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S15.E03: Keep On Truckin'


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None of those were deconstructed Denver omelets.

Losing Laura sort of broke my heart, but her eggs were obviously the worst. I don't know why any of them were trying fancy up their omelets. Tom started that Sudden Death Quick Fire by talking about the basics and fundamentals. Everything about that says go for the classics.

Rogelio has been circling the drains for 3 weeks.

  • Love 7

I hate sudden death quickfires.  Especially when people have to stop to do dishes before fighting to stay alive.

If you have no other ideas than French toast, you belong on Chopped, not Top Chef. Padma’s face while eating Laura's dish was fantastic.  And crepes aren’t very different than omelettes, so that wasn’t all that creative a choice for a deconstruction challenge, and then to screw it up?  To over-cook the eggs in a hole?  The bottom three made sense to me.  And then none of them even understood what a French omelette was, let alone managed to make one.  Laura was stuck on stupid for the entire thing, and I felt a bit like Fatima; it was actually hard to watch someone who has talent display not an ounce of it.  But she obviously doesn’t have the right temperament for a competition like this, so I think it was something of a mercy killing for her to go out this early.

The fried egg salad was the most interesting idea to me, and the smoked egg second.  (I don’t eat egg yolks, so I wouldn’t have eaten any of these dishes, but I liked the concepts.)  The breakfast sandwich was an obvious choice given the tidbit that the Denver omelette may have started as a sandwich, but it you do it well, you succeed, so I was glad someone tackled it and came out among the top.

I don’t quite understand the student voting in the elimination challenge; students awarded their tickets to which truck's food they opted to order from based on the menu, rather than sampling everything and awarding a ticket to what tasted best?  Is that right?  If so, what if the menu sounded great but the food fell short?

And Hosea is someone I could go the rest of my days without seeing again; shut up about your empire, fool.  At least he wasn't featured much.

Anyway, The Hangover Cure (Mustache Joe, Fatima, Tyler) were not a surprise as the judges’ favorite.  I hate Mustache Joe, but a sticky licky chicken wing is right up my alley - as a hungover college student or a sober professional.  I want those wings right now.  Fatima not being able to do her cream the way she wanted due to equipment failure sucks, but waffles are a perfect idea, and she pulled it out.  I’d have eaten the hell out of that one, too.  Tyler putting vodka in the tomato soup was a nice touch on both a flavor and conceptual level, but I agree on the need for more croutons.

Without tasting, though, I think I’d have gone with the kids and picked Down the Chin (Carrie, Joe, Tanya).  I’m not surprised they were the crowd favorite.  I’d have chowed down on all three dishes.  Chicken and waffles are perfect.  (And I enjoyed Tanya talking about being marginalized when she tried to lease restaurant space, and that’s how she wound up where she is in Oakland.  We need to hear those truths.)  Ribs are almost always good, as are Juicy Lucy burgers.  All three dishes went together to fit a theme.  If you need wet naps, you’ve had a good meal.

For the losers, Foodgasm (Brother, Rogelio, Bruce) were an easy choice to be on the bottom.  They sucked!  No concept is easy to get over, but the food just wasn’t good.  Rogelio is seriously serving a salad to food truck-going college students?  You can do that, but it better kick ass, and that didn’t.  So he was no surprise for elimination, but the other dishes were just as responsible for landing them on the bottom.  Bruce’s sandwich sounded good, so for that to be too greasy and fatty is pretty bad.  Not having a working oven sucks - hillbilly sous vide, heh – but that wasn’t a factor; it was just a bad sandwich.  I like Brother’s story of how he wound up in college, but the fry bread didn’t do a thing for me.

Blazin’ Sammies (Adrienne, Chris, Tu) were just as easy a pick for second worst.  Banh Mi sandwiches are often so good (although that one looked anemic on ingredients), and the chopped cheese was hilariously college while sounding genuinely good in concept and okay in execution, but three sandwiches, and all with the same bread?  Okay, it’s a concept, but I don’t think it’s a good one.  And the fish fry sandwich was so obviously dry just looking at it.  All three fell short.

