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1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

Sonja is only "harmless" because she has no money or resources and is generally incompetent, but Sonja has never intended to be harmless. She's intended to cause lots of fucking harm. All of the stories that she fed to Page 6--what were those supposed to do? All of her shitty muttered comments about sleeping with Tom and Dorinda doing drugs--what did she think that would do to her friends? When she went after Kristen for answering a reporter's question--what did she think that would do to Kristen? What about when she tried to defraud people in her movie deal? Sonja is only harmless because she's bad at pulling off her schemes, but never forget that she has a big bowl of Go Fuck Yourself Flakes every morning.

Sonja is a liar, an asshole, and a user. It's why she got into that Tipsy Girl mess. It's why she'll rummage through her host's closets. It's why she had 10 million unpaid interns. And it's why she's broke and on this show.

I agree Sonja is a shitty person.  I was referring to how I was seeing it play out and I could see how B was defending her which was nice but maybe undeserved.  I find Sonja personally to icky, a liar, bad friend, everything you said.  I just think for whatever reason, B is feeling protective because honestly I think Sonja is mentally ill.  She is also an elitist asshole and bad friend.  

15 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

But she was far more vicious about Sonja than anything Tinsley has done when she was pissed about Tipsy Girl when Sonja was the same way she is now so it makes Bethenny a complete hypocrite at least Tinsley still films with Sonja unlike B who refused to do so when she was mad at her.

She felt betrayed by someone she thought was sort of a friend who was coming for her business so I understand her taking Sonja down in that instance.  They worked out whatever issues they had.  I see the B/S brouhaha to be much more of a serious slight than whatever happened between T/S.  It is the loud shit talking/laughing at the table that I do have a problem with whoever does it.  Frankly the only one I like with any regularity on this show is B.  The others I vacillate between they are ok to they are an asshole.  But liking B doesn't mean I like everything she does.

  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

She felt betrayed by someone she thought was sort of a friend who was coming for her business so I understand her taking Sonja down in that instance.  They worked out whatever issues they had. 

And Tinsley feels betrayed by Sonja for saying things to other people that according to Tinsley aren’t true and planting stories in Page 6 about her. Sonja has said horrible things about Tinsley both on the show and in the press. I don’t know why it’s okay for Bethenny to lash out at Sonja when she felt betrayed but not for Tinsley who really wasn’t even lashing out.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 20
37 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

It pained me to see chinchilla coats/vests.  It takes a lot of those precious critters to make a coat.  I have a problem with that.  The fur looks much better on a little creature than those aging creatures on this show.  I used to have a chinchilla so this especially bugs.  Wonder if they would wear a real poodle coat or one made of lhasa apso?  

The airing of B and D doing such great work in P.R. and then showing Sonj and Ramona shopping for furs in a limo look me out of this episode a bit.  It was obvs tom foolery on Bravo's part it was done and such a whip lash pace.  I was almost in tears with the P.R. segment so to have the scene with them shopping and then straight back to P.R. was just soooo....IDK, it's like Bravo wants us to hate Sonja and Ramona.  *shrug*

I really have no problem with Ramona; I find her harmless fun but Sonja just continues to piss me off at any given second.  Boo hoo she has to sit at the end of the table??  Boo hoo Tinsley doesn't like me anymore....what?!

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

And Tinsley feels betrayed by Sonja for saying things to other people that according to Tinsley aren’t true and planting stories in Page 6 about her. Sonja has said horrible things about Tinsley both on the show and in the press. I don’t know why it’s okay for Bethenny to lash out at Sonja when she felt betrayed but not for Tinsley who really wasn’t even lashing out.

Well then Tinsley and Sonja need to hash it out like grownups.  I am not sure how that can happen.  We have Tinsley over in one corner who behaves like a 9 year old with tantrums and Sonja in the other who still thinks she parties with John John and may not even have a slight grip on reality (plus she is a mean crazy).  Yes Sonja was an asshole to Tinsely and rather than acting like a 9 year old Tinsley can shut that shit down by speaking to Sonja rather than just complaining and talking smack.  

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, film noire said:
3 hours ago, Ki-in said:

Carole does not have kids, she is childless, fact, not insult. 

It was an insult, and a deeply cruel one.  

