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S06.E05: The Honeymoons, Part 2

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I  don’t think Jephte is attracted to Shawnice and I will have more to say about that later.

Shawnice reminds me of Thelma from Good Times, cute and adorable.

I think Shawnice would be better off with John instead of the dead fish she’s stuck with.

Screw you Molly for not wanting the cat in bed with you, but then again allergies are no joke.  They should have matched John with a non-allergic woman.

Edited by Neurochick
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I can't get over the fact that Jephte and Shawniece slept in separate beds.  If I were Shawniece, that would have been a deal breaker.  I wonder on which dating site they found him, because I have a hard time believing he would willing signed on to this show.   

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3 minutes ago, MJS said:

Jephte keeps saying that he does not know his new wife, but have we seen one iota of effort from to get to know her? How does he think getting to know someone works?

He just wanted to go on vacation and have a good time, man! This stranger hanging around all the time is getting on his baby step nerves!

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Molly seems a little uptight. But then again I think I would have have been a little annoyed about the sexual remarks from someone I didn’t know that well yet.

I don’t think Jephte is into Shawniece at all. Try to talk to her, quit being obsessed about her being a stranger.

ryan seems nice. Not sure what Jaclyn thinks about him yet. 

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Ryan was an asshole at the market. He came across as really condescending and obnoxious. I didn't like it at all. His toast was weird too. Jackie looked like " ... Eesh" when he was talking. Read the room, dude!

Molly likes Jon ... not very much. She should have told him that at some point though. That video check-in was painful. He was pissed and I don't blame him. I am not seeing Molly's wild side - she seems pretty muted to me. If she's the wild one among her friends, her friends must be pretty staid. Nothing about her says wild, party girl, great sense of humor, etc. Also, I don't like cats, so cats in the bed is a hard no. I wouldn't even want to date a dude who has a cat. (I have dated men who have cats. I still don't like cats.)

Separate bedrooms?? Poor Shawniece. It's going to be really hard to watch her getting shit on week after week. (I maintain that she's adorable au naturel. She looked so cute with her hair swept up with the headband and her glasses on. She also looked really cute on the beach with the other women.)

Edited by Empress1
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Just now, Adeejay said:

On Unfiltered, he admitted that he wasn't attracted to her.  He said that he was hoping to see an IG model come walking the aisle.  This ordinary, low income guy seems to believe that he should have been matched with someone who looks like Beyoncé or Rihanna.  Talk about delusional. 

Oh, come on. Are you serious? This makes me like him even less. IG model? Shawniece may not be a model but she's really attractive (also, IG models are filtered and Photoshopped). If you want that much control over what the women you are with look like, don't go on what is essentially the world's longest blind date. Said it before, say it again: why is he here?

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8 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Ryan was an asshole at the market. He came across as really condescending and obnoxious. I didn't like it at all. His toast was weird too. Jackie looked like " ... Eesh" when he was talking. Read the room, dude!

Molly likes Jon ... not very much. She should have told him that at some point though. That video check-in was painful. He was pissed and I don't blame him. I am not seeing Molly's wild side - she seems pretty muted to me. If she's the wild one among her friends, her friends must be pretty staid. Nothing about her says wild, party girl, great sense of humor, etc. Also, I don't like cats, so cats in the bed is a hard no. I wouldn't even want to date a dude who has a cat.

Separate bedrooms?? Poor Shawniece. It's going to be really hard to watch her getting shit on week after week. (I maintain that she's adorable au naturel. She looked so cute with her hair swept up with the headband and her glasses on. She also looked really cute on the beach with the other women.)


Ha and I am the opposite.  Hubby and I have 2 cats and one dog and they all sleep in bed with us.  Wouldn’t have it any other way. 

I think Molly seems.....cold.  She isn’t my favorite. And speaking of cold, Jephte.  His thousand-yard stare when they are together.  He isn’t even trying. Makes me full of weird rage. 

Edited by Meowwww
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Ouch! Poor Shawniece. Jephte was pretty cruel to her--- taking all those little digs kind of mocking her feelings of rejection & then laughing. I was looking at her like she was crazy for laughing along with him, but I guess she's trying to diffuse things. When she climbed out of her bed to get into his & he pushed her away--- that would have been a wrap for me. Girl, I can't even imagine...

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Just now, Meowwww said:

Ha and I am the opposite.  Hubby and I have 2 cats and one dog and they all sleep in bed with us.  Wouldn’t have it any other way. 

