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18 hours ago, zoeysmom said:


Obviously there was an audible and they decided to change.  Why waste the time making Dorit up if they weren't going to use her face? 

Good question!   Either you're right about the audible/change or this was another situation scripted by production.

i haven't watched Part III yet and based on what I've read here I may not watch at all.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, MMLEsq said:

I think one point Teddi kept trying to make -- which Erika never addressed -- was the fact that Erika's assistant was already at the hotel.  Why, if Erika decided to go to a hotel somewhat spontaneously?  Teddi's house was in Dana Point, right?  Which, if you're driving, I'm going to guess takes around 75-90 minutes with relatively light traffic.  (I'm not from CA, but I actually had to drive from LA to Dana Point once and I remember it taking a while.)  Does Erika regularly require assistants to be "nearby" or on standby?  It almost seems like she can't do a single thing on her own without paid help.  And, I'm not sure why this is being laid at Teddi's feet -- it seems like they ALL talked about it (not in a being mad way, but in a "hey it was kind of weird that she left" way) and probably wouldn't even have said any thing about it if Dorit hadn't made it into a bigger deal than it was.      

The other explanation -- which no one dared mention -- is that when they looked at the pictures they agreed with Dorit that her face looked horrible and decided not to hurt her feelings by telling her that was the reason.  Instead it's easier/kinder to say it was because of her attitude.  And, if Dorit wasn't expecting her face to be photographed, whined about the makeup, then complained once she actually saw some of the shots that she looked bad, why is she all of a sudden having feelings about the pictures showing exactly what she expected in the first place? -- in theory, she got what she expected/wanted.  You can't really have it both ways -- you can't complain about how your face looked AND complain they they didn't show your face.  

Me too!  I actually think marriage is easy -- as long as you marry someone that you would genuinely want as a friend and actually talk about things before you get married, so that you're on the same page regarding expectations (how money will be handled, how many kids do you want, etc. etc.).  It's amazing to me that people get married without talking about and agreeing about some of those things.  


Were those colored contacts or are Kyle's eyes really that green?

Every time they show that clip of Erika in the latex halting for the cyclist, I laugh at her expression (and the sort-of look directly at the camera), but -- boy -- I think she looks ridiculous in that latex.  I realize that I might be in the minority on that one.  I think it looks horrible -- I'm around her age (generally), but I'm somewhat old-fashioned, I guess (and, apparently cranky this morning...LOL).

You're NOT in the minority. EriCa looked like a fool. Too bad the cyclist didn't knock her down.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Christina Makowsky is the BHL Fashion Editor. She is also allegedly the jewelry line designer that LVP is hocking. She was also the person who first showed up at LVP's house along with Mark to discuss using Dorit for their fashion shoot.

Anyone remember Christina talking about Dorit's street creds - her social media is IMPECCABLE and beautiful decolletage?

LVP/Christina/Mark: may have planned this before the season filmed. They got the LVP house scene, 2 photo shoot scenes (one Dorit and one unknown model), Grumpy Cat scene talking to LVP about how beautiful the photos were and the BHL party. All filmed by Bravo and aired - giving BHL and the jewelry line lots of free publicity.

When you go on the magazine site where they show the jewelry - there is a website address on the bottom for the jewelry line - it doesn't work.

Who is going to be LVP's market/customer base? Her fans? I don't see this line doing so well.

I can’t stop laughing at “Grumpy Cat” scene! ? 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, stcroix said:

Agreed.  Or else I'm beginning to wonder exactly what PK has on Lisa and/or Ken that makes her grovel to keep his wife on the show? I've never seen this side of Lisa and am not liking it. 

Collectively they all realized if Dorit was axed one of them would have to step into the villian role and no one wants it.  Dorit got hammered this year-some deserved like the stupid "c" comment.

I will say this biggest fools were production and dragging the glass joke out again.  It was only funny once and not all that hysterical.  

