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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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5 hours ago, superdeluxe said:

That’s what I’m saying.  What is the point of making Willow pregnant?  And there are just way too many unnecessary babies/kids on the show.  Plus, aren’t they supposed to be the younger set?  Michael gets his baby back and Willow has her baby — that’s two kids saddled with the so-called younger set.

Then, you have some people like me who don’t care about two newbies Willow and Harrison having a baby.  But then their relationship was too happy.  They were too lovey dovey so they have to throw some kind of problem at it.

I have no idea. This show is obsessed w/giving the younger set pointless babies. These babies mean absolutely nothing once born, and don't come back around until they are old enough to spit actual lines. It's a waste. I know ppl want Michael to get his pointless kid back, but I want to know why? It's not like the kid will actually have an impact on Michael's life or mean anything to the actual plot. He'll just go upstairs w/the nanny to be trotted out on holidays. 

I'm not invested in Willow, but I wouldn't saddle her down w/a baby now. Why not show her living a little first? And I know Donna was created to honor a member of the crew, but she is the most pointless baby to have ever been born on a soap, IMO. The last thing CarSon needed was another kid?!?! If they want them to have a kid, resurrect Morgan. This show is so awful, and none of the spoilers I read make me think things are getting better. 

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7 hours ago, bannana said:

What  I want to know, is what the what did Julian do and who will it impact?

I really don't care about Brad, but I strangely care about Julian.

Well, I read a spoiler that "Julian is remorseful," so I'm assuming Lucas gets hurt in the car accident. Julian wanted to kill Brad, so if Brad was dead and/or hurt, Julian wouldn't care. If he's feeling remorse, it must mean his son got hurt. Hmmm. . .  . Alexis is also on the road w/that psycho girl, so maybe Alexis gets hurt. It would serve Julian right if Lucas is injured though. What an idiotic way to resolve his issue w/Brad!! Instead of just telling Lucas the truth, he sets out to murder Brad?!! Ok. 

Those spoilers also said "Michael accepts the help he needs." It might be a situation where both Brad and Lucas are hurt/injured, and Michael, ironically, ends up taking care of his own kid for awhile but needs help.  

I only care about Brad in this lame storyline. He's the one that's been thrown under the bus w/little character development or exploration for a played out, boring baby switch of a pointless baby that shouldn't have even been born in the first place.  His character is the one most suffering for this nonsense. Julian should have been smart and just told Lucas the truth. There is literally no reason for him to still be keeping this secret. None at all. Will it hurt? Sure, but Lucas will have to get over it. The moment Julian learned it wasn't a homeless woman's baby, he should have told the truth. And now he's resorting to murder in the most dumb way possible? Brad and Lucas are married. Did he think it was impossible for Lucas to be driving Brad's car? Does he not care about any other innocent ppl on the road when Brad is driving his sabotaged car? Why didn't he just shoot Brad or stab him? Lame. 

Edited by lala2
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On 11/29/2019 at 8:42 PM, lala2 said:

I'm not invested in Willow, but I wouldn't saddle her down w/a baby now. Why not show her living a little first?

My guess is that if Willow turns  out to be pregnant it is to slightly try to make up** for her losing her real baby -aka the first Wiley who died within a day of Brad & Lucas adopting him. (which is a whole other stupid plot of Brad taking him home without Lucas to begin with..then driving around with a dead baby in your car? WTH?? Who does that?!)

** but only in the minds of the stupid writers- like one baby can make up for losing another,right?

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"Sonny reassures Kristina" for the Tuesday show tells me there's going to be a car accident (or similar) that puts Alexis in the hospital for longer, possibly in a coma. Kristina has barely been on since her part in the DoD story ran its course. I'm assuming everything's going to come to light about Kiefer and Kendra, and Sonny's reassurances are in response to predictable "It's all my fault!" histrionics from Kristina, with more of Lexie's patented moves.  

I like Risa Dorken and am glad she's coming back. I don't think the character's stories were great, but she's likable and energetic and seems to want to be there. When I'm watching her, at least I'm not getting pulled out of whatever's going on with questions like "Does she hate her job?" or "Is she sick?"  

Edited by Asp Burger
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WdV must either be out the door soon or has seriously pissed someone off. Julian has 3 (maybe 4 if we are including offscreen Leo) people who give a damn about him and he just caused an accident that put 2 of them in jeopardy. 

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18 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

My guess is that if Willow turns  out to be pregnant it is to slightly try to make up** for her losing her real baby -aka the first Wiley who died within a day of Brad & Lucas adopting him. (which is a whole other stupid plot of Brad taking him home without Lucas to begin with..then driving around with a dead baby in your car? WTH?? Who does that?!)

** but only in the minds of the stupid writers- like one baby can make up for losing another,right?

Which is just stupid because how can one pointless baby make up for another pointless baby?  But like you said that’s what’s going through the minds of the stupid writers.

