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The Bachelor Winter Games - General Discussion

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They didn't show us many of the foreign contestants so makes me wonder how many were extras from Manchester. 

They will find a racoon for Claire, there are plenty of them in New England. Love that girl.  

Edited by Wings
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I too ended up watching this more than the real Olympics last night as I hate snowboarding.   Anyway,  it was fluff that had a few moments that made me laugh.

Oh, Christian is from Germany.  I don't think there were any international guys from any place except Canada,  Germany and Australia as the bachelorette hasn't really been produced much overseas. 

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10 hours ago, meatball77 said:

The commentary during the competition wasn't as entertaining as whoever the awesome copywriter is who comes up with the captions.  The one girl who has a cracked butt. . .

The cracked butt made me laugh.  Probably too much. 

I was loving the opening and the cheese, but the Bachelor anthem and the other song after that was just...no.  

The 12 year old inside me was giggling when they'd say Benoit's name.  I just kept thinking of Ben Wa Balls.

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Why not just come out and say, "ABC will decide who stays and who leaves"? If it was a popularity contest, maybe those five go home. But there's no way a majority of contestants picked those five. 

Someone needs to have a sit down with Ashley I. Being a virgin isn't the draw she thinks it is, especially when it stems from some emotional repressed woman trapped in a Disney film. No guy wants to be with someone who has an emotional breakdown every five minutes and needs a Daddy to take care of her. It's not cute and it's tired at this point. 

Lif you're going to go international for this, you better stack the American team with fan favorites. I love Clare and recognize Ashley I, but I barely remember Lesley and Ben is the only guy I know. Rebecca from Sweden is smokin' though. 

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I wish they had done an intro for everyone there.  I feel like there were some people I saw in the background but have no clue who they are.  They could have cut the “anthem” and unknown singer to spend some more time on the actual contestants.  Who is Michael and who is the black girl? She reminded me of Tiffany from Nick’s season (??) Thx

I was actually a little scared at how aggressive Josiah was with his kissing style.  I don’t like that. 

I like the Japanese girl.  I think she understands English very well but might be uncertain about speaking it.  I think she kept up well.  I just don’t like that her hair seems to have a strange lavender hue.  Did you notice she wrote her voting card in character…

I thought Kevin looked like a caveman and don’t get why he is so sought after.

I found it ironic what Bibi complained that Ben H was too newly single but the guy she was hooking up with, Kevin, was ENGAGED just 6 months ago.

Wasn’t impressed with Christian.  I thought he was kind of a jerk and kept talking over Clare until she told him several times to let her talk.  He DOES know the premise of the show, right?  I mean he’s been on it twice.  Maybe in Germany/Switzerland it’s a race to see who talks to the girl first and then It’s over.  Who knows

I love Clare

Of the men I think I prefer Beniot.  But whenever they say his name I think “Ben Waa Balls”. Glad to see I’m not the only one. ShaNaeNae and I can go snicker in the corner.  I was grossed out by his cooking technique tho.

When Ashley I bemoans the men not liking her all I can think of is all the make-up, the primping, the hair, the crying.  She is so high maintenance; no wonder she can’t snag a guy.  But, I feel like she is there for the Instagram followers ($$) and not Twu Wuv anyhow.

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I've always loved Clare and I'm afraid she's going to hold true to form and sabotage a good thing for a long shot.  Repeat after me, Clare, "A bird in the hand is worth..."    By bird I mean Benoit. 

I like Ashley Italian for being different, but I agree that she really has to quit doing the ugly-cry in front of people and STAHP with the red lipstick.  I usually like that on brunettes but her mouth is too big for it, she looks 78% better in the nude lipstick.

MY unpopular opinion is that I've always found Luke and Dean to be sort of ugly. 

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What a horrible premise of picking those who are there for the wrong reason.  I'm pretty sure everyone is there for the wrong reason (self promotion) since this is not their first rodeo.  Why can't the contestants hand out roses instead like BIP. Its much more positive.

