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Season 3 Discussion

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2 minutes ago, dyanad said:

Am I the only one that sees Chantel's family point of view? Yes, they contributed to the mess in the DR, but his family contributed to that shit show too! Chantel's family get off the plane and the first thing the hear from his family is "where is the TV". Knowing Pedro and Chantel are struggling with living and all his family is concerned about is where are my things. It would be very off putting to me as well. And yes, it would raise concerns. Now, Pedto acting shady AF with these plans that he has that he has not and apparently DOES NOT want to talk to Chantel about is not a good look. I see it as he does not want to talk in front of Chantel's family because he wants to be able to sweet talk and lie to her and ultimately push her to do things his way (which he has done all along - especially with regards to his family and money). He isn't in a marriage or equals, he sees his money as his and her money and theirs. Their is something really fishy and it stinks a lot.

I agree with you 100%. 

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I'm no fan of Pao, but when she discussed the miscarriage, she cried real tears that flowed freely. I actually think she was telling the truth. She may have been exaggerating, but I think she wanted a baby.

I think she did but it doesn't really explain why she didn't talk to her family for 4 years.

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, Marilee said:

I feel bad for Pao and Russ now. If it’s a blood issue that caused her miscarriage I’m wondering now if it’s some sort of clotting disorder. It’d explain what she was saying about it would be a very high risk pregnancy and the baby could be in danger. Running off to do research...

I think she might be talking about RH negative and RH positive issues. As long as you are aware of the issues they have a treatment for it. 

I do think she would lie. She’s lied to Russ many times.

  • Love 24

Nicole is a terrible mother.  She should just go to Morocco get married and stay there.  She barely raises her kid as it is without a phone in her hand, and to think taking the poor girl away from all that she knows and loves just so she can be happy is damned selfish.  It pisses me off that people more concerned with their love life than their kids are allowed to have them in the first place.

  • Love 22
1 minute ago, Real Eyes said:

I agree with you 100%. 

When Pedro dropped that bomb on them, everything changed.

I didn't like Pedro at first because of the way he lied to her on the phone when he missed that flight and she was so hurt. Then I felt guilty for being so hard on him.  Now, I'm wishing I had trusted my first instinct.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, woot said:

I hate hearing David and Annie drone on about money issues. For once I’d love for them to acknowledge the fact that they are getting paid to be on the show.  They are not as destitute as they want everyone to believe. 

I didn’t notice that outfit but I do like the top she is wearing for TH.  It’s flattering and a nice colour choice for her. 

They don’t get paid very much to appear, probably only $1k per episode.  

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I'm no fan of Pao, but when she discussed the miscarriage, she cried real tears that flowed freely. I actually think she was telling the truth. She may have been exaggerating, but I think she wanted a baby.

I am not so sure, her family was angry at her and she first tried the Oklahoma pity party story and when that didn't work she used the miscarriage as an excuse. Anything to take the pressure off and have her family give her the adoration she craves. How much time did she spend with Grandma? She also tried the "oh I got her talking I am that special BS" and the family was not biting. She's a sociopath.

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I'm no fan of Pao, but when she discussed the miscarriage, she cried real tears that flowed freely. I actually think she was telling the truth. She may have been exaggerating, but I think she wanted a baby.

She hasn’t spoken to them in years. How did Russ not know? Pedro talks to his family in front of Chantel. How could he not even ask her “How’s your family, did you talk to them, let’s call them” what about Skyping? And no bills for phone calls? Very weird. If she cried, it was out of guilt and for getting called out by her family. No way she risked getting pregnant and stuck in Oklahoma forever. 

  • Love 4

I think Mother Chantel may not be wrong about Pedro’s mother seeing those dollar signs, but her way of expressing it is TERRIBLE.  Gee.  I wonder why Pedro doesn’t want to come down to have breakfast with these terrible people.  “Harvest the American dollar” is the most clunky turn of phrase.  That said, it was cold of Pedro to drop that “only me move back to the DR” thing on Chantel in this setting.  That sort of thing is why marriages don’t work on, and why I, frankly, can’t fully be on his side.   If it is your business alone, then why did you bring it up, dude?!   Family Chantel are annoying and terrible, but if I were them, Pedro’s choices  and shady behavior would be pushing me to my limit too.  PLUS, it seems like Pedro is gaslighting her a little bit.  "That thing I said, I didn't say, you crazy chick...must be your family."

