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S01.E13: The Finale: Winner is Announced!

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Just like regular BB or Survivor, it ultimately depends upon whether the jury is bitter or recognizes and admires game-play.  In this case it was the former.  I'm glad Ross was recognized with the America's Favorite prize.  Marissa seemed more desperate for the win, so there's that...

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I'm never that invested in anyone winning these shows as it usually people I don't really like or care about. My mind won't store this info for more than a few days. We had some yuks and some things to talk about and now it's over... it's not like Marissa is going to be credited as this great and deserving mastermind. (like they tried so hard to make Paul up to be) So she won, I don't like it much but both were fairly annoying. Not sure I'd go as far as undeserving but yeah. It was an interesting couple of weeks and maybe BB got it's groove back and we'll have a good summer season of people wanting to play the game. That would be the best result of all of this really.

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8 hours ago, Thalia said:

Yay Ross.  America's Favorite!

America -1, Bitter Shannon and her poisoned jury - 0.

7 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Does anyone think that Ross threw the last HOH ? 


No, it was way to important to throw the final HOH. 

7 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Shannon just admitted in her live interview that the girls agreed (once the jury sat down together) to vote for Marissa.  Oma turned around and asked Shannon who to vote for, and Shannon said she was voting for Marissa.  So Oma and Ari said, "OK... we'll vote for Marissa."


Shannon poisoned the jury into voting by gender instead of who played the best?  Way to demean women there Shannon.  She is the WORST poor me cry baby sour grapes person ever. And she laughably calls herself a "superfan?"  LOL!  Hardly, she totally disrespected the game.  Congrats, Shannon.  You destroyed any career you had remaining.  (Elephants:  "Get away from us.  You are making us look guilty by association.").

7 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Oh Lord... Shannon wants to do Amazing Race.  Heaven forbid she doesn't win... she will sulk in the middle of the Amazon or something.

Hopefully eaten by piranhas.  Shannon:  "But but but you can't eat me.  I love all creatures great and small.  Except those that play better than me on Big Brother."  Head Piranha: "Come on guys. Revenge for Ross time!"

Ross was totally robbed.  Glad America backed Ross and told that wimpy jury of Shannon Sheep exactly what they think about the way those sour grapes voted.  Because "vote for the leech" is not the best reason on who you should vote as the winner.

Edited by green
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6 minutes ago, green said:

America -1, Bitter Shannon and her poisoned jury - 0.

No, it was way to important to throw the final HOH. 

So we know Shannon had Metta wrapped around her little finger and he voted as she told him to vote.  Then Shannon poisoned the jury into voting by gender instead of who played the best?  Way to demean women there Shannon.  She is the WORST poor me cry baby sour grapes person ever. And she laughably calls herself a "superfan?"  LOL!  Hardly, she totally disrespected the game.  Congrats, Shannon.  You destroyed any career you had remaining.  (Elephants:  "Get away from us.  You are making us look guilty by association.").

Hopefully eaten by piranhas.  Shannon:  "But but but you can't eat me.  I love all creatures great and small.  Except those that play better than me on Big Brother."  Head Piranha: "Come on guys. Revenge for Ross time!"

Ross was totally robbed.  Glad America backed Ross and told that wimpy jury of Shannon Sheep exactly what they think about the way those sour grapes voted.  Because "vote for the leech" is not the best reason on who you should vote as the winner.

I loved your whole post, but I laughed out loud and almost spit out my water at the comment in bold above.   lol

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, that does remind me, when Chuck voted, he said he voted for the person who played the "straightest" game. Was that just horrible wording, or intentional??

Weren't those his only words of the night?

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25 minutes ago, green said:

So we know Shannon had Metta wrapped around her little finger and he voted as she told him to vote.  Then Shannon poisoned the jury into voting by gender instead of who played the best?  Way to demean women there Shannon.  She is the WORST poor me cry baby sour grapes person ever. And she laughably calls herself a "superfan?"  LOL!  Hardly, she totally disrespected the game.  Congrats, Shannon.  You destroyed any career you had remaining.  (Elephants:  "Get away from us.  You are making us look guilty by association.").

