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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I'm sure this has been sad in the forums and other places, too, but I still remember Jared's really insensitive and grossly oversimplified peanut gallery tweets about Philip Seymour Hoffman's addiction and passing.  I don't have a twitter account and I'm only a casual fan of SPN, but I heard about them and read them.  Sorry if this is redundant after someone else's post - just scroll by if that's the case!

As a reminder for people who don't remember or didn't know about this, the tweets can easily be found here - https://jezebel.com/jared-padalecki-thought-philip-seymour-hoffmans-death-1514593163.  He said and then later deleted, "'Sad' isn't the word I'd use to describe a 46 year old man throwing his life away to drugs.  'Senseless' is more like it.  'Stupid.'"

Now if that's how he still feels and is self-aware enough in the harsh light of day to not be a hypocrite about it, then he should recognize that alcohol, while legal, is not his friend, and continuing to make mistakes while drinking is senseless and stupid.  Obviously I'm not arguing that he's at the point of "throwing his life away," but he sure did make some uneducated snap judgments about the nature of addiction - when I'm guessing he would bristle at people making uneducated snap judgments about his drinking and depression.

I do think he has a lot of people in his life who care and will help him to address what's going on.  If the adult faces and voices trying to help him aren't enough, I'd like to think that the three child faces looking up to him figuratively and literally are the push he needs.  And I think he'll take this incident as internal motivation as well.  Private behavior will still stay private (who knows what he does at home), but there's a certain level of informal reinforcement that will exist in public.  For example, I'd be shocked if he continued to drink (even beer) onstage at cons after this.

I agree that fans letting him slide are not doing him any favors and it's disconcerting to see the downplaying of what he apparently did - but hopefully it's really the opinions and needs of his wife, children, parents, extended family, friends, co-workers, etc. that he takes to heart and inform his behavior going forward.  In many cases that's not "enough" - ironically it wasn't in the PSH situation he callously criticized - but hopefully his path will be different.

  • Love 11

I love Jared as much as any of his other fans and I'm not letting him off the hook for this because it was a monumentally stupid situation for him to get himself into. But I'm also not 'cancelling' him because of this bone-headed mistake. Is it bad? Definitely. EBut thankfully the police got involved before things got totally out of hand and if he's smart, he'll plead down the charges and settle with the two that he hit. It won't make the situation go away completely, but it will keep a bad matter from spiraling. He'll also get himself back to his therapist and deal with his problems. If rehab or treatment is needed, then he needs to get it.

There are plenty of actors who still have lucrative careers that got into serious trouble with the law (Will Smith, Robert Downy Jr, Mark Wahlburg, Kiefer Sutherland, Matthew McConaughey...) and some of them for far more serious charges. This is not to deflect what Jared did, but it can put things in perspective. What Jared did was wrong and even if we learn that even if we learn that things aren't quite as originally reported or that he was instigated, that doesn't excuse his actions and he'll need to take responsibility. And if Mel Fucking Gibson still gets to have an acting/directing career following his run in with the law (on top of him being a raging anti-Semite), the odds are that Jared will be able to get past this. But he needs to take ownership of his behavior and deal with it properly. 

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You can still like someone who has flaws or makes mistakes (sometimes it makes them more human.)  But you still have to acknowledge that what they did was wrong; and more so, *they* have to admit it.  Defending someone just because you like them does no good to anyone.  

There are a lot of "A listers" who've screwed up big time, and they get forgiven...because they're A-listers.  Similarly, there are some celebs who enjoy the "bad boy/party boy" reputation and that doesn't hurt them either.  But Jared and Jensen have been put forward as solid, family men, good guys, and so this stands out more.  

I don't know if it would be better for Jared to go to the con and be honest and acknowledge/apologize, or stay at home, saying he needs to get better.  All I know is that he *has* to acknowledge that he was wrong, that he has a problem, and that, while he'd like others to forgive him, that doesn't mean whitewash or ignore the issues.  

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Last month, news broke that the Texan would star in a reboot of ‘Walker, Texas Ranger.’ This weekend, he landed in a squad car.

