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S03.E14: Schott Through the Heart


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OSCAR-NOMINATED ACTRESS LAURIE METCALF GUEST STARS – When Winn’s (Jeremy Jordan) father dies, his estranged mother, Mary (guest star Laurie Metcalf), reappears trying to reconnect and to explain why she abandoned him all those years ago. Winn is too embittered from his rough childhood to forgive her but when a copycat Toyman attacks, the two must work together to stop him.  Mon-El (Chris Wood) tells Kara (Melissa Benoist) something important about the Worldkillers, and Alex (Chyler Leigh) becomes suspicious of Myr’nn’s (guest star Carl Lumbly) recent behavior.

After getting 13 episodes with basically no Winn, it was really nice to get more of him in this episode. Plus, a return of his family drama! Which is actually interesting!

This easily became one of my favourites this season for a multitude of reasons. Sure, the pacing was a bit quicker than I would have liked, but there was so many good things with it. First off, the beginning karaoke scene was fantastic, as was the end. The first one had basically the original cast without much of Mon-El and a bit of Carl Lumby, and it was fun.  I realized even during that scene that I didn't miss Lena, Sam, or any of the other newer characters. It was fun to get back to basics with the originals (sans Cat Grant). Again, the more they utilize these group scenes where they're doing normal things, the more I enjoy it. Without much Mon-El, besides a few seconds, and without Lena or Sam, Kara got to hang with Alex, J'onn, Winn, and James again and it was great. I haven't seen Kara and Winn share many scenes since season 1 with just them. It's a true shame we still didn't get any here. Come on, show! Winn used to be best friends with Kara! 

James got to interact with Mon-El for what feels like the first time ever. Also, speaking of Mon-El, they're doing a better job with him. At least he finally apologized for his shit, well sort of, and wanted to be honest. I'm still frustrated with their so-called epic romance that they're trying to portray, but they're doing a better job than last season. Congrats, show. For the first time, Mon-El was useful, AND also not as much of an annoyance. I actually enjoyed his fight with the T-Rex. Also, I laughed really hard at his horrid singing voice, followed by an apology to the audience after he was done. 

I really loved the J'onn, Alex, and Myr'nn storyline. I found the subplot very well handled. Alex's concern over Myr'nn's dementia, and how Myr'nn knew and didn't want to tell his son. I could understand all sides. 

Laurie Metcalf did a stellar job as Winn's mother. Jeremy Jordan killed this episode. I feel like he's definitely a strong actor who isn't utilized for more than his comedic chops, at least as of lately, so it was great to see a range of emotions. I could practically feel his rage from the first half. I absolutely thought he did a fantastic job with Winn confronting Mary about what haunts him is her not coming for him after his father's arrest. Seriously, the fact that they haven't used Jeremy Jordan to the extent that they could is beyond me. I have finally decided that Jeremy Jordan is definitely in the top ten of best actors in the Arrowverse. This episode just solidified his place. He's so good at portraying dorky Winn and he's just as good at portraying enraged/disappointed/hurt Winn. I could definitely go on and on about what else I liked about Winn in this episode, but this would end up a very long post, so I'll cut it down to bulletpoints. 

Laurie and Jeremy did an amazing job with their scenes together. I really hoped for Mary to be truthful as much as I wanted Winn to get some happiness after a crappy childhood. I really liked that Winn's breaking point with coming around to his mother was her confession that her husband was abusive and Winn was shielded from that. It makes total sense and I could see the moment it really clicked with him.  

I actually liked James' talk to Winn about why he should at least open up his heart to give her a chance. He didn't say outright that he needed to forgive her, but Winn being completely closed off to the idea was something that James felt he should speak up about. I also loved Kara's talk to Mary as Supergirl. I chuckled at Supergirl's response that flying monkeys was a 2 on the weirdness scale that she's had to fight. I liked the Wizard of Oz stuff. I also liked Brooke Smith's role. I thought she worked well, even in the minor scenes she was in. It's still a shame that his dad is actually dead. I assumed with the promo showing the coffin exploding that Winn Sr was alive because I swore there was no body in that coffin. Also, how do you only use Henry Czerny in just one episode? 

