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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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2 hours ago, flipflopdiva said:

Technically she would be more than that. Pregnancies are calculated starting with the first day of your last period, not when you had sex. By the time you actually conceive, you're around two weeks pregnant.

By the doctor’s guesstimate for a pregnant woman’s expected due date, sure - but not by reality’s clock.  :)

[Note: The following may not be what you meant, but this is how your post read to me - so apologies if I misread. ]

Doctors base their EDC calculations on the woman’s last menstrual period, but they do so because patients’ recollections are notoriously inaccurate and unverifiable - not because a woman’s body somehow knows to “become pregnant” some indeterminate time before a fertilized egg actually attaches.  The LMP date is simply the last date the doctor can realistically assume for sure you weren’t pregnant.  The first ultrasound usually narrows the expected delivery date down much more accurately; if the ultrasound due date is +/- 9 days of the doctor’s initial calculated EDC, though, then doctors will usually view that as being within an acceptable error range and go along with their initially stated due date.  

We the Viewers have an advantage not normally available to OB/GYNs, though - namely, cameras running 24/7 and HGs foolish enough to think they can dodge them.  ;)  From these we can narrow down Chris and Bae’s range of opportunity for Close Encounters of the Third-Forming Kind as falling somewhere between 7/2 (their first bumpfest) and 7/12 (their last before Chris got evicted).  Which means if Chris’s bee did sufficiently pollinate Bae’s flower, she would have to be somewhere between 76-86 days along come Finale Night.

Edited by Nashville
Damn editor double-posted
  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I ... what lol?

I feel like I missed the entire context of this conversation....because what? 

What a weird thing to do. I guess I get it, though. Being locked in a house for 80+ days with the same people, this stuff is bound to happen. In other seasons, Brett would be a target just because of this.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, mooses said:

So, I didn't watch the latest episode of Big Brother until now, but Sam's last DR...whew.

She mostly seems concerned with looking stupid, not necessarily being voted out, so Tyler better be careful. If she ends up feeling he played her, she might kill him. 

Yeah - and then Sam will really go to work on him....  :>

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, zenithwit said:

I'm guessing the BB editors are ecstatic this week is double eviction.  There really is nothing going on in the house lol...

No, it’s all outside the house — Scraggy, Les and Julie, and Hurricane Florence.  


I feel bad.  I previously posted concerns about Sam’s home in Virginia. I guess I didn’t realize that both Tyler and Angela are both from South Carolina?  

  • Love 1


/In things from Twitter and Instagram: Christmas might have her kid this week, Elissa is teaming up with Kaitlyn to talk about auras and yoga or something,, BB 19 Megan has a Twitch channel, Evel Dick and Dan are watching football (not together though), Raven's going to have to have another surgery, Gina Marie had a birthday party for her dog, Mark is apparently throwing shade at Matt  because the cereal eater is promoting some coffee that can help you lose weight.

Edited by RandomWatcher
  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

No, it’s all outside the house — Scraggy, Les and Julie, and Hurricane Florence.  


I feel bad.  I previously posted concerns about Sam’s home in Virginia. I guess I didn’t realize that both Tyler and Angela are both from South Carolina?  

Oh wow, I wonder if BB will tell them anything? And....super creepy, with it being 9/11 tomorrow and they had to tell the HGs back then what happened. 

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:


I feel bad.  I previously posted concerns about Sam’s home in Virginia. I guess I didn’t realize that both Tyler and Angela are both from South Carolina?  

I think Angela's family is from Hilton Head and Tyler was living there before the show (his family package was shot in Ohio, right?).

But that's a good point about Hurricane Florence.  I think last year Josh's family told BB not to tell Josh about Hurricane Irma because everyone was safe and they didn't want Josh to lose focus on the game.  Maybe BB will follow a similar policy (i.e. follow the family's directive) this year?

ETA: Vegas and @RandomWatcher beat me to it :)

Edited by zenithwit
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:
[snipped unrelated tweet]

/In things from Twitter and Instagram: Christmas might have her kid this week, Elissa is teaming up with Kaitlyn to talk about auras and yoga or something,, BB 19 Megan has a Twitch channel, Evel Dick and Dan are watching football (not together though), Raven's going to have to have another surgery, Gina Marie had a birthday party for her dog, Mark is apparently throwing shade at Matt  because the cereal eater is promoting some coffee that can help you lose weight.

