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S10.E10: Storming Out

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When I think of helping a storm ravaged community the first thing I do is put on a full face of make up complete with fake eyelashes and my extreme hair extensions...really ladies? 

Those women argue like toddlers about who went to who's fundraisers etc...look at the big picture, you were all helping.

Get a clue Kandi, Riley is crying because her bio father is expecting another child who will most likely get the attention and time that she did not get from him, it has to hurt.  

I have been binge watching to catch up on all the episodes I missed while on vacation and it feels so good, lol.

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While I applaud the housewives wanting to help out in Houston, I couldn't get the feeling that a lot of it was going to be staged or had occurred months after hurricane Harvey had passed b/c how much help can you do while dragging a camera crew around a city with no electricity or passable roads? I was amused that when no one wanted to go with Porsha, heh heh.

I am beyond tired of watching Sheree and her prison calls with Tyrone. I am also confused as heck by who this man is. Last week, I think, Kim said they all know him b/c he's the one who booked the disastrous "Tardy for the party" bus tour that ended with she and Nene getting into another huge fight at Daytona Beach Spring Break. I did roll my eyes at Tyrone trying to act like a badass and making veiled threats about what he'd do if Nene tried to mess with them.

I thought Riley crying was her reaction her no-good deadbeat Dad being more excited about his umpteenth child than her and Kandi trying to make her have relations with him.

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55 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

                                                                                                 "Feelings are so 1970,"  Kelly Bensimon.

So these women team up with Habitat for Humanity, suit up get masks (it had to be really warm in those suits), take about three swings and want a break?  I get they are trying to pitch in but it seemed to me some of them wanted to be a little pampered.    

Shamea calling Kenya was lame, she should have gotten direction from the producers or a volunteer.  Kenya was curt, but how would Kenya know how to give Shamea directions?

Porsha had yet another run at wanting her feelings to be recognized and incumbent Shamea was to realize that she should not have brought it up in front of the Kandi coated clique.  So what does Porsha turn around and do, add her two cents the appropriate time for Shamea to address Kenya is in a group setting.  Making matters worse she followed Kenya into the bathroom.  So are they suppose to address their grievances one on one or in a group setting?

Shamea and her feelings, and I am sick and tired of these women (all the franchises) feeling dismissed.  Suck it up, stay on task.  There were two jobs at the site, knock down the walls and pick up debris.  It should not have taken a lot of explanation.   

I would say no one else was needed at the event Porsha attended.  If looked like a three ring circus.  It was very nice of her to volunteer and I felt bad for her when the food ran out.

Most of all the fake husband/fake marriage situation has gotten old.  It is also very disrespectful. I don't really understand why Kenya's husband presence is necessary.  I do think she needs to make all the events and not claim she is off visiting her husband.  Kenya is an idiot to give up this job, I guess we will see how it all pans out.

Kenya is also a very nasty person. What they put in the show last night was exactly who I knew Kenya was when not giving us the twirl, twirl, haughty, better than all the rest phony that she portrays. That was her in that bathroom-gutter mouth and all proclaiming that she is not going to be with those other women who are such awful, beneath her nobodies! Give me a break. She was hired to bring her nasty with her, not class! Andy Bravo is slick and knows what he needs to keep his gravy train going with these women. It's all become a bit much with each one being more embarrassing than the next. What a mess. I'm playing this string out and Atlanta will never waste my time after this season. As for Kenya getting married-good luck you witch. She's demanding, haughty and vulgar. Let's see how long that lasts. UGH. I was pretty disgusted last night. I was watching it late into the night for some insomniac entertainment and I think a switch just went off for me. I was really repulsed and I'm no wilting flower. I can be tough and curse like a sailor when I'm super angry but insert horrible situation into the one Kenya was in demanding water from the waiter and sitting with a group of women who went to work in Houston for a damned good reason! Just ....NO.


