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S04.E23: We Are The Flash


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Oh hey weird chick that was around part of the season only to be revealed to be Barry and Iris' kid that people figured out ages ago!


Au revoir DeVoe.  May we NEVER heard about you again.  

I called Ralph being back.  I didn't call how cuuuuuuute the baby is.  Now watch Barry go through Flashpoint again, he comes back and Jenna is a boy.  (Never forget Baby Sara on Arrow.)


That ends a pretty frustrating season where there were way too many loses. 

  • Love 11

This was such a boring ass finale, I dont even know half of what happened. 

I think most of us knew that Ralph would be the one to help defeat DeVoe and take back his body, it was clear that they wouldn't kill him off for real for real. 

Barry and Iris already get their kid. Literally the only good thing about the finale was Wally and Nora. 

Dont even know what they did to Harry to ruin him. Now's he's all balanced and crap? 

  • Love 5

Marlize defeating holographic Devoe by yanking out the battery was kind of anti-climactic.  The smartest man on Earth couldn't anticipate someone trying to disable his chair?  She also got off pretty easy considering all of the criminal activities she participated in over the season.

If Nora did screw up the timeline then it's a good thing Wally is there, right?  Isn't it the Legends job to fix this sort of thing?

  • Love 8

This house is bitchin!

As usual, I'm confused about so many things. I still don't really understand how they beat DeVoe but, frankly, I'm just so glad this storyline is over, I don't even care that I didn't understand it. I'm also confused about how Barry was about to hit the satellite but then he stopped and time went in reverse and then  there were two of him....or someone else....? I don't know, I'm just glad it's over. I'll just wait for you much smarter people to post and then hopefully it will all become clear lol.

Baby West is beyond cute! Is she named after someone I'm forgetting or did they just pick Jenna because they liked it?

I'm looking forward to next season and seeing them finally get to interact with Nora. Also, sorry not sorry, I hope they don't feel the need to bring back yet another different Harry. I'm over that gag.

  • Love 3

@sarthaz: short story? Team Flash wins, Devoe is depatched dispatched, Marlize helps the team and goes off to help others (with no repressusions from helping her husband), Ralph comes back, and Mystery Girl helps Barry at the climax, then reveals herself as Nora, the daughter of Barry and Iris. And, apparently, she has fucked up royally. She is Barry's kid! Oh, and Capt. Singh pops up for a bit, and he probably still unaware about Barry's second job. That's about the gist of it.

Hey, compared to what we had on Arrow last week, I say we got something good here. I liked the idea of Thinker, but it just got so tiresome watching him effortlessly kill the "bus metas" and gain their powers. Like I said last week, he was basically Thanos . . . an incalculable threat that just got more and more powerful as time went on. And part of me kinda understood being against excessive use of technology. Seriously, how many times have you been in a rush, and some asshole is in front of you, mesmerized by a device? But Devoe's ego made him unlikable, and framing Barry for murder was icing on that cake. Hey, the show overturned a conviction before Arrow, and that has to earn 'em something. Bottom line: finale wasn't the dumpster fire that was Arrow, but it couldn't beat Voltron Beebo.

So it looks like the Killer Frost plot gets put on the back burner (pun intended) until next season. I'm good with that. Still wondering how Cecile was able to read minds, or if she still has that ability. At least she and Joe lived, though their journey this season was a big pile of "why?!?" for me.

I'm good with Ralph. I don't care. Just hoping he doesn't need Barry to pick him up every other week.

  • Love 5

 Seeing as she got off Scott free I wouldn't have minded if marlize stuck around.. They did offer the job.. Maybe she'll reconsider... What was that bit that Cecile said to caitlin... Somn about a Thomas??  More caitlin secrets I guess... WALLY!!!!!!!  The baby was too cute and looks like Nora takes after her dad going back in time to screw something up... I swear a time wraith is gonna go back to the 70s and try to kill Joe because his son... His adopted son and granddaughter keep messing round with the continuum... 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

@sarthaz: short story? Team Flash wins, Devoe is depatched dispatched, Marlize helps the team and goes off to help others (with no repressusions from helping her husband), Ralph comes back, and Mystery Girl helps Barry at the climax, then reveals herself as Nora, the daughter of Barry and Iris. And, apparently, she has fucked up royally. She is Barry's kid! Oh, and Capt. Singh pops up for a bit, and he probably still unaware about Barry's second job. That's about the gist of it.

