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Season 3 Discussion

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18 minutes ago, iwasish said:

The first was, I believe Nicole’s first trip to Morocco and her first night there. They got a room together, she pretty much dragged him in, kicked the camera  men out, and the next morning coyly  announced that the deed was done. Azan looked like a dead man walking. 

The second was the trip to the desert and his “proposal”. They had a nice tent to themselves and Azan manned up and apparently performed admirably as Nicole looked like the cat who just had a bowl of cream the next day.

I think I'm going to be sick.....................................

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4 hours ago, Morrissey said:

No judgement from my end. There's no question that Azan executed his con flawlessly. And what I would give to have been a fly on the wall on that day they (meaning Azan) decided to postpone the second wedding. Not only did he find a way out, but he had her in the palm of his hand by the time they gave their interview. From this moment forward, he can do whatever he pleases. He OWNS her. 


I almost didn't watch the Azan/Nicole special.   I thought, How much more of this can I take?

Now I'm glad I did.   I never saw the twist ending coming.   Nicole, hoist on her own petard.   It was pathetic, but delicious.   

Part of me thinks Robalee's reaction was too passive.   But in retrospect maybe she decided that for the safety of everyone involved, especially May, the prudent move would be to get everyone out of Morocco as quickly as possible.    Things could have heated up fast if instead Robalee had started throwing around accusations.

I am surprised Robalee didn't propose bringing May home with her under the pretense of giving Azan and Nicole time to work more closely on their "business" in the two weeks remaining.    If my daughter had already been relieved of $6000 by a con man, I would have found it impossible to leave the 4-year-old in that same person's home for another hour, let alone two weeks.

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Were those sweat stains on the back of Pao's dress?   Not sure she'll be able to return that in the morning.

I suspect Pao might be serious about wanting a baby, possibly as a substitute for the modeling career that never took off.    Her logic might be, okay, I didn't make it as a model but now I can reinvent myself by becoming a mommy.    But I think she's worried that her motherhood aspirations will be handicapped by the same thing that held her back from doing more as a model: her age.    My guess is, while she may believe she's angry with Roos, she's actually furious with herself for waiting so long to pursue the things she has dreamed of, because she sees them slipping away.

Luis gets the Sanity Award for this week's broadcast.  "I'm busy now, try me later.  Click."  

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2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Wow 2.5 years is a long time, glad it all worked out! Just curious if a person can't work during  the process how do people support themselves? Is it all up to the sponsor?

I was given a social security card after 3 months and that enabled me to work (things may have changed since 98.) but you don’t get to leave the country freely until the green card and there is every chance you could be refused at the final interview.

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10 minutes ago, millennium said:

Were those sweat stains on the back of Pao's dress?   Not sure she'll be able to return that in the morning.

I suspect Pao might be serious about wanting a baby, possibly as a substitute for the modeling career that never took off.    Her logic might be, okay, I didn't make it as a model but now I can reinvent myself by becoming a mommy.    But I think she's worried that her motherhood aspirations will be handicapped by the same thing that held her back from doing more as a model: her age.    My guess is, while she may believe she's angry with Roos, she's actually furious with herself for waiting so long to pursue the things she has dreamed of, because she sees them slipping away.

Luis gets the Sanity Award for this week's broadcast.  "I'm busy now, try me later.  Click."  

Plus there’s the child support.

I mean it’s not like her carrr-eeeer is going anywhere.

I’m sure Quan will be thrilled to be godfather to Roosss’s kid.

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24 minutes ago, Saje81 said:

This may be an unpopular opinion, but there are a lot of reasons why a young child may be put on a leash.

Hear, hear!   I'm the eldest of three girls.  My mother did not need a leash until the last little darling...uhh, demon.  In those old days, the child usually wore a harness and the leash attached.  I see more leashes on children's wristbands these days.

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41 minutes ago, millennium said:

I suspect Pao might be serious about wanting a baby, possibly as a substitute for the modeling career that never took off.

I'm not so sure.  If she's bright at all, she has figured the number of months before/after pregnancy she will be able to work.  I'd bet she and Roooss had that discussion several times before the tell-all, and SHE decided to make "good TV" by bringing up something she knew always upset him.

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2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I am torn on Azan, is he a criminal mastermind or did he simply fall upon such a mark devoid of intelligence that he does not even need to try anymore as she will throw money at him regardless?

