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8 hours ago, English Teacher said:

Dorit may have claimed the panties were a joke, but her behind the scenes snark and mentioning to anyone who would sit still long enough make me believe she is being less than truthful.  She meant it as a dig as much as Camille did except the motivation was different.  Camille was embarrassed and hurt.   I think Dorit was angry that PK Peeked. 

Agree - not only that PK peeked but he liked it. He only made negative comments in front of the cameras because Dorit was infuriated. So he had to go online to say he was horrified and embarrassed - no Dorit gave him hell.

Same with Camille - PK probably said something complimentary about Camille off camera and Dorit was pissed.

Dorit explained her romance with PK as they met in a NY Bar and never were apart since that day. I don't see him being attracted to her for her intelligence or articulate conversations, it was physical - that's how she got him and that's how she'll lose him.

  • Love 11
On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 5:49 AM, Mindthinkr said:

Lisa Rinna missed the birthday brunch due to illness. How convenient. She’s missed two of the biggest drama filled Howives get togethers. I can’t wait to hear what the others say (their slant) when they fill Lisa Rinna in. How relieved she must be that the drama is being caused by others and she doesn’t need to have a defensive stance. 

She actually was sick, tho.  I follow her on instragram and she had been posting about being sick around the time this was filmed.   Plus, Rinna loves the dramz.  She wouldn't miss an opportunity to miss a drama filled party, especially if she caught wind that Dorit was going to be the target.  I bet she was actually bummed to miss it.

  • Love 22
2 minutes ago, lezlers said:

She actually was sick, tho.  I follow her on instragram and she had been posting about being sick around the time this was filmed.   Plus, Rinna loves the dramz.  She wouldn't miss an opportunity to miss a drama filled party, especially if she caught wind that Dorit was going to be the target.  I bet she was actually bummed to miss it.

I hope the next time they are at a group get together discussing the LVP situation again, Lisa Rinna has one too many and says:

Wass going on? Wass happening? I can't hear what they're saying. You're going wound and wound.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

From what has been revealed here-Dorit's photos appeared in the magazine.  LVP asked Dorit for the favor, Dorit was not exactly begging to be in the ad.  

The magazine can be viewed here. Dorit  is modeling the jewelry (begins page 68), but her face isn't seen and there is no credit that I can find.  The model they implied was doing a reshoot appears in a different context on pages 34-35. 

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, WordsWordsWords said:


I still think PK is a pig, but he had good instincts when he tried to hush Dorit. (I can't believe I said something semi-nice about PK.)

And about husbands, brothers, and sons with the same name: I didn't want to fall in love with a guy who had the same name as my brother either. But I did. We've been married over 40 years. My own given name is so common in my family as the first half of a Southern double-barreled name that at family reunion time, if you just call out the first part of the name, I swear forty middle-aged-to-elderly women all look up to see which second name you're gonna say. *laughing*

I can one up this. I married two men named Ed. BUt that's because, you know what  they say, 2 Eds are better than one.

  • Love 21
15 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I just didn't see it as being a cold bitch-I saw it as "I have had enough of this little twit".  This coming from someone who didn't like Erika.  Teddi really needs to extinguish the references to another's lack of truthfulness.  To many people that is a non-negotiable breaking point.   Then again the episode may reveal something entirely different and I may find Erika overblown.

I can see that as well.  I am not opposed to someone being put in their place I just think in this instance (as well as with her friend Eileen) she needed to dial it down some.  The message could have still been given without such venom.  I would reserve that sort of explosion for someone who did something HORRIBLE which in the grand scheme of things, this was not (based on what they have shown thus far).  Naked Wasted on another show would have deserved this, Brandi outing surrogacy would have deserved this, how Kim 1st treated Brandi would have deserved this, but this one, based on what I have seen so far, didn't.  But like you, in context I could change my mind.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Josette said:

The magazine can be viewed here. Dorit  is modeling the jewelry (begins page 68), but her face isn't seen and there is no credit that I can find.  The model they implied was doing a reshoot appears in a different context on pages 34-35. 

Odd, the girl  were saw on the reshoot ( who i thought looked on the sleazy side), well, I am not sure what she is selling but it is not jewelry. The pages with LVP jewelry look fine. They never were going to use her face so she could have just looked at the pictures and said, as long as my face isn't being used, rather than making a fuss about the quality of the pictures. Dorit seems to very devoted to etiquette but totally devoid of basic manners.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Josette said:

The magazine can be viewed here. Dorit  is modeling the jewelry (begins page 68), but her face isn't seen and there is no credit that I can find.  The model they implied was doing a reshoot appears in a different context on pages 34-35. 

Did anyone else notice who is in the ad on the page opposite LVP's editors page? None other than Gigi H!

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:
On 3/6/2018 at 10:19 PM, gingerella said:

So, is Dorit mentally ill or something? Girl ain't right.

