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14 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

I'm pretty sure he knew, and never liked Juan.  It's just now that Pao keeps trying to force them to hang out together that it's becoming an issue.  Russ started out saying "I" don't want to be around Juan.  As things have gotten worse, he's added in, "and I don't know why you'd want to be around him either".  

He said in his talking head that Pao turns into a mean girl around Juan. Then later he pretty much said that Pao was a mean girl. I think he’s starting to see the real Pao. He ought to call Pao’s bluff about having a baby and put the pressure on her to start a family. I’ll bet she has a million excuses..... weak limbs...

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4 hours ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

But,But, there was that one wild dog at the abuella’s house that might have bit them. and they served chicken feet!!   Lol

Lol.  The yawning puppy that the father Chantel interpreted as a wild rabid pack of aggressive dogs.

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7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Chantel should have had the couch made up before Sister Pedro got to the apartment, gotten chicken feet from the local butcher and then she she should have asked her what had she brought her from the DR.  After all, turn about is fair play.

ENJOYABLE !!!    For Sister Pedro:  ! AGRADABLE !

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On 6/26/2018 at 7:25 PM, alegtostandon said:

Anfisa seems like she's drugged this season. 

I think she is depressed. And I don't blame her.

On 6/26/2018 at 10:44 PM, Chickabiddy said:

If Pedro is so far below Chantel, why is he the best SHE can do? 

Surely, by 26, with her looks, family background, and bourgeois aspirations, she could have nabbed a dentist or optometrist with his own little business by now.

Maybe her personality and insufferable family prevented her from punching at her weight or above. Maybe those things forced  her to seek out love a thousand plus miles from home, and in a foreign country where the language barrier helped to obscure her true character. 

Maybe, just maybe Pedro and Chantel deserve each other....and that is why they both seem so unhappy.

Just a thought. ;-) 

I have long posited in these pages that Mama Chantel has her heart set on a nice, educated, middle class boy for Chantel (here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down!). My theory is that Mama Chantel has several local boys in her sights, families she and Thomas know from the Masons/Eastern Star, or from when the kids were all in Jack and Jill together. A dentist or optometrist is right on the money. My personal pet theory is funeral director. (The owner of the biggest funeral home in my city was considered the biggest catch in town, according to a friend who grew up here. Tall, dark, handsome, great personality, and a no fail family business inherited). Chantel has probably been fixed up more than once with a clean cut, conservative, boring son of her parents' friends. Pedro is her rebellion. Her passive aggressive "fuck you" to her parents. "you want me to marry Chip, the orthodontist's son, who's already a Mason and doing so well in dental school? TA-DA! Meet my fiance, a dishwasher from the Dominican Republic!" Sadly, she lacks the gumption to really follow through with it. She hangs back and lets Pedro take all the heat.

On 6/27/2018 at 5:29 AM, Spiderella2 said:

The sister is just paying Chantal back for how C and her family treated Pedro. She probably heard about the cabin trip, and she came to fight and defend her brother. Chantal has her whole cult clan to fight for her, Pedro has no one except his wife, who is so wish washy and afraid of conflict that she can’t even stand by her man consistently. Sister came to show Chantal some pepper. She actually would have slept on the couch if Chantal presented it better. Chantal’s presentation was rude, which is what ticked the sister off. Pedro could have handled it by choosing to sleep on the couch and letting the 2 women have the bed....would have made them closer too probably. 

She was happy that she got under Chantal’s skin and made her mad. She “won” that round because even when Chantal went outside for her pity party, and Pedro came to comfort her, she only had 1 minute because Sister upped the ante and went to the parking lot, Pedro came to Sister instead of his wife.  Hence, she won. She was also probably really tired after traveling all day long. Travel exhausts me bone deep and all I want is a shower and bed. She also claimed she had a headache.

@Spiderella2 I concur with every word of you post--I just edited down to this snippet because I absolutely agree with this assessment. Nicole was mad at Chantel and protective of her brother, and was delighted to hand Chantel some of the medicine she's been pouring down Pedro's throat, compliments of her creepy family, since he got to Atlanta. It doesn't make Nicole look good, she's acting like a silly, spoiled 12 year old, but I get it. 

14 hours ago, lezlers said:

It's kind of a lesser of two evils situation.  I hate Pedro's family, but I hate Chantal's family MORE if that makes any sense.   Actually, I hate Chantal's family so much that I kind of enjoy watching Pedro's family be horrible to her because it's like watching karma in action.  If Chantal continues to allow her family to treat Pedro like shit, go with them to the PI with the distracting hair's office and force him to spend 4 days in a cabin with them while they verbally abuse him, then I'm going to giggle to myself with every snotty little dig his sister gives her.  She had it coming.

Pedro's family are garden variety grasping and greedy, plus Mama Pedro is a terrible racist bitch with her "pure Dominican" nonsense. But Family Chantel are just the weirdest, creepiest, most inappropriate bunch of posers! Their middle class snottiness, their snobbery, their classism. I just want to smack the smug smirks off their faces.

