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S08.E15: Dames, Dogs and Danke

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So has Dorit and Teddi's restaurant debacle the catalyst that has now exposed Dorit's inability to be on time for anything? It's a running joke in the THs but even Dorit is showing up in scenes and having to apologize for her tardiness. Was she always walking in late for things in season 1 and no one really noticed because there was no Teddi like fiasco that came of it?

It's ironic that we began this season with Kyle getting offended at the idea of Dorit being Lisa's best friend and Lisa telling her personal things about her life yet we see completely forget about such a personal relationship in Lisa's life that she has apparently mentioned to Kyle a million of times before, lol. I do believe that Kyle was just having a momentary lapse of judgement but what really surprised me was Erika's shade toward Kyle for not remembering while she did. I think that outside of Yolanda, Kyle was Erika's closest relationship and a part of me is convinced that had the beach house incident not happened, I don't think Erika would have ever tried to shade Kyle like that. 

i was surprised by the way Rinna quickly interpreted Lisa's comments into something negative because I had mentioned the same thing earlier this season about how Rinna isn't as engaged and participating in as many group and small group scenes as before yet I had not for a second thought it was anything to do with trying to keep a low profile and not be a part of drama. It seems that she immediately thought Lisa was questioning why she's withdrawn from the drama but I've also seen a different, more subdued Rinna. She hasn't been hypocritically in your face like the past two seasons, but she also hasn't been the loud, but fun and outgoing Rinna that we saw in her first season.  

I don't think the Lisas genuinely hate each other. I think they are weary of each other and enjoy jabbing at each other but they can still have fun in each other's company and keep things light hearted for the most part. I doubt either will ever behave to the extent of falling into Brandi territory with each other. 

  • Love 16

Well, I don't comment on people's 'looks' unless they are specifically doing something to promote it.  I find in life that quick conclusions about people's 'beauty' or 'attractiveness' is short sighted.  Beauty comes from within.  Someone may not seem to be attractive at first sight but can become extremely attractive when you get to know them.  People may not think that Edwin is 'attractive' but as we're seeing more and more of him and his interactions with Teddi, I think his looks are improving - sometimes you have to go on beyond the 'shallow'.  And on the other hand, sometimes you have to go beyond the camera.  Some people look really ugly in front of the camera but are extremely good looking in person.  Some people look great on camera and look meh in person.

On another note, I think that LVP's poking of LR is getting old.  Now, some would say that LR does it too but IMO LR doesn't do it anywhere as much as LVP does it.  I'm not keeping a score card but that's my impression.  

Lastly, what is all this love for Erika Jane by celebrities about?  Watching WWHL last night.  I don't get it.  Maybe they're all mean girls too.   

  • Love 12

Kyle and LVP were in first class which allows you to have the divide that goes to the ceiling

Technically, there are no seats, in first or business class, that has a divide that goes to the ceiling.

Does anyone have any screen shots of the women on the way to Berlin? I am curious to look again and see what seats they are in, I missed that the first time around.

Rinna did fly United business class to Tokyo.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, ghoulina said:

 Some people can't help it, though. Crying isn't always about garnering sympathy or playing the victim. I'm a very emotional person. I wish I could turn it off. Even the slightest disagreement and I start tearing up. It's just that if ANY emotion starts to come out, so do the tears. I began crying once in a staff meeting because I was so angry at this other woman. Anger makes me cry, especially if I'm trying to hold back and compose myself. It's embarrassing. I think Kyle is very emotional like me. I don't really see her as intentionally crying to look better; it's just what happens. 

I tend to hold it all in and then something innocuous will make my eyes tear up a little for no reason and it pisses me off and then the flood gates open.  Or if I get super angry I'll cry, especially if I'm trying to not show I'm angry.


18 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

A twenty-something woman having sex with a sixty-something man kind of nauseates me. 

Probably editing, but Dorit shoving popcorn into her face while this documentary about something so horrific is beginning... geez.  

Also, how over-the-top a reaction to someone offering you Sour Patch Kids: I love you!!! You are SO much fun!!!! You are the BEST person in the world to go see a movie with!!!!

How unfortunate that all of Kyle’s children with Mauricio look exactly like Mauricio. 

I want Rinna to advise Ramona, Sonja, Bethenny and LuAnn on how a RH should conduct themselves on TV. You are supposed to be role models for your children!!