I was thinking the same thing. Either that or she's on something besides alcohol. When she was on top of Lisa declaring her undying love, it was not funny. It was unnerving. I could see the distress on Lisa's face. 

I would stay far away from Dorit. She strikes me as someone who is volatile and controlling. 

I think Dorit is acting out because she's watched the show and wants to ensure her place on it for many seasons to come. I think it's all very calculated and she's simply not that smart - or a good actress - so it seems obvious to me. She's also stupid as shit because although her swimwear line is hideous, IMO, she isn't doing anything on the show to make people want to support her line. I also think as far as controlling goes, it's all in her mind. PK controls that household and all in it. I fucking loved when she didn't bother going to her own "Very Important Meeting" to close her business deals and sent him instead, and was surprised that he'd taken the reins and made a few executive decisions without consulting her, like the name of the business, ha! He may be gross looking and come off the fool, but I'm sure he isn't about to let his second wife ruin him financially either. She isn't in charge of anything, IMO he's running that swimwear venture and letting her think she's playing CEO of a company to placate her. Dorit is a moron, pure and simple. She is a term I coined years ago for someone similar, she is Bellignorant - belligerent & ignorant.  I'd bet money her house staff hate her, and she has few friends because who would want to spend any time with an pompous idiot who doesnt know what a silly cow she is, and who thinks her shit doesn't stink?

  • Love 16

Not everything is Dorit's fault.

Most of the stuff this season has been...


Also, is it me or has Erika put on weight?

She looks the same to me.


At Kyle's dinner Camille said she couldn't have kids because she didn't have a uterus anymore.  That's when Dorit started making the strap-on comments.  To me, it was Dorit implying that Camille was no longer a woman and needed a strap on because now she was more of a man. 

She (and maybe PK as well?) made a comment or two about how Camille could also be a godfather to one of their kids, which, ugh.

  • Love 6

Yeah,  there's NO WAY LVP didn't engineer that. It was beautiful and evil. 

LVP handles her business like the boss she is, for sure. However, I'm still not seeing any viciousness.


 Camille was embarrassed and hurt.

She was, and said her piece at Teddi's spa day. But, then she brought up her feelings again at Teddi's beach house, and now she's dragging the dead horse to LVP's party. Like Erika with PantyGate, if it was such a horrible ordeal to go through, then why dafuq keep revisiting it? These broads are every bit and more the grudge holders LVP is accused of being.


I am not opposed to someone being put in their place I just think in this instance (as well as with her friend Eileen) she needed to dial it down some. 


Edited by jaync
  • Love 10
12 hours ago, English Teacher said:

Dorit may have claimed the panties were a joke, but her behind the scenes snark and mentioning to anyone who would sit still long enough make me believe she is being less than truthful.  She meant it as a dig as much as Camille did except the motivation was different.  Camille was embarrassed and hurt.   I think Dorit was angry that PK Peeked. 

Didn't Dorit already apologize for her remarks to Camille and Camille accept? 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

 Camille schtick wasn't trying to be funny, she flat out said it was for revenge and delivered a couple of harsh remarks.  So Dorit is suppose to celebrate Camille extracting revenge?  Dorit sat there while Camille pawed at her and insulted her.  Can't be much more gregarious than that. Camille got her revenge, Dorit shut up and eventually disappeared.   After LVP and Camille telling her she talked to much Dorit took the hint and stayed quiet.  When asked about the ball gag by LVP, Dorit said, "it is a joke, a funny joke."  After LVP and Camille telling her she talked to much Dorit took the hint and stayed quiet.  Insecure Camille has bitched all season about it always being the Dorit show.  So when she doesn't command attention  and act up she is a poor sport?  Camille kind of sucked the humor out of the situation with her comments and body language. Dorit didn't really react.  Dorit laughed like a hyena at the glass gag.   Once again these idiots managed to make an event all about Dorit.  It was nothing Dorit did she was more than happy to let LVP have her day.   So at the end of the day LVP alienated Dorit, PK, Erika and Kyle with her comments.  I guess Teddi and Camille enjoyed the comments. 

From what has been revealed here-Dorit's photos appeared in the magazine.  LVP asked Dorit for the favor, Dorit was not exactly begging to be in the ad.  

Camille was pawing at Dorit?  I saw Dorit all over LVP, but not anyone doing that to Dorit.

I definitely don't see Camille as being insecure in regards to Dorit also.  Yes, Camille may have some issues regarding what she's been through with her body and how it is now different, but damn... can't blame her there.  She's been through a LOT! 

Yes, Dorit is a poor sport.  She's a baby who didn't like it when she was served up just what she has served others for two seasons now. If she would've laughed at the ball gag, as she expected Erika to do about the panties and Camille to do about the strap on comment and being called a see you next Tuesday, she would've won the episode and gained back some of the respect she's lost. 

