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S31.E16: Finale Part 2

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40 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Marie is kind of an asshole. She’s just generally not a nice person and has permanent bitchface going on. 

Totally.  In fact, she is the deeply insecure one.

I was rooting for Zach, but I have to say I was pretty happy that Cara Maria won after everyone ganged up on her at the reunion.  Like Derrick K. said, she has the right to boast and act like she's the best.

  • Love 14

I love Cara Maria so I'm really happy she won especially since a lot of people were ganging up on her at the reunion. Jordan is such a douchebag and kudos to Derrick for sticking up for her. 

Zach had a great season. In the past, I haven't been a big fan of his, but he won me over this season. So did Tony.

Was it really necessary to drag the final result out for an additional two weeks? I don't think so.

  • Love 13

I was cheering when Devin beat Johnny, but now I wish it was a total physical challenge and Johnny left him in a smear on the ground.  Wow his head got big fast.  Hope he kicks up his workout to back that mouth up.

I rarely take to new people - it took me several seasons to even like Jenna - but I like Kam.

7 minutes ago, ghertigirl said:

Totally.  In fact, she is the deeply insecure one.

I was rooting for Zach, but I have to say I was pretty happy that Cara Maria won after everyone ganged up on her at the reunion.  Like Derrick K. said, she has the right to boast and act like she's the best.

Yes, I was super happy that a girl one, that girl was Cara, and it followed all of the insecure girls bitching.  And Derrick was awesome for being the only person who backed her up.

  • Love 15

Disappointed Cara Marie won. I was spoiled but hoping it was wrong. I used to root for her but now find her annoying as fuck. She tries to play insecure while coming across quite arrogant. I find her whiny & annoying. 

Basically sick of all the "vets" I wish they'd have a rule that once someone hits a certain # of challenges, they're done. Make them go out and get real jobs. Tge universe of potential castmembers is large, I'm sick to death of seeing the same people. 

  • Love 8

I know that I sound like a broken record, but I don't care . . . Why do I watch this series? Nobody comes off looking entirely good. There can never be a truly happy ending unless "masseuses" are involved. BMP keeps fucking with the formula where only minor changes are called for. And we don't find out who won until two weeks after we see the final mission, which is even more fucked up than CBS dragging the final results of Survivor past two hours.

And seriously, lets just have Devin and Johnny drop trou, and we can finally determine who the real man is. Because we're never going to get a clear-cut answer via endgame. All they do is snipe at each other . . . and while I feel that Johnny needs a foil, Devin is as big of an asshole as him. He's basically Diet Wes, and the actual Wes is too busy doing shit to participate in the "real" edition.

Oh, and Cara Maria won. Yay, I guess. I get how she can be a pain in the ass, but she's not as awful as at least half the other girls. And at least Jemmye felt like a bitch for dumping on Kayleigh. She's never going to make a final mission, though. Ditto Shane, who should have stayed "retired" after Fresh Meat. I hated him in Campus Crawl. It tickles me that Sarah got a title, and he never even advanced to a final episode.

I'm recording CvS3. Maybe "Final Reckoning" won't suck, but I doubt it. I'm still holding out hope that the "Final" will be a big part of that season.

  • Love 2

I'm so over Nelson not that I cared that much about him before. So he gets in a fight with Shane because of the way he was talking to Natalie. It seems like he only care about women when he wants to fuck them because he had no problem screaming at Cara. 

I never really cared for Cara and out of the 4 people she was the one I preferred to win. But the others acting like she shouldn't even be there so that the other girls have a chance to get to the finals. Um work/train harder for it. Half the girls will never make it regardless (Jemmye/Marie) And Jordan needs the sit the hell down going on about how Cara doesn't have the right to walk around like she is better than the other girls but when he gets back on a challenge he is going to be screaming about how great he is.

  • Love 13
21 minutes ago, notcreative enough said:

I'm so over Nelson not that I cared that much about him before. So he gets in a fight with Shane because of the way he was talking to Natalie. It seems like he only care about women when he wants to fuck them because he had no problem screaming at Cara. 

I never really cared for Cara and out of the 4 people she was the one I preferred to win. But the others acting like she shouldn't even be there so that the other girls have a chance to get to the finals. Um work/train harder for it. Half the girls will never make it regardless (Jemmye/Marie) And Jordan needs the sit the hell down going on about how Cara doesn't have the right to walk around like she is better than the other girls but when he gets back on a challenge he is going to be screaming about how great he is.