  • Love 8

It seemed like two very easy decisions this week, as nice as both Laura and Rogelio appear to be. I especially loved his final words of inspiration to other immigrant chefs.

As a Minnesotan I’m offended (not really!) that we didn’t get credit for the Juicy Lucy - or Jucy Lucy, if you’re at Matt’s Bar in Minneapolis. The original inventor of the magma hot cheese filled burger is a subject of hot debate around these parts, with two places claiming credit. Either way, it’s effing delicious and the most perfect example of dripping down the chin food I can think of.

I’ll be okay if I never see or hear of the social media influencer guy again. #getoffmylawn

Edited by hendersonrocks
  • Love 17
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:24 AM, HunterHunted said:

Rogelio has been circling the drains for 3 weeks.


I said the same during the show. It was just a matter of time.

Pissy Padma is always fun. She's at the point where she still hates the food more than the chef, but that will blur as the season progresses.

Tom's belt at the Quickfire was... a choice.

Incorporating Flaming Hot Cheetos isn't exactly novel, Miss Bernadin.

  • Love 4
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:34 AM, annewithaneee said:

I don't think they gave him a chyron, which is just as well, but I basically had a rage stroke when I saw Logan Paul (one of the worst people on the internet, though not nearly as bad as his younger brother Jake) at the main challenge. He's not a Colorado college kid, he's a scourge aka professional YouTuber. I was already annoyed seeing him mug around with his Go Pro and dabbing (!!!!!), but to have him have an actual seat at the table with the judges was just too damn much. I swear he got more critique airtime than Gail, and that's just unforgivable. 

So, that ruined the episode for me, but I know most Top Chef viewers won't have any idea who that kid is and that he's the wooooorst (which actually makes including him in the judge's tasting all the more confusing), so I may be alone here. 


You are not alone. I said "Ugh, that choad!" when I saw him. He's constitutionally terrible.

  • Love 5

Oh also, it was extra tragic that the Quickfire judge (who seemed completely fine otherwise), fucked up Laura's name. He called her Laurie. I can't help but think that might have been extra salt in the wound for her and might have further destroyed her confidence (I know that if I were already upset at myself and on the brink of tears as she was, having someone get my name wrong would just be the cherry topper on my unraveling). Obviously he's not to blame for her raw eggs, but it seemed odd that they didn't just quickly reshoot it. They must do additional takes of these things all the time when someone flubs a line, why not have Padma gently correct him and have him repeat himself?

  • Love 2
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:34 AM, annewithaneee said:

Laura kinda broke my heart. It's awful, seeing someone so likable and clearly talented suddenly go down because of their emotions. It reminded me a bit of Great British Bake Off, to see someone so sweet and mild just fall apart.

I don't think they gave him a chyron, which is just as well, but I basically had a rage stroke when I saw Logan Paul (one of the worst people on the internet, though not nearly as bad as his younger brother Jake) at the main challenge. He's not a Colorado college kid, he's a scourge aka professional YouTuber. I was already annoyed seeing him mug around with his Go Pro and dabbing (!!!!!), but to have him have an actual seat at the table with the judges was just too damn much. I swear he got more critique airtime than Gail, and that's just unforgivable. 

So, that ruined the episode for me, but I know most Top Chef viewers won't have any idea who that kid is and that he's the wooooorst (which actually makes including him in the judge's tasting all the more confusing), so I may be alone here. 

Very happy Foodgasm landed in the bottom, they deserved it for the name alone.


Thanks for that info -- I had no idea who that guy was, and why his opinion mattered.  I thought he was just some random college guy.

  On 12/22/2017 at 4:35 AM, hendersonrocks said:

It seemed like two very easy decisions this week, as nice as both Laura and Rogelio appear to be. I especially loved his final words of inspiration to other immigrant chefs.