What I don't understand-is Teddi early on told Dorit she SHALL report any issues to Teddi and not discuss with anyone else.  ALl Teddi did was tweet and blog about those she disagreed with and called it"cathartically"  and she needed it.  Erika although curt was right about Teddi she played the old hags.  Rinna was smart enough to straddle the fence.  LVP put up her fence-she doesn't want to pander to Teddi next year.  All Teddi sees LVP as is a fellow horseperson.  LVP knows where the money is and it is on the polarizing personality.  That is why they were all quick to say Dorit wasn't malicious.   They don't want to bring the drama.

I don't see a return of any unvillains next year.  Too bad Camille.   They will be looking for fresh meat-maybe Rod Stewart's daughter-rock star daughter face off. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Christi said:

Erika would be much more tolerable if she wasnt ALWAYS in Jayne Mode now.  Not every coffee date needs to be a 'moment' with a freaking look designed for it.  Save Jayne for the stage, and show up as a real, relatable person....it would be interesting to see a human being, rather than JUST a blow up/themed  sex doll.

This, yes!  I really wanted to like Erika, and gave her chance after chance.  Her blind support of Yolanda was difficult, especially when she disavowed knowing who carried the tales to Yolanda, allowing others to take the fall. It was especially galling to see her haughty attitude in her talking heads this season when she spoke about the Kyle Dorit rivalry for  Lisa’s friendship. As though she hadn’t stooped to the same levels previously.  Perhaps that is why she so vociferously defends the indefensible Dorit… she was the Dorit in her first season….. “What?  Who? Me?”   And for someone who claims to be real, I don’t believe we have seen a real  Erika Giriardi ever.  Erika said that she is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve.  Really?  All we have seen for sometime now, is Erika Jayne.  In the unlikely event that I wanted to see Erika Jayne, I would pay to go to one of her shows.   Seeing the real Erika, without the glam squad and ghastly couture, accompanying her husband as Mrs. Giriardi….THAT would have been an intriguing storyline!

  • Love 19
10 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

I have to wonder why Kyle has to make all these silly "ideas" of hers into tv shows. They're hardly ideas, they are her life with thinly veiled changes - not very imaginative. She cries about being alienated from her sisters, yet she feels the need to produce these  dreadful (judging be the few minutes of American Women we saw) loser shows. Is she that stupid?

I can't help thinking about the crazy Alison telling her Mauricio would never fulfill her emotionally. Could that be the issue here? (in addition of course to her mommy - sister issues) She still has Portia home, has all the $ in the world, a couple of stores, her spot on this show. I'm not saying that women shouldn't pursue any dreams outside of family, but geez, she needs to come up with something better than crappy tv pilots.

She's NOT smart enough to do anything creative.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Again, IMO, you have it backwards, Kyle is the snake in the grass/wolf in sheep's clothing, not Lisa.

imo it’s about intention - Kyle makes mistakes, usually because she overreacts, but does not intentionally try to hurt people. LVP very intentionally tries to hurt people - often cleverly enough to get away with it.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, nexxie said:

imo it’s about intention - Kyle makes mistakes, usually because she overreacts, but does not intentionally try to hurt people. LVP very intentionally tries to hurt people - often cleverly enough to get away with it.

I see Kyle doing what you accuse Lisa of doing. Just an example is her "Lisa is jelly" game, something she has now done twice to Lisa, she knows it hurts her and that it causes fighting but she still does it then claims Lisa is at fault! Lisa is no angle but she isn't the one setting others up then claiming she is the victim, that is Kyle playing that game. 

  • Love 14
26 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I see Kyle doing what you accuse Lisa of doing. Just an example is her "Lisa is jelly" game, something she has now done twice to Lisa, she knows it hurts her and that it causes fighting but she still does it then claims Lisa is at fault! Lisa is no angle but she isn't the one setting others up then claiming she is the victim, that is Kyle playing that game. 