Some people just love Sour Patch Kids.  They are delicious.


13 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Yeah, didn't she admit for their trip (to Japan?) last year that she did have her own "glam squad"?  They just aren't regular characters on the show, like Mikey. (and for that, I am thankful). 


Yep I definitely remember her dog from last season, because I thought he was so gorgeous!  <3 

LOL You should have seen the ridiculously long list I left for my in-laws when we went away to Ireland/Scotland in September... for our DOG!!  My FIL (who is truly an awesome, kind man--but grew up in the "country" where animals were mostly kept outside to hunt, etc) looked at me like I had 2 heads when he saw the list.   I can only IMAGINE how extensive a list is for human children!!  

I bought a label maker just so I could label my dogs' stuff when I went on vacation.  And there's a multi-page color coded list.  The boarding facility acts like it is no big deal and everyone is like that, but then they don't follow half the instructions and I feel like an asshole calling from half way across the world to make sure my dogs got their ear drops.  I went out of town for the weekend last month and left them with my mom instead of boarding them and I could tell she wasn't thrilled with all the instructions, but she's lucky their medical routine is really easy right now -- one has 2 different pills and one has some ear drops.  I've had one of them have so many different pills at different times and on different days that I had to make a chart to keep track.

13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Kyle's smug TH that she bet that Lisa didn't know her grandmother's name was annoying because if Kyle talks about her grandmother as much as LVP apparently talks about hers I bet she does know her name. Erika and Rinna both looked genuinely shocked that Kyle didn't know and she even asked in a rwally bitchy way.

I'm not even LVP's friend, just some dumdum watching her on TV ,and even I know who Nanny Kay is.

6 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

They are gone for 4 days and these bitches need trunks and/or entire suitcase sets?  I went to Europe for 15 days and took a carry on backpack bag and a smaller "purse." That's it.  And Erika has to take her  . . . whatever he is . . . stylist? . . . assistant? . . . because she can't manage to brush her own hair and put her own damn clothes on?  Jeebus, come on!  I used to like Erika but God almighty, she is a high maintenance PITA.

To be fair, getting her in and out of that red latex top is probably a 3 person job.

  • Love 13
14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I think it did have a negative impact, she had more than normal in the clearance section during that time. She was known for selling out and that was not happening. QVC believes in her and they stuck though it with her hoping things got better and they have. 

I'm just one person, but I stopped watching Rinner on QVC after last season.  I had bought a couple of her clothes in the past and would have bought the sweater duster.  

So that's 49.99 less in her bank account. :)

Probably more money, but I don't know because I stopped looking for her shows.

Mom calls me occasionally to tell me "That Lisa Rinna has a cute sweater duster you might like" (that's why I know about the sweater duster) and I have to patiently explain that after watching Rinner and how smug and nasty she was on the Hong Kong junk boat, that I wasn't interested in subsidizing her on camera bikini waxes anymore.

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

On another note, I think that LVP's poking of LR is getting old.  Now, some would say that LR does it too but IMO LR doesn't do it anywhere as much as LVP does it. 

LR gets her jabs in during her THs.  It's usually about LVP's age, which I find annoying.  Maybe LVP is getting back at her for having seen her do this in past seasons.  She can safely assume that LR is dissing her in the current season, even though she isn't privy to the TH during said season. 

8 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I do believe that Kyle was just having a momentary lapse of judgement but what really surprised me was Erika's shade toward Kyle for not remembering while she did.

I was willing to give Kyle the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe she blurted out "who?" because she wasn't really paying attention to the conversation, but in her TH she said that LVP probably never mentioned her grandmother to her, so I'm of the opinion that Kyle is either very forgetful, or listens to people without really hearing them.  

  • Love 14
15 hours ago, BBHN said:

It's possible Bravo is picking the hotels based on the best corporate rate/discount they can get for each hotel. Unless the smaller boutique/B&B is part of a large hotel chain, they might not get that.

Also, smaller hotels means smaller rooms, lobbies, etc, which could make group scenes harder to film, logistically.

More likely, they are going to go with whoever is going to comp the rooms or actually pay Bravo to put the girls up in exchange for the advertising that they get from the show.  A smaller boutique hotel wouldn't be able to absorb those costs as easily as a larger chain. 