I have to agree with KI-IN I didn't find it as an insult either.  Bethenny was simply stating a fact and an explanation as to why Carole and Tinsley are tight.  It wasn't as if she was saying well if Carole WAS married, had kids, a career she would be my friend she was simply commenting on Carole's current status.  Big deal.

I will however say I did NOT like the comment B said about Adam.  It wasn't wrong or rude of Adam to turn down the opportunity at P.R. because he had a previous paying gig somewhere else.  Living in NYC is EXPENSIVE and we've all got bills to pay.  It wasn't wrong of him to ask to be compensated for the P.R. project either.  Yeah the other volunteers didn't get paid but maybe they had the financial means not to. 

Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 10
12 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Well then Tinsley and Sonja need to hash it out like grownups.  I am not sure how that can happen.  We have Tinsley over in one corner who behaves like a 9 year old with tantrums and Sonja in the other who still thinks she parties with John John and may not even have a slight grip on reality (plus she is a mean crazy).  Yes Sonja was an asshole to Tinsely and rather than acting like a 9 year old Tinsley can shut that shit down by speaking to Sonja rather than just complaining and talking smack.  

Tinsley threw a thank you party for Sonja, gave her a $5k gift card and tried to solve Sonja's issues of her not paying rent by paying it and then pulled Sonja aside at Duff's once again thanking her; to me it appears that it's Sonja and now Bethenny not Tinsley creating this feud so I don't get that is her acting like a 9 year old when its behavior that Sonja and B have also routinley engaged in and she has actively tried to squash it.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

Maybe but a)I honestly didn't see any earth shaking true revelations in Carole's temper tantrum of a blog post and b) it's all happening because Bethenny's crack about her life and career clearly cut Carole to the bone.

People who are confident in their success let that success be the answer. People who are desperately insecure do what Carole just did on her blog. All she's doing is confirming there is some truth to what Bethenny said.

It is a combo of Bethenny talking smack about her AND about Adam behind her back on camera then saying something different to her face. At this stage of filming Carole is still in the dark but she now knows exactly what happened and that is reflected in her blogs.

32 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I think she sees Sonja as someone that has lost some marbles so it isn't a fair fight.  I am seeing her being somewhat protective.  I kinda liken it to Scary Island when they all realized that Kelly was really suffering some sort of breakdown so it wasn't fair to poke the crazy.  I am not sure B is that broken up about she and Carole.  I think she saw something in Carole and Adam that she didn't like.

Nahhh, Bethenny is siding with Sonja because she knows Sonja is desperate for her attention and will say/do anything to replace Carole up Bethenny's posterior. Bethenny needs a "Yes" woman and she knows the shit is about to hit the fan with Carole when Carole learns what all Bethenny has said about her/Adam to the others behind her back.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Bethenny and Dorinda in Puerto Rico. I have no words. Only tears. I know Beth can really put people off, but I think she has a huge heart. The work she's doing is so amazing.

And I don't think she's bragging when she says she's the first person in certain areas. This is literally what people are telling her. It's not a slight against individuals. But on the so-called charities. It's so secret, at least to me, that very little charity money actually makes it to the intended. This is why I donate locally. I've put stuff on trucks going to the hurricane victims in the South. Your online donation is likely just paying for some CEO's lunch. 

But I digress....I thought Dorinda had a very impactful experience and I'm glad they smoothed things out and she got to go. I still think she was the perfect person to bring. 

Ramona would have been asking the Puerto Ricans to help HER - carry her bags, fix a broken luggage handle, etc. 

Carole would have just prattled on about HER experiences and acted like she was the first person to ever visit a decimated country. 

Lu would have been off in the bushes with the hottest volunteer. 

Tinsley would have had progressively more dramatic reactions to every home they visited - wailing, falling on the floor, and finally flinging herself into the sea. 

And Sonja? Sonja would have spent the entire time reminiscing about when her husband brought her there because he was best friends with the Emperor or Puerto Rico and they stayed in his palace for a month. 


It was interesting to hear about Adam's response to being asked to come along and photography everything. "What are the comps?" People are fucking starving and you want to know what the comps are??? I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt over the years, when people said he was an opportunist. Now I'm with Bethenny 100%. And I can see where this may have caused a real fracture in her friendship with Carole. 


