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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I think Teddi is simply out of her depth on this show. I don't really believe she is trying to stir the pot. I think she genuinely believes honesty is always best. But this isn't real life. You have to be a bit more calculated when dealing with the RH. She either needs to develop some game, or she isn't going to last


Erika was MEAN tonight. And I normally like Erika. I don't even have so much of an issue with her immediate reaction at dinner. I don't like to be called a liar either. That was basically what Teddi said, even if not intended. I do believe Erika didn't remember. She was just trying to play pacemaker that night and probably said a lot of things. But, no, it was her THs that really put me off. Calling Teddi a crybaby? Not nice. 

Again, Teddi is just out of her depth. You can't expect to operate under normal social graces in this context. Pick a lane, stick to it. 

I agree, Teddi has a totally normal way of reacting to crazy that doesn't work on a show like this.  When someone (like Erika) goes completely psycho in a way that is out of proportion for the situation and gives no benefit of the doubt to the other person, Teddi apologizes, disengages, and tries to diffuse this situation. Erika and Dorit take that at weakness and go in for the kill.

I think that reaction is somewhat instinctual and I don't know that it would be particularly easy to change.

I kind of think based on the blogs that Teddi needs a full season to work out how to deal with the women on the show and might be able to handle it better in a second season.  She is reacting like this is reality / normal right now.  Unfortunately for Teddi, everyone else is either the "villain" or intentionally staying out of the drama because they know how the show works and are really image conscious.  I don't think Teddi is helped by being on the show by virtue of a celebrity parent rather than having a show "friend" which requires an actual or storyline dictated allies to back her up until she gets used to the show.

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2 hours ago, ivygirl said:

This dinner (?) conversation has confirmed three things:

1. Dorit is ridiculous 

2. Erika is ridiculous 

3. Teddi should be on RHOC, where the fights are louder and the ladies are more prone to tell/yell it like it is rather than do the “subtle” side remark thing

Correct on all 3!

I'm in the minority, but not going to give Teddi any sympathy points.

She has proven herself that she's a bone carrier.  I don't even care much for Dorit but it's true that it seems like every time someone says something in the group she runs and tells everyone INDIVIDUALLY.   She even told LVP.  Why??  If you have nothing to hide let's call it out in the group.  Again she's a bone carrier.  She doesn't want the messaging to be flipped on her.  

Teddi if you going to stir thing up you better take accountability as the bone carrier. 

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2 hours ago, nexxie said:

Erika’s (Tom’s) house doesn’t fit her at all, design-wise.

No matter. I'm sure Tom's spawn will have her booted once he croaks.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:



1 hour ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Why do you think Erika dislikes Teddi so strongly?  

I think it goes back to the beach house. IMO Teddie was really insensitive saying repeatedly how "weird" it was that Erika didn't stay overnight when she was so sick with cramps and the ladies were up drinking and twerking all night. Erika felt embarrassed and she's a grudge holder who hates to be embarrassed. 

That was insensitive of Teddie who I think is not a very thoughtful person. She's very sensitive when it comes to her own feelings, not so much with other people's. Her sense of righteousness blinds her. And she's a drip and a dud. I just can't stand her! The more I see, the less I want to see. This week she stirs up this old shit with Rinna for no reason and runs crying away from the fallout. What fun. She just does not belong on this show.

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I was really let down by Erika tonight.

1) The explosion on Teddi.

2) After her threat to Dorit last week about the ball gag, I haven't seen her challenge Dorit on taking it as a joke. What happened to the crucifixion? She had the perfect opportunity at her house, one on one. Nothing, crickets......

I have always kinda liked Erika, but very disappointed in her tonight.

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22 minutes ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:


I think it goes back to the beach house. IMO Teddie was really insensitive saying repeatedly how "weird" it was that Erika didn't stay overnight when she was so sick with cramps and the ladies were up drinking and twerking all night. Erika felt embarrassed and she's a grudge holder who hates to be embarrassed. 

That was insensitive of Teddie who I think is not a very thoughtful person. She's very sensitive when it comes to her own feelings, not so much with other people's. Her sense of righteousness blinds her. And she's a drip and a dud. I just can't stand her! The more I see, the less I want to see. This week she stirs up this old shit with Rinna for no reason and runs crying away from the fallout. What fun. She just does not belong on this show.