And am I alone in thinking what the hell was Kandi doing with Riley's father? That man can barely speak and he sometimes appears to be under the influence but most likely it's from too many blows to the head! Kandi, indeed, gets her freak on and she is anther one who is not who she likes to portray. Used to like her and think she was the most honest but not anymore. Bad feelings for having watched that last night. Such a set up by Bravo to take them to a horrible situation with REAL people who are going through hell and what it did was show us how utterly repugnant many of these women are. UGH.

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Riley was emotionally slapped by Block carrying on about the new baby.  I think Kandi probably asked Riley if she wanted to do the phone call on camera and Riley thought sure but when the reality of it hit, it hit hard.  Add me to the list of tossed aside children and if my Dad called me playing all super Dad with the new child while being absentee with me I would've lost it as well.

The dialogue behind closed doors with Kandi asking to be unmiked and Todd and Ace being concerned about Riley was touching.  

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Ace crying out "Riley!" when Riley was crying was so sweet. I feel so bad for Riley, and agree that this shouldn't be on TV.

Porsha's short hair looked great - simple is best with her, she looked gorgeous in the simple black tank dress, flat sandals, and short hair. She's beautiful but she overdoes it in the talking heads, and the blonde wig is awful. I don't like the coppery one either.

You can tell Kenya's done, so let her be done. "You have certainly sat and asked irritating-ass questions." Hee! She's dished it out and doesn't want to take it, so let her go. Her rolling up the window on Cynthia was really rude. 

Ugh. Kim next week.

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8 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Kenya’s not above being set up because she’s married. 

Whats going on is she knows how this show has destroyed almost everybody’s marriage on this show and her husband doesn’t want her acting a fool on tv anymore.

if she’s not bringing on the husband and not going to act a fool, her services are no longer needed and they are goi* to phase her out.

Because Kim Z is pals with the new producer, she’s feeling high on her own supply that she got rid of Kenya & will be taking her peach come Season 11.

No one was setting Kenya up.   No one was talking about her husband or her marriage.  She was the one who made a fool of herself by way over reacting.  She already had a bad attitude at the house - and made the situation worse at the restaurant.   She was in the wrong and could have easily squashed it by apologizing to Shamea.

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Yes, they were dressed like that but put on hazmat type suits when they went into the houses for demo.

We know that production likes to play games to get maximum drama.  While Kenya should not have been rude to Shamea, and gave production the fool they were looking for, she was probably ticked off at having been called away from her husband to film with and get grilled by 2nd string FOH.

Kenya is done & her replacement shows up next week.

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12 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Kenya had no problems talking about the others husbands/SO through the years but thinks they should back off hers? And she thinks no one should dare call her out on her bad attitude just because she is married? She had no problems dishing it but she sure can't take when it comes back to bite her in her over blown fake behind. LOL

Exactly! Who in the hell does she think she is? Then she goes in to the bathroom and starts yelling and cussing like the bitch she really is when she thinks the camera's are off. Haha, what does your perfect husband think of that, Kenya? True colors. Eventually, they always come through. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I agree that’s Kenya acted badly. But if what others have said is true then I can understand why. I can understand looking forward to a weekend off from which you’re going to spend with your husband who lives in a different city. Yes, I understand this is her job. But I know that if my job called and expected me to come in at the last minute on a weekend when I was supposed to be off, I would be pissed about it. In addition, my job does not have me being a villain, (whether that’s her real personality or scripted) and it must take some mental fortitude to show up to a job where the majority of your interactions are not fun and involve your coworkers talking crap about you. So I get being pissed if that’s the situation. It doesn’t give her a pass to be rude to anyone, but I do get it. 

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

When I think of helping a storm ravaged community the first thing I do is put on a full face of make up complete with fake eyelashes and my extreme hair extensions...really ladies? 