I think Molly seems.....cold.  She isn’t my favorite. 

Ha - I'm OK with dogs of a certain size, but I just don't want any animals in bed with me (and again, I don't want cats around at all and make this clear when talking about dating). Also, isn't Jonathan's cat an asshole who hates people? I think I remember that from the first episode. My friend and her husband have a cat that has gotten really, really mean in her old age and hisses at everybody (her husband is the only one who can kind of handle her - she has come to hate my friend), and they keep her away from people when they have guests because otherwise the cat is acting a fool and hissing. I hope Jonathan would have sense enough not to subject Molly to that.

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9 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Ha - I'm OK with dogs of a certain size, but I just don't want any animals in bed with me (and again, I don't want cats around at all and make this clear when talking about dating). Also, isn't Jonathan's cat an asshole who hates people? I think I remember that from the first episode. My friend and her husband have a cat that has gotten really, really mean in her old age and hisses at everybody (her husband is the only one who can kind of handle her - she has come to hate my friend), and they keep her away from people when they have guests because otherwise the cat is acting a fool and hissing. I hope Jonathan would have sense enough not to subject Molly to that.

Hahah my kitty Moo is the same.  She hates everyone but me.  Sometimes tolerates DH. If I was dating, the first thing (or one of the first) people would know about me is my 2 “difficult” rescue kitties (were to be put down due to behavior issues), my big dog, and my horse.  I would not subject an allergic date to them, or someone who is scared. But if I had them prior, they would be my priority over a date. I would screen dates first. 

Edited by Meowwww
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We can talk about unfiltered on here, right? If not I apologize in advance. Anyway,  I bring it up because it solidified what many on here was saying since episode one and that is Jephete was not attracted to Shawniece. He literally said he was excepting someone taller, "different" and in so many ways says he wasn't  attracted to her and then said something about someone saying it may not be what you want but what you need. It was very telling. He comes off very much lacking empthy and a total jerk in that sense cause he's just being "real". Bet more then anything had Beyonce came down that aisle he would've given that girl his wikipedia before second course at the wedding.

Look at how Jephete was with the guys...He's so much warmer, friendlier and more open.  He;s intentionally cold to Shawniece and she's just trying to push through. I feel real bad for her and if they "make it" I hope she will learn she deserves better cause I think if he opens up just a little and want them to stay she'll jump onto no matter what. It is very much a Jamie and Doug situation  but they would never portray a guy calling a girl ugly or saying he wasn't attracted to get. Shawniece is absolutely adorable by the way. Super cute so I don't get Jephete problem other then she isn't his physical type. Its painful watching them at this point.

I really like Jon. I didn't expect to cause I thought in the early episodes they was preparing for us to see him as a bad guy but he really is a loveable lughead. Very self deprecating a little childish but means well. So far I like him the best.  He's all in but will def. grow with this experience.  And I get Molly that with someone with that much energy it can sometime make you go left or seem so opposite from the two. But I really don't get the sense at all she's some life of the party fun adventurous girl. Thats okay not to be but she really seems reserved even without Jon.

Ryan and Jacklyn. We shall see. He has a listening problem a bit of an ego and it a little too much for even himself. However, they're both in though I am not looking forward to Jac  going through her pain on camera as she unloads some of her stuff. Its brutal and not something that should be played up on TV but here we are.

Edited by Jassie99
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While Jon remains not my type, I did appreciate that he tried to modify his "childish" behavior once he knew it bothered Molly, e.g. asking how comfortable she was with certain kinds of teasing. I would totally have made a double entendre when Molly was talking about contortion and putting her butt on her head, so when he was like "Come on, there are so many jokes I could have made about that!" I laughed. I like him the best of the guys as of now. Ryan is creepily intense and kind of a dick, and Jephte is just a dick. Even if he's not attracted to Shawniece, that doesn't give him the right to be mean to her.

Edited by Empress1
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1 minute ago, Jassie99 said:

I really like Jon. I didn't expect to cause I thought in the early episodes they was preparing for us to see him as a bad guy but he really is a loveable lughead. Very self deprecating a little childish but means well. So far I like him the best.  He's all in but will def. grow with this experience.  And I get Molly that with someone with that much energy it can sometime make you go left or seem so opposite from the two.