It would be fun to see a conversation among 4-5 of his other scam-buddies.  Each one is probably asking how HE is more successful than any of them.  Each one of them is so much better looking, so much smarter, better-educated, much more charming.  "What does HE have that WE don't?"   Azad Mastermind simply fell into a vat of luck...and persisted.  Perhaps it will turn out to be a vat of Karma.

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My thoughts (I only got to finish watching it today):

Molly- She was only speaking on this tell all for like 20min.  The rest of the time she just sat there looking like she smelled a fart.  At least she was covered up!

Shaun- #worst hostever!  Is she the same horrible host that hosted the TLC breaking amish reunions?  I don't remember, but that host sucked too.  It's almost like she's never seen the show before and was just getting written summaries about each couple.

David/Annie- Like others said; I was on Annie's side until she started in on Anfisa.  Annie was likely a prostitute so she can take a seat.  David can just shut up- you aren't the host nor do you have any insight or wisdom on successful relationships and living.

Pao/Russ- The most hilarious line was Russ insisting that he speaks up for himself.  Pao looks like octomom and is just as attention seeking.  I love how she and Russ try so hard to be a united front when they are downing Anfisa, but everytime they are alone she is yelling at Russ for stupid stuff.

Jorge/Anfisa-  I'm totally bored with them and their story but was there for Anfisa giving it back to Pao.

Pedro/Chantal- I feel for Pedro.  He has his faults and his share of an awful family, but I think he totally loved Chantal.  I feel like her standing up for River and not for him in the fight is his breaking point. If they do divorce , family Chantel is completely to blame for breaking apart a marriage.  There was no reason at all for TLC to phone interview parents Chantal.  No one wants to hear from them.  Chantal is afraid to go against them, they wear her down, and they do nothing but berate and blame Pedro for everything.  He ain't perfect, but since he came over he sincerely tried to get to know the whole creepy lot.  He played basketball with river and worked out with Thomas, always called dumb mom- Mrs. Karen.  He went to the creepy murder cabin in the woods just for Chantal where it became a dogpile crazy accusation weekend and didn't even get too mad in front of them.  Chantal's family provokes and provokes and provokes and then clutches their pearls and dramatically gasps "well I never!" when Pedro reacts; when they have acted the same or worse towards him.  Mami Chantal and her stupid quote that she had to badly read from a cue card???  What a fake; this woman is so stupid she probably doesn't even know who Sir Issac newton was or what he did.  Pedro's mom is right- just come home.  He should give Chantal an ultimatum - come with me or move somewhere else with me and go to counseling or we are DONE.  None of this will work if Chantel won't stand up to her family in healthy ways- leave and cleave people, leave and cleave.


Nicole- She's a horrible mother.  That is the only takeaway here.  When Azan is out of her life, she will move on to someone else and force may to call him daddy as well. If she had half a brain, she should get on her knees and be thankful that Azan was only after her money and truly seemed to like May.  He could have just have easily been a pedo or someone that wanted to traffic May.  Nicole is such a freaking idiot that she doesn't get it.  She probably is still hoping for the big wedding and is still sending him money.  Wouldn't Azan know that Morrocan weddings cost a lot of money? #free May

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Seems from this Tell All that Annie has pretty much had it with the loser she married and is ready to go back to Thailand. Molly is waiting for her divorce while being snubbed by her former nanny who may want to return to the DR if he hasn't already. Nicole forked over all the money she had to Her World who didn't marry her before she went home. Pao must be getting tired of screaming at Roos for no reason so she's ready to go back to Colommmbia and Pedro is planning a vacation to the DR to think about his future and whether it's worth it to remain in a marriage where his wife sides with crazy people who hate him. It's ironic that Jorge the liar/felon and gold digging Anfisa are the two who seemed less apt to run away screaming from their marriage at this point.  

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7 hours ago, dyanad said:

do the wedding later as her family suggested. It boggles my mind

FFS, you're already married.  Andrei's family couldn't be at your wedding? Guess what - they're still not at your wedding, because it's not a wedding. It's a piece of theater. 

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5 hours ago, millennium said:

I suspect Pao might be serious about wanting a baby, possibly as a substitute for the modeling career that never took off.    Her logic might be, okay, I didn't make it as a model but now I can reinvent myself by becoming a mommy.    But I think she's worried that her motherhood aspirations will be handicapped by the same thing that held her back from doing more as a model: her age.    My guess is, while she may believe she's angry with Roos, she's actually furious with herself for waiting so long to pursue the things she has dreamed of, because she sees them slipping away.

Luis gets the Sanity Award for this week's broadcast.  "I'm busy now, try me later.  Click."  

