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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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42 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Like Andy has any room to call another season abysmal.

Ok, so I may go to Hell for saying this but...

I might prefer BB15 to BB19. As much as I loathed the racism, homophobia, and sexism from BB15....at least there was more than exactly ONE "good" player (unfortunately Paul WAS the best player of BB19, even though he was still shit). 

BB19 had a bunch of bullies, transphobia, sexism, and a dictator who was playing 15 other minions like a puppet. There wasn't a good or entertaining player to be seen in BB19. While BB15 was gross but had solid and entertaining gameplay in between the disgusting actions of several houseguests. 

And, honestly, with how BB21 turned out with the less overt but still noticeable racism and other issues, BB15 is still a bottom-of-the-barrel season but not an outlier anymore. 

Feel free to disagree, since it's been ages since I've seen BB15 and don't think I'll watch it again....but not sure.

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Tbh with the racial climate in the country being what it is AND coronavirus I actually don't think it's a good idea to have BB.

For one, even though I am nuts in that I actually like most BB contestants (there's only a few I truly loathe like Paul, Evel Dick, etc.) BB is one of those shows that seems to attract extremely conservative contestants. Again, this is not ALL contestants and it definitely doesn't make them bad people but on tv, it might be a bad look. Just sayin'. 


I have trouble believing that either Derrick or Dan would come back. I'm not sure Dan has anything left in the tank that people won't expect and Derrick has been very firm in saying that he didn't see a need to ever come back - plus I still see his show airing on Investigation Discovery every now and then when I'm expecting Lieutenant Joe Kenda: Official Badass (it's his title in our house) so I assume that's still a thing that's happening. 

15 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Tbh with the racial climate in the country being what it is AND coronavirus I actually don't think it's a good idea to have BB.

This, too. I think it can be done right and inoffensively but I don't know if I trust Big Fucking Brother to pull it off. We all know that the 17th HG is Misogyny and the 18th is Racism. 

Edited by Callaphera
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22 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

ED saying Josh, Swaggy, Bayleigh are on. I think Jackson might be on hence that video - hope they order enough watermelon!

Josh, after all his bullying and the amount of warnings he needed should not be allowed back in a house.

Wow Boogie insane, he sounded like he'd attack a school.

Edited by Artsda
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I feel like BB15 had the better endgame with the Exterminators alliance. BB19 just had Paul steamrolling his way to the finals where jurors hated him so much they awarded Josh for being NotPaul. But I also feel like the BB15 cast is more ... redeemable? Racist yes. Ignorant. But also young, immature, dumb. I felt like a couple more years and the BB15 cast would be okay to hang out with.

The BB19 cast was just set-in-stone vile. No one had any nice moments, it was more a race of who was slightly less awful. 

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 If they'd finally kick Allison Grodner to the curb it would do wonders for this show.  Despite introducing "twist" after lame twist every year, the show is boring and predictable.  It's not fun watching the house guests know every comp inside and out, when it's coming up and how to deal with it.   They can tell time based on like-clockwork schedule and they never have anything to do but plot about the comp.   There's no food comps, no luxury comps, no deviation from what happens every summer.  People complain about missing "classic"  Survivor but there is some truth to Peachy's assertion the game has to evolve.  BB shows what happens when it doesn't.   The international versions have all sorts of twists and variations that could shake up this show but they're never considered.  All that alone should be enough to get Grodner booted, but her allowing if not encouraging the bad behavior of the obnoxious house guests should be enough to do her in to prevent another "very special episode" moment like last year.

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I have trouble believing that either Derrick or Dan would come back. I'm not sure Dan has anything left in the tank that people won't expect and Derrick has been very firm in saying that he didn't see a need to ever come back - plus I still see his show airing on Investigation Discovery every now and then when I'm expecting Lieutenant Joe Kenda: Official Badass (it's his title in our house) so I assume that's still a thing that's happening. 

I don't get it either. How would Derrick play when everyone knows he's a cop and he can't use his weak 'food in my daughter's mouth' manipulation anymore? And yea, Dan is played out imo.

I'm just imaging Derrick, Frankie, Paul, and Tyler all in the house. I feel targeted!

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm just imaging Derrick, Frankie, Paul, and Tyler all in the house. I feel targeted!

I mean, I clicked the heart on your post but that's because there's no horrified reaction button and thanks for the nightmares tonight because this is, like, my worst case All Stars scenario ever. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't get it either. How would Derrick play when everyone knows he's a cop and he can't use his weak 'food in my daughter's mouth' manipulation anymore? And yea, Dan is played out imo.