It’s calculated and cruel when Lisa mentions Mauricio’s “other woman” in front of his child, when she asks about Eileen’s affair with her then-husband, when she chops off Dorit’s head, when she mentions seeing Kyle’s estranged sister knowing Kyle has a lot of pain about the estrangement - only a sick, insecure person tries to cut people like that. I don’t see that kind of cruel calculation in Kyle.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, nexxie said:

It’s calculated and cruel when Lisa mentions Mauricio’s “other woman” in front of his child, when she asks about Eileen’s affair with her then-husband, when she chops off Dorit’s head, when she mentions seeing Kyle’s estranged sister knowing Kyle has a lot of pain about the estrangement - only a sick, insecure person tries to cut people like that. I don’t see that kind of cruel calculation in Kyle.

Kyle brought up the tabloid stories first, Lisa thought she was talking about the cheating stories because they were the headline ones and Portia was far too young to understand what they were talking about. Eileen had already spoken about the affair and Lisa gave her room to get her side out without Brandi turning it against her. Dorit thought they were only going to use her hands/décolleté and it wasn't Lisa's decision to not use her face, the owner of the magazine who is also the Artistic Director/Editor made that decision (we all saw him do it). Kyle is well aware that Lisa/Kathy are friends, as we are as well because both Lisa and Kyle have mentioned it before. With that, I am out of this conversation before the mods get upset. You see Lisa as the big bad wolf and Kyle the little innocent lamb whereas I see Kyle as the manipulator/user/game player and Lisa the follower.  

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Kyle brought up the tabloid stories first, Lisa thought she was talking about the cheating stories because they were the headline ones and Portia was far too young to understand what they were talking about. Eileen had already spoken about the affair and Lisa gave her room to get her side out without Brandi turning it against her. Dorit thought they were only going to use her hands/décolleté and it wasn't Lisa's decision to not use her face, the owner of the magazine who is also the Artistic Director/Editor made that decision (we all saw him do it). Kyle is well aware that Lisa/Kathy are friends, as we are as well because both Lisa and Kyle have mentioned it before. With that, I am out of this conversation before the mods get upset. You see Lisa as the big bad wolf and Kyle the little innocent lamb whereas I see Kyle as the manipulator/user/game player and Lisa the follower.  

Please don’t speak for me - I see LVP as a true narcissist without empathy, and Kyle as a person who makes mistakes but isn’t cruel or calculating.

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

I don't believe I've ever seen anyone at a reunion ask the viewers to give someone another chance, like LVP did. WTF! 

You know things are dire when another castmate has to make a direct appeal to the audience for your diamond next season. As far as I know, this is totally unprecedented in HoWife history but that just goes to show you how much people loathe Dorit and phony, pretentious self. I do not care to see another minute of her ridiculousness--vehement denials of reality, absurd distortions of the truth and gaslighting. Who is she trying to fool? The cameras have captured the truth. The writing is on the wall, and they all know it.

Dorit needs to go, and she can take Erika Jayne with her. Vile and Viler.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 12
57 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Please don’t speak for me - I see LVP as a true narcissist without empathy, and Kyle as a person who makes mistakes but isn’t cruel or calculating.

I have to say a year ago I felt Kyle was just emotional and made mistakes but Kyle was pretty bad in NY this season.  The swearing, screaming, breaking down and demanding apologies got old. For me, it was like someone opened the curtain on the wizard this season.  I guess after four or five seasons of Kyle doing the old "oh oops" about mentioning her sisters and their feelings and her still doing it I find her a bit calculating. Once is a mistake, three or four times definitely is wanting a defined result. The thing is I still like the idea of her on the show.  The other thing is was kind of a bookend thing of Kyle Episode 1 mentioning the Harry Hamlin encounter and then finishing the season calling Rinna out again.  It was strange and addressed the simmering bunny incident without going there.  I think Kyle got her point across.  I was also disappointed that Kyle continued after being repeatedly told things were okay with Erika, for her to go there with Dorit.  I never quite understood why Kyle seemed to value Erika's friendship the most. 

This season LVP went almost the entire season being sanguine and supportive until her birthday lunch.  After that she seemed to relish the Queen Bee role a little too much.  I don't know if it was the  constant with she and Kyle or a desire to mix things up and keep the show entertaining.  I do have a hard time switching back and forth between Vanderpump Rules LVP and RHOBH LVP.  