Where I'm NOT with Bethenny is her defense of Sonja in the whole situation with Tinsley. Beth, you're my girl, but you wrong. Sonja did not change Tinsley's life. She could have stayed ANYWHERE. She could have moved into a hotel from jump. She only stayed at the Townhouse of Horrors because of the show. And to claim she didn't thank Sonja? She threw an entire "thank you" party!!!!

Bethenny often seems to develop a soft spot for Sonja. And I feel like she's emphasizing, because she TOO feels hurt by the Tinsley-Carole relationship, but Sonja is just fabricating more BS with this supposed slight. I mean, who would be grateful anyhow, to stay in a place with no heat, grey ice, painted-over-bird-poop chairs, and you get yelled at if someone else collects a package for you??? Duck that. 


I did like that B didn't come into that dinner gossiping about Dorinda or bragging about what they did in PR. 


And, of course, meddling Ramona has to go play a game of telephone and act all innocent when no one falls for it. She's ALL about being Carole's friend this year, isn't she? I think it's only to get to B. 


I have ZERO interest in Lu's cabaret show. She claims she runs toward things that scare her? So she's scared of penises?


Soooo excited for the murder mystery party. Dorinda, you always do it nice!


Again with the comparing Sonja to being left at the end of the table and iced out. Instead of the girl with the weird lunch, this time it's the girl with the buckteeth. Sonja was the last to arrive and as far as I could tell there were no place cards. Had Bethenny not wanted Sonja to be at the end seat she could have sat in the end seat herself, leaving the middle seat to Sonja so that she was next to Tinsley. Now Bethenny did offer to switch seats but it's not like no one was near Sonja at the end seat. Exactly who is Sonja being cut off from? Carole who she had problems with since before the you dyed your hair ash comment? Or Dorinda - they can't stand each other. So is it Tinsley - who had a screaming match with Sonja at Ramona's party? Sonja sitting at the end of the table she was next to Bethenny, across from Ramona and diagonal with Luann - the only people she is getting along with now.

If you want to believe the connection - Sonja is friends with Dale not Tinsley. Tinsley is becoming friends with Carole and Dorinda who have never been close to Sonja. I don't see Ramona, Luann or Ramona "buddying up" to Tinsley so I don't see how Sonja is being intentionally left out.

  • Love 10
8 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Well then Tinsley and Sonja need to hash it out like grownups.  I am not sure how that can happen.  We have Tinsley over in one corner who behaves like a 9 year old with tantrums and Sonja in the other who still thinks she parties with John John and may not even have a slight grip on reality (plus she is a mean crazy).  Yes Sonja was an asshole to Tinsely and rather than acting like a 9 year old Tinsley can shut that shit down by speaking to Sonja rather than just complaining and talking smack.  

Tinsley tried to talk to Sonja about it in Mexico, Sonja didn't care enough to stop even though she said she would. Then Tinsley threw Sonja that TY party and Bethenny convinced Sonja it was actually a FY party, so, once again, Sonja didn't care enough to stop feeding lies to page six. Now, this season we have Bethenny protecting Sonja, which will only empower/embolden Sonja even more so I don't see Sonja stopping any time soon. This is on Sonja at this point, not Tinsley.

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Bethenny has always been back among forth with Sonja, IMO. She'll get fed up with her shit, call her out, not speak to her forever....and then she starts feeling bad for her and gets all protective. It's nothing new; it's a cycle. 


And I think most of the women go through different fights with each other over the years. It's not just Bethenny. Sonja and Ramona were all at odds with My during her wedding year. Now Sonja and Lu are bunking together again. It's the nature of the show. Friendships and grievances are constantly changing. 

Maybe just me, but I didn't take this as a slight. Bethenny isn't married either. I felt like she was just explaining why Carole and Tinsley are better matched. They're at similar places in life. 

I think Carole is buddying up to Tinsley to get stalker tips. Was Carole friends with Scott or was Adam friends with Scott first? This is also another reason to buddy up to Tinsley - the Scott connection keeps Adam near.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Just read Carole's blog, and I think it's sort of great.


I read Carole's blog like 





I’m glad to see my friend Bethenny step outside her affluent bubble, with her stream of rich boyfriends, rich friends with private planes, million dollar homes, and five-star resort vacations. One gets the impression this is the first time she’s witnessed real poverty. 




