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S22.E12: After the Final Rose

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Well, get ready for all the Becca Love to turn into Becca Hate and Snark after just two episodes of "her" season. Well, WTH, why not. Money, clothes, travel plus you get to kick some men to the curb. Karma, baby. *coughfamewhorecough*

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2 minutes ago, Superpole2000 said:

I have zero sympathy for Becca. If getting dumped post-proposal on TV is not enough to push you away from this franchise then you're just a weirdo and deserve all of the crap this franchise can throw your way.

Also, she will probably be a dud.

I cannot agree more.  My sister was a week from her wedding when her asshole fiancé walked out.  It took her a year to get over it.  But Becca gets dumped on live TV, pretends she’s heartbroken, then gets right back on the horse.  Why do I get the feeling that this whole thing was written this way to jack up ratings?  We’re the three of them just acting?  

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7 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

I expected Becca, but I was hoping she would run in the other direction.

This show owes her the best locations possible, the nicest wardrobe, the biggest salary, and some JPs and Ryan Sutters. 

Loving the lady pile on the couch. This is what I tune in for.

Oooh, JP. Everyone should have a JP. He's still my favorite, so adorable, funny and actually normal. 

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14 minutes ago, alexa said:

He was so stupid to do that proposal. How can that be romantic when he just had one with another woman and dumped her. No one in the audience actually likes them. Wouldn’t it be better if they did this when he actually meant it?


8 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

It looks the same to me too. I wouldn't put that past Arie since I'm sure the show wasn't going to pay for a second Neil Lane ring.

Now I'm thinking that Arie broke up with Becca and proposed to Lauren on air in exchange for the ring. No tv proposal, no diamond.

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5 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

I cannot agree more.  My sister was a week from her wedding when her asshole fiancé walked out.  It took her a year to get over it.  But Becca gets dumped on live TV, pretends she’s heartbroken, then gets right back on the horse.  Why do I get the feeling that this whole thing was written this way to jack up ratings?  We’re the three of them just acting?  

I'm guessing your sister had known her fiancé longer than 3 months though.  Becca's most traumatic relationship was 7 years not 3 months.  The three months also consisted of a handful of dates so I could see her getting over him quickly.

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I don’t know what Jedi mind tricks the producers used to get Becca to buy in to trusting them again. I want to root for her after what they put her through, but her judgment seems impaired.

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I don't watch Kimmel but I'm kind of interested in his interview with Arie. It will probably be a puff piece but I wonder if he takes a jab at him or the audience boos him. 

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5 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Who names a horse Blake?

I have a horse named Mickey, and used to have a horse named Alfonso, Alvin for short. And a pony named Robin. Nothing wrong with a horse named Blake.

I usually watch Kimmel, but I have no interest in seeing jackass Arie. I refuse to support any show that promotes him. Well, now that this dreck season is over. Heh.

Edited by saber5055
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32 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Is it the same ring or not?  From certain angles it looks like it...

It looked to me like the cushion cut ring that Neil Lane showed Arie first before the oval one he picked for Becca. 

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1 minute ago, ParadoxLost said:

So what are the chances that Arie does another 180 and makes a guest appearance on the Bachelorette?

Bwahaha!  Nonononono.  And no stalker Ross, either.

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17 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

I cannot agree more.  My sister was a week from her wedding when her asshole fiancé walked out.  It took her a year to get over it.  But Becca gets dumped on live TV, pretends she’s heartbroken, then gets right back on the horse.  Why do I get the feeling that this whole thing was written this way to jack up ratings?  We’re the three of them just acting?  


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Arie's family in the audience seemed so happy & hugging Lauren & Arie Sr.& Lauren Dad were shaking hands....did Arie's parents ever hug Becca after the engagement and welcome her into their family?  Did his family know all along he would pick the cute vapid blonde?

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4 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

I don't watch Kimmel but I'm kind of interested in his interview with Arie. It will probably be a puff piece but I wonder if he takes a jab at him or the audience boos him. 

If the audience boos, it's because the "applause" sign told them to since Kimmel is filmed before ATFR aired. Kimmel is given info and clips to incorporate into his monologue. I'll catch it online if it puts Arie in a bad light. Otherwise ... no thanks. Don't wanna ever see him agan.

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Was Lauren's family there? It's clear Arie's family just wants him to marry anyone, but I'd be surprised if Lauren's family is happy. After all that worrying about not wanting their daughter getting hurt, Arie goes out and finds a way to hurt her over and over again from the public. How can they trust him to look out for their daughter??

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20 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

I cannot agree more.  My sister was a week from her wedding when her asshole fiancé walked out.  It took her a year to get over it.  But Becca gets dumped on live TV, pretends she’s heartbroken, then gets right back on the horse.  Why do I get the feeling that this whole thing was written this way to jack up ratings?  We’re the three of them just acting?  