You know, I am so used to seeing Porsha "tarted up" that I didn't even notice her being made up with those big ass eyelashes until you mentioned it! LOL Actually, I remember finding them distracting while they were driving to the site. So close, yet so far... Ha ha


1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

I haven’t watched the episode yet, were they dressed like this? I posted this in the media thread several months ago when they were there.



I may be mistaken, but I remember them wearing white tshirts under their hazmat gear.

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1 hour ago, Mariareads said:

As for Kenya getting married-good luck you witch. She's demanding, haughty and vulgar. Let's see how long that lasts.

For real. They haven't known each other long, got married after a few months of dating, aren't living together 24/7 so they are in that loved up honeymoon stage. If Kenya does indeed not come back next season  and she moves to NYC to be with him more permanently - that will be the true test of their marriage. Sooner or later, the Kenya we saw last night will come to the surface. Good luck with that Marc! 

Kenya has said nasty shit about anyone who has been spewing that "I's married" and my huzzband don't approve or don't allow shit so it is amusing to see her pull this stunt now.  Highly amusing!




Also funny that she played interference and been meddlesome in others marriage and now that she is married wants to keep her spouse off the show and bitches out her business. 

I was nice that the ladies went down to TX to help but all the "my event" and support my event and I'll support yours stuff was annoying and self-centered. 

I don't give a good damn about Sheree and her prison bae running up her phone bill. 

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2 hours ago, Mariareads said:

And am I alone in thinking what the hell was Kandi doing with Riley's father? That man can barely speak and he sometimes appears to be under the influence but most likely it's from too many blows to the head! Kandi, indeed, gets her freak on and she is anther one who is not who she likes to portray. Used to like her and think she was the most honest but not anymore. Bad feelings for having watched that last night. Such a set up by Bravo to take them to a horrible situation with REAL people who are going through hell and what it did was show us how utterly repugnant many of these women are. UGH.

I'ma give Kandi a pass about being with Block for two reasons 1) she was young and 2) Mama Joyce an 'em haven't exactly set the best examples of how to select a "quality" man. Remember that Mama was okay with the thug boyfriend (or at least her complaints about him weren't at all about his character) but had problems with Todd who was a normal dude with a full time job because he was "little and had a big head". 

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Why was Cynthia dressed like Loretta Lynn at the restaurant?

Every one of them used the Houston disaster for camera time and to stoke their public images. Kandi didn't go but specified how much money she donated. All of them have zero class.

My latest theory about Kenya's relationship is that it will only survive if she has a baby. I think it's part of an arrangement with her "husband." Kind of like a business contract. Agree with other posters that production forced her to go to TX (if she wants her paycheck).

Kandi, get a clue about your own child. Quit using her for TV time. Shame on you.

As Sheree was talking to the convict it dawned on her that he was saying he and Nene had a relationship. You could see her psychologically clutch her pearls.

Edited by pasdetrois
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14 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

I'ma give Kandi a pass about being with Block for two reasons 1) she was young and 2) Mama Joyce an 'em haven't exactly set the best examples of how to select a "quality" man. Remember that Mama was okay with the thug boyfriend (or at least her complaints about him weren't at all about his character) but had problems with Todd who was a normal dude with a full time job because he was "little and had a big head". 

Which thug boyfriend? AJ? Joyce wasn't cool with AJ - she was talking all kinds of shit about how he had six kids by four women. (Everybody raised their eyebrows at that, and rightfully so IMO, so Joyce didn't seem as crazy and invasive then as she does now.) Joyce's beef with Block (why is that his name?) seems to be that he hasn't paid child support; she was harping on the money the last time Kandi was on the phone with him. And she kept saying "us," like "are you gonna cut us a check," like, what do you have to do with it? 

Kenya kept stressing how "this isn't a moment," but she MADE it a moment by storming off and having a tantrum. If she'd calmly stayed put and addressed Shamea in an up-front and respectful way, there would be no issue.

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She’s trying to get pregnant, if she isn’t already,

Kenya is 46. So if she's trying to get pregnant, she's probably going to need medical intervention. Did she ever mention freezing her eggs?