Pao is already planning her Instagram shots and hashtags #hotmommy #Colombianmade #miamor #babymakesthree #bestofbothworlds #babyJuan. or #babyJuanita if the child has the bad manners to be born a girl. I'm sure Pao wants all boys, not girls who will compete with her. She is transparent as glass. 


4 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Pedro/Chantal- I feel for Pedro.  He has his faults and his share of an awful family, but I think he totally loved Chantal.  I feel like her standing up for River and not for him in the fight is his breaking point. If they do divorce , family Chantel is completely to blame for breaking apart a marriage.  There was no reason at all for TLC to phone interview parents Chantal.  No one wants to hear from them.  Chantal is afraid to go against them, they wear her down, and they do nothing but berate and blame Pedro for everything.  He ain't perfect, but since he came over he sincerely tried to get to know the whole creepy lot.  He played basketball with river and worked out with Thomas, always called dumb mom- Mrs. Karen.  He went to the creepy murder cabin in the woods just for Chantal where it became a dogpile crazy accusation weekend and didn't even get too mad in front of them.  Chantal's family provokes and provokes and provokes and then clutches their pearls and dramatically gasps "well I never!" when Pedro reacts; when they have acted the same or worse towards him.  Mami Chantal and her stupid quote that she had to badly read from a cue card???  What a fake; this woman is so stupid she probably doesn't even know who Sir Issac newton was or what he did.  Pedro's mom is right- just come home.  He should give Chantal an ultimatum - come with me or move somewhere else with me and go to counseling or we are DONE.  None of this will work if Chantel won't stand up to her family in healthy ways- leave and cleave people, leave and cleave

All this. Pedro sends his folks a little money. That's IT. And his mother is a highly unpleasant person. Chantel's parents made him sign a prenup to protect Chantel's "fortune", so they made it clear from jump that what was hers was hers, so why shouldn't he take a little off the top of what he makes? Working two jobs? If whats hers is hers, than what's his is his, its only fair. And seriously, they're all so mad about Pedro's mother and sister living in a 3 bedroom apartment? Pedro should have just shut that down right then with "OK, you want a 3 bedroom apartment? Fine. Lets get one in Santo Domingo, because we sure as hell can't afford one in Atlanta". Jesus Christ. Now there are hysterical rantings about living under an assumed name, having a secret family in the DR, "harvesting American dollars", dark hints at other nefarious activity. Drug running? Weapons? Militias? Nothing is too evil. 

5 hours ago, Saje81 said:

This may be an unpopular opinion, but there are a lot of reasons why a young child may be put on a leash. It could be that the child is a runner and very unpredictable. It could also be that the parent has physical limitations that prevent them from reacting quickly enough to keep a kid from danger should they decide to dart off into traffic or whatever. Rather than avoid taking the child out, they can do so with confidence that a leash will keep the child from being seriously harmed. 


I'm pro-leash, not only for the reasons you describe but simply because it's more comfortable for the kid to be able to walk normally instead of always having to reach up to hold your hand. And they have a little more mobility. My kid wasn't a runner, but he was an explorer and liked to investigate things. With a leash he could wander a bit but still be safe. 

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17 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Pao is already planning her Instagram shots and hashtags #hotmommy #Colombianmade #miamor #babymakesthree #bestofbothworlds #babyJuan. or #babyJuanita if the child has the bad manners to be born a girl. I'm sure Pao wants all boys, not girls who will compete with her. She is transparent as glass. 

If it's a boy, she's going to name him Juan? Seriously? I guess Juan, Jr. would be a !itt!e too obvious.

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What bugged me most about the Parents Chantal is the angle at which they were seated, like two gargoyles leaning in to each other.   That alone made them seem more like assholes than anything they said (well, other than "I'm sorry I pulled out your sister's weave.")

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I just want to mention that the french chick Miriam looks wayyyy better with her glasses on that without! One of those rare cases where glasses make you look better. It's like night and day. 

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11 hours ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

FYI Andreiiiiiiii, you can not leave the country while you are waiting on the adjustment of status. You have to get permission from immigration. I adjusted in Arizona and it took two and a half years to get my green card. I would imagine that Florida probably has similar wait times. I adjusted pre 9-11 and Trump, so it may take longer. Factor that into your wedding plans. 

Never thought of that--how is he going to be allowed to leave the country and then return until he has some official status here?