I think it goes back further than the beach house. My recollection (which I'm going to admit upfront may be colored by hindsight because this was now so looooooong ago) is that Erika was already kind of hostile towards Teddi during the Vegas trip. I think that Erika's dislike of Teddi has been solidified since then because their personalities just don't mesh, but it feels like Erika came into it ready to dislike Teddi for whatever reason (because she grew up privileged, because she's young/pretty, because she has a hot husband, because of something else - who knows?)

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1 hour ago, Silo said:

How many times have we seen Kyle move? She has to be bordering on a Brandi Glanville number of times lol

I only remember Kyle living in this same house.  She had morally corrupt Faye Resnick redecorate for her in the early seasons though.  She also has that fab house in Palm Desert too. 

Just now, hoodooznoodooz said:

That’s what Erika considers “pushing back”?

I am so glad LVP stepped in. But Erika thinks she’s concerned for Erika. 

You had tears in your eyes, too, Erika. 

I thought the same thing. That wasn't a push.  That was more of a shove off a cliff! 

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Ok.  Just to clarify.  Kyle did live in another house her first season.  Maybe it was a couple of seasons.  I truly don't remember.  She then moved to the house she was in this season.  Sooo, we've only seen Kyle move twice.

On a side note:  I really liked Kyle's 'second' home but I absolutely get why they bought the house in Encino.  It's gorgeous.  I love older homes and I am prejudged. 

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48 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

All Erika had to say was that she "didn't remember saying it" but that Yes, she would have been hurt had a friend said that about her, which is what Teddi was pointing out/talking about. What she, Erika, did instead was say that she "may or may not" have said it and then avoided giving her opinion about Dorit's LisaV comments. But, Yes, Teddi handled it badly. Still, Erika's reaction to it was over the top nasty/aggressive, especially when she continued to be like that even after Teddi said she was sorry.

Yes.  The reason Teddi bugs me, in addition to butting into everyone else's fights that she shouldn't even be part of, is the superior, "above it all" attitude she gets.  No one likes smug and supercilious.  She could have reminded Erika that she said it as they were walking up the fire stairs, or she could have just calmly said, "Well I do remember, and you said it" with a smile.   But the way she loftily said, "Your pretend amnesia right now is confusing me" - I don't believe she was confused at all, which means she was (IMO) implying that Erika was lying.  This is not the first time she has been "confused" about something, which to me seems to be code for "I don't believe what you are saying".  Erika definitely reacted too aggressively, which she should have apologized for.  I don't think she was reading something into what wasn't there; Teddi was implying she was lying.  Maybe she got so pissed because she knew she was too?  LOL

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56 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Erika is getting blasted on twitter! 

Good! And most of them are FAR nicer than Erika was, and also nicer than 57% of Twitter users.

Erika, take your tag line back. It IS ice, not diamonds.

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40 minutes ago, eclectcmoi said:

I only remember Kyle living in this same house.  She had morally corrupt Faye Resnick redecorate for her in the early seasons though.  She also has that fab house in Palm Desert too. 

I thought the same thing. That wasn't a push.  That was more of a shove off a cliff! 

Faye seems to be helping her w /this reno - Kyle mentioned Faye's name while flipping through furniture  catalog when talking to Mauricio

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I have generally found Erika repugnant (although I think she's been pretty benign this season, speaking broadly) and never especially liked Dorit (but favored her arguments during season seven). 

And yet Teddi is much more basic and idiotic from my perspective. To me, Erika's pyrotechnics in Hong Kong were the height of nuttiness - she literally commenced a crying jag over a figure of speech and verbiage that was never even approximated, let alone said. 

But "pretending amnesia" is, to me, tantamount to explicitly accusing someone of lying. What else does "pretend" suggest other than dishonesty? 

Relatively speaking, that was a pretty tame reaction toward Teddi both from Erika in particular and the franchise at large. Nothing about that apptoached Bethenny shrieking misogynistic epithets at LuAnn like a hyena in labor; Carole getting physical with Aviva in her own home or saying "it's hard to watch her eat" in front of Jules; the  verbal scrums in which the OC cast find themselves consistently; etc. 