Maybe she's annoyed to be taken from her husband but... this show is her job. After all her time on this show, she's still surprised that the other women bring up drama? Whatever.

Also I thought she was super rude when asking for water at the restaurant.

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2 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Which thug boyfriend? AJ? Joyce wasn't cool with AJ - she was talking all kinds of shit about how he had six kids by four women. (Everybody raised their eyebrows at that, and rightfully so IMO, so Joyce didn't seem as crazy and invasive then as she does now.) Joyce's beef with Block (why is that his name?) seems to be that he hasn't paid child support; she was harping on the money the last time Kandi was on the phone with him. And she kept saying "us," like "are you gonna cut us a check," like, what do you have to do with it? 

Kenya kept stressing how "this isn't a moment," but she MADE it a moment by storming off and having a tantrum. If she'd calmly stayed put and addressed Shamea in an up-front and respectful way, there would be no issue.

IIRC, (and I'm gonna be the first to say I'm senile so I may be mis-remembering this) wasn't her objection to the six kids by four women more in the "you're gonna have to play second fiddle to all them kids" and not so much "what kind of dude has six kids by four women" vein? I was only a casual watcher back then, but my recollection was he didn't get anywhere near the level of "no-good-dirty-dog" treatment and he NEVER got the "you and your mama suck" treatment.

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Ugh. Kim next week.

The bright spot of this episode was that there was not any Kim. Sigh....Watching Kim and her new best friend Porsha makes me rage-y.

If Kenya moves to NYC to be with her husband, please don't put her on RHoNY.

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WTF with Blockhead? How you gonna be a natural born American citizen with English as your first (and likely only) language and require subtitles? What in the marble mouthed hell?

I just realized this was another episode without Nene and I didn't even notice until now. Is Nene really worth her $1m paycheck if she is only on 2/3 of the time?

Eva Pigford is beautiful!

It was super weird that none of the women (maybe besides Cynthia)  tied their hair back and out of the way when volunteering. 

Can't wait for Spain.

Even though they are both extra thirsty, I prefer Shamea to Marlo by far! 

Edited by islandgal140
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14 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

IIRC, (and I'm gonna be the first to say I'm senile so I may be mis-remembering this) wasn't her objection to the six kids by four women more in the "you're gonna have to play second fiddle to all them kids" and not so much "what kind of dude has six kids by four women" vein? I was only a casual watcher back then, but my recollection was he didn't get anywhere near the level of "no-good-dirty-dog" treatment and he NEVER got the "you and your mama suck" treatment.

His mother didn't get any treatment from her that I recall - I don't think we ever saw his mother. I think Joyce's beef was about the six kids by four women being inevitable drama (which I agree with - just thinking about all those logistics, even if everybody is cool with everybody, gives me a headache) and also that he was mooching off her, which was also a complaint she had/has with Todd - she doesn't like anyone taking money out of what she sees as her pocket. I can't remember if the latter was true. I remember Kandi being like "He has lots of businesses!" so I think that's an objection she heard about a lot. I DO remember Kandi going to lunch with T-Boz and T-Boz saying she couldn't date anybody who had more than two kids and she would only deal with one baby mama, and Kandi telling her about AJ's situation and T-Boz looking at her like "Girl, what?"

I watched Eva on Top Model so it's a trip to see her here.

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16 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Is Nene really worth her $1m paycheck if she is only on 2/3 of the time?

That’s if we all believe the BS being spouted from her mouth and questionable gossip sites. I sent something in to a gossip site one time not really knowing if it was true, asking them.... they had a new article up within hours about their exclusive. LMAO!!!

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16 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I watched Eva on Top Model so it's a trip to see her here.

I was always remember her for this: “The person that needed the facial GOT the facial.” – Eva,  seeing the bright side of oily-faced Yaya winning a spa treatment reward.