I'm just imaging Derrick, Frankie, Paul, and Tyler all in the house. I feel targeted!

I really don't feel like we'd get all four in one season, which is a blessing.

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On 6/12/2020 at 5:55 PM, Growsonwalls said:

The other early boot I'd like to see play again was Brittany in BB16. Nice girl, decent sense of game, but Derrick decided she wasn't a part of the Bomb Squad and that was that.


The last season I watched was 16, Not sure if Brittany playing again would be enough to get me watching again, but I certainly wouldn't mind her getting another shot. She was indeed nice, and had a lot of determination (kicking all those goals, for example)...











...and superficial take here, but she was a damn goddess.

10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I am a little shocked that nobody has brought up Marcellas on any videos or sites.  Maybe I might be his only fan but he and Amy were the reason why I started watching the show in the first place.  They were so entertaining to me.  I would love to see Danielle Reyes show up again as well.

I think anyone that's been on anything before BB16 (unless your name is Dan, Will, or Boogie) is pretty much ignored as a returnee - the younger fans are the ones they're trying to grab and they're not as into the history of it as they are into faux-ships like Zankie or Brinston. It's us old and creaky people that are pulling out the vintage names. 

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27 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think anyone that's been on anything before BB16 (unless your name is Dan, Will, or Boogie) is pretty much ignored as a returnee - the younger fans are the ones they're trying to grab and they're not as into the history of it as they are into faux-ships like Zankie or Brinston. It's us old and creaky people that are pulling out the vintage names. 

Sadly, I agree; with very few exceptions - specifically, those who have already been “refreshed” in viewers’ minds with repeat appearances - anybody who hasn’t been seen onscreen in the past 8-10 years is going to be relegated to the BB scrap heap.

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Sadly, I agree; with very few exceptions - specifically, those who have already been “refreshed” in viewers’ minds with repeat appearances - anybody who hasn’t been seen onscreen in the past 8-10 years is going to be relegated to the BB scrap heap.

Even then I've found myself in conversations (not here, elsewhere) having to explain who *dreamy sigh* Mr. Pectacular is and why we should all bow to the altar of and he guests once almost every season. 

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TVLine: Big Brother All-Stars 2: Our Dream Cast

It's sad that they've had so few remarkable (or any) black players these past few seasons that they were pretty much cornered into including Cami on the list lol (although from the comments, some were still not appeased). I only care about Vanessa and apparently she has newborns at home so whatever. Maybe I'm too grumpy but there isn't honestly anyone from the past few seasons I'm dying to see again.

Edited by UniqBlue69

So Dick reports that Swaggy, Bailey, Josh, Paul, Raven, maybe Tyler and Angela (Tyler won't do it without Angela), Maybe Frankie, and Dan and Derrick.

If any of those are true Dan and Derrick BETTER be on so the whole season isn't a complete shit pile.  

I feel like ED is too forthcoming with the info for it to actually be true.  Isn't he pretty friendly with CBS?

He claims Josh wasn't suppose to be on but they couldn't get anyone else so called him at the last minute. 

43 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

I feel like ED is too forthcoming with the info for it to actually be true.  Isn't he pretty friendly with CBS?

He's doing it for the attention.

Tyler and Angela together would be insufferable. He won't go unless she gets a place too, ugh. Although, how very Boston Rob of him lol. Does she have the same stipulation? Because I wouldn't mind seeing just her again.

Seriously though, I just don't see this happening. They've gotta be worried that even if they do it, it'd have to be cancelled early because there's another lockdown. 

This is from 4 days ago.

Raven broke her foot before All Stars 2 (that's so Raven). So unless they wanted to do A Christmas Story: The Squeaky Wheel Sequel, we can put a big X on her name. I'm so fucking heartbroken. Like she couldn't just wait to throw herself off a Skybridge for attention until we heard for sure that it would be BBUS: AS2? God, Raven. I'm so disappointed in you.

Your second biggest fan after your MENSA mom,

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8 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

So I clicked on the link of the dude she tagged because: come on, of course I did. And... you guys, is Raven in a polyamorous relationship?

No judgment (outside of the fact that it's Raven, so JUDGMENT) but... I'm not crazy, right? It seems kind of like that?

I investigated (because that’s what we do) and it appears Raven’s boyfriend is a bounty hunter with Shaundra. Shaundra seems to have a different “bae” as they say. So I don’t think there’s any Poly going on there. Not that I’m judging if it were. At least, not for that. Because, Raven. 