It not only reflected badly on Shannon, but also Omarosa/Ari who had to follow Shannon's lead. Like...no, vote for who you want to win, you dumbasses. Omarosa's literally lost the few points she might have gained with everything she did tonight. From messing up the veto to her stupid ass eviction speech to her awful exit interview to voting for Marissa, she's just the worst, and Ari's embarrassing for doing the same thing. I definitely can't put all the blame on Shannon; she made it very clear once she was out of the house with her vote. She's also not the only person voting here. I mean, why did Chuck vote for Marissa? Does anyone even know? Because his vote seemed much like Metta's vote for Ross, which was taking a 50/50 shot. 

Which, by the way, Metta's random vote pissed me off because it just was another thing that proved he wasn't serious about the game. Hey casting, next time for CBB, if there is a next time, maybe don't pick a celebrity that doesn't want to be there? Because Metta was really a waste of a contestant for me to watch. 

I liked the bitter jury for BB19 because I loathed Paul that much and thought Josh winning would be entertaining (plus, there wasn't anyone else to root for at that point). Here? Not so much since Marissa did nothing, said nothing, and still won money that was completely unearned. Her F2 speech was basically "vote Ross!" 

Now I wonder if this would have been my reaction if it had been Paul/Christmas in the finale last year and Christmas had won. 

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I am just now watching the jurors vote again.  And I see the exact moment Shannon talked about in her live interview -- where Omarosa turns to her and asks who she is voting for.  You can clearly see Shannon say, "I'm voting for Marissa." 

At that point, Omarosa quickly turned to Ari and whispered to her.   Ari turned her head and looked at Oma and said what looked to be, "Really??  

It looked as though, for a brief moment, Ari was surprised that "they" were voting for Marissa.  

I'm not sure if Ari realized that she was allowed to make her own choice, and that she didn't have to follow along with Shannon, Oma, etc.  In other words, it didn't have to be everyone voting the same way.

I guess Ari decided on the spot, "OK, I'm voting for Marissa," at which point she turned to Mark to tell him what the rest of them were doing.  (I'm glad Mark made his own choice.)

And then there was some chatter back and forth between the first row of jurors and the back row.  I think Ari must have told Brandi she was voting for Marissa. 

So, again, I tend to think that if the most recent jurors -- James and Ari, in particular -- had been given a few days to think on it and talk it through, they might have voted differently.  But they voted with the pack in the moment.

Edited by TVFan17
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2 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

So, again, I tend to think that if the most recent jurors -- James and Ari, in particular -- had been given a few days to think on it and talk it through, they might have voted differently.  But they voted with the pack in the moment.

James would have voted for Ross if Ross hadn't taken credit for winning the Bowlerina HOH,  which I find kind of hilarious but also annoying. James has done fairly well at separating emotion from game, but him voting here was purely emotional. 

I just wish Shannon had actually gotten the information about Marissa having a hand in backstabbing her. I mean, did she not see Marissa voting to evict Keshia and how disappointed she was to not backdoor Marissa? Or did people just send her the information on Ross? Because Marissa was definitely a backstabber as well. Is it because Shannon felt closer to Ross? I simply don't get it.

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

This did seem like a bitter jury, while I would preferred Ross to win, I am ok with Marissa winning.


2 hours ago, missyb said:

Players are getting more and more small minded. Why can't they give someone credit for playing the game. I am glad Ross got his last words in. Folks its big brother. There is going to be lying. How did they see Marissa as the better player ?  I don't get it.

This is one specific area where I think the drastically shortened timeline has a negative impact upon the game.  These Jurors don’t have any appreciable time before Jury to cool down and take stock - of their own game, or the games of others.  Under such conditions there can’t help but be an increased Jury propensity for pure-emotion voting - aka a “bitter Jury”.

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8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Is it because Shannon felt closer to Ross? I simply don't get it

She knew from the start that Ross was a better player. I hate the term Superfan, hate it, but who decided that Shannon was a super fan ? Did she decide it herself and everyone went along with it?

8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

james would have voted for Ross if Ross hadn't taken credit for winning the Bowlerina HOH,

Does Ross know that James let him win? It wasnt really talked about in the house ?