LOL.  This reminds me of the bitching in women's tennis that it was too hard to beat the Williams sisters.

  • Love 5

So happy Cara Maria won. Especially after the way everyone ganged up on her at the reunion. Jordan is such a fucking tool. Is he seriously trying to lecture CM on being overly confident and cocky? He is the last person who should ever speak on that. Reminder he was the guy that flipped over all those cards in an elimination and was then sent home. He is so arrogant and full of himself. I'm confused as to why he thought it was his place to talk so much on the reunion show of a challenge he wasn't even on (well only one episode--and he beat Shane so fucking relax). It was just shitty all around to see so many people attack a woman for having confidence in herself. Cara has never been someone to walk around and talk down to her competitors or start shit about who she's going to beat. She's always been a gracious winner and loser. Everyone agreeing with Jordan like Marie, Nelson, and Kam, it came off like sour grapes. Cara complaining about a grenade doesn't speak to her cockiness either so I'm not sure where Kam was going with that. It's not like she was all that gracious when she got voted into her first elimination. And on a season of Johnny, Devin, Corey, and Tony, Cara is the one being called out for being entitled and overly confident? Sorry not buying it. I'm glad Derrick spoke up and defended her. It was beautiful to have her win after they made her cry. I'm sure they all hated to see her get that check. Jordan also apologized to her on twitter, but I'm over that. He has a history of saying shitty things. He can't just keep being an asshole, apologizing, and thinking that'll be enough. Remembering that he said Jemmye looked like she has down syndrome. Someone on twitter mentioned that he called Nia a monkey, too? Can't vouch for that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

It seems like Zach's not as confident to talk shit to a person's face. He's a real tough guy in his confessionals and on Twitter, but backed down a little when confronted with it. Whether he thinks Brad is going through a midlife crisis (which doesn't really exist) or not, it's none of his business. And Brad's tweet mentioned that lovely quote Zach had about women being inferior to men. I'm sure that was why he was quick to laugh it off, because he is another that shouldn't be taking shots at anyone with the track record that he has.

Kailah also seemed pretty defensive for someone that didn't hookup with Tony. She doth protest too much.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 11

Yea Kailah flipped out way too much for someone that is innocent. I used to like her a bit but she’s kind of a asshole now. Tony seemed to be shushing Nelson too. Tony is just a dog really.

The reunion was bad. The Miz is not a good host. He’s like over the top or something. 

The UK girls yell too much. Just talk pls it’s very annoying.

I ff a lot so I missed some stuff but I don’t get why the mercenaries were even there. Jordan can shut up.

Cara has bugged me at times but unless I’m missing something I have never really seen her as someone who thinks they are better then other ppl. Kam can shut up too.

Devin is a joke. Calm down dude you won one stupid challenge against Johnny. I’m a physical challenge Devin would be destroyed. He is way too high on himself and thinks he’s funnier then what he is. I’m actually rooting for Johnny to beat him now honestly.

  • Love 6
32 minutes ago, Marley said:

Yea Kailah flipped out way too much for someone that is innocent. I used to like her a bit but she’s kind of a asshole now. Tony seemed to be shushing Nelson too. Tony is just a dog really.

Seriously, for not showing the hookup on the show, production really made Tony look like shit here. "Don't bring up old shit, Miz." This is a reunion, brainchild. Old shit being brought up is kind of implied, and this was inside the last year. If that homely, dead-haired girl who showed up at the last reunion is still with him, she must have no self-worth whatsoever. 

It also seemed to me Melissa didn't want to be seen as that much of a home-wrecking whore -- and that even Nelson backed off -- just to protect Tony's kids/sad girlfriend. They're all going to find out Tony is a piece of shit without this show, so stop arranging deck chairs on the Titanic, cast. 

- Throwing someone's clothes, most of which are supplied by the show, off a balcony does not "destroy their belongings." Please. Jemmye is trash and adds nothing to this show, but get over it. 

- The mercenaries added nothing but irritation. 

- Natalie being outed as a lesbian, then saying she really had feelings for Bananas, then saying she hooked up with Veronica...she's so fake and messed up and dumb she can't even tell up from down and keep it straight for more than a minute. Her whole MO is getting men to defend her nonexistent honor over lies she creates. Such a trifling ass hoe. 

- Zach should not be passing judgement on anyone or their life decisions. His mid-life crisis will likely be far uglier than Brad's, as Zach is far uglier inside. 