Me too. I’m realizing that a lot of his bro’ schtick pops up when he’s feeling insecure. I see that he and Ryan still aren’t BFFs. LOL 

I like the way the 3 women bonded. At least Shawniece was able to hear other people say that she isn’t crazy for wanting to sleep in the same bed as her husband. Or that they both should want to get to know one another. 

I couldn’t do his show knowing that my husband would only only be satisfied if I looked like Beyoncé or a supermodel. And they don’t even look like themselves when they’re home and haven’t been professionally styled. Yeah, Jepthe is looking like a real jerk. And I really liked him before,the weddings.

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It was so weird to see Jephte reacting to the other guys. He genuinely liked them and was having a great time! THAT Jephte is cute and charming. So sad that he doesn't even give Shawniece a chance. Her personality is a bit much but she's not mean or gross or anything.

So far I'm not strongly rooting for any of these couples. Jackie is still deep in her grief for her former fiancé, and Ryan doesn't want to tackle that level of intensity (not that I blame him -- grief is insane). Jon is the kind of person who hears that something bugs you and then goes out of his way to do that thing. That is in my top 3 dealbreakers (along with smacking/gross eating habits and having political opposite political views). I wonder how much time the "experts" spend on things like dealbreakers and whether the candidates like teasing or playful meanness or have any major pet peeves they couldn't get past. Or maybe they intentionally match people who will bug each other.

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So sick of the shitting ATTRACTION problem! How many people on this show have given up right away? They evidently misheard the title to be: "Throw in the Towel at First Sight."

It was refreshing to hear Jackie tell the other women she didn't think Ryan was all that when she first saw him. Know what? She still remained open and sincere about wanting to make it work. She also didn't hesitate to bang him. ("It was good," said fairly tepidly to my ears.)

Ryan's behavior at the market was so cringey! I'm not sure if it makes it worse or better than he had no clue how condescending and supercilious he was being to the vendors. He's my least favorite of the men, even lower than Jephte. The dick-measuring contest between him and Jon was at least amusing.

Molly went to a performing arts school? It's shocking that someone with that background would end up on a reality show! (But honestly, I wouldn't have guessed it about such a buttoned-up person who gets embarrassed at sex jokes and doesn't like being touched.) Still waiting to see that adventurous and free spirited side, Molls.

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Just something to toss out there but considering the fact that Jephte had not seen this show before or anything, what if the producers talked a big game to lure him into doing this? I don't put it past them at all so he could have possibly been told he will be match with a certain type of girl and such. Then he is matched with Shawniece, He said on the wedding day when he saw her she was pretty (or whatever word he used) and made a comment that was nice about her looks when she cleaned off the overly done makeup. Yet the behavior during the wedding was a total turn off. So in turn he checks out. This isn't the only time this has happened but its usually the girls. Then toss in the editing and how bad its done with scenes sliced up in odd orders, things missing to lie about what is really going on to sucker viewers into believing the lies, then when certain things are mentioned where it looks like they are being honest about how they might really feel about the person its either dropped off or sliced up to be more lies in how its done. I am to the point I don't buy what this show is trying to sell us anymore. To much bs compare to reality. The show has basically shown its irresponsible in matches and only wants drama so that is what they match for. Not to try to make real matches that might work out. Toss in the fame whores that do the show and the ones that want to sell something and its just one big joke in the end. I'm just not feeling it anymore at this point since all I see is all the messed up edits, butting in the producers/"experts" do to make more drama happen, and lies. This has just gotten worse with each season IMO. As well as its obvious (at least to me) the way they will play games with who is going to be a "victim" or "villain" in the relationships. Its never honest on it when they really play it up too. If one looks back at past seasons you can see it. So I'm out. I may read along here and there but I am over this mess at this point. I am not feeling it anymore and a lot of the comments are a bit much IMO and were last couple of seasons as well. Those still enjoying the show....have fun! 

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The most telling comment was when Jephte told the other guys that if it were a date instead of a marriage, he would have left already. Now he's stuck on the world's longest first date. Poor Shawniece. She deserves better. He had unrealistic expectations of wanting a taller woman/Instagram model.

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I swear people and their love of pets is going to keep me single forever. I never ever want or need animals in my presence. The thought of sleeping in bed with one breaks me out in hives just thinking about it. There would be no debating. I'm out the door if anyone thinks having a pet is on the table. I'm as low maintenance as it gets but pets are a hard pass. I feel Molly's pain.