When Harvey hit last summer, Bethenny was partying in Ibiza, I was taking care of a friend whose husband had passed away, and Adam was working hard commuting three hours between clients each day. So, no, Adam couldn't go to Houston at Bethenny’s whim. He is building his business, and he has to hustle — you’d think if anyone would understand that it’s Bethenny. How quickly she forgets the struggle. He suggested switching one client’s day but couldn't afford to lose his day rate — certainly not to take pictures of Bethenny to post on her social media. So off she went to Houston with a professional paid photographer in tow to take pictures of her and the endless selfies she allegedly disdains. Yes, that makes everyone I know chuckle too. 

(So, Bethenny, wasn't opposed to paying, she just didn't want to pay Adam for his work?)




And yes, I support my friends, much like I did last season when my pal Linda Mason had an art gallery opening, and before that when my friend had a baby on her own. I celebrate my friend’s accomplishments. Because this is the way you support friends — by showing up. This concept, of celebrating others accomplishments, is a foreign one to Bethenny. In the 10 years she’s been on television has anyone seen her promoting a friend, especially one on the show? 

I am here for this clapback. 

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

I have to agree with KI-IN I didn't find it as an insult either.  Bethenny was simply stating a fact and an explanation as to why Carole and Tinsley are tight. 

If  I had a once close work friend who was a widow, who also said (at our workplace) that she had wanted kids with her dead husband I wouldn't list  "She has no husband or kids" as reasons we have less in common. 

And why does this suddenly matter?  When they were thick as thieves (mocking Jules' disordered eating and slender frame,  making fun of "Luman's" sex life, Carole having no issues with Bethenny's slut-shaming of Luann in the Berkshires) Carole was still a widow clad in no fruit of my womb underwear -- so what changed? 

(Hmm: maybe its's something else?)



will however say I did NOT like the comment B said about Adam.  It wasn't wrong or rude of Adam to turn down the opportunity at P.R. because he had a previous paying gig somewhere else.  


Edited by film noire
  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

(So, Bethenny, wasn't opposed to paying, she just didn't want to pay Adam for his work?)

This is if you believe Carole's side of it. 

Bethenny has repeatedly stated that everyone who goes down there, does so on their own dime. That way all donations truly go to the people. Maybe she found another photographer who was willing to do it. Bethenny does have connections; she probably just thought of Adam first for Carole's sake. 

I think deep down Carole knows B was right about Adam, but won't admit it. So she's lashing out. 

2 minutes ago, film noire said:

If  I had a once close work friend who was a widow, who also said (at our workplace) that she had wanted kids with her dead husband I wouldn't list  "She has no husband or kids" as reasons we have less in common. 

And why does that suddenly matter?  When they were thick as thieves (mocking Jules' disordered eating and slender frame,  making fun of "Luman's" sex life, Carole having no issues with Betheny's slut-shaming) Carole was still a widow clad in no fruit of my womb underwear -- so what changed?

I think Bethenny's trying to say that CAROLE changed. It's not that Bethenny is casting Carole aside for not having kids. It's that when Carole met up with Tinsley, their similar life stages caused them to bond more. I can see it. Especially because they were dating friends. They became a pretty tight foursome. B works hard and spends a lot of off time with Brynn, so I think it's only natural that they drifted apart. 

I don't think it was meant to be a negative commentary toward EITHER woman, just that this is the way things often happen in life. 

  • Love 19
42 minutes ago, film noire said:

What is this madness that Tinsley has achieved nothing?!!

These two lines from her blog ALONE  justify her existence on the planet:


"(Sonja) Stop playing the role of the fey, ditzy Chrissy from Three’s Company who is really nothing but a delightful zany minx. You’re not. You are calculating, and you know it...

And just CLIP IT, Countess Hypocrisy. I don’t need YOU to school me on situational etiquette of any kind. Bethenny directed an accusation towards me concerning her new BFF Sonja and then refused to allow me to answer or defend myself. This is why I started to raise my voice. I was not being heard. You have a habit of calling people out for the very things you do in abundance."


(But for the record, alongside her education and work history, Tinsley Mortimer spent a year volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, which is more than most wealthy people have done with their privilege). 


It was an insult, and a deeply cruel one, imo. 

Bad enough to oh-so-casually list wifehood and motherhood as counts against someone when it comes to having things in common (especially since, from her Instagram, Radziwill spends lots of time with her friends who have mates/children) but to do so in this particular case is really fucked up, imo. 