Ouch.   (Not really any new news in the article though.)


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27 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Funny that they use a photo of both Jared and Jensen both times (apart from the booking photo) but identify Jared (alone) as "the show's demon hunting lead".

Even now...

I'd laugh if it didn't make me want to cry, lol

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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7 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

And if he does have part ownership in the bar (which I'm sure I recall from the opening) these are his employees. Regardless, it's not great behavior from a grown man.

Not gonna lie, the hypocrisy of his fans on social media over people 'judging' their hero is stunning. The same people who defended him for trashing service industry people, private citizens, who wronged him, demanding understanding for a guy who made a mistake. I mean, that is how it should be, but the road runs in both directions, people.

Twitter is quite the trip. People are acting like something was done TO him and are actually faulting bystanders for not HELPING Jared. Cuz I’d sure step in to try to calm down a drunk, raging, giant man. The fuck? 

People make mistakes, sure - Jared made some pretty serious ones, here, and frankly, he was freaking scary. This isn’t some college kid who drank too much purple Jesus and fought his frat brothers and everyone laughed five minutes later. This is a 37-year old man who got drunk and violent  - and seriously, if he punched his own employees he’s in a world of shit. Does he love a deposition? 

I used to adore him but made the mistake of following him on Twitter. I don’t think we could be friends IRL, lol. 

I have 2 guy friends who I rarely ever see because they are in their 40s and bar fights are still a regular thing for them. Nobody wants to be the babysitter and wind up, well, getting put in a headlock by the idiot you’re trying to help. 

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

This is the perfect summation of Twitter (and I assume Tumblr - not even gonna look at that mess). Well done.

Well, that's really sad. Even young people should know it's wrong to punch someone. How can they possibly turn the tide to have Jared be the victim? 😞

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

Well, that's really sad. Even young people should know it's wrong to punch someone. How can they possibly turn the tide to have Jared be the victim? 😞

Not just the victim, a hero, because in their world, he must have been defending someone, or the bartenders are nazis, or, or, or...

This is a real tweet:


  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Jared made the LA Times, with a few more details.  It also says that the two men he hit want to "pursue the assault charges."  


Good lord. The cops were disturbed that he was smiling and laughing while the other dude bled? If he tries to use depression as an excuse I am gonna be pissed. Lots of people suffer from depression - and don’t have half his resources - and don’t go around getting violent. And he touched those cops because drunk or sober, he is an entitled jerk-face who doesn’t think rules apply to him because he’s a good-looking famous dude. He’s lucky he didn’t pull that shit in my city. He’d still be sitting in jail. 

I really hope he learns from this. And I have a feeling  there are people in his life who are both relieved that he hit rock bottom, or afraid this isn’t rock bottom. 

That said, his mugshot is fierce and Tyra would be proud. 


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The more I read about it the angrier and more disappointed I am.  I quit watching any Youtube footage of the cons, which I used to really enjoy, because he's so over the top with his constant "look at me!" childish antics. I think the network and his people will have to do some serious damage control, and yes, he needs to take responsibility for his actions and maybe grow the F up.  It makes all the times they said they didn't have enough time for family back in Texas ring hollow now, and that pisses me off. Because they probably do miss their families, but he spends his time in Austin like this?    

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27 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Jared made the LA Times, with a few more details.  It also says that the two men he hit want to "pursue the assault charges."  


The arresting officer refers to him as "Jared" in his report?


Edited by Myrelle
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I hope Jared gets whatever help he needs. He's too old for this to be a "youthful indiscretion."  In response to the comments about his drinking, while I cannot not know if this is the case with JP, I just want to note alcoholism is also an illness. I hope having to  clean up this mess will make him face and fix whatever needs facing and fixing.

7 minutes ago, SueB said:

Well I checked my Twitter timeline - bless the peeps I follow, no one has been nutty.  I did the search, saw a range of reactions.  Note: it appears Cliff is at chez Padalecki helping out.   

What makes you say that about Clif? 

