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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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RC isn't subtle or clever so Laura is probably going to walk in on Samtrick celebrating their engagement because Jakeson is going to convince his wife to marry another man. 


And Laura FUCKIN Spencer - who came back from the dead and has pretty varied experience with the resurrection of loved ones, who made a beeline for her husband when she came back, who was reunited with her own son after his devastating "death" - is going to decide to keep the secret for Ol' Crazy Eyes Webber because...Helena

Edited by Oracle42
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Seriously, what does she see, Patrick playing the guitar while Sam looks at a picture of Jason? I don't even hate Patrick/Sam or anything but come on now.

"Laura! Laura! You HAVE to hear this song I wrote for Sammy.

I feel like a sailoooooor even though I'm a doctoooor.

Sammy is my adventure buddy and has a lot to offffeerrrrr

She looks at Jason's picture all day but I don't mind

'Cause I know she'll still screw me all day and all niiight.."

  • Love 3
Sloane winds up dead



So, it's not all bad. 


On an unrelated note - is the whole secret coming out in early November?  Liz's part in it and all?  Because when that comes out, and Cujo eventually comes at her, frothing at the mouth, I want Liz to very calmly look her in the eye and say "it wasn't my secret to tell, bitch." 

  • Love 18

On an unrelated note - is the whole secret coming out in early November?  Liz's part in it and all?  Because when that comes out, and Cujo eventually comes at her, frothing at the mouth, I want Liz to very calmly look her in the eye and say "it wasn't my secret to tell, bitch." 


I still maintain that Liz's response should be, "Oh please, bitch, you would have done the same damn thing."

  • Love 14

I still maintain that Liz's response should be, "Oh please, bitch, you would have done the same damn thing."


It wasn't my secret to tell only really works if it's Robin - but Liz would never admit that Carly would've done exactly the same thing because that would mean she's sunk to Carly's level. I don't think she really wants to admit that to herself

  • Love 4

On a level, I actually don't mind Sabrina and Michael. In real life, they would make the more believable couple. I wish that the mousy Sabrina we first got  was paired with Michael rather than Starr. It would make a better Cinderella story that Sabrina/Patrick, because Michael is so damn awkward himself. I think a triangle between her, Carlos and Michael would work better, especially if Sabrina made the healthier choice and picked Michael.

Actually, I recall reading somewhere back in 2012, when Sabrina first appeared, that she was originally supposed to have just a crush on Patrick, but have nothing come of it.  Then, they were going to move her on to another more long-term option.  They'd been toying with the idea of either Michael or Spinelli (who was still on the canvas at the time) for her.  But Michael's pairing with Starr took off with the mainstream public, as did Spinelli's with Ellie, so Sabrina was only left with Patrick.

  • Love 2

Yup! Copying and pasting just in case they fix it


Video Monday (#13400) Jake & Sam Renew Their Vows ( I feel this will do VERY well with how random and confusing it is) (brief excerpt of Sonny/Carly but not of him crashing)

Unless and until I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume that overseeing the sneak peek ABC page is Nathan Varni's responsibility. 

  • Love 2

I'm sorry, but in what realm did 'Michael & Starr's pairing take off'? Because while yes they had some fans, it certainly wasn't this one.

Was it Wonderland? Neverland? The Enchanted Forrest? Camelot? Frozen Land?

Who was their fanclub president? Princess Jasmine? Little Red Riding Hood? Cheshire Cat?

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3
She goes to reveal the truth but then sees how happy they are and reneges


How are they going to pull that off? Jason Thompson looks like he's resigning to die a slow, painful death in his scenes. Kelly Monaco's default is nodding off to sleep. They act like a couple who are living in a house filled with just enough carbon monoxide to effect their ability to move but not enough to knock them out completely.




Actually, I recall reading somewhere back in 2012, when Sabrina first appeared, that she was originally supposed to have just a crush on Patrick, but have nothing come of it. 

Sabrina's never been kissed act would have made a whole lot more sense if that were the case.

But ...



But Michael's pairing with Starr took off with the mainstream public, as did Spinelli's with Ellie, so Sabrina was only left with Patrick.


I wonder of this "mainstream public" you speak of.  The one thing we learned last week was that the mainstream public doesn't know who the fuck Nancy Lee Grahn was, and she's a 19-year veteran of GH with one acting emmy for her troubles.  There is no measurable public way by which it can be said that Michael and Starr took off.


Having said that, I can easily see FrankenRon congratulating themselves into thinking that Michael and Starr were hugely popular.  And there may even have been a focus group or two supporting that idea. Let's face it, people preferred watching Michael and Starr to having their families eaten by bears.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 10

And there may even have been a focus group or two supporting that idea. Let's face it, people preferred watching Michael and Starr to having their families eaten by bears.