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3 hours ago, Smacky55 said:

I agree that’s Kenya acted badly. But if what others have said is true then I can understand why. I can understand looking forward to a weekend off from which you’re going to spend with your husband who lives in a different city. Yes, I understand this is her job. But I know that if my job called and expected me to come in at the last minute on a weekend when I was supposed to be off, I would be pissed about it. In addition, my job does not have me being a villain, (whether that’s her real personality or scripted) and it must take some mental fortitude to show up to a job where the majority of your interactions are not fun and involve your coworkers talking crap about you. So I get being pissed if that’s the situation. It doesn’t give her a pass to be rude to anyone, but I do get it. 

Production sets the filming schedule before the start of each season, so, Kenya would have known that she was to film that weekend. 

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17 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Porsha looks so good with this shorter hair and then we flash to her talking head where she looks straight up video ho.

I see that Kenya is one of those people that once they are in a relationship it is DEUCES to everyone around them.


Still cant believe that Sheree is spending her piggy bank savings on these phone calls.

I really can't stand Block and his deadbeat ass. I feel bad for Riley. 


This is definitely Porshas season, she is beating NeNe in WWHL polls, getting HWs to her side. Distancing herself from Phaedra after last year was the best thing she could've done.

Damn you Bravo! Why'd you have to remind us of Porshas I cant fly anything but 1st class "condition"

Kenya is being a bit to bitchy while trying to help people. I've always liked Kenya but she needs to check herself HARD tonight. 

Something was up with Kenya, her reaction was way over the top. However Shamea should have let it go. Everyone was extremely tired and to work in boiling heat  and humid conditions was very challenging. I am hoping this was the case with Kenya. I feel that something else was driving her attitude. I sure it will be reveled later. Oh, okay , I missed the part that she had to return to set. I did not realize that production called her to Houston ? No wonder she was pissed off. I'm sure she did not want to leave her husband.

Edited by byrd
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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

When I think of helping a storm ravaged community the first thing I do is put on a full face of make up complete with fake eyelashes and my extreme hair extensions...really ladies? 

Those women argue like toddlers about who went to who's fundraisers etc...look at the big picture, you were all helping.

Get a clue Kandi, Riley is crying because her bio father is expecting another child who will most likely get the attention and time that she did not get from him, it has to hurt.  

I have been binge watching to catch up on all the episodes I missed while on vacation and it feels so good, lol.

I have the exact same feeling regarding Riley tears. To hear her father so excited about the birth of his new son was hurtful to her I believe.  

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33 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I was always remember her for this: “The person that needed the facial GOT the facial.” – Eva,  seeing the bright side of oily-faced Yaya winning a spa treatment reward.

"In y'all tall bitches face!"

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15 hours ago, drivethroo said:

will be taking her peach come Season 11.

I need to ask - does anyone still watch that crappy family show of hers?  The title doesn't even make sense anymore "Don't be Tardy"?  For what?  The Casino?  Paying your staff?  Kroy's non-existent career?

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I absolutely loved Cynthia's curly blonde style in her talking heads this week.  Absolutely gorgeous!

1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I was always remember her for this: “The person that needed the facial GOT the facial.” – Eva,  seeing the bright side of oily-faced Yaya winning a spa treatment reward.


1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

"In y'all tall bitches face!"


1 hour ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

"First of all, I didn't even know you were a bitch."

LMAO.  I watched Eva's season of Top Model live and remember screaming my fool head off in excitement in my house when she beat YaYa.  She's was so great and I loved ALL of her Eva the Diva behavior.  Did anyone else catch her reality show from a couple years ago?  I enjoyed that one too.  It was her and a couple of other women who were all "BFFs" and worked in the industry.  

Edited by luckyroll3
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7 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Ace crying out "Riley!" when Riley was crying was so sweet

Riley, honey, the next time you're feeling sad, pick up your baby brother and make him laugh.  And realize how much this little person really loves you.  

Run from the ones who hurt you straight to the ones who heal you.  