Nicole’s lawyer is real shady.  This is one of those lawyers that advertises on the penny savers at the grocery store.  BUT.  I wonder if Azan made up the email AND didn’t go to the interview. I love that Azan is like “nah, don’t come to Morocco…I need that Starbuck money to keep coming in” and then says “fuck it”.  This wedding isn’t going to happen, so WTF not?!  Yooo, HASSAN and Nicole in full frame for the bumper to commercial.

I like that every person on the planet is “Nicole.  Girl.  Nah.  Don’t.”, except of course, for freaking Nicole.  This is a terrible idea, and a terrible idea with Mae.  She doesn’t barely raise her own daughter as it is. Very personal opinion:  I think both sides of Nicole’s family are a bit racist, which colors my opinion of a lot of what they say. Azan is a prick, who is totally scamming her, but I think even if he were a good dude, they still wouldn’t like her being with a “Muslim” man (questionable how good a religious man he is with what he is doing) in a Muslim country. 

Annie and David.  Yeah.  I don’t like either.  David is incredibly useless, and Annie is just a snake who got trapped by a loser snake.  Well deserved for both parties.  The shooting of his son is crazy, and I’m glad Jacob isn’t staying with David b/c David is worse than unhelpful.   

So I don’t like Pao.  But.  BUT, genuinely, if the story is true, my heart goes out to her and Russ.  That is heartbreaking and painful.  All mean jokes aside (I’ll be back to regularly scheduled Pao bashing next week).

The one thing I will say:  I think it is easier for the family to blame Russ than to think the person they raised and loved could be so callous.  Pao keeps blaming OK for all her sadness, but that seems like bullshit to me.  I actually appreciated Jhon; he seemed pretty cool. 

Luis is the worst, but is it a bad idea for Kensley to stay with anyone else?  I wouldn’t want Kensley with Luis.

Edited by TrininisaScorp
  • Love 21
39 minutes ago, iwasish said:

She hasn’t spoken to them in years. How did Russ not know? Pedro talks to his family in front of Chantel. How could he not even ask her “How’s your family, did you talk to them, let’s call them” what about Skyping? And no bills for phone calls? Very weird. If she cried, it was out of guilt and for getting called out by her family. No way she risked getting pregnant and stuck in Oklahoma forever. 

Fair point.

Also I noticed her sisters didn't exactly look like they were moved by what she had to say.

Here's what I think. She was very happy to be pregnant, but perhaps she didn't think through everything that raising a baby would entail... meaning, thinking of another little person. Sadly, she never had the opportunity to think it through because she lost the baby quickly after she heard the news.  And, I do think she was genuinely saddened and grieving that loss.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 8

Nicole and Azan/Hassan. He is not a piece of property or the solution to your problems. He also may not want to take care of you and May.  This is the road of need and codependence. Why hasn't he been around in 10 months? It's probably long over in his eyes and wants nothing to do with you.  Persistence and moving to Morocco is probably not going to solve the need problem. Working on yourself, getting an education, and opening up some better options for yourself will. Make yourself the woman that he will want to be with. If he can't get a visa, thank your lucky stars. Throwing a tantrum to get what you want won't work. It will be a starter marriage for you and it probably will not last more than a year or two.  And then you are stuck with him for the next ten years.

The parents may have some racist views and are wary of Azan/Hassan. The daughter is immature, needy, controlling and probably not really equipped to tie her life to someone else. It's doubtful that their daughter will be able to live in a different country with different cultural norms, not get her own way at times, etc. She has few life skills. Perhaps it's the parents seeing the folly in this to make them go, woah.

Molly, you and Luis should have had long talks about his role in your childrens' lives. He has no interest in being a 'daddy' to them. You just don't dump the little kid on him until you are sure that he can be a parental figure to her. He just wants to have fun.  He does not work for you and he is not an unpaid sitter. I would find a local babysitter or house-sitter to take care of Kensley.