I don't see any of these couple's making it honestly. The men this season are too much. Too dorky, standoffish, macho, talkative, immature and many other things to make this work.

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Jephte said something like, "I never really thought about what marriage would look like."  Shouldn't he have tried everything to find love before participating in this experiment?  Did they literally just pull him off of a dating app?  I don't care what anyone says - if they are cast on a reality show they are going to look it up at least a little.  And I wish Shawniece would quit embarrassing herself  over him.  

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7 hours ago, Adeejay said:

On Unfiltered, he admitted that he wasn't attracted to her.  He said that he was hoping to see an IG model come walking the aisle.  This ordinary, low income guy seems to believe that he should have been matched with someone who looks like Beyoncé or Rihanna.  Talk about delusional. 


7 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Oh, come on. Are you serious? This makes me like him even less. IG model? Shawniece may not be a model but she's really attractive (also, IG models are filtered and Photoshopped). If you want that much control over what the women you are with look like, don't go on what is essentially the world's longest blind date. Said it before, say it again: why is he here?


6 hours ago, Jassie99 said:

We can talk about unfiltered on here, right? If not I apologize in advance. Anyway,  I bring it up because it solidified what many on here was saying since episode one and that is Jephete was not attracted to Shawniece. He literally said he was excepting someone taller, "different" and in so many ways says he wasn't  attracted to her and then said something about someone saying it may not be what you want but what you need. It was very telling. He comes off very much lacking empthy and a total jerk in that sense cause he's just being "real". Bet more then anything had Beyonce came down that aisle he would've given that girl his wikipedia before second course at the wedding.

Look at how Jephete was with the guys...He's so much warmer, friendlier and more open.  He;s intentionally cold to Shawniece and she's just trying to push through. I feel real bad for her and if they "make it" I hope she will learn she deserves better cause I think if he opens up just a little and want them to stay she'll jump onto no matter what. It is very much a Jamie and Doug situation  but they would never portray a guy calling a girl ugly or saying he wasn't attracted to get. Shawniece is absolutely adorable by the way. Super cute so I don't get Jephete problem other then she isn't his physical type. Its painful watching them at this point.

I really like Jon. I didn't expect to cause I thought in the early episodes they was preparing for us to see him as a bad guy but he really is a loveable lughead. Very self deprecating a little childish but means well. So far I like him the best.  He's all in but will def. grow with this experience.  And I get Molly that with someone with that much energy it can sometime make you go left or seem so opposite from the two. But I really don't get the sense at all she's some life of the party fun adventurous girl. Thats okay not to be but she really seems reserved even without Jon.

Ryan and Jacklyn. We shall see. He has a listening problem a bit of an ego and it a little too much for even himself. However, they're both in though I am not looking forward to Jac  going through her pain on camera as she unloads some of her stuff. Its brutal and not something that should be played up on TV but here we are.



6 hours ago, topanga said:

Me too. I’m realizing that a lot of his bro’ schtick pops up when he’s feeling insecure. I see that he and Ryan still aren’t BFFs. LOL 

I like the way the 3 women bonded. At least Shawniece was able to hear other people say that she isn’t crazy for wanting to sleep in the same bed as her husband. Or that they both should want to get to know one another. 

I couldn’t do his show knowing that my husband would only only be satisfied if I looked like Beyoncé or a supermodel. And they don’t even look like themselves when they’re home and haven’t been professionally styled. Yeah, Jepthe is looking like a real jerk. And I really liked him before,the weddings.


6 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

It was so weird to see Jephte reacting to the other guys. He genuinely liked them and was having a great time! THAT Jephte is cute and charming. So sad that he doesn't even give Shawniece a chance. Her personality is a bit much but she's not mean or gross or anything.

So far I'm not strongly rooting for any of these couples. Jackie is still deep in her grief for her former fiancé, and Ryan doesn't want to tackle that level of intensity (not that I blame him -- grief is insane). Jon is the kind of person who hears that something bugs you and then goes out of his way to do that thing. That is in my top 3 dealbreakers (along with smacking/gross eating habits and having political opposite political views). I wonder how much time the "experts" spend on things like dealbreakers and whether the candidates like teasing or playful meanness or have any major pet peeves they couldn't get past. Or maybe they intentionally match people who will bug each other.


5 hours ago, 2727 said:

So sick of the shitting ATTRACTION problem! How many people on this show have given up right away? They evidently misheard the title to be: "Throw in the Towel at First Sight."