1 minute ago, Myrelle said:

The arresting officer refers to him as "Jared"?


Or he didn't want to have to correctly spell "Padalecki" multiple times in a police report. 

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It continues to astound me how adamant some people are that this physical violence was NBD and oh well, it's just a punch, who cares, he was just blowing off steam.  I'm not so sure that they would shrug this off so easily if they were the one being punched or slapped by a drunk 6'5" man who is showing no signs of self-control.  If it does happen to them, it's totally their prerogative to say "I don't care" - but I keep side-eyeing the claims that it should be generally viewed that way.

I assume that all people who were physically struck in some way (some articles say four people?) were all male - not that that makes it okay - but damn, if he had struck a woman, even more yikes.  I'm not at all saying he would or did, but I'm also not saying that belligerent drunk people can always draw the line at "hit man - OK, hit woman - no way."

In whatever way Jared publicly addresses this, it will 150% be approved and wordsmithed by his management team and lawyer(s), and I expect it'll be more vague in terms of what he did and maybe less vague in terms of what he'll do to avoid this in the future / be better.  He doesn't really have a choice about the vagueness if there is a civil suit or any potential for a civil suit later.  He can admit he acted in a way he's not proud of, but he will be advised to refrain from admitting specifics that can be used against him.

I'm not sure how it works in tv production, but I often hear about insurance for film actors, like how Johnny Depp and Lindsay Lohan are basically unemployable.  It's not just a matter of whether a producer wants to hire them, but how much it costs to insure them in case they don't finish the project.  I can see the Walker reboot moving forward with Jared from a  pure decision perspective, but I'm not sure if there are ancillary consequences like higher insurance premiums?  Or does this not exist in tv?  It's not like he's habitually not showing up to set or anything, but when you're trying to get a show made with a lead actor who, at least optically, may appear to have personal problems that could impact production - the people spending the money may want to make sure they've reduced the risk enough to their satisfaction.

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33 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

He tweeted something that implies he's there. I think he did it that way purposely, to let fans know he was there without further comment.

Thanks, I saw the tweet, but I wasn't sure if I should read it that way. I didn't know if there was more elsewhere. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Real talk like this will get you bitchslapped on Twitter. They are full-on defense mode. 

Also there is a convention scheduled this weekend and I'm thinking it might be best for him to cancel. 

I can't deal with the mind sets on Twitter right now. Between JP's self-appointed defense team and the Destiehellers after Berens episode aired, it's become Lunacy over there.

And again I say it-Disturbing Lunacy.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, sweetandsour said:

I can see the Walker reboot moving forward with Jared from a  pure decision perspective, but I'm not sure if there are ancillary consequences like higher insurance premiums?  Or does this not exist in tv?

It exists. It was raised as an issue during the Clayne Crawford shenanigans on Lethal Weapon. It was reported that he was un-insurable.

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9 hours ago, Myrelle said:

I think that the fandom does not fully understand his illness.

He, himself, might not even fully understand it.

Having depression does not give you carte blanche to break the law, start fights or bribe officers. Neither does being an actor who has starred in CW sitcoms. It's a good thing that the show is in its last season because these fans desperately need to get a life.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Castiels Cat said:


This link implies he tried to bribe the arresting officers ... 

Also the fight was with the bar employees...

It's not a good look for him. 

Bribery was not one of the charges filed against him. The assault charges are going to be the problem

Edited by Casseiopeia
  • Love 3

He looks like he had been crying in the booking photo, his eyes are red and puffy, maybe he couldn't believe he was put in the back of a police car and taken to jail instead of home.

 In the video I saw he was so drunk he was leaning on a car how long had he been at the bar did any of the reports say? Did he drive there drunk or sit and drink all day? I don't like drunk assholes that get drunk and fight and it's usually over stupid shit. I've been around too many of those in my lifetime. 