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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

So I clicked on the link of the dude she tagged because: come on, of course I did. And... you guys, is Raven in a polyamorous relationship?

More important question: whose drawer do the used condoms get deposited in so that someone can find them during Hide and Go Veto?

I want the story of how she broke her foot. You know it has to be something super Raven-y, like she was trying to avoid getting hit by lightning again so that it wouldn't stop her second heart (IT'S IN HER STOMACH, Y'ALL) and she tripped over a homeless baby that she then wanted to adopt but... and then the story probably goes on for ten more minutes but you're howling so loud you can't hear the rest. God, I miss that ball of batshit crazy and bad lipstick. 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, Lsk02 said:

I investigated (because that’s what we do) and it appears Raven’s boyfriend is a bounty hunter with Shaundra. Shaundra seems to have a different “bae” as they say. So I don’t think there’s any Poly going on there. Not that I’m judging if it were. At least, not for that. Because, Raven. 

If that’s the case, it’s awfully weird that his bio says “Taken by Raven and Shaundra ❤️❤️

2 hours ago, ilovebeaarthur said:

If that’s the case, it’s awfully weird that his bio says “Taken by Raven and Shaundra ❤️❤️

That was the part that got me!

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

More important question: whose drawer do the used condoms get deposited in so that someone can find them during Hide and Go Veto?

I want the story of how she broke her foot. You know it has to be something super Raven-y, like she was trying to avoid getting hit by lightning again so that it wouldn't stop her second heart (IT'S IN HER STOMACH, Y'ALL) and she tripped over a homeless baby that she then wanted to adopt but... and then the story probably goes on for ten more minutes but you're howling so loud you can't hear the rest. God, I miss that ball of batshit crazy and bad lipstick. 

Maybe she broke it throwing herself down a staircase to try and upstage Shaundra.

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7 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

So I clicked on the link of the dude she tagged because: come on, of course I did. And... you guys, is Raven in a polyamorous relationship?

No judgment (outside of the fact that it's Raven, so JUDGMENT) but... I'm not crazy, right? It seems kind of like that?

The boyfriend in question works under the professional name “Patty Mayo”, and is well-known in certain circles for the (in-)authenticity of his YouTube clips.  Can’t speak for the third member of whateverdafuck is going on, as I’m not familiar with her...


... but so far as Raven and Patty go - the famewhoring, it is real.  😄 

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It looks like it will be an all-star season:


Frankie's coming back?  Nooooooo.... 🤢🤮


Meanwhile, the rumor mill is confident that Levassaur, Josh Martinez (BB19 Winner), Paul Abrahamian (BB18 Runner-Up, BB19 Runner-Up) and Ariana's brother Frankie Grande (BB16 5th Place) have actually all signed already


Edited by Gemma Violet
5 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

When I first looked at the boat picture I thought for a few seconds that it was Stephanie from 90 Day Finance! Okay, can't believe I'm saying something nice about Raven but in the picture above I really like her lipstick and want to know what brand/color it is.

I had the same thought at first and doubled checked what IG account I was looking at. And then I thought nah, the skirt is too long and the boobs aren't racked up to under her chin for prime staring for it to be Stephanie. 

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19 hours ago, Callaphera said:

This is from 4 days ago.

Raven broke her foot before All Stars 2 (that's so Raven). So unless they wanted to do A Christmas Story: The Squeaky Wheel Sequel, we can put a big X on her name. I'm so fucking heartbroken. Like she couldn't just wait to throw herself off a Skybridge for attention until we heard for sure that it would be BBUS: AS2? God, Raven. I'm so disappointed in you.

Your second biggest fan after your MENSA mom,

Not gonna lie, when I saw that picture, and her broken foot, I just started laughing. Of COURSE she has a broken foot.

I don't know what I want for a new season. I still have some OK thoughts about past contestants (Dan, Tyler, Derrick) so I really want them to stay the hell away so they don't ruin it, like every "beloved" contestant that gets recycled on The Bachelor, and erases all goodwill they once had.

But Swaggy, Baleigh, Josh? They've been somewhat tolerable on The Challenge, but that's with extremely limited screentime. And they were just ON Big Brother. 

Frankie? God, no. 

But a new season would definitely be a nice distraction from the current dumpster fire that is 2020.

And I admit I got excited seeing this thread get active again! Glad to see all the familiar names posting 🙂

Edited by CrazyDog
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3 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Not gonna lie, when I saw that picture, and her broken foot, I just started laughing. Of COURSE she has a broken foot.