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In addition this whole modeling thing, being nearly nude and wearing lingerie, as far as we know came up AFTER they got married as well as the Miami thing. She deceived him, unless he did know and we just didn't see it. 

The modeling thing may have come up later, but from day one, Paola was no shy, conservative, modest woman. Russ knew to a large extent what he was getting. He wants a wife with a completely different personality and value set than the wife he has. And he knew that early on. I think he just thought Paola would change once she was in Oklahoma. If Russ was working on the oil rig or traveling a lot, this may be another couple who spent very little time together before they got engaged. 

I hope they don't get pregnant. This marriage is doomed, and it would be horrible for a child to be stuck in the middle.

And I really think Juan might be paid by TLC to bring the drama. He has that evil comic book character vibe that I highly doubt is real.

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Back when their story first aired, Pao was saying how much she missed going out and dancing. The show took her to a honky tonk so she could complain it wasn't the same thing; like how they took the woman from Ukraine to a grocery store an hour away from home, because it was huge, you know, bigger than every grocery combined in Ukraine stereotype.

Someone local to them in Oklahoma posted that they took her out of the way to that bar and there was a large and active Latino community very close to them, it just wasn't Miami so it wasn't good enough for Pao. From the very beginning, Pao has done what she wanted and keeps moving the goalposts when it comes to their marriage. She was heading off to Miami to pay a photographer to take her photos and was showing Russ the clothing she was going to take to model. One was a very skimpy swimsuit and he didn't throw a tantrum about it because all the bits were covered. Then, she removes clothing during the shoot, invites Russ to see the photos while she hid in another room. He tells her she was beautiful and they were nice and everything, then gets to a topless one and says, "Wait a minute," and Pao explodes yelling at him. She claimed she was losing jobs because he wouldn't let her model practically nude, and we all know even if she didn't say it, completely nude, and he points out she had not lost jobs. She storms off the stage. 

Other than Russ asking Pao to put on some clothes when she came down to breakfast with his parents, I haven't seen him do anything to try and clip her wings. If she had said she planned on modeling nude in the first place instead of saying she didn't when he asked then throwing a tantrum after doing it, like a teenager, I may have been able to see Russ as unreasonable. Still probably not though, since she was paying for the photos as opposed to being paid for them. 

Russ' unemployment paid for their living expenses in Oklahoma and Miami. If Pao didn't need his income, since she isn't making money modeling, which was told to us by her agent, she would have left him by now. I don't think he'll break it off and she doesn't either, so this dysfunctional relationship will continue until there is nothing left for Pao to milk or she gets a new sugardaddy. 

I don't see Russ as trying to rein in her Colombian nature as much as I see Pao as a selfish individual who acts however she thinks benefits her most in that moment. She's a mean girl and he's a doormat. Her own family called her on her selfish behavior.

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4 hours ago, Kellyee said:

The modeling thing may have come up later, but from day one, Paola was no shy, conservative, modest woman. Russ knew to a large extent what he was getting. He wants a wife with a completely different personality and value set than the wife he has. And he knew that early on. I think he just thought Paola would change once she was in Oklahoma. If Russ was working on the oil rig or traveling a lot, this may be another couple who spent very little time together before they got engaged. 

I hope they don't get pregnant. This marriage is doomed, and it would be horrible for a child to be stuck in the middle.

And I really think Juan might be paid by TLC to bring the drama. He has that evil comic book character vibe that I highly doubt is real.

Exactly! You said it far more eloquently than I ever could! This is why I like Pao and give her much leeway. I’ve always seen Russ as the controlling one.   I forget who asked me up-thread why I did not have a problem with Pedro and his machismo but have a problem with Russ and his conservatism. It’s simple, Pedro is not trying to change everything about Chantal.  Pedro accepts her for who she is (caterpillar eyelashes and all). His main gripe is that he wants to be respected and treated better by her family. 

I know I can’t convince most of you, but let me try and breakdown my problem with Russ. He knew who Pao was before he decided to marry her, and to me it seemed like he thought she would change when she got to Oklahoma/America.  I’ve watched their relationship from the very first episode and it always seems like Russ is displeased and trying to change Pao in one way or another. This is the bait and switch I was talking about. She agrees to it in the moment to keep the peace and tries to compromise with him.  However, later on, she finds it hard to consistently be the conservative traditional wife that he wants.

It is not in her nature, she is still learning, so I give her leeway because I have seen her try. Remember when she did that shopping spree with his sister in OK for staid boring dresses because Russ didn’t like her tight, bright, flashy clothes? He also didn’t like that she spent all her day on the phone talking to her friends/family in Colombia, and he said she should only speak in English  on the phone (he said to improve her English, but I think it was so he could more easily eavesdrop). He told her to get a job at one point. She was a personal trainer but he didn’t like her working with male clients. She tried growing her brand on Instagram by posting pictures, I’m sure he shut that down too because she was posting a lot at first then it seemed to slow down significantly. 