Overall, a very enjoyable premiere back. I was first upset that I wouldn't be getting this episode before the two and a half month hiatus. Now, I'm thrilled that they started off with a strong episode....at least for myself. It was filler, but a centric episode for a character who's been underused all season. Plus, Laurie Metcalf! 

  • Love 11

Well overall it was a fairly enjoyable episode. The J'onn subplot was very boring to me.

Did they change the music? It sounds a lot more upbeat.

I think my favorite parts of Supergirl/The Flash are the casual moments where they just hang out and have fun.

J'onns father storyline is probably one of the least favorite storylines of the season. I'm just not interested in alien dementia and wish they could give him a more exciting storyline instead of finding ways to keep him cheap.

They just say that Saturn Girl doesn't have telepathy? They just went and changed it to telekinesis? Telepathy is a big part of the character, if anything give her both. She don't need to be depowered just to give her a more active powerset. There are so many cool things you can do with telepathy but they just ignore it in their biggest telepathic characters.

Kara....um...I know people in your city arent the smartest but changing into Supergirl while Kara just ups and disappears at a funeral as you appear...is pretty noticeable in that small of a crowd.

Some Kara/Mon-El, and of course Brainy is Mon's bff because the Legion would be nothing without him.

....The DEO just allows random people to waltz around in their HQ? I'm so thankful for Laurie's daughter for being a fan of the show and thus getting her on the show to be a cool mom. She is already so great in this role. They gave her a lot to do in this one off appearance. She got be badass "dont mess with my son you flying robots!" to emotional, loving, everything. Throw it at her and she can act it with finese. 

The flying monkeys were fun though I would've done less of them so you can put more umph into the scene, though everyone didn't need a "moment". Even though Winns mom is one tough cookie. I was totally here for Winn/James' talk, they have a good bromance.


  • Love 1

I was so sad that LoT was going to be leaving us, I was actually a bit salty to turn on Supergirl this week. But, I hoped we would get a Winn centric episode, so I was still excited, and I wasn't disappointed! This was actually a really enjoyable episode, and proof that not everything has to be about the big over arching plot to be a good episode. I love Winn, and I feel like he has been terribly underused this season, being stuck mostly in comic relief scenes, so it was great seeing him actually get some good scenes and development, especially with his family, which I think is a really interesting aspect of his character that hasn't really been explored much. Its amazing what you can have time for when you arent forcing romances in for everyone!

Seriously though, Jeremy Jordan killed it in this episode, and the show really needs to use him better. I think before this episode, the best material he`s gotten lately was over in the Earth X Cross Over (as his hardass Earth X counterpart) and that wasn't even on this show! I really felt his conflicting feelings about his dads death, his anger towards his mom, and how heartbroken he`s been about this whole situation. The poor guy really had such an awful childhood, even worse than he seems to remember, and has generally had a really bad time of it. It really is great how hard he`s tried to be a good person, even with a father like that. Thats the stuff of supervillain backstories. There were a lot of great beats in the conversation between Winn and his mom in the lab, and the actors played it really well. Really, my only disappointment was the death of Winns dad. I thought he had more potential to be more of an reoccurring villain. Of course, the body wasn't found, so who knows? Also, after Winns dad was taken to jail, who did he stay with, has that ever been established? Was he adopted? Live with another relative? Was he a foster kid? We also got some nice moments between Kara and Winn, James and Winn, and Kara and James, and that was all lovely to see. One of the side effects of them having to really push the Sam/Kara/Lena friendship so hard and fast for the Reign drama was that she hardly seems to see her old friends now. I thought it was really nice how she told Winns mom about how the DEO would be in real trouble without Winn. 

 Laurie Metcalf was as awesome as I knew she would be, and I hope she can come by again. Mary seems like a fun character, and I would love to see some follow up with her and Winn. And their bad karaoke was hilarious, especially because we know Jeremy Jordan has amazing pipes!