Carole's lack of a husband is due to Anthony dying brutally young (and still deeply loved by his wife) and Radziwill has mentioned the future she saw likely hers when they were all still alive (she and Carolyn Berssette Kennedy spending holidays with all four of them,  en famille, and Radziwill's comment in the London ep about how if Anthony had lived, she might be one of those moms with the double-wide stroller) all of which make Frankel's comment about the status of Carole's ring finger and her womb particularly savage.  Add in Frankel's mockery in her talking head  ("I never said puppet!") and there's no bolt hole for Frankel to hide in. She's cruel and vicious and without any boundaries when crossed -- nothing is sacred to her except winning whatever it is she thinks she's winnning when she destroys yet another relationship (and this isn't the first time we've seen it, it's been a constant in her personality for years, now).

I'm Team Karma with both of them -- they fed each other's worst qualities for years (most notabely when mocking a woman with an eating disoder)  -- but Bethenny's "list" was one of her shadiest moments ever, imo. (Imagine the reverse: Radziwill lists her close relationship with her Mom and no history of bad exes as reasons she's connectng with Tinsley more than Bethenny, these days. I would not see those reasons as innocent, either.)



Come sit by me, Supr, I'm on the same (blog) page ;) 


~we won't be cleaning up any of the spilled tea!


I love your posts Film Noire but I have to say one is childless and single is not insulting.  My neighbor when I thought she might be interested in a certain someone-first question she asked-does he have children and their ages.  I said no and he does not and he instantly moved up her estimation.  Obviously single was a must.  She also wanted to know what kind of career because she teaches and wanted someone who can take time off in the summer-not married to his business.  

Bethenny says a lot of shitty things but I do believe in this one instance she is running down the lack of distractions in Tinsley and Carole's lives.  Single, no children no demanding career.  She didn't say they weren't solvent.  Bethenny did not say Carole wasn't active in politics.  Carole might want to slow that roll as when checked she contributed something like $100.00 to Hillary's campaign.

One thing that bothers me about widows, on this show-especially ones who date and are in long term relationships-they have no idea if the marriage would or would not end in divorce.  Now Jill Zarin there was a marriage that seemed to withstand, well all that is Jill.

Carole needs to stop being so thin skinned every time mentions she does not have children.  It can be a real plus to a person in the dating world.  If she desired children there are plenty of options.  Carole does not strike me as the type that would want to subject a child to a custody battle unlike a certain someone.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 10

So in Bethenny's smackdown of her, Tinz confirmed for the first time, just how cast-off she was socially when she came back to NYC.  Oh sure, she hinted at it, or even casually joked about it, but she never said it outright.

She's implied before that she was down & out socially in NYC cuz of her arrest in PB.  I know that's NOT true.  Nope, the fact is she had pissed off many (including apparently Anna Wintour!) before she fled NYC, well-hated & disgraced, to hide out in PB.  

Maybe she'll eventually share the scoop on why she really fled NYC.  Nah, I suspect it's something Bethenny will out Tinz on -- particularly cuz she has dared to steal away Bethenny's puppet, follower & only friend, Carole -- well, in Bethenny's fucked up, evil, bitter head, that's what she did.

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

I will however say I did NOT like the comment B said about Adam.  It wasn't wrong or rude of Adam to turn down the opportunity at P.R. because he had a previous paying gig somewhere else.  Living in NYC is EXPENSIVE and we've all got bills to pay.  It wasn't wrong of him to ask to be compensated for the P.R. project either.  Yeah the other volunteers didn't get paid but maybe they had the financial means not to.

This made me livid. How dare she shame him over his financial circumstances. She does not know his money situation just like he doesn't know hers. He could have come back at her and berated her about her spending $2 million on a house in the Hamptons instead of giving that money to PR. He didn't have the money to swing the trip when she talked to him. It doesn't matter if 6 months later if he has the money to finance a trip to Spain or Dubai for himself. All that matters is that he didn't have the money when they talked.

What's even more obnoxious is that she probably would have responded like Adam if someone asked to join them on a charity trip for Hurricane Katrina or Rita, but she had to pay her own way. She'd come in 2nd on the Apprentice in 2005, but it never really translated into more business and money making opportunities. It's possible she wouldn't have had the cash to finance those trips in 2005.