I think she (he?) posted that yesterday, saying that she got the days mixed up. (Hate when I do that!) Hopefully it's on her DVR now :)

  • Love 1

Jenna West is the cutest baby ever. Nobody delete her from the timeline, okay?

I love Nora Allen II's new hairstyle. It looks gorgeous. I find it oddly heartwarming that she's screwing up the timeline just like her daddy. While wearing her mom's jacket.

I thought Barry and Ralph had some good moments, especially when he first reacted to seeing Barry there, worrying Devoe had absorbed/killed him. This was the least exciting finale we've had. 

I really enjoyed the Team Flash group hug.

ETA: Can this show stop having Joe mindcontrolled into putting his gun to his head? First Grodd, now Devoe. It's creepy.

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 7

I think the disturbing cliffhanger was Cecile's out-of-left-field Exorcist moment where she tells Caitlin "I found Thomas, he's always been like this".   Which, WTF?  She clearly rattled Caitlin.   I'm guessing Thomas is her father.   Didn't he walk out/disappear on them?   Even if it is her dad, who was Cecile channeling at that moment...and why?   Maybe Caitlin's dad will be the big bad next year.

 Why was Harry able to write in Speed Force and why was he parroting Speed Force Barry?   That has to be addressed next year.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Maverick said:

I think the disturbing cliffhanger was Cecile's out-of-left-field Exorcist moment where she tells Caitlin "I found Thomas, he's always been like this".   Which, WTF?  She clearly rattled Caitlin.   I'm guessing Thomas is her father.   Didn't he walk out/disappear on them?   Even if it is her dad, who was Cecile channeling at that moment...and why?   Maybe Caitlin's dad will be the big bad next year.


That wasn't it. I think an interview Grant did. He said one of the cliffhangers was a disturbing scene.

16 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said:

Didn't they say in an interview there would be 2 cliffhangers and one of them would be disturbing? Plus, I thought they said the finale was suppose to give us a clue on the season 5 villain? Did they cut a scene or something?


You said there would be a hint at the new villain for season 5 in the finale.
What happens more often than not is, we shoot a lot of stuff in the finale that gets cut. So for time we had to cut it. It was gonna be the tag at the end of the episode. But we’ll get it out; the public will see it before the season starts. Maybe we’ll release it online or at Comic-Con. But yeah, it just it came down to a time thing.


  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Maverick said:

Maybe Caitlin's dad will be the big bad next year.

Oh, please, show runners, no more big bads. Just little bads that last maybe an episode or two at most. DeVoe has put me off of big bads for a long, long time. I just hope he's really most sincerely dead. 

And I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I'm glad Ralph is back. Oh, and Wally looks very good. I like his hair much better.

Edited by kirinan
  • Love 12

@Rachel RSL I too spent the majority of the episode having absolutely no idea what was going on lol. 

However, I was entertained which is all I can ask. I never minded Ralph so I’m not mad that he’s back. 

Loved seeing Wally again although I saw his name in the opening credits so I knew he’d pop up somewhere along the line! 

Thought we’d get some Killer Frost but I guess we just have that to look forward to next season (eye roll)! 

  • Love 3

So, the mystery girl with speed powers who looks and acts like a mixture of Iris and Barry is...their time traveling daughter!?! *dramatic gopher turn!* For real though, she really is perfect casting as a future West-Allen, and I kind of love how she is following dads footsteps and messing with time, while wearing moms cute jacket. I wonder if Barry originally died while Iris was pregnant with her, and she is going back to change it, the way Barry tried to save his mom? Really, the biggest mystery solved was we discover which house was bitchin. Also, the phrase "bitchin" comes back to use in the future, who knew?

Glad that DeVoe is finally gone, even if his actual death was pretty anti-climactic. I was hoping that Barry would run into some of the other absorbed bus metas, and that they could all be saved, but I figured they would pull something like this to to get Ralph back from the dead. Honestly, I am just fine with Ralph being back, especially as he seems to have mellowed a bit after death. I liked Ralph at various points, and by the end, my biggest issue with him was that he got so much screen time, and seemed to require five new pep talks a day to keep him functioning. If they can fix those things, I dont have problems with him staying on Team Flash. 

So Harry got some of his smarts back, but not all? I dont know how that makes him balanced (its not like Harry was a villain or anything even super smart) and I will miss having him around, but I guess its better he goes back to be with Jessie than be brain dead or dead dead like HR. The Team Flash group hug was cute. 