Speaking of, I loved the karaoke scenes. It was sweet seeing a bunch of the original characters hanging out and just having fun, it felt like old school Supergirl. I am just a massive sucker for scenes of the heroes just hanging out doing fun stuff or normal people things, in between the crisis of the week and generally drama and angst. It makes for more likable, relatable characters, and its easier to root for them to get through the bad times, when you've seen the good times too. I even giggled at Mon-El doing a crappy version of Carry on Wayward Son!

There were certainly some less stellar moments. Like, they have seriously shitty security at the DEO to just let a random women walking around grab a gun, right? And they are super chill about people knowing who Supergirl is, huh? Yeah, Marys Winns mom, but still. 

Poor J'onn and his dad. Thats just super depressing, I hope they can fix his space dementia. 

So, a good return. Lets see if they can keep it up!

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Also, after Winns dad was taken to jail, who did he stay with, has that ever been established? Was he adopted? Live with another relative? Was he a foster kid?

In an ep from last season he mentioned to Alex about being in a foster home.  Whether it was just one home or more than one while growing up I can't recall, but he definitely didn't mentioned his mother that time or living with other relatives.

  • Love 2

Really good episode... Tho I was never a fan of  the romance.. And how it ate up season 2 and pushed James aside( with no real explanation or reconciliation)  I never really hated Mon-el as much as others... But this is def the best version if him... Not taking all of kara's time... Interacting with other ppl.. Being useful in the field...) 

I love  the dynamic tween Alex and J'onn so I'm all for more daddy -daughter times.. And was happy they at least touched on... while not  getting too into the fact that a shapeshifter would be a blk man... ( I'm assuming after J'onn did it.. That's why so many other martians did as well) 

James talked... He talked to winn... He talked to Mon-el ( I guess they're good now)  can't remember if he talked  to Kara ( still holding out hope that the two of  them have a real talk.. About all the stuff the CW apparently wants us to forget about from season one)  but I'm not holding my breath 

  • Love 5
57 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

J'onns father storyline is probably one of the least favorite storylines of the season. I'm just not interested in alien dementia and wish they could give him a more exciting storyline instead of finding ways to keep him cheap.

They shouldn't ever have introduced the character if they were going to do something like this, but it's to be expected really. Now they have a excuse to keep J'onn's father from swooping in and beating up the threat of the week, just like they have to keep constantly find excuses to keep J'onn himself from doing it, if they bother with one.

I'll go against the consensus so far and say I HATED the karaoke scenes, they just made the beginning and end of the episode drag on for me. Sure, any fiction needs levity but the Karaoke was just painful to watch, it wasn't like the musical episode last season or anything like that which would be a joy to listen to, and besides seemed like something half the characters wouldn't have any interest in doing. I kept expecting, or maybe more accurately hoping, that there would be an explosion or Parasite breaking through the wall or something, ANYTHING really to get past that and into something interesting.

I always find myself disappointed when there's this "parent abandons her kid and tries to reconnect only to be forgiven at the end" plots like there was with Winn and his mother, it's so cliched and by the end of it they always reconcile no matter how much the parent deserves not to be forgiven. At least they gave her a half decent reason to leave her son behind and not come back with this one.

I should start an "What an Idiot" tally on these episodes or something, I'd probably be past 100 by now. I knew what Mary was going to do once she took off that piece of metal and I saw the look on her face, and boy did she disappoint. As predicted, like a total idiot she steals a gun from the DEO (at least she was actually smart enough to bring a weapon with her) and runs off to the supervillain's hideout, alone, without telling anyone where she's going or why, to confront the villain by her lonesome. This is a twofer, once Mary finds the villain she doesn't shoot her while she has the chance and let's the villain capture her. Of course, had she simply told everybody what was going on the villain could have been stopped by Supergirl in 2 minutes rather than having to fight past her defenses that she had the time to set up because she knew they were coming.

  • Love 3

I don't think Supergirl can match the sheer insanity of Legends of Tomorrow. But starting an episode with Karaoke Kara performing Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic"? Great way to launch the final batch of episodes.

I guess that Jeremy Jordan wasn't satisfied with playing a hardass variation on Winn, so we get this episode, which worked wonderfully. Bringing in Aunt Jackie was a nice bit of casting as well (FYI: I'm not watching the reboot). I'm hoping that Winn can tap into what made his father brilliant and not succumb to any madness. And maybe we could have Caitlin go Killer Frost without the cliche split personalty. Yeah, right. The plot was good enough to overlook Winn find out about his father's death right before he was going to do "Take On Me."