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think it was meant to be a negative commentary toward EITHER woman, just that this is the way things often happen in life. 

Would you ever say that about a friend, Ghoulina? A friend who was without a husband because she was widowed, and without kids because of her widowhood? (and @zoeysmom, that's why it's an insult; not because Carole - or any woman - chooses to not marry or procreate, but because fate robbed Carole of that chance, and that theft is being used against her.  Salt in a very deep wound, imo. And love you back! ;)



Bethenny has repeatedly stated that everyone who goes down there, does so on their own dime. 

But that argument keeps changing -- when somebody tweeted the cost side in defense of Adam not up and jumping, didn't Frankel tweet back that she had offered to pay all of Adam's expenses?

ETA: Yes, she did.

Bethenny Frankel‏Verified account @Bethenny 19h19 hours ago: "It was half a day all expenses paid. No one has to do it. He said yes then said no when there was no pay. It rubbed me the wrong way."

So the story keeps changing, depending on the counter argument Frankel is trying to rebut: first it's a week, now it's half a day;  first it's everybody pays their own way, now it's she offered to pay his expenses. By the time she's done ruining his reputation, he'll be a selfish pig of epic proportions who demanded hookers on tap and Cristal on a private plane.

~got headphones on and the "pinging" speed of new posts sounds like a video game ; )

Edited by film noire
  • Love 20
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I love your posts Film Noire but I have to say one is childless and single is not insulting.  My neighbor when I thought she might be interested in a certain someone-first question she asked-does he have children and their ages.  I said no and he does not and he instantly moved up her estimation.  Obviously single was a must.  She also wanted to know what kind of career because she teaches and wanted someone who can take time off in the summer-not married to his business.  

Bethenny says a lot of shitty things but I do believe in this one instance she is running down the lack of distractions in Tinsley and Carole's lives.  Single, no children no demanding career.  She didn't say they weren't solvent.  Bethenny did not say Carole wasn't active in politics.  Carole might want to slow that role as when checked she contributed something like $100.00 to Hillary's campaign.

One thing that bothers me about widows, on this show-especially ones who date and are in long term relationships-they have no idea if the marriage would or would not end in divorce.  Now Jill Zarin there was a marriage that seemed to withstand, well all that is Jill.

Carole needs to stop being so thin skinned every time mentions she does not have children.  It can be a real plus to a person in the dating world.  If she desired children there are plenty of options.  Carole does not strike me as the type that would want to subject a child to a custody battle unlike a certain someone.

I suspect it was an insult because it never bothered Bethenny before that Carole wasn't married/didn't have kids, so why bring it up now? Oh, and what does Carole being single have to do with anything, Bethenny isn't married either. 

  • Love 14
10 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

She brought it up because she was listing what Tinsley and Carole had in common

 Maybe, Carole and Tinsley just like each others personalities, it didn't seem to matter to Carole that Bethenny has a child, so I don't think being single/childless is why Carole/Tinsley became friends. Oh, and someone needs to remind Bethenny she is also "single". LOL

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Did everyone see Luann's cabaret acts on u-tube?  Sonja is on the stage with her prancing around practically stripping. The audience was LOVING it.  Luann talks her way thru the songs.  Sonja is outrageous.  Her daughter must be mortified.

Sonja is an embarrassment and Luann talk sings because she can't sing. You are wrong Ben Rimalower.


http://nymag.com/author/Ben Rimalower/

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

She brought it up because she was listing what Tinsley and Carole had in common

Exactly. They are both in somewhat tenuous relationships, don't have kids, and don't have jobs that require a lot of their time and attention. Those are three big things to have in common with someone. Also Carole is friends with Scott and how Tins met him, which is a big thing. 

Several months ago I met a lady who has the same interests as I do, is retired as I am, is married to a husband who is still working as mine is, and has no children like me. It also turns out our husbands know each other professionally. We bonded instantly. I have other friends who are married with kids, single with no kids, married or single and still working, etc. To meet someone who has somewhat the same interests and living situation is not all that common, especially if you don't have children as well. Add grandchildren in the mix of your friends with children, and for someone without, their constant talking about them is boring AF. Not having to listen to every single thing a grandchild does as if no other kid has ever done the same thing is a gift in itself. Lol.