This is why I don't follow celebrities on social media I don't really want to know what they're like because it usually ends up not what I've pictured. I didn't know Jared owned a bar or that he talks shit on social media about people or places that don't treat him the way he thinks he should be treated until I read this thread.  I did know he was married and has 2 or 3 kids but that's about it. I would like to know why he's out getting drunk off his ass while he has a wife and kids at home and how often he does that. I also feel sorry for his wife because I'm pretty sure if he gets drunk at home he's a handful.

I know this will blow over and people will forget, he'll apologize and hopefully seek treatment and his people will do a lot of damage control but now when I watch Supernatural and look at Sam this is what I'll remember. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

If possible he should take some time off from filming until he gets himself together. In Van he doesn't have the support system he would have in Austin.

Dean may get a storyline then...

3 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Bribery was not one of the charges filed against him. The assault charges are going to be the problem

Okay. Waving money at cops was ignored. He is very lucky on that score. 

Not so lucky on the rest.

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4 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

He looks like he had been crying in the booking photo, his eyes are red and puffy, maybe he couldn't believe he was put in the back of a police car and taken to jail instead of home.

 In the video I saw he was so drunk he was leaning on a car how long had he been at the bar did any of the reports say? Did he drive there drunk or sit and drink all day? I don't like drunk assholes that get drunk and fight and it's usually over stupid shit. I've been around too many of those in my lifetime. 

This is why I don't follow celebrities on social media I don't really want to know what they're like because it usually ends up not what I've pictured. I didn't know Jared owned a bar or that he talks shit on social media about people or places that don't treat him the way he thinks he should be treated until I read this thread.  I did know he was married and has 2 or 3 kids but that's about it. I would like to know why he's out getting drunk off his ass while he has a wife and kids at home and how often he does that. I also feel sorry for his wife because I'm pretty sure if he gets drunk at home he's a handful.

I know this will blow over and people will forget, he'll apologize and hopefully seek treatment and his people will do a lot of damage control but now when I watch Supernatural and look at Sam this is what I'll remember. 

Didn't Jensen get scarred way back when stepping in to help Jared out when he got into a bar fight in Vancouver and it ended up getting ugly. 

Jared getting drunk and into fights goes way back to the beginning of the show.

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4 minutes ago, Castiels Cat said:

Didn't Jensen get scarred way back when stepping in to help Jared out when he got into a bar fight in Vancouver and it ended up getting ugly. 

Wow. I haven't heard any of these stories. He's just a bad drunk and someone I would not want to go out drinking with.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

Wow. I haven't heard any of these stories. He's just a bad drunk and someone I would not want to go out drinking with.

They got jumped at a bar and Jensen had to help Jared out when he was tackled by 3 guys. They ended up beating the crap out of them.

13 minutes ago, Castiels Cat said:

Dean may get a storyline then...

Okay. Waving money at cops was ignored. He is very lucky on that score. 

Not so lucky on the rest.

If you watch the video he pulled some money out of his pocket and then put it back in. Someone who was watching commented that he was trying to bribe the officers. He did however put hands on the police officer and that is when they put him in the squad car.

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8 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

They got jumped at a bar and Jensen had to help Jared out when he was tackled by 3 guys. They ended up beating the crap out of them.

If you watch the video he pulled some money out of his pocket and then put it back in. Someone who was watching commented that he was trying to bribe the officers. He did however put hands on the police officer and that is when they put him in the squad car.

Thanks for the clarification. I had heard it third hand and that Jared had started it. The story I read went with the bribe angle. Why would you pull money out of your pocket and wave it around in front of the police unless you were hinting at a bribe?

Edited by Castiels Cat
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, SueB said:

Well I checked my Twitter timeline - bless the peeps I follow, no one has been nutty.  I did the search, saw a range of reactions.  Note: it appears Cliff is at chez Padalecki helping out.   

i think it’ll get worse before better.  

I took Cliff’s Instagram to mean he was watching a Jared movie in his own house (in a show of support). At any rate, too bad Cliff wasn’t with Jared Saturday night to keep him out of trouble. 😞

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24 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

They got jumped at a bar and Jensen had to help Jared out when he was tackled by 3 guys. They ended up beating the crap out of them.