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When Ashley I bemoans the men not liking her all I can think of is all the make-up, the primping, the hair, the crying.  She is so high maintenance; no wonder she can’t snag a guy.  But, I feel like she is there for the Instagram followers ($$) and not Twu Wuv anyhow

She certainly has a strange way of going about things.  Number 1, she appears as though she is trying way too hard.  The makeup, and the clothing choices, and the entire "I'm proudly high maintenance" persona.  The first night they were there everyone was hanging around pretty much dressed casually and then the camera cuts to her and she is in a see through black lace bodysuit that looks like lingerie, posed with her arms propped up on the chair behind her, it's very "look at me!".  Number 2:  She's aggressive, not receptive.  She does not wait to see who is interested in her, she identifies someone to have a crush on, usually someone clearly uninterested (I am sure this can be psychoanalyzed as purposefully self-defeating), and then complains about why things never work out of her.  I totally can see why she is single.  I find her unappealing completely, and if the show focuses on her a lot I will tune out, although this first ep was really great, if only for Chris H's stubble (rawwr).

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At first I thought, "why would a Japanese woman who speaks zero English want to go on this show?" Then I realized she is a total genius, because she won't be able to understand (and be annoyed by) the total bullshit these folks spew nonstop :-P

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In the preview for what's coming up, did Claire say something to the effect she's not going to let one guy get in the way of seeing what all these incredible men have to offer her? Does she not understand what a relationship is? I swear this show gets dumber and dumber with its perverse view on "love". In an interview before casting Ashley I said she hoped this show would be more about friendships, because she is friends with all the Americans and can't imagine a long distance relationship with an international contestant. So why was she brought on? (I know why she was brought on, but my point is she's annoying and it's insulting to the viewer to have her there)

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Ashley is a caricature. Her HUGE lips overpower her face. So gross. She freaks me out.

Add me to those embarrassed by the pronunciation of Ben-wah's name. Why not go American for this show, Ben-oite. I agree he is hot(er) with glasses, but I'm a sucker for men in glasses.

I missed all the "competitions," and just caught the end. WTH is with voting someone off the island? Yeah, the ones who don't "fit in" are the ones to leave. Interpret that as you wish.

I do like Claire so it's nice to see her, finally.

But is Claire really pregnant? Yikes, if so.


So why was she brought on? (I know why she was brought on, but my point is she's annoying and it's insulting to the viewer to have her there)

Even if she were all about having a ton of international boyfriends, Ashley being cast AGAIN in this franchise is insulting to this viewer. Her 15 minutes were up a long time ago IMO.

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I'm sorry but this was awful.  I understand that ABC doesn't want to have to run any of its actual shows against the Olympics.  But really.  I think if they dug up those old 1960s screenshots for when the stations went off the air at 2 am it would have had more drama and excitement.  I sort of felt like fast forwarding through the show to get to the commercials.

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27 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Add me to those embarrassed by the pronunciation of Ben-wah's name. Why not go American for this show, Ben-oite.

Because Benoite (voiced t) is a woman's name. I don't understand why the correct pronunciation of Benoit (silent t) is embarrassing. I didn't grow up in the US, so I don't get the "Ben wah balls" thing.

27 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

But is Claire really pregnant? Yikes, if so.

No she's not, she just likes to joke that she is. She put on a fake baby bump for her limo exit on Juan Pablo's season.

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Chocolatine, google "ben wa balls" and you'll see what we're talking about. I doubt they are strictly an American "item."

I didn't realize Benoit (t) is a female name. It's a last name here, and the "oite" is pronounced. I would think spelling would be Ben-ois to be said Ben-wah. Oh well. What do I know.

I watched all of JP's season and don't remember Claire's limo entrance. But I never remember any of the limo entrances so there's that. But thanks for clearing up the baby thing. Thank goodness it's just a joke!

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Add me to those embarrassed by the pronunciation of Ben-wah's name. Why not go American for this show, Ben-oite. 

Why would someone change the pronunciation of their name?  It is a French name.  He is French Canadian.  It should be pronounced correctly.  But maybe it's a cultural thing?  I used to work with an American named Marcella.  The correct pronunciation was Mar"ch"ella, but so many people called her Mar"s"ella that she adopted it.  It probably bothered me more than it bothered her.

And i agree that he is hot, glasses or no glasses.  

Edited by DEL901
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I am American, and I have never heard of  Ben Wa Balls.  I am having no trouble understand his name is Beniot, and it is a French name, and their names sound different than our names. 

Also I love him, and I think Claire is nuts for not reciprocating and going for other men!  LOL

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So I googled "ben wa balls" and apparently it's a sex toy popularized by Fifty Shades of Grey. I still don't see why someone should change the pronunciation of their traditional French name because of a gimmick from a trashy, poorly-written novel.

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Chocolatine, ben wa balls have been around for years and years and years, WAY before Fifty Shades' author was even born. The pronunciation of Benoit's name only bothers those of us who know what ben wa balls are, as evidenced by posts in this thread.