Her natural personality is the sensual, spicy, hot blooded Latina female, who is flirty, with open displays of affection, a loud personality, witty, sharp at times, always fun etc. Think Sofia Vergara being asked to tone it down constantly. Russ wants a traditional wife who saves all that sensuality only for him and only in the bedroom.  Their cultures are drastically different and it will always be this constant tug-of-war. 

Russ knew who Pao was because he met her in Colombia and they were together for a year dating. So it’s not like this “Colombia Pao” is all of a sudden different.  I actually think he does like her spicy-ness since opposites do attract. However, his conservative values and traditional family/friends are at the back of his mind making him have to put his foot down all the time. He seems more concerned with what other people think and how people view them as a couple.   This is why I don’t have a problem with her, Pao has been who she is from the very beginning and I have just seen Russ constantly try to minimize her or get her to dim her personality and her spiciness. It’s almost like he thought she would change once he wifed her up. 

Edited by Spiderella2
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On 6/24/2018 at 5:40 PM, NinaH said:

Why TF is River at the PI meeting?  Jaden Smith indeed. 

The whole damn crazy family was there...It's fucking weird as shit.


On 6/24/2018 at 5:57 PM, jacksgirl said:

Molly needs to shut off Luis' phone, turn off all electricity and utilities in her house and leave. Luis may stay a bit, but sooner or later his friends will come get him. Glad she left with her younger daughter that's the first smart thing she's done.

The sad thing about all of these people is they forget they are responsible for the people they bring. Anything Luis does in the next 10 years will be on Molly which I believe includes any debt he may have? I dont believe they can just easily divorce and be rid of them. 

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Re Familia Chantel. I do not know what they have to look down their noses at. They live in a vinyl sided McMansion and have a “cheer” business  . It’s not like they are the Vanderbilts. They are new middle class money with bourgeois aspirations. I’d rather have dinner familia Pedro, they would be more interesting.

I can’t stand Rooos.

Edited by Owwwww ma leg
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 I just started watching this mess. I don’t think I can watch this season. What is particularly bothering me are the two worthless, stupid, immature, excuses for human beings who have children and have absolutely no regard for their welfare of their children.  All they can think about is importing a sex toy.  I would go so far to say that they also have no love for their children because you could not love your child and subject them to the worthless slugs they brought into their houses. May breaks my heart and Molly’s kids have more sense than her.

I simply don’t understand why these children are not taken away from their mothers. Especially May.

I just can’t watch this. I am done.

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On 6/24/2018 at 8:30 PM, ALittleShelfish said:

I think he also is slowly realizing Anfisa is smarter than he bargained for.  He had some panic looks like "Oh shit.. how do I explain this? or... explain the next thing she's going to call me out on?"  

Anfisa has something that Jorge has never seen: integrity.

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6 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Exactly! You said it far more eloquently than I ever could! This is why I like Pao and give her much leeway. I’ve always seen Russ as the controlling one.   I forget who asked me up-thread why I did not have a problem with Pedro and his machismo but have a problem with Russ and his conservatism. It’s simple, Pedro is not trying to change everything about Chantal.  Pedro accepts her for who she is (caterpillar eyelashes and all). His main gripe is that he wants to be respected and treated better by her family. 

I know I can’t convince most of you, but let me try and breakdown my problem with Russ. He knew who Pao was before he decided to marry her, and to me it seemed like he thought she would change when she got to Oklahoma/America.  I’ve watched their relationship from the very first episode and it always seems like Russ is displeased and trying to change Pao in one way or another. This is the bait and switch I was talking about. She agrees to it in the moment to keep the peace and tries to compromise with him.  However, later on, she finds it hard to consistently be the conservative traditional wife that he wants.

It is not in her nature, she is still learning, so I give her leeway because I have seen her try. Remember when she did that shopping spree with his sister in OK for staid boring dresses because Russ didn’t like her tight, bright, flashy clothes? He also didn’t like that she spent all her day on the phone talking to her friends/family in Colombia, and he said she should only speak in English  on the phone (he said to improve her English, but I think it was so he could more easily eavesdrop). He told her to get a job at one point. She was a personal trainer but he didn’t like her working with male clients. She tried growing her brand on Instagram by posting pictures, I’m sure he shut that down too because she was posting a lot at first then it seemed to slow down significantly. 

Her natural personality is the sensual, spicy, hot blooded Latina female, who is flirty, with open displays of affection, a loud personality, witty, sharp at times, always fun etc. Think Sofia Vergara being asked to tone it down constantly. Russ wants a traditional wife who saves all that sensuality only for him and only in the bedroom.  Their cultures are drastically different and it will always be this constant tug-of-war. 