Teddi's whole ethos makes no sense to me: "don't say things that you know will hurt your friends' feelings" but DO play runtelldat with literally months-old material and, yes, very much so repeat statements that you yourself evidently know will be hurtful for the parties in question to revive. 

"Don't say things that you know will hurt feelings" but do use pejorative words like "weird" to describe them. And discuss how weird they are behind their backs. But don't rush to confess this/hold yourself accountable even though you feel the need to apply that standard to remarks made 90 days ago by others.

Accountability for the win! Except when you yourself are called out on the barbed language you're using like "pretending amnesia." Then, it's time to go cry. 

"if you dont remember, why would you get so upset?" is some Rinna-esque I-must-be-accurate-because-obviously-I-hit-a-nerve bullshit. And ironic in the context of the fact that Teddi has been quick to get teary over Erika not once now but twice. So ... I guess Erika's takes on Teddi must be striking a chord per Teddi's own logic. 

"If you don't feel like you said/did anything wrong, then why the fuck do you care what I say?" exclaimed the woman who launched a crusade to make Dorit admit her transgressions over whether or not she was 20 minutes vs 40 minutes late. And the woman who cared very much how and where and to whom Dorit articulated her stemware preferences. 

Edited by lunastartron
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1 hour ago, lunastartron said:

I have generally found Erika repugnant (although I think she's been pretty benign this season, speaking broadly) and never especially liked Dorit (but favored her arguments during season seven). 

And yet Teddi is much more basic and idiotic from my perspective. To me, Erika's pyrotechnics in Hong Kong were the height of nuttiness - she literally commenced a crying jag over a figure of speech and verbiage that was never even approximated, let alone said. 

But "pretending amnesia" is, to me, tantamount to explicitly accusing someone of lying. What else does "pretend" suggest other than dishonesty? 

Relatively speaking, that was a pretty tame reaction toward Teddi both from Erika in particular and the franchise at large. Nothing about that apptoached Bethenny shrieking misogynistic epithets at LuAnn like a hyena in labor; Carole getting physical with Aviva in her own home or saying "it's hard to watch her eat" in front of Jules; the  verbal scrums in which the OC cast find themselves consistently; etc. 

Teddi's whole ethos makes no sense to me: "don't say things that you know will hurt your friends' feelings" but DO play runtelldat with literally months-old material and, yes, very much so repeat statements that you yourself evidently know will be hurtful for the parties in question to revive. 

"Don't say things that you know will hurt feelings" but do use pejorative words like "weird" to describe them. And discuss how weird they are behind their backs. But don't rush to confess this/hold yourself accountable even though you feel the need to apply that standard to remarks made 90 days ago by others.

Accountability for the win! Except when you yourself are called out on the barbed language you're using like "pretending amnesia." Then, it's time to go cry. 

"Why would you get upset if you weren't lying?" is some Rinna-esque I-must-be-accurate-because-obviously-I-hit-a-nerve bullshit. And ironic in the context of the fact that Teddi has been quick to get teary over Erika not once now but twice. So ... I guess Erika's takes on Teddi must be striking a chord per Teddi's own logic. 

"If you don't feel like you said/did anything wrong, then why the fuck do you care what I say?" exclaimed the woman who launched a crusade to make Dorit her transgressions over whether or not she was 20 minutes vs 40 minutes late. And the woman who cared very much how and where and to whom Dorit articulated her stemware preferences. 


Hi Luna-  I agree about the tameness of Erica towards Teddi after being called a liar again.  Kyle was far worse to both Dorit and LVP in New York and for far longer.

The problem with Teddi is she is not quoting Erica correctly.  Erika never said LVP would be hurt.  A drunk Erika said, after dodging Teddi's original inquiry, "I'd be a little pissed."  No one said boo to Dorit at the dinner. The controversy isn't what anyone said after the dinner in NY it is what was said by Dorit and to Dorit.  