I don't think LVP alienated anyone. least of all Kyle or Erika.  She's too much of a chess master (tm Kyle) and Dorit will be trying to get back in her good graces, if not for her own motivation, then at Peeekay's instruction.  

  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Didn't Dorit already apologize for her remarks to Camille and Camille accept? 

Yes she did apologize and Camille accepted. But Lisa R also apologized to Dorit which was accepted and what did Dorit do?  She turned right around and bad mouthed her along with PK at the dinner she invited Teddi and Edwin to. Dorit seems to think she can do and say whatever she wants but no one should be able to defend themselves or others. I would love to see Teddi tell Lisa R about that dinner conversation. 

Regarding Dorit's behavior I had my son who is a recovering drug addict watch the scene from PK's birthday party of Dorit confronting Teddi. I didn't explain anything about the show to him, just told him to watch and tell me what he thought about her. He told me she looked like she was on coke. 

  • Love 17
5 minutes ago, Deniset said:

Yes she did apologize and Camille accepted. But Lisa R also apologized to Dorit which was accepted and what did Dorit do?  She turned right around and bad mouthed her along with PK at the dinner she invited Teddi and Edwin to. Dorit seems to think she can do and say whatever she wants but no one should be able to defend themselves or others. I would love to see Teddi tell Lisa R about that dinner conversation. 

Regarding Dorit's behavior I had my son who is a recovering drug addict watch the scene from PK's birthday party of Dorit confronting Teddi. I didn't explain anything about the show to him, just told him to watch and tell me what he thought about her. He told me she looked like she was on coke. 

Good point. I did think Dorit behaved objectionably by disparaging Rinna to Teddi after Vegas. 

But that doesn't mitigate or rationalize Camille's behavior to me, especially since she wasn't involved with the dinner at the Arroyaves. 

From my perspective, it just means that Camille is acting like an asshole, too, since this is not even the first time she's belabored the grievance after taking Dorit's apology. 

I thought Dorit looked most coked up at the New York dinner. 

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, Silo said:

Teddi’s vignette about her job had me go from “What’s an accountability coach?” to “Damn, maybe I need an accountability coach” lol

It had me go, "Maybe I need to BE an accountability coach". I would totally boss people around for pay. 

(Of course, no one is going to see MY Instagram and be inspired to be like me.)

  • Love 9

there's NO WAY LVP didn't engineer that. It was beautiful and evil. 

Beautiful, evil, and fabulous.


I would love to see Teddi tell Lisa R about that dinner conversation. 

Well, Rinna will have watched it when it aired...and maybe even remember it come Reunion time.


If she would've laughed at the ball gag, as she expected Erika to do about the panties and Camille to do about the strap on comment and being called a see you next Tuesday, she would've won the episode and gained back some of the respect she's lost. 

I don't think Camille's ball-gag gift was only about how Dorit treated Camille at Kyle's dinner, but more aimed at Dorit's shenanigans throughout the season so far.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, Sai said:

It was perfection on Lisa's part and like you said, after all her complaining there's nothing Dorit can say about it.

I thought Camille's gift was absolutely perfect.  At Kyle's dinner Camille said she couldn't have kids because she didn't have a uterus anymore.  That's when Dorit started making the strap-on comments.  To me, it was Dorit implying that Camille was no longer a woman and needed a strap on because now she was more of a man.  That's how I took it and it was the most disgusting and disturbing thing I've ever heard from any housewife.  Women who go through those types of surgeries or mastectomies are already struggling with feelings of being less of a woman.  It's hard enough without some dipshit spewing out nasty comments like that.  If calling Camille at a dinner party with men around a F*cking C*nt and telling her she needs a strap-on is a joke then why wasn't the ball gag a joke?  Dorit deserved more than that.  I thought the ball gag was mild after what Dorit did but yet the perfect way to tell her to shut her trap!!

I completely missed what Camille said about not being able to have kids.  That puts a much crueler, more disgusting,  and  more contrived spin on the strap on comment. Really,  all the other women in the room, with the exception of Teddy are past their prime child bearing years as well,  so it was a slap St all of them.  Dorit can't help but show how cruel,  petty,  and dirty she is. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

She (and maybe PK as well?) made a comment or two about how Camille could also be a godfather to one of their kids, which, ugh.

Yes! I forgot about that. Ugh. Just such tasteless behavior. This is why I can't feel sorry for Dorit. She is just vile and if anyone dares poke back, she wilts like a delicate flower on a hot summer day.


5 minutes ago, BBHN said:

I don't think Camille's ball-gag gift was only about how Dorit treated Camille at Kyle's dinner, but more aimed at Dorit's shenanigans throughout the season so far.

Right. It was an overall comment on the fact that she needs to zip it (tm Kelly Bensimon). I believe Camille, that she was shopping for sexy stuff for LVP's birthday, saw the ball gag, and inspiration struck her. 