My other issues if they all just have to stop talking about how long they have know each other.  Kyle and LVP have had extended periods of acrimony and periods of indifference the idea their relationship is off limits just isn't realistic.  I also think it is confounding to the rest of the cast. It seemed this year LVP got some stuff off her chest regarding Kyle.  I am quite certain if Kyle had ever mentioned her grandmother's name everyone would have remembered it as her grandmother's name was Dodo.   Neither Kyle or LVP want to move from their position of right.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:
6 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Kyle said she hasn't spoken to Kathy in 6 months. Kyle needs to wake up Kathy is D-O-N-E with her. She didn't even care enough to call her to find out what things of their mom's was stolen.

RHOBH - gave her the "fame" she craved above all else.

Kyle outed Kim's alcoholism on National TV. Isn't this the "secret" she promised to keep for her mom?

I do think it is funny that Kathy has more of a relationship with LVP than Kyle.  Where Kathy goes-Kim follows.  

RHOBH gave Kyle the victim podium.  As a former Kyle loyalist, I think the plug on that is about to be pulled.  Kyle fucked RInna over last night.  RInna will be back armed with Dorit and Erika-they will be unstoppable.  RInna has taken a few bullets for Kyle.   

We watched the last breath of Kyle and Rinna's friendship go on this ep.

Kyle adored Rinna when Kyle was bitching constantly about Kim and needed a sounding board. She had no issue with Rinna when she watched Rinna lash out at Kim in Amsterdam. Kyle basically got to break the glass by proxy at the two women causing her the most grief, Kim and Brandi. Kyle lapped up the words of support Rinna and Eileen gave her after that dinner from hell.

Rinna sat in the hot seat and defended Kyle over and over again. Kyle used Rinna when it was convenient for her. And when she saw an opening to make amends with Kim, she threw Rinna under the bus. HARD. Several times. Rinna has basically been held accountable for everything Kyle has always wanted to say about her sister but couldn't. Rinna was half prodded into most of it, and set up for the rest of it, at least where Kim is concerned. 

Kyle asserting that Rinna also had "pretend amnesia" and lied about not remembering she said Kim was near death was Kyle's messed up way of trying to atone for the fact that she's used her family dynamic as a TV plotline and it's backfiring. And who took the sacrificial bullet again? Rinna. If Rinna's smart, she'll cut her losses where Kyle is concerned, join up with Erika and Dorit, and go for a full-on Kyle/LVP takedown next year.

For years, I sided with Kyle. I sympathized with her over how Kim was awful to her and mommy put too many weights on her shoulders. But watching the yoyo relationship with Kim and the way Kyle delighted in the martyr role soured me on her. Kim was a disgusting human being to Rinna and Eileen and many others. She was awful to her own niece (the dog bite, anyone?), and yet Kyle runs back for more. She's addicted to playing the victim. Kyle has done worse to Kim than Rinna ever could. And Kim and Kyle know that, but again, storylines for a show and all that. 

Kyle has used Rinna as a chess piece for years in the laziest of ways. I hope Rinna wises up and gives Kyle her fair share of the ire she seems to hold solely for LVP.

  • Love 11

So was it Rinna's plan all along to keep quiet during the season and then just jump in on everyone else's storylines to provide her unsolicited option or did she realize that she had nothing to really talk about and she needed to be relevant in order to ensure her return next year and keep that lovely pay cheque coming? 

I don't understand Erika's reasoning. In the moment you may feel defensive toward someone but that doesn't mean you can't look back and acknowledge that she shouldn't have reacted as aggressive as she did. Erika had a right to be mad and in that moment, it's even forgivable that she wouldn't recognize that Teddi was sorry and apologized but given the time to think about her behaviour, i don't see how she's being honest with herself in thinking there was anything healthy about the way she snapped. 

Damn Dorit must have really gotten it back online if someone felt the need to step up and ask the viewers to give her a chance, lol. 