I might add as someone mentioned upthread, not having children is very attractive to many men. You would not believe how many people told my hubby how lucky he is that I don't have children, as they juggle blended families and exs of their significant others. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I really don't get why she goes after Lu for trying to quiet her down at the restaurant. I 100% get that Lu is a hypocrite on a number of things, but if I was going to list the loudest screamers on this show, she'd be at the very bottom. 

  • Love 8

The PR bits had me in tears. I often get on Bethanny's case but I'm not gonna slam someone who takes the time, money and dedication to do something like that. One thing that did stick out to me is that Bethanny pointed out that all the money that's being donated and outside of her group, those people received no money. It gave me pause in thinking while technically true, the money being donated may have been used to purchase goods rather than distributed in cash or gift cards. Assuming that's the case, the way she phrased could be very misleading and inferring things about the charities that were collecting money (and of course we all know that not all the money we donate go directly to a cause as there's administrative fees that have to be accounted for).

Carole and Tinsley were being really catty whispering about Sonja while she was just across the table and then laughing at her expense only for Carole in her TH to reference someone else (maybe Sonja) as being a mean girl. Her behaviour with Tinsley was definitely mean girl behaviour. That said, Bethanny shouldn't have been bringing up the situation and suggesting that Sonja changed Tinsley's life. Come on girl. Sonja helped Tinsley out but claiming that she changed her life seems like a bit much.

Ramona stirring the pot as usual, lol.

So we get a bit of insight into the Bethanny/Carole drama but it's just caused more questions for me. Bethanny mentioned that Adam makes more money than the teachers and nurses but maybe it's his look but I've always assumed that the guy survives from job to job. If my assumption is correct, I can't blame Adam if he wasn't in a position at the time to leave NYC and work for a week without making money. It's not a cheap place to live. However, maybe he should have put that up front first and then asked if there was a comp involved because he would love the opportunity if it could be sorted out. Now if Adam's charity work in the past (similar to this request) is tied to receiving compensation for his efforts, then I don't really consider that charity work and I think it's misleading people to imply charitable causes when you're being compensated for your time and efforts - maybe not at market value but you're getting something. Now if Adam does make good money and could truly afford to take a week off and go but wanted to only do it for compensation, then sure, that does seem like a very selfish thing for someone who seems charitably involved and would give me pause. But there's just too many questions about the context of her conversation with him that makes me unsure of what to think about it just yet. 

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, film noire said:

Would you ever say that about a friend, Ghoulina? A friend who was without a husband because she was widowed, and without kids because of her widowhood? (and @zoeysmom, that's why it's an insult; not because Carole - or any woman - chooses to not marry or procreate, but because fate robbed Carole of that chance, and that theft is being used against her.  Salt in a very deep wound, imo. And love you back! ;)


But that argument keeps changing -- when somebody tweeted the cost side in defense of Adam not up and jumping, didn't Frankel tweet back that she had offered to pay all of Adam's expenses?

ETA: Bethenny Frankel‏Verified account @Bethenny 19h19 hours ago: "It was half a day all expenses paid. No one has to do it. He said yes then said no when there was no pay. It rubbed me the wrong way."

So the story keeps changing, depending on the argument Frankle is facing: first it's a week, now it's half a day;  first it's everybody pays their own way, now it's she offered to pay his expenses -- by the time she's done ruining his reputation, he'll be a selfish pig of epic proportions who demanded hookers on tap and Cristal on a private plane.)

~got headphones on and the "pinging" speed of new posts sounds like a video game ; )

I have to say that is why I qualify these widows with the fact they are involved in other relationships since the death of their spouses.  At the time Bethenny was speaking both Tinsley and Carole were out of their relationships.  Carole is not without children because of her widowhood.  She was married to someone who was sterile so there would have had to have been donated sperm or an adoption.  It was a choice Carole and Anthony made.  In the last 20 years single, committed relationship, Carole could have had a child or adopted a child.  Having a child or adopting a child with Anthony wasn't her only option.   I think it is a little creepy for a co-worker to claim someone but for the death of their spouse is without a child or a relationship.  There are always options.  Again I think it has more to do with Bethenny talking about hours available and commitments.  I also think Bethenny thinks she is too damn important.  I did like Carole addressing Bethenny and her rich boyfriends and private jets.  Carole seems to be making a case for Bethnny only being able to love if there is money.  Bring it all out.

I believe the last time someone insulted Carole with the without children comment it was Ramona and now they are besties.