Some of the chains will have a local feel.  The Ritz in Dubai has a very Arabic feel.  There are two large chains in India (the Taj and the Leela) that feel very Indian.  I've done the B&B in France and I've done the castle in Ireland. You don't get the same amenities (minus the castle but it was actually owned by a large American company).  So, while you think you are getting an "authentic and local" experience, it isn't necessarily so. 

12 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

Those lie flat sleepers (that they were all filmed in) are available in Business Class. I know because I'm looking at using them for my next trip to Europe. And Business Class ain't exactly cheap.

Yep, you can get the lie flats on Business in most of the Middle Eastern airlines and a couple of the European ones.  It is the American ones that suck, honestly.  

7 hours ago, BBHN said:

Technically, there are no seats, in first or business class, that has a divide that goes to the ceiling.

Does anyone have any screen shots of the women on the way to Berlin? I am curious to look again and see what seats they are in, I missed that the first time around.

Rinna did fly United business class to Tokyo.

I know Etihad and Emirates have the divide.  If you aren't looking closely, you might think the divide goes up to the ceiling but it stops a couple of inches short of the overhead baggage.  Now, if you are staying in the First Residence on Etihad, you have two rooms, one of which is completely enclosed (the bedroom). 

I wasn't watching that closely.  What airline did they fly to Berlin?  If it was Lufthansa, it doesn't have the divides at the aisle like Emirates and Etihad.  It just has the pull-up divide between the two in the middle that only goes up partway. 

  • Love 8

I know Etihad and Emirates have the divide.  If you aren't looking closely, you might think the divide goes up to the ceiling but it stops a couple of inches short of the overhead baggage.

Etihad's new first class is the only suite in first class where the walls of the suite hit the ceiling in first.

Whether in first or business, on practically every other airline and cabin, as we both said, the divider doesn't touch the ceiling.

It's hard to guess what airline they took, as there are no direct flights between Los Angeles and Berlin. Berlin as it is only offers 2 direct flights to the US, on United to Newark, and a seasonal flight on Delta to JFK.


Now, if you are staying in the First Residence on Etihad, you have two rooms, one of which is completely enclosed (the bedroom). 

Yeah, but that is a step beyond first class ;)

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

LR gets her jabs in during her THs.  It's usually about LVP's age, which I find annoying.  Maybe LVP is getting back at her for having seen her do this in past seasons.  She can safely assume that LR is dissing her in the current season, even though she isn't privy to the TH during said season. 

I was willing to give Kyle the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe she blurted out "who?" because she wasn't really paying attention to the conversation, but in her TH she said that LVP probably never mentioned her grandmother to her, so I'm of the opinion that Kyle is either very forgetful, or listens to people without really hearing them.  

I don't think LVP's jabs in her THs are due to lessons learned in the past about how Rinna talks about her. They aren't on the same 'side' anymore therefore they both know that when the opportunity arises, taking jabs at each other is on the table. I would be surprised if either made a big deal about what was said about one another in their THs unless it was a comment that was really nasty and disheartening (ex. if LVP tried to take a jab at Rinna via her kids or if Rinna tried to jab at LVP by discrediting her feelings about losing her dogs, etc.). I think it would have to be something particularly personal for either of them to make a stink about what the other is saying.

I must have missed that comment that Kyle made in her TH. I did give her some side eye when she made the comment about how LVP probably wouldn't know her grandma but the question is whether Kyle talks about her grandma frequently, otherwise it's not a fair comparison.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 6

In a physics sense, I don't get how a bathing-suit bottom could lift an ass unless the bathing suit fully covers the whole ass to kind of give it a hoist at the points where the bum cheeks meet the thighs. If it's cut to show off some cheek, like Dorit's designs were, then the (allegedly) supportive fabric would pull only part of the ass upward and create a lumpy mess (sort of like when a demi bra creates "bifocal boob"!). I don't know if I am articulating this well.

And, yeah--what's with the random capital C in Erica's name?

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

Etihad's new first class is the only suite in first class where the walls of the suite hit the ceiling in first.

Whether in first or business, on practically every other airline and cabin, as we both said, the divider doesn't touch the ceiling.

It's hard to guess what airline they took, as there are no direct flights between Los Angeles and Berlin. Berlin as it is only offers 2 direct flights to the US, on United to Newark, and a seasonal flight on Delta to JFK.