Felt bad for J'onn and M’yrnn. I'm guessing there's no way to alleviate a Martian's mental decay. I can get used to M’yrnn, especially since he's basically J'onn from Justice League.

Hey, James exists! And he spends half the episode trying to call Lena! Okay, he did help out Winn and bust up some flying metal monkeys, but leaving messages was sad . . . mostly because James' potential as a character is repeatedly wasted. He and Cat were the imports from Superman's mythos. Cat left last year. Even with the show bringing in Superboy's "brother," the show doesn't know what to do with James.

Dang, Kara changed into Supergirl so quickly at the funeral. Barry Allen would be proud. Also, maybe Toygirl had the right idea in shrink-wrapping Supergirl. She can't get leverage, the plastic looked impervious to heat vision, and I would think she needs to breath.

Pestlience = The Blight? I read their story from the library, back when DC Comics was trying to give the Legion more of an edge.

ETA: Why don't we refer to pizza as "tomato pie"? Thanks for the alternative, M’yrnn!

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, rlc said:

Loved the Buffalo Bill reference with Brooke Smith, though doubt the target audience of the show will catch it.

What was the reference? I saw that film in the theater and instantly classified it as the greatest film I ever saw that I never wanted to see again, and I've stuck by that.

I think the reason they changed Imra is that they already have so many telepaths around, they wanted something different that they wouldn't have to nerf so often.

The scary thing about M'rinn is, what if he loses control of his powers?

A minor nitpick - If Supergirl is going to tell Jonn: Alex has every available agent looking for the Worldkillers, we shouldn't see about 9 -12 agents in the background strolling around doing nothing or chatting. At least the pizza delivery guy got roughed up.

Good to know the DEO is another place where guests can walk around secure/private areas and grab a gun and leave the premises with it if needed.   

  • Love 3

I have missed the Winn and James scenes, so glad to see them back to bonding. Jeremy killed it tonight. Loved all the family drama. James also had a scene with Mon-el! 

The karaoke scene was so much fun.  It was cute that Jeremy and Chris had to pretend to sing badly. That, along with all the characters bonding, was nice to see. This is the Supergirl that I have missed.

Edited by twoods
  • Love 6

I’ve been kind of meh on Supergirl this year, but I really enjoyed tonight’s ep. It’s so nice to finally see Jeremy Jordan get a chance to shine, and I thought he and Laurie Metcalf both did an excellent job. The scene about their trip to “Disneyland” was very well-played and very effective. More focus on characters and less focus on mediocre plots and forced storylines, please!

  • Love 9

Way better then the previews made it out to be (all the advertisements made it feel like someone binged the Saw franchise over the break and decided to incorporate it into Supergirl of all things.)

Had no idea that Laurie Metcalf was going to be in this, so that was a crazy surprise.  To think, they were this close to having a full-fledge Oscar winner on their show if it wasn't for that meddling Allison Janney!  She was excellent here and really played well off of Jeremy Jordan.  Jordan himself seemed pretty happy to finally get more material again.  Glad we finally got another Winn-centric episode and while I don't expect it to happen all the time, I hope this is a step towards using him better going forward.

Speaking of which, hey, they actually used James decently for once.  Maybe not as much as one would expect the second-billed star would get, but a massive improvement compared to the majority of this season.

Wasn't wild about the karaoke stuff like I wanted to be, but there is always amusement at watching actors who obvious know how to sing, pretend to be bad at it.

Not sure I'm looking forward to M'yrnn having space dementia, but Carl Lumbly is selling it.  And it leading to the J'onn/Alex hug was nice.

The DEO really does suck, if you can get a gun that easily from them.  Maybe quit roughing up the pizza guys, and have someone guarding the weaponry, if you're so cheap that you can't even buy locks for your doors. 

Even Mon-El didn't bug, even if it is clearly obvious that they're going to use Irma's lie as an excuse to reunite him with Kara.

