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"The View": Week Of 3/19/18

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I agree that on some days Meghan can look quite pretty. It's too bad she spoils it with the glaring bitch face, twitchy lip, and side glances that take over her whole persona. Today she tried to equate the Cambridge Analytic crooked, sleazy stuff with President Obama's social media campaign and failed miserably, thanks to Sunny. The nasty look on her face when she spews her blue card ignorant talking points negates any prettiness she might have.

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1 hour ago, Kenz said:

I agree that on some days Meghan can look quite pretty. It's too bad she spoils it with the glaring bitch face, twitchy lip, and side glances that take over her whole persona. Today she tried to equate the Cambridge Analytic crooked, sleazy stuff with President Obama's social media campaign and failed miserably, thanks to Sunny. The nasty look on her face when she spews her blue card ignorant talking points negates any prettiness she might have.

Yes, I noticed that MM spends WAAAY too much time on camera, looking down and reading from her cards.  She has talking points and statistics ready to refute any hot topic.  Because she's looking down, she's not really engaging with the other hosts.  There's no exchange of ideas, no conversation.  just fast-talking spouting off studies and statistics that don't always mean what she says they do.  (and lies.  I'm still stuck on her saying the Enquirer got a Peabody award for the John Edwards story.)

I imagine when they go over the hot topics before the show, Meghan calls her husband for some pointers as to how Hillary and Obama are to blame for whatever the topic of the day is.   

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13 hours ago, Tanichka said:

Not any more, but back in the day we had to include it on our resume.

I remember as a teen, seeking work, it was required, which, doesn't make sense, but what did I know.  I have never ever given out my SIN since the 80s.  And it was not required.

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18 hours ago, imjagain said:


Do people really pressure people to have children? 

 I live in the Midwest and even here, I don't see people putting pressure on young people to have children.  Idk maybe I'm wrong , I have 2 20 somethings and a 7 year old so I'm not really in rush for grandkids and don't  care if they have children  (shrugs).

MM maybe needs to talk to her inlaws and parent if it's such a touchy subject.  Because I don't care if she has children. 

Answered you in the Small Talk thread.

Edited by Jaded
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9 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes, I noticed that MM spends WAAAY too much time on camera, looking down and reading from her cards.  She has talking points and statistics ready to refute any hot topic.  Because she's looking down, she's not really engaging with the other hosts.  There's no exchange of ideas, no conversation.  just fast-talking spouting off studies and statistics that don't always mean what she says they do.  (and lies.  I'm still stuck on her saying the Enquirer got a Peabody award for the John Edwards story.)

I imagine when they go over the hot topics before the show, Meghan calls her husband for some pointers as to how Hillary and Obama are to blame for whatever the topic of the day is.   

Yeah, it seems like Meghan spends all her time between the 9am meeting and the start of the show doing research to back up her talking points.  Sunny gives a good effort but usually doesn't defend herself strongly enough.  Joy and Sara will occasionally research some topic but not often enough to counter Meghan.  Whoopi couldn't care less and is too lazy to put any effort in besides showing up.

Edited by Haleth
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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Yeah, it seems like Meghan spends all her time between the 9am meeting and the start of the show doing research to back up her talking points.  Sunny gives a good effort but usually doesn't defend herself strongly enough.  Joy and Sara will occasionally research some topic but not often enough to counter Meghan.  Whoopi couldn't care less about and is too lazy to put any effort in besides showing up.

She doesn't even care if what she spews is accurate or relevant to the topic at hand.  All she cares about is pushing her "tribe's" agenda.  When she is talking she needs a pop video to say whether she is telling the truth or not.

I don't read the tweets they show but does anyone every tweet Meghan is a liar?

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7 hours ago, Haleth said:

Yeah, it seems like Meghan spends all her time between the 9am meeting and the start of the show doing research to back up her talking points.  Sunny gives a good effort but usually doesn't defend herself strongly enough.  Joy and Sara will occasionally research some topic but not often enough to counter Meghan.  Whoopi couldn't care less about and is too lazy to put any effort in besides showing up.

I agree. 

I tried again. Click. No-one was intelligent/insightful enough to point out/understand that Mrs. tRump's argument against cyber-bullying involves the parents/adults in the room (and exerting influence/control over others), therefore, it is ridiculously hypocritical of her to be the spokesperson. Furthermore, she promoted the "birther" movement. She's not an innocent bystander.
They all tiptoe around MM and water down their arguments to accommodate her. Ugh.



MMs "research" is, mostly, fake news from unspecified sources with incorrect or made-up numbers/statistics. She cherry-picks her "facts"/research.