  • Love 18

I really think Erika is jealous of Teddi, who is younger, prettier, and doesn’t need a ton of makeup and outrageous costumes to look great. I think Erika feels threatened by her and that’s why she is so mean to Teddi. Plus, I think Erika is rather jealous of all the ladies, who all have husbands that adore them. I don’t think Erika has that with Tom at all.... Being the Erika Jayne character is just a coverup for her misery. She comes across as very angry, defensive, and overly needy for attention, to me. 

  • Love 24
14 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Erika has only spoken terribly to Eileen and Teddi.  She would never speak that way to LVP, Kyle, Rinna, Camille, Dorit.  My impression is she feels better than Teddi and feels she CAN but not sure why she did this to someone she calls a friend (Eileen).  My guess is she doesn't get that heated with Dorit due to the LVP connection.  

Erika only attacks those that she perceives as weak. In Teddi’s Case, She miscalculated big time. 

Although, she might not be a genius,  Erika (with Tom’s help) is really good at analyzing and synthesizing people true essence.

Lisa: sniper on the side

Teddy: legacy chick/ undercover shark.

Imo, Erika and Tom were a good match at one point, they both came from modest origins and made something out of themselves.

The same dynamics with Yolanda and David Foster were at play at one point.

I get Erika and I wish her the best off my tv. Still like her tracks. They are great for the gym.


Kyle showed herself. Ugly.

LVP: queen. 

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I see Kyle doing what you accuse Lisa of doing. Just an example is her "Lisa is jelly" game, something she has now done twice to Lisa, she knows it hurts her and that it causes fighting but she still does it then claims Lisa is at fault! Lisa is no angle but she isn't the one setting others up then claiming she is the victim, that is Kyle playing that game. 

Kyle is a motherfucking mean girl who is not smart enough to be Queen B. I 

6 hours ago, nexxie said:

Please don’t speak for me - I see LVP as a true narcissist without empathy, and Kyle as a person who makes mistakes but isn’t cruel or calculating.

She still hurts people though.

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 9
9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Collectively they all realized if Dorit was axed one of them would have to step into the villian role and no one wants it.  Dorit got hammered this year-some deserved like the stupid "c" comment.

I will say this biggest fools were production and dragging the glass joke out again.  It was only funny once and not all that hysterical.  

What I don't understand-is Teddi early on told Dorit she SHALL report any issues to Teddi and not discuss with anyone else.  ALl Teddi did was tweet and blog about those she disagreed with and called it"cathartically"  and she needed it.  Erika although curt was right about Teddi she played the old hags.  Rinna was smart enough to straddle the fence.  LVP put up her fence-she doesn't want to pander to Teddi next year.  All Teddi sees LVP as is a fellow horseperson.  LVP knows where the money is and it is on the polarizing personality.  That is why they were all quick to say Dorit wasn't malicious.   They don't want to bring the drama.

I don't see a return of any unvillains next year.  Too bad Camille.   They will be looking for fresh meat-maybe Rod Stewart's daughter-rock star daughter face off. 

Okay, okay. I'll take one for the team. Since Andy likes hiring ladies from CT as RH, I'll volunteer to be BH next villian. It'd be tough, but someone's got to do it in order to get rid of Dorit. I'll even start practicing a fake British/unknown country accent and buy some bad wigs.

  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, Snappy said:

Okay, okay. I'll take one for the team. Since Andy likes hiring ladies from CT as RH, I'll volunteer to be BH next villian. It'd be tough, but someone's got to do it in order to get rid of Dorit. I'll even start practicing a fake British/unknown country accent and buy some bad wigs.

Ooh, a PTV embedded housewife...

  • Love 20
2 hours ago, ivygirl said:
2 hours ago, Snappy said:

Okay, okay. I'll take one for the team. Since Andy likes hiring ladies from CT as RH, I'll volunteer to be BH next villian. It'd be tough, but someone's got to do it in order to get rid of Dorit. I'll even start practicing a fake British/unknown country accent and buy some bad wigs.

Ooh, a PTV embedded housewife...

Yeah!!!!! Breaking down all the walls for us!

