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S06.E08: Crisis on Earth-X (2)


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Discussion of Part Two of Crisis on Earth-X is here!

Find discussion of Part One here, in Supergirl forum.
Find discussion of Part Three here, in The Flash forum.
Find discussion of Part Four here, in The Legends of Tomorrow forum.



Barry and Iris’s wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth’s mightiest heroes – Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary – lead their teams into battle to save the world.

Overall I've enjoyed Pt.1 and Pt.2. Even though Pt.1 brought us a lot of character moments that I totally enjoyed, I think I may like Pt.2 better. It felt less like a glorified music video. 

It was great seeing Tommy again, I love that he shows up at least 1 a season. 

I really don't know why they have to bring in Thawne AGAIN. 

  • Love 5

In Canada, we get to see the Arrow part now (again).

If Iris knew about Oliver Queen and she was on his list, how could she not have heard of Tommy Merlyn.

Tommy:  On Earth X we don't have elementary schools, we have youth camps

Well that explains why they're not too bright.  I wonder if Earth-X Tommy loved Laurel too.  Maybe we'll find from NaziQuentin.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I've been really excited for this crossover, but I wasn't prepared to be as entertained as I was. Those two hours felt more like 20 minutes, and waiting 22 hours for the rest is going to be so hard.

Same. I had one really big worry that I thought was coming to fruition when Nazi Tommy was giving his speech but that quickly got shut down. I was surprisingly entertained, and also really surprised that whatever EP it was who talked about this crossover being about relationships was 100% not lying at all, haha.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Does Felicity fight OliverX or not yet? 

No, maybe on Flash.

I know I'm alone in this but I fucking hate all the slow mo walks, poses that stupid scene where Kara turned around to pull open her shirt and I really hate when Kara does that Supergirl pose. Ugh I just hate it soooo much 



Other than that these were really good episodes. I can't wait for tomorrow night.

I want Evil Kara and Evil Oliver to die die die. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 14

Way better than I was expecting. It'll be difficult waiting for tomorrow's episodes. 

I've learned that I want a Mick spinoff with...everyone...and should maybe look into picking up LOT again. (I quit somewhere in the first season.)

ETA: I also want a non-evil version of Tommy to cameo again. Preferably for a happy event. 

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 13

Aside from not wanting to shaft the actress there was no reason for Iris to stick around - she's not mission control for this, she has no powers/fighting ability, and she isn't a tech/science person. 

That being said, call in some better backup then the Arrow B team!  You've got Superman and J'onn, and even with Cisco knocked out Kara has that doohickey.

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

Way better than I was expecting. It'll be difficult waiting for tomorrow's episodes. 

I've learned that I want a Mick spinoff with...everyone...and should maybe look into picking up LOT again. (I quit somewhere in the first season.)

Definitely pick it back up, this season has been absolutely fantastic so far! And Mick is just as awesome as ever.

  • Love 7

This is the Arrow portion of the crossover, so that means angsting. So. Much. Angsting. And then Nazi Kara and Nazi Oliver attack. And they're helped by Harrison Wells. Actually, it's Eobard Thrawne from Earth-1, who killed Wells, took his place, and guided Barry in his first season before trying to murder him. Basically, he's Damien Dark* . . . a turd that is really hard to flush.

Hi, Team Arrow! Bye, Team Arrow. Is  just having Oliver and Felicity on their show any worse than last year's crossover getting shoehorned into the 100th episode?

Great fight scenes. Exactly HTF does Oliver have a Kryptonite arrow?!? Also, how can Harry be certain there are 53 Karas in the multiverse? I kinda like "Earth-1" to not be complicated by the bigger names from DC Comics. I think it was for the best that Supergirl happens in another continuity, even if we're denied Cisco and Winn geeking out together.Or J'onn trying to be professional around heroes that are prone to screw up so much. Also, if we had a single universe, Cat Grant would have shown up and booted all the Nazis back to Earth-X.

Mick is awesome, though I want to somebody to shout, "Could you work out your repressed feelings with your old partner any other time?!?"

*It's spelled "Darhk," but I leave out the "h" because he probably added it to be extra pretentious.

  • Love 5

That was epic shit.  And I mean that in the best possible way.

