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S05.E09: One K at a Time

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4 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

Having not seen the episode I am curious about the rag on the stick. Does it look like she bought it or just put it together and was using it for the first time?

I can’t tell if she rigged it up herself or if she bought it. It was like a silver metal pole with a white sponge or something taped onto the end.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Donut Bear said:

Is she seriously doing this barefoot??

I KNOW. And also training in the sand, which at her weight is like flailing around in quicksand. A year or so ago I carted two gigantic tents, a cooler, and a beach bag barefoot about 3/4 mile down the beach and wound up with a cuboid subluxation in my right foot (basically pulling a joint in the bottom middle outside of your foot). It took over a month to heal and had I just not been stubborn and lugged it on a solid surface (or even with shoes), I wouldn't have injured my foot. She was training on the sand in tennis shoes but it probably was just like 'training' barefoot in the sand. Super sad.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Tosia said:

Twit was giving out tons of mixed messages all along that 8k. Massive guilt-inducing on Dad. Bitching at Buddy.  Nice as pie to the medic.  She's a total jerk. 

Good for you Buddy for getting away from her.  

EXACTLY. Sweatney was paying Glenn back for EVERYTHING. For putting conditions on her trip to Hawai'i, for not putting those same conditions on Hunter, for 'lying' about it being a 5K and not an 8K, and everything else she feels he needs to be paid back for. She was afraid that there was nothing wrong with her feet, and therefore wouldn't let the medic touch them. She was a total petulant, histrionic toddler who was going to make goddamn sure Glenn suffered during that whole damn race.

Edited by lightninggirl
  • Love 23
18 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

EXACTLY. Sweatney was paying Glenn back for EVERYTHING. For putting conditions on her trip to Hawa'ii, for not putting those same conditions on Hunter, for 'lying' about it being a 5K and not an 8K, and everything else she feels he needs to be paid back for. She was afraid that there was nothing wrong with her feet, and therefore wouldn't let the medic touch them. She was a total petulant, histrionic toddler who was going to make goddamn sure Glenn suffered during that whole damn race.

This!  And just wait: she’s going to do her best to ruin the rest of everyone else’s vacation because they made her do the 8K.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, aliya said:

Nope. I often have to walk a long distance thru the hospital corridors to do my audits. When I first started this job, I  was coming off of hip bursitis that had me nearly suicidal from the pain, included 3 prescription pain killers, a car disability decal, and a wheelchair in the airport. It took me 2 years, with bouts of tendinitis on each side, to be able to stop using the little golf cart the hospital has - and which didn't go everywhere I needed to go. 

I can walk a lot better now, but I still get hip pain sometimes. My doc told me to take arthritis pain relief about 30 minutes before I go out, the problem is, when I'm not in pain, I don't think about it (duh), so I often forget to take it. It's a good idea tho; I should just be better at it. That said, I am sooo much better than I was, but it took therapy and walking that darned hospital, even if I had to make multiple stops to deal with the pain. I'm doing yoga for old folks for more flexibility and have a stepper at home because, unlike Twit, I know you actually have to work to get results.

I have had hip bursitis for the past 2 years, ( mis- diagnosed for previous 1 1/2 years.) I ice it most nights, and take a muscle relaxer prescribed for my restless leg syndrome. 

The hip pain wakes me up at night, hinders my walking gait, and causes shin splints--which are really painful too. Aqua exercise helps ALOT. Monthly massages with a really knowledgeable masseuse have taught me so much  tgat I can do to limber up hips, back, feet, cslves, etc....   I'm a teacher so I'm on my feet for most of the day,  most days. 

Now I've got another round of plantar fasciitis on my keft foot but orthotics and stretching are a little helpful, until abt 4 pm when I'm  limping. I'm  63, so Twit does not have any of my sympathy.  

What worked best for you for pain?   A cortisone shot did nothing.  Thanks.  