Pao's greatest love is Pao. The family will be lucky to get a holiday card from her. So easy to blame the husband. Nuh-uh. Pao needs to own that she really doesn't have much interest in family ties unless she has to. Her interest is her 'modelling' or whatever she does. No plans to spend time with or call the family. If she does have a blood RH issue, there are medications to take to alleviate that problem. Probably doesn't really want a child. At least not with Russ. Her sisters should have some idea - they look ordinary and Pao is the glamour girl. She isn't giving that up for some baby.

Chantel, get to know Molly - ordering around your starter husband is not the way to go. I do feel a bit for Pedro - yeah something fishy is going on, but having a go at him for everything is not going to work out. He will run and rightfully so. The parents may be right, but it is up to Chantel to learn about her husband's true intentions - if he has any - and decide what to do - as an adult. The daughter made her choice and has to live with the karma and consequences.

The dowry strikes back! David Poor, going on about your 4 year vacation and now having to support your 25 year old wife was not the way to go at the job interview. Not a really good attitude. Unless you felt that the modern day lawyer dude would think it was awesome that you scored yourself a young hottie. The job you want vs the job you will get are two very different things. You may be looking at some low-end jobs for a while. Annie Poor is probably not happy that the son got shot. That was her escape from the nightly boom-boom. Surprised she hasn't been asked to take some cash jobs under the table - cleaning, whatever. Daughter Ashley can see right through you. You want to stay on your lifelong paid vacation, courtesy of your friend Chris.

  • Love 19

I have empathy for Nicole.  She is the family screw up, has little self discipline, and I think what she really wants is a life partner, as her sister (I believe) has, and her parents have.  I don't think she even has the capability to understand what a relationship truly is, as she hasn't had one.  She is not the type of person who should do a K-1 or K-3 visa, as I don't think she has the skills to navigate a partnership.


I disagree on those who say Chantel is ordering Pedro around.  He is not a man who can be ordered around.  Her family needs to stay out of the relationship and be positive about it, but I wonder if this is all manufactured drama for the camera.


I don't know what to think of Paola not contacting her family.  I do recall her skyping with them and complaining about Russ when she was in Oklahoma.  Plus, places don't really make you happy or unhappy.  Everything is inside of you.  


David and Annie - He is a little unrealistic, but I think he is trying to do the right thing, in his own way.  Annie is pushy, but that's what he wanted, so I have no sympathy.  She will do okay, whether she stays with him or not.


Jorge and Anfisa - He is spineless, and she is cruel.  Both need to grow up and be less selfish.

Edited by Real Eyes
  • Love 12

Yeah, they all suck.

Paola's excuses are weak. She didn't wanna talk to them because she didn't wanna say bad things? Well uh... you're on a TV show. And presumably they live in a place with electricity so they could probably... watch?! So you can live your life out for millions of strangers but you can't call your mom to say hi? Blah. I can't imagine her pregnant. She'd have to get fat or something. What about being a model. Horrors!

I do think Chantel's family is on to something. But they should stay out of it. She's a grown woman. It's her choice to follow Pedro to financial ruin. I agree with Pedro. The family is very fake and annoying.

I don't understand why Anfisa doesn't find another mark with actual money. She's got the body and the skills. Maybe it's just for the show?

Molly was driving? I thought she didn't have a license. I don't know why she wants to force Luis into being a parent. You know the only person who loses? Kensley. Not him. I would never leave her with him for so many reasons. I'm glad she came to her senses but it seemed like she came to her senses over a silly thing. It is babysitting for him. That's not his kid. You don't marry a person to be a live-in babysitter because your oldest daughter is about to leave the nest, especially when they are not at all willing and have never pretended to be. Luis's smartest comment was, why isn't she staying with her dad? Luckily, Grandma doesn't have a life. She should have hired a real babysitter that gets paid.

The only reason I don't say throw Nicole to the wolves is poor May. Going to that lawyer seemed like a waste of time. She didn't tell Nicole anything she couldn't find on Google. Couldn't someone investigate why he got denied? A lawyer should be able to, right? That didn't seem to be on the table. I still can't understand how Nicole is supporting Azan. How are they supposed to afford a big Morrocan wedding? And wouldn't it look better if she lived in the US during the K-3 visa process? Otherwise... just live in the other country. You seem comfortable there. I'm just mad about the teaser fake out. I wanted Azan to really be involved with drug trafficking! 