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

It wasn't just what she said to Camille. Dorit was more or less an asshole as soon as she walked into Kyle's house.



Totally. She really is foul. Imagine the reunion:

Andy: So, Dorit, you really seemed to be on a tear the night of Kyle's party. What was up?

Dorit: Aow, Ahndee, I was bing sopheesitkyted. Ay'm veddy Yeropeean, dont yew know? It was awl in guid fun!

Camille: You called me a cunt and said you were naming a strap-on after me. How is that good fun?

Dorit: Aow, Cumill, I sed I was sooorry. Ken't yew tek a jaoke?

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, SCS said:


Totally. She really is foul. Imagine the reunion:

Andy: So, Dorit, you really seemed to be on a tear the night of Kyle's party. What was up?

Dorit: Aow, Ahndee, I was bing sopheesitkyted. Ay'm veddy Yeropeean, dont yew know? It was awl in guid fun!

Camille: You called me a cunt and said you were naming a strap-on after me. How is that good fun?

Dorit: Aow, Cumill, I sed I was sooorry. Ken't yew tek a jaoke?

I busted out laughing - picturing Eliza Doolittle


  • Love 5
2 hours ago, gingerella said:

I think Dorit is acting out because she's watched the show and wants to ensure her place on it for many seasons to come. I think it's all very calculated and she's simply not that smart - or a good actress - so it seems obvious to me. She's also stupid as shit because although her swimwear line is hideous, IMO, she isn't doing anything on the show to make people want to support her line. I also think as far as controlling goes, it's all in her mind. PK controls that household and all in it. I fucking loved when she didn't bother going to her own "Very Important Meeting" to close her business deals and sent him instead, and was surprised that he'd taken the reins and made a few executive decisions without consulting her, like the name of the business, ha! He may be gross looking and come off the fool, but I'm sure he isn't about to let his second wife ruin him financially either. She isn't in charge of anything, IMO he's running that swimwear venture and letting her think she's playing CEO of a company to placate her. Dorit is a moron, pure and simple. She is a term I coined years ago for someone similar, she is Bellignorant - belligerent & ignorant.  I'd bet money her house staff hate her, and she has few friends because who would want to spend any time with an pompous idiot who doesnt know what a silly cow she is, and who thinks her shit doesn't stink?

Just to add to what you said - it's also why she likes to lecture people on "etiquette" - she thinks it proves she's classy.  She's too dumb to realize or learn that the least classy thing one can do is publicly lecture others on their etiquette.

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, missyb said:

Odd, the girl  were saw on the reshoot ( who i thought looked on the sleazy side), well, I am not sure what she is selling but it is not jewelry. The pages with LVP jewelry look fine. They never were going to use her face so she could have just looked at the pictures and said, as long as my face isn't being used, rather than making a fuss about the quality of the pictures. Dorit seems to very devoted to etiquette but totally devoid of basic manners.

In LVP's meeting with the photographer, LVP insisted that she only wanted images of the jewelry and not full model shots. She told Dorit the same thing but Dorit was surprised she was getting her makeup done. I assumed that makeup would have been done regardless just so that the model and photographer are not limited by the kind of poses they get from the shoot. Many times you see cropped shots that focus on jewelry but you still get parts of the face in the shot (chin, jawline, eye, etc.) without exposing the entirety of the face. Dorit kept fussing about how horrible she looked and LVP was reassuring her of how great she looked but I'm not in denial that LVP knows how to masterfully mix up drama without looking like an absolute fool so I wonder if she was also bringing attention to Dorit's pictures because she knew Dorit would continue to complain about how she looked in the pictures, lol.

  • Love 2
On 3/6/2018 at 10:45 PM, ChitChat said:

Dorit sure didn't mind embarrassing the hell out of Erika when panty gate happened.  A true friend would've just let that incident go, but many of the ladies continually threw that in her face.  I felt bad for Erika at that time.  Kyle actually encouraged Dorit to give Erika the gift of panties saying that she wanted to see the look on Erika's face when Dorit gave them to her.  I was disappointed in Kyle for that.  Anyway, Dorit should've learned that the best way to handle this situation is to laugh and at least pretend like you're a good sport about the joke, then it'll all die down much faster.  

Kyle didn't encourage Dorit to give the panties, that was Eileen and Rinna. Kyle was the only one to tell Dorit that Erika's feelings might be hurt if she did that.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

Camille is 49 and already has two children. Not many 49-year-olds can have kids.

So.  What does that have to do with anything?  Dorit starting saying Camille needed strap-ons and asking her to be her child's Godfather after Camille said she didn't have a uterus anymore.  If age had anything to do with it why didn't she make the same comments to Kyle who is the same age as Camille or to Lisa who's even older?  The comments Dorit made had nothing to do with age but rather because Camille had a hysterectomy because of cancer and had her uterus removed.  Sick!