Yep, Twit will remind everyone of her pain continually for the next 5 years, if she lives that long.  I really believe that Hunter and Babs and the orters,   were more concerned about Glen in the heat, trying to help his daughter who is 3 times bigger than him. I had to laugh at her acting in pain, which came and went,  depending who was around.  Passive-aggressive to the max to Glenn--who I hope and pray gets some insight that his adult obese daughter is a lost cause.

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 7

Am I the only one that wished Hunter, Glen, or Babs would have yelled at her that “Hunter wasn’t required to do the 5k because they aren’t worried about being stuck caring for him when he’s bedridden instead of enjoying their retirement years or watching him die from obesity.” So yea - it’s because you are fat - but not as a punishment to you but as a last ditch effort to get you to see that it’s BAD and you need to make a change.  

  • Love 20
9 minutes ago, EctoGammat said:

we've officially reached My 600 lb Life levels of disgusting what-the-fuckery.

This is my new favorite phrase. :-)


9 minutes ago, EctoGammat said:

I'm also pissed off because I see people sneering about PCOS now thanks to her. Please know Whit does not represent us...

I don't blame you. I don't blame you one little bit for being angry about this.

She's also dragging down millions of people who don't fit into the "ideal weight" category, but even though they have a few extra pounds, are fit, eat healthy, can care for their own basic needs, etc. She's trying to put herself into THAT group - when, as you said, she really belongs in the "cripplingly obese" category. Frankly that's an insult to all of us (me included) who need to lose some weight and are trying to do that.

SHE'S NOT TRYING. AT ALL. And she's pretty darned open about that.

If she wants to give up on herself that's fine, but then don't try to lump yourself in with people who ARE trying. Or worse yet, tell people they SHOULDN'T be trying and should just love themselves the way the are.

Not being ashamed that I'm a work in progress is okay. But not being able to shave your own legs or put your chub-rub cream on yourself is NOT healthy and is NOT okay, and I wish she'd stop trying to cram it down my throat that not only is it okay, it's FABULOUS!

  • Love 17

Still watching, and reading comments at the same time, because it's still on here on the west coast. A couple of thoughts though:

- This is from the prior episode, when she was flopped on the surfboard. I actually felt embarrassed for her at one point, when she was shrieking while being pulled out into the water, and there were all these people on the shore giving her pity claps. It was such a sense of "hey let's watch the obese lady try to do something pretty easy for most people." I don't know, I just really though, how can she not be embarrassed by this? With everyone staring at her like she's a freak show.

- The wailing during the "race." Good lord. I've done a lot of races - have done a couple of Ironmans, actually, though not the one in Hawaii. And I do stupid shit. So one time I was doing the Goofy at Disneyland, which is a half marathon on Saturday, full marathon on Sunday. Well, I screwed up one of my feet in the half right at the start, and compensated by running oddly for the rest of the race. Sunday, I started out and my feet hurt. Suffice it to say, it turned into a shitshow death march, and for much of the race I was just ahead of the Grim Sweeper on the course. The next day, I couldn't walk - when we left Florida I had to be wheeled through the airport. I think I broke all the blood vessels in my lower legs or something. They were a mess for months. THROUGH ALL THAT I whined less than Whitney. Actually, I didn't whine at all. IMAGINE THAT.

JFC. And yes, if this isn't a huge wake-up call, nothing is.

  • Love 13

I kind of loved that little spin Todd did right in front of Whitney when he passed her on the race, making it look like a cakewalk while she was beet red, gasping for breath.

So here's another show I can't watch while eating dinner.  That scene with Todd was re.pul.sive.

So much second hand embarrassment for Whitney.   She put herself in that position, dammit.  If she had a healthier lifestyle, she wouldn't be struggling like that.  I think of all the people who for whatever reason can't do a race like that for health reasons (no fault of their own), and I just can't muster up any sympathy for her.  If her struggling that much isn't an impetus for change, then she deserves all the discomfort that comes along with being 400 pounds or however the hell much she weighs.  