Laugh of the day. 


I never saw Michael and Starr together so they mean nothing to me. I do, however, use focus groups in my work and I can offer ABC this advice: something that "works" in a focus group only works in the real world if it is consistently given the same quality as put into the focus group version. Nearly anything can "work" in a focus group. The real world is what counts.

  • Love 1

Actually, I recall reading somewhere back in 2012, when Sabrina first appeared, that she was originally supposed to have just a crush on Patrick, but have nothing come of it.  Then, they were going to move her on to another more long-term option.  They'd been toying with the idea of either Michael or Spinelli (who was still on the canvas at the time) for her.  But Michael's pairing with Starr took off with the mainstream public, as did Spinelli's with Ellie, so Sabrina was only left with Patrick.


Where did you hear they were toying with pairing Michael/Sabrina in 2012? Because imo they were committed to CD/KA no matter what, I don't think they ever seriously entertained those two until KA left. I don't know if Starr/Michael were a hit - they seemed to be liked well enough from what I can tell, and it pains me to admit that, cause I dislike anything KA (on tv, not the woman herself) - but even if they weren't, I think they would have kept on trying with Starr and Michael for a long while. As they did, except they ended up having to try it in the form of Kiki instead of Starr.

I just hope Jake decides to tell Liz about this stupid vow renewal shit....Just so I can see Liz's head explode.



How are they going to pull that off? Jason Thompson looks like he's resigning to die a slow, painful death in his scenes. Kelly Monaco's default is nodding off to sleep. They act like a couple who are living in a house filled with just enough carbon monoxide to effect their ability to move but not enough to knock them out completely.


LMAO.   Perfect description.  Oh my sweet SamTrick that had so much potential....how utterly you have failed failed failed.  It makes me sad to think what this could have been.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 5

Laugh of the day. 


I never saw Michael and Starr together so they mean nothing to me. I do, however, use focus groups in my work and I can offer ABC this advice: something that "works" in a focus group only works in the real world if it is consistently given the same quality as put into the focus group version. Nearly anything can "work" in a focus group. The real world is what counts.

I can't take credit for it. It's a PTV GH staple.  I think jsbt may have come up with it.


How are they going to pull that off? Jason Thompson looks like he's resigning to die a slow, painful death in his scenes. Kelly Monaco's default is nodding off to sleep. They act like a couple who are living in a house filled with just enough carbon monoxide to effect their ability to move but not enough to knock them out completely.


When she asked him if they were still "madly in love"  I just...


Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 7
Michael's pairing with Starr took off with the mainstream public


It did?


They act like a couple who are living in a house filled with just enough carbon monoxide to effect their ability to move but not enough to knock them out completely.


This is perfect. Or else someone is dosing their coffee with just enough Valium to keep them upright.

  • Love 3

I'm sorry, but in what realm did 'Michael & Starr's pairing take off'? Because while yes they had some fans, it certainly wasn't this one.

Was it Wonderland? Neverland? The Enchanted Forrest? Camelot? Frozen Land?

Who was their fanclub president? Princess Jasmine? Little Red Riding Hood? Cheshire Cat?


To be fair, on YouTube you'll find young tween/teen fans of young soap couples all over the place. 


I actually didn't mind Michael & Starr at first either, tbh. *runs* 

How are they going to pull that off? Jason Thompson looks like he's resigning to die a slow, painful death in his scenes. Kelly Monaco's default is nodding off to sleep. They act like a couple who are living in a house filled with just enough carbon monoxide to effect their ability to move but not enough to knock them out completely.


And this sums up why, even as I really no longer watch, I still love coming here. This is sheer brilliance.

  • Love 4

And this sums up why, even as I really no longer watch, I still love coming here. This is sheer brilliance.

Haven't watched in months either, but I like coming here to read comments too. And that carbon monoxide comment IS brilliant... although is depresses me that apparently after several more months, Sam and Patrick have even less chemistry than they did this spring (which is really saying something, all things considered).

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 6

There's a rumor floating around Twitter that on the Jiz non wedding day, Jason will drag Liez in the church, she runs out, and Nik finds her catatonic. Of course then Jason feels bad for (rightfully) going the fuck off and Nik tells him Liez's state is Jason's fault.

I got so much to say about this but Imma try to maintain. First off, AGAIN?? This heffa plays with people's lives and gets to play crazy again??? Bullshit. And B, if Jason don't chin check Nik for blaming crazy's crazy on him, Imma be super pissed about that too.

This fallout ain't gonna be shit, is it?

  • Love 8

There's a rumor floating around Twitter that on the Jiz non wedding day, Jason will drag Liez in the church, she runs out, and Nik finds her catatonic. Of course then Jason feels bad for (rightfully) going the fuck off and Nik tells him Liez's state is Jason's fault.