I wish I were not one of those creeped by the pronunciation. Yeah, I really REALLY wish I were not.

But I am.

Oh, to be young and ignorant ... again.

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MY unpopular opinion is that I've always found Luke and Dean to be sort of ugly. 

Luke may be an acquired taste but he wears the hell out of a beanie.

I was surprised by the Lesley-Dean hookup. I remember really liking her on Sean's season but she didn't seem like Dean's type (Kristina, Danielle). I kind of loved when she said she wanted to know what he thought of her boobs and he said it only mattered what she thought of them. Aw, Dean's getting growed up.

Benoit is adorable, mostly with glasses. Clare totally pulled away from his later kisses--she's more into "smoking hot" Christian. It was jarring to hear her tearfully say that she was surprised guys were into her. Did anyone notice Benoit's age? Clare is 36 I think and Christian 34?

I was sad to lose Eric, I was really digging the new facial hair

Edited by Kbilly
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Ben has really found his calling as the guy eternally willing to spout empty Bachelor-style jargon on camera.  *eyeroll*  They all talk like that (the American ones anyway) to an extent, but last night he really seemed like the producers' pet reading from a script. 

I always thought Dean was hot, and I find his face and eyes very pleasing to look at.   I'll also confess a weakness for dimples.  He's kind of uninteresting otherwise, but whatever.  I also wasn't really paying attention to whatever drama happened between him and Kristina and whoever else on BiP, so I have no opinion on that. 

Christian seemed a little too intense and weird with his "we have spoken, you are now mine" rubbish.  Kevin(? - the one Ashley I was weeping about) is butt ugly.  Luke has an unattractive face, and a dour personality.  I hardly remember the rest of the guys.  Meh.  I appear to be alone in being happy that Eric went home though - I've always found him annoying for some reason.  Especially after he went on that utterly silly "keep my name out your mouth!" tirade on his season.

This show was pretty stupid (shocker, I know)...I don't know if I can muster the energy to pay attention to it.  I do hope they keep the format where Chris Harrison doles out the roses though, ha! 

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The first half of the show wasn’t bad.  The opening ceremony was nice.  Jimmy Kimmel showed a clip from the anthem on his show last night, and I actually thought it was a scripted joke, so I was a bit surprised to find out it was really a thing.  Also, I thought one of the guys (I think Ben H) said this should be a fuckable week, when he actually said this should be a fun couple weeks…it took a few seconds for it to register. 

Too bad the second half was just the usual Bachelor tackiness and BS.  It was disappointing to see Eric go, but no one grated on my nerves like Ashley.  I hope she finds love and marries herself out of the franchise or throws herself off of a cliff…I don’t care which! 

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2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I also likes that they listed for Dean's bio card "Undecided".

That was funny.  And in the intro his voiceover of "This time I've be making some big decisions" and cut to him standing in front of the pantry, "spaghetti or ramen?"  Editors are getting up there with Big Brother editors with their ninja-like cuts with humor. 

1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

So I googled "ben wa balls" and apparently it's a sex toy popularized by Fifty Shades of Grey. I still don't see why someone should change the pronunciation of their traditional French name because of a gimmick from a trashy, poorly-written novel.

I've never seen/read any Fifty Shades stories.  I only know it from seeing it (for years) at sex toys shops/catalogs, etc.  Never said he should change the pronunciation, just that I laugh and think of Ben Wa Balls every time I hear it.  

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17 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Too much time was wasted with the Harrison and that other woman's commentary, as well as the lengthy explanation of the biathlon. I'd rather all contestants had gotten screen time - Jamey and Lauren G, we hardly knew ye!

I call BS on the vote, TPTB knew exactly who they wanted to stay.

I don't know if Kevin just looks much better in person, but I'm not seeing the attraction at all. And if he gets involved with Ashley, he's not only unattractive but also stupid.

Favorite "couple" so far are Luke and Rebecca.


5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I've always loved Clare and I'm afraid she's going to hold true to form and sabotage a good thing for a long shot.  Repeat after me, Clare, "A bird in the hand is worth..."    By bird I mean Benoit. 

I like Ashley Italian for being different, but I agree that she really has to quit doing the ugly-cry in front of people and STAHP with the red lipstick.  I usually like that on brunettes but her mouth is too big for it, she looks 78% better in the nude lipstick.

MY unpopular opinion is that I've always found Luke and Dean to be sort of ugly. 