- Marie is just so...extra. Her continued involvement is what leads me to believe they can't get anyone else to come back to this show. TJ has flat-out told her she's a quitter in the last two seasons, yet we keep getting her? No one else wants to do this, I'm almost certain.

- Kam's drunken, fake-Rihanna accented tirade to Melissa did not come from a good place. Don't know why she claimed otherwise. And that wasn't quite one on one either, like she claimed. 

- Very little of Nicole's hideous voice, appearance or personality on this half, at least.  

- Loved Sylvia shading Kyle. Preach it, honey!

4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Ditto Shane, who should have stayed "retired" after Fresh Meat. I hated him in Campus Crawl. It tickles me that Sarah got a title, and he never even advanced to a final episode.

I don't remember that season well and am sure you're right, but I assumed he had to have won Road Rules since the criteria for being on the "Champs" show appeared to be anyone who had won a single dollar. But Tony, Kam and Shane have never won shit. So now I guess anyone who loses enough is a Champ?

4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I was cheering when Devin beat Johnny, but now I wish it was a total physical challenge and Johnny left him in a smear on the ground.  Wow his head got big fast.  Hope he kicks up his workout to back that mouth up.

I rarely take to new people - it took me several seasons to even like Jenna - but I like Kam.

Yes, I was super happy that a girl one, that girl was Cara, and it followed all of the insecure girls bitching.  And Derrick was awesome for being the only person who backed her up.

I'm not so sure about that. Even more so since this "You will never beat me ever!" refrain is also what Johnny said this time before Devin beat him. His mutant bobblehead sometimes distracts, but Bananas is short as fuck. In the replays of that elimination, the board light is shoulder level with Bananas, while Devin has to reach down to his abdomen to hit it. That, and the fact that Bananas almost lost consciousness on that hamster wheel thing after going for only a minute with Derrick last season, my money is on Devin. And I love that not only does Devin make Bananas look stupid, but he gets Bananas to say things that make himself look stupid. "Hiding behind the editing!" "He's sponging off my Twitter fans!" These are things that matter to no one besides Bananas. 

There was no winner potential to make me happy. All four of them are bottom of the barrel, subhuman garbage. But now that she's won Cara can focus on that obstacle course gym, right? No, you say! Shock!

Also, Cara's sobbing whinefest and claiming to not act like she's the HBIC was a load of crap. Like Meryl Streep winning an acting award. "An award for me, really?! I can't believe it." = "People are intimidated by my steroid pumped, this is my livelihood, here every season, self?!" We've seen her be entitled as fuck for at least 2 seasons now. If she pulled that same shit she did to Leroy, we'd never hear the end of it. Totally sick of her. I hope the cast continues to drive her to tears and break her down until she's another Camila-like waste. 

And for a lead-in to Champs v. Stars, they sure made a large number of the people we were supposed to tune to see there look awful. 

  • Love 5

I'm glad Cara won.  Her win didn't shut anyone up, but she can laugh all the way to the bank.  And I hope she keeps coming back and dominates.  Because she can.  And because it seems to make Marie and Kailah more crazy.  Which is fun for me.

No one came off well in the reunion, but that's kinda the point of them.  Bring on the next season!

  • Love 8

I might have been distracted and/or not caring at the very end. Did they say how much Cara Maria won? According to Wikipedia, she left with $380,125. That’s a single-season record, but BMP seldom focused on the running tallies of the players, so I am not really awed. A rough calculation in my head says her payday was more than five times greater than Zach’s. Even after taxes, she should have enough to pay people back, start a business, get the extensive plastic surgery needed to drop from Abram’s radar, etc.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

she left with $380,125. That’s a single-season record

Not sure I understand this. Didn't Jordan and Camila each leave with 450k last season?

I also was totally checked out at the end, but if my memory of the money board is right I believe Zack left with around 70k, Kailah actually finished 3rd in total prize money with 25k, and Kyle got 20K.

Cara won 35K just last season, and one season before that won whatever the prize was on Bloodlines. She also doesn't have to feed or clothe herself 6 months out of the year, though her cosmetic budget may more than compensate for that. I think if she was actually going to do anything besides this, it would already be in motion.    

Reunion Brad was way more enjoyable than Show Brad. He put himself in time-out!

I often have issues with Cara Maria, but I ended up being really happy that she won. I think she certainly can be entitled, but no more than most of the guys (shut UP, Jordan), and I thought it was shitty of the Miz to pile on when everyone else was already on the attack.