  • Love 17
10 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

m I the only one that wished Hunter, Glen, or Babs would have yelled at her that “Hunter wasn’t required to do the 5k because they aren’t worried about being stuck caring for him when he’s bedridden instead of enjoying their retirement years or watching him die from obesity.” So yea - it’s because you are fat - but not as a punishment to you but as a last ditch effort to get you to see that it’s BAD and you need to make a change.

"No, it's not because you're fat. It's because you are super morbidly obese and are dangerously close to bedbound.


Todd, just say no. Crack is wack.... Also, did anyone else catch him say that he runs several miles a week.

Twit completely manipulated her father. She managed her first 3 miles in roughly an hour and a half. That isn't even a brisk stroll. I have a friend who landed on her hand midrace (10k) over the weekend after falling. The next day, she got up and did a half marathon with a really painful hand. After the half marathon, she went to the doctor and found out that her hand was broken and got it put in a cast. I guarantee she complained less that Twit's three hour drama.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

@Maggienolia good question! Who knows. Probably the sheer weight of her body causes blisters. And the goddamn flip-flops LOL. Yeah my worst ever blisters were after a half marathon. I had two blisters on each foot that were each 2-3 full inches in diameter, one filled with blood. The worst part was, I was signed up for Goofys Challenge at Disney World, so I was supposed to do a full marathon the following day. I made the hard decision to skip the second race because I knew I couldn't keep pace for the cutoffs by limping. See, Whitney, THOSE are Race Day Problems.

Haha, omg, I just wrote a post about doing the damn Goofy, before seeing yours. But you were smarter than me - I did the full, and totally screwed up my legs/feet. Duh. I've gone back since then for the Goofy (I don't learn, apparently), and finished it once with no problems, and backed out of the full the other time because it was so damn cold (below freezing) and I know I can't really run in the cold (cancer treatment radiation screwed up my lungs). So hey, apparently I DID learn. :-)

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, AliM said:

Poor Todd. GeezoPete. Chubrub cream? 

This is the only thing in this episode I can comment on since I saw a clip on TLC.com.

Why is Todd assigned the chore of rubbing cream into Twit's chaffed inner thighs when she has another woman -- Donna -- right there in her suite? Or why not call Babs? Why Todd?

I think the scriptwriters just like to give him an opportunity to have a hissy fit in each episode.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, PityFree said:

She has a rag on a stick!!!!!  Rag on a stick for personal hygiene!!  If that is not rock-bottom what is rock-bottom for her??

Having a tv audience see that she has a rag on a stick?  Who knows.

1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:

EXACTLY. Sweatney was paying Glenn back for EVERYTHING. 


51 minutes ago, PityFree said:

This!  And just wait: she’s going to do her best to ruin the rest of everyone else’s vacation because they made her do the 8K.

^^^Where I come from this is called "teaching them a lesson" :)


12 minutes ago, Dot said:

This is the only thing in this episode I can comment on since I saw a clip on TLC.com.

Why is Todd assigned the chore of rubbing cream into Twit's chaffed inner thighs when she has another woman -- Donna -- right there in her suite? Or why not call Babs? Why Todd?

I think the scriptwriters just like to give him an opportunity to have a hissy fit in each episode.

She claimed she texted everyone and he was the only one who responded.

I found this episode very disturbing.  I think she wanted to finish so that she can go around claiming that she "ran an 8k" and acting like her weight/food issues aren't the problem.  My brother (alcoholic) always has "reasons" and my parents suck them up - once the initial obvious problem has passed, people just see what they want.   (If he were Whit my mom would be saying, "He tried so hard!  Why do you have to be so negative?"). He could insist he was alright to drive right before he fell over, and everyone would jump into saving-his-face-mode, making up reasons about how they were going wherever anyway and want to carpool, and once his addict brain decides there's enough of a "cover story" he will go along with it.  And by the next day it's no big deal - he was just exhausted from working so hard. (HA!  That's another thing everyone pretends about - he works like Whit has a dance career.). So that's the addictive behavior I see - protect your addiction at all costs by refusing to let anyone speak truth about it, and then continue doing exactly as you please, desperately hanging on to the belief that others believe you, while they are either too afraid or too blinded by love and worry to acknowledge what's really the problem.