Russ knew who Pao was because he met her in Colombia and they were together for a year dating. So it’s not like this “Colombia Pao” is all of a sudden different.  I actually think he does like her spicy-ness since opposites do attract. However, his conservative values and traditional family/friends are at the back of his mind making him have to put his foot down all the time. He seems more concerned with what other people think and how people view them as a couple.   This is why I don’t have a problem with her, Pao has been who she is from the very beginning and I have just seen Russ constantly try to minimize her or get her to dim her personality and her spiciness. It’s almost like he thought she would change once he wifed her up. 

Where was Juan while Russ & Pao were dating?  Is he really an actor?

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Pao has done whatever Pao has wanted to do, and she has done it since day one. Roos didn't want her modeling naked but she did anyway. Pao moved herself to Miami with Roos' money to pursue her dream while he stayed in Oklahoma, and spent a lot on the hair and clothing for her currear, only to be told, on the show by her manager, that she needs to get a job because she wasn't going to make money in her currear. Fortunately, Roos was still collecting unemployment and took a job outside of his profession to support her Miami dreams. 

He can't even get her to stop laughing while Juan bashes him - in front of him. I just don't see him as controlling and do see her as a liar. They're not compatible and I think that is all we'll agree on. Different strokes and all.

Edited by Christina
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7 hours ago, Christina said:

Pao has done whatever Pao has wanted to do, and she has done it since day one. Roos didn't want her modeling naked but she did anyway. Pao moved herself to Miami with Roos' money to pursue her dream while he stayed in Oklahoma, and spent a lot on the hair and clothing for her currear, only to be told, on the show by her manager, that she needs to get a job because she wasn't going to make money in her currear. Fortunately, Roos was still collecting unemployment and took a job outside of his profession to support her Miami dreams. 

He can't even get her to stop laughing while Juan bashes him - in front of him. I just don't see him as controlling and do see her as a liar. They're not compatible and I think that is all we'll agree on. Different strokes and all.

It is astounding to me that anyone would stay in a relationship of that kind, the sex cannot be that amazing that you can get past being marginalized, disrespected, ignored and taken to the poor house.  Russ should return to OK and look for a nice girl that thinks he's great, clearly Pao does not.  

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

It is astounding to me that anyone would stay in a relationship of that kind, the sex cannot be that amazing that you can get past being marginalized, disrespected, ignored and taken to the poor house.  Russ should return to OK and look for a nice girl that thinks he's great, clearly Pao does not.  

Russ would then have to admit (to himself, since he's the only person in the world who can't see it) that he made a major error in marrying Pao, and feels that he would be the laughingstock of Oklahoma.  Those midwestern guys are stubborn and proud.  

(Note:  I'm married to one.  They make great husbands . . . but not if the "marriage" is that unbalanced.)

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

It is astounding to me that anyone would stay in a relationship of that kind, the sex cannot be that amazing that you can get past being marginalized, disrespected, ignored and taken to the poor house.  Russ should return to OK and look for a nice girl that thinks he's great, clearly Pao does not.  

This is what happens when the organ you're using as a "picker" is the one between your legs instead of the one between your ears.

Just sayin'

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On 6/27/2018 at 6:56 AM, Dobian said:

No it's not his money, it's *their* money.  And his decisions affect *their* finances.  They don't make much so an extra couple hundred a month in the savings account at their age is a huge deal, especially if they want a down payment on a house one day.  If he wants to have total control with what he does with the money he makes, he should be single.  But he's not, so the monthly amount he sends his family should be a joint decision, and luxury items on top of that shouldn't be on the table when they can't afford it.  As for Chantel, if she wants to spend money on beauty products or whatever, that's her right and she doesn't have to apologize for it, because it's for her not someone else.  Pedro spent more on his pc gaming system with multiple monitors than Chantel will spend in the next couple of years on beauty stuff.  And you're right, things are a lot cheaper in DR so mom doesn't need to be getting laptops and big screens on top of the $300+ a month monthly allowance, especially when you don't see a big screen in Pedro and Chantel's apartment because they can't afford one.  And the fact that his family's cost of living is so much less compared to Pedro and Chantel provides much less justification for the amount he is sending them plus the expensive gifts.  We're talking $5,000 a year from a couple who needs the wife's parents' financial help.  And her parents are probably having a cow because they are giving Chantel and by extension Pedro money to get by, but see him sending money and gifts back to DR, so it's their money that is enabling Pedro to fund his own family instead of contributing to his and Chantel's finances.

Every single word.  Paint the picture as pretty as you want...Pedro's mother and sister are a couple of selfish grifters.  Chantel needs to put her foot down now, or get a divorce.  Were I in her shoes, I would opt for the latter.  How much money will Pedro have to "send home" then?

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1 hour ago, bethster2000 said:

.Pedro's mother and sister are a couple of selfish grifters.

i don't know if they are really grifters. The Dominican Republic is quite a poor country, Pedro was a lifeguard at the resort (tourism!!) where they met, and hey, Chantel thought she couldn't live without HIM.  He's along for the ride.  You do what you can to survive.  

