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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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Christine Brecht @stinestinks  ·  Oct 1


Did she get fired?


Christine Brecht @stinestinks  ·  7h 7 hours ago
Sorry haters, but you aren't ruining my life. Thank you to TMZ for making stuff up though! Reporting at it's finest.


Looks like TMZ article might not be true. I doubted it because Tim said he wants to be on BB and Christine said she's willing to do All-Stars and thinks being one of the most hated will help her.

As I recall, feed watchers said she revealed that she traded free coffee for tattoos, so it didn't have to be slut shaming that did her in on the job front.

That's what I remember, too!  I'm sure that got back to Starbucks at some point.  Even is nobody from Tucson watched the live feeds, I imagine someone contacted Starbucks in Tucson to report this and get it out the correct store.  I also agree that a barista position isn't normally one that can be saved and she was probably replaced when she left for three months.  

Lil Kim posted a photo album of a meet and greet she held in Orlando, and I was scrolling through the images wondering if her plastic surgery has led to her being incapable of closing her mouth, and one of the pics was her and Frankie!  At least his life is back on track after the show and he has time to attend Lil Kim meet and greets.

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Okay you guys (I see you, Nashville)  I was really, really good all season, slipping only in the beginning.  I have a friend who spells her name with an "h."  So let's not be douchie, deal?   ;>)

Not being baggish, dear. I was just laughing about all the times this summer I did the exact same thing. I must've had to go back and re-check the spelling of Nicole's name fifty times on CBS's cast page if I did it once. :>

Ok, that was embarrassing to watch. If you recorded it, it will take all of 2 minutes to see the parts with the houseguests. They are horrible actors, worse than you could imagine. Wow.

More tomorrow I guess? How will they top working "froot loop dingus" into casual bar chatter?

Are you kidding?  It was hilarious!  Yes, day one was slow, with the setup and all - but day two had a truckload more camera facetime for our HGs. 

True, I don't see many Oscars in their future; as actors, they're a heckuva bunch of Houseguests (although Zach may have a glimmer of potential). 


The inside jokes abounded, though - here's just a few:

  • Zach - and, of course, the pink hat - and his twerk.
  • Nicole and the Germatard, reunited again.
  • Hayden in a street hockey player costume.
  • Caleb in a karate gi - with a black belt.  He even demonstrated a few moves;


There was also a fair smattering of past HGs as well - Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, Brendan, Elissa, etc. 

There were a few faces I recognized, but couldn't put a name to.


Best of all - they had Donny switching costumes almost every scene.  Through the course of the "party", Donny was a:

  1. soldier
  2. surgeon (brain, maybe?)
  3. college professor
  4. scientist
  5. spy

Notice anything - oh, I don't know - familiar about that lineup?  ;>


All in all, it was entertaining.  Silly, sure, but entertaining.

I agree that the 2nd day was better than the first, but it's still incredibly cheesy.  I did laugh that in every scene Cody is off in a corner dancing by himself.  He looked pretty funny.


I did a tour de social media yesterday... Frankie and Zach spent Halloween together at a party Ariana threw. They dressed as each other and Zankieween was even trending for awhile.  Zach started a youtube channel... I didn't look into it much, but it seems he has some sort of cast?  There are 3 other people on it with him, but I don't think they have posted anything yet.  Cody & Zach are going on "tour".  Caleb got a big truck (I am not sure if he bought it, or if it was a gift) at a radio station event in Texas where Cody & Derrick were also present.  It has Beastmode painted on the tailgate.  Nicole and Hayden are in love, according to them, and he's in Ubly with her at her parent's house.  Paola is working a lot as a DJ... she actually gets a lot of work, and does not talk about BB much at all. That's all I remember.  Doesn't seem like many of them went back to their pre-BB jobs! I wonder who got all those shifts at Lowe's?

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Have to throw in, Nicole bumped into Zach, and he said "be careful, you fruit-loop dingus", which was pretty hilarious. He was the most natural on-camera. Also, Cody showed more personality in his one line on B&B than he did the entire summer of Big Brother. When the 2nd place couple was announced, Cody said "I know how that feels" or something to that effect.

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This cast is cashing where last years racist cast couldn't. Might as well strike when the (small) iron is hot. They'll be forgotten by next summer. Although, I'm sure Derrick & maybe (Frankie...gag me) will show up as a guest or host. While this is my summer guilty pleasure I wish they would do a winter (less days) season like Survivor & Amazing Race do.

No one has done really well after Big Brother the first time besides Jeff, Boogie, Will and Kaysar post. Dan went back to teaching after the first time he did Big Brother and no one really cared about Rachel/Brendan after the first time. Nick from BB15 just had a commercial.

Edited by choclatechip45

I think Zach & Frankie are going to be on Watch What Happens Live this weekend. Andy Cohen plus the two of them in the same small room might create some sort of supernova or blackhole, so brace yourselves!


ETA: as the guest bartenders, not official guests


Edited again: It might be Zach and Cody, not Frankie.  This cancels the supernova warning.

Edited by AndreaK1041

Sorry, wings707, I don't feel I have to apologize for actually daring to correct you on the spelling of an HG's first name. It's Nicole, not Nichole, OK? That's how SHE spells it, OK? I'm not fond of being accused of being "douchie," either. Again, sorry, but that's how I ride.

Just got a free week of CBS All Access, which has every season of BB in its archives. I'll be heading straight to Season 3.

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Sorry, wings707, I don't feel I have to apologize for actually daring to correct you on the spelling of an HG's first name. It's Nicole, not Nichole, OK? That's how SHE spells it, OK? I'm not fond of being accused of being "douchie," either. Again, sorry, but that's how I ride.

Just got a free week of CBS All Access, which has every season of BB in its archives. I'll be heading straight to Season 3.



OMG! I had to go back and read my post again.  I dislike the word douche and was sure I didn't use it.  I did!  I apologize, profoundly!  Could it be turning into the 100th monkey syndrome?  :>) 


And I would not expect an apology for correcting me.  I didn't ask for one.  


As I said, a good friend of mine uses the "h" and it was an honest mistake and typed the misspell out of habit.  

Edited by wings707
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