I feel really bad for David's son. You seen Annie's callous nature with that, because she was just like oh he got shot but he's okay. Now what about my dowry. That local politician looked like a real TV politician, didn't he? David is such a dope but Annie is really annoying. This season you realize they both deserve each other. Annie wasn't gonna do any better. And the fam is never getting that 15k, but I guess they don't really care.

Edited by shouldbedancing
  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, steff13 said:

I missed what was "wrong" with her blood?  

She babbled something about a blood disorder and their kids might have weak limbs or something like that. l’m not  buying it. She was all about her carrrreeeer, I never heard her say one word about trying to get pregnant and I’m sure she was taking every precaution not to. I would guess she was on the pill because I doubt she wanted to get her period while  running around in skimpy lingerie or swimsuits. So no I don’t believe she was pregnant. We  didn’t get to see what transpired so we have to take her story with a grain of salt. 

  • Love 5

At first I thought Nicole is mentally challenged. But she has just enough IQ to be stupid. She hasn’t seen Hassan in 10 months .... that’s the longest they have ever gone without seeing each other? WTF. That makes no sense. Glad to see her grandpa(?) tell her she’s an idiot (previews). I say put her and her kid on the plane, move and change your phone #.  It’s her mess, she needs to learn to clean up after herself. Mae will survive.

  • Love 11

First off the show was playing while I was cleaning up from dinner so I had heard harvest and thought family Chantal is off their rocker if they think that Pedro is involved with a black market organ operation. That kid couldn't run an ice cream truck  

I have no issue with family Chantal boring a PI. My family has been working with a PI to check out what my family's princess has been up to. Attention TLC - if you are having a "he stole my heart and now we're running from warrants" show I may just have your new Nicole/Chantal! If you have a dopey spoiled princess in the family their magical thinking and naivete can cause damage to the entire family. Offense people!

I immediately thought that pao was lying and I feel awful about it.

Nicole is scary. I wonder what type of behavior in her part has whipped her entire family into submission? Suicide attempts ? Running away? Violence? There is something very powerful at work here. I do picture Azan in a frenzy to create a Mrs. Doubtfire/Tootsie persons to avoid Nicole finding him.

Anfisa is my favorite


David's son is a heartbreak. And David seems bereft at losing a juicy storyline and $200.00 a month. 

Edited by spankydoll
  • Love 19
18 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Ok,that undercooked bacon at the breakfast Chantel looked nasty, I would rather have the chicken feet. I also loved Pedro all drunk sucking the wine back, that family would make me drink too.

I think Azan skipped the interview and wrote the email himself.


Who would go anywhere liquor is served with Pedro  and family Chantel ?

what is with these parents who remarry and leave their barely 18 yr old kid on their own? David’s ex moved to Texas with her new hubby. Molly’s friend basically said Molly’s kids just have to suck it up because Molly DESERVES to be happy.  

Yes she deserves to have happiness  ..... once her children are established and  capable of being on their own. Them turning the magic 18 isn’t the equivalent of a get out of jail/parole from responsibility for you. 

And yes that bacon looked NASTY.. revenge for the chicken feet possibly?

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 10
4 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

I almost cried from happiness that this show is back!  Yay!!  Trainwreck city!!

This show brings such amusement to my house.  Mr. Trini and I have a Anfisa and Jorge routine that crack us up (I play Jorge, and he does an amazing Anfisa...."Whhhyyy you didn't get the waffle cones instead of regular ice cream cones at Publix?!  You promise me!!").  After this episode we have added SCREAMING "GRACIAS!" whenever we want to rudely interrupt the other one. 

Him:  "Sweetheart, a Coach box came for you, where you expecting some..."    Me:  "GRACIAS!"

Me: "Hon, are people coming over for Game 2 of the NBA..."  Him:  "GRACIAS!"

It's a real bitch move.  Just like Chantel. 

