as you hint-, which is why he flipped the f out.   Stan may, possibly, be naive enough to believe he was given the special access due to his pluck.  He's about to learn otherwise.  Ignorant pawns do not well survive that environment.  They are basically chum.

Of course, TPTB may want us to buy that Stan is all that and is simply making the most of opportunity as if he were Michael J. Fox and this were a movie set in the halls of mega-business in NYC.  (I've never forgiven Chicago for that horrid song.)  Anyway, @ElectricBoogaloo, it's certainly a supporting arc that can go several different ways.

Any chance Angel turns DJT's head around in a brief and silent happenstance encounter?  

  • Love 2
On 7/5/2018 at 8:55 AM, qtpye said:

I have a question...why the heck is Stan going behind Dawson's back to take these meetings? Is it because Stan knows Dawson will take all the credit?

I don't think Stan is snaking Dawson or scheming and plotting.

I think Dawson has gotten lazy and comfortable and complacent and thought Stan would be his loyal puppy and do all the hard work for him and just let Dawson swoop in at the end and take the credit and glory for Stan's work.  He thought Stan was just a rube and was just grateful to be in Dawson's orbit and didn't expect Stan to be a hard worker with initiative and drive.

Stan did his job well and the higher ups noticed him and rewarded him.  Not Stan's fault Dawson was too busy partying and blew off his work and assumed Stan would just do it for him in his name.

Dawson is just pissed his "lackey" actually took the ball down to the one yard line and scored for himself instead of handing off the ball to Dawson at the end to let him score off Stan's hard work.

You got got, Dawson.  Now he's lashing out like a petty baby bitch instead of deciding he better suit up and get back in the game, he's playing a dirty game to take Stan out instead of competing straight up.

And considering who they work for, I have no doubt it will be Dawson that takes down Stan in a completely fucked up way and gets handsomely rewarded for it.

  • Love 7
16 hours ago, Bama said:

He thought Stan was just a rube and was just grateful to be in Dawson's orbit



16 hours ago, Bama said:

You got got, Dawson.  Now he's lashing out like a petty baby bitch instead of deciding he better suit up and get back in the game, he's playing a dirty game to take Stan out instead of competing straight up

That sounds exactly like Dawson that's why i liked Pacey better lol.

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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 11:13 PM, LittleIggy said:

I figured out that “been to Bangkok” means having had the surgery down there, but where did the expression come from?

At the time, it was probably very literal. There were a lot fewer surgeons in the US doing SRS then, the waiting lists were (still are) long, and the requirements for surgery could have been stricter (I know many surgeons/therapists at the time required transgender women to be ultra feminine and perfectly able to pass as a cisgender straight woman.) Bangkok is an easier, cheaper, and just as qualified if not better, alternative.

  • Love 2

Laura Jane Grace, a trans woman who fronts the punk band Against Me!, said in her memoir that she had to jump through a lot of hoops to get access to hormones because her therapist wasn’t sold that she was trans because she wore regular jeans and shirts (women’s cut clothing) to her appointments, and he finally believed her when she started wearing dresses and more makeup. And she came out in the past five years. So thirty years ago, I can easily believe that only women who conformed to every idea the doctors had about femininity would be cleared for surgery. 

  • Love 5

The beginning of this episode was nonsensical. It was unnecessary to see a direct parallel of Blanca being adopted by Elektra but fine. The problem was that MJ presents as way too feminine for any of that storyline/dialogue to make sense. I understand that it might have been traumatic for her to be costumed or made up to look more masculine. But then, just don't write that into the episode. I mean, stubble? Where?

The whole beginning was a slog to get through. Maybe I'd feel differently if the acting were stronger but it was also weighed down by the drama with the white characters who are still UNBELIEVABLY BORING whenever Angel isn't on screen. This show needs to have shorter episodes. We don't need all this connective tissue of JVB being late and then getting mad and telling the wife who goes to investigate, etc. My God. Just cut to the chase. Who finds this interesting?

The ball scenes were the most fun by they're not that interesting without context. I get that every showcase can't be with characters we know but Glee managed to make performances by rival Glee clubs interesting. 

The couple of seconds with the child actor in the flashback were more emotional than anything else in the episode. I don't know why this episode was so bad. Writing, acting, etc. Nothing worked.

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