What in the motherfucking hell is this. This better be some wishful thinking by a Liez fan.

  • Love 1

If he didn't do it for Carly* or Sonny, he's not doing it for Liz.

*Although . . . does Rock count?

Rock totally counts. I see it as his last-ditch effort before giving up. No one likes a quitter, God! Maybe he finally got the paperwork stating Carly and Sonny officially sold their souls to the devil and, thus, are off-limits…for now. Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 3

Rock totally counts. I see it as his last-ditch effort before giving up. No one likes a quitter, God! Maybe he finally got the paperwork stating Carly and Sonny officially sold their souls to the devil and, thus, are off-limits…for now.

Souls? What souls?

Edited by OnceSane
quoted post was edited
  • Love 6

The catatonic Lizzie thing-it sounds too specific to not be true, but guess we'll see. My question is, how will we know the difference between awake Liz and catatonic Liz? Except for the lying. She can't lie, if she can't speak. Otherwise, it's a crap shoot.

Hee, it's funny cuz it's true!

And I can believe they'll go this route, to wash Liez's sins away & clean the story slate of Jiz so they can move on to the equally insipid JaSam/Samtrick, no suspense whatsoever triangle from the inner circle of Hell.

I wish someone would surprise me - have Sam realize she needs to immediately move out, have her pocket pup realize he's getting the Sabrina heave ho & choose to bow out with what little dignity he has left, and have Jason realize he is not at fault for Liez's lies and Nik can suck it.

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I can't decide what route they'll go with Patrick. Either he'll tell Sam to go back to Jason all woobie "please feel sorry for me, I'm such a good man, I'll love you forever but please go, I'm such a mature person" or he'll fight for Sam all "he kills people and I'm a neurosurgeon and I'm better than him because I'm awesome! Pick me choose me love me!"

Oh, today - with the dialogue about how he wished Jason was here so he could prove he's the better choice - made it clear Patrick won't just be throwing in the towel once the reveal happens.


Ugh, it all sounds so...exhausting...already.  Especially because there's no element of surprise here, just like (even though the show laughingly thought there was) when Patrick reunited with Robin.


And double ugh, we'll probably have to hear Carly go on and on and ON about the whole situation.  

Edited by TeeVee329
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Oh, today - with the dialogue about how he wished Jason was here so he could prove he's the better choice - made it clear Patrick won't just be throwing in the towel once the reveal happens.

Oh, him telling Sam to go to Jason wouldn't truly be throwing in the towel. Sam would still be torn. It would be the writers' way of making the audience go "Awwwww" over Patrick. They're obsessed with wanting viewers to feel sorry for him.

Patrick fighting for Sam by bashing Jason and trying to convince her he's better than him would be an interesting choice because I don't see Sam letting that fly. Unless the show makes her pissed at Jason for screwing Liz and not feeling anything towards her.

I don't think Liz's sins are going to be washed away.  Why have her be the heavy in this storyline just to wipe everything away? This story could have easily been done by everyone remaining ignorant about Jake's identity.  The only reason to throw Liz into the mix was to take her to a new low. I think she will continue to be the show's punching bag. 

  • Love 3

There's a rumor floating around Twitter that on the Jiz non wedding day, Jason will drag Liez in the church, she runs out, and Nik finds her catatonic. Of course then Jason feels bad for (rightfully) going the fuck off and Nik tells him Liez's state is Jason's fault.

I got so much to say about this but Imma try to maintain. First off, AGAIN?? This heffa plays with people's lives and gets to play crazy again??? Bullshit. And B, if Jason don't chin check Nik for blaming crazy's crazy on him, Imma be super pissed about that too.

This fallout ain't gonna be shit, is it?

Wait up.... he drags her? Like, physically? Or (please let this happen ) does he try to walk away, and she clings to his legs yelling weird things? This story has sucked and blown, so therefore I'm looking for UGC.

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Why does Laura have to be thrown into the Jason nonsense!? So she's going to visit Samtrick, who she barely even KNOWS, and witness what? Screwing on the couch? There's NO reason why she can't spill the secret. Another character made to look like a dumbass...

Everyone must be ruined. EVERYONE. Did you not get the memo ABC sent out? ;)

  • Love 9

Say what you like but if this garbage is true, They are trying to destroy the show. B H has been on this show a long time I hope they are not going to do this to her. She is a beautiful women, and a competent actress. She deserves better than this. She certainly deserves better than Jason the killer for hire. Judging from the way he ran in to save Sonny, no gun and destroyed three guys Jason is back. Jason Morgan the borg.. I am not a fan of this show any more never mind Liz or Sam. I think they are both to good for Jason Give him to Carly . the other mobs can shoot all the kids they have between them.

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