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

It had me go, "Maybe I need to BE an accountability coach". I would totally boss people around for pay. 

(Of course, no one is going to see MY Instagram and be inspired to be like me.)

I know that feeling. My cousin lived next to a dominatrix (New York is an interest place). The thing that amazed us, and made us consider alternate part time work, is that one of the dominatrix's clients paid her to come to her house and clean it, while being bossed around!

I do not find Teddi boring, but refreshing.

I floved Dorit getting her very deserved come-uppance. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, MatildaMoody said:

sKyle didn't encourage Dorit to give the panties, that was Eileen and Rinna. Kyle was the only one to tell Dorit that Erika's feelings might be hurt if she did that.

Kyle was with her when she bought them.  Maybe I'm remembering wrong and she made the comment in her TH about wanting to see the look on Erika's face rather than saying it to Dorit, however, she did nothing to discourage her.   I always thought that she could've nipped it in the bud by simply telling Dorit that it would be best to drop the subject and not to humiliate Erika in that way.  Nobody likes to be reminded of embarrassing moments.  I can laugh and play along over something embarrassing about myself, but I surely don't want it to be thrown in my face at every turn.  One laugh and we're done, please!  Erika didn't deserve the constant ribbing over it, IMO.

Edited by ChitChat
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Good point. I did think Dorit behaved objectionably by disparaging Rinna to Teddi after Vegas. 

But that doesn't mitigate or rationalize Camille's behavior to me, especially since she wasn't involved with the dinner at the Arroyaves. 

From my perspective, it just means that Camille is acting like an asshole, too, since this is not even the first time she's belabored the grievance after taking Dorit's apology. 

I thought Dorit looked most coked up at the New York dinner. 

Dorit never forgave Rinna in Las Vegas and PK most certainly never received an apology after the way Rinna treated him at the Reunion.  Rinna mentioned to Erika in Japan.  I do believe Rinna has yet to go off on Dorit because she enjoying the LVP/Kyle/Dorit shit show too much.  I also believe in a moment of reflection Erika's decision to give Dorit another chance settled in with Erika.  Dorit did apologize to Erika several times and at some point it resonated.

Camille true colors are coming out.  Don't know why she should have been so embarrassed by Dorit in front of her wife beating, still married boyfriend.  Camille obviously makes a lot of concessions for people.  This is classic Camille.  Her need for revenge outweighs reason.  Her ex husband still won't speak to her because like Dorit he didn't get the jokes Camille made about him after their separation.  Just like Dorit he chose to just stay quiet.  Camille has to "parallel parent" her children because her thirst for revenge was more important than maintaining a civil discourse with the father of her children.  I think it is about time to trot out the soft core porn films of Camille's again or her nude photo shoots.   A little reminder of where she started.  Dorit is too soft to pull the porn card. https://starcasm.net/archives/84052

I don't think Dorit uses coke.  Her father was a pharmacist so if she is altered I would guess Adderall-just like the Vanderpump Rules cast.  Actually I think Dorit's drug of choice is attention.  When she was handed the floor in NYC to describe the events of the previous two weeks she looked like she had won an Oscar.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Dorit never forgave Rinna in Las Vegas and PK most certainly never received an apology after the way Rinna treated him at the Reunion.  Rinna mentioned to Erika in Japan.  I do believe Rinna has yet to go off on Dorit because she enjoying the LVP/Kyle/Dorit shit show too much.  I also believe in a moment of reflection Erika's decision to give Dorit another chance settled in with Erika.  Dorit did apologize to Erika several times and at some point it resonated.

Camille true colors are coming out.  Don't know why she should have been so embarrassed by Dorit in front of her wife beating, still married boyfriend.  Camille obviously makes a lot of concessions for people.  This is classic Camille.  Her need for revenge outweighs reason.  Her ex husband still won't speak to her because like Dorit he didn't get the jokes Camille made about him after their separation.  Just like Dorit he chose to just stay quiet.  Camille has to "parallel parent" her children because her thirst for revenge was more important than maintaining a civil discourse with the father of her children.  I think it is about time to trot out the soft core porn films of Camille's again or her nude photo shoots.   A little reminder of where she started.  Dorit is too soft to pull the porn card. https://starcasm.net/archives/84052

I don't think Dorit uses coke.  Her father was a pharmacist so if she is altered I would guess Adderall-just like the Vanderpump Rules cast.  Actually I think Dorit's drug of choice is attention.  When she was handed the floor in NYC to describe the events of the previous two weeks she looked like she had won an Oscar.  

Wife-beating, still married boyfriend? Do tell!

Agree about the adderall -- could totally see that.  She also seems a little on the manic side of normal. 

As for Kyle and the panties gift. I seem to remember Kyle saying, "I don't knowww" (if that's a good idea). It was sort of non-committal, (Kyle!) but it was clear Kyle was questioning the wisdom of the gift.  I don't remember if she said it directly to Dorit, but even if she had, Dorit was hell bent on giving Erika the underwear, so I doubt she would have paid attention anyway.