Edited by MsJamieDornan
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Having just watched the later part of the finale with jury, questions, jury talk, vote reveal, etc. Julie Chen seemed to have the best time with this group. I thick she ad-libbed a little bit and was having fun. It was nice to see. A change from regular season. Not the Chen-bot at all.

I also thought it was hysterical how the jury was trying to discuss and have their own round table before the vote.Barely under control.

Edited by missyb
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8 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Does Ross know that James let him win? It wasnt really talked about in the house ?

According to James in that backyard interview, everyone knew. I'm not sure if it was outright stated but I do remember how obvious James was about throwing it. It's also possible that Ross did know and it was talked about at one point. 

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


\According to James in that backyard interview, everyone knew. I'm not sure if it was outright stated but I do remember how obvious James was about throwing it. It's also possible that Ross did know and it was talked about at one point. 

Thanks, I've totally blanked that one out. I remember having to ask here if it really happened.

I do remember being more interested in Omarosa possibly being hit by a bowling ball.

Edited by MsJamieDornan
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Shannon is a whiny, sore loser, bitch who is used to always getting her way. She had no more right to stay in the house than anyone else. She was out early because she did not play the best, whatever the “best” is. She is really entitled and very unlikeable in my opinion. I also think it is very low for her and Omarosa to be campaigning so hard against Ross. Sheesh! They don’t let other people have their own opinions. I am so glad that Ross won AFP.

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:
Marissa was the person I wanted to win the least. I would have rather seen Omarosa win, since she had no one on her side and managed to last almost till the end. I would have been so much happier with Mark, Ari or Ross winning. 
As someone who watched the feeds way to much this season, I hope BB20 takes 2 lessons from CBB. It was SO NICE not have less or almost no swearing in the house. It was also nice how even when the had sides, they still found ways to all talk at night and play games. I liked that we had tons of gameplay sneaky talks but still saw so much together friendly chatter and fun. 
Edited by silverspoons
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I'm fine with Marissa winning. Agreed that Ross played the bigger, stronger game. But I liked that Marissa was loyal and took the "better" player to the end and somehow still managed to win. I'm not sure she would have won against anyone else actually.

Edited by burner
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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I'll leave Omarosa's speech to y'all to make fun of. 

But that dress she wore? OMG want.

Right?!?! I initially thought it was by Erdem because of the cut and floral print, but if there's something affordable that looks like an Erdem dress, I'm officially on the prowl!

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

If MotorMouth isn't hosting that barbecue in her backyard tomorrow for all the HGs, they're all gonna be so pissed.

 A BBQ in her yard? Seriously? This makes me LOL because a) reminds me of a high school theatre cast party and B) really, you want to hang out with her/them after being stuck together for 3 weeks-ish? I mean I guess it’s a nice gesture but still. (ETA: I totally get having a party... but the next day?)

3 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Motor mouth Marissa won. YUK!!

No need to watch the finale when this comes on in less than an hour from now. (CA).

Yeah I missed the show... but it doesn’t sound like I really missed it. Blech.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Which, by the way, Metta's random vote pissed me off because it just was another thing that proved he wasn't serious about the game. Hey casting, next time for CBB, if there is a next time, maybe don't pick a celebrity that doesn't want to be there? Because Metta was really a waste of a contestant for me to watch. 

I have gone back and forth on Metta. For the most part, I liked him and I kind of enjoyed that he was so random—trying to escape, being meh about competitions, etc. It kept things kind of interesting. I don’t want a house full of Mettas, and I certainly don’t like that his behavior had an impact on the game’s outcome. But next time, it would be fun to have an America’s Player who did random stuff, but did so in a way that it didn’t effect evictions (and maybe other comps).

Edited by ivygirl
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Ross didn't get Paul-ed, he got Danielle-ed. That jury should have been sequestered.  I'm so glad that he got America's Fave because he seemed genuinely worried that he was the villain. No Ross, you weren't the villain, you were one of the few people who weren't afraid to play Big Brother!

Seriously, I want another season of CBB but I want a season full of people like Ross, who know it's just a game, but are there to play and win. And if you quit or beg to go home, you don't get to be on the jury! (I'm also not fond of people begging for HOH so they can have a letter but that's a whole other issue.) And no space fillers who have no clue or desire to play...Metta. Was his vote really random or was he playing us? Because that was ridiculous.