I still don't like Shane, but I did find his explanation about the Natalie situation really funny. "What I meant to say was that you're not as devious as you think you are, but what I actually said was that you're stupid and nobody likes you." (paraphrased)

  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, strippedhalo said:

I often have issues with Cara Maria, but I ended up being really happy that she won. I think she certainly can be entitled, but no more than most of the guys (shut UP, Jordan)

My problem with her and some of the guys is that they feel entitled to be at the end or final while the newer people need to work for it. They seem to feel that because they are vets that they shouldn't go into eliminations or get grenades thrown at them. It is fine for them to throw a rookie in three times but if that rookie put them in one time than they get offended. I get that no one want to do an elimination but to be offended that you have to do. That is what I have a problem with.

While it's great that she won the final. The final was not physical like it has been in the past. I don't think that she would have won if they had the usual, do a puzzle and trek up the mountain. 

  • Love 6

I was so happy for Cara Maria. If she carries herself like a champion it's because she is a champion! Everyone who was ganging up on her can all take several seats now.

I also liked how Cara was all, "Yeah, I banged him. I wanted to get laid" when there seemed to be a lot of "slut shaming" going on, especially toward the blonde British chick and especially how they seemed to want to teat Tony with kid gloves. Part 2 just seemed extra sexist to me.

I left this season linking Jemmey, The Miz, and Nicole a lot less.

  • Love 9

Just as an interesting factoid below is the top 10 winners according to most money won.  One more win and Cara Maria will have earned more than Bananas which no one could have predicted.  Note this does NOT include their actual pay for appearing.  Also Champs vs Pros/Stars wins are not included.

Players with the most final challenge prize money

Note: This list includes players who have won a minimum of $100,000, and is updated as of Vendettas.

1  Johnny "Bananas" Devenanzio RW: Key West  6/16   $685,043

2  Cara Maria Sorbello  Fresh Meat II  3/11  $603,625

3  Jordan Wiseley  RW: Portland  2/4  $583,000

4  Camila Nakagawa  Spring Break Challenge  2/10  $561,250

5  Chris "CT" Tamburello  RW: Paris  2/13  $264,750

6  Wes Bergmann  RW: Austin  2/10  $248,000

7  Darrell Taylor  RR: Campus Crawl  4/8  $240,555

8  Kenny Santucci  Fresh Meat  3/8  $236,293

9  Derrick Kosinski  RR: X-Treme  3/10  $211,293

10 Laurel Stucky  Fresh Meat II  1/5  $201,000

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Pixel said:

I like Cara Maria and I'm glad she won. I really don't know why she rubs so many people the wrong way.

I believe it's jealousy.   She is fit, pretty, fairly kind, and can win! 

I am glad Cara won!! Woohoo!! I felt bad for the piling on of crap she got from the cast.  I agree eith others...shut up Jordan!! Why are they all so hostile? Dang, chill.  

I liked Devon calling Johnny Tomatoes.  Hehe.  Anyone that bugs johnny is funny to me. 

  • Love 12

The way they reveal the winner sucks, just like the final and the second half of the season. It’s strange how much less difficult the finals have been the past two seasons, while the prize money for the winners has went way up.


Cara is entitled. Just like most vets. That clip of her fight with Nelson showed that.  Own up to it. With Laurel,Camilla, and Sarah gone, Cara is the best female. It’s okay if she acts full of herself. Just quit acting all innocent. 


Jordan is an asshole, but Derrick standing up for Cara was as much about him trying to get cast for future seasons. He made it far on Dirty 30, but he was boring and was pretty much invisible in the edit. The producers want drama, even if it is fake. 


Devin is too over the top now. He was annoying and made me side with Johnny, who looked like he was wearing guyliner. But that’s besides the point. 


Disappointed the Miz and Brad didn’t try and recreate the atomic wedgie turned necklace incident.

  • Love 1

Yikes.  I've never been the biggest Cara fan (she CAN be entitled), but did production really need to have the cast (including Miz) shit on her immediately before announcing her the winner?  Let that girl enjoy her win!  She earned it!  I loved Derrick sticking up for her.  He's right.  She has every right to walk around like HBIC if she wants, the male vets certainly do!  It comes off as jealousy to me.  If I recall, her only other first place win was Bloodlines, and production took every opportunity to shit on her then too, with all the Abe craziness.  Does anyone else remember that painful aftershow?  Whew!  Why did this show treat Camilla with kid gloves, yet takes every opportunity to make Cara uncomfortable?  The whole thing pisses me off on her behalf.  Cara needs to take a note from Sarah and realize this show is never going to treat her like John Tomatoes and retire.   You got the money, girl.  Open your gym and be done with this.