Edited by Jel
  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Jel said:

Wife-beating, still married boyfriend? Do tell!

Agree about the adderall -- could totally see that.  She also seems a little on the manic side of normal. 

As for Kyle and the panties gift. I seem to remember Kyle saying, "I don't knowww" (if that's a good idea). It was sort of non-committal, (Kyle!) but it was clear Kyle was questioning the wisdom of the gift.  I don't remember if she said it directly to Dorit, but even if she had, Dorit was hell bent on giving Erika the underwear, so I doubt she would have paid attention anyway.

Here is the link I put it over on Camille's page:  https://pagesix.com/2018/01/17/camille-grammers-lawyer-fiance-has-a-shady-past/  

Kyle didn't dissuade Dorit and I think at the time, Rinna, Eileen and Kyle all thought it would be funny. They were all laughing when they were given.  Until they saw Erika's reaction. Dorit's comment about "all seeing her pretty little puss," took it too far.   Once again, in the land of RHOBH, after Dorit had apologized, it had far more to do with the others jumping ship and distancing themselves from their involvement or lack of involvement in preventing the big joke.  And of course bringing it up ad nauseam and reliving it.  Dorit has absolutely no clue about jokes and others' sensitivity.

I don't see the ball gag getting any more traction.  If Dorit is smart she will let it drop and not discuss it in a group setting.  No one cares if Dorit's feelings were hurt and it is stupid to say she didn't take the revenge joke in the spirit it was intended.   What can you say to someone who is the butt of a joke-hey you didn't suffer enough, bitch? Camille didn't want Dorit to laugh-she wanted her humiliated and shamed, she said as much.  I think Camille was spoiling for a fight and that is why she is frustrated because Dorit didn't give her one. It is like beating someone and blaming them for not sitting still when they are getting beaten because the person beating them couldn't get enough good hits in. Camille's theory is the one who loses their cool is the one who loses and Dorit didn't give her the satisfaction.  LVP tried to blame Dorit's departure on it and it didn't fly.  This year's slight of the season seems to be Dorit's comment about LVP being jealous over Kyle and Dorit's friendship.  

  • Love 1

Well, did Meyer's wife call the police?  Did she get a restraining order?  We don't know.  Except that his wife made a claim in a divorce filing.  We don't know, as of yet, what happened.  They've been separated since 2014.  And it seems that it may be a messy divorce.

A lawyer is a lawyer.  Their job is to represent people, even obvious criminals.  I'm sure there's a lot more to story than what Page Six says.  I can't conclude anything.  I'm not ready to condemn the man because of a Page Six story.  I do reserve the right to change my mind.

As for Dorit...she's the type of person who doesn't get the message.  She's that person who needs a dose of her own medicine to get through to her.  Dorit needs to know that her 'jokes' or making a big deal out of etiquette or repeating things that were said to her in confidence is not ok.  For me, her apologies are hollow.  I don't think Camille was looking for a fight at all.  I think Camille, as well as LVP, wanted to make a point that would get through to her.  It's not ok and you need to cut it out and shut up.  Dorit sees herself as this fabulous person with knowledge about etiquette, etc. but the reality is she has no class.

  • Love 16
On 3/8/2018 at 11:27 AM, Silo said:

When Kyle mistook Erica’s Tom doing something with the Bar for an actual bar (where you sit and have drinks), I just didn’t know what to think about life anymore. Kyle is older and wealthy but still doesn’t know what the Bar is?

You really, really can be a complete undeucated idiot and have mountains of wealth if you attach yourself to the right people in the right zip code.

I very, very rarely use the word "dumb" to describe anyone but I often feel that way about Kyle.

  • Love 10

Dorit never forgave Rinna in Las Vegas and PK most certainly never received an apology after the way Rinna treated him at the Reunion.

Why does PK deserve an apology from Rinna to begin with?


Camille true colors are coming out.  Don't know why she should have been so embarrassed by Dorit in front of her wife beating, still married boyfriend. 

Well, the wife beating is alleged, not proven.

I'm not sure how any of that excuses Dorit being an asshole, nor should it deflect on it, whether it is true or not.


Her need for revenge outweighs reason.  Her ex husband still won't speak to her because like Dorit he didn't get the jokes Camille made about him after their separation.  Just like Dorit he chose to just stay quiet.  Camille has to "parallel parent" her children because her thirst for revenge was more important than maintaining a civil discourse with the father of her children.

I'm not sure how any of that is relevant. Trying to paint Dorit and Kelsey as poor victims of evil Camille? Camille and Kelsey's relationship really has nothing to do with the beef between Dorit and Camille.


I think it is about time to trot out the soft core porn films of Camille's again or her nude photo shoots.   A little reminder of where she started. 