As a Minnesotan I’m offended (not really!) that we didn’t get credit for the Juicy Lucy - or Jucy Lucy, if you’re at Matt’s Bar in Minneapolis. The original inventor of the magma hot cheese filled burger is a subject of hot debate around these parts, with two places claiming credit. Either way, it’s effing delicious and the most perfect example of dripping down the chin food I can think of.

I’ll be okay if I never see or hear of the social media influencer guy again. #getoffmylawn


I wondered about the Juicy Lucy too, as I thought it was "invented" here in the Twin Cities.  Were we duped????

i have never have one, although it sounds wonderful.

  • Love 4

Like usual, the editing gave away that Laura was going home. If I were to ever be on a show like this, amatuer version of course, I think I would be a Laura. Immediately draw a blank and then screw up something simple because I was stuck in my own head for a few minutes more than I could afford to waste. 

Rogelio, on the other hand, didn't seem to be stuck in his own head, his concepts and executions were just failures.

  • Love 7

No one thought of doing Tex Mex or Mexican food?  Do some amped up tacos, burritos, burrito bowl, nachos.  Every college student I know almost live at Chipotle.  Even a BBQ theme?  The Down the Chin did have ribs and burgers, plus the chicken and waffles - all sounded great.  The chicken wings (can't stand that guy though), waffles, and soup looked good.  

The Foodgasm didn't seem to have any concept really.  Nothing of that would give me a foodgasm.   The sandwich truck didn't look great either, but at least they had some sort of a theme.

I felt bad for Laura, but probably better that she left now.  She seemed to crumble under the pressure.  It was only going to get worse for her.

They kind of telegraphed it that Rogelio was a goner.  Not that surprising though.

  • Love 4
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:23 AM, Wings said:

was very surprised Tanya didn't know how to make a classi Fch omelet.  They never have filling. Her restaurant in  Oakland specializes in breakfast, she is only open til 3 pm.  It is a hot place for brunch. 


Tanya was surprisingly inept at both the crepe and omelet though it has been 30 years since she worked in France. I have been to her restaurant multiple times and I don't think I have ever seen an omelet on the menu, maybe she hates them.

I would  have done an eggs benedict with a pepper hollandaise or a bread pudding. 

I only learned about the existence of this "social media influencer" when he and his brother got sued by their neighbors for being annoyimg asshats and their cringeworthy video that went viral, so I wished he hadn't appeared but at least it was brief.

Much like Jon Tesar if I were Bruce I wouldn’t think it was impressive that I knew so many of the judges, I would question why I was a contestant not a judge.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 9
  On 12/22/2017 at 5:20 AM, Thumper said:

I wondered about the Juicy Lucy too, as I thought it was "invented" here in the Twin Cities.  Were we duped????

i have never have one, although it sounds wonderful.


Perhaps it's because I'm not native to the state, although I do live here, but I don't like them.  I like my cheese on top of my burger so I get a solid ration.  As clever as it is, cheese exploding out of my burger did not work for me.

  On 12/22/2017 at 4:54 AM, rhys said:

I still think it stinks when chefs have to deal with equipment that doesn't work. How is that fair?


There's no "fair" on Top Chef!  Speaking of failing equipment, I don't think I've ever seen that contraption Fatima had her whipped cream in ever work on any cooking show I've seen. I don't care if it's Top Chef, Chopped or Martha Stewart.  It just never works.

  On 12/22/2017 at 6:20 AM, Christina said:

Like usual, the editing gave away that Laura was going home.


It always starts with I haven't ever been away from my son/daughter/children for this long.... At that point I was basically going "girl, bye!"

  • Love 17

I hate sudden death quickfires.  Especially when people have to stop to do dishes before fighting to stay alive. 


ITA. The limited time is enough of a challenge. 

That was a painful thing to watch. It would never occur to me to try to fold an omelet by hand. Or whatever it was she was doing to try to salvage it. 

I don't see the appeal of runny eggs in any situation, so I would have been fine with the overcooked toad in the hole. 