Just to add:  it can't be a happy or "fabulous" life and I do feel sorry for them.  But until they humble themselves to admit that they have a problem and need help, there's really nothing anyone else can do.  My parents have tried the bribing and the withholding from my brother, but he can always outlast them.  I believe that Glenn wanted this race in the hopes that while training for it, she would develop some healthy eating and exercise habits, but she does not want them for herself - so here's how that turned out!  I'm sure it's the most embarrassing episode Glenn and Babs have ever watched!

Edited by princelina
  • Love 15

I watched a Lifetime Movie once that had less drama than this drivel.  

Whitney needs someone to medicate her chub rub--so instead of calling her mom or, for Pete's sake, her freakin' ROOMMATE,  Whitney has to put out an APB on her phone for emergency aid.  Todd is my new favorite barnacle.  "Nobody wants to have such a harrowin' vision so early in the mornin.' "   I was sure Todd was just going to faint dead away with the vapors!  lol

Addiction behavior?  Yeah, her biggest addiction is "Attention-Can't-Get-Enough-Of-It-Disorder.  Her motto must be, even acting like a 2-year-old and embarrassing everyone within a mile is still....yay--attention!   I've never wanted to slap anyone as much as I wanted to slap her.  Hey Whitney, want to see somebody who has trouble walking?  Watch the commercial for Shriner's Children's Hospital.  Want to see how someone deals with pain?  Watch the commercial for St. Jude's Hospital.   Look at your father--in his 70's, overweight and still doesn't act like you.  A warrior in spirit?  More like a delusional fool with a pathological need to be the center of attention at all times, making a spectacle of herself.  Moaning, screaming, crying, lip quivering, is this Whitney being "resolute?"  And these enablers of hers deserve every ounce of abuse she heaps upon them.  I'm surprised she and her entourage didn't demand that the entire island stop and applaud as she hobbled over the finish line, flanked by two grown men, one of them her "daddy."  And somebody actually asked if they should take her to the hospital???  Yes, a psychiatric hospital but I fear it is too late.  

I have absolutely no compassion, no pity and no understanding for this mess.   This show is dead to me!

  • Love 19
35 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

I kind of loved that little spin Todd did right in front of Whitney when he passed her on the race, making it look like a cakewalk while she was beet red, gasping for breath.


I really enjoyed that as well. After being put through chub rub cream duty, Todd TOTALLY deserved to whiz past her, flower in his hair, and do his little spin! Freaking hilarious.

  • Love 15

This episode officially served as Whitney's casting submission for M6HPL. I hear Dr. Now dissecting her life and lies; 'hah yall doin?, 'what is your eating habit like?,' 'who buy you all this food? Is it your enablers?,' etc. I would love it! Whitney is truly a piece of work.

Did Whitney have one of those toilet tissue grabbers for obese people with tissue and cream on it? It looked like something posted over on the M6HPL once. Anyway ,why in the hell didn't Donna rub her chub instead of Todd? Makes zero sense and it was obviously scripted. Not to mention I would touch that 'grabber' on a bet! 

  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, JDAlexander said:

 I've never wanted to slap anyone as much as I wanted to slap her.

She made me slappy, too. 

She goes from braying and laughing about making her friends do shit like rub cream on her ass, to being a whiny little shit ("Daddy, will you put stuff on my blisters, and put my socks on me") before the race, to a complete crying, blubbering, complaining, pansy during the race. Then hobbles across the finish line being supported by two grown men, and has to get carted off in a golf cart because she can't even get back to the parking lot to the car.

And you just KNOW when they got to the hotel, there was going to be hell to pay. They may not show it on the show, but there was HELL-TO-PAY. I'm guessing they're not going to show what a raging bitch she was, or how they got her whining, cry-baby ass back up to her hotel room.