Baby Jenna is super cute. And hey, Wally appears! Hi Wally! Sounds like things are going well on the Waverider, tell them I say hi! 

I liked when Joe started yelling at Marlize about how she and her husband have screwed things up so much for his kids, his friend, his wife, and their whole team. Marlize did have a turn around, but Joe being pissed was a totally legit reaction. 

Iris got to show some home base leadership skills with the team, and she and Barry are actually ending the season in a good place, IN the same place! With a new, time displaced daughter! I guess if Nora doesn't want to run home, she can get a ride home with Uncle Wally.  

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I'm glad DeVoe is done.

Me too.  How come DeVoe never thought that Marlize would conspire with the Flash to infiltrate his mind ?  I thought he was the Thinker.

Also, the CGI of many DeVoes inside DeVoe's mind was just so bad.

So, is Gideon gone for good from the TimeVault ?

If the Elightenment was meant to reset everyone's mind, why did it also act as power dampening field ?

Permeation Matrix -- the writers couldn't come up with anything better than that ?

So, what was with the time reversal when Barry punched the satellite ?  Did Nora reverse time ? 

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, is Gideon gone for good from the TimeVault ?

 Would it matter?  She was "gone for good" after season 1.   Then she's suddenly back and no one bats an eye...or bothers to mention why no one's talked to her the past 3 years.

 What happened to the other bus meta powers?   They were in Ralph's body; they should still be there even though Devoe's not in control.  But hey, they never explained who Devoe gave Caitlin's cold powers to (Melting Po(in)t could only act as a conduit for powers not utilize them) so I don't expect it will be addressed.  

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Why does every fantasy show do the "teen/adult offspring from future comes back to interact with parents" storyline? 

I'm glad DeVoe is done.

It's a staple! Though this one has been in the making for 20+ years.

They'll probably ignore the Legends but it'd be nice if they had an episode or 2 that dealt with them dealing with Nora and whatever huge mistake she made.

  • Love 2

Barry: "See that? That's the gate we have to get you through to defeat Devoe."

Ralph (straining his eyes): "What gate?"

Barry: "There." (points) "No, there. That little orange light."

Ralph: "That's like a mile away. Couldn't you have just run us right next to it, and then started with the exposition?"

Barry: "And not give Devoe a fighting chance to stop us? Is that the kind of hero I taught you to be, Ralph?"


On another note, though? Joe West is the real superhero of this show. Badassery.

  • Love 18
28 minutes ago, kirinan said:

Oh, please, show runners, no more big bads. Just little bads that last maybe an episode or two at most. DeVoe has put me off of big bads for a long, long time. I just hope he's really most sincerely dead.

I want the Rogues as the big bads next season.  No world domination plot, no extinction plot, just a group of villains that want to steal things.

I think Barry was supposed to survive, but not get help.  That's what Nora screwed up, she wasn't supposed to help.  Man, those Allens just need to stay away from the timeline, they've caused it to suffer enough.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, Maverick said:

What happened to the other bus meta powers?   They were in Ralph's body; they should still be there even though Devoe's not in control. 

Each time Devoe took over a new body, he was sucking their actual life out of them and would use them up before transferring to the next one.  There were no bodies for the 11 to go back to. My guess when Devoe died, the powers he absorbed died with him (though watch as they shoehorn that in next season that Ralph kept a bare minimum of them.) 

  • Love 2

I will say this - it took until the damned finale but they finally, finally considered calling in Supergirl (good idea), Oliver (not a good idea), or Wally (good idea).  Of course they didn't bother with any of that but it's still a step up from the other CW heroes and their inexplicable unwillingness to even talk about getting help from their fellow Superfriends. 

  • Love 13

Well, considering how the majority of this season turned out (or at least the latter half), I actually thought the finale wasn't too bad.  It at least didn't have me shaking my fist at the screen like Arrow did.  Still pretty predictable, but at this point, I'll take it (sadly.)

Glad DeVoe is done for.  Neil Sandilands wasn't at fault and even had some good moments earlier in the season, but the character was just a speechifying bore, whose plan was pretty lame.  And after all of the build-up, he is simply defeated by Barry (and Ralph) thinking about random things while they fought him (or versions of him), and he wasn't able to outsmart them.  Oh, and he does build a backdoor to have an A.I. version of himself, but doesn't predict that Marlize would just rip the machine out?  Or was he planning on that, and wanted to just drop a satellite on the city?  Whatever, he's gone, at least.