I'm just happy that I like Mark just as much now as I did when the show started. I was so worried we might see a bad side of him but, nope, he's a good dude and my 90s crush can continue guilt-free.

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3 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Now that Ari stupidly gave her vote to Marissa, for some reason that I can't figure out, I am glad that Ari didn't even crack the top 3 for America's Favorite!!    She kept talking about how loyal she was for the whole game, and yet the person she said she would vote for if he got to Final 2, she did not vote for.    Ross even kept her in the game when Mark suggested getting rid of Ari instead of Omarosa.  I think Omarosa got to Ari and convinced her that they had to vote for a female.

Anyway, Ari will do fine in her modeling career.  She is beautiful, so she won't have any trouble finding work.

People from pageants are not necessarily good at modelling - in fact, sometimes it's a strike against them.  Pageants have very specific poses and strutting that can look really tacky in modelling.  Plus pageants focus a lot on being fake-nice and disingenuous, which doesn't translate well into spontaneous, natural pictures.

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Of course! There are already reports that she got into it with one of the Teen Mom stars. 

Sounds like Marriage/Family Boot Camp on WE TV. I am so tuning into that now! I won't lie, I just want to watch her fight with trashy non-mom Amber Portwood!

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20 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

A BBQ in her yard? Seriously? This makes me LOL because a) reminds me of a high school theatre cast party and B) really, you want to hang out with her/them after being stuck together for 3 weeks-ish? I mean I guess it’s a nice gesture but still.

Well, I can see how it might be a hoot to get their families together.  I imagine they talked a lot about their families while in the house, so they might want the opportunity to meet everyone they've been hearing about. 

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17 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Ross didn't get Paul-ed, he got Danielle-ed. That jury should have been sequestered.  I'm so glad that he got America's Fave because he seemed genuinely worried that he was the villain. No Ross, you weren't the villain, you were one of the few people who weren't afraid to play Big Brother!

Seriously, I want another season of CBB but I want a season full of people like Ross, who know it's just a game, but are there to play and win. And if you quit or beg to go home, you don't get to be on the jury! (I'm also not fond of people begging for HOH so they can have a letter but that's a whole other issue.) And no space fillers who have no clue or desire to play...Metta. Was his vote really random or was he playing us? Because that was ridiculous.

I'm just happy that I like Mark just as much now as I did when the show started. I was so worried we might see a bad side of him but, nope, he's a good dude and my 90s crush can continue guilt-free.

Julie did refer to this as the "inaugural season of CBB", so there's hope for more seasons!

I really think Metta voted for Ross on purpose. I think he was only trying to continue to play along with the clueless act at such a heightened time of tension and suspense to diffuse the bitterness.

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2 minutes ago, backformore said:

Well, I can see how it might be a hoot to get their families together.  I imagine they talked a lot about their families while in the house, so they might want the opportunity to meet everyone they've been hearing about. 

Oh I can see that. But the next day... man, I’d be holing up at home to decompress for a few days. :) 

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Congrats to Marissa.  Yay, Ross won AFP.

I enjoyed this season so much. It reminded me why I used to love this show.  The crazy amount of over investment,  then boom it's over lol. I love it. 

Watching CBB actually has me thinking of watching BB again. 

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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

James would have voted for Ross if Ross hadn't taken credit for winning the Bowlerina HOH,  which I find kind of hilarious but also annoying. James has done fairly well at separating emotion from game, but him voting here was purely emotional.

Technically Ross did win.  Don't throw a competition and then expect it to go into the record book that you won the competition you "threw."  And how big an ego is it that gets all bent out of shape that he didn't get credit for "throwing" (not winning) some silly game while wearing a tutu.

4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Ross didn't get Paul-ed, he got Danielle-ed. That jury should have been sequestered.  I'm so glad that he got America's Fave because he seemed genuinely worried that he was the villain. No Ross, you weren't the villain, you were one of the few people who weren't afraid to play Big Brother!