Family Chantel is fairly terrible, but neither party is helping the situation.  Chantel told her parents that Pedro is going above the decided upon amount to send home, so they know her business and her concerns which plays right into their feelings about Pedro.  Pedro undoubtedly does the same shit with his greedy ass family too.  I might hate these people, but that's a bomb ass cabin that he didn't have to go to.  Him bitching about it while stretched out on the plush leather sofa is the picture of "first world problems".   These 2 need boundaries; if the situation can't be resolved b/c both sides are being pricks, separate the children.  Have some fam time with Pedro regularly and go on the fancy cabin trip with your family.  Pedro would be happy to stay home and play video games on his bomb system.  Mr. Trini literally points out how nice his system is every time they show it on the screen.  Predictably, I yell "GRACIAS" and we move on. 

Pao is a real ratchet thang, ain't she?!  Who goes to visit their sick grandma looking like that?!  Abuelita broke my heart (and it was exploitative for sure).  Sad bangs Russ was more emotionally compelling about a woman he just met than Pao about the woman that partially raised her.  I hate that her family blames Russ.  As usually, I put that blame completely on Pao.  Typical behavior to say "I hope they don't blame Russ" and totally ensure they blame Russ for her being lazy and distant.  

Mae continues to be adorable.  I'm concerned about her living conditions (I DGAF about Nicole) with the state of that carpet Mae is sitting on, Mae being hungry, Mae not have combed hair, and Mae's seemingly lack of formal learning and education.  Also, Nicole needs to be diligent with Mae on that lake set-up outside of her Section 8.  This is freaking Florida.  I'm assume every body of water in the state has a gator or 12.  You have to watch kids closely and watch the times you are out by the water.  

hahaha. I always launch a "Get me my red bag..." at the Mr.  I am adding your routine to the role play. Thank you!

You are right on the money about the gators. I was a clueless Bostonian when I moved to Florida. The first week that I was there a landscaper who took a dip in a canal to cool off was killed by a gator - 2 blocks away from my new home. I quickly adopted the credo that in Florida any body of water larger than a saucepan probably has a gator in it 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Who would go anywhere liquor is served with Pedro  and family Chantel ?

what is with these parents who remarry and leave their barely 18 yr old kid on their own? David’s ex moved to Texas with her new hubby. Molly’s friend basically said Molly’s kids just have to suck it up because Molly DESERVES to be happy.  

Yes she deserves to have happiness  ..... once her children are established and  capable of being on their own. Them turning the magic 18 isn’t the equivalent of a get out of jail/parole from responsibility for you. 

And yes that bacon looked NASTY.. revenge for the chicken feet possibly?

I was more offended by the cheap maple syrup myself. Family Chantal appears to want to be highbrow. Maple syrup should be straight from the tree!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Poor Jacob he looks miserable if it is anyone who deserves sympathy it is him.

Absolutely! Poor kid. I’m going to show that scene to dh when he gets home. I’m sure his opinion of Jacob’s wound will be a lot more professional than mine and my sister’s which was, “Dayum!”. What makes me cringe even harder is the thought of such a severely injured boy left in David’s care. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to sell the kids pain medication a few pills at a time.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 11

I’m picturing Azan and some friends spending the Visa interview day coming up with a bogus denial that they made appear to come from an official office in Morocco. Then I think he was totally blindsided when Nicole came up with the alternate K-3 Visa idea and getting married there. I had to laugh when Nicole said, “Azan is worried about money because it’s hard for him to get a job in Morocco, and I’ve been supporting him financially” then in the next breath she says “Hopefully Azan will get a good job so that he can support me and May in Morocco.” Yeah, because he can’t even support himself...

Edited to add: Is Nicole’s father Amish? 


Edited by magemaud
  • LOL 1
  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

So. Wait now.  Penguin’s Son still has the bullet in his face?  Did David or Annie say they needed to be able to afford the surgery to remove it???

Did they mention the caliber of the bullet? If it's a pellet or small caliber they may be waiting for it to work its way to the surface or side so they don't have to cut him open where the scar can't be hidden. 

  • Useful 1
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15 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

While I don't wish actual infertility on Paola, I definitely hope she's never able to conceive with Russ, so it will be easier for him to run far away from her and never look back. She's horrible.