Teddi's whole ethos makes no sense to me: "don't say things that you know will hurt your friends' feelings" but DO play runtelldat with literally months-old material and, yes, very much so repeat statements that you yourself evidently know will be hurtful for the parties in question to revive. 

On WWHL they showed a clip from next week and Teddi calls Dorit


to apologize over repeated the Rinna comments and admits they were self serving.  Then Teddi bitches Dorit didn't behave correctly after the apology.  When has Teddi ever apologized to anyone?  Teddi seems to think she has done a lot of apologizing

Not a spoiler any longer.  Teddi admits on twitter she should not have told Rinna what Dorit said three months earlier.  Of course she calls it accountability.  

I messed up. I like @lisarinna and in the moment I was thinking if it were me I would want to know, so I told her what had been said. It wasn't the right thing to do and I hold myself accountable for it. #RHOBH

6:10 PM - 13 Mar 2018

I call BS, Teddi told Rinna as soon as Rinna said she was enjoying Dorit's company.  Teddi wants a trifecta-Kyle, LVP and Rinna (to be a buffer from Erika) and thought bumping Dorit from the competition would help her with her goal.

I hope Rinna can move past Teddi's gossip session.  I wonder if Rinna will continue to defend Erika when there is no apology to Tedddi.  Time will tell.

Edited by zoeysmom
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5 hours ago, ivygirl said:

This dinner (?) conversation has confirmed three things:

1. Dorit is ridiculous 

2. Erika is ridiculous 

3. Teddi should be on RHOC, where the fights are louder and the ladies are more prone to tell/yell it like it is rather than do the “subtle” side remark thing

If Teddi starts crying when Erika hisses/tears up at her brush-offs, she'd be a puddle at Tamra going for the crudest, most personally offensive attack she could think of and/or Kelly vulgarly popping off. 

5 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Didn't they introduce the young woman as the 'designer'? 

I don't know the specific structure of Dorit's company but fashion labels often staff multiple designers, even if only one has their name on the product. 

At some, there may be a creative director who has no training in design per se but is the lead on shaping the themes/motifs/references/and directions every season. 

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11 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Hi Luna-  I agree about the tameness of Erica towards Teddi after being called a liar again.  Kyle was far worse to both Dorit and LVP in New York and for far longer.

The problem with Teddi is she is not quoting Erica correctly.  Erika never said LVP would be hurt.  A drunk Erika said, after dodging Teddi's original inquiry, "I'd be a little pissed."  No one said boo to Dorit at the dinner. The controversy isn't what anyone said after the dinner in NY it is what was said by Dorit and to Dorit.  

On WWHL they showed a clip from next week and Teddi calls Dorit

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to apologize over repeated the Rinna comments and admits they were self serving.  Then Teddi bitches Dorit didn't behave correctly after the apology.  When has Teddi ever apologized to anyone?  Teddi seems to think she has done a lot of apologizing

I hope Rinna can move past Teddi's gossip session.  I wonder if Rinna will continue to defend Erika when there is no apology to Tedddi.  Time will tell.

Hi, zoeysmom! Thanks for mentioning the bolded. It stood out to me as well as a distinction substantial enough that Erika could plausibly not recall/know what Teddi was referring to. 

And for the spoiler as I don't often catch WWHL. 

For all of her self-righteousness about the behavior of others, I don't recall Teddi offering any sort of mea culpa when, for instance, she declared that Erika was "weird." Didn't she just sneer in her th "don't do weird shit and I won't call you weird"? 

Cool! Then don't deliberately provoke/suggest people are lying and then they won't make you cry!

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

It doesn't! It looks like Tom's mother, or previous wife, designed it and she's never changed a thing.


This is when she's at her best. Rinna is a great Greek chorus. She just needs to refrain from inserting herself in the drama. 

She is probably still trying to get permission from the boss to make any changes.


6 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

So this s basically a shell company to launder money.

Dorit's original swimwear line wasn't as successful as she claims if she is deferring all decisions to PK who basically said his job was talent management on Megan Kelly

Without the second sentence, given what was shown in the episode, I'd think the first sentence actually refers to Erika Jayne's music "career."


So it was another yawn worthy episode of Rich Ladies Go Out To Eat and Fight Over Nothing.  That is all they do anymore.  I need to start keeping count of how many different restaurants there are in each episode. 