5 hours ago, zulualpha said:

All the other women share their families with us on the show. Kyle has shared VERY personal stuff about her relationship with Kim, Kathy, her mom, her kids, Mauricio. LVP is open about Ken who at times has been controversial, her adoption of Max, Pandora’s wedding. Rinna over shares re Harry Hamlin and her girls. We’ve gotten a good look at Dorit,PK and their kids. And this season Teddy’s been open about her family life, the trouble she had conceiving, difficult delivery, husband. Erika shares nothing or next to nothing. Her relationships with her son and husband would be fascinating to see play out but she won’t. She hides behind wigs, hair, make up and outlandish clothes and it’s not enough to make her interesting. Her personality is 90% mean and she’s not witty or funny in the least! Having her in the group has a chilling effect on Teddi and she doesn’t bring out the fun side in anybody ever that I can see. Camille would be better and/or as someone suggested Kathy Hilton. Maybe Teddi has a fun friend.

Meg Ryan!!!!!! Can you imagine????

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, sol y luna said:

She's NOT smart enough to do anything creative.

I'll never forgive her for wrecking  one of my favorite housewife houses. Loved the bones of it but not all the rooms. Pulling up that beautiful wood floor to install that awful black & white tile. It didn't fit. IMO. 

My favorite house still Yolanda's Malibu house. I loved everything about that house while she had it. I cringed seeing  scaffolding outside when driving PCH. They better not have wrecked it. ;-)


For those interested in tv & movie houses...


Edited by Giselle
  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Snappy said:

Okay, okay. I'll take one for the team. Since Andy likes hiring ladies from CT as RH, I'll volunteer to be BH next villian. It'd be tough, but someone's got to do it in order to get rid of Dorit. I'll even start practicing a fake British/unknown country accent and buy some bad wigs.


3 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Ooh, a PTV embedded housewife...

When you do please clue them in to PTV so they can read how the rest of the world really sees them and their awful behavior. Every damn one of them. Even Teddi, whom I like so far, she didn't need to run & tell Rinna but did need to tell Dorit she'll form her own opinion.

I think all of them would be gobsmacked at first and then recede back into their bubbles, but that little bit of knowledge would still be there.

Over time we see them all for who they really are. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Kyle is a motherfucking mean girl who is not smart enough to be Queen B. I 

She still hurts people though.

The times I recall Kyle being a “mean girl” involved her covering for her sister’s drinking and drugs - that awful attack scene with Brandi comes to mind. Breaking the silence pact with her dysfunctional family was ultimately healthy and freeing for Kyle, the show has been a catalyst in a good way. They may not appreciate Kyle slipping out of her assigned family role, but too bad. She needs to let go of them and their approval a little more, but that seems to be happening.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I have to say a year ago I felt Kyle was just emotional and made mistakes but Kyle was pretty bad in NY this season.  The swearing, screaming, breaking down and demanding apologies got old. For me, it was like someone opened the curtain on the wizard this season.  I guess after four or five seasons of Kyle doing the old "oh oops" about mentioning her sisters and their feelings and her still doing it I find her a bit calculating. Once is a mistake, three or four times definitely is wanting a defined result. The thing is I still like the idea of her on the show.  The other thing is was kind of a bookend thing of Kyle Episode 1 mentioning the Harry Hamlin encounter and then finishing the season calling Rinna out again.  It was strange and addressed the simmering bunny incident without going there.  I think Kyle got her point across.  I was also disappointed that Kyle continued after being repeatedly told things were okay with Erika, for her to go there with Dorit.  I never quite understood why Kyle seemed to value Erika's friendship the most. 

This season LVP went almost the entire season being sanguine and supportive until her birthday lunch.  After that she seemed to relish the Queen Bee role a little too much.  I don't know if it was the  constant with she and Kyle or a desire to mix things up and keep the show entertaining.  I do have a hard time switching back and forth between Vanderpump Rules LVP and RHOBH LVP.  