I didn't know that guy was on YouTube, but he was immediately awful even without knowing his background. Can he go away now?

Padma had a bad hair episode. Like she had to use the low flow shower head

Edited by HavartiHead42
Forgot to include the first time
  • Love 6

The humble egg has been the downfall of many a cheftestant.  I'm happy with the way I cook my eggs, but your mileage may vary.

I agreed with the bottom two food trucks.  Their menus were ill-conceived and lackluster in preparation.

The food blogger guy reminded me of Owen Wilson, so I immediately disregarded him as any sort of culinary expert.

Not to beat a dead horse, but for the life of me I can't understand how anyone makes a dime operating a food truck, although I enjoy watching them in competition.

Off to LCK!

  • Love 5
  On 12/22/2017 at 7:46 AM, Irlandesa said:

There's no "fair" on Top Chef!  Speaking of failing equipment, I don't think I've ever seen that contraption Fatima had her whipped cream in ever work on any cooking show I've seen. I don't care if it's Top Chef, Chopped or Martha Stewart.  It just never works.


The Brothers Voltaggio both used it successfully and there was one contestant who used it more than once to make the sponge cake that was popular a few years ago and one at least a quickfire. It's just one of thise things that only gets highlighted when it fails because it seems so simple.


  On 12/22/2017 at 7:55 AM, spiderpig said:

The food blogger guy reminded me of Owen Wilson, so I immediately disregarded him as any sort of culinary expert.


He isn't even a food blogger, he is the less famous of a pair of brothers who became famouse through Vine and are now on youtube. 

  • Love 2
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:25 AM, Bastet said:

I hate sudden death quickfires.  Especially when people have to stop to do dishes before fighting to stay alive.

If you have no other ideas than French toast, you belong on Chopped, not Top Chef. Padma’s face while eating Laura's dish was fantastic.  And crepes aren’t very different than omelettes, so that wasn’t all that creative a choice for a deconstruction challenge, and then to screw it up?  To over-cook the eggs in a hole?  The bottom three made sense to me.  And then none of them even understood what a French omelette was, let alone managed to make one.  Laura was stuck on stupid for the entire thing, and I felt a bit like Fatima; it was actually hard to watch someone who has talent display not an ounce of it.  But she obviously doesn’t have the right temperament for a competition like this, so I think it was something of a mercy killing for her to go out this early.

The fried egg salad was the most interesting idea to me, and the smoked egg second.  (I don’t eat egg yolks, so I wouldn’t have eaten any of these dishes, but I liked the concepts.)  The breakfast sandwich was an obvious choice given the tidbit that the Denver omelette may have started as a sandwich, but it you do it well, you succeed, so I was glad someone tackled it and came out among the top.

  On 12/22/2017 at 7:02 AM, biakbiak said:

Tanya was surprisingly inept at both the crepe and omelet though it has been 30 years since she worked in France. I have been to her restaurant multiple times and I don't think I have ever seen an omelet on the menu, maybe she hates them.

I would  have done an eggs benedict with a pepper hollandaise or a bread pudding. 




I would have done a play on deviled eggs. My lazy person lunch is a soft boiled egg with spinach, a warm bacon mustard vinaigrette, some bacon, and a parmesan frico. The runny yolk mixes with the dressing. If you add some peppers to the vinaigrette, you've got all of the flavors of a Denver omelette.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 11
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:34 AM, annewithaneee said:

I don't think they gave him a chyron, which is just as well, but I basically had a rage stroke when I saw Logan Paul (one of the worst people on the internet, though not nearly as bad as his younger brother Jake) at the main challenge.


They actually did give him a chyron. It was super quick when the students started coming in.   I had to rewind to catch it.  I have never heard of this dude before and thought he was some overly enthusiastic college kid.

  • Love 5

I am surprised that chicken wings won.  I can hear Tom's voice ringing in my ear, 'so you think this is a $100 dish?' He has said that to many who offer something simple.  Yeah, they loved them but when they announced yellow the winning team, I expected Fatimas waffel to take it. 