And while the grilling by Elizabeth's horrible sisters was dreadful, I wondered too how Andrrrrei expected to stash away $15,000 after only a couple of months of paid work.  He said  it's not that much, but it is, it really is, and I don't blame Elizabeth's father for feeling like he's going to end up being asked to pay for it.  It's just that nobody has asked him yet, so he should keep his yap shut.  Before the first wedding he told them he would not pay, then he ended up paying.  Not a good idea to make idle threats like that, too much like crying wolf.  And if he does not have the psychological wherewithal to say "no" to Elizabeth, that's really not her problem, but his.

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Pao is already planning her Instagram shots and hashtags #hotmommy #Colombianmade #miamor #babymakesthree #bestofbothworlds #babyJuan. or #babyJuanita if the child has the bad manners to be born a girl. I'm sure Pao wants all boys, not girls who will compete with her. She is transparent as glass. 


All this. Pedro sends his folks a little money. That's IT. And his mother is a highly unpleasant person. Chantel's parents made him sign a prenup to protect Chantel's "fortune", so they made it clear from jump that what was hers was hers, so why shouldn't he take a little off the top of what he makes? Working two jobs? If whats hers is hers, than what's his is his, its only fair. And seriously, they're all so mad about Pedro's mother and sister living in a 3 bedroom apartment? Pedro should have just shut that down right then with "OK, you want a 3 bedroom apartment? Fine. Lets get one in Santo Domingo, because we sure as hell can't afford one in Atlanta". Jesus Christ. Now there are hysterical rantings about living under an assumed name, having a secret family in the DR, "harvesting American dollars", dark hints at other nefarious activity. Drug running? Weapons? Militias? Nothing is too evil. 

I'm pro-leash, not only for the reasons you describe but simply because it's more comfortable for the kid to be able to walk normally instead of always having to reach up to hold your hand. And they have a little more mobility. My kid wasn't a runner, but he was an explorer and liked to investigate things. With a leash he could wander a bit but still be safe. 

The only thing Family Chantel hasn’t accused Pedro of (yet) is the harvesting of Chantels organs. But I’m sure Mother Chantel will soon. 

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And just like that, the Berating Your Fellow Posters Hour has ended. 

People here are allowed to like and dislike whoever they choose on this show for whatever reason they find. 

Let people have their opinions without making it personal. 


Future posts like these will be removed and warnings will be given - I suggest everyone leave it where it lays. 

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11 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

If Chantel gives in to her family now she will be forever owned by them.

There are certainly times when a person should take heed of parental concerns about ones spouse or fiancé. But this situation is not one of them.

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26 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

If Chantel gives in to her family now she will be forever owned by them.

I think that ship has already sailed.

49 minutes ago, iwasish said:

The only thing Family Chantel hasn’t accused Pedro of (yet) is the harvesting of Chantels organs. But I’m sure Mother Chantel will soon. 

Hahaha, only because she hasn't thought of it yet. Surprised the PI didn't mention it in her laundry list of potential crimes and misdemeanors.

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Chantel needs to pack up and move as far away as possible from The Family Chantel. She strikes me as the normal one in a family of trashy shit stirrers. Her downfall is her dependency on her parents' tinfoil hat-isms. Chantel, go out into the world, take your Pedro with you, and harvest that independence!

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1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

In ‘98, my husband was able to travel several times out of the country while adjusting status. He filled out additional paperwork through our lawyer and got a letter from the gov authorizing him to travel within certain dates w/o affecting his status.

They were lovingly called  “Advanced Parole”. I had to get one to take my son back to Australia for his first birthday because you know in my culture we respect family ?

1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

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12 hours ago, magemaud said:

And when Robbalee asked if they could just drive past the building, why couldn’t he point out any vacant building? She wouldn’t know the difference. 

Perhaps he's seen that Seinfeld episode where George is trying to impress Susan's parents. And he wasn't willing to risk it with the crafty Robbalee. She's obviously got two brain cells rubbing together.


While I'm not wild about Chantel's family, I think Pedro's got some blame for this too. He has said repeatedly that he's not willing to even try with them. I realize they've been assholes, but at some point you have to move forward, trust me. We've had a situation like this in my family. It hasn't mattered how many times my mother has apologized, the inlaws love to throw a bad night in her face as "proof" she's a horrible human being. It just breeds animosity. My Mom hates to be around them and is constantly told she has to apologize while they feel no responsibility for apologizing for the way they treat our family. We're taking the high road and not stooping to their level, but it gets really old. Clearly, the Family Chantel is not going to let things go so the ball is in Pedro's court. If he were to be less defensive and less openly hostile every time he goes around them, he might figure out that they are sorry for their shitty behavior in the DR. But it seems that he's never going to forgive them and so they've stopped trying. Add to it that they see their daughter and son-in-law struggling to make ends meet yet he's sending "his" money to his mother and sister who have pretty nice accommodations in the DR and who seem to ask for a lot of expensive things and I can understand their frustration. Chantel needs to talk with her husband about their budget and set boundaries for what can be sent to the DR and what has to stay in the US to pay for the bills they have. Her money shouldn't solely support them if he's working two jobs. I don't believe for a second that all he's sending is $150 a month.