And NOT ONE WORD about it being a shortened course, even though we all know it was NOT a full 8K. Nor did she "run". But I bet next week we're back to "look what a fabulous life I have, and now I'm also a surfer and ran an 8K!"

  • Love 18
5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Ugh. You know, typically when you break up with someone... you are broken up. No one is supposed to have to keep saying "you're not going to get back together." So it's not Buddy's job and it's not Whitney's job. 

Buddy does not owe Heather "closure."

This whole group dynamic is weird. If Buddy and Heather are planning on staying friends and part of the same circle, it would be nice if they could be mature adults and discuss it. Buddy has the right to leave and not say anything, but it's a crappy thing to do if he wants to remain friends. Heather, however, really needs to mature and either find a way to discuss it or cut him out of her social circle. If he refuses to talk then you need to let him go and stop obsessing. 

  • Love 10

Omg, I started reading the comments before watching the episode and thought the rag on a stick comments were referring to the Simpsons when Bart becomes obese and says "I wash myself with a rag on a stick", only to find out there actually was a RAG ON A STICK?! This is too good.

Yes Buddy, she has an addiction...to food first and foremost, to attention, manipulation, guilt tripping people, but NOT to determination.

I agree with everyone saying people need to stop helping her with doing things, why change when people cater to your every need? With her, it's just expected there will be help at all times.

What pride is there in finishing the run when in the end you're a moaning, crying, hysterical wreck? It would have been far less humiliating for her if she would've just given up before resorting to hysterics. I do think a lot of it was to make her dad feel guilty for *forcing* her to do this, and of course the attention. I'm sure she was in a lot of pain (who wouldn't be when her weight is quite literally crushing her bones?), but I think she definitely exaggerated for effect. And of course she would compare her spirit to that of a warrior lol.

Edited by sara1025
  • Love 14

I’ll say this again: Todd makes the show bearable. His facial expressions,  catty quips, and dance flourishes give me life! 

As for Twitney: that girl can really lay it on thick. The guilt, (poor Glenn), the hysterics, the heavy gasps, and sobs. She not only resembles a tubby toddler, but she acts like one too. Her parents keep falling for it. She’s 33, not 3. Buddy was the only one keeping it real. Somebody please buy her a big pink soother at the Dollar Tree , and shove it into her mouth. Act like a baby...get treated like a baby.

Glenn will never live this down. He will be paying for this for a long time. Whit will make him change his will so she inherits it all because he forced her to walk the great 8 k coconut race.  Unless she changes her victim attitude she will get fatter. Her parents see her as fragile and disabled, rather than lazy, and entitled...this isn’t helping her. She needs tough love. The kind of in your face realness that Dr Now gives difficult patients. 

One last observation: Twit’s lack of embarrassment and shame over being too fat to apply her own chub rub cream, and then expecting  a friend to reach into the dark, dank flab folds to do it just sums up the problem with her. She loves being catered too and using her fatness to make people feel obliged to do things for her. When they agree to do it, it allows her  to  continue to push the boundaries of the relationship. In due time, they’ll be cleaning bed sores, and wiping her ass. 

Edited by Ravenna
  • Love 20

 Panic attack, and anxiety is the catchphrase this season. Much like PCOS was  in earlier seasons of the show. 


Did anyone else, during Twit’s coconut walk of lame, expect  a James K bubble to pop up over Twit, playing a resounding backbeat  of “Owww Mah laigs!”

(Btw,  I was reading on reddit that James isn’t long for this world)

Edited by Ravenna
  • Love 6
9 hours ago, preciousperfect said:

And now all the attention is on her of course and everyone feels bad for her. How sad. 

and again, Goal Met for Whitney. I agree with other posters who say she has histrionic personality disorder... or traits of.  The Drama turned up to 11...grunting, squealing, whining, crying, yelling, snapping, "hyperventilating"


  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Maybe we just need a massive Intervention/My 600 Pound Life/My Big Fat Fabulous Life/My Strange Addiction mashup show???