It was refreshing to hear Jackie tell the other women she didn't think Ryan was all that when she first saw him. Know what? She still remained open and sincere about wanting to make it work. She also didn't hesitate to bang him. ("It was good," said fairly tepidly to my ears.)

Ryan's behavior at the market was so cringey! I'm not sure if it makes it worse or better than he had no clue how condescending and supercilious he was being to the vendors. He's my least favorite of the men, even lower than Jephte. The dick-measuring contest between him and Jon was at least amusing.

Molly went to a performing arts school? It's shocking that someone with that background would end up on a reality show! (But honestly, I wouldn't have guessed it about such a buttoned-up person who gets embarrassed at sex jokes and doesn't like being touched.) Still waiting to see that adventurous and free spirited side, Molls.


5 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Just something to toss out there but considering the fact that Jephte had not seen this show before or anything, what if the producers talked a big game to lure him into doing this? I don't put it past them at all so he could have possibly been told he will be match with a certain type of girl and such. Then he is matched with Shawniece, He said on the wedding day when he saw her she was pretty (or whatever word he used) and made a comment that was nice about her looks when she cleaned off the overly done makeup. Yet the behavior during the wedding was a total turn off. So in turn he checks out. This isn't the only time this has happened but its usually the girls. Then toss in the editing and how bad its done with scenes sliced up in odd orders, things missing to lie about what is really going on to sucker viewers into believing the lies, then when certain things are mentioned where it looks like they are being honest about how they might really feel about the person its either dropped off or sliced up to be more lies in how its done. I am to the point I don't buy what this show is trying to sell us anymore. To much bs compare to reality. The show has basically shown its irresponsible in matches and only wants drama so that is what they match for. Not to try to make real matches that might work out. Toss in the fame whores that do the show and the ones that want to sell something and its just one big joke in the end. I'm just not feeling it anymore at this point since all I see is all the messed up edits, butting in the producers/"experts" do to make more drama happen, and lies. This has just gotten worse with each season IMO. As well as its obvious (at least to me) the way they will play games with who is going to be a "victim" or "villain" in the relationships. Its never honest on it when they really play it up too. If one looks back at past seasons you can see it. So I'm out. I may read along here and there but I am over this mess at this point. I am not feeling it anymore and a lot of the comments are a bit much IMO and were last couple of seasons as well. Those still enjoying the show....have fun! 

I unexpectedly also like Jon.  He seems like a really cool guy.  It is interesting that Ryan does not like him at all and really likes to throw his lack of a job in his face.

Jephte really thought he was going to be matched with some tall light skinned girl?  He wanted a supermodel...what the hell?

One of the things that has always rang false in this show, is that sometimes the brides have expressed disappointment in the appearance of their grooms (with Jamie Otis breaking down in tears) and the grooms always exclaiming that the brides are gorgeous.  It does not make sense that in all the seasons, no groom has never been disappointed after seeing his bride...it just does not add up statistically.  Many have felt that groom's reactions were producer manipulated, to make the show seem kinder.

It reminds me when in the first season Vonn said he wanted a light skin girl with long hair like Paula Patton and they matched him up with lovely, but not his type Monique.

Shawnice is too damn cute to be getting kicked in the teeth by a man who would have obviously snuck out the back door a long time ago, if he could of gotten away with it.  Pastor Calvin should have known better as a man then to have matched her up with this delusional child.

Edited by qtpye
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Somebody please give me a hammer so I can knock some sense into Shawniece's head.  What will it take for that girl to smell the coffee?  Jep does NOT want you.  If a guy ever threw me out of the bed, I'd throw him off the bed and get the hell out pronto.

Molly .. I'm surprised at you.  You told the therapist Jon acted like a 12 year old?  Why didn't you tell him yourself?  That was mean.  After all, he is your husband.  Jon is a good guy .. Maybe a little insecure, so he comes off strong.

It's only a matter of time.  Jackie will tire of Ryan and his constant chatter and remarks.  I'd be very surprised if any of them stay together.  Maybe for a few months after the six weeks are up, just to save face for the producers, then divorce.           I think the first season was the best as it seemed real.  After that, everything went downhill.

