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Shipper Wars: Favorite And Least Favorite TV Couples

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16 hours ago, Winter Rose said:

I also hated Jackass Shephard! I didn't even like Juliet but I hated that he used her to make Kate jealous. And that Kate was actually torn over him reflected just as badly on her. I think the epic saga of Jack/Kate can be summed up by: Jack yells, Kate cries, the end.


I loved Jack!  He was a torn & complex character, thanks to his parents.  But I'll give you that he had zero chemistry with Juliet.  Then again, neither did Sawyer IMHO.

To me Jack & Sawyer had more chemistry, and I almost never slash.

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I second whoever said Ted Mosby, who became such an annoying douchebag that he didn't deserve a great gal like The Mother. And Robin was no prize either: in the end, she just wanted what she couldn't have.

I also hate Marge Simpson. I don't understand how a character so vapid and petty -- and with such an annoying voice to boot-- could somehow wind up with so many male admirers. If one of them actually succeeded in winning her away from Homer, they'd get bored of her in less than a year.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Going way back,  Odo and Major Kira on Deep Space Nine.  I never felt the chemistry.

And going even further back, I never felt any chemistry with Troi and Riker.


I second whoever said Ted Mosby...

Third.  I Netflixed this last year so I was completely spoiled.  Ted was Anti-chemistry personified , especially with Robin. 

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Here from the SatC marathon forum!

In no particular order:

1.  Carrie & Aiden, SatC

2.  Kate & anyone, Lost

3.  Lorelei & Luke, Gilmore Girls

4.  Rory & anyone but Logan, Gilmore Girls

5.  Sookie & Beeeeelllll, True Blood

6.  Don & the Waitress, Mad Men

7.  Joey & Rachel, Friends

8.  McCoy & Kincaid, Law & Order

9.  Gil & Sara, CSI

I'm sure I'll come up with more later

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On 8/5/2016 at 1:12 PM, Princess Sparkle said:

I'm sure I'll think of others, but Damon fucking Salvatore.  I hate, hate, HATE how we were supposed to find him all "bad boy with feelings" charming.  Barf.  Same goes for Spike after they had him lusting after Buffy - he was a much better character before all of that.  

And while I liked the characters of Ross and Rachel separately on Friends, I hated them together.  When they dated other people, I liked them a thousand times better. 

Damon Salvatore was the first name I thought of once I saw the topic. Elena gets/got a lot of flock (most of it deserving) for that relationship but to me Damon was the absolute worst thing to have happened to her. 


Jake from Scandal is another terrible love interest that seems to get overlooked because to some as long as he's not Fitz, he's good. But I'll never forget how he started sleeping with Olivia while spying on her and then later grabbing her by the neck.

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On 8/6/2016 at 1:37 PM, caci said:

Going way back,  Odo and Major Kira on Deep Space Nine.  

Yeah, that was one weird pairing. It was like, "Well, we can't pair her with Jadzia, even though they have off-the-chart chemistry, because lesbians, so we'll stick her with jello man."

23 hours ago, Sweet Tee said:

Speaking of Star Trek, Worf and anyone.  I just didn't feel it with anyone he was involved with.  And it was worth Jadzia being killed off so I didn't have to see that relationship anymore.

Again with the Klingons! Actually, I thought Worf and Deanna Troi made an interesting match. I didn't like Picard with anyone other than Beverly, and they totally wussed out of that one.

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Unfortunately, Castle and Beckett on Castle. The pair had amazing chemistry pre-hook up, but once they got married, the couple became a shadow of its former self. I know a lot of that had to with off-camera tension between the actors, but it still saddens me.

Joan and William on Girlfriends. What I liked is that it took only one episode for Joan and William to realize that they were great at being best friends but were horrible as lovers. 

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Gemma Teller-Morrow.

Any male character currently on The Bold and The Beautiful. 

Sam Winchester. (mainly because of the high mortality rate)

Lori Grimes.

and even though it's a movie, I've only seen it on tv. WTF is so great about Ashley Wilkes ?

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19 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

Lori Grimes.

The Zombie Apocalypse did Rick the biggest favor of his life by killing off Lori. Horrible wife, horrible mother, and a terrible human being. I have no pity for a woman that not only fucks her husband's best friend, but also continues to give mixed signals to the guy, even after HE TRIES TO RAPE HER.

Shane deserves to be on the Worst TV Love a Interest list as well. He thought he was "so much better for Lori and Carl" that he tried to kill Rick twice. What a guy.