5 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

She certainly has a strange way of going about things.  Number 1, she appears as though she is trying way too hard.  The makeup, and the clothing choices, and the entire "I'm proudly high maintenance" persona.  The first night they were there everyone was hanging around pretty much dressed casually and then the camera cuts to her and she is in a see through black lace bodysuit that looks like lingerie, posed with her arms propped up on the chair behind her, it's very "look at me!".  Number 2:  She's aggressive, not receptive.  She does not wait to see who is interested in her, she identifies someone to have a crush on, usually someone clearly uninterested (I am sure this can be psychoanalyzed as purposefully self-defeating), and then complains about why things never work out of her.  I totally can see why she is single.  I find her unappealing completely, and if the show focuses on her a lot I will tune out, although this first ep was really great, if only for Chris H's stubble (rawwr).

I don't hate Ashley I but she is starting to wear thin. Yes she tries way too hard. She doesn't have the best fashion sense. Her lacy, lingerie jumpsuit thingy was awful. For someone who likes to tout her virgin status she sure dresses anything but virginal. She places too much importance on and wears too much makeup. She's outdoors in a competition and brings a compact with her. Really? She's a naturally beautiful woman she doesn't need all that heavy makeup. She needs to tone it way down. And yes @chocolatine Kevin would be stupid to even get involved with her. Makes me wonder if he is aware of her reputation. Has he not watched her stints on this franchise? She states she's going to lose her virginity with him. Can you imagine how much more intense her obsession with him would be if that happened? He would have to enter the Bachelor equivalent of the witness protection program.

And @JudyObscure I agree that it looks like Clare might mess this one up too. I like Benoit and he seems to genuinely like her. Don't screw this up Clare! 

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35 minutes ago, wovenloaf said:

Kevin(? - the one Ashley I was weeping about) is butt ugly.  

Ugh I agree. There’s something about his face I find off putting. 

I know he’s done with the Bach shows but I would give a gold medal to Chris Bukowski if he would show up, take Clare aside, and tell her to find the grown ass man in the bunch (if there is one) and not keep checking out the crowd. 

I don’t want him to change the pronunciation of his name, it’s his name, but add me to the group of 12 year olds giggling at the Ben Wa association. And, nope nothing to do with 50 Shades. Never read it. Never will. 

It seems to me that Ashely Cry has little interest in finding her true love connection and more interest in expanding her social influencer presence. (The words social influencer make me a bit sick.) Or maybe she’s ready to give up her V status and doesn't realize she can do that outside of the bachelor family. 

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Reality Steve had presented this as having a typical rose ceremony like BIP, but it's more like Bachelor Pad with the vote-offs. Oddly, he didn't address it in his post today, even though I would assume it would change whatever "spoilers" he has going forward. It certainly is odd to read back his first-episode spoilers and see how he thought the roses would be distributed, then the format was completely different.

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On 2/7/2018 at 3:18 PM, CindyBee said:

Reality Steve is out with his spoilers.  Main point is Ashley I is going to loose her virginity to some dude from Canada.   And they are the "winners".  So be prepared for her to dominated the 4 episodes!

I'll be busy watching the real Olympics but might dvr this mess 

Well it is about time.  Whether she lied about this or not we don’t have to hear it anymore.  This smells like a fabricated story. 

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Goodbye Eric... you were way too good for this anyway. 

As for Ashley... what level of screwed up do you have to be to consider losing your virginity in the context of a fricking tv show?  I mean that's taking famewhore to a whole new level. Does she understand she can just date someone and not have a camera in your face? 

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Just a few observations:

I loved Clare's outfit with the thigh high boots. She was really rocking it.

I couldn't believe that Laura from the UK was only 29. She looked so much older to me. Clare looks much better than her at 36.

I rewatched this because I missed the first hour last night and I noticed that if you paid attention there were a few that you could tell who they voted off. Remember when Josiah had Ally tell him who had told her they thought he wasn't there for the right reasons? She told him Laura and Clare. He was wearing a brown vest and jacket. They showed that same vest and jacket drop Clare's name in the box. Also Luke's clothing gave him away. He put Laura's name in the box.

There's no way any of these people had any way of knowing any others intentions. They voted off who they liked the least or who production told them to. That was obvious.

Edited by yorklee2
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Clare has the two hottest guys there both interested in her, which I am so excited to see, and she's 36! That's got to be the oldest a woman has been appearing on this show, right? Yay, Clare. However, also no, Clare, unless the guy is strung up on a funeral pyre, he is not "LITERALLY smoking hot".