To paraphrase one of my favourite shows of all time: "Raven's in surgery. Must be Tuesday."

Well, okay, it's Monday and maybe I should have waited until tomorrow to make that joke but still. Buffy for life. 

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, Nashville said:

By the doctor’s guesstimate for a pregnant woman’s expected due date, sure - but not by reality’s clock.  :)

[Note: The following may not be what you meant, but this is how your post read to me - so apologies if I misread. ]

Doctors base their EDC calculations on the woman’s last menstrual period, but they do so because patients’ recollections are notoriously inaccurate and unverifiable - not because a woman’s body somehow knows to “become pregnant” some indeterminate time before a fertilized egg actually attaches.  The LMP date is simply the last date the doctor can realistically assume for sure you weren’t pregnant.  The first ultrasound usually narrows the expected delivery date down much more accurately; if the ultrasound due date is +/- 9 days of the doctor’s initial calculated EDC, though, then doctors will usually view that as being within an acceptable error range and go along with their initially stated due date.  

We the Viewers have an advantage not normally available to OB/GYNs, though - namely, cameras running 24/7 and HGs foolish enough to think they can dodge them.  ;)  From these we can narrow down Chris and Bae’s range of opportunity for Close Encounters of the Third-Forming Kind as falling somewhere between 7/2 (their first bumpfest) and 7/12 (their last before Chris got evicted).  Which means if Chris’s bee did sufficiently pollinate Bae’s flower, she would have to be somewhere between 76-86 days along come Finale Night.

No, I completely understand that. I am just saying, in lay terms, when someone says they are 13 weeks pregnant, it includes time before the deed actually happened. (I know, because my husband and I did IVF for this baby, and we implanted a 6-day old embryo, waited 9 days to take a blood and on that day of the blood test, I was, for all intents and purposes, considered 4 weeks pregnant, even though in reality that baby was 15 days. My due date is 36 weeks after that blood test, not 38 weeks. 

So yes, in reality, she would be 11-12 actual weeks along, but when she would go to her OB or when someone asks based on due dates, it's most likely more like 13-14 weeks.

Pregnancy calculations are weird, y'all. 

  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

To paraphrase one of my favourite shows of all time: "Raven's in surgery. Must be Tuesday."

Well, okay, it's Monday and maybe I should have waited until tomorrow to make that joke but still. Buffy for life. 

Oh, evil twin, we agree on the Buffy love and I wouldn't expect any less.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:


/In things from Twitter and Instagram: Christmas might have her kid this week, Elissa is teaming up with Kaitlyn to talk about auras and yoga or something,, BB 19 Megan has a Twitch channel, Evel Dick and Dan are watching football (not together though), Raven's going to have to have another surgery, Gina Marie had a birthday party for her dog, Mark is apparently throwing shade at Matt  because the cereal eater is promoting some coffee that can help you lose weight.

Yep it’s a mandatory evacuation starting noon tomorrow. My family will leave Wednesday. We don’t think the hurricane will hit Hilton  Head but when all hospitals and emergency services are closed it’s not a good idea to stay ( we have 85 year old grandfather with us).   

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Yep it’s a mandatory evacuation starting noon tomorrow. My family will leave Wednesday. We don’t think the hurricane will hit Hilton  Head but when all hospitals and emergency services are closed it’s not a good idea to stay ( we have 85 year old grandfather with us).   

Best of luck with all of that! I was going to visit family down there this weekend (in Wilmington), but obviously that trip is canceled. 

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Yep it’s a mandatory evacuation starting noon tomorrow. My family will leave Wednesday. 

Think of it as a hurri-cation. You might think about traffic and maybe leave earlier. We did it for Irma. La Quinta Inns welcomes pets so we enjoyed their hospitality for a week - 3 people, 6 cats and 2 dogs. #TeamGoodTimes

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 11
12 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

He wasn't aiming when he was going.

More about JC's lack of aim: It's because he doesn't like to touch his "pee-pee" so he doesn't even really aim, I guess. He was saying that to Tyler.

I'm hoping this is the straw that breaks the camel's back - at least Sam's back because I bet she's the one that cleans up after him. They were talking about Sam coming in to clean.

  • Love 4

I’m on pins and needles for the DE. Who wins HOH? Who wins POV? Who gets evicted? So many questions. Only, 3 more days. Can the remaining Level 6 stay intact? At least, it will be something different then the last two weeks which were boring and predictable. Had Brett won HOH it might have been a little different.......I think.