I will pass the baking soda tip onto my son.  I don't make them anymore.  Not when i can have them delivered to my door! 

It is early yet but I see Fatima in F3 with Brother.  I don't think Bruce will get there. Tyler may.  

  • Love 3
  On 12/22/2017 at 1:36 PM, Wings said:

Yes. I have to go back and listen again. I think he gave them a bath in baking soda in water but that doesn't sound right. 


I heard him said he blanched them in water with baking soda, so I think that's indeed what he did.

"Foodgasm". So classy. And the sign itself was cringe-inducing.

  • Love 10
  On 12/22/2017 at 1:28 PM, Wings said:

I will pass the baking soda tip onto my son.  I don't make them anymore.  Not when i can have them delivered to my door! 

  On 12/22/2017 at 1:31 PM, spiderpig said:

I was trying to pay attention - did he add baking soda to his wings to crisp them up?



  On 12/22/2017 at 1:36 PM, Wings said:

Yes. I have to go back and listen again. I think he gave them a bath in baking soda in water but that doesn't sound right. 



  On 12/22/2017 at 2:00 PM, Sarnia said:

I heard him said he blanched them in water with baking soda, so I think that's indeed what he did.




He blanched them in broth with baking soda and then fried them. To oven fry them, you can follow one of Kenji Lopez' recipes using baking powder not baking soda to oven fry wings and science behind it.



  • Love 6
  On 12/22/2017 at 2:00 PM, Sarnia said:

I heard him said he blanched them in water with baking soda, so I think that's indeed what he did.

"Foodgasm". So classy. And the sign itself was cringe-inducing.


Yes. You could have saved me a lot of time had you posted sooner! <grin>  And same you @HunterHunted.

Edited by Wings
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:54 AM, rhys said:

I still think it stinks when chefs have to deal with equipment that doesn't work. How is that fair?


Agreed.  And it stinks even more when some teams have working equipment and others don't.  If TPTB want to throw in a twist with non-working equipment, then all teams should have that disadvantage, not just one or two.  Bad form, show. ?

  • Love 15
  On 12/22/2017 at 9:35 AM, HunterHunted said:

I would have done a play on deviled eggs. My lazy person lunch is a soft boiled egg with spinach, a warm bacon mustard vinaigrette, some bacon, and a parmesan frico. The runny yolk mixes with the dressing. If you add some peppers to the vinaigrette, you've got all of the flavors of a Denver omelette.


Sounds delicious. A soft boiled or poached egg on creamed spinach is a favorite of mine.  Fricos are too salty for me but they would add a crisp factor which is sadly missing in low carb eating.  Will google that dressing.  Or can you post it?  Please?  

  • Love 2
  On 12/22/2017 at 2:46 PM, Wings said:

Sounds delicious. A soft boiled or poached egg on creamed spinach is a favorite of mine.  Fricos are too salty for me but they would add a crisp factor which is sadly missing in low carb eating.  Will google that dressing.  Or can you post it?  Please?  


It's your standard warm bacon mustard dressing with a shallot. I also keep it in a mason jar in the fridge so I can pop the top off and warm it up in the microwave when I need to.


  • Love 4
  On 12/22/2017 at 2:57 PM, HunterHunted said:

It's your standard warm bacon mustard dressing with a shallot. I also keep it in a mason jar in the fridge so I can pop the top off and warm it up in the microwave when I need to.



Thanks.  I save bacon grease so I can make a batch today. 

The right two went home. I knew when Laura was talking to her son and said she'd had "an emotional day" that she was a goner. I think this just wasn't the right environment for her. She was a mess making that omelette - I don't think I would have tasted it, it looked very, very raw. I was cringing looking at her pouring stuff out.

Hosea, ugh. Glad he didn't say too much.