So let's start a variation of slut-shaming Camille so Dorit can get a free pass for acting like an asshole?


Dorit has absolutely no clue about jokes and others' sensitivity.

Which is why blaming it on Kyle, Eileen, Rinna, or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man just doesn't work for me. Dorit, on her own, should have known better in that situation.


What can you say to someone who is the butt of a joke-hey you didn't suffer enough, bitch?

Let's ask all of the people Dorit has gone after this season and see what they think...


No one cares if Dorit's feelings were hurt

Dorit doesn't seem to care about anyone else's feeling but her own, so one could argue, at LVP's party, it all evened out. Granted, that was one incident with regards to all of others, so we can't say if they care or not.

Dorit has spent the season demonstrating she certainly doesn't seem to care about other's feelings.


I think Camille was spoiling for a fight

I don't think so. I think she just wanted Dorit to get a taste of her own medicine.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 15
5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Dorit never forgave Rinna in Las Vegas and PK most certainly never received an apology after the way Rinna treated him at the Reunion.  Rinna mentioned to Erika in Japan.  I do believe Rinna has yet to go off on Dorit because she enjoying the LVP/Kyle/Dorit shit show too much.  I also believe in a moment of reflection Erika's decision to give Dorit another chance settled in with Erika.  Dorit did apologize to Erika several times and at some point it resonated.

Camille true colors are coming out.  Don't know why she should have been so embarrassed by Dorit in front of her wife beating, still married boyfriend.  Camille obviously makes a lot of concessions for people.  This is classic Camille.  Her need for revenge outweighs reason.  Her ex husband still won't speak to her because like Dorit he didn't get the jokes Camille made about him after their separation.  Just like Dorit he chose to just stay quiet.  Camille has to "parallel parent" her children because her thirst for revenge was more important than maintaining a civil discourse with the father of her children.  I think it is about time to trot out the soft core porn films of Camille's again or her nude photo shoots.   A little reminder of where she started.  Dorit is too soft to pull the porn card. https://starcasm.net/archives/84052

I don't think Dorit uses coke.  Her father was a pharmacist so if she is altered I would guess Adderall-just like the Vanderpump Rules cast.  Actually I think Dorit's drug of choice is attention.  When she was handed the floor in NYC to describe the events of the previous two weeks she looked like she had won an Oscar.  

Wait.  Her ex husband is an 'innocent'?  Did he not have an affair before splitting from Camille?  Kelsey is no 'innocent'.  Being 'quiet' doesn't prove innocence.  It can also be guilt.  Your MMV.  What does Camille's past have to do with anything?

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, Feline Goddess said:

Both of her kids were from a surrogate because she had diverticulosis and couldn't carry a pregnancy herself.  They did use her eggs, so Mason & Jude are biologically hers. 

Is this what Camille is claiming? My mom had diverticulosis and had 6 kids, no issues. I have it and had 2 kids, no issues. 

I know many others.

Not understanding how diverticulosis affects pregnancy? 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Is this what Camille is claiming? My mom had diverticulosis and had 6 kids, no issues. I have it and had 2 kids, no issues. 

I know many others.

Not understanding how diverticulosis affects pregnancy? 

Yeah, me either. What is even stranger is that having been pregnant offers some protection  against endometrial cancer. Wasn't there a family hx of endometrial cancer? If so,  you would think she would not have chosen to utilize a  surrogate due to diverticulitis and would have carried her children herself. There must be more to it than diverticulitis. 

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 2
On 3/8/2018 at 10:25 AM, zoeysmom said:

First time when she decided to leave Dorit when Dorit was late.  Production did not get to film the scheduled scene of the two of them having a drink.  Second time when she threw everyone out of her beach house and canceled the day's activities because her feelings were hurt.  When scenes are scheduled and you leave or cancel that would be shutting down production.  They could not film anymore.  It was on the show.




Dorit was late and that's on Dorit. I hate that everything is so scripted and produced that Teddi is "shutting down production " when to me it should be reality and Teddi can say fuck it and go shopping , or have 10 drinks and stay, or Teddi can go home to her kids . She can do whatever she wants . 

I will have to rewatch the beach house shows I didn't gather she threw ppl out because of Erikas hotel stay I just thought it was a short 24 trip.

  • Love 11
40 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

will have to rewatch the beach house shows I didn't gather she threw ppl out because of Erikas hotel stay I just thought it was a short 24 trip.

Yeah in the epic text she sent that Rinna read it just said there would be a workout with her trainer/partner which happened, and then if people wanted to hangout on the beach and than beat traffic back to LA. 

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, Josette said:

The story is that Camille has a form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome which, I believe, made it difficult to conceive

I remember seeing an interview with Kelsey and Camille in which they talked about her issues with IBS.  She was trying to help other people with the same issue.  Sounded like she had a pretty rough time with it.  That interview was back in the day when she and Kelsey seemed very happy together.  