Easy paychecks of the night go to Katie McGrath and especially Odette Annable.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

Had no idea that Laurie Metcalf was going to be in this, so that was a crazy surprise.  To think, they were this close to having a full-fledge Oscar winner on their show if it wasn't for that meddling Allison Janney!  She was excellent here and really played well off of Jeremy Jordan.  Jordan himself seemed pretty happy to finally get more material again.  Glad we finally got another Winn-centric episode and while I don't expect it to happen all the time, I hope this is a step towards using him better going forward.

Next year they have to get have to get Allison Janney.  I was thrilled to see Laurie Metcalf and everyone hit it out of the park. I think I like the most that Winn and his mom largely defeated Toy girl alone. 

I know someone thought alien dementia would be deep (because they are probably dealing with it in real life) but it is too sad for those of us who dealt with it in real life. I hope that is minimized as a plot. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, MarkHB said:

What was the reference? I saw that film in the theater and instantly classified it as the greatest film I ever saw that I never wanted to see again, and I've stuck by that.

I think the reason they changed Imra is that they already have so many telepaths around, they wanted something different that they wouldn't have to nerf so often.

The scary thing about M'rinn is, what if he loses control of his powers?

Mary called Brooke Smith ,Buffalo Bill - Brooke famously was the woman in the pit who gets told to 'put the lotion on).

And also multiple Greys Anatomy connections - Brooke was a regular who started at the same time as Chyler ,Laurie played a patient on the show in the same episode as her IRL ex husband Jeff Perry (their daughter plays Sheldon mom in Young Sheldon) turned up  playing Lexie and Meredith's dad

  • Love 5

This was probably my favourite episode of the season.

Was amazing seeing Mary Cooper on the show. Having only seen her on The Big Bang Theory, it was a pleasure to see her here. She was excellent.

It was also awesome that Winn got more to do. Hope this episode was a game-changer in terms of giving him more stuff to do.

I don't think I've ever heard Mon-El apologise for anything before and he couldn't stop this episode. First for his lies to Kara and then for his karaoke performance.

Really enjoyable.

30 minutes ago, Humbugged said:

Mary called Brooke Smith ,Buffalo Bill - Brooke famously was the woman in the pit who gets told to 'put the lotion on).

And also multiple Greys Anatomy connections - Brooke was a regular who started at the same time as Chyler ,Laurie played a patient on the show in the same episode as her IRL ex husband Jeff Perry (their daughter plays Sheldon mom in Young Sheldon) turned up  playing Lexie and Meredith's dad

Brooke was Toy Girl right? I thought she looked familiar!

21 minutes ago, Quark said:

This was probably my favourite episode of the season.

Was amazing seeing Mary Cooper on the show. Having only seen her on The Big Bang Theory, it was a pleasure to see her here. She was excellent.

It was also awesome that Winn got more to do. Hope this episode was a game-changer in terms of giving him more stuff to do.

I don't think I've ever heard Mon-El apologise for anything before and he couldn't stop this episode. First for his lies to Kara and then for his karaoke performance.

Really enjoyable.

Brooke was Toy Girl right? I thought she looked familiar!

Yeah that was her .

10 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Drunk, on the nose karaoke for the win and that includes Jeremy Jordan intentionally singing badly.

And whatever the role, I will continue to bow down to Laurie Metcalfe. 

Chyler and Harwewood mangled theirs  as well


Mon-El and the cape is straight from the comics



Edited by Humbugged
  • Love 3

I am rewatching the episode already and this episode also has its fair use of comedic, light-hearted moments. From the horrid singing to James' quip about being glad he didn't work at the DEO to Mary's overprotectiveness over her son and Winn's embarrassment ("THIS IS MY JOB, MOM!" and Mary's worry-panic after the flying monkey scenes with her thought process being clearly about finding a new, safer job for Winn), it was nice to see a balance of family drama, comedy, and with a splash of romance. 

It was great to see that Mary was also as smart as her ex husband and her son. I'm glad they used Laurie Metcalf properly in her guest role. Yeah, there was the typical getting captured due to stupidity scene, but I think I enjoyed the episode so much that I dismissed it. I'd usually get really pissed off about cliches like that, but I enjoyed it.