Jensen and Jared got the crap beat out of them or did they beat the crap out of 3 guys

I agree about the money, why else would he pull it out of his pocket if he wasn't trying to buy his way out of the situation?

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24 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

Jensen and Jared got the crap beat out of them or did they beat the crap out of 3 guys

I agree about the money, why else would he pull it out of his pocket if he wasn't trying to buy his way out of the situation?

Jensen and Jared supposedly sent the 3 guys to the hospital.

Who knows why he pulled the money out of his pocket. The police did not take it as an attempted bribe only the bystander did.

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46 minutes ago, Castiels Cat said:

Thanks for the clarification. I had heard it third hand and that Jared had started it. The story I read went with the bribe angle. Why would you pull money out of your pocket and wave it around in front of the police unless you were hinting at a bribe?

Who knows. That's the least of his concerns  right now.

The J's talked about that fight at a recent con.

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What a bonehead move.  I hope he learns something from this and takes control of himself.  

With depression as bad as he's discussed, he has no business drinking.  In fact, he's lucky he's not dead from taking depression meds and alcohol together.  I had to quit drinking because of my depression meds.  (And my psychiatrist would bitch slap me if he knew I still had the occasional half a beer.) And that's not even accounting for the fact that alcohol is a depressant and is a terrible idea for people with depression as it is.

The only thing that makes me sad about this is how it's going to impact the people he assaulted and everyone around him.  He's a grown ass 37 yo man with a wife and 3 kids at home.  There is no excuse for drinking until drunk af in a g.d. bar. 

If the show wasn't already over I'd have been expecting an announcement.

I predict we won't be seeing him for a bit.  Not until he has gotten his mea culpa down pat so he can repeat it precisely.  I just hope he believes it as much as he'll expect us to believe it.

And as for the SPN Family?  In a real family this is the time for tough love and a frickin intervention, not 'oh poor you' and snuggles.  And if he, or any of his people have a head on their shoulders, they will address that, too.  Along the lines of it was my fault and I don't deserve your blind devotion in these circumstances because I f*cked the pooch, and I hurt (at least) 2 people by attacking them and I shamed the family.

  • Love 12

While we shouldn't be minimizing what Jared did (and as I have said, it's bad), we also shouldn't be blowing this up. Per the reports (none of which we should take at face value until we get more details), no one was seriously injured and at least one of the people Jared was accused of hitting was hit with an open hand. Bad, but not a punch which would have caused a lot more damage from a big, strong man like him. The police apparently are not accusing him of trying to bribe the officers and they were able to get Jared out of the situation before it escalated. 

Judging from the bond that Jared was required to post, the charges aren't going to be felonies. $15K is not a lot of money for bail, especially for a man with some money and there doesn't seem to be any restrictions on his movements (like surrendering his passport). He's not being treated like a flight risk so more likely than not, he's going to be charged with misdemeanor accusations. This probably won't see much of a day in court and since this is a first offence, Jared will more than likely be able to plead out. He's more likely to face civil lawsuits from the two that he hit, but given that no one was seriously hurt he'll be able to settle out of court.

This is bad for him and it's embarrassing, but it isn't going to be the end of his career. He got drunk (not good) and out of hand (worse) but he will be able to move past this if he listens to his lawyers and keeps his nose clean going forward. The level of public castigation is a little out of hand.

Edited by Hana Chan
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I think the level of castigation towards a grown man who attacked two of his employees and put his hands on a cop should be much worse, than it actually is, personally. The fact that he didn't manage to seriously injure anyone is good and will certainly help keep him from getting a serious sentence but it's horrifying behavior in my book. 

I really hope the men he hit do press charges (though I can understand if they drop it - there will be a lot of pressure). Jared needs real consequences for his selfish and reckless behavior so next time doesn't get worse.

Edited by jenrising
  • Love 10
6 hours ago, Cambion said:

If the show wasn't already over I'd have been expecting an announcement.