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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

If Chantel gives in to her family now she will be forever owned by them.

I have hope for her that she will eventually cut the umbilical cord. I really think the marriage would thrive if they both put some distance between them and their family.

I have to say that I was floored when Pedro said he sends his family $150 a month. I just don’t think that’s bad at all. Especially since the household has two incomes + whatever they get from TLC. $150 a month is hardly “harvesting the American dollar”. 

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Pay has made herself look like a real asshole and Russ is a cuckolded.  They're both grinning like they won something by humiliating Anfisa.  What did you gain?  Russ, you're suck with a narcissistic douche bag who thinks you're a pushover and a joke and Paola, your husband has less personality than a used postage stamp.  Congrats?  

Damn this show for making me REALLY like Anfisa.  Her genuine grin when she saw May was so freaking refreshing.  She's going to be a great mom, but hopefully she chooses a better mate than potato liar Jorge.  

Annie should have NOTHING to say on the subject of webcams, as she was almost certainly, a call girl (if not a pee pee ping pong champ) in Thailand.  Please, get off your high horse.  David should have nothing to say about anyone's work situation - ever.  He abandoned his children, cheated on his wife with true vigor, and will never ever ever ever ever ever ever reverse his vasectomy.  Bitch, please.

Nicole and Azan, OK.  He says he doesn't want to marry you.  He doesn't like you.  He literally cringes at your touch.  Move on.  I agree with an above poster that her mother should have her declared incompetent.

Molly needs to reevaluate her life and stop making the same mistake over and over again.  If she thinks Luis is bad, she has no idea the kind of predators out there waiting for some pea brain to leave their small child in their hands.  Learn from this and move on - and stop attempting to give anyone advice, my god.

Family Chantal needs to muzzle mother Chantal because she is an idiot.  River takes after his momma and I'm 100% team Pedro.  Even with his grasping mom and sister, his family life is 1000000000000 times better than the poison that family Chantal steeps in.  

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19 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Robyn is terrible. During that whole 3 hours did she even bother to ask David if he was employed or if he and Annie were still living at the storage facility? Yet she lets him freely talk shit about other people having a job or not? I wanted someone to smooth tell David the hell off when he was butting into everyone's business.

WORST Host ever!

Get Roseanne Barr on there or Sally Jesee Rapheal

Someone with a personality and who doesnt just read from cards

I bet she doesnt even watch theses shows

5 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I have to say that I was floored when Pedro said he sends his family $150 a month. I just don’t think that’s bad at all. Especially since the household has two incomes + whatever they get from TLC. $150 a month is hardly “harvesting the American dollar”. 

I think he sends them more than that. Chantel once said it was 1/2 his paycheck plus the clothes,computers,TV's etc..

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

If Chantel gives in to her family now she will be forever owned by them.

Once she finished Nursing Scholl she most likelt wont be working in her home town and will be working horrible hours-so, she may break away !!

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One of Pedro's problems...his many problems...may be that he was The Golden Boy in the Dominican Republic.  The only son.  Good looking.  Popular, perhaps.  I do believe his mother MORE than encouraged him to find an American girl because his $$$ chances would be much better in the U.S.  She was looking forward to that extra income and the continual supply of gifts-in-the-mail.   When he arrives in America, he's preceded by a lie (student visa) told by his American Beauty.

He's expecting to remain a golden boy, but he's met with suspicion that is never overcome because the lies continued.  It's Chantel's fault, and Pedro's "little king" attitude just kept the ball rolling.  Everyone will be happier if he returns to "the Dominican," except for a few faithful viewers.  Oh, and PedroMama's bank account.

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23 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:


I think he sends them more than that. Chantel once said it was 1/2 his paycheck plus the clothes,computers,TV's etc..

That’s possible. Chantel didn’t contest what he said so I assumed he wasn’t lying. It’s also possible his spending was high at first and that he agreed to reduce it out of consideration of the marriage. If he is lying, I’d be curious to hear from Chantel what he’s actually spending including gifts yearly.