I'm surprised to find out anyone who hears Benoit associates it with anything aside from Chris Benoit, the wrestler of murder/suicide fame. 

And my perspective on Christian's whole "now I can't talk to anyone else" statement is that it's just a clear declaration of intent. Sort of a "now that I've talked to you, it affirms that you're the one here I want, and there's no point in focusing on anyone else." It's a good move, really, especially on Clare who has gotten used to being passed over on these secondary shows.

I adore Japan! She's too adorable!

No way anyone actually voted Eric out! How could they?! 

I'm pretty sure Ashley's plan for the last 5 years has been deflowerment on national TV or bust. She clearly won't do it any other way, but the older she gets, the more of a gimmick it becomes and the more dangerous it is for some dude to venture into that territory. No guy in their 30s is turned on by taking a girl's virginity anymore. You passed that window of opportunity in your early 20s, really, Ashley... your best move now is to downplay it ala Becca from Chris's season so that guys aren't worried about you going stage 4 clinger afterwards.

I remember reading a news article about the (Aussie?) girl who hooked up with another girl on her show. They even did a magazine cover together afterwards. Guessing that didn't work out in the end.

I spent a year and a half living in New Zealand, so it hit me right in the heart seeing the guys come out doing the haka. Also, I'm sure Ally's accent sounds a lot more English than Kiwi... maybe she relocated to NZ at some point? Or am I hearing things?

JudyObscure, I get what you're saying about Luke and Dean. I find them both somewhat sexy, but then it's like... their heads are too big. Something not helped by the fact that they both wear their hair piled long on top. However, Luke and Rebecca would have pretty babies, and Dean and Leslie actually seem endearing, but I did always like Leslie.

This is like Study Abroad: Bachelor edition. It reminds me of my college semester in Europe- a bunch of horny internationals mingling in co-ed dorms for the first time. Get wild and hook up! Everyone has accents!

I really don't know what's wrong with me, but this show made me tear up for the first time in my life watching that Chinese girl go home. Did I drink too much port?! What's happening? I just feel like these poor foreign contestants don't know what kind of soulless hell pit they were jumping into getting involved with the US franchise. 

Edited by jade.black
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34 minutes ago, jade.black said:

Also, I'm sure Ally's accent sounds a lot more English than Kiwi... maybe she relocated to NZ at some point? Or am I hearing things?


I thought so too, though I haven't met many Kiwi, so I wasn't sure. I thought her choice of words - "cheeky little snog" or something like that - was very specifically UK English as well.

Edited by chocolatine
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7 hours ago, Kbilly said:

Luke may be an acquired taste but he wears the hell out of a beanie.

Yes.  He does.  But that's partly because he told whoever cut his hair "do everything possible to bring out my inner cockatoo". 

The beanies balance that out some. :-)

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1 hour ago, jade.black said:

I'm pretty sure Ashley's plan for the last 5 years has been deflowerment on national TV or bust. She clearly won't do it any other way, but the older she gets, the more of a gimmick it becomes and the more dangerous it is for some dude to venture into that territory. No guy in their 30s is turned on by taking a girl's virginity anymore. You passed that window of opportunity in your early 20s, really, Ashley... your best move now is to downplay it ala Becca from Chris's season so that guys aren't worried about you going stage 4 clinger afterwards.

That’s what bugs me most about Ashley.  Her schtick is well beyond old.  Whether or not she is actually a virgin is anybody’s guess (my bet is not).  No doubt that is the role the producers have her playing, but the crying hysterical virgin thing isn’t ringing true at all, so now of course, they will have her lose her precious maidenhood for all of the world to see, and still left in the friend zone.  Oy! 

Edited by Fable
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Ashley needs to actually get out there and date. A lot. Not obsess about one guy until you're both completely miserable and then a year later move on to the next obsession. Get a nice catalog of dating experiences: Wow, this guy was pretty great. This guy was an asshole. That guy was obviously just about sex. That guy I didn't like, this guy didn't like me. And you know what? It was all okay in the end.

Get some experience so you learn to be able to have someone in your life without that person being your very existence and your reason to live on each day.

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I guess the cheese stands alone, Yuki and that damn cartoonish nails on a chalkboard "I just swallowed a canister of helium" voice is one of the most annoying people I've ever seen on tv.

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8 hours ago, jade.black said:

I'm surprised to find out anyone who hears Benoit associates it with anything aside from Chris Benoit, the wrestler of murder/suicide fame. 