I totally agree.  And Danielle is my all time favorite.  I still haven't forgiven the people on that season for not voting her the winner and that has to be what, decade and a half ago?  Now this jury will be on my official enemies list along with that one.  Which may mean I now have co-all time favorites adding in Ross' name next to Danielle's. 

And I've long ago forgotten who did win Danielle's season but never forgot her.  Same will happen with Ross.  I will soon forget there ever was someone named Marissa but will always remember him.

And you would think that "superfan" Shannon would know how REAL fans of the show hate hate hate bitter juries.  But then she never acted like she knew anything about Big Brother inside the house either the way she overplayed like crazy then got ultra paranoid and started betraying alliance members for no reason then went into full blown poor little baby mode when she had managed to sabotage her game to the point where everyone wanted her out.  I'm starting to think it was her and not Metta that was the most clueless in the house.

Edited by green
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I thought that was one of the more entertaining BB finales. I liked that so much of it was live.  I'm glad a woman won, but at the same time, not crazy about the way she won. Marissa really is a chatterbox, isn't she. Even Julie had to ask her to stop talking!

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6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

According to James in that backyard interview, everyone knew. I'm not sure if it was outright stated but I do remember how obvious James was about throwing it. It's also possible that Ross did know and it was talked about at one point. 

What backyard interview?  

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James just continued to annoy me with his lame reasoning for choosing Marissa. I think his masculinity was hurt by being played by Ross so masterfully. James thought he had such a good grasp and hand in everything only to be made a fool. 

3 minutes ago, Wings said:

What backyard interview?  

The CBS LA interview on FB I believe. 

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51 minutes ago, green said:

And Danielle is my all time favorite.  I still haven't forgiven the people on that season for not voting her the winner and that has to be what, decade and a half ago? 

That was a huge let down for me too.  Her DR's were epic and the way she and Jason held their secret alliance to the end hasn't been duplicated.

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6 hours ago, Nashville said:


This is one specific area where I think the drastically shortened timeline has a negative impact upon the game.  These Jurors don’t have any appreciable time before Jury to cool down and take stock - of their own game, or the games of others.  Under such conditions there can’t help but be an increased Jury propensity for pure-emotion voting - aka a “bitter Jury”.

It can also dispel the ‘I want a woman to win’ mentality we saw here and shift the focus to game play.  A round table with a moderator would have benefited this group and perhaps changed the outcome.

 I do think it was more valuable to Ross that he won AFP though. 

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I watched the ending again.  Ross directed his winning the bowling comp to Meta in his final speech.  James threw it but Ross beat Meta and that was his point in saying it takes a champion to beat a champion.  James didn’t understand what he meant. 

Edited by Wings
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Well, I didn't love Ross, but I was disappointed he didn't win. He deserved it. Maybe it's too much armchair quarterbacking on my end, but I get so sick of people being awarded for being "nice". All these comments about "honesty" as they were voting? Please. My eyes nearly rolled out of my head. This is fucking Big Brother! Not tea in the park with granny. If some of these people are the super-fans they claim to be, you'd think they'd appreciate good game play. Ross PLAYED the game from start to finish - and he wasn't even one of the most deceitful/dirty players ever. Give me a break.  I know, I know...there's a lot to be said for a social game; but, IMO, all Marissa did was win that final HOH. Other than that, it was hitching her wagon to Ross that got her to the end. 

But I'm glad he won AFP. You could tell he had a real appreciation for that. I was really touched by his comments about holding his own with some of these big athletes and powerful people. I think he's a humble, good dude. 

I have more thoughts, but my mind is all scattered right now. I'll come back to them after reading through the posts. 

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9 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Well hey, she wasn't lying when she said Friday that she would win against any of them lol. Though I think even if Mark got to F2, majority would've chosen him over Ross, they were that bitter.

Many of us thought that Marissa was crazy when she chose Ross, but as far as Karma goes, for once it rewarded loyalty.  I don't think she would have won against either Mark or Ari.  And I was also upset when Ross didn't get the last HOH, but I now realize that if he was going to lose to Marissa, he would have lost to ANYONE.  That jury was some bittercakes. 