Right? Before I opened IG to follow up on her, I thought: "I wonder what Raven is up to right now." I should have thought: "I wonder what injury Raven has inflicted on herself for attention and love." And even then I wouldn't have put money on a broken foot but it's Christmas in June all over again. 

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23 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

But Swaggy, Baleigh, Josh? They've been somewhat tolerable on The Challenge, but that's with extremely limited screentime.

And how can they do Big Brother when they're contracted with The Challenge? I thought BB20 was the birth of the stringent two-year non-compete clause. Because all three are literally on The Challenge. As in, tomorrow.

Do MTV contracts expire the second the show finishes airing? Or can CBS overrule them? I've never seen people go back and forth from CBS to MTV that quickly, even though they're ostensibly owned by the same company.

(Also: be right back, going to visit my prayer circle of one to get Jay back on Survivor).

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2 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said:

I know Miami is Josh. Who's going to do the grunt work to match up the rest? lol

I started to look into Queens, NY, realized that a large chunk of former HGs have come from or currently are in that area, snorted, and closed the browser window. I have way more important things to do, like... pet my cat and eat potato chips. Not at the same time. I don't want a hairball. 

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I’m not exactly sure why Derrick would want to play again. I thought he was totally over it and moved on. I guess he needs another $500,000 for the family. I’m not into an All Star season but I understand it’s easier then casting a bunch of newbies since you don’t know what the hell they’ve been doing for the past 5 months. The same could be said about the returnees but I think there is less concern from TPTB. There is also the chance it could be a shorter season and the returnees were okay with that. If they start now it could end by September just in time for the shows “not” returning. LOL!!!!!

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2 hours ago, threebluestars said:

Frankie AND Paul? Why does CBS hate me?

You know, I've put some thought into this and I don't know if Frankie and Paul in the same season would be the worst thing in the world. Now don't get me wrong, I still hate Frankie with a flaming passion and I still want to roast Paul in the leftover heat but both of these guys like to pretend they're running the show, both of them have extremely large egos, and both of them are stubborn assholes. They would clash. There's no way they would play for the same team - neither of them is going to play second fiddle to anyone else. It could actually be a lot of fun to watch them butt heads for awhile.

But really, I don't want either of them and this is just me trying to make the best of a bad situation and I still say we... well, saying "we riot" at a time when much more important protests and riots are happening seems a little icky so I guess we just complain about it online like most seasons. Maybe angry tweet a bit. Make sure that Frankie gets another OVERWHELMING NO if there's an America Votes. That could be fun again, too. 

Edited by Callaphera
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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't know how reliable that site is (I'm guessing not very) but it looks like they just got all their info off twitter like we did lol.


Toofab.com is related to TMZ.  I'm not sure how they're related, but TMZ promotes the heck out of it on their (TMZ's) website.  So I'm thinking the news is legit. 🙂 

Edited by Gemma Violet
3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

If they start now it could end by September just in time for the shows “not” returning. LOL!!!!!

This made me think that there's a possibility they could hold off and try to do BB in the fall when they might not have anything else to air.

4 hours ago, Eolivet said:

(Also: be right back, going to visit my prayer circle of one to get Jay back on Survivor).


1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

Make that circle of two! 

Counter thought, why don't we try to get Jay on BB? Sure, it's much lower brow, but he went on Ex on the Beach so it's not like he has standards. Plus, then you'd get to watch him all day, every day! He'd be like Tyler but actually fun, interesting, and attractive. (Sorry, Tyler fans!)

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Ha, the entire rookie class of Challenge 35, back on Big Brother. Throw Fessy in there! And Jennifer from Amazing Race (those shows have certainly cross-pollinated).

And while we're at it, bring Da'Vonne back, too!

1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

I rarely watch Survivor, so that was my first time seeing him

Go watch Millennials vs Gen X right now! Right now. @IndyMischa can vouch for me, it's an amazing season and Jay has a fantastic character arc and I'm getting all emotional again, argh.

Can't wait to find out who's actually on Big Brother 22!

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2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Go watch Millennials vs Gen X right now! Right now. @IndyMischa can vouch for me, it's an amazing season and Jay has a fantastic character arc and I'm getting all emotional again, argh.

True story!!

2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Can't wait to find out who's actually on Big Brother 22!

Same. And hopefully some of the rumors are incorrect. I don't know if I'll survive a season of Paul AND Frankie; that sounds like a recipe for a ragestroke.

I like your idea, @peachmangosteen. Can I have Malcolm and the wrestler Survivor from a couple of seasons ago, too??? #greedy

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