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

More about JC's lack of aim: It's because he doesn't like to touch his "pee-pee" so he doesn't even really aim, I guess. He was saying that to Tyler.

Did JC call it his "pee-pee"? Because I am 100% over the infantile image that everyone - including JC - has created for him because of his height. Fuck that shit, you're an adult, JC. It's called a penis. Alternately, a dick, a cock, a dong, and a million other names that aren't coming to mind but I probably use on a regular basis. But "pee-pee"? Nope. You're not three, you annoying piece of shit. Use your grown-up words. 

Also... doesn't like to touch it? What? Then sit your ass down on the toilet and take a whiz. Oh, wait, lemme guess, that's too girly for him. Then wash your fucking hands before handling your dick and then wash them again after (which really, I don't understand why washing your hands before touching your genitals is such a novel idea but judging from the "uh..." looks I've gotten after suggesting it to a few men over the years, it doesn't seem to be part of the recommended bathroom routine? Or I just met a lot of weird slobs with questionable hygiene.  I dunno). It's not rocket science! 


2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Oh, evil twin, we agree on the Buffy love and I wouldn't expect any less.

I may be the evil one but I like to think I still have good taste. *gets up to stir the Hamburger Helper I'm having for dinner*

  • Love 18
53 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Ugh. That is so disgusting. So JC doesn't even wipe up his own mess? At least he could just sit on the seat to go, then. Geez. That would infuriate me.

Get a grip! This is JC we're talking about.  Come to think about it, it sounds like he's the one that needs to get a grip - pun intended.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

To paraphrase one of my favourite shows of all time: "Raven's in surgery. Must be Tuesday."

Well, okay, it's Monday and maybe I should have waited until tomorrow to make that joke but still. Buffy for life. 

I still use “Dawns in trouble must be Tuesday” on a regular basis for things that to me should seem obvious. Buffy has more influence on my life than is probably healthy. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

I feel bad.  I previously posted concerns about Sam’s home in Virginia. I guess I didn’t realize that both Tyler and Angela are both from South Carolina?  


2 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Yep it’s a mandatory evacuation starting noon tomorrow. My family will leave Wednesday. We don’t think the hurricane will hit Hilton  Head but when all hospitals and emergency services are closed it’s not a good idea to stay ( we have 85 year old grandfather with us).   

At present the storm track looks as if it will make landfall a fair bit north of Hilton Head - but y’all still play it safe out there.  Storms never learned how to read maps.  But yeah, it currently looks like Florence intends to go hammertime on the entire NC coastal region.  :(


4 hours ago, Sara2009 said:

I would be such an unpopular HG. When I dislike someone, I have a tough time hiding it.

Not me.  I’ve worked in the same agency for the past 30+ years.  You wouldn’t BELIEVE how well I can hide dislike.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Did JC call it his "pee-pee"? Because I am 100% over the infantile image that everyone - including JC - has created for him because of his height. Fuck that shit, you're an adult, JC. It's called a penis. Alternately, a dick, a cock, a dong, and a million other names that aren't coming to mind but I probably use on a regular basis. But "pee-pee"? Nope. You're not three, you annoying piece of shit. Use your grown-up words. 


Random thoughts...I'm kind of disappointed Sam might go during the DE,  but a surprise eviction could make for a pretty entertaining interview. I bet after Scottie, the censors will have their fingers hovering right on that delay button, lol.

I've enjoyed this season, but yeah, even I'm getting bored this week. No chance of a flip, huh?

  • Love 4

Tyler better start upping his GBM game. Being seen as the puppy dog has protected him to this point, but he can't be seen as being controlled by anyone in the Jury. 

Who do they think flipped Kaitlyn to backdoor Swaggy C? Pretty interesting they know how close Tyler/Kaitlyn were, but the HG that was evicted and flipped on her own alliance for the other side was perceived as the one being in control.

It's a testament to Tyler's ability to keep the target off himself, but he also needs to show and tell the Jury to get credit. 

ETA: Tyler should just try and drag Sam to F2. Kaycee is a sudden competition beast, Angela is perceived as the master of Tyler, Brett seems to have gotten his Lone Wolf persona to work for him, and JC did a lot of work without being part of the those labeled "Entitled" by FOUETTE. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, mooses said:

Tyler better start upping his GBM game. Being seen as the puppy dog has protected him to this point, but he can't be seen as being controlled by anyone in the Jury. 