Edited by Thalia
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1 hour ago, green said:

And you would think that "superfan" Shannon would know how REAL fans of the show hate hate hate bitter juries.  But then she never acted like she knew anything about Big Brother inside the house either the way she overplayed like crazy then got ultra paranoid and started betraying alliance members for no reason then went into full blown poor little baby mode when she had managed to sabotage her game to the point where everyone wanted her out.  I'm starting to think it was her and not Metta that was the most clueless in the house.

She was basically Vanessa, but for me, not as likable. I actually loved Vanessa, even through her own paranoia and iffy gameplay. But hey, it got Vanessa to F3! 

But even Omarosa, supposed superfan, had ulterior motives for voting for Marissa. I wish someone clued her in that a girl has already beaten a guy twice, and that history doesn't need to be made anymore. Omarosa's reasons for voting for Ross were just as bitter as Shannon's. So it was equally both of them at fault. 

I think almost everyone seemed to vote emotionally. But with a shortened season and an unsequestered jury, it's not completely out of the realm to have bitter jurors. It's just massively disappointing that they rewarded Marissa instead. 

19 minutes ago, Wings said:

I watched the ending again.  Ross directed his winning the bowling comp at Meta in his final speech.  James threw it but Ross beat Meta and that was his point in saying it takes a champion to beat a champion.  James didn’t understand what he meant. 

Oh yeah, James definitely misunderstood and thought he was talking about James. Though, with that wording, I can see how it hurt someone like James, who has a HUGE ego. 

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7 hours ago, Bridget said:

Right?!?! I initially thought it was by Erdem because of the cut and floral print, but if there's something affordable that looks like an Erdem dress, I'm officially on the prowl!

All of her looks (and I call it that because that was all very carefully chosen, put together, and planned before entering the house) have been fantastic. But yeah, that dress. Someone better have a cheap knockoff that I can afford. 

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9 hours ago, green said:

Shannon poisoned the jury into voting by gender instead of who played the best?  Way to demean women there Shannon.  She is the WORST poor me cry baby sour grapes person ever. And she laughably calls herself a "superfan?"  LOL!  Hardly, she totally disrespected the game.  Congrats, Shannon.  You destroyed any career you had remaining.  (Elephants:  "Get away from us.  You are making us look guilty by association.").

I missed that during all the chatter. Wow. She really is a petulant, little baby. 


8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Omarosa's literally lost the few points she might have gained with everything she did tonight. From messing up the veto to her stupid ass eviction speech to her awful exit interview to voting for Marissa, she's just the worst,

Ugh, that exit interview. Has anyone in BB history looked out into the audience THAT much??? It was so obnoxious. I felt for Julie, trying to wrangle her in. 

8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Which, by the way, Metta's random vote pissed me off because it just was another thing that proved he wasn't serious about the game. Hey casting, next time for CBB, if there is a next time, maybe don't pick a celebrity that doesn't want to be there? Because Metta was really a waste of a contestant for me to watch.

Ooooh, I forgot about that. That made me so mad. Between his random vote and begging to go home for weeks, I was thoroughly disgusted. You mean to tell me they couldn't find any other celebrities that wanted to play??? 


8 hours ago, Nashville said:

This is one specific area where I think the drastically shortened timeline has a negative impact upon the game.  These Jurors don’t have any appreciable time before Jury to cool down and take stock - of their own game, or the games of others.  Under such conditions there can’t help but be an increased Jury propensity for pure-emotion voting - aka a “bitter Jury”.

Good point. While I enjoyed watching a much shorter season, it does seem to prevent some real reflection when it comes to the jury members. 


1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

That was a huge let down for me too.  Her DR's were epic and the way she and Jason held their secret alliance to the end hasn't been duplicated.

Ahhh, the good ol days. Every time an unlikely alliance forms in the house, I get my hopes up that they can keep it quiet like Jason and Danielle. But they never do. And it never lasts. Sigh...

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I think if they do this again (and they probably will if the ratings are good) they should maybe extend by one week and pace the competitions and eliminations more evenly.  It all seemed such a rush at the end.  There should have been just 3 left in the house for the final day or two.  And the jury needed more time to collect their thoughts.

But more enjoyable than I had anticipated.  I had expected a lot of posturing and wanting limelight, but they actually played the game.