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Whoa.  Molly has mentioned Jon's energy a number of times, but saying she didn't want to go to bed with a 12 year old, in front of him, was obviously unexpected for him.  I gave him points for considering her view, saying he wanted to continue to try to make it work and making an effort to curb the juvenile jerk act.  His ambivalence on the cat issue was a little odd if it actually makes her sick but I assume they will jump off that bridge when they come to it.  I like her and maybe there's hope for him.   

I love kind of quiet, shy guys but Jeph is easily one of the nastiest people I've ever seen on this show.  None of his THs match his actions.  I held my breath when he brought up where to live because I knew whatever she said, he would disagree with and use it as an excuse to say something rotten to her.  Aside from her wedding day bold craziness and bathroom habits that sent him into orbit early on, she hasn't done one thing to step on his toes.  Hoping against hope that he at least lightens up on her in the remaining weeks.  Dude needs to seek help.  He had said he came on the show because he didn't find a connection with anyone.  Color me... surprised.  His chat with Jamie/Elvira and Rev. Cal on Unfiltered was enlightning and ugly.  

Ryan has worked my last nerve from day one and I'm still surprised Jackie likes him.  I admit I laughed a little when she said something like his incessant babbling could be a problem down the road.  I think they're both a little creepy and find them painful to watch.  Looks like her predictable meltdown is a-coming next week.  

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Jaclyn is still in love and in mourning for her dead boyfriend!  She needed therapy not a wedding!

Molly Is A Cold Fish.  Poor Jon!

Shaniece Got The Boobie Prize And Mommas Boy!  I Cant Imagine Him A Teacher Of Children!

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3 hours ago, qtpye said:


One of the things that has always rang false in this show, is that sometimes the brides have expressed disappointment in the appearance of their grooms (with Jamie Otis breaking down in tears) and the grooms always exclaiming that the brides are gorgeous.  It does not make sense that in all the seasons, no groom has never been disappointed after seeing his bride...it just does not add up statistically.  Many have felt that groom's reactions were producer manipulated, to make the show seem kinder.

It reminds me when in the first season Vonn said he wanted a light skin girl with long hair like Paula Patton and they matched him up with lovely, but not his type Monique.


I remember 2 instances when the groom did not seem ecstatic, from their body language, at seeing what his new wife looked like : Ryan D and Jessica from Season 2 (even though they had sex right away, he didnt seem to be crazy about her) and Nick and Sonia from Miami. However, tastefully, none of them ever came out and said that they dd not find themselves overly attracted to their wives. However, quite a few of the wives came right out and blurted out that they were not physically attracted to their husbands one bit (Jamie, Jaclyn Season 2, Ashley from Atlanta Sam from Atlanta). This does seem like a double standard where I guess it is assumed that a woman wouldnt be able to handle hearing that her new husband wasn't feeling her looks, but that a man could handle it. 

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2 hours ago, Kareem said:

Whoa.  Molly has mentioned Jon's energy a number of times, but saying she didn't want to go to bed with a 12 year old, in front of him, was obviously unexpected for him.  I gave him points for considering her view, saying he wanted to continue to try to make it work and making an effort to curb the juvenile jerk act.  His ambivalence on the cat issue was a little odd if it actually makes her sick but I assume they will jump off that bridge when they come to it.  I like her and maybe there's hope for him.   



Her comment was pretty emasculating, especially since it was said to the experts with him right there and not to his face in private, and the type of comment that could make him zone her out without any obvious explanation. Molly comes off as kind of nervous, with that constant giggle. Her reason for joining this show: "Ive been dating for 10 years and still hadn't found the one." Didn't know we could count middle school boyfriends as part of our dating past lol. Also, if she is allergic to cats, or not a big fan of them, why would she be matched with a cat owner ? That's a basic thing for the experts to match people off of and can be a deal breaker. Reminds me when they matched Sonia, someone who claimed to be deathly afraid of dogs, with a guy who owned 2 big dogs that slept with him every night. 

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Jephte was DONE at FIRST SIGHT...he set the land speed record for checking out of a reality show marriage.

There is no pretend in Jephte so this is going to be tough to keep the 2 in the same camera shot.

Producers scrambling behind the camera to negotiate bringing another bed and the bedside table to keep Jephte in the same room.

Jephte enjoyed his Jamaican vacation was when he was with the other grooms or when he snuck out and partied through the night....

Just reading Jephte's body language, he was relaxed with the boys in comparison to the  Stranger Danger Defcon 1 (the most severe) every time Shawniece is near him and attempts to touch him.