My other issues if they all just have to stop talking about how long they have know each other.  Kyle and LVP have had extended periods of acrimony and periods of indifference the idea their relationship is off limits just isn't realistic.  I also think it is confounding to the rest of the cast. It seemed this year LVP got some stuff off her chest regarding Kyle.  I am quite certain if Kyle had ever mentioned her grandmother's name everyone would have remembered it as her grandmother's name was Dodo.   Neither Kyle or LVP want to move from their position of right.

The queen bee issue is interesting because nobody should be in that position on an ensemble show, and healthy women don’t need to be. I see LVP as needing to be seen as queen on this show, on VPR, in business, in her charity work, even with Ken - while Kyle is always struggling to be valued, understood, and not to be fucked with (which LVP does by pitting women against each other so they’ll fight to be her fav). 

As I said in another post, I think the show has been a catalyst for Kyle, helping her break the silence in a dysfunctional family. imo the healthier she gets, the less reactive she’ll be - and the less she’ll put up with people who manipulate others and need to be queen bee.

  • Love 4

Erika, a shadow of a real person has some deep mental problems obviously. Everything about her is like a cartoon character, even that voice. To be as rude and haughty as she is in every action shows how insecure she really is while pretending to be so above it all and better than everyone else. She can't even go out the door without being in full costume mode. 

I see her rudeness to Teddi as complete jealousy over a true beauty which Teddi obviously is.

Go suck a bag full Erika. Your toxin is not entertaining. It's repulsive. Like you are, in every way. I hope she reads this forum.

Dorit is a complete ass too . So phoney. Bring back Camille , and more of Eileen. Not watching RHOBH to be showered  with mentally ill idiots. Both are mere cartoon characters. Not real people. People don't act like that. Dorit, your ugly uncombed hairstyles look like crap too, no matter how many bedazzled bobby pins you slide in there. Looks so stupid. 

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, SoCal4Us said:

I respectfully disagree.  LVP didn't say anything more than Kyle herself has said for years.  To me, Kyle did seem to be projecting at the beach house.

 I also believe that LVP keeps quiet about things Kyle tells her confidentially.

LVP spoke of private conversations (that the others couldn’t judge for themselves), using character assassination in saying a number of different ways that Kyle is always a mess - that’s a sniper from the side move.

At the beach house Kyle called Lisa out then and there, which stunned Lisa into silence - she can dish it out but can’t take it, which is why she dwells on things and plans a sniper attack later.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Giselle said:

I'll never forgive her for wrecking  one of my favorite housewife houses. Loved the bones of it but not all the rooms. Pulling up that beautiful wood floor to install that awful black & white tile. It didn't fit. IMO. 

My favorite house still Yolanda's Malibu house. I loved everything about that house while she had it. I cringed seeing  scaffolding outside when driving PCH. They better not have wrecked it. ;-)


For those interested in tv & movie houses...


Don’t tell me they wrecked the lemon Grove! :-0


32 minutes ago, nexxie said:

The queen bee issue is interesting because nobody should be in that position on an ensemble show, and healthy women don’t need to be. I see LVP as needing to be seen as queen on this show, on VPR, in business, in her charity work, even with Ken - while Kyle is always struggling to be valued, understood, and not to be fucked with (which LVP does by pitting women against each other so they’ll fight to be her fav). 

As I said in another post, I think the show has been a catalyst for Kyle, helping her break the silence in a dysfunctional family. imo the healthier she gets, the less reactive she’ll be - and the less she’ll put up with people who manipulate others and need to be queen bee.

LVP is very invested in being on top, however her caring for others and her cheekiness makes up for it, imo.

Does she really pit women against one another though?

The way she treated her son was rough. I still believe that she treated him differently than Pandora. 

 The fact that Kyle sent her daughters  to college rather than the casting coach is impressive. The fact that she values shiny things over people not so much.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Songbird said:

I really think Erika is jealous of Teddi, who is younger, prettier, and doesn’t need a ton of makeup and outrageous costumes to look great. I think Erika feels threatened by her and that’s why she is so mean to Teddi. Plus, I think Erika is rather jealous of all the ladies, who all have husbands that adore them. I don’t think Erika has that with Tom at all.... Being the Erika Jayne character is just a coverup for her misery. She comes across as very angry, defensive, and overly needy for attention, to me. 