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1 minute ago, lunastartron said:

Hi, zoeysmom! Thanks for mentioning the bolded. It stood out to me as well as a distinction substantial enough that Erika could plausibly not recall/know what Teddi was referring to. 

And for the spoiler as I don't often catch WWHL. 

For all of her self-righteousness about the behavior of others, I don't recall Teddi offering any sort of mea culpa when, for instance, she declared that Erika was "weird." Didn't she just sneer in her th "don't do weird shit and I won't call you weird"? 

Cool! Then don't deliberately provoke/suggest people are lying and then they won't make you cry!

Originally LVP, on the landing of the stairwell, tried to ascertain from Erika if she agreed with what Teddi was peddling and Erika said she would like to redirect.  It was after LVP left Teddi continued-which served no purpose.

I always kind of figured after Kyle was screaming obscenities at Dorit and crying and carrying on-over information she pretty much made up about what Dorit said about LVP had set a new low only to be surpassed by Kyle screaming LVP was kissing Dorit's ass in a hotel lobby.  Erika's treatment of Teddi didn't even earn an honorable mention-this season.

LVP trying to convince Dorit that Teddi was just trying to tie up loose ends and Dorit letting LVP know it was BS and wait until Teddi does it to her and see how it feels.

It was all Erika's fault that after repeatedly insulting Erika, Erika pulled back from Teddi petting her and Teddi broke down into tears, claimed Erika made her feel worthless, sent everyone packing and canceled the day's activities.  I am thinking she can't be too angry at Dorit for trying to comfort her.

I found Dorit, who I maintain still does not get that it is not necessarily flattering to speak of being jealous or express one's need for another's friendship admission to Erika refreshing.  

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6 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I agree, Teddi has a totally normal way of reacting to crazy that doesn't work on a show like this.  When someone (like Erika) goes completely psycho in a way that is out of proportion for the situation and gives no benefit of the doubt to the other person, Teddi apologizes, disengages, and tries to diffuse this situation. Erika and Dorit take that at weakness and go in for the kill.

I think that reaction is somewhat instinctual and I don't know that it would be particularly easy to change.

I kind of think based on the blogs that Teddi needs a full season to work out how to deal with the women on the show and might be able to handle it better in a second season.  She is reacting like this is reality / normal right now.  Unfortunately for Teddi, everyone else is either the "villain" or intentionally staying out of the drama because they know how the show works and are really image conscious.  I don't think Teddi is helped by being on the show by virtue of a celebrity parent rather than having a show "friend" which requires an actual or storyline dictated allies to back her up until she gets used to the show.

Erika is very good at attacking and going nuts, just like she did on Eileen last season (who did nothing to deserve Erika's tirade). Erika claims to be real but what's real is this:  she is mean. I wish Teddi had called her out on that, but it's hard to think fast when you're not used to being verbally attacked.

I hope Teddi is like "screw this shit" and moves on--not because I don't think she can hang, but rather because I don't want to see her turn into one of these clowns--even for Beverly Hills, these bitches are completely over the top. 

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6 hours ago, eclectcmoi said:

I doubt very much this ever happens.  Erika and Tom probably don't even share the same wing of that huge house let alone a bed. 

I was thinking the same thing. She may have signed to service him bi-monthly for the generous allowance, but I seriously doubt that it goes um, deeper than that.

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OMG. You won’t believe what Dorit was wearing on WWHL. One caller described it as “disco quarterback.”

Jerry O’Connell told Dorit that she was the most beautiful HW, but he may have done that so that he could then criticize most of her behavior during the rest of WWHL.

I wonder if Erika has ever flipped out at Tom Girardi.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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11 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Dorit was on Megan Kelly today and they showed a clip for the new episode.

I think she and PK are discussing Beverly Beach

They show Dorit's TH and she says:

Well I can fire PK but I still have to sleep with him


Talk about "jumped the shark". MK must be uber desperate to have Dorito as a guest.


8 hours ago, rho said:

I think Teddi is really shaping up to be Dorit 2.0 especially with Lisa grooming her as the new pet project. They're eerily similar. Two betas trying to be the alpha, and that's probably why they don't get along very well.