Once Shawniece figures out that he has zero attraction to her she will stop crying...for her sake let it be in episode 6.

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Poor Shawniece.  I'm glad she said something about just stopping the whole thing right now.  Jephte is awful. And then when they started talking about where to live, and he was all "no, not my place, and I have to have a short commute, because I'm so tired at the end of the day," I'm thinking, he's really not going to let her live with him when they get back?  Wow.  Just wow. 

It's really painful to watch. Just give Shawniece all the goodies and kick Jepthe off the show right now.

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When was Molly's tipping point to maliciously blind side Jon?

Jon was vulnerable...no job...looking for love and acceptance and she kicks him in the nuts...

Hope Molly is on Unfiltered next week to answer for herself.

When did she have enough of his juvenile quips and hijinks?

Walls were up on the van ride to the airport. Molly was in a fetal position turned away from him.

Odd to see Jon with his mouth shut.

Molly...contortionist...high wire act...juggler...encouraged Jon's continuous banter with her bleached smile and fake laughing eyes but in her head the switch was flipped.

Molly was done with Jon.

if I were Jon, I would have stopped off at a Boston animal shelter and adopt a few more cats on the way home.

Team Jon...seeking revenge.

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Ryan was cringe worthy with his insulting and stupid antics in the market.

The production and camera crew were the only reason he didn't get his butt kicked and money thrown back into his face...

His over the top proclamations of love and fidelity are sounding hollow to Jackie because she realizes once Ryan's adrenaline rush from the wedding and honeymoon wears off is she enough to sustain his interest?

Jackie is about to live with the real Ryan..will he be harsh, controlling and jealous of a ghost?...

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Well, Jon did splash mud on Molly (not sure what she was expecting), how juvenile.  That's what we do here on weekends and my girly girl granddaughters and friends get real muddy.

Ok, Ryan and Jackie were toasty at their last dinner out.  Ryan gets all mushy and quotes his vows and Jackie's eye go blank and she makes funny faces.

I remember Tristen the first Bachlorette was allergic to Ryan's dogs but she loved him so much she got allergy shots.  Just sayin. 

Jephte and Shawniece, no words.

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6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Molly .. I'm surprised at you.  You told the therapist Jon acted like a 12 year old?  Why didn't you tell him yourself?  That was mean.  After all, he is your husband.  Jon is a good guy .. Maybe a little insecure, so he comes off strong.

That was such a bitchy thing to do! She totally blindsided the guy. You could see he was visibly upset, embarrassed and hurt. Childish behavior would turn me off, too, but that wasn't the time to let him know. Grow some balls and have a one on one conversation with your "husband".  Makes me not like her at all. And the cat thing. And I am yet to see her sparkling personality and wild nature. Go take a seat, girl. 

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maybe Molly had been telling him (not shown) to quit the antics and he wasn't taking her feelings into account.  Some people like to push those hot buttons no matter what?  Idk just speculating.

Jepte and Shawn?  Please pull a Heather Shawnice and run before this season is over.  I cant stand to watch these two any more.

Jackie cant let go of her old love... they are doomed.

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I'm going to hope that for all the couples things relax a bit when they are back home.  They were all used to being single and living their own lives and were thrown straight into living with a stranger 24/7 in a foreign environment (albeit gorgeous).  Hopefully once they get back to something familiar (home, jobs, friends) they will find a little more space to process it all and relax into the experience a bit more. 

Sadly, Jephte/Shawniece appear to be a complete write-off.  Shawniece has a totally different look in every single TH!  How does she do that?!? I'm exhausted just thinking about it all!

Jon appears to be head-over-heels with Molly and will try very hard to make things work.  I hope they find a solution to the cat issue. 

Ryan seems the type to run the show and if Jaclyn is easy-going enough it could work for them.

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Jephte: "I guess since I've been single for so long that I'm pretty set in my ways." "I'm just not used to people being in my space." 

I also wonder how he could possibly be a 2nd grade teacher when his energy levels seem so low and he doesnt appear animated at all. Maybe there is a totally different side of him that we dont see in his regular life but he doesn't seem like a guy who could handle a group of young kids. 

Definitely sounds like someone who wanted to get married.

I noticed that when Jon and Molly got into the SUV, Molly walked around to other side to open her car door, while Jon got into his. Hmmm.... no chivalry huh ? 