Who do they think flipped Kaitlyn to backdoor Swaggy C? Pretty interesting they know how close Tyler/Kaitlyn were, but the HG that was evicted and flipped on her own alliance for the other side was perceived as the one being in control.

It's a testament to Tyler's ability to keep the target off himself, but he also needs to show and tell the Jury to get credit. 

He does kind of follow Angela around. However !! Kaitlyn was the one to follow Tyler around. She was literally on top of him from the moment he opened his eyes. Squeezing into his disc in the HN room.

Oh, now on feeds Hay is insinuating that she heard Tyler and Angela fooling around. She said it was kind of like hearing Swaggy and Bay.  Hay and Fessy have kissed more than Angela and Tyler.

  • Love 3

Once JC hears about this makeout sesh that Haleigh heard, Thursday could get crazy. He's going to be pissed. And I don't know if he'd protect Tyler anymore after he lied to JC's face multiple times. 

If Tyler sinks his game because of makeout sessions, it will be a heck of a twist. And he's going to kick himself forever if that's what does him in. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Did JC call it his "pee-pee"? Because I am 100% over the infantile image that everyone - including JC - has created for him because of his height. Fuck that shit, you're an adult, JC. It's called a penis. Alternately, a dick, a cock, a dong, and a million other names that aren't coming to mind but I probably use on a regular basis. But "pee-pee"? Nope. You're not three, you annoying piece of shit. Use your grown-up words. 


  • Love 1
5 hours ago, flipflopdiva said:

Pregnancy calculations are weird, y'all. 

I know - I’m one of the guys who program the computers which do those calculations for the doctors.  

Which, I hope, also explains why I occasionally have a tendency to get hung up on what are (to all practical intents and purposes) meaningless technicalities.  ;)

  • Love 6

I really don’t understand what Kaycee, Brett, and JC are doing. Getting rid of Haleigh is the absolute worst move for their games. I know that they each think that they have a final 2 with Tyler, but at some point you have to deal with reality; the fact is you’d have to be blind to not know that Tyler and Angela are in a showmance. That right there should make them think that maybe he’s changed his mind about their final 2 deals…Is he supposed to say, “gee, I know we have a final 2 but that was before I got all googly-eyed over Angela soooo our final 2 is off.“ Get real, they need to wake up.

And the second fact that should make them realize their final 2 deals are bogus is that none of the other houseguests are coming up to them to talk game about getting to final 2. What I mean is, Brett isn’t going up to Kaycee or JC and saying let’s get to final 2 together and vice versa. Well, why not? Because they must already have a final 2 deal with someone, it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out that it must be Tyler.

On Friday or Saturday’s BBAD, everyone except Sam was upstairs by the chess table making small talk like co-workers killing time on a business trip and Tyler and Angela were laying in bed downstairs holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes. Like for at least an hour. How did Brett/JC/Kaycee not notice that? I think it’s extremely foolish to believe that someone will be more loyal to a final 2 deal than to a showmance.

I predict Tyler will take Angela to the final 2 and will win the game. I think Tyler wins against anyone still left in the house except Haleigh. Brett, Kaycee, and JC should use Haleigh to get Tyler out of the house and then ditch her before the final 3.

In other news, Sam was clipping JC’s toenails on BBAD tonight. Vomit. I’m sorry that I had to share that news, but if I had to watch it, you have to read about it! lol (Maybe she was painting his toenails, idk because I fast forwarded through it, but either way it's gross.)

Also, last night when they were eating the Chinese food, JC was teasing Tyler about being a corpse because he has low body heat or something and Brett says something like, "that's why you kissed him right?" Like basically saying you weren't too grossed out not to kiss him. I thought it was hilarious that Brett just called JC out like that in front of everyone.

Edited by Summerday
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Ugh. That is so disgusting. So JC doesn't even wipe up his own mess? At least he could just sit on the seat to go, then. Geez. That would infuriate me.


I don't know why you are complaining. There is such a simple solution. Just get a good kitchen knife and a magnifying glass (or a microscope) and cut off his dick and then after that, he will have to sit down whenever  he uses the toilet.  Problem solved!

It would also help if he was given a tonguectomy at the same time or maybe a larynxectomy? Either or both those procedures would make this world a better  place. Don't you think?