Awesome pair of episodes and ridiculously fun.  So much great interaction between the various characters.  The highlight of course is the return of Colin Donnell as Tommy...X.  It's a shame he only had one scene but he sure made the most of it.

It really looked like everyone was having a lot of fun.

And yes, Mick is the best.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 20

Oh my God, that totally exceeded my expectations! I was wary, but it was super exciting and gripping and I honest to god teared up a few times! I just really REALLY need the rest now! NOW show! 

Oh my God, Oliver wants to marry Felicity so much, its so adorable. Like, this poor sap just wants to be Mr. Smoak so much. 

We got LOTS of Olicity this week, with Felicity and Iris have multiple conversations about their feelings, and how their normal people problems keep getting interrupted by evil armies or giant sharks or whatever. Now, go save you dumb, sexy husband Felicity! 

Evil Ollie doesn't know Our Ollie, does he? He isn't exactly the guy you make those kinds of threats towards. 

2 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I've learned that I want a Mick spinoff with...everyone...and should maybe look into picking up LOT again. (I quit somewhere in the first season.)

YES you should! Season 1 was hit and miss, but it had a good ending, and its been delightful ever since. Honestly my favorite Arrowverse show these days. Just super fun and exciting and great character stuff every week. 

Really impressed by all of this. Cant wait until tomorrow! 

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

I refuse to use one.  

Yeah, Nazi love isn't cute - they don't need a ship name.

Speaking of, I think it's kind of stupid they all spout off about human relationships making you weak and whatnot, and there are private concerns that Better Than Hitler Oliver is going to throw his mission for his wife. A hypocrite even on an undesignated Nazi hellscape Earth.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 15

SA is so good at EvilOliver ... except when it comes to his wife.  SA really does have chemistry only with a few women.

I countersign a spin-off with Mick Iris, Felicity and Caitlin.  Especially for Iris and Caitlin.

I love that Rene and I presume Dinah and Curtis got locked in the pipeline. I wish they had thought of that sooner.

12 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I know I'm alone in this but I fucking hate all the slow no walks, poses that stupid scene where Kara turned around to pull open her shirt and I really hate when Kara does that Supergirl pose. Ugh I just hate it soooo much

Not alone.

It's the one comic book element in this cross-over that absolutely doesn't work for me.

10 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

So I do think that Felicity suddenly being the one afraid to jinx things is a bit random, but then Oliver is kind of rushing things.  If the girl actually had a few months to feel settled in their life together again, maybe she'd be less afraid of it all falling apart. 

That's SOP for Oliver though -- he always makes decisions too fast and carries them through in spite of all the signs telling him not to.  I thought he'd learned over the past five years but I guess not yet.

  • Love 5

Stephen Amell is the MVP of this hour. He's clearly loving his job right now. Evil Kariver is gross. Love the evil plan against Kara. I always enjoy Eobard/Barry interaction, although I miss when their feelings were all weird and complicated from working together. Love the Iris/Felicity interaction. "If I had a dime for every time I thought I was going to die....I'd have $2.40. I thought it'd be more than that."

I need Cisco and Diggle. I need them now.

Twenty bucks says Cisco is responsible for that Kryptonite arrow. He put a self-destruct system in Barry's suit. He'd do it. And he has access to her Earth. He could easily vibe the location of some Kryptonite...I may have a fanfic to write.

1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

that stupid scene where Kara turned around to pull open her shirt and I really hate when Kara does that Supergirl pose.

That was way too model-ly.

  • Love 6

This is the Arrow portion of the crossover, so that means angsting. So. Much. Angsting. And then Nazi Kara and Nazi Oliver attack. And they're helped by Harrison Wells. Actually, it's Eobard Thrawne from Earth-1, who killed Wells, took his place, and guided Barry in his first season before trying to murder him. Basically, he's Damien Dark* . . . a turd that is really hard to flush

I feel so bad for Team Legends.  They used the fricken Spear of destiny to fix the world and thus then Thawne died and DD got stuck back into the timeline and Oliver eventually killed him.  And in the process, they broke time.  But hey, it was worth it, they stopped the Reverse Flash and Damian Dahrk. 

Only now BOTH are still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

  • Love 11

Liked it more than I expected to.

Love that we got those Felicity/Iris scenes. 

I can understand where Felicity is coming from, but wow, the foreshadowing. I do really love how much Oliver wants to marry Felicity. 