It always surprises me when a  jury accuses of lying or back stabbing, when this is the whole point of these types of elimination games.

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Wow, the Shannon hate on this page is out of control.  All based, as far as I can tell, on responding to Omarosa asking her who she was voting for with a one-word answer:  "Marissa." 

That doesn't really accrue towards making her a "whiny, petulant bitch" who "campaigned against Ross" and "poisoned the jury against him."  It's not even evidence she was voting based on gender.


Since Julie specifically scolded Omarosa, on camera, about trying to influence the jury, I could buy a certain amount of umbrage there, but Shannon's getting ripped to pieces for nothing.

Edited by candall
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1 minute ago, candall said:

Wow, the Shannon hate on this page is out of control.  All based, as far as I can tell, on responding to Omarosa asking her she was voting for with a one-word answer:  "Marissa." 

That doesn't really accrue towards making her a "whiny, petulant bitch" who "campaigned against Ross" and "poisoned the jury against him."  It's not even evidence she was voting based on gender.


Since Julie specifically scolded Omarosa, on camera, about trying to influence the jury, I could buy the umbrage, but Shannon's getting ripped to pieces for nothing.

Just speaking for myself, but my dislike of Shannon goes back to the house. It's not based just on how she acted last night.  Shannon played a strong game at first. Maybe a bit too strong. A target was soon upon her back. Instead of taking stock of the situation and recalibrating her game, she proceeded to pout and whine, as if it was all so unfair. It's a game. You have to play. You will not always be on top. James was an immediate target as well, and he played it right. He stayed calm, switched things up, and ended up lasting much longer than Shannon did. It all boils down to - Shannon made some mistakes and she wasn't humble enough to realize she needed to change her game. She seemed to take things way more personally than they were meant to be. My opinion of her was formed way before last night. 

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10 hours ago, missyb said:

Having just watched the later part of the finale with jury, questions, jury talk, vote reveal, etc. Julie Chen seemed to have the best time with this group. I thick she ad-libbed a little bit and was having fun. It was nice to see. A change from regular season. Not the Chen-bot at all.

I also thought it was hysterical how the jury was trying to discuss and have their own round table before the vote.Barely under control.


Yeah Julie seemed much more relaxed and loose with this group.  I think because for the most part (despite a bitter jury) the group gets along well. No one took it that seriously and a lot of the drama was calculated with less hard feelings than during a normal season. Plus we avoided the usual toxic racism, sexism, homophobia reveals that we get from the usual trash people the show loves to cast during its normal seasons.

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Marissa over Ross (disagree but on swell)

Ari over Marissa and Ross?

Mark over Ari (around the halfway point he started getting into the mix and I think they would reward that)

Marissa over Mark (cause #GirlPower)

Ross over Mark? (Maybe? This could go either way)

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9 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Ross didn't get Paul-ed, he got Danielle-ed. That jury should have been sequestered.  I'm so glad that he got America's Fave because he seemed genuinely worried that he was the villain. No Ross, you weren't the villain, you were one of the few people who weren't afraid to play Big Brother!

Seriously, I want another season of CBB but I want a season full of people like Ross, who know it's just a game, but are there to play and win. And if you quit or beg to go home, you don't get to be on the jury! (I'm also not fond of people begging for HOH so they can have a letter but that's a whole other issue.) And no space fillers who have no clue or desire to play...Metta. Was his vote really random or was he playing us? Because that was ridiculous.

I'm just happy that I like Mark just as much now as I did when the show started. I was so worried we might see a bad side of him but, nope, he's a good dude and my 90s crush can continue guilt-free.

From what we saw Saturday I think it was a real vote as the two seemed to had bonded while in the House.

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I was disappointed in the finale, but overall, I loved this season. I wasn't looking forward to it all, because I assumed the 'celebrities' would be all about camera time and bragging about their careers. But these people played. In some ways, more than the regular people they usually cast. (Metta excluded, of course.)

It's also a nice change of pace that I don't actively dislike anyone at the end of the season. I don't think that's happened since...ever.

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5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Julie said CBB is 80% likely to return. Just hard to find out where to schedule it since it takes up so much prime time real estate.

Do it in the summer and make the regular season shorter.

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