Yeah, but that is a step beyond first class ;)

I dream of flying in the First Residence.  LOL. 

3 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

What's with the random capital C in Erica's name?

Italia, oh I'm sorry, it looks like it is sol y luna, likes to poke fun at the spelling of Ericka's name. 

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Why is a C funny though to these (or this) commenter(s)? 

The language patterns make me think it is the same poster but Ericka just bugs some people and so they pick on anything and everything.  To each their own. 

1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

Hah! Do you think a number like this would sell out on QVC?



  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Maybe on Evine...

Yes, she might even do better than the No Longer A Countess Collection.

Danielle Schneider from Bitch Sesh was on WWHL and she was wearing the hideous lace jumpsuit Lu was selling - she pointed out the fact that it had a low crotch. She also had on a Lynne Curtain cuff for $100 which was 5 times the value of the jumpsuit at $19.99. Bwahahahahaha

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

I loved Casey on Happy Endings and The Real Hotwives - she's so funny.  I did not realize she had a podcast - going to search it out! 

They're on SoundCloud


I remember Casey in Gone Girl as the neighbor who thought she was BFF's with the missing wife

  • Love 5
On 3/28/2018 at 9:31 AM, UsernameFatigue said:

Regarding Dorito's swimwear line, I believe they showed (maybe last year?) a clip of her swimwear line from a few years ago. It was a short runway clip, and those suits looked just as ill fitting as the ones shown on this episode. The busts were saggy (I remember one in particular where the bust was too big for the model wearing it), and the bums saggy as well. The material seems to not have any structure and is very flimsy. Someone upthread posted that on the runway the models wear tape to keep the suits in place. In the clip shown the suits were bunching both in the front and back, and it was hard to tell how it they were actually supposed to fit. 

Here is the clip--I think they showed Dorit speaking without an accent.  

 I didn't see an ill fitting suit in the lot.  The only flimsy material were the gauzy cover-ups which are pretty common in swim wear lines.  Dorit would have a hard time topping the models she had for her circa 2013 line.  Surprising to me is the suits were surprisingly modest.  No thongs.  I didn't see any bunching of the suits.  Perhaps if Teddi or someone more likable would have designed the suits the critique would differ.

To me it just indicates Dorit really is into fashion and just doesn't put her name on just anything.  Of course who would have ever wanted a Dorit before she was a RH.

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Brian Moylan mentioned in his recap that his boyfriend is a plane enthusiast and told Brian that Lisa and Kyle are flying in first class and that everyone else is in business. That includes Erika, the woman who organized this trip and owns two private jets. 

I wonder how that gets decided, and who pays for it.

No way ! That's weird. Ericka wouldn't spring for everyone and if Bravo was paying Ericka wouldn't spring for the upgrade? Come on. 

16 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

  And what kind of a moron is she that she didn't realize you can't take Tamiflu and Xyrtec together?  No wonder she was puking all the way from LA to Berlin. Gah. Couldn't happen to a judgier person.


I love Rinna. I can't help it. I do. 

It was Zithromax (an antibiotic) and Tammy Flu  (Tamiflu is an antiviral) I think the Dr was surprised someone would prescribe an antiviral and an antibiotic together without an actual diagnosis.  I love Rinna too she makes me laugh and can laugh at herself.  

11 hours ago, nexxie said:

imo Teddi is refreshing, not pretentious - RH egomaniacs are so used to hiding bad behavior behind a load of shit, it’s good for them to be called on it.

I love that she brings the dramz via accountability and calling people on stuff without hairpulling and vulgarity.  A novel approach in HW territory! 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

In a physics sense, I don't get how a bathing-suit bottom could lift an ass unless the bathing suit fully covers the whole ass to kind of give it a hoist at the points where the bum cheeks meet the thighs. If it's cut to show off some cheek, like Dorit's designs were, then the (allegedly) supportive fabric would pull only part of the ass upward and create a lumpy mess (sort of like when a demi bra creates "bifocal boob"!). I don't know if I am articulating this well.

And, yeah--what's with the random capital C in Erica's name?

I thought maybe she meant it just optically makes the butt look higher due to a trick of the cut.   