Plus, even the tiresome trope of abandoned parent coming back into their kid's life and them being forgiven at the very end of the episode actually worked for me, maybe because they portrayed legitimate reasons for why it happened, and they also had Mary be consistent in her love for Winn, going so far as risking her life with the flying monkeys to save him. And she owned up to her decision to not come for him in the 20 years. 

I missed the first time around that Winn had his father's body triple checked, which is disappointing. I guess they also didn't want to have the coffin also show an explosion of body parts, which is fair for an 8pm show, but I still had hope that maybe Winn Sr was around and that he'd show up in a special episode next season. 

It was also nice to have two big secrets actually coming out very quickly after they've been exposed. Mon-El deciding to be mature and be honest with Kara was great. He told her that he had something to tell her, waited until after the Winn stuff was out of the way, and then went ahead and told her what was going on...all in one episode! Also, the J'onn/Myr'nn stuff being brought out at the end of the episode instead of dragging on for a few episodes was really nice. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Also, maybe Toygirl had the right idea in shrink-wrapping Supergirl. She can't get leverage, the plastic looked impervious to heat vision, and I would think she needs to breath.

We've seen Kara fly through space (albeit briefly) yes?  Does that mean she can only hold her breath for extended periods of time, as opposed to going without air indefinitely?

  • Love 1

Wait a sec Laurie Metcalf plays a mom named Mary on this show and a mom named Mary on the Big Bang Theory?

Oh ok, the real reason Mary hadn't seen Winn in 20 years was she was taking care of the child Winn and his dad didn't know she had, Sheldon Cooper.

She was really worried he go to the dark side and if you watch TBBT you know Sheldon is one bad day away from becoming the ToyMan himself.

  • Love 6

It seemed like a really odd casting choice to have Laurie Metcalf playing a mom named Mary when she is so well known as playing another mom named Mary on one of the most popular sitcoms on TV, not to mention the fact that Roseanne recently returned to the air. 

It never ceases to baffle me how the villain du jour thinks he/she can threaten civilians like Winn. Um, don't they know he's pretty tight with Supergirl, and that he works for the freaking DEO? Do they really think they alone can take on the entire DEO? I guess comic book villains have unmatched egos. 

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I am rewatching the episode already and this episode also has its fair use of comedic, light-hearted moments. From the horrid singing to James' quip about being glad he didn't work at the DEO to Mary's overprotectiveness over her son and Winn's embarrassment ("THIS IS MY JOB, MOM!" and Mary's worry-panic after the flying monkey scenes with her thought process being clearly about finding a new, safer job for Winn), it was nice to see a balance of family drama, comedy, and with a splash of romance. 

It was great to see that Mary was also as smart as her ex husband and her son. I'm glad they used Laurie Metcalf properly in her guest role. Yeah, there was the typical getting captured due to stupidity scene, but I think I enjoyed the episode so much that I dismissed it. I'd usually get really pissed off about cliches like that, but I enjoyed it.

Plus, even the tiresome trope of abandoned parent coming back into their kid's life and them being forgiven at the very end of the episode actually worked for me, maybe because they portrayed legitimate reasons for why it happened, and they also had Mary be consistent in her love for Winn, going so far as risking her life with the flying monkeys to save him. And she owned up to her decision to not come for him in the 20 years. 

I missed the first time around that Winn had his father's body triple checked, which is disappointing. I guess they also didn't want to have the coffin also show an explosion of body parts, which is fair for an 8pm show, but I still had hope that maybe Winn Sr was around and that he'd show up in a special episode next season. 

It was also nice to have two big secrets actually coming out very quickly after they've been exposed. Mon-El deciding to be mature and be honest with Kara was great. He told her that he had something to tell her, waited until after the Winn stuff was out of the way, and then went ahead and told her what was going on...all in one episode! Also, the J'onn/Myr'nn stuff being brought out at the end of the episode instead of dragging on for a few episodes was really nice. 

He said he checked the dental records


Never said he checked his father's blood/DNA.

  • Love 1

When he's given the chance, Jeremy Jordan is probably the best actor on this show. And he killed it tonight.