  • Love 1

If Bethenny and/or Dennis footed the bill for one single vacation for Adam, I’d be fucking livid if he wouldn’t donate a day, two or week to help the charity.  

I’ve  never thought that Carole was an amazing addition to the cast.  She was somewhat interesting during her first season, but she has been pretty one note since then.  I’d like to see her do something other that fawn over Adam or pretend to be Carrie Bradshaw.

  • Love 11

Good Bravo blog from Carole -- EXCEPT that I remember the shitty thing Carole said to Aviva.  She called her "nothing" because she's a SATM & had no career.  Sure, she apologized for it, but she shouldn't have said it in the first place.  And that past comment makes this blog seem disingenuous as hell.

Uh, so Carole, why was I, as merely a viewer of Bethenny, able to predict she'd turn on you & pull this evil shit, but you couldn't?  And just why the hell do you still consider this awful friendless woman a "friend"?  Any ulterior/suspect motives yourself, Carole?  Noooo, surely not, right?

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

What is up with Sonya’s nips in the limo and at the fur place. She is so messy.

WHOA WHOA WHOA Hold the phone Bethenny. Jill Z  introduced you to her friend group, give you a leg up, when you were allegedly down and out when you started housewives. When Bethany got independent of Jill Jill went crazy a little bit and here we have Bethany saying that she would go crazy if she had introduced Tinsley to her friend group and given her the leg up and they got distanced .  Um OK? Hypocrite.

Did I just see Bethenny say in her TH say that she did say Carol is operated and moved by others pulling strings laughing that she implied puppet by all definition? Then chastise Ramona for “doing interpretations” and taking that as puppet and Bethenny telling Ramona that it wingman not puppet . Um OK. Lost at sea, no parents, homeless, I didn’t say puppet. She is vile. 

 The saying goes “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Bethany is just going aligning with Sonja because of that line of reason. Bethenny is annoyed that Carol and Tinsley are tight so she and Sonja are going at them, it’s all power and using with Bethenny. She does not give two shits for Sonja. 

Sonja is such a POS remember when it wasn’t ok for someone at the townhouse to accept a UPS package for Tinsley (hats) ? I always thought that was petty . I mean what’s the big deal? Now she’s going on about how they were close roomies etc. 

Luann ya dumb drag queen no one is going there for your talent it’s pure camp and Ben sees $$$$$.

Adam can say no to anything he wants . He owes B no explanation . Maybe he could not afford to work for free. 

Duffs townhouse,  STUNNING ! Gorge. Sonja that’s what a TH looks like ! 

I love seeing the poinsettias and Christmas decor because LUANNS ARREST is coming up! My bad. 

Love Dorinda for telling off Tom ! It was dick respectful to party on the boat on their anniversary . Here comes Luann unraveling .....

Exactly!!  The irony of Bethenny saying that Carole doesn't have her own voice and only speaks in defense of other people while Bethenny is berating Tinsley on behalf of Sonja.  Pppfffppptt.  

Regarding Adam, no one is obligated to work for free, but it also sounds like the added issue of turning down or losing paid work to work for B for free.  Not everyone is in a position to do that at any given time.  

  • Love 13
8 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I'm SCREAMING.  You're referencing my favourite movie of 2016 and maybe the past 5 years altogether

I wasn't sure anyone would get the joke. I can't imagine that there's tons of overlap between RHoNY and The Arrival. It's definitely a bit of an esoteric joke.

OT: Have people heard about the film That Summer. It's apparently the footage that Maysles originally shot of Lee Radziwill and the Edies before pivoting to Grey Gardens. One of the strangest sips of tea from the film is that it seems like Little Edie might have had a sexual relationship with Black Jack Bouvier, Lee and Jackie's father. He was Little Edie's uncle.


  • Love 9

As fun as the "minor success as a caterer" line is, and it's a great line, it's the sort of line that betrays Carole's rage at having her foibles and loss of status mentioned. Guys, as of right now, Beth is running a fairly successful business and charity and Carole is... shilling donuts in a costume sun dress. Now, in the grand scheme of things it can be argued Carole is more successful or Bethenny is more successful - to me it's a bit apples and oranges- but right now Carole has been down swinging while Bethenny is still moving g up the curve. I don' think Carole is doing herself any favors here.

  • Love 16

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