3 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

The language patterns make me think it is the same poster but Ericka just bugs some people and so they pick on anything and everything.  To each their own. 


No talk of working out 6 days a week, so might be a different poster.  I can't remember if that's also the one that always says homely and loser in every post since I've made use of the ignore feature.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I don't think LVP's jabs in her THs are due to lessons learned in the past about how Rinna talks about her. They aren't on the same 'side' anymore therefore they both know that when the opportunity arises, taking jabs at each other is on the table. I would be surprised if either made a big deal about what was said about one another in their THs unless it was a comment that was really nasty and disheartening (ex. if LVP tried to take a jab at Rinna via her kids or if Rinna tried to jab at LVP by discrediting her feelings about losing her dogs, etc.). I think it would have to be something particularly personal for either of them to make a stink about what the other is saying.

I must have missed that comment that Kyle made in her TH. I did give her some side eye when she made the comment about how LVP probably wouldn't know her grandma but the question is whether Kyle talks about her grandma frequently, otherwise it's not a fair comparison.

Kyle was kind of mixing apples and oranges.  She asked who Nanny K was.  It seemed pretty obvious from the clips LVP had just recently mentioned Nanny K.  Other clues would be a British woman speaking of the bombings during WWII.    If Kyle said "Big Kathy", and LVP asked who is Big Kathy that would be a fair comparison.  Kyle's grandma lived with her and her first name was Dodo. 

I am surprised Kyle didn;t think LVP was talking about Juliet Mills from "Nanny and the Professor".  I was kind of proud of LVP for calling out Kyle.  By Kyle asking who Nanny K was she was minimizing LVP's story and stealing a little of LVP's thunder.  

  • Love 10
32 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is the clip--I think they showed Dorit speaking without an accent.  

 I didn't see an ill fitting suit in the lot.  The only flimsy material were the gauzy cover-ups which are pretty common in swim wear lines.  Dorit would have a hard time topping the models she had for her circa 2013 line.  Surprising to me is the suits were surprisingly modest.  No thongs.  I didn't see any bunching of the suits.  Perhaps if Teddi or someone more likable would have designed the suits the critique would differ.

To me it just indicates Dorit really is into fashion and just doesn't put her name on just anything.  Of course who would have ever wanted a Dorit before she was a RH.

I think usernamefatigue is referring to the pics posted on the Bravo site when Dorit had her Beverly Beach fashion show in Culver City back in October of 2017. They also had a video of Dorit showing off bathing suits she kept in a plastic tub from 2012.

I went back to the page and a bunch of the pics from the show are gone but this one is still there - this is from the Culver City show


The fit is saggy and hideous. There were a bunch of other pics too with the same issue but those are gone from the site.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, sadiebyuca said:

Calling everyone out to make them "accountable" makes her pretentious, which really, really annoys me. 

Odd. I find Teddi to be the least pretentious of bunch. Considering her father John Cougar Mellencamp is more famous than all the BH HoWives combined, Teddi is surprisingly relatable and grounded. Often she's the voice of reason and serves as the Greek chorus for this franchise. 

  • Love 24
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Danielle Schneider from Bitch Sesh was on WWHL and she was wearing the hideous lace jumpsuit Lu was selling - she pointed out the fact that it had a low crotch. She also had on a Lynne Curtain cuff for $100 which was 5 times the value of the jumpsuit at $19.99. Bwahahahahaha

They had a bottle of "The Agency" bottled water also.

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think usernamefatigue is referring to the pics posted on the Bravo site when Dorit had her Beverly Beach fashion show in Culver City back in October of 2017. They also had a video of Dorit showing off bathing suits she kept in a plastic tub from 2012.

I went back to the page and a bunch of the pics from the show are gone but this one is still there - this is from the Culver City show


The fit is saggy and hideous. There were a bunch of other pics too with the same issue but those are gone from the site.

OMG - terrible! The cut is eeeesh, as it is, but the ill-fitting top of this suit is unforgivable. Dear god!

I don't know if anyone else here has a close friend or relative who has started their own business, but I do and I have clothing and random crap with their logo on it coming out of my ears. It's not surprising to me that Mauricio and family are walking around with all that stuff.

That German doctor was the best character in this episode.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

OMG - terrible! The cut is eeeesh, as it is, but the ill-fitting top of this suit is unforgivable. Dear god!