(Just j/k)

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, mooses said:

Once JC hears about this makeout sesh that Haleigh heard, Thursday could get crazy. He's going to be pissed. And I don't know if he'd protect Tyler anymore after he lied to JC's face multiple times. 

If Tyler sinks his game because of makeout sessions, it will be a heck of a twist. And he's going to kick himself forever if that's what does him in. 


You are very likely correct about JC. But there is one important detail about him now.

He has now become essentially irrelevant to the struggle. Nobody left really give one shit about what he says or what he does or what he wants.

No one even gives half a shit. Not even a quarter of ... well ... I'm sure you know where I'm going with this.

The only thing we can do in response to JC is try and find some entertainment value and just laugh at the creep.

In all probability,  HayBrain (stands for Half a Brain) will be the first to go in the DE and then either Sam or JC (I would guess there's a 75% chance it will be Sam) will go after that.

The 2nd person to leave in the DE will get precious little time to talk or to be heard. It's really a very sad position in which to leave the house. It will prob be Sam. But I'd be happy if it was JC.

Of course this has just been my opinion and I read something interesting today. It was a small adaptation of and old saying, "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one but some of them stink more than others."  If JC doesn't go on  Thursday, there is a good chance he will go at the very soonest opportunity.

He has made himself so irrelevant that the other HGs will just keep throwing him back up on the block and ignoring any of his tears or tantrums or angry rages. Fuck him!

Even if he was to win every single competition from now till the end of the game, I don't know that he could still make it to F2. He certainly wouldn't win the Jury vote against anyone. At least that's my opinion.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Which, I hope, also explains why I occasionally have a tendency to get hung up on what are (to all practical intents and purposes) meaningless technicalities.  ;)

Thank you for saying “intents and purposes” and not “intensive purposes”  Can’t tell you how I go crazy from things like that.  

  • Love 14
8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Did JC call it his "pee-pee"? Because I am 100% over the infantile image that everyone - including JC - has created for him because of his height. Fuck that shit, you're an adult, JC. It's called a penis. Alternately, a dick, a cock, a dong, and a million other names that aren't coming to mind but I probably use on a regular basis. But "pee-pee"? Nope. You're not three, you annoying piece of shit. Use your grown-up words. 

He calls it something that sounds like "ticky ticky" 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Summerday said:

I really don’t understand what Kaycee, Brett, and JC are doing. Getting rid of Haleigh is the absolute worst move for their games. I know that they each think that they have a final 2 with Tyler, but at some point you have to deal with reality; the fact is you’d have to be blind to not know that Tyler and Angela are in a showmance. That right there should make them think that maybe he’s changed his mind about their final 2 deals…Is he supposed to say, “gee, I know we have a final 2 but that was before I got all googly-eyed over Angela soooo our final 2 is off.“ Get real, they need to wake up.

Getting rid of Haleigh is the right move as of this week.  She will beat every single person in that house in a jury vote and they all don't have a trusting game relationship with her.  Sam is slightly better for all of their games as she won't win a jury vote (unless super bitter) and she is actually somewhat controllable in their eyes.


For JC and Brett keeping Haliegh was the wrong move last week as well.  At that point you could go into that next HOH with a 4 person deal and increase all their chances of winning.  They could realistically take a show at Angela and KC and still have Scottie as a meat shield in front of them that had to get out during the DE.  Unfortunately it was an extremely risky plan without Tyler on board and they couldn't get a rid commit from Scottie last week on what he would do.  They can't save Haleigh this week because their is a decent chance that she gets to top 4 and at that point she can win out and all of them have a guaranteed loss for the season.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

I'm chalking that up to, two months of extremely close quarters with nowhere to escape. - - > Everyone is a bitch eating crackers, on the regular. 


14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess I get it, though. Being locked in a house for 80+ days with the same people, this stuff is bound to happen. In other seasons, Brett would be a target just because of this.

I get the bec-ness of it, what I don't get is how it sounds like Kaycee has a plan to use Brett's eating as a reason to get people to target him. Like it's some actual plan she has, which is hilariously stupid.

13 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

I guess I didn’t realize that both Tyler and Angela are both from South Carolina?  

Tyler's from Ohio, but lives in Hilton Head currently. Angela is from Hilton Head, but I don't believe she currently lives there. Her family probably does though.

12 hours ago, Sara2009 said:

I would be such an unpopular HG. When I dislike someone, I have a tough time hiding it.

Oh, same. I would be a consistent trash talker for sure.

  • Love 3
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