I might not like Devin as much as I thought I did.  He needs to STFU, he's coming off obnoxious rather than funny, and I'm someone who REALLY wants to love him. 

  • Love 13

The Miz could have missed me entirely with his "you don't need to cry" and "it's the name of the game" and "take it as a compliment" to Cara Maria when people were being shitty towards her.  Go sit your entire ass down somewhere, sir. 

I am not her biggest fan but good for Derrick for standing up for her (and everyone else who chimed in, too).

  • Love 11

Johnny still wins the season in my eyes for hooking up with both the brits. They're hot as hell! Especialy Kailey. Speaking of which, even after 2 more hours of reunion, I'm still not clear on why the 4 ratchet girls ganged up on her so visciously. Maybe just jealous of the attention this stunning rookie was getting over them? It was poorly edited on the show and given short shrift on the reunion too. 

  • Love 1

Cara annoys me.  Yes, she acts entitled.  She’s stated numerous times over the past few years that so and so should go in an elimination over her because she’s proved herself and so and so hasn’t. She’s quick to boast about her record. That’s fine. But don’t act like an innocent little wounded bird when people call you out on it.  You can’t play both sides and start crying when people don’t kiss your feet. 

  • Love 4

Cara bugs me but she didn't deserve that awful pile on.  She did win and that's an awesome accomplishment. She deserves to be happy and proud of her win. Good for Derrick for sticking up for her. Brad's and Zachs beef was funny. Brad seems to have settled down. Tony  is an idiot. I guarantee he cheated on his unfortunate looking girlfriend  again. He has two kids like are like 9 months apart with 2 different women. The girlfriend has the younger child. Even if tony and Melissa didn't hook up tiny was being disrespectful to his girlfriend who he previously cheated on by cuddling with melissa and holding onto her ankle. They looked intimate and  comfy. Not exactly how a guy who is remorseful for cheating on his girlfriend would act on TV. 

  • Love 5
On 4/18/2018 at 2:22 AM, Marley said:

The reunion was bad. The Miz is not a good host. He’s like over the top or something. 

What, you mean his yelling "This was awesome!" at the end didn't convince you?  

I do think that Zach is improving, not that he was anything great to begin with, but anyone who can work on themselves (looks like he's done that for endurance, and also personality) gets a few points in my book.   I liked that he appreciated Brad's blurred out hashtag calling him a zachofshit.  

Does Jemmye really need to get in the middle of all fights and break them up?  (Unless she's the one in them, I guess?)  I mean every time someone gets up in someones face and starts posturing and huffing and puffing she makes a beeline to get between them.   I don't get it.  Why is that her job?

  • Love 2

Whoooooooah, Jordan. Calling Cara Maria out for being confident in herself meanwhile Johnny bananas and Devin battle it out on who’s the greatest? I can’t speak for what isn’t shown in the episodes but I’ve never seen Cara act arrogant - proud of how fit she is, yes, at times, but she works very hard. Arrogant? No.

I see way too many challenge members inflating their skills with their mouth and Cara actually proving it. Thank you Derrick for backing her up. Respect.

I’m so happy that she won. 

I used to like Nicole but the way she came at Cara was not impressive and she does NOT look good with that makeup on.

The UK girls are interesting. I don’t like all of the screaming and swearing they do. Don’t care for the dude. 

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 4
On 4/18/2018 at 6:58 PM, luckyroll3 said:
On 4/18/2018 at 12:34 AM, NickPappagiorgio said:

Natalie being outed as a lesbian, then saying she really had feelings for Bananas, then saying she hooked up with Veronica

Say what now?  I clearly wasn't paying attention enough to this episode.

That was the most anticlimactic finale reveal ever.  But congrats to Cara Maria.

Kayleigh outed natalie as a lesbian with a girlfriend on Twitter the night before the reunion taped. Natalie did hook up with Veronica, they both admitted on the reunion.

10 hours ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

Kayleigh outed natalie as a lesbian with a girlfriend on Twitter the night before the reunion taped. Natalie did hook up with Veronica, they both admitted on the reunion.

Thanks.  I definitely missed all that. (And totally forgot Veronica was on this season.)  Also, who cares.  I certainly didn't think that Natalie was as into Johnny as she pretended to be.  I think she's a lot like the other British chick - she's into whoever she thinks she can manipulate or get something from.

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