I don't know if anyone else here has a close friend or relative who has started their own business, but I do and I have clothing and random crap with their logo on it coming out of my ears. It's not surprising to me that Mauricio and family are walking around with all that stuff.

That German doctor was the best character in this episode.

The look he gave Dorit - I think the look was saying Du blöder Idiot

I was surprised Dorit had Tamiflu. This is not dispensed at least here on the East Coast unless they have tested a sputum sample and it comes up positive for the flu. Not sure when this was filmed but during the flu epidemic - it was often hard to get even if you had a prescription.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

 I didn't see an ill fitting suit in the lot.  The only flimsy material were the gauzy cover-ups which are pretty common in swim wear lines.  Dorit would have a hard time topping the models she had for her circa 2013 line.  Surprising to me is the suits were surprisingly modest.  No thongs.  I didn't see any bunching of the suits.  Perhaps if Teddi or someone more likable would have designed the suits the critique would differ.

To me it just indicates Dorit really is into fashion and just doesn't put her name on just anything.  Of course who would have ever wanted a Dorit before she was a RH.

I do think that the samples we saw in this episode weren't fitted well but I also think it's because they are clearly sample designs and not fully fitted and runway ready. However, I do agree with you regarding the 2013 line. I thought the fit was great on all of the models that was walking the runway.  I didn't mind the designs, colours or fabrics either (aside from the second suit that was shown). With swimwear in particular, there's not much reinventing the wheel when it comes to designs. You may borrow from previous trends but I can't remember if there's ever been a time recent enough that I saw a swimwear design and said to myself 'wow I've never seen that before.

I've seen the final products on her website and truthfully, they're cute to me. I didn't go through everything but I would have liked some more options that have more vibrant, summery patterns. What I like about her collection is that there are a number of bikinis and one pieces that are designed to accommodate a variety of body types.

  • Love 3

Pikachu, too? Damn.


I don't get LVP's issue with Rinna being "less engaged".

It seemed to me that LVP was just making the same observation about Rinna that viewers have made all season.


How unfortunate that all of Kyle’s children with Mauricio look exactly like Mauricio. 

Also, at least one of them (Sophie?) speaks with the same nasally voice. Hopefully, she/they will grow out of it.


Erika needing her glam squad just to have a drink in the hotel bar is ridiculous.

Totally, but this is a woman whose persona of choice is glitter-covered icicle. Charismatic, unique, nervy and talented she isn't, no matter what her necklace says.


...Ericka just bugs some people and so they pick on anything and everything. 


  • Love 12

I thought maybe she meant it just optically makes the butt look higher due to a trick of the cut.   

Ohhhhhhh, you might have a point there. But, yikes, I think it would do the exact opposite; if your ass is supposed to be at the top of your legs, but you are extending your legs up to waist level by the trickery of a high cut, wouldn't your ass then look lower than it should? 

Also, in the late '80s and early '90s, high-cut swimsuit bottoms were a big thing. But when I see photos of myself then, all I see is what looks to be a vast horizontal expanse of hips that I didn't actually even have (I was at most 98 pounds then)! 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

In a physics sense, I don't get how a bathing-suit bottom could lift an ass unless the bathing suit fully covers the whole ass to kind of give it a hoist at the points where the bum cheeks meet the thighs. If it's cut to show off some cheek, like Dorit's designs were, then the (allegedly) supportive fabric would pull only part of the ass upward and create a lumpy mess (sort of like when a demi bra creates "bifocal boob"!). I don't know if I am articulating this well.

And, yeah--what's with the random capital C in Erica's name?

I think the capital C is an homage to Ericka's favorite wrd. 

4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Hah! Do you think a number like this would sell out on QVC?


Obviously you don't watch QVC because the answer would be: Oh hell yes!

If Quacker Factory and Kirks Folly can sell their stuff out, then there's a market for Christmas paper wrapping blouses!

No offense to the Quacker Fairy fans.

1 hour ago, film noire said:

LOL  (And yes!  It could double as a satin case to store Cuntkins ; )

I can't even!

To quote Facebook:

I'm glad I met you people at the age I did because my mom would never have let me play with you assholes! 

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I was willing to give Kyle the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe she blurted out "who?" because she wasn't really paying attention to the conversation, but in her TH she said that LVP probably never mentioned her grandmother to her, so I'm of the opinion that Kyle is either very forgetful, or listens to people without really hearing them.  