4 hours ago, allyw said:

Jake from Scandal is another terrible love interest that seems to get overlooked because to some as long as he's not Fitz, he's good. But I'll never forget how he started sleeping with Olivia while spying on her and then later grabbing her by the neck.

Aside from the senator she was engaged to, ALL of Olivia's boyfriends were awful. Jake is a psychopath and a murderer. And Fitz...well, again, I think we are all past the point of explanation for why he sucks.

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I knew there was another in me!!!  Nick and Jess, New Girl.  Nick is such a complete mess I don't want to see him with anyone.  Also I just hate the way that TV shows feel the need to hook up friends.  I have plenty of male friends I've never hooked up with in life!

Will I get yelled at if I admit to crying like a baby when Jadzia died??? 

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On 05/08/2016 at 9:09 PM, cpcathy said:

I hated Ross and Rachel together too, just no chemistry, certainly not enough to keep them on and off for nine years.

Rachel was a great character, one of my favourites on the show.... Except when she was with Ross. All that romantic melodrama just didn't fit, and they really didn't have much chemistry. It still irks me that the writers threw them back together right at the end of the final episode, as a sop to their fans, when they'd spent about two years moving on from one another.

Anyway, I have to say that Spike is one of my top nominations for this. The last few seasons of Buffy just feel seedy, with that manipulative, exploitative, mutually shameful escapade, which is then meant to be considered some great romance. It ruined Spike utterly as a character, and went a long way to ruining Buffy too.

Edited by Danny Franks
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1 hour ago, Danny Franks said:

Anyway, I have to say that Spike is one of my top nominations for this. The last few seasons of Buffy just feel seedy, with that manipulative, exploitative, mutually shameful escapade, which is then meant to be considered some great romance. It ruined Spike utterly as a character, and went a long way to ruining Buffy too.

ITA. Angel was far from perfect, but he wasn't as bad as Spike. However, he and Cordelia wasn't wonderful. I never felt they had much reason even to associate with each other, let alone fall in love.

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Angel and Cordelia was a head scratcher.  I didn't ship Angel with Buffy so I had no investment in him loving only Buffy but he made no sense with Cordy.  It's a shame they had them go there because I actually thought they had nice chemistry as friends the first couple of seasons of Angel.  Then they went and screwed it up.

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Kate and Sawyer and Juliet and Jack from LOST. I much preferred Kate with no one (I am not a Kate fan) and Juliet with Sawyer. Nick and Juliet from Grimm. The Doctor and Rose from Doctor Who.


I am drawing a blank, but I know there are more that I have bitched about.

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Chuck Bass! From trying to rape a girl in the first episode to selling Blair for a hotel, then trying to turn it around and blame it on her, to drunkenly punching glass that shatters and cuts Blair (which the writers tried to excuse as he would never "intentionally" hurt her). There's "bad boy" characters but this was something else.

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Fred and Wesley from Angel.  I hated Fred for the way she treated Gunn and how she used the fact that Gunn committed the murder that SHE HERSELF had planned for the professor that ruined her life to turn her attentions to Wesley.  And Wesley was pretentious douchebag that never owned up to any of his faults, and instead just blamed the consequences of his own actions on others.  Not to mention the fact that he was actively trying to steal Fred from Gunn.

Gunn deserved better, but those two definitely deserved each other.

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6 hours ago, Joe said:

ITA. Angel was far from perfect, but he wasn't as bad as Spike. However, he and Cordelia wasn't wonderful. I never felt they had much reason even to associate with each other, let alone fall in love.

I bought them as friends, after it evolved on the show. The pilot episode had Cordelia latching onto Angel after her own life had gone down the tubes, and they just grew into that friendship. The romance thing? Yeah, it never really made sense. I'm not sure whose idea it was, or why they thought it would work. In fact, seasons 3 and 4 of Angel were just full of stupid ideas that should never have been introduced (Connor being chief amongst them).

Fred/Wesley never worked, nor did Wesley/Lila, so the show really never did well with romance (especially not involving Wesley).

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Robin and anyone, How I Met Your Mother. I really grew to dislike her character; I thought she became a horrible, shrieking harpy over the course of the show. And from the way Ted and Barney both mooned over her, it was like she was Helen of Troy. Ugh. Thank god I quit watching before that last season. 

Samantha and Jack, Without a Trace. For the entire run of the show, they kept alluding to the affair they'd had before the show started, and I never thought the 2 of them had any romantic chemistry together. They were good as friends, though.

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2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

In fact, seasons 3 and 4 of Angel were just full of stupid ideas that should never have been introduced (Connor being chief amongst them).