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Kenya's rant would've been fine with me if I didn't watch her treat the incomparable Kim Fields like garbage. Yes Kim was boring but the physical confrontation Kenya tried was just beyond.

I agree with everyone that Porsha looked good with the shorter hair than with the blonde or honey colored in her TH's. 

So is Eva coming in to crack Cynthia's face about Will? OMG poor Cynthia. She doesn't deserve that but she really needs to get a voice/backbone if she's going to function on this show.

Edited by Drumpf1737
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I watched Eva on Top Model so it's a trip to see her here.

I will be at my table for one for not liking Eva on her Top Model stint, but I assume she has grown up since then, especially since her season of ANTM was many years ago. If she directs any of her attitude towards Kim and Porsha I will love her. I kind of already like her from the short bit of her (what I am assuming) spilling some tea about Will.

Also Porsha, I think Kandi and her friends, family, employees, or whatever have every right not to like you. I do not even know you and I did not like you. I was not a fan before all the stuff last season went down, but I especially do not like you since then. I hate that you are still around. Kandi is a hell of a lot more cordial than I would ever be towards you after everything that has happened.

Edited by Misslindsey
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1 hour ago, Misslindsey said:

I will be at my table for one for not liking Eva on her Top Model stint, but I would think she has grown up since then. If she directs any of her attitude towards Kim and Porsha I will love her. I kind of already like her from the short bit of her (what I am assuming) spilling some tea about Will.

I honestly can't remember if I liked her or not; that was what, a dozen years ago? My guess is I liked her well enough since I can't remember NOT liking her, though I do remember thinking Yaya was a complete snob. ("RESPEITO!") So I'll start with a clean slate here. I couldn't stand Christian Siriano on Project Runway but that was also ten-ish years ago and he was in his early 20s then. He's grown up and matured and I like him much more now (he gets a lot of points from me for actually walking the walk re: working with women of all colors and sizes).

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I'm kinda disappointed in Eva for joining this shitshow. She's pregnant and engaged to an actual educated, gainfully employed, respectable man. The peach and check just aren't worth it imo, but she's made her choice. I truly hope her relationship doesn't suffer.

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1 minute ago, cooksdelight said:

Do any of you feel used by producers after reading Kenya’s post? I do.....

Not me. Kenya can miss me with all that nonsense. Suddenly she has an issue with being a production puppet? This isn't her first season, she knew what she signed up for. I wish she would just be gone already.

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25 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

I will be at my table for one for not liking Eva on her Top Model stint, but I would think she has grown up since then.

I didn't really like her on ANTM, either. She wasn't the worst, but was by no means a favorite of mine that cycle (Toccara for life!). I've mellowed on her over the years and am excited to see what she brings to Housewives.

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2 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

Okay production, why didn't we see Kim outside painting, throwing away garbage, painting some new doors, ect? Get this woman's hands dirty!

Ain't happening,  remember she got 6 dam kids!!!! That's her excuse for everything. 

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15 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Do any of you feel used by producers after reading Kenya’s post? I do.....

No, this is nothing more than Kenya spinning things to make herself look like the victim when she gets called out on her own bad behavior. Lather, Rinse, Repeat!

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Even though Kenya was doing something great - I did find her rude and kind of shady to Shemea. And that was based on her own words when she called and she 1) acted like she couldn't talk for 2 seconds and 2) said "what, am I your assistant?". Was that really necessary?

Edited by tumamita
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3 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

Okay production, why didn't we see Kim outside painting, throwing away garbage, painting some new doors, ect? Get this woman's hands dirty!

She's a Friend Of for a reason. She chooses when she shows up to collect a pay check so they can't really force her into much.

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Kenya addresses last nights episode

I find the quotation marks around the word event, condescending and unnecessary in regards to Porsha's group providing a party and food to people who could use a nice moment.

As a result?  Based on the quote marks.  I call this damage control by an asshole. 

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