And why do these people think Willow needs a baby?  If they want to see Harrison be cute with a child (which is what’s really going on), Violet is right there.

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I admit I wasn’t paying attention when Willow revealed she was pregnant, but was it supposed to be planned? Because I’m fairly certain that the only point of this baby is to require something from Wiley, be unable to get it because, whoops, not related, then die having fulfilled a singular purpose of revealing the truth.  Which begs the question, how long are they planning to drag this out? Because if we have to wait another 7 months for Baby Plotpoint to be born.... 

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I admit I wasn’t paying attention when Willow revealed she was pregnant, but was it supposed to be planned?

No. She told Sasha that they took precautions! But then remembered she forgot to take the Pill a time or two or three? So, what? Were they just relying on HER taking the Pill? Was Chase not wearing a condom?

I only put the emphasis on that because Willow said "they" and to me, that means, presumably, Chase was also taking precautions. But the rest of her statement made it appear that only she was taking the precautions. I could only 🙄😒 and it makes me angry and sad because of the story line they did over 20 years ago--that actually had heart. And even before Stone's AIDS story line, with the teen set back then--Brenda/Jagger/Karen/Jason--they were very smart and did use fucking protection. BOTH the girls and the boys.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I remember when ER was in its early seasons in the 1990s, really the height of HIV/AIDS transmission fear, when there were fewer and less effective treatment options for someone who had tested positive. The show actually dealt in a sensitive way with a main character who was HIV-positive, but while that was going on, there were way too many casual relationships/one-night stands/flings that resulted in pregnancy (or at least a scare) among the main characters, on a show about doctors and nurses. It was hard to buy that they were all so careless, but I just had to handwave it. It was a quasi-soap. 

That is quite a Port Charles baby boom in recent years, with a lot of small children still running around. Maybe they're going to recycle the Guiding Light with Holly's mass kidnapping of every child in town.

Edited by Asp Burger
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So with Parry Shen leaving, I think that gives me hope that this stupid baby switch storyline, which has aged about as well as milk, is about to be fully tied up. I hope. But if they have Lucas die and Brad leaves for whatever reason (also dies, runs away from his problem, whatever) giving Wiley to his godfather, Michael, I will sprain my eyes from rolling them so hard.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Shen's Twitter feed is very amusing. See the tweet about reacting to Julian not caring about whether Brad is okay.

Do you have the link to the tweet?

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I’m probably a party of one but I’ve never appreciated PS’s acting abilities. I wouldn’t be hurt at all if he leaves GH and the truth comes out about Wiley. In fact, I’d be relieved so that we could move on from this dreadful story.

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I hope he’s staying. Unpopular opinion, but I actually think Brad is a more interesting character than Lucas. I think Lucas could and should be much more interesting, but as currently written he’s rather bland. Besides, if Brad leaves, who will Britt come to visit?

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I have a theory about Brook and that whole music contract thing.  I wonder if it's a plot device to pivot Brook out of doing music.  Let's say this 5-year contract probihits her from producing any music unless it's with this guy, and Brook refuses because he's a scumbag or whatever.  So maybe she then gets advice from Tracy during her visit that propels her in a different direction.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Does Amanda Setton sing? Because if she doesn't, this is a decent way to put the music business behind her, or at least the singing part. I'd like to see her fight Michael for control of ELQ. It's about time a woman took the helm there. It's not as if Brook Lynn is any less qualified than Michael.

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I would love to see BL getting involved with ELQ. It’s been awhile since we had Qs fight over the position and I hate that they made Michael the CEO. It seemed to come out of nowhere and it wasn’t that long after he was begging Sonny to join the family business because he wasn’t going to be able to have a real career anyway being an ex-con. I feel like they just did it because Tracy and AJ got relegated to being the family screw ups and Ned was either not on the show or barely used. The only time I was ok with it was during the time he turned his back on Sonny and Carly. Since we’re never going to get that again, I don’t have any use for him.

Edited by ffwbe
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48 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I would love to see BL getting involved with ELQ. It’s been awhile since we had Qs fight over the position and I hate that they made Michael the CEO. It seemed to come out of nowhere and it wasn’t that long after he was begging Sonny to join the family business because he wasn’t going to be able to have a real career anyway being an ex-con. I feel like they just did it because Tracy and AJ got relegated to being the family screw ups and Ned was either not on the show or barely used. The only time I was ok with it was during the time he turned his back on Sonny and Carly. Since we’re never going to get that again, I don’t have any use for him.

@TeeVee329, I too can see Brook Lynn not seeing much progress in her music career and becoming terrified that if nothing is happening now, it will never happen as she is either 30 or approaching 30 and falling under the sway of a music producer. 