I resent that remark. :-P

And since no one's said it yet, Buffy Summers is the front-runner in this thread, IMO, if only because her crappy romantic choices adversely affected almost everyone in her immediate circle, up to and including getting some of them killed.

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

I will never, ever EVER understand what any man saw in Carrie Bradshaw.

Plus, she was the least "writerly" writer I have ever come across. Most writers I know (well, the good ones) are huge readers and unbelievably curious. Carrie only seemed to read Vogue magazine and she had all the curiosity of a Mahnolo Blahnik shoe.

And Mr. Big's appeal was completely lost on me. I much preferred Aiden.

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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 3:58 PM, cpcathy said:

Not to mention that as a supposed writer about sex, she was a total prude! I know the "wearing a bra during sex" thing was so SJP didn't show us any skin, but it just made no sense.

Yep, isn't the bra one of the first things to go when it comes to doing the horizontal sweaty?

I also loathe Carrie because she convinced a bunch of vapid screaming Mimis who can't write their way out of a Barney's bag they should become writers. A lot of women-related magazines and publications have always been a complete waste of time, but articles, both on-line and in print, have become completely vacuous even when they focus on more serious issues like politics and social issues.

And don't even get me started on "listicles."

On-topic: I've only seen "Bones" a few times, but I can't imagine why Booth would want to be with Bones. But maybe it's because Bones has all the charm of corpse. Plus, Emily Deschanel's voice irritates me so much. For some reason I have a hard time with bad speaking voices, which is probably why I have such a hard time watching TV these days.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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On Everwood, I was so troubled by the pairing of Madison and Ephram that to this day I'm unable to watch anything Sarah Lancaster is in.

Child molester! She was his babysitter! (Okay not really but still kind of.)

Edited by lordonia
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Christopher on Gilmore Girls. Deadbeat dad and overall douchebag. Two seconds after he and Lorelei seemed to get it together at the end of season two, suddenly it's "Oops, Sherry's pregnant! Marrying her is the only way I can be there for this new baby, bye!" And barely two seconds after Sherry (rightfully) leaves him, he starts sniffing after Lorelei again.

Don't even get me started on season six and seven. Let it be enough to say that Luke punching him in the face was the happiest TV moment of my life.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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On 9/15/2016 at 11:23 AM, Qoass said:

George and Izzie on Grey's Anatomy.  Gizzie nearly killed the show and I suspect George jumped in front of that bus on purpose just to get away.

I had quit watching before that point, but the constant habit of writers forcing opposite-sex platonic friends together romantically chaps my big saggy hide. Please stop.

There are a few very rare occasions when it's earned but those should remain the exceptions.

Edited by lordonia
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Thought of a few more:

Lanie & Esposito on Castle

Ross & Emily on Friends

Raj with anyone so far, on TBBT

MacGyver & Penny

Charlie & Claire on LOST

Bailey & Annie on Party of Five

Elliott & Ted on Queer as Folk (US)

Hutch w/anyone but me.

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Arguably, everyone on Glee was a terrible love interest, but if I had to pick the worst, I'd go with Finn. No disrespect to the late Cory Monteith, but Finn was idiot and an asshole. He stole Quinn from Sam and barely showed any guilt and remorse for it. He continued to string along Quinn while pining for Rachel, and got pissy when Rachel was considering seeing Jesse again. Dude you dumped her. You don't get a say in who she dates next. Ditto with the hooker she met in NYC. The "stay away from my future wife!" was creepy and so out of line.

Not to mention the fact that he outed Santana. She may have been a bitch, but that didn't justify it by a long shot. And he wasn't even sorry about that either.

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Belle and mr. Gold.   He is a bad man who has done terrible things.  He had been given many chances to change and never does.   He also always chooses having power over his loved ones.   Belle believing he is a good man with a good heart makes her look like an idiot. 

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1 hour ago, tribeca said:

Belle and mr. Gold.   He is a bad man who has done terrible things.  He had been given many chances to change and never does.   He also always chooses having power over his loved ones.   Belle believing he is a good man with a good heart makes her look like an idiot. 

Yes! I love a great "beauty and the beast" trope, but this relationship highlighted to me that it only really works in the short-term. The longer this dynamic drags out, the more uncomfortable it is to watch because either "beauty" starts to look like an idiot (like you said), starts to look beast-like herself (because she doesn't seem to care that her loving beast is being so horrible to other people), or it becomes a straight-up abusive relationship.

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6 hours ago, doram said:

Well she certainly started the trend of POC actors replacing traditionally white love interests in comic books and being hated by the fandom for it. 