I thought what she said in her TH was that LVP never really mentioned her grandmother by name; that she always said "my grandmother". So it was the "Nanny Kay" part that threw her. 


2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

It was Zithromax (an antibiotic) and Tammy Flu  (Tamiflu is an antiviral) I think the Dr was surprised someone would prescribe an antiviral and an antibiotic together without an actual diagnosis.

That WAS weird. I wonder if she even saw a doctor. Maybe she has some shady doc in her back pocket and called him up right before the trip - "Hey, I'm not feeling well at all and I'm about to leave for Berlin. Can you call something in for me". Without knowing what exactly was wrong, he called in both to cover all bases? I know that sounds awful, but I used to be a pharmacy tech and there are some VERY shady doctors out there. 


1 hour ago, Otherkate said:

I don't know if anyone else here has a close friend or relative who has started their own business, but I do and I have clothing and random crap with their logo on it coming out of my ears. It's not surprising to me that Mauricio and family are walking around with all that stuff.

Reminds me of Tom's E720 days on Parks and Recreation. Next thing you know, Mauricio will be giving out Agency umbrellas and fireplace bellows. 


1 hour ago, jaync said:

It seemed to me that LVP was just making the same observation about Rinna that viewers have made all season.

Yea, but she seemed to be saying it a negative way. I actually thought it started out well, as if she was proud of Rinna for staying out of drama this year. But the more she kept talking about the lack of engagement, it began to sound accusatory and as if she was complaining about Rinna not being around or talking as much. That's why I felt, "You can't have your cake and eat it too." Either you're glad Rinna has simmered or you're not. 


37 minutes ago, Christi said:

Honestly, my biggest takeaway from this episode is all all the idiot cast going into a documentary about animal torture, making sure they have all their candy and popcorn.  WTF?  I cant believe they even sold food there, let alone these mormons but it, when they know the subject matter.  I am speechless.

That was weird. But was it a film festival? Maybe Lisa's doc wasn't the only one shown? 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

thought what she said in her TH was that LVP never really mentioned her grandmother by name; that she always said "my grandmother". So it was the "Nanny Kay" part that threw her. 

I don't remember that and from the clips and the other reaction she clearly routinely calls her Nanny Kay, you can tell that is how she refers to her wjen she tells her stories. Kyle just doesn't listen.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is the clip--I think they showed Dorit speaking without an accent.  

 I didn't see an ill fitting suit in the lot.  The only flimsy material were the gauzy cover-ups which are pretty common in swim wear lines.  Dorit would have a hard time topping the models she had for her circa 2013 line.  Surprising to me is the suits were surprisingly modest.  No thongs.  I didn't see any bunching of the suits.  Perhaps if Teddi or someone more likable would have designed the suits the critique would differ.

To me it just indicates Dorit really is into fashion and just doesn't put her name on just anything.  Of course who would have ever wanted a Dorit before she was a RH.

 Who would want a Dorit now? Lol.  No ill fitting suits? The very first suit - the yellow bikini - had the middle of the bottom of the suit bunching badly, and the bottom of it giving the model a wedgie. In another flowerered suit, the models cheeks were bouncing as there wasn't enough material to cover even half of them. In a black high wasted 2 piece, the top of the bottom was bunching. and the bottom also giving the model a wedgie. So though I don't think there were intentional thongs, there were thongs nevertheless. Lol. 

But yes as KungFooBunny has posted, it appears the one I was thinking of with the ill fitting top (and flimsy material) was from the Beverly Beach collection. Yikes! That would indicate to me that Dorito does put her name on just anything, since it appears most others are doing the work in the Beverly Beach collection. 

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10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


Yea, but she seemed to be saying it a negative way. I actually thought it started out well, as if she was proud of Rinna for staying out of drama this year. But the more she kept talking about the lack of engagement, it began to sound accusatory and as if she was complaining about Rinna not being around or talking as much. That's why I felt, "You can't have your cake and eat it too." Either you're glad Rinna has simmered or you're not. 


That is what she was saying! She wasn't saying that Rinna isn't fighting/spouting off/mixing it up with them but that she has been MIA and that when she is around, she just sits there for the most part, not talking/joking around.

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