While I am not all for someone getting a job because they are woman, I am all for Brook Lynn making a play for ELQ and really wish she was as snippy with Carly (who would totally deserve it from her) as she was with Maxie and Lulu (who would arguably be emotionally closer with Lucas than Carly, despite Carly being Lucas "sister"). When it comes to Michael, Carly and Sonny wanted their cake and it eat too: they wanted Michael to themselves and completely cut the Qs from him, but they also wanted all of the perks of Michael being a Q - the money, the CEO position, ELQ. Brook Lynn should come in as a dark horse and arguably would have more rights to ELQ since Ned never lost has paternal rights nor did Lois play every dirty trick in the book to keep his daughter  away from him.  It would also put Ned in a different position than when Tracy was trying to steal ELQ, and now he can't be overly antagonist against his own child, especially a child he didn't actively raise. 

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I have a theory about Brook and that whole music contract thing.  I wonder if it's a plot device to pivot Brook out of doing music.  Let's say this 5-year contract probihits her from producing any music unless it's with this guy, and Brook refuses because he's a scumbag or whatever.  So maybe she then gets advice from Tracy during her visit that propels her in a different direction.

I hope it is, because that kind of career is hard to work in with the doings in town, except in a cheesy bring a scene to a halt kind of way.

Edited by ulkis
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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Does Amanda Setton sing? Because if she doesn't, this is a decent way to put the music business behind her, or at least the singing part. 

That's another plank of my theory, I don't think she does.  And she hosted that online singing Christmas thing, but did not partake.

We do have the setup that Michael was feeling burnt out as ELQ CEO.  Maybe Brook starts to work there and, when Michael gets distracted by the baby switch reveal, Brook makes a move.  We haven't seen them interact yet, right?

My dark horse idea is Brook working with Lucy on the Deception relaunch, that's still a thing kinda percolating in the background.

Edited by TeeVee329
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13 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

We do have the setup that Michael was feeling burnt out as ELQ CEO.  Maybe Brook starts to work there and, when Michael gets distracted by the baby switch reveal, Brook makes a move.  We haven't seen them interact yet, right?

No, I don't think BL and Michael have crossed paths yet.

I hope Tracy encourages BL to make a play for ELQ, though if Ned is going to pick up some of the slack because Michael has so much on his plate with Wiley (LOL forever), he can encourage his daughter to work there. I'd think he'd be really happy about that: He can keep an eye on her; she's working in the family business, and that's harped on endlessly by all the Qs; and it sets up some conflict.

Unfortunately, I think ultimately Michael will win out, given that it's GH law no Corinthos (however connected) can ever lose. Ugh.

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There's a quote from Frank in TV Guide that Christmas "will bring the disintegration of two major couples."  I'm guessing Sonny and Carly are one given their recent tension, any thoughts on who else Frank would consider major?

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Sonny and Carly will apart for five seconds. "Disintegration" my ass. Spare me the hyperbole, Frank.

However, for all of Sonny's bluster that he's so much better than Jax, I enjoy immensely that he's still so supremely threatened by Jax. I just hope they don't ever put Jax and Carly together. He deserves so much better.

As for the other "major" couple, Valentin and Nina spring to mind, as her plot for revenge continues apace.

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9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

There's a quote from Frank in TV Guide that Christmas "will bring the disintegration of two major couples."  I'm guessing Sonny and Carly are one given their recent tension, any thoughts on who else Frank would consider major?

Are Nina and Valentin still together? 

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As of yesterday they were, and they're planning a New Year's Eve?Day? wedding. I think whatever Nina has planned will happen at said wedding, so that the maximum number of people see Valentin's humiliation. Assuming Nina pulls it off, of course.

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I'm all for it.  

Although... It would be just like Frank to declare that Lucas and Brad are a major couple, just so he can blow them up and pretend its good show.

Edited by ouinason
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I think Julian will weasel out of any charges for Lucas' crash.  They made a big deal about Lucas needing to take glucose during the argument with Brad.  They've argued dozens of times before, but this is the first time Lucas needed treatment as a result.  Jordan is already suspicious of the lack of skid marks.  Julian will fix the car tampering results, and it will all be chalked up to a medical emergency due to Lucas' diabetes. 

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17 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

There's a quote from Frank in TV Guide that Christmas "will bring the disintegration of two major couples."  I'm guessing Sonny and Carly are one given their recent tension, any thoughts on who else Frank would consider major?


I actually like LW's Carly with Jax, so I hope she ends up with him... except I don't want round II of Jax raising CarSon's child. 

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I have mixed feelings if they go down that road again. LW and IR at least have chemistry and Carly is somewhat more tolerable around Jax but Jax always came off as so pathetic in that pairing. He was never allowed to call her out until the divorce and custody battle so I don’t think things would be different this time around 

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no Jax and Carly for me. Never thought they had particular chemistry except they didn't look awkward together because he was taller than her. Although at this point I might take whatever to break up wise couple Carson.

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While part of me would be happy if Sonny and Carly were split because it would force the show to ease back on them as the patriarch and matriarch of the show, is it worth whatever Brenda!Bot will be foisted on us to pair with Sonny?

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