  On 12/22/2017 at 4:25 AM, Bastet said:

Anyway, The Hangover Cure (Mustache Joe, Fatima, Tyler) were not a surprise as the judges’ favorite.  I hate Mustache Joe, but a sticky licky chicken wing is right up my alley - as a hungover college student or a sober professional.  I want those wings right now.  Fatima not being able to do her cream the way she wanted due to equipment failure sucks, but waffles are a perfect idea, and she pulled it out.  I’d have eaten the hell out of that one, too.  Tyler putting vodka in the tomato soup was a nice touch on both a flavor and conceptual level, but I agree on the need for more croutons.

Without tasting, though, I think I’d have gone with the kids and picked Down the Chin (Carrie, Joe, Tanya).  I’m not surprised they were the crowd favorite.  I’d have chowed down on all three dishes.  Chicken and waffles are perfect.  (And I enjoyed Tanya talking about being marginalized when she tried to lease restaurant space, and that’s how she wound up where she is in Oakland.  We need to hear those truths.)  Ribs are almost always good, as are Juicy Lucy burgers.  All three dishes went together to fit a theme.  If you need wet naps, you’ve had a good meal.

For the losers, Foodgasm (Brother, Rogelio, Bruce) were an easy choice to be on the bottom.  They sucked!  No concept is easy to get over, but the food just wasn’t good.  Rogelio is seriously serving a salad to food truck-going college students?  You can do that, but it better kick ass, and that didn’t.  So he was no surprise for elimination, but the other dishes were just as responsible for landing them on the bottom.  Bruce’s sandwich sounded good, so for that to be too greasy and fatty is pretty bad.  Not having a working oven sucks - hillbilly sous vide, heh – but that wasn’t a factor; it was just a bad sandwich.  I like Brother’s story of how he wound up in college, but the fry bread didn’t do a thing for me.

Blazin’ Sammies (Adrienne, Chris, Tu) were just as easy a pick for second worst.  Banh Mi sandwiches are often so good (although that one looked anemic on ingredients), and the chopped cheese was hilariously college while sounding genuinely good in concept and okay in execution, but three sandwiches, and all with the same bread?  Okay, it’s a concept, but I don’t think it’s a good one.  And the fish fry sandwich was so obviously dry just looking at it.  All three fell short.


Agreed. I was glad Tanya shared that and they left it in.

I'd probably have picked Down the Chin too (and my mind TOTALLY went to a dirty place when they announced the name). I'd have eaten all three of their offerings. I love chicken and waffles (and waffles, period - I'd have eaten the fuck out of Fatima's waffles too). I knew the salad was going to fail. I bet the college students didn't even pick it. I love a fish sandwich but I was like " ... And?" when I saw it, it needed sauce. And that was a very naked-looking Banh Mi. The Foodgasm truck's food didn't LOOK appetizing, so I wasn't surprised to hear that it wasn't.

  • Love 5

What was the sequence in doing Laura's Talking Head? She was sobbing that she couldn't concentrate to do the Elimination Quickfire Cook Off but they showed it while she was cooking. Had she already lost when she filmed the TH? (Her clothes were different) Or did they film it before the cook off?

  • The phone call/Face time to home always signals The Axe on, ANTM, PR, and Top Chef.
  • Tanya's answer to Chicago Joe that the competition was becoming a frat house (due to women being eliminated) was right in keeping with Tom C.'s blog post about the "d#ck culture" in too many kitchens.
  • She also was "too adult" when she asked if the "Down The Chin" double entendre related to the food concept; she wasn't going to go to there with them.
Edited by Eulipian 5k
  • Love 3

Talking heads are almost always filmed after the event. The exception is probably the finale. There might have been some time to reset the kitchen between the Denver omelette challenge and the sudden death french omelette challenge, but they tend to let the contestants just sit and talk in the stew room and transform their complaints and disappoints into a whole line of questions during the talking head interviews. They could have done some interviews during the reset, but good reality TV is done in the prep, producing, and editing. Rushing to get talking heads might get you contemporaneous statements, but it's not good prep or producing.

  • Love 1

Rogelio has been circling the drains for 3 weeks.