Becca was engaged for two months to a guy she'd known six weeks. It's been about two months since Arie broke things off. Those feelings burned hot and fast. I think Becca was willing to make a commitment based on that, but once Arie pulled out, she was done. I don't blame her a bit.

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7 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I have a horse named Mickey, and used to have a horse named Alfonso, Alvin for short. And a pony named Robin. Nothing wrong with a horse named Blake.

I usually watch Kimmel, but I have no interest in seeing jackass Arie. I refuse to support any show that promotes him. Well, now that this dreck season is over. Heh.

My mare’s name is Addie. Her gelding boyfriends are Blake, Walter, and Blitz. 

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1 minute ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Did his family know all along he would pick the cute vapid blonde?

Count me among the posters who think the entire thing was scripted for ratings and to "blow up social media."

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I'm gonna say it: I think Becca is quite an actress. I didn't think she looked that sad when Arie dumped her in the last episode. Just embarrassed. And she just wanted to make it work with Arie for Bachelor fame. It seems it worked in her favor as she gets to be the Bachelorette and now ready to "find love" again. Hey, it's all fair game, but I don't view her as a victim of big bad Arie.

Edited by waving feather
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29 minutes ago, rebel2u said:

Love how, when Lauren asked Arie if he was sure about their relationship and he said 1,000 %, he was actually, at the same time, shaking his head "no."

Good catch!  I love when body language betrays words.

I would click over every now and then.  Could not stand to watch the entire show.  I refuse to be a hostage.  I think I got the gist though:

Becca is the new Bachelorette?  Wow who DIDN'T see that coming?

Arie and Lauren will never get married!

The other Beccah is too naive to even think that everyone else is in on the joke but her.

I'm out!  I.AM.OUT!

Edited by jumper sage
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26 minutes ago, GracieK said:

Lauren has absolutely zero awareness.. learn how to read a room sweetie. Like she honestly came out gushing over how happy they are to be a normal couple as if this is just your standard old ATFR and she and Arie are basking in the glow of their fairy tale.. oblivious that many people are feeling like this is awkward and inappropriate. 

I guess their idea was, if they don't watch what happens then Lauren can remain ignorant and blameless in the whole ordeal. Pretty cowardly when you think about it. You'd think two grown adults could be mature enough to face the repercussions for their actions. Goes to show how self-absorbed they both are and I still don't think Lauren is as innocent as she professes.

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I think Blake is the name of the guy, and the horse is named Brady. The horse gimmick was a bit much, but the guy is cute. Kinda like the male version of Becca. He'll probably be F3 and get the "we're very similar, but my heart is with someone else" sendoff.

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28 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Last laugh is on Lauren. She's stuck with Possum Man while she would have been the b-ette. Enjoy Becca's season, Lauren and Arie.

I don't know many things but one thing I'd bet money on is that Lauren was never ever going to be the b-ette.  Even had he chosen her and then went back to Becca, I'd have a hard time believing the show would have chosen her when they had far more interesting runner ups.  Some people might even prefer those runner ups to Becca but what Becca has going for her is energy and the ability to convey thoughts.  Lauren, when she manages to share thoughts, comes off as generic.

22 minutes ago, Amy Beth said:

I don’t know what Jedi mind tricks the producers used to get Becca to buy in to trusting them again. I want to root for her after what they put her through, but her judgment seems impaired.

Becca said it herself tonight.  She knew that her life would be documented while she was on this show.  I think she probably views the show, as it is, like a machine with no feelings and puts more responsibility on Arie making the choices he made rather than the show for filming it.  So I appreciated that sensibility. 

I don't blame her for getting over Arie quickly.  They had a quick relationship and he turned out to be an asshole.  I imagine that accelerates the healing process. Already she has the potential for a hotter partner than Arie.  (Well maybe not the last one but I don't care how goofy, I thought most of the guys who came out were better looking.)

17 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

I don't watch Kimmel but I'm kind of interested in his interview with Arie. It will probably be a puff piece but I wonder if he takes a jab at him or the audience boos him. 

Ugh.  I kind of want to watch it tonight too but I'd hate to give those two eyeballs.  The reason I want to watch is out of hope that Jimmy might dog Arie to his face a bit more than we got on this After The Final Rose interview.  That's what I was tuning in for after last night.  The girls were great but he didn't have sit and watch.  No one really called him out on his refusal to leave.  Lauren was still trying to sell that she was trying to make sure their conversation was "right" with Becca even though it seems he was sneaky with it.  So did he lie to her?  Does that not concern her?  And their feelings are the only feelings that matter?  Ugh. 

So I'm hoping Jimmy does that.  He's unpredictable.  He might be too nice. But he also is more willing to throw a zinger or two.

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