Laurie Metcalf is never not impressive. Though I do agree the DEO really needs to beef up their security. Or at least get some. I'm pretty sure most people at least have locks on the doors to their armories.

At least they remembered the world killers exist. It's a good thing Sam and Lena are having a girl's night or karaoke might have been interrupted.

I like Carl Lumbly. But is he on the the show, and his character now with Martian dementia, solely as an excuse for why J'onn may disappear or not be available for fights or scenes where his powers would be useful? Because that seems like kind of a waste of CL.

  • Love 5
On 4/17/2018 at 5:49 AM, Quark said:

I don't think I've ever heard Mon-El apologise for anything before and he couldn't stop this episode.

Are you kidding?  That's all he ever did last season was tell Kara how wonderful she was and apologize to her.  It's every woman's dream man, LOL.


On 4/16/2018 at 8:01 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I realized even during that scene that I didn't miss Lena, Sam, or any of the other newer characters.

People complained all last year that Mon-El took up too much storyline from everyone else, but he's not been on this season much at all, and James and Winn still aren't on hardly at all.  Why the show felt it was important to give this whole backstory to the bad guys err girls, confounds me.  I don't care about Sam or her daughter, don't buy the "friendship" Sam has with Kara, Lena and Alex, and think the time they've wasted explaining Purity and the other World Killers is what has kept James and Winn from having anything.  Heck, even Lena, who was a very interesting character last year, has been MIA a lot of the season to make room for these new characters.  The only character who hasn't suffered is Alex.  She's everywhere, in every scene.

  • Love 3
On 4/16/2018 at 8:01 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Also, speaking of Mon-El, they're doing a better job with him. At least he finally apologized for his shit, well sort of, and wanted to be honest. I'm still frustrated with their so-called epic romance that they're trying to portray, but they're doing a better job than last season. Congrats, show. For the first time, Mon-El was useful, AND also not as much of an annoyance.

I don't get what the writers are doing with him, honestly.  It's one step forward, two steps back with the character.  They bring him back as part of a comic book famous Legion, make him all brooding and serious and have him and other characters constantly say HE'S CHANGED, yet write a scene where Kara finds out he's married in the douchiest way and show him pining after another woman while sweet angelic Imra, his wife, is standing right next to him.  Enough with the lousy writing, writers.  Has he changed or not?  Is he a hero or a dirtbag?  Stop having characters tell us and show us.  This back-and-forth is making me dizzy.  

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Sigh, somehow I just knew they will drag out Sam's storyline and World Killers by default as much as they can, because it's episode fourteen only (somehow I thought we are nearing the end, but no). So what to do while World Killers are patiently waiting for their boss? That's right, karaoke night, estranged parent plot and problems of old people plot. Was this episode particularly interesting for me? Not really, Martian dementia I could have done without (and is it forshadowing? "I don't want to keep you locked in a house all day" in regards to John? I hope not). James is in this episode, but 90 percent of the time he's trying to unsucessfully call Lena. Love's a bitch, ain't it? Though, Winn's mom was kinda on point regarding security in DEO. No one really cares about intruders there. Remind me again why the facility is top secret? Bufallo Bill... hmm... did the Toyman's protege star in Hanniball movies, then? Can't remember.

P.S. Pestilence will evolve to the Blight. But isn't blight just a more fancy word for pestilence? At least in my language the translation of blight is the same as for pestilence. So, she'll evolve to Super Pestilence, then? Hmmm...

Edited by Rushmoras
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On ‎19‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 4:37 AM, JapMo said:

I don't get what the writers are doing with him, honestly.  It's one step forward, two steps back with the character.  They bring him back as part of a comic book famous Legion, make him all brooding and serious and have him and other characters constantly say HE'S CHANGED, yet write a scene where Kara finds out he's married in the douchiest way and show him pining after another woman while sweet angelic Imra, his wife, is standing right next to him.  Enough with the lousy writing, writers.  Has he changed or not?  Is he a hero or a dirtbag?  Stop having characters tell us and show us.  This back-and-forth is making me dizzy.  

I don't get it either. Except that Imra's evil. I don't know why they think we're fooled about her being clearly very very evil.

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