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5 hours ago, Lesia said:

i don't know if they are really grifters. The Dominican Republic is quite a poor country, Pedro was a lifeguard at the resort (tourism!!) where they met, and hey, Chantel thought she couldn't live without HIM.  He's along for the ride.  You do what you can to survive.  

Chantel and Pedro initially met online:, not at the resort where Pedro worked:

"Trying to learn Spanish, Chantel about two years ago met up with the very attractive Pedro from the Dominican Republic via the Web, courtesy of a mutual friend. He wanted to learn English so it was mutually beneficial. They quickly fell for each other, often using Google translation to communicate.


When she visited him in his home country, she felt instant chemistry. 'We had a blast,' she said. 'It was like a honeymoon. When you're on a beach doing fun activities like that, love can definitely be enhanced.'"  https://www.ajc.com/blog/radiotvtalk/atlanta-woman-chantel-featured-tlc-day-fiance-starting-sept/NwNCR2fjHZljPaeyF8TuuO/

It was only after they had been communicating for awhile via Skype as she was learning Spanish they fell in love, and Chantel then made the trip to the Dominican Republic to meet him for the first time in person.

I just wanted to clarify how they met because it is a bit different than Molly's situation, in which she was clearly targeted as a older woman/tourist while on vacation by a much younger man (Luis) looking for a way out of the Dominican Republic.

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6 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

This is what happens when the organ you're using as a "picker" is the one between your legs instead of the one between your ears.

Just sayin'

Little brain is stoopid. LOL.

Why isn't there court ordered counseling for these couples?  They should be made to role play the real life living situation they will have, talk about the reality of the money, careers, children, family and all that stuff!

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56 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Chantel and Pedro initially met online:, not at the resort where Pedro worked:

"Trying to learn Spanish, Chantel about two years ago met up with the very attractive Pedro from the Dominican Republic via the Web, courtesy of a mutual friend. He wanted to learn English so it was mutually beneficial. They quickly fell for each other, often using Google translation to communicate.


When she visited him in his home country, she felt instant chemistry. 'We had a blast,' she said. 'It was like a honeymoon. When you're on a beach doing fun activities like that, love can definitely be enhanced.'"  https://www.ajc.com/blog/radiotvtalk/atlanta-woman-chantel-featured-tlc-day-fiance-starting-sept/NwNCR2fjHZljPaeyF8TuuO/

It was only after they had been communicating for awhile via Skype as she was learning Spanish they fell in love, and Chantel then made the trip to the Dominican Republic to meet him for the first time in person.

I just wanted to clarify how they met because it is a bit different than Molly's situation, in which she was clearly targeted as a older woman/tourist while on vacation by a much younger man (Luis) looking for a way out of the Dominican Republic.

I wonder if her Spanish is as bad as his English.

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22 hours ago, usernameG said:

The whole damn crazy family was there...It's fucking weird as shit.


The sad thing about all of these people is they forget they are responsible for the people they bring. Anything Luis does in the next 10 years will be on Molly which I believe includes any debt he may have? I dont believe they can just easily divorce and be rid of them. 

I'm not sure how this works, but I don't think Molly would be responsible for say, credit card debt he incurred after they divorced. 

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Molly would just be responsible for reimbursing the government if Luis needed foodstamps or some other form of government aid.  She isn't responsible for any dumb purchases he makes on his own.

As a young single guy he's unlikely to be eligible for most programs anyway so it's likely a moot point.

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3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I'm not sure how this works, but I don't think Molly would be responsible for say, credit card debt he incurred after they divorced. 

I googled it because I was curious and under responsibilities of being a sponsor it says:

"When you sign the affidavit of support, you accept legal responsibility for financially supporting the sponsored immigrant(s) generally until they become U.S. citizens or can be credited with 40 quarters of work. Your obligation also ends if you or the individual sponsored dies or if the individual sponsored ceases to be a permanent resident and departs the United States.

Note: Divorce does NOT end the sponsorship obligation.

If the individual you sponsored receives any "means-tested public benefits," you are responsible for repaying the cost of those benefits to the agency that provided them. If you do not repay the debt, the agency can sue you in court to get the money owed. Any joint sponsors or household members whose income is used to meet the minimum income requirements are also legally responsible for financially supporting the sponsored immigrant."



If you are legally responsible for financially supporting them, I would think you might be responsible for their debt. Either way, before you bring them over on the K1 you better be damn sure its for real. I would hate to be responsible for that dipshit for the next 10 years. 

Edited by usernameG
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12 minutes ago, usernameG said:


If you are legally responsible for financially supporting them, I would think you might be responsible for their debt. Either way, before you bring them over on the K1 you better be damn sure its for real. I would hate to be responsible for that dipshit for the next 10 years. 

No, you're not responsible for their credit card debts or private loans.


you're only responsible for repaying PUBLIC BENEFITS the immigrant might receive.



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On 6/27/2018 at 2:23 PM, LGGirl said:

What I did notice was she was holding and talking on her phone while driving.  In my state,  that is a No No.   