Agreed. He should've gone the time it was between him and that lady with the glasses and dark lipstick. When you talk about sexism in the industry and in these competition shows, the one thing that I notice is not that a woman can't win an entire competition when going head-to-head with a male chef, but that when two chefs don't perform well and one's a woman, she usually goes first. He gets the second chance, and this guy got more than that!

  • Love 7
  On 12/22/2017 at 6:37 AM, hoosier80 said:

No one thought of doing Tex Mex or Mexican food? 


That would have been last week's eliminee, (new word!). The one who couldn't smoke salmon, but knew how to drive a bus over Adrienne.

Snidely Joe got the win because, as the judge said, "gave them food they expected from a food truck, but elevated it". A buzzed, lit up, college student would expect fried chicken more that a haute cuisine waffle, like Fatima's. The "kids" voted for Down the Chin's (fried) chicken & waffles, while the Judges went to the upscale Hangover Cure waffle and chicken wings.

  • Love 2
  On 12/22/2017 at 4:34 AM, annewithaneee said:

I don't think they gave him a chyron, which is just as well, but I basically had a rage stroke when I saw Logan Paul (one of the worst people on the internet, though not nearly as bad as his younger brother Jake) at the main challenge. He's not a Colorado college kid, he's a scourge aka professional YouTuber. I was already annoyed seeing him mug around with his Go Pro and dabbing (!!!!!), but to have him have an actual seat at the table with the judges was just too damn much. I swear he got more critique airtime than Gail, and that's just unforgivable. 

So, that ruined the episode for me, but I know most Top Chef viewers won't have any idea who that kid is and that he's the wooooorst (which actually makes including him in the judge's tasting all the more confusing), so I may be alone here. 


I have never seen nor heard of that idiot Owen Wilson wannabe before and completely agree that he should not have been sitting with the judges. His opinion is worth nothing in this competition, especially when all he had to offer was "I really love waffles." The show wasted critique time that could have included actual substance on someone with zero relevance to their audience. I don't get it.

  • Love 12
  On 12/22/2017 at 8:01 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

The show said he has 11 million followers. A figure I saw on the Internet is that Top Chef averages 2 million. So if an appearance by dude can get even 10 percent of his followers to check out the appearance, that is a significant ratings increase.


It'll be interesting to check and see what the ratings were...next week, I guess? I don't pay a lot of attention to how this stuff works, but I think ratings calculate delayed viewings as well.

My guess is it won't impact much other than their social mentions, which might be why they actually did it? Their super cringeworthy #Logang tweet got them 500 retweets, 3k likes, and 80ish replies. By this dipshit's standards on both TC's account and his own (since he retweeted it), that's barely anything, but by Top Chef social media standards it's like 500x more engagement than they get on anything else. 

Anyway, his demographic is all quite literally children in grade and middle school who probably watch very little traditional television anymore, and apparently he already posted video from the shoot when it happened a year ago, so I doubt the ratings will really spike. Also, with these influencers (ugh), total followers does not equal actively engaged followers, so his promotional reach for this was probably much smaller than 11 mil. So at least hypothetically, the math doesn't seem to be in their favor for this resulting in a big ratings push. And it's not like that social spike would be anything more than a one-off.

But, ultimately it doesn't really matter. Unless they paid that dipshit a ton to appear (I am guessing they comped his travel, but probably nothing else?), it's not like they could really lose by including him. Faithful viewers will still watch, and even if the viewership bump is minimal, it's something. I did lose an hour of my life because the rage stroke ruined my experience, but hey.

  • Love 3

The only moment I enjoyed with the "influencer" was when a judge called the powdered honey, "cute but useless."  The influencer made a joke, "Cute but useless?  Like me!"  He was so proud of himself for his self deprecating humor.  The camera cut to Tom, whose look said, "You got that half right."  I  also liked how awkwardly he realized he was being dismissed.  Run away and go flop your hair around elsewhere.  People with interesting things to say need to talk now.  

  • Love 16

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