  • Love 2
On 08/03/2018 at 5:34 PM, missyb said:

Agree she would have  really liked that. Except for Teddi's gift. She really WANTED that !!

With all the comments about the previews for the upcoming weeks. It occurs to me, that the TH comment on each episode. They are also always dressed in one outfit . So, do they run clips and ask for a reaction for the camera.? I think Erika is in one of two outfits for every talking head. 

These are rich bitches. Who is to say they didn’t also donate to her charity as well as the gifts they gave.



On 08/03/2018 at 7:53 PM, ChitChat said:

It sure was!  Wow!  I thought we had heard her say those words "don't ever say that to me again" before, or something like that.   What was it Ramona Singer said about making mountains out of mole hills?  I hope that Teddi doesn't take that shit from her.  Sheesh. 

Actually she said “making mountains out of holemills” but yes. Housewives never get cliche sayings right. 

On 09/03/2018 at 1:30 AM, English Teacher said:

Dorit may have claimed the panties were a joke, but her behind the scenes snark and mentioning to anyone who would sit still long enough make me believe she is being less than truthful.  She meant it as a dig as much as Camille did except the motivation was different.  Camille was embarrassed and hurt.   I think Dorit was angry that PK Peeked. 

She 1000% was upset he looked and looked and gazed and then kept talking about it. Her coked up face showed it bothered her and then her non stop talking of it as well. Hell, I wouldn’t like if my husband looked at another woman’s snatch at a get together so I can’t blame her, though that’s on her husband not Erika. He could’ve been decent and looked away but he said if it’s out he’s going to look. Of course I didn’t marry a sleaze like PK so I’d be more shocked. I’d think Dorit is used to it.

On 09/03/2018 at 6:51 AM, Sai said:

It was perfection on Lisa's part and like you said, after all her complaining there's nothing Dorit can say about it.

I thought Camille's gift was absolutely perfect.  At Kyle's dinner Camille said she couldn't have kids because she didn't have a uterus anymore.  That's when Dorit started making the strap-on comments.  To me, it was Dorit implying that Camille was no longer a woman and needed a strap on because now she was more of a man.  That's how I took it and it was the most disgusting and disturbing thing I've ever heard from any housewife.  Women who go through those types of surgeries or mastectomies are already struggling with feelings of being less of a woman.  It's hard enough without some dipshit spewing out nasty comments like that.  If calling Camille at a dinner party with men around a F*cking C*nt and telling her she needs a strap-on is a joke then why wasn't the ball gag a joke?  Dorit deserved more than that.  I thought the ball gag was mild after what Dorit did but yet the perfect way to tell her to shut her trap!!

I didn’t recall these commments or The Godfather one. The dinner was boring until the cunt stuff started so I was multi tasking. God this makes me hate her even more. Idc if she was drunk. She’s a bitch and would’ve said it sober.

14 hours ago, Feline Goddess said:

Both of her kids were from a surrogate because she had diverticulosis and couldn't carry a pregnancy herself.  They did use her eggs, so Mason & Jude are biologically hers. 

Whether this or ibs- if she actually did have issue carrying kids/couldn’t get pregnant and it was a true medical issue not vanity she likely feels even worse about her femininity / womanhood already let alone the hysterectomy. Women take that stuff hard, feel less of a woman, feel their body failed them and their family and then this bug eyed bitch who has nothing going for her except I guess that she can pop kids out and give blow jobs for Birkins comes around saying she needs a strap on bc she’s more dude- god she needs bitch slapped. She almost makes me like Brandi. Where is Jacqueline’s weave rippin daughter when you need her?


  • Love 5
10 hours ago, BBHN said:

Which is why blaming it on Kyle, Eileen, Rinna, or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man just doesn't work for me. Dorit, on her own, should have known better in that situation.

I don't blame Kyle for Dorit's action (panty-gate), but I wish Kyle would've been more vocal when they were shopping and Dorit brought up the subject of buying some panties for Erika.  As a friend to Erika, I would've simply said I think we should give it a rest.  Erika was embarrassed enough over the incident.  No need to add insult to injury!  Then Kyle said that she wanted to see the look on Erika's face when Dorit gave her the panties.  I would've been hurt to see my supposed friend Kyle seemingly go along with it.  All of the ladies were just a little too eager to see Erika's reaction when Dorit gave her the gift.  I felt bad about that for Erika.  It was a mean girls kind of thing to me.  

That's one of my issues with Kyle.  Overall I like her, but she does ride the fence on some issues.  I hate when people do that.  


Actually she said “making mountains out of holemills” but yes. Housewives never get cliche sayings right. 

Kadooz to you for remembering, Kalamityjayne!  I thought it was "holemills," but I couldn't be 100% sure.  Love those Ramona-isms!  

Edited by ChitChat
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