Annie hates American food because it's "all hamburgers and fries" or whatever. Could we please be more ignorant and miserable? How about this: I hate Thai food because it is literally only Pad Thai and nothing else and therefore I hate it.* They may not have much money for eating out, but I know that girl can use the internet to find an American husband so she can use it to figure out American cuisine, too.

I still have no use for Anfisa. So she's honest, whoop-de-doo. That's a bare minimum human decency thing. She's also rude, belligerent, and greedy. I'll never respect a gold digger just because she admits she's a gold digger, and I won't feel bad for her if she digs in an empty mine. She's young, attractive-adjacent, and speaks at least two major languages -- she could get all kinds of real jobs that pay her for "honest" work. If she'd rather take the risk of betting her economic future on a guy who claims to be rich, oh well. I'll conserve my sympathy for the young women back in Russia who live in terrible conditions with no access to education or a better future. 


*I don't actually think this.

I completely understand Annie's issues with the food. David isn't offering her much of the American experience. He is taking her to some version of Denneys over and over and over again. Thai food is very light, fragrant and flavorful. He is feeding her cheap fried crap. I know that Annie is no saint but here we go again with one of these women following promises of comfort and romance and ending up as a chambermaid with benefits  

  • Love 11
12 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Thai food is whatever. Some of it is actually pretty heavy and makes me feel gross after I eat it. It has its ups and downs just like any cuisine, including American. I don't know where people get these ideas that America has no "culture" or its food is all greasy and "flavorless," or that we have to denigrate our own culture to others for some reason. It allows people like Annie to feel justified in criticizing things they haven't even bothered to explore.

It is at least 50% Annie's fault that she has lived in a country for over a year and is still so ignorant about the variety of food available. I have trouble imagining that David does all the grocery shopping himself and leaves her in the car. Most of us can't afford Michelin starred restaurants, here or abroad, yet we manage to be aware of the world beyond our local Denny's.

I just get so tired of all the people on this show who make it their life's goal to come to this country by any means, including screwing our least attractive citizens, and then they bitch and moan about every-damn-thing once they get here. If Thailand or Bucamaranga or whatever is better, go back! If you don't want to go back, maybe spend some time reflecting on why! Nicole was rightfully excoriated for flipping her shit about tagine and public modesty in Morocco. Americans aren't the only "ugly" foreigners. When in Rome, MFs.

Annie is stuck on brokeass mountain with bahtman. He doesn't appear to have any friends - no shock really as he is a grifter. Annie has no disposable income with which to explore the region and culture herself. She hasn't had the luxury of having a broader base of experience to flesh out her opinions.  

Edited by spankydoll
  • Love 9

As someone said earlier, it's a sad state of affairs when Anfisa becomes my favorite!

Loved when she said if Jorge wants a place to put his clothes, he should have brought a drawer.

Ugggh, David Poor disgusts me! He's upset because Chris has the nerve to not only stop supporting his fat ass, but charge him rent! How dare he! Annie kept saying she didn't know where her Green Card was, I wonder if David Poor is hiding it so she has to feel dependant on him. 

This is an honest question, is it normal for a son from the DR to send as much money to his mom and sister as Pedro does?  If the sister were to marry, would she be equally responsible for supporting Mommy?

Almost forgot about Nicole and whatever his name is...he has no plans  to marry her.  I will guarantee he did something for immigration to question his sincerity..like telling them he was maybe 40% attracted to her.  I saw something in Google saying she's lost a couple of pounds, I'll try to find it.

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

Annie is stuck on brokeass mountain with bahtman. He doesn't appear to have any friends - no shock really as he is a grifter. Annie has no disposable income with which to explore the region and culture herself. She hasn't had the luxury of having a broader base of experience to flesh out her opinions.  

Like I said, though, she can google it the way she apparently googled herself a husband. She Skypes her mom so we know she has internet access on her phone. It's annoying to hear that kind of ignorance; it implies that anyone in a rural area with a low income is ignorant and can't help it, and we know that's not true. People were saying how Nicole should have done some basic research before going to Morocco, and I agree. It's not hard to get a clue these days, and if you intend to marry someone from another culture, how could you not at least try?

  • Love 8

Pedro, Pedro, Pedro....