There must be something about Ryan that got Jaclyn to have sex with him so soon. 

What I finally put my thumb on about why Molly looks awkward is her slightly stooped posture. I can't tell if she is really tall or if he is on the short side but she would look a lot better if she just stood up straight. 

Jon's cat is named Dawn .... Jon and Dawn.... and he said that "she will be soooo mad if she doesnt get to sleep in Jon's bed anymore." Ha. I didnt peg him as a cat guy. 

Edited by Lily247
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32 minutes ago, Waterlilly said:

Well, Jon did splash mud on Molly (not sure what she was expecting), how juvenile.  That's what we do here on weekends and my girly girl granddaughters and friends get real muddy.

Ok, Ryan and Jackie were toasty at their last dinner out.  Ryan gets all mushy and quotes his vows and Jackie's eye go blank and she makes funny faces.

I remember Tristen the first Bachlorette was allergic to Ryan's dogs but she loved him so much she got allergy shots.  Just sayin. 

Jephte and Shawniece, no words.

This is why I say "I don't like cats" rather than "I'm allergic to cats" (and "I'm ophidiophobic" rather than "I don't like snakes" because me + snakes = sobbing, shaking fear. A couple of other kids and I got permission to leave the room in elementary school when the science teacher brought in a snake). Sometimes people say they're allergic to things so they don't have to admit to not liking them, especially animals because it's seen as a character flaw if you don't like animals.  I'm not allergic to cats. An allergy can sometimes be managed with shots - but I don't need shots. I just don't want to be around cats. If Molly doesn't like cats, she should have said so to the experts (although they might have ignored her; see Sonia and Nick's dogs).

4 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

Jephte: "I guess since I've been single for so long that I'm pretty set in my ways." "I'm just not used to people being in my space." 

Definitely sounds like someone who wanted to get married.

Right? Why is he here? He doesn't even seem that interested in being on TV, given his (rightful, IMO) concerns about his job. What is he getting out of this? How well can this pay?

Also, when you want to make room for something or someone, you do. My friend's cousin married at 47 for the first/only time. He'd been single at least ten years and everyone, including him, assumed he'd be a confirmed bachelor for the rest of his days. He liked being single. He had a full life: career, friends, family, lived in NYC, which he loved. Then he met his wife and realized he "liked being with her more than he liked being single," so there it was. Jephte just doesn't like Shawniece and doesn't want to try. If he were interested, he'd ... be interested, you know? He'd say stuff like he's having a hard time adjusting to having someone else around (others have said that - they did just go from 100% single to having someone around all the time!) but he's giving it a shot. But he's NOT giving it a shot. He doesn't want to. If there is one thing I know about straight men, it's that when they're acting like they don't care, it's because they don't care.

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One more thing: why does Jamie Otis have the dark hair with gray streaks now ? Did she think it will make her seem more grown since she is a mom now ? It automatically aged her 20 years. 

And next week we will get to see he couples selecting $3000/month lavish apartments that are apparantly in their budgets. 

Edited by Lily247
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11 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

That was such a bitchy thing to do! She totally blindsided the guy. You could see he was visibly upset, embarrassed and hurt. Childish behavior would turn me off, too, but that wasn't the time to let him know. Grow some balls and have a one on one conversation with your "husband".  Makes me not like her at all. And the cat thing. And I am yet to see her sparkling personality and wild nature. Go take a seat, girl.

9 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

One more thing: why does Jamie Otis have the dark hair with gray streaks now ? Did she think it will make her seem more grown since she is a mom now ? It automatically aged her 20 years

 It goes with the fugly shoes and outfit.  Give that girl a stylist.  Btw, I missed season one where she was on.  Where could I see it?  Does anyone know?

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I used to be able to find Unfiltered on You Tube several seasons ago, but not anymore.  And for whatever reason, Lifetime doesn't make it available on replay.  So, please, hoping someone (or many) will recap and also post pics (and a link, if someone can capture the whole thing).  The chats can actually sometimes give insights (like what people are saying here about Jephte), and I'm missing out!  Thanks in advance.

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The 2 Unfiltered shows have been better this year, maybe because JO is not hogging the whole conversation with her ! ME TOO! insights but letting the cast member and so called expert talk...some.

They must be medicating her with better drugs...

Seems you have to record them every Tuesday on your DVR since they aren't available On Demand.

Jon and Jephte gave good TV on their Unfiltered episodes.

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