Edited by trimthatfat
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7 minutes ago, TipseyGirl said:

And face and...health...stuff...

She couldn't even articulate what the shop would sell... because there is no shop.

This whole business thing popped completely out of the woodwork. So weird. 

Poor May.

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14 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I have to say that I was floored when Pedro said he sends his family $150 a month. I just don’t think that’s bad at all. Especially since the household has two incomes

I thought he originally said $150, but had to confess it was $300 (not to mention all the gifts+postage).   Pedro had two part-time jobs and Chantel was going to school full-time.  If she was working, it probably wasn't full-time.  Maybe combined, their income was that of one full-time job.

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I think Nicole misunderstood Azan.  He wasn't saying "make-up salon."  He was saying "made-up salon."

I'm here all week.  Tip your servers.

You so funny, is there a two drink minimum? I'll take my margarita now

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27 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

She couldn't even articulate what the shop would sell... because there is no shop.

This whole business thing popped completely out of the woodwork. So weird. 

Poor May.

It's going to include a cafe, specializing in pigs in a blanket and pulled pork sandwiches.

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Is Nicole’s stepfather like 20 years older than her mother?  Her mother looks older than her father (perhaps because of the stroke) but he looks way older.

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22 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:
42 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:


I think he sends them more than that. Chantel once said it was 1/2 his paycheck plus the clothes,computers,TV's etc..

That’s possible. Chantel didn’t contest what he said so I assumed he wasn’t lying. It’s also possible his spending was high at first and that he agreed to reduce it out of consideration of the marriage. If he is lying, I’d be curious to hear from Chantel what he’s actually spending including gifts yearly.

Will someone please refresh my memory. Their first season of "Pepe and Pinky and the Student Visa Lie" culminated with their hastily arranged wedding in the US at which they didn't even know if her family would show up. Season Two was all about their trip to the DR with Family Chantel for the second destination wedding. This season they've been married for two years already. Here's my question, how much time has elapsed between Season Two's DR wedding (and disastrous trying to get Mother Chantel's "nice blended" families together) and Three when Pedro paid $1000 to ship his mother a $500 TV that was too big to take on their flight? Has it just been sitting around in a box in a corner somewhere all this time and it took them months to do anything with it? 

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6 minutes ago, Spike said:

Is Nicole’s stepfather like 20 years older than her mother?  Her mother looks older than her father (perhaps because of the stroke) but he looks way older.

Even more than that, he's in his 80s and she's in her 50s. They've been married for three years. 

1 hour ago, MegD said:
14 hours ago, magemaud said:

And when Robbalee asked if they could just drive past the building, why couldn’t he point out any vacant building? She wouldn’t know the difference. 

Perhaps he's seen that Seinfeld episode where George is trying to impress Susan's parents. And he wasn't willing to risk it with the crafty Robbalee. She's obviously got two brain cells rubbing together.

George obviously thinks faster on his feet than Azan. I don't think Azan was prepared for Robbalee's probing questions about the shop, whose name it was in, what they were going to sell, where it was located, etc. probably because Nicole hadn't asked any, and just handed over the money. 

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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Even more than that, he's in his 80s and she's in her 50s. They've been married for three years. 

Hmm. In my opinion it's kind of bizarre to marry someone geriatric age (when you are not) and for whom you will likely have to start changing catheter bags and adult diapers for in the near future. Is the dating pool for single women in their 50s this bad ?

Edited by Lily247
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16 hours ago, Rachel51 said:

That's what turned me from family Chantel too. It hurt my heart to see the look on his grandmother face, knowing she did all that cooking for them and because it wasn't up to their standard, they wouldn't get out the van. Using some bogus excuse about voodoo. They are just some people with nasty attitudes

Was more of this shown on an earlier season of Happily Every After or just the small clips they kept repeating this season?  I didn't watch Happily Ever After last time.  Others seem to have seen more of this than I did.

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31 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

Hmm. In my opinion it's kind of bizarre to marry someone geriatric age (when you are not) and for whom you will likely have to start changing catheter bags and adult diapers for in the near future. Is the dating pool for single women in their 50s this bad ?

It worked for Anna Nicole Smith.

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2 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

WORST Host ever!

Get Roseanne Barr on there or Sally Jesee Rapheal

Getting a staunch Trump supporter with racist tendencies to interview participants on show centered around immigrants and the people who love them...interesting choice.

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