As of July 1st, in Georgia, we will also have a "Hands Free" law go into effect. We have had a no texting law for awhile but until July 1 you could hold the phone and talk. So she wasn't breaking any law at that point.

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15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

It is astounding to me that anyone would stay in a relationship of that kind, the sex cannot be that amazing that you can get past being marginalized, disrespected, ignored and taken to the poor house.  Russ should return to OK and look for a nice girl that thinks he's great, clearly Pao does not.  

Who invites your PARENTS to a modeling shoot where you are nude with paint on you?  WHO DOES THAT?

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2 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I saw the preview for the next episode, I am liking sister David and I laughed hard at the close up of Nicole trying to take Azan hand while he craftily keeps it in his pocket or uses May as a buffer.

Azan should put a chain of a deadbolt on the bathroom door so he has a saferoom!

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10 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Who invites your PARENTS to a modeling shoot where you are nude with paint on you?  WHO DOES THAT?

But Pao says she has been through SO MUCH, her dying grandma she saw one time, holding OK over Russ head while she parties in Miami, getting drunk and mean girls with  Juan. Her parents clearly support their most favourite and spoiled...I mean poor unfortunate child. Give her a break ;)

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Jorge is such a misogynistic piece of shit trying to throw money at the problem, yes Jorge we know you bought a lady and now she isn't allowed to have feelings. Any sympathy I had for him is gone, I hope Anfisa takes him for all he has and finishes her education. 

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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7 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

When she visited him in his home country, she felt instant chemistry. 'We had a blast,' she said. 'It was like a honeymoon. When you're on a beach doing fun activities like that, love can definitely be enhanced.'"  https://www.ajc.com/blog/radiotvtalk/atlanta-woman-chantel-featured-tlc-day-fiance-starting-sept/NwNCR2fjHZljPaeyF8TuuO/

Quotes in this story are hilarious.  Her parents were so worried about her "going overseas".  OVERSEAS.  Someone show Family Chantal a geography book. They were worried about her being kidnapped.  Five minutes with her and kidnappers (overseas or in a similar hemisphere) would bring her back to Parents Chantal saying HERE - DO YOU WANT SOME MONEY, TOO?  PLEASE TAKE HER BACK, WE FIND HER SUPER ANNOYING.  

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On 6/29/2018 at 8:36 PM, Mothra said:

"They call me for the knowing..."

Let me get my checkbook right out here.

"They hire me for the unknowing..."  Even better.

"I help them find the knowing."  Finally.  It took me *four* times listening to this miserable stuff.

That's some mission statement.

21 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I saw the preview for the next episode, I am liking sister David and I laughed hard at the close up of Nicole trying to take Azan hand while he craftily keeps it in his pocket or uses May as a buffer.

I liked the way Azan's eyes kept darting around to see who might be recognizing him at the airport.  And then how he couldn't look her in the eye when he was explaining "why" his application for the K1 was denied.  Oh, he's shifty, that Azan.  Oh, she's stupid, that Nicole.  And I have a feeling things are about to get a whole lot stupider.

Edited by Mothra
It's important to get the quotations right.
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Even though Molly has finally seen the light, I don't have much sympathy for her.  Such poor judgment and stubborn.  I don't have any patience for people like that when they are responsible for a child's welfare. All this disruption to her family for her little folly.  So pathetic. 

She might have to pay some out of pocket for Luis, but, I'm not sure how much it would be to the government.  As, someone posted upthread, as a single, able bodied man, there aren't many benefits under public assistance that he would qualify for.  The attorney mentioned Medicaid, but, if he's not disabled, I'm not aware of how he would qualify for Medicaid.  That's really for the children or pregnant women, under certain circumstances and the disabled, who qualify with low income. He might qualify for food stamps, but, I can't think of much else. Maybe, help to reduce energy bill or low cost housing.....?  It's not as easy to get public assistance as you might think. 

The thing with Molly is that a person with any kind of proper judgment would have considered how poor her choices were.  I still don't think she really gets it. 

Oh, why was she searching that guest bedroom for Luis's things?  Did he not stay in the master bedroom?

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13 hours ago, NoSpam said:

No, you're not responsible for their credit card debts or private loans.


you're only responsible for repaying PUBLIC BENEFITS the immigrant might receive.



Thank you. I think it's highly unlikely the government would ever bother to enforce any obligation except for any public benefits claimed. And a single man is rarely eligible for any of these anyway.

11 hours ago, spankydoll said:

Azan should put a chain of a deadbolt on the bathroom door so he has a saferoom!

If he want some to go forward with the farce that he wants to marry her, he has to deal with what they entails. Most spouses expect sex, this is completely reasonable. If he can't comply, take back your proposal of marriage.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Even though Molly has finally seen the light, I don't have much sympathy for her.  Such poor judgment and stubborn.  I don't have any patience for people like that when they are responsible for a child's welfare. All this disruption to her family for her little folly.  So pathetic. 