I think that Heather thinks their relationship went south because of his addiction - so now that his addiction is being "fixed," they can be together.

I think that Buddy thinks the relationship was rocky separate and independent of his addiction and he is smart to recognize that he needs to stay away from Heather and avoid any romantic relationship for a long time. And he's probably sick of Whitney bringing it up because a) none of her business and b) his very serious addiction should be a bigger concern for Whitney than Heather's wee broken heart.

I think Whitney brings up Heather because it makes her feel better that Buddy is obviously not going to get back together with her. Next step is to then laud this over Heather and re-break up with her on Buddy's behalf, without his consent.  She feels she is the essence of honesty, and is going to be the one to "help Heather." She is the beacon for Truthiness and Honesty for all of her Friends! But G Forbid ANYONE hand her a sliver of Honesty...they pay dearly.

Right Piggy? (who is better off on the farm, but for all we know, Piggy did not intend to hurt Babs..you just have to keep your fingers out of his mouth when handing him food.) What if her little Kitty did same? (Gross, that could be read a different way...sorry)

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I usually like Ashley but I wanted to snatch up her cute little baby and then beat Ashley over the head with the stroller when she was telling Heather that she could see that she was still in love with Buddy. What everyone should be telling Heather is that it really doesn't matter how great you think the relationship was or how much you love Buddy or how lonely you are or any one of the million reasons you can dream up to hang on to Buddy.

Buddy is a drug addict and an alcoholic. He has just accepted this about himself one month ago and started to work on it. You don't know how successful he might be. You do know that every professional around him is telling him to avoid stressful relationships and romantic entanglements for quite some time. And even if he never used with you, you have to know that you were and are a trigger for him. Buddy used drugs to cope with stress and his relationships with Heather was stressful.

But for me, here's the kicker. Adults - feel free to fuck your lives up in whatever manner you see fit. Live and let live. But Heather has small children and they should be her first, top and only priority. It's fine for her to date. It's fine for her to be in a relationship. But because she has kids, she needs to be very, very, very picky about who she brings into her life - and consequently their life. Heather shouldn't even think about staying friends with Buddy. She knows she can't do it - she will always be waiting for him to change his mind and decide he wants something more. She has to cut him out of their life. It's what is best for everyone involved.

She was more focused on her foot. Owwwwww meyyyyyya fuuuut just doesn't have the same ring to it.

100% Correct... Stats would be in favor that Buddy was not always sober around Heather/kids...and I highly doubt she had no clue. The lies we tell ourselves...just as in Whitney's enablers, everyone had a part in keeping the silence around Buddy as well. He didn't hide it that well. He needed subtitles and many were noting his behavior with footage TLC chose to show. That was 3% of his daily life documented ( a guess, but just making a point)  Al Anon anyone?

  • Love 7

I keep wondering how those 600 pounders find love and someone willing to flip them every 2 days. This is how! This episode was Whitney's Match.com application for those freaky enablers. 

Looking to run ointment in weird fleshy folds? Want to serve as a human walking stick while listening to "mah leg! or owie owie"?. I'm your gal!

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, WillowG said:


Army John got his 15 minutes,...coz hims caaaruured.



To be fair, I think dude would have been kind to her regardless of whether the cameras were there or not. There’s generally a good camaraderie with events like this. No one wants to see anyone else hurting or struggling.  There was also the girl who had a brief conversation with her about doing this 8K after recovering from surgery. 

  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, Yajmele said:

To be fair, I think dude would have been kind to her regardless of whether the cameras were there or not. There’s generally a good camaraderie with events like this. No one wants to see anyone else hurting or struggling.  There was also the girl who had a brief conversation with her about doing this 8K after recovering from surgery. 

I agree. I think he would have said something different if he was a plant. If you listen to what he said he was telling her that it’s ok if she doesn’t finish because she started. And next time it will be easier to get going and she will go a little farther and each time will get easier and easier. Perseverance. He didn’t realized this is a one-off she never wanted to do in the first place and won’t be doing again. 

  • Love 12

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