Meanwhile, as some predicted, Ralph manages to come back, since DeVoe was technically in his body this entire time.  Pretty much makes all the overdramatic grief and angst over his death a waste of time, but, again, whatever.  If he is sticking around, hopefully all of this will finally make him mature as a character, and not dick around all the time and/or need pep talks.  Again, Hartley Sawyer is actually pretty good here, but it is up to writers now (gulp!)

Glad Marlize survived at least, even if she's not sticking around and going back to her humanitarian work instead.  If this is it, I really hope Kim Engelbrecht gets some offers going forward, because she was great here, no matter the material.  Even back on Dominion, I knew there was something about her that made me think she could go places.  Hope it happens.

Surprise, surprise: mysterious girl is Barry and Iris' daughter.  Her name is Nora.  And she apparently fucked up the timeline as well when she helped Barry with the satellite, and she now needs their help.  Like daughter, like father!  I do think Jessica Parker Kennedy is doing a good job with the character having mannerisms of both Barry and Iris.

Harry is kind of cured as well.  He isn't as intelligent as he use to be, but he now has more heart, so he's basically a normal body!  He's now going back home to Jesse, but even if he doesn't come back, some variation of Wells will be.

Nice to see Wally at the baby shower.  Even if his main speech to Joe was "While it's great to see you guys again, I'm totally having way more fun playing video games with Zari, watching Mick burn Nazis, and Sara dropkick ancient Romans, so I won't be back being Barry's shadow anytime soon!"

Captain Singh!  Nothing else to add: I just always like it when he shows up.

So, not bad, but still, they better find a way to right this ship next season.  Granted, the whole D.C. CW/Arrowverse could use some fine tuning after this year, with Legends of Tomorrow being the exception (not including Black Lightning since its new.)

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 11
16 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

"While it's great to see you guys again, I'm totally having way more fun playing video games with Zari, watching Mick burn Nazis, and Sara dropkick ancient Romans, so I won't be back being Barry's shadow anytime soon!"

Yeah, that was funny. Wally seems to be in a really good place with the Legends, and while he was happy to drop by and see the family, he clearly is having a blast chilling on the Waverider. I bet a dignified team Flash party seems quite tame compared to what I assume are Legends style Keggers, where Mick tries to out drink Atila the Hun and Sara does jello shots with Joan of Arc. 

Hi Captain Singh! Always a pleasure!

  • Love 9

I liked the stunned look on Devoe's face when Joe actually started to resist his power and turned the gun away from his head. Sure, it didn't end so well for him, but points for the extraordinary willpower.

Barry and Ralph's fight with the many Devoes gave me Matrix Reloaded flashbacks. Which, for the record, is not a good thing.

At least now I understand what Devoe was doing last week. I thought he had been planning to use the STAR Labs satellite all along. I'm actually glad the show spelled out the fact he just used it to replace the one satellite Barry destroyed because I completely missed that.

I'm guessing Nora stepped in to help Barry because he was supposed to die stopping the satellite (I still don't understand the time reversing thing), which is probably the whole reason she went back in time in the first place, but after she interfered it screwed something up and trapped her, much as killing Barry's mom did Thawne.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, KirkB said:

I'm guessing Nora stepped in to help Barry because he was supposed to die stopping the satellite (I still don't understand the time reversing thing), which is probably the whole reason she went back in time in the first place, but after she interfered it screwed something up and trapped her, much as killing Barry's mom did Thawne.

I thought this too, but if this is the reason it would have to mean Iris is already pregnant with her.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

I thought this too, but if this is the reason it would have to mean Iris is already pregnant with her.

Good point. So, alternate theory. She went back in time just to see her parents and the rest of their family when they were younger, saw her dad in trouble and decided to step in and help, not knowing it would trap her.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, KirkB said:

Good point. So, alternate theory. She went back in time just to see her parents and the rest of their family when they were younger, saw her dad in trouble and decided to step in and help, not knowing it would trap her.

But didn't she explicitly turn back time to step in and help? That's what it looked like happened. Barry was there, then suddenly time was rewound and she came in to redo it with him.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, ruby24 said:

But didn't she explicitly turn back time to step in and help? That's what it looked like happened. Barry was there, then suddenly time was rewound and she came in to redo it with him.

It certainly looked that way to me. Which is the part I don't understand. Speedsters shouldn't be able to do that. They can travel through time but I have never seen any indication they can manipulate it like that.