I don't see this at all. In fact, I seem them as polar opposites. One, being Dorit, is extremely desparate for attention and validation from everyone, and has changed herself physically to help her gain that. Someone who spends a whopping, 2 seconds with her kids as she whisks them in and out of the car, greets them at the door, or as she walks through a room they're in. The second, Teddi, has physically changed but for herself and health reasons. No matter what the  PC say, being overweight is not healthy, safe, or sexy. She literally says "This is me, like it or not." including being a true friend who doesn't like to hear bad things said about someone, and holding others accountable when they aren't being truthful. Granted, at this point she needs to back out of the dog fight and let Dorito sink her own ship. She also seems to truly enjoy being with her kids doing silly things kids do, instead of treating them like accesories.

I loved seeing Eileen and do wish she were still on. She always looked so cute, stylish and classy (I'm trying to forget the farmer jeans). I didn't love her passive/aggressive stuff, but seeing her last night was like a breath of fresh air.

Finally, does Mauricio have any clothes that DON'T advertise his real estate company? We know you own it. We know the name. Stop with the self advertising already.

Edited by Snappy
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17 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I wonder if Erika has every flipped out at Tom Girardi.

Probably depends on the pre-nup, and how much she is awarded in the event of a split.

7 minutes ago, Snappy said:

Talk about "jumped the shark". MK must be uber desperate to have Dorito as a guest.

Saw her early this morning on a Harry Connick Jr. rerun.  Didn't watch it.

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3 hours ago, lunastartron said:

If Teddi starts crying when Erika hisses/tears up at her brush-offs, she'd be a puddle at Tamra going for the crudest, most personally offensive attack she could think of and/or Kelly vulgarly popping off. 

I think the crying was actually provoked by anger and frustration as well as hurt. Erika and Dorit both have a way of posturing that probably gets under Teddi’s skin—and they can both be very snide. And neither really ever is “accountable” in a way that Teddi finds acceptable. Erika’s meanspiritedness comes out of nowhere and is prompted at random moments. She also can’t take criticism at all.

In contrast Tamra and Kelly can be rude and crude... but they don’t put on airs and they’re pretty upfront about stuff. Like Rinna, in a way. (Rinna doesn’t screech, but she does say whatever is on her mind.) I see Teddi getting along with them (and I think Teddi and Tamra actually do get along and like each other), OR just arguing and not crying.  I think the one she’d really have problems with is Vicki, who is dodgy and never owns anything, and Lydia*, with her smug superiority and sparkle princess schtick. 

I just think she’d do better in the RHOC dynamics. Plus, they cry more on that show. ;)

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8 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Ericka's been out in CA for how long?  We don't see an of her real life friends.  She also lived in NYC for a while.  Surely she has a friend back from the old days who would film a scene with her? 

Well, in this episode Erika claimed to be talking to her girlfriends about old times for the book.  I never knew she had any girlfriends. 

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4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

She is probably still trying to get permission from the boss to make any changes.

She probably has to ask for every little fucking thing. I would get tired of that real fast.

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9 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

You’ve got that right. That’s why you always bet on us (horses/equestrians/jockeys). 


Edited to add: Remember that barns need all kinds of animals to function. Cats to smell out the rats. Goats who always have to be above you and an ass...well whether you need it one is usually there and if you tread on it’s terrtory or make it mad it will attack you viciously. Then there’s the dog. No reason needed other than they are loyal and nice to have around. 

This show is turning into Animal Farm. 

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4 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Eileen had to give Ericka a spot on her show to get in to her good graces; hope Teddi doesn't have to get Daddy to perform with Ericka to get her to be pleasant to her.

Anyone who's "pleasantness" is earned by being given extraordinary favors doesn't deserve real friendship. I hope Teddi doesn't do a thing above and beyond for Erika--it wouldn't be real and it would just feed Erika's already over-inflated ego. 

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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Probably depends on the pre-nup, and how much she is awarded in the event of a split.

I agree that it would be in her best interests to be on her best behavior with Tom. But when something triggers her, she seems to lose control and seems blinded by rage. 

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