I have thoughts on this whole incident, and I do think we've seen a pattern of behavior by JP over the years that has led to this and will only get worse until his underlying problems are addressed - and those include alcoholism, depression, and anger management. I sincerely hope JP gets the help he needs because I don't think he's a bad guy at all, but I do think he's someone who has issues that need intervention.

But it's funny I was saying the exact same thing to a friend yesterday, that the CW/WB is probably now thinking it's a really good thing the show is ending this season. Things like this actually can derail a series life. Like how we're now hearing about the BTS feud between Debra Messing and Megan Mullally on Will & Grace that has been revealed as the reason the show decided to end its rebooted run this year.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

Thanks for the clarification. I had heard it third hand and that Jared had started it. The story I read went with the bribe angle. Why would you pull money out of your pocket and wave it around in front of the police unless you were hinting at a bribe?

Go ahead, arrest me! I've got bail money!  

What are you going to do fine me?  Fine I got it covered!

Is there a ticket?  I can pay it right here and now!

And those are just the 3 off the top of my head for why a drunk belligerent guy might pull money out of his pocket in front of officers  And that's not even including the fact that the officer might have said something to prompt it, like Show me what's in your pockets!.

So, yeah jumping to bribery, especially when there are no charges filed about bribing a police officer is a little OTT for me

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It's spreading onto all the news sites, nothing get's attention like a juicy bad news story.   I think especially since it's the last season this will have no effect at all on Supernatural at all.  But if he want's to sink his career chances for the future this is a great way to do it.  Walker is only in development, if they decide that JP is too much of a liability they can re-cast in a heartbeat.  If I were Ginny I'd be laying down some rules that included regular therapy for him (or a new therapist if he's already going), some counseling as a couple and a good long look at whether AA or a similar program is needed.  It's not just child actors, plenty adult actors have gone way off the rails when their main claim to fame ends, he doesn't need to be yet another one.


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7 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

It's spreading onto all the news sites, nothing get's attention like a juicy bad news story.   I think especially since it's the last season this will have no effect at all on Supernatural at all.  But if he want's to sink his career chances for the future this is a great way to do it.  Walker is only in development, if they decide that JP is too much of a liability they can re-cast in a heartbeat.  If I were Ginny I'd be laying down some rules that included regular therapy for him (or a new therapist if he's already going), some counseling as a couple and a good long look at whether AA or a similar program is needed.  It's not just child actors, plenty adult actors have gone way off the rails when their main claim to fame ends, he doesn't need to be yet another one.


As I've said, there are numerous actors who've gotten into trouble with the law far worse than Jared's current situation and managed to not just salvage their careers, but thrive. There was a point when Robert Downy Jr was considered so risky that no studio could get insurance coverage for his involvement on a project. He went on to lead some of the biggest banking films in modern history. Will Smith was charged with aggravated assault (the person was left nearly blind after the attack) and he went on to a strong career. Mark Wahlberg was initially charged with attempted murder, pleaded down to assault and was sentenced to two years in prison (of which he served 45 days). And Mel Gibson was arrested for DWI and then launched into a sexist and anti-Semetic tirade on the arresting officers. He still gets nominated for Oscars.

We can certainly argue that celebrities get an unfair shake that most people wouldn't in life, but it's also hard to bounce back when your fuck ups are done in the public eye. What happened with Jared wouldn't have made news at all if he weren't a somewhat famous individual. Hell, in Texas that would have been considered a quieter than average Saturday night. And fortunately Jared does have a good support network of family and friends to guide him out of this. He'll certainly pay a price (primarily a financial one), but I seriously doubt that this will mean that much for his career prospects. It's a pretty big speed bump, but he can move past this if he's smart and handles things correctly moving forward. An honest public apology to those he hurt would be the first step.

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Im wondering how or if this will effect the con this weekend.  Not sure if Creations silence is a good or bad thing.

On one hand, it could be no news is good news, but on the other hand. creations should be reassuring people who are paying a lot of money to go and see Jensen and Jared that Jared will be there.

But they might not know themselves, or they might be scrambling to come up with replacement guests. 

I'm not even sure of the law regarding it.  I know he can travel for work, but would cons be considered work?

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