He was shady as hell on this episode, and he may have something up his sleeve, but...the combination of lack of English and alcohol maybe brought out an idea he just had in his head and not something he had completely planned out. And at least he is harvesting his own American dollars and not just living off of his spouse.

Nicole makes me physically ill.  

I actually thought Annie was really sweet and supportive about Jacob. I think her saying "but he's okay" was her trying to comfort David, not being dismissive.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 21
3 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

I think she did but it doesn't really explain why she didn't talk to her family for 4 years.

Didn't she say that the miscarriage was two days before they left for Colombia?  It's very sad but has nothing to do with why she distanced herself for four years.  She better hope her family doesn't see the footage of her living the party life in Miami.

I think the love and physical affection she has with her family is very genuine, but I don't understand why she stopped communicating with them.  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Just saw the previews, Pao It is NOT a hard choice your friend is a disrespectful snake and the fact that he is your BFF is very telling. You simply tell your friend that Russ is your husband and if he continues to be disrespectful then you are ending the friendship.

Totally agree. I'm really over the Juan storyline. If he's that great of a friend, he wouldn't be a total jackass to your husband right in front of you. And what is this "choice" crap? You might divorce your husband because he can't stand your friend? Plus, I don't recall Russ ever saying he didn't want her to hang out with Juan; he just doesn't want to have to deal with his dramatic ass himself. But Pao always takes her friend's side.

  • Love 12

I’m confused. Have people on this show seen past episodes?

Has Molly’s friend seen the abysmal way Luis treats Molly’s kids? Has she seen the crude language he used around Olivia? Olivia’s refusal to be a part of Molly’s horrible discussion is completely valid - not that she’s jealous of mom’s attention to a new guy. Has *Molly* seen the way her husband talks to her children?

Did Nicole’s parents watch the episodes where she whined all over Morocco? She will be miserable there. Why didn’t they use that as ammunition?

Family Chantal may be on to something, but they’re messy as hell. Chantal and Pedro should take an Uber back home to work out their issues. Hanging out with her family makes everything worse.

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Well my two cents on Anfisa is very different from what the majority thinks. I am from an Eastern Europeen country and actually understand her a lot better. Jorge is a piece of shit in my opinion. He lies all the time and makes Anfisa crazy on purpose! I know how she feels because my husband is the same! He is the nice guy, the oh so fantastic guy who is kind doesn’t speak much like a lost little flower in the hands of this horrible women (me). He’s mother told him that she can’t sleep at night because she is so worried about how I treat him... this is what I have to live with everyday where everyone thinks I am like Anfisa. The truth is that my husband can be a right ass! Now we have been together for many years but specially in the first four years it was bad! He drank every day and he just didn’t stop when he first started. He missed his job because of being too drunk in the mornings! So because I loved him I said to him that enough is enough I tell you when enough is enough. So that was our rule. After that he also became a domestic abuser. One time he was so drunk he hit me and screamed I am going to kill you. He has broken mirrors and hit holes in the walls wile not even being drunk! But I still stayed! Now our life is great both have good job and a new huge house and nice cars. But everyone still thinks that I am like Anfisa a cold bitch that wants his money and that I am controlling and horrible because he is such a nice boy!! Nobody knows how he really is! Nobody ! And he also drove me crazy like that and then acting all innocent!

so I know my story is long but I feel for her. I also acted like someone cold often because I never betrayed him but it was not easy and still not telling anyone his real self. So when people asked when we should get married I just said with cold eyes will see. Maybe never.. he also didn’t defend me when his family called me a gold digger.. and yes I also have a huge diamond ring and nice expensive purses. But they don’t mean anything when you’re husband is like an ass and then pretending he is mister nice guy!

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17 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Paola is probably Rh negative (10% of women are). Women that are Rh negative have devastating problems carrying a baby to term unless the man is also Rh negative. Pao already had a miscarriage, which means she's already sensitized. It's not good news.

I'm RH negative, my husband is positive. I had no issues carrying to term (3 kids). At 28 weeks, you get a RHogam shot and at birth if the baby is born Rh positive, you get another. It's not end of the world devestating like it would be before that shot was available.

Either way, miscarriage is awful and I feel for Pao on this one.

Edited by MsSilverSpecs
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