She might have to pay some out of pocket for Luis, but, I'm not sure how much it would be to the government.  As, someone posted upthread, as a single, able bodied man, there aren't many benefits under public assistance that he would qualify for.  The attorney mentioned Medicaid, but, if he's not disabled, I'm not aware of how he would qualify for Medicaid.  That's really for the children or pregnant women, under certain circumstances and the disabled, who qualify with low income. He might qualify for food stamps, but, I can't think of much else. Maybe, help to reduce energy bill or low cost housing.....?  It's not as easy to get public assistance as you might think. 

The thing with Molly is that a person with any kind of proper judgment would have considered how poor her choices were.  I still don't think she really gets it. 

Oh, why was she searching that guest bedroom for Luis's things?  Did he not stay in the master bedroom?

First bolding mine:  Molly, I was yelling at the tv during the rerun:  "He is not into you!  He has an aversion to you!  He does NOT want to talk to you!"  followed by my hubby calming me down, only to see me go at it again:  "Throw his stuff away, change your locks, divorce him ASAP, let immigration figure it out!  Tell him if he comes back you are calling the sheriff!!!"  

Second bolding mine:  No, no she doesn't!!!!  Forget Molly untangling from Luis - I NEED TO UNTANGLE FROM HER, lolol!!!!

53 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

If he want some to go forward with the farce that he wants to marry her, he has to deal with what they entails. Most spouses expect sex, this is completely reasonable. If he can't comply, take back your proposal of marriage.

Don' they all?  Or am I alone in that thought?


12 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

But Pao says she has been through SO MUCH, her dying grandma she saw one time, holding OK over Russ head while she parties in Miami, getting drunk and mean girls with  Juan. Her parents clearly support their most favourite and spoiled...I mean poor unfortunate child. Give her a break ;)

Oh Pao - "I had a miscarriage.... I know what will heal me!  Posing nude with paint over my rack with my parents and conservative husband watching."

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When Pedro suggested that he and Chantel move away, say, a hundred miles, I cheered.  Yeah, Chantel, move with your wonderful husband far away from your family, so you can have him all to yourself and be free from your family support.  It would likely be a benefit for her family to wash their hands of her and her horrible husband.  If I were one of her siblings, I'd be resentful of having to deal with the catastrophe known as sister Chantel and BIL Pedro.  Enough is enough.  I'm really trying to figure out what she gets out of the relationship with Pedro.  I just don't see it.  What is she hiding? Does he have something on her? 

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18 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I'm not sure how this works, but I don't think Molly would be responsible for say, credit card debt he incurred after they divorced. 

Someone who investigated this posted that she would not be responsible for his credit card debt, but Mohammed's lawyer told him he would be responsible for Danielle's credit card debt.  Does it work in one direction but not the other?  Molly owned her business long before Luis came onto the scene, but the fact that she has plenty of money might be a problem for her not with immigration but with the divorce.  He is unable to support himself--is he entitled to alimony?  Forget his motives for marrying her or even the fact that he's from another country, I think the divorce itself might be big trouble for Molly's finances.

If Luis were to be in an auto accident, say, and require expensive hospital care, who would pay for that?  Hospitals are not allowed to turn away people in emergencies.  The hospital didn't have to remove the bullet from Penguin's son's cheek because it was not life-threatening, but I would think broken bones would have to be treated--or worse, if he had to be put on life support.  She is responsible for Luis for ten years.  Even if they're divorced, I bet the hospital would go after Molly to pay, and if she refused, the hospital could really screw up her credit rating, which can be fatal for a business.

I wouldn't wish this kind of (;potential) trouble on anyone, but if anyone deserves to suffer the consequences of her actions, it's Molly.  She assumed Luis would be her houseboy and babysitter after he made it clear he wouldn't, and worst of all, she put her sexual desires above the well-being of her children.  I think she's nuts, and I agree with the poster(s) above that she still doesn't get it.  I doubt she ever will.

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1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:
14 hours ago, NoSpam said:

No, you're not responsible for their credit card debts or private loans.


you're only responsible for repaying PUBLIC BENEFITS the immigrant might receive.



Thank you. I think it's highly unlikely the government would ever bother to enforce any obligation except for any public benefits claimed. And a single man is rarely eligible for any of these anyway.

The question was in regards to debt BEFORE they require sponsorship. You are legally financially responsible for supporting them during the sponsorship period and I believe they can sue you if they aren't provided sufficient support. 

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4 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Someone who investigated this posted that she would not be responsible for his credit card debt, but Mohammed's lawyer told him he would be responsible for Danielle's credit card debt.  Does it work in one direction but not the other?  Molly owned her business long before Luis came onto the scene, but the fact that she has plenty of money might be a problem for her not with immigration but with the divorce.  He is unable to support himself--is he entitled to alimony?  Forget his motives for marrying her or even the fact that he's from another country, I think the divorce itself might be big trouble for Molly's finances.