Except that wasn't why so many people hated Kreuk's Lana, IMO. They hated her because she was a terrible character, period.

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I'll start with the obvious: Lana Lang from Smallville.  I think we're past the point of explanation for this one, don't you?  ;)

As soon as I saw this thread, I thought of her! Lana - Queen of Angst!

Hmmmm....Jon Bon Jovi's "Victor" in the last season of Ally McBeal was massively weak. The producers were desperate for her to marry after RDJ was arrested. This plumber/contractor/babysitter/painter/zen master was a poor option. Matthew Perry, who guested for one episode, would have been a better option.

Logan on Gilmore Girls. SUCH a douche. Hated that he morphed into Mr. Maybe by the final season.


Odd how every. single. time a POC plays a love interest, they turn out to be terrible characters.

Well to be fair white Henry "Jimmy" Olsen was terrible to the end in Smallville. But then so was Lois, and Clark. There were so few decent couples on that show. Just Chloe/Clark, Lois/Oliver, Chloe/Davis and Martha/Lionel...none of which lasted long.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I also hated Ben on Felicity. Really now? You expect THAT guy to commit to you after you stalk him to New York?? He just wants some tail. It's COLLEGE. Yeesh.

I think Brooke Logan is a terrible love interest for anyone on The Bold & The Beautiful...but she's the star. And every man in town seems to love her.

Who was Lionel on Wonder Woman....??

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26 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I also hated Ben on Felicity. Really now? You expect THAT guy to commit to you after you stalk him to New York?? He just wants some tail. It's COLLEGE. Yeesh.

The Felicity premise always turned me off so I didn't see much of it but wouldn't this make Felicity the horrible love interest?  She kind of stalked her prey.

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The Felicity premise always turned me off so I didn't see much of it but wouldn't this make Felicity the horrible love interest?  She kind of stalked her prey.

Yes, but I'd say she was more obsessed introvert than femme fatale creepo. Ben wasn't particularly deserving of her affections when they finally got together and he regularly flaked on her and cheated on her, yet she still remained hopelessly devoted to the end.

Felicity wasn't a bad girlfriend from what I remember. I'll cut her slack for being immature and obsessed at the start of the show. And she seemingly got over him during the first season and moved on with Noel (awww!)....only for airhead prick Ben to decide he then wanted her, and tempting her away from Noel at the cost of her friendship with Julie. Only to then flake on her.

I basically hated him after that. If you know someone has a massive crush on you, you don't cavalierly date them on a whim forcing them to betray their best friend (who you dump without warning) and the nice guy they were with while you weren't interested.

Realistically, Ben should have been written out mid-season two, and ditto with Julie and Noel, who I have a hard time believing would ever associate with Felicity again. But....TV.

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5 hours ago, vibeology said:

What does Marisa Cooper have to do with POC as love interests in comic book TV shows and movies?

@doram said

18 hours ago, doram said:

 Odd how every. single. time a POC plays a love interest, they turn out to be terrible characters. 

I was presuming that "every single time" meant, well, every single time, not just as it relates to comic book TV. As it specifically relates to Lana, if you ever watched Smallville at all, I don't think it can be disputed that she was, in fact, terrible. How terrible every other character in the history of ever might be wasn't the question.

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14 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

@doram said

I was presuming that "every single time" meant, well, every single time, not just as it relates to comic book TV. As it specifically relates to Lana, if you ever watched Smallville at all, I don't think it can be disputed that she was, in fact, terrible. How terrible every other character in the history of ever might be wasn't the question.

That's just completely ignoring the context of everything else in that post. @doram noticed, and I agree, that it seems that in comic book stories people seem to hate on the poc love interest more than any other character. I did not watch much of Smallville (season one only) and Lana seemed about as annoying as everyone else. The writing probably did get worse as they dragged the show out so I can easily imagine she went from annoying to terrible but that one woc is actually playing a bad character doesn't account for the trend (Jimmy, Iris, Luke Cage, Zendaya's likely Mary Jane Watson) doram pointed out.

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21 hours ago, doram said:

Well she certainly started the trend of POC actors replacing traditionally white love interests in comic books and being hated by the fandom for it. 

Well, hell.  I didn't realize Kreuk was a  POC.  I've been blaming her for the CW's every love interest must be a white brunette era all this time.


I was presuming that "every single time" meant, well, every single time, not just as it relates to comic book TV. As it specifically relates to Lana, if you ever watched Smallville at all, I don't think it can be disputed that she was, in fact, terrible. How terrible every other character in the history of ever might be wasn't the question.

Michonne is not a terrible character. 

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