Edited by AdeleDazeem
Want to be clear on my agreement with quote
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12 minutes ago, backformore said:

         It's a poop storm! 

         He's in poop up to his knees!

         It's a poop pie! 

I think Whoopi is having some "digestive"  issues.  

Seriously! Then she made me think of poopy fingerprints. I know she's the moderator, but why didn't any of the ladies stop her?

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If anyone is using "tribal" for the drinking game, you are probably not sober by now.

Good God, Meghan and her mission to explain Trump voters to America.  Never mind, go back to drinking. 

Joy needs to read Hillbilly Eligy. 

Edited by Haleth
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Apparently Meghan didn't get the memo.  Millions of conservatives and especially the ones currently in Congress are helping Trump.

25 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Joy needs to read Hillbilly Eligy. 

I read and honestly didn't care for it.

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"There are plenty of conservatives just like me and don't worry, we're not going to let Trump destroy the Republican party."

How, exactly?  Especially Meghan herself, who seems to be nothing more than a liberal-hating Trump apologist, how exactly is she making sure that he doesn't destroy the Republican party?  Excusing every freaking thing he does by saying it doesn't matter to his base?  Is his base not the party's base?  Maybe she thinks the "what about Obama/Clinton?" question that she's always asking will save the party.  Cuz I don't see a lot of 'good conservatives' doing much else.

What a load of horseshit.  It made me laugh, though, that not a single person applauded her proclamation.

ABC News had to break in with the BREAKING! NEWS! that snow is falling in NYC, so I didn't get to see the Tiger Lady.  I'd never heard of her before but it seems like I didn't miss anything.

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Meghan dear people can care about Russian interference in the 2016 election, North Korea and Trump having affairs and paying them off with campaign contributions all at the same time.   We can focus on more than one thing at a time unlike you who seems to be only able to focus on Hillary Clinton.

The Tiger Lady wanted to focus on the liberals who denigrate Trump voters.  She needed to look to her right to see Meghan who daily denigrates anyone who didn't vote for Trump.  


I had reserved her book at the library before I realized who she was.  Now I'm rethinking whether I want to read it or not.

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6 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

The Tiger Lady wanted to focus on the liberals who denigrate Trump voters.  She needed to look to her right to see Meghan who daily denigrates anyone who didn't vote for Trump. 

Ugh.  More of that?  I would love someone to ask when these people are going to stop painting themselves as victims of the big bad liberal meanies . . . their guy got in. 

A week or so ago Meghan was saying that aluminum tariffs would raise the price of a beer and THAT would be Trump's undoing with his voters.  But I guess that was okay because she's Red American or a Gun Countryman or whatever she calls herself.

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57 minutes ago, dr. gailey said:

Sorry Meghan, but fuck Melania. She was out here preaching that Obama birther shit. People can criticize her just like you take every chance you can to bash Hillary.

My thoughts exactly.  I missed most of the show , my dvr has obviously had it with Meghan and decided not to record it. I'll have to watch later on hulu. But I agree with your post and always think this when I hear poor poor Melania. Umm, nope not from me.

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The Melania conversation annoyed me so much. While women in general (including Meghan and Sara) shouldn't be responsible for their husbands' professional conduct, the ENTIRE POINT of the First Lady role is to complement the President's public face. Joy semi-touched on this, but this point wasn't made clearly enough.

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14 hours ago, Dahlia said:

It’s so odd - it’s like the two were switched at birth.....Charlotte seems more like what I’d imagine John McCain’s daughter would be like and MM more like Pence spawn....


18 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Not to mention what Melania has adopted as her pet cause is something her husband does on a daily basis.  It's the hypocrisy that is the issue.

I know, right? This is just damn hilarious and sad at the same time.

(MM) Dystopia! Tribe! heh er'body drink. :-)

Edited by ari333
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4 minutes ago, deirdra said:

It was hard to follow what Blinky Chua, Tiger Mom, was saying because she never finished a sentence before starting a new one without pausing to breathe.  

Really!  She was exhausting!

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11 hours ago, backformore said:

There's no exchange of ideas, no conversation

My brother called, he and his workmates watch The View at lunch.  He said, "Is this a lecture or a talk show?"  Damn spot on.  MM lectures and refuses to engage in a conversation.

Didn't watch the tiger mom - I have always thought she was full of shit.

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Do all blonde Republican pundits go to how-to-filibuster school?  MM recites her talking points, with that mean squinty glare, never pausing so that nobody can get a word in edgewise. It is exhausting and loud.

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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

It was hard to follow what Blinky Chua, Tiger Mom, was saying because she never finished a sentence before starting a new one without pausing to breathe.  