If Luis were to be in an auto accident, say, and require expensive hospital care, who would pay for that?  Hospitals are not allowed to turn away people in emergencies.  The hospital didn't have to remove the bullet from Penguin's son's cheek because it was not life-threatening, but I would think broken bones would have to be treated--or worse, if he had to be put on life support.  She is responsible for Luis for ten years.  Even if they're divorced, I bet the hospital would go after Molly to pay, and if she refused, the hospital could really screw up her credit rating, which can be fatal for a business.

Thats a good question. I would assume that he would be on the hook for debt she had created during their marriage.  Wasn't there also an issue with him opening accounts that she wasn't aware of? 

If Molly didn't give him some type of alimony I am not sure how he would support himself without a work permit or green card unless he worked under the table?  And I am sure if he tried for public benefits they would take a look at Molly's income as his support.  I also can't see Luis working even under the table. I think he would milk this for all it's worth. 

With regards to Luis having an accident and needing medical care, Molly would be on the hook to pay back any assistance he received. I feel bad for Molly's children but not one bit for her. 

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Luis has a brother in this country, right?  Isn't that who he goes to stay with when Molly kicks him out?  The brother could support him, I guess, but does a brother have a legal obligation the way a spouse does?  And what kind of papers does his brother have?  If his brother is here on some kind of provisional basis, like a K1 visa, it seems unfair if he were required to take care of Luis financially.  I really do think Molly's business might be in jeopardy--I hope she and her partner have some kind of LLC or something that would protect their assets, preferably something that would create a wall between the partners' financial obligations to one another's debts.  The partner (and her children) are the ones I would worry about.  Molly kind of deserves whatever she gets.

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6 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Luis has a brother in this country, right?  Isn't that who he goes to stay with when Molly kicks him out?  The brother could support him, I guess, but does a brother have a legal obligation the way a spouse does?  And what kind of papers does his brother have?  If his brother is here on some kind of provisional basis, like a K1 visa, it seems unfair if he were required to take care of Luis financially.  I really do think Molly's business might be in jeopardy--I hope she and her partner have some kind of LLC or something that would protect their assets, preferably something that would create a wall between the partners' financial obligations to one another's debts.  The partner (and her children) are the ones I would worry about.  Molly kind of deserves whatever she gets.

Whoever sponsored Luis would be legally responsible for financially supporting him until he becomes a U.S. citizens or for ten years. I assume that is Molly.  

You have to meet a financial obligation to serve as someones sponsor for the K1 visa which is why Poor David had his buddy sponsor Annie. His wife didn't know and I remember her being pissed about it because of what it means.

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

First bolding mine:  Molly, I was yelling at the tv during the rerun:  "He is not into you!  He has an aversion to you!  He does NOT want to talk to you!"  followed by my hubby calming me down, only to see me go at it again:  "Throw his stuff away, change your locks, divorce him ASAP, let immigration figure it out!  Tell him if he comes back you are calling the sheriff!!!"  

I think everyone was yelling that at the screen!  

Changing the locks is the first thing a lawyer would tell you to do, the second would be to find out where Luis is staying so you can have him served with divorce papers.  And I guess the third thing Molly should do is wake up and get real about Luis and his motive for marrying you and your motive for marrying him, admit you made a huge mistake and fix things with your kids.  

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Molly wont learn a damn thing unless she has to pay some serious money to get out of this mess that she created. She wont learn if her own daughter tells her bluntly. She wont learn if Luis tells her bluntly. She is what I call "bellignorant" - a very toxic and destructive mix of being highly ignorant and belligerent at the same time. Gosh, she sounds a lot like Baby Huey Nicole, doesn't she?

Edited by gingerella
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On 6/25/2018 at 9:13 PM, jumper sage said:

I don't think Azan was calling girls at all. I think he was calling boys. Have we heard any other voices on those tapes? and how did the recordings end up online?

Nods head furiously

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22 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Chantel and Pedro initially met online:, not at the resort where Pedro worked:

"Trying to learn Spanish, Chantel about two years ago met up with the very attractive Pedro from the Dominican Republic via the Web, courtesy of a mutual friend. He wanted to learn English so it was mutually beneficial. They quickly fell for each other, often using Google translation to communicate.


When she visited him in his home country, she felt instant chemistry. 'We had a blast,' she said. 'It was like a honeymoon. When you're on a beach doing fun activities like that, love can definitely be enhanced.'"  https://www.ajc.com/blog/radiotvtalk/atlanta-woman-chantel-featured-tlc-day-fiance-starting-sept/NwNCR2fjHZljPaeyF8TuuO/

It was only after they had been communicating for awhile via Skype as she was learning Spanish they fell in love, and Chantel then made the trip to the Dominican Republic to meet him for the first time in person.

I just wanted to clarify how they met because it is a bit different than Molly's situation, in which she was clearly targeted as a older woman/tourist while on vacation by a much younger man (Luis) looking for a way out of the Dominican Republic.

I think Molly targeted Luis.  Molly was desperate for a husband.  Two children by two different fathers, neither of which would marry her.  I think Luis was just looking for a good time. 

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