Agreed - plus, more threatening than her age, her natural good looks, and her adoring husband, Teddi has something Erika has so lost in herself - an intact and healthy spirit. 

  • Love 11

Anytime anyone else was talking, Erika was staring off into space or looking up at the studio lights. Like a freaking moron. I guess that's what happens when you surround yourself day and night with ass-kissers. No insight into yourself or others. No ability to interact with people. I really don't believe she has friends. She lives in such a delusional world and wears a human suit. Creepy A F!

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 17
41 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Don’t tell me they wrecked the lemon Grove! :-0


LVP is very invested in being on top, however her caring for others and her cheekiness makes up for it, imo.

Does she really pit women against one another though?

The way she treated her son was rough. I still believe that she treated him differently than Pandora. 

 The fact that Kyle sent her daughters  to college rather than the casting coach is impressive. The fact that she values shiny things over people not so much.

Love the lemon grove and Yo’s old house!

I’m not convinced LVP actually cares about people - seems more like she uses them to make herself look good - as soon as they step out of the place she sets for them, she’s pretty vicious. On the VPR reunion, she showed her true colors imo when she cursed Tom and Tom out for wanting to have a say in the bar named for them. 

As far as the other women go, imo Lisa plays with them, watching them react and relishing her power over them.

Glad you brought up Lisa’s son - Pandora stays in her assigned box, but Max doesn’t do enough to make Lisa look good. It was interesting that she gave them each a home, but designed and furnished them herself rather than allowing them that joy - control freak.

I don’t get the love of bling and things the women on these shows are so into!

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 4
On 5/8/2018 at 7:48 PM, mwell345 said:

Oh goodie, we’ll. get to the bottom of the burning issue of Nanny Kay gate.  I’ve lain awake at night wondering about it.


On 5/8/2018 at 8:33 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Seriously Kyle - the Glass House show is going to be about a female who starts her own real estate agency leaving her job as an RA for her mother in law?

What's next? Off The Wagon Sister - the story about a PA who works for her famous sister who has a drinking problem?

Yeah I can tell you are going to be making up with Kathy and Kim real soon


I've believed it and said it from Day 1 of Season 1.   Kyle only has Kyle's needs in mind at every turn and she has an amazing ability to spin things in her favor.  I don't even think she knows she is doing it.

I'm sure she's great fun to hang out with, but she is the most narcissistic of the RHBH bunch and has been since the beginning.   


A true friend would know who Nanny Kay is.  Lisa is right about Kyle.  Their conversations are all about Kyle.  Kyle is all about Kyle.  I'm glad Lisa said it.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 18
1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

Anytime anyone else was talking, Erika was staring off into space or looking up at the studio lights. Like a freaking moron. I guess that's what happens when you surround yourself day and night with ass-kissers. No insight into yourself or others. No ability to interact with people. I really don't believe she has friends. She lives in such a delusional world and wears a human suit. Creepy A F!

Really. Erika completely disengages when it’s not about her, and re-engages when her name is mentioned.

  • Love 18
18 hours ago, sol y luna said:

She's NOT smart enough to do anything creative.

Kyle isnt smart enough to do anything on her own. She is a wealthy housefrau who, to keep her busy and not on his ass all the time, has a husband that funds her hobbies. its just that her hobbies are to some of us, actual jobs. I"m quite sure she didnt write a business plan for her stores - she hired someone/team to do the actual work - business plans, buying, display, etc. She just swans in for the opening and when BravHo pays her to go to NYC to check in on her namesake store. She has about as much to do with that store as I do, except she can go in and get free shit. That's basically the only difference IMO. Ditto her insipid TV show ideas. You really think SHE writes all the scripts? No fucking way, she cant do that stuff, she has no skills or talent other than shit stirring, being a professional victim, and spending Mauricio's hard earned money. She is as vile as her sister Kim, just without the addict part.

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