Blinky Chua sounds like a dog breed.  That eye make-up didn't help!   She's off-putting in every way.

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I'm definitely in the minority on this opinion - but I liked Amy Chua. I thought she was quite interesting. MM, on the other hand...

I also noticed that Sara really tried to walk the middle line and it was annoying. Pick a side! I don't like wishy-washy. 

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Oh My God, the Tiger Woman is a total monster. Yipes.  That she beast hurt my delicate little eyeballs. Between that creep's nasty eye makeup and manner and MM's blue snuggie today, I need some good old fashioned eye wash and a double martini.  

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I just watched Chua.   Megan just had to drag Hilary into the discussion.  Then she said screw all Democrats who think this of me (votes for husbands candidate)!   Hilarious on the heels of Amy talking talking about tribal hate for the other side.  Megan was riveted and nodding through her talk thinking about Trump hate not conservative hate for Obama and Hilary, of course.  

@fishsanwitt,  What is the pic in your avatar?

Edited by Wings
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Occasionally there are moments where I'm hoping that somebody, anybody, at the table responds to Meghan with what I'm thinking, and thankfully Sunny did today when they were talking about Melania and she pointed out that Republicans (especially slime like you, McCain!) never stop holding Hillary accountable for anything and everything related to Bill Clinton. Could you imagine if, say, Hillary joined the MeToo conversation to talk about women deserving to be heard? Meghan would be screaming hysterically about Bill Clinton. What a hypocrite.

And, no, I wouldn't consider her one of the "good" Republicans she claimed would protect the party.

2 hours ago, Wings said:

I just watched Chua.   Megan just had to drag Hilary into the discussion.  Then she said screw all Democrats who think this of me (votes for husbands candidate)!   Hilarious on the heels of Amy talking talking about tribal hate for the other side. 

What was worse was the guest going along with her. She's clearly just as tribal as the people she criticizes, so who would be fool enough to buy a book from her about the evils of tribalism?

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Need some help, I could not make out a comment howler monkey MM made, and I know it was snarky cause Whoopi shot her a look.

It was when they were discussing Cynthia Nixon running for Governor, Joy was saying how she is very smart and was instrumental in helping to get Bill DeBlasio elected mayor and Meghan snipped something like "that alone.." and I could not make it out...if I guessed I would think she said that that alone is why she's not qualified.

Anybody catch what she sais?

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

Really!  She was exhausting!

All she does is spew platitudes.  We have to listen to the other side.  We can't hate an entire group based on one thing.  Blah blah blah.  Where's my million dollar publishing contract?

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39 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:


What was worse was the guest going along with her. She's clearly just as tribal as the people she criticizes, so who would be fool enough to buy a book from her about the evils of tribalism?

It seemed like Tiger Mom thinks she wrote the book with the intent to portray  tribalism as a liberal thing but as she described it today it fit Meghan to a tee.

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38 minutes ago, Poohbear617 said:

Need some help, I could not make out a comment howler monkey MM made, and I know it was snarky cause Whoopi shot her a look.

It was when they were discussing Cynthia Nixon running for Governor, Joy was saying how she is very smart and was instrumental in helping to get Bill DeBlasio elected mayor and Meghan snipped something like "that alone.." and I could not make it out...if I guessed I would think she said that that alone is why she's not qualified.

Anybody catch what she sais?

I thought she said, "That alone makes her unqualified."  It followed the discussion of Christine Quinn calling Nixon 'an unqualified lesbian.'

1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

What was worse was the guest going along with her. She's clearly just as tribal as the people she criticizes, so who would be fool enough to buy a book from her about the evils of tribalism?

I'd bet there's a big market in FoxNews viewers.

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Just watched Tuesday's show.  Sara was saying something about she had kids for later so they can have holiday memories and go on vacation.  Does she think kids don't start out as newborns? I could not understand what she was talking about.

Not sure if she seems "vacant" or not.  I liked the rotating co-hosts more. Just not interested in her much

Then there is Meghan who I have zero interest in.

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1 minute ago, OnTime said:

Sara was saying something about she had kids for later so they can have holiday memories and go on vacation.  Does she think kids don't start out as newborns? I could not understand what she was talking about.

I think she was explaining that she's one of those people who isn't thrilled by "babies," but she's willing to work through that stage so she can have little people who will grow into someone to love and share family adventures.  Life in general.   Some people love the baby stage and then are extremely unhappy when they realize they've brought someone into the world who will question and challenge them.

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2 hours ago, fishsanwitt said:

It's a sci fi version of a baby carriage - a silver egg with an opening on the top :)

Kind of a Burning Man version for transporting babies, meatloaf, laundry, and other interesting people.   It's a beauty!

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