Glad we finally got Oliver and Felicity saying "I love you" to each other again. It had been way too long.

Cannot wait for Oliver-X and Kara-X to die very, very painful deaths. The most painful. That's all I'll say about that. (Except, UGH. That's my reaction to that "relationship" I refuse to acknowledge as a relationship.) Thawne? Meh. I feel like they just wanted him in there, threw out a "time travel!" comment and figured, "that's enough. He's there. We sort of addressed it. Great."

Loved seeing Colin Donnell on Arrow again, but I'm going to need him to return as a Tommy I can like and want to see more of. SA and CD killed that scene between Oliver and Tommy-X. That was pretty good.  

I feel like we could use Mick just wandering in at various moments on the different shows. 

Oh, and as for the newbies... they were there? Okay. Didn't feel like telling Curtis to shut up, so, that's something? 

  • Love 13

Great fight scenes. Exactly HTF does Oliver have a Kryptonite arrow?!? Also, how can Harry be certain there are 53 Karas in the multiverse? I kinda like "Earth-1" to not be complicated by the bigger names from DC Comics. I think it was for the best that Supergirl happens in another continuity, even if we're denied Cisco and Winn geeking out together.Or J'onn trying to be professional around heroes that are prone to screw up so much. 

Yeah, I would have preferred that earth 38 Kara was prime Kara, though just because there are other Kara's in other universe's doesn't mean most of them are Supergirl or that they are all on earth instead of Krypton.

Interesting that Overgirl said her sister tried to kill her. Was that Earth x Alex? I'm assuming she didn't survive that.


Twenty bucks says Cisco is responsible for that Kryptonite arrow. He put a self-destruct system in Barry's suit. He'd do it. And he has access to her Earth. He could easily vibe the location of some Kryptonite.

It makes more sense than Oliver magically knowing where to find it. Even on Earth 38 it's a rare substance.


I adore Mick. I laughed out loud at pretty much everything that came out of his mouth. I don’t want to wait until tomorrow for the rest!!!

Yeah I'm glad they picked him to be one of the Legends to go to the wedding. He is always amusing. 

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

What are we calling the Evil Kara/Evil Oliver hookup? Kaliver?

I think revolting covers it. 

That was surprisingly fun.  It is amazing how much more enjoyable I find the show(s) when they take two seconds to allow the relationships to breathe. 

Still don't get Barry and Iris as a couple.  Kept wondering during the rehearsal dinner - will Barry get Joe the father or father-in-law Christmas card?

I will trade all of the Arrow newbies for Mick. Loved seeing CD but renewed my anger at the show that Tommy died for LL.  What. A. Waste.  I will take comfort in the fact that it worked out well for CD, even if I miss Tommy. 

The evil in me finds it funny that Oliver ended up on the island, in part, because he was running away from committing to a relationship.  Now he is a wounded puppy over the fact that he cannot get the woman he loves to marry him. 

  • Love 10
25 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

X Kara/Oliver is gross but I think it's supposed to be. 

Even regular Kara was grossed out by that hook up.  


It was so good that I'm going to be doing something I haven't done in ages: watch Legends of Tomorrow (which i haven't done since the last cross over so I'm going to be somewhat lost) AND...watch it LIVE disregarding This Is Us. 

  • Love 5

I liked those two episodes so much! Great action interspersed with excellent character beats. I love that Olicity was so prominent in both (which was unexpected considering it was supposed to be WestaAllen's big day). And lots of good moments for characters that I wasn't expecting to get much screen time, like Alex and Mick. 

I'm not sure I bought Melissa Benoist as a villain but that might be because I like what she does as Supergirl so much. 

My only complaint: there is no need for the bad guys to be Nazis. They could be evil doppgangers and it would work just fine. Maybe they'll be a big payoff tomorrow night but whenever I saw the Nazi stuff it just took me right out of the show. 

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

No, maybe on Flash.

I know I'm alone in this but I fucking hate all the slow mo walks, poses that stupid scene where Kara turned around to pull open her shirt and I really hate when Kara does that Supergirl pose. Ugh I just hate it soooo much 




You are not alone. That was the one thing my brother and I kept complaining about. I hated those poses and it takes me out of the story. It's like children trying to act like superheroes and it's ridiculous. It works as comic covers but it doesn't work on camera.

  • Love 3

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