That's what I kept thinking of. Really dampened my enjoyment of the show, but it's not this Benoit's fault that he shares the name.

Other observations:

I'm fine with never hearing that awful song again.

Nice use of low camera angles to disguise the fact that maybe 10 spectators showed up.

Would've enjoyed more clips of the international versions.

Love the one version where the guy pulled a Peter and said (paraphrasing) "Maybe I could fall in love with you at some point, but I'm not there right now because we barely know each other," followed by the Bachelorette flatly ordering him off the show. Guess excessive entitlement is a worldwide emotion (and that applies to both Bachelors and Bachelorettes).

Ben should totally have picked JoJo.

Dean says he's grown up a lot. We'll find out the first time he's in an awkward situation: Does he actually address things and deal with them now, or does he fall back on that stupid half-giggle, followed by his getting up and leaving?

So Luke is back in Bachelorland again. Guess this means either he or Peter could be the next Bachelor if nobody from the upcoming Bachelorette season excites.

Chad would've been a natural for this show. Bet he's regretting his little "Fuck you, Chris Harrison!" tantrum on BiP.

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2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

So Luke is back in Bachelorland again. Guess this means either he or Peter could be the next Bachelor if nobody from the upcoming Bachelorette season excites.

Luke is dull and I don't find him attractive, I hope they don't make him Bachelor.

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1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

Claire is 36? It is time for her to stop coming on these humiliating shows! She is gorgeous. Wonder why she cannot find a decent guy to date in the real world?

I’m sure she could, but then she wouldn’t be invited back onto the Bachelor franchise shows, and then the money from sponsored Instagram posts would dry up. 

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22 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I don't understand why the correct pronunciation of Benoit (silent t) is embarrassing. I didn't grow up in the US, so I don't get the "Ben wah balls" thing.

I don't get this either and I grew up in the States my whole life.  When I look at it, I think Ben-wah.  I have never heard this name pronounced Ben-oite???

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I'm watching now - starting out well when the announcer says Bachelor Winter is a global celebration of unity and love! Previews - Ashley sobbing into her clown lips. I think I want to see everyone falling all over the place. So it was snowing when they were all driving in and now it's a clear day! If this goes well, there can be Bachelor Summer games instead of Paradise in a couple of years.

Ben H. is aging well. He's the type of guy who will look better as he gets older and loses a little of the puppy fat around his face (unless he puts on tons of weight). Dean practices between decisive as he chooses spaghetti over Reese's. Leslie looks kind of like Lauren B. except she has a personality.  If Ashley lives in LA, why doesn't she take skiing lessons in the mountains? They're not that far away. One of the Swedish women has Ashley I lips. The Finnish woman looks like Krystal.

The singer has such a sweet pretty voice, too bad the subject of her song is so inane. And she's singing with no accompaniment and is staying on pitch. Oh gosh, the Bachelor lantern is the Olympic torch. This is so goofy. The music is better so far than on the regular seasons.

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 Ally's fall, I've had one like that when cross country skiing. I either fell on a stone or ice, right on my tailbone. It hurt for months. It even hurt when I was kayaking.

Aw, poor Christian!  I think he's the cutest.

Oh so this is Bachelor Winter Survivor! I wonder if anyone has a hidden immunity idol.

Bibiana and Kevin are cute together.

Yay! Christian is safe and Benoit, too! Funny how they call couples consecutively.

Ashley is so stupid. She sees Kevin and thinks: "This is my man." She doesn't bother trying to meet anyone else. Then her heart is broken and she falls apart because Kevin likes someone else better. Just cut him loose from your mind, girl, and meet someone else! Or rather, let someone meet you!

More kiss-slurping to lood forward to! Dean says he's falling in love with Leslie. I hope she's not falling off that fence.

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Claire is enjoying the attention from two men but I have a feeling she will screw this up and go home alone again.

I wouldn't be getting too judgy of the new guy when some of those guys (coughDeancough) haven't had the best history with women.

Wonder if Stassi has any feelings in her lips when she is kissing?

Edited by Armchair Critic
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On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 8:57 AM, JudyObscure said:

MY unpopular opinion is that I've always found Luke and Dean to be sort of ugly. 

I don't think that's unpopular at all. Blech.  Dean more so than Luke (in my opinion) but I think it's his personality, too. Just blech.  No.

The *girl with Josiah looks like Kirsten Dunst.

*I HATE when I don't know names yet.

Are Clare's lips bigger than they were before?

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