  • Love 2

So there were five DeVoe satellites, they blow up one and DeVoe uses the Star Labs satellite to replace it, then the five DeVoe controlled satellites connect up to some rando other satellite to beam stupid rays back down to Earth. It had to be the rando satellite that fell to Earth, the team wouldn't be able to solve a case if they lost their satellite, maybe they will also use DeVoe's satellites next season.

During the Harry goodbye hug, Cisco's hair looked the best.

It was raining during the picnic scene, who has a picnic in the rain?

It would have been funny if they showed Cecile driving behind the Bus Meta's bus to explain why she had her weird powers.

4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Really, the biggest mystery solved was we discover which house was bitchin. Also, the phrase "bitchin" comes back to use in the future, who knew?

Nora has been in this timeline for a few months now, maybe she is using slang that she has heard to try to blend in.

  • Love 3

Happy to see the Captain and Wally, VERY happy to have Ralph back, and boy howdy, that is one adorable baby. Joe is, and always will be, the man. DeVoe had best be gone for good: such an off-putting character. Will not be at all surprised if the West baby turns out to be a Meta. The Star Trek/Star Wars bit was a hoot. Hope there's a Flash/Legends cross over next season. 

Edited by LordBowen
  • Love 2

Finally the finale! So some of the things I did like:

Wasn't sure if we would see Capt. Singh or Wally again this season, so I was pleasantly surprised at their cameos! Stay forever, you two!

Barry has his job back! ... Only 5 more months until we see him working again.

Finally a finale with a happy ending. No one died; Barry isn't going off somewhere. 

Glad Marlize survived. Can we keep her? I'm cool with them becoming friends/friendly.

Daddy-Daughter team-up! That was the one true surprise in this episode for me - when they did the 'reverse time' scene.

I always like the family get-together scenes.

"I'm your daughter, Nora. From the future." (Hmm-sure - a likely story) "...And I think I made a big, big mistake." (She is Barry's daughter!! ?)

Not great things:

It's been a problem all season, where there was a bunch of telling not showing. And there's always been faux-science mumbo-jumbo, but it was really glaring here with several dues ex machinas.

As usual, Caitlin is whatever doctor they need her to be for the plot. I was really hoping that the baby wouldn't be born in STAR Labs. I wanted that kid to have a good start in life.

Ugh, don't tease me with Tom Cavanagh leaving, show. Don't get my hopes up!

The lighting/filter effects for inside DeVoe's mind were distracting. I get what they were going for, but I think they could have done something more subtle. Some of the CGI was really obvious.

And again, Ralph's slapstick-style humor seemed out of place.


I thought it was odd that they didn't actually have the Line "We are the Flash" in the episode -- maybe it got cut?

Don't really care anymore about Killer Frost teases/whatever.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, bettername2come said:

I really enjoyed the Team Flash group hug.


1 hour ago, AnimeMania said:

During the Harry goodbye hug, Cisco's hair looked the best.

It was a really great shampoo ad ? :



6 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, what was with the time reversal when Barry punched the satellite ?  Did Nora reverse time ? 

3 hours ago, KirkB said:

It certainly looked that way to me. Which is the part I don't understand. Speedsters shouldn't be able to do that. They can travel through time but I have never seen any indication they can manipulate it like that.

I don't think Nora actually reversed time. I think that sequence was for the benefit of the audience, to show that there was a change to the timeline (or whatever). But yeah, it is kinda confusing the way they did it.

  • Love 8

I will add… That as much as I’ve loved harry I’d gladly trade another wells 8.0 or whatever number we are on for Marlize… Smart… authoritative… Adult… Ready for redemption.. Someone who could help Cisco with mechanical stuff and Caitlin with Dark urges…. I kniw they asked so the door is open.. Plz writers… See what you have in a redeemed Marlize and make it so…

While I dunno if the baby will be evil… She was being born while her powerful telepathic mother( or maybe it was her.. Who knows) was linked to the Thinker… Something has to grow from that

I want wally to stick around for a bit.. Just so he spends some time with his family…. I don’t need more Ralph let him decide to be a hero elsewhere

  • Love 7

When Barry was standing in front of the crowd taking triumphant bows and half his face exposed, Singh should have shouted "Barry did you get my voice mail? See you at 8:00 sharp!". He might as well follow Oliver and announce to the world he is the Flash.

Team Flash didn't bother inviting Cecile's other daughter to the party? 

I would have liked Marlize to join the team but there are too many in that group.

Edited by mxc90
  • Love 7

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