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S14.E07: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

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Im a puddle. I just rewatched the show this summer, ugh, the callbacks. I didnt like the baby Christina, George or Izzie, but I definitely felt like I got closure with their characters. 

Meredith was wearing a ferry boat scrub cap. I started crying when I saw that. I also loved that Zola was there. Meredith is definitely flipping the script compared to how she treats her daughter.

Alex was sweet. Was he tearing up talking about Izzie?

I loved all the gone characters mentions memories. We heard about George, Christina, Izzie, Lexie, Mark, Callie, Ellis, and even Burke (that one surprised me). Can we get back the music and Grey’s themes. I didnt know how much I missed them until that moment.

And I still want Christina back. Loved Mere’s picture of her on the phone. So joyous Christina. I loved that Meredith and Alex kicked the interns out of their spot, AND that Christina called. I call party foul that Christina didnt actually show up (I for sure thought she would appear during the Avery Awards) but I’ll take a phone call too.

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The references to the past were too heavy handed. I did like Alex imagining Izzy being happy. However, since the only eggs she harvested were fertilized with his sperm, if she had three kids, they’d be his too.

Once upon a time, I liked Bailey. Those days are long gone. She’s so unprofessional.

The Zola/Maggie scene was also way over the top.

6 minutes ago, SnoGirl said:

Im a puddle. I just rewatched the show this summer, ugh, the callbacks. I didnt like the baby Christina, George or Izzie, but I definitely felt like I got closure with their characters. 

Meredith was wearing a ferry boat scrub cap. I started crying when I saw that. I also loved that Zola was there. Meredith is definitely flipping the script compared to how she treats her daughter.

Alex was sweet. Was he tearing up talking about Izzie?

I loved all the gone characters mentions memories. We heard about George, Christina, Izzie, Lexie, Mark, Callie, Ellis, and even Burke (that one surprised me). Can we get back the music and Grey’s themes. I didnt know how much I missed them until that moment.

And I still want Christina back. Loved Mere’s picture of her on the phone. So joyous Christina. I loved that Meredith and Alex kicked the interns out of their spot, AND that Christina called. I call party foul that Christina didnt actually show up (I for sure thought she would appear during the Avery Awards) but I’ll take a phone call too.

I really wanted to see Christina live from Switzerland to congratulate Meredith at the Harper Avery award ceremony.  "My Sun, Meredith Grey".  It was great to see Kate Burton in the gallery though, I didn't expect that. 

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3 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

Meredith has been wearing the ferry boat scrub cap since Derek died. 

Really? I hadnt noticed before. I was definitely in “Spot the Callbacks” mode tonight, so maybe thats why I spotted it this time. I love Easter Eggs, especially in shows which have been on so long like Grey’s.

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Awww, this was pure cheese and I ate it up.  I didn't even get annoyed at the interns.  I thought that the Izzie stand-in was really the only one who looked like her, but the other two had more similar personalities.  The Izzie should have bitched a little bit more at Alex LOL.  I really appreciated the music and the callbacks, especially the two people joined by the roller coaster.  Get it, roller coaster?  It would have been funnier if they had been thrown off of a carousel that never stopped turning.  And the ending was perfect. 

As much as I would have been happy with Meredith, Alex, Bailey and Richard stuck in an elevator reminiscing, I also appreciated that the current storylines were either cemented (Jo and Alex are good and happy) or moving forward (DeLuca and girl, AZ and Sofia, Ben the fireman).  It sucks that there is only one more episode until January.

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4 minutes ago, TVAddict said:

This season has been a treat to the 15 year-old girl in me and tonight's episode was my 16th birthday party!  I teared up when I saw Ellis in the gallery.  Real tears.  In my 60 year old eyes.  Cheesey, yes.  As only Grey's can do.  

I swear it was the onions I cut last week that made me cry at the surgical gallery scene.  Are you sure you didn't cut onions too last week?

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It would have been nice if they could have gotten Christina/Sandra for an appearance.  I hope Alex and Meredith stay just friends.  I really like their dynamic.

Jackson's always pretty, but he looks really good in a suit.

I still miss the combo of Meredith, Christina, Alex, Izzy, Derek, Mark, Lexie, Owen, Richard, Bailey, Callie and Arizona.  There was just something about that group that worked.

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I was skeptic about the whole "ghosts of the past" plot, but it ended up really poignant.  They managed to weave the past and the present nicely without screwing everything up.  I thought it would have been nicer for Christina to actually be present (like FaceTime) but can't have everything.

Unfortunately, not everything else worked.  DeLuca and his ex (what is her name, anyway?) were so obvious, I was surprised it took them that long to hook up.  And it didn't work anyway because they had no chemistry.  We know nothing about her, and that pithy speech from Big Sis about her brother still being hung up on his ex?  Please.  Ex girlfriend can leave, and take DeLuca's sister with her.  It feels like they're throwing anything at the wall for DeLuca to see what sticks.  Wasn't he in love with Jo?

I can't blame Bailey for rolling her eyes at Ben's new profession.  I forgot that he started off in a different path in medicine before he went to anesthesiology.  

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I liked all the callbacks. It reminded me of when I loved this quirky little show. Now.. not so much.

And yes what are they doing with DeLuca? I hate this new plot they have him in because they wrote him into a corner and now he’s just kind of there, despite being somewhat front and center a year ago because he was heavily involved in Jo and Alex’s plot but now they’re back together and he’s just.. there. 

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I really enjoyed the nostalgia. My favorite Grey's is the Grey's that existed up through season 8, and I felt that for the most part this episode hit all of the right notes. The music, Meredith seeing Ellis, Alex talking about how he imagines Izzie, and the picture of Mark, Callie, Arizona and Sofia hanging on the wall were what got me the most. 

I'm indifferent about Andrew and his ex, especially because I thought the whole purpose of his sister showing up was to get to know him better. Silly me, she's too busy giving and getting orgasms. (anyone else tired of her breaking out her Italian every episode? Just me?)  I also laughed at Catherine calling Harper Avery her dear friend when he was her father in law and they share a last name. Not that they can't also be friends, but I feel like that was a somewhat lame attempt at distancing their Avery connection from the award honoring Meredith; who somehow got to win it when Cristina couldn't because of that connection. 

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I thought that was lovely. I appreciated Arizona reminiscing about Mark and loved the focus on the photo of the two of them with Callie and baby Sofia. Also loved that Jackson mentioned Lexie — I feel like the show tends to forget her and it was great that she was remembered tonight. As an April fan, I especially liked Meredith’s recognition that she isn’t average. All in all, a nice episode and a tribute to everyone who made the show what it is. 

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I think what bugged me was that this show emphasised how many people had died.... that didn't have to die. 
George didn't have to die. 
Mark didn't have to die. 
Lexie didn't have to die. 
Derek didn't have to die. 

it just...bothered me. and the whole "omg the Baby George/Izzie/Christina" thing just made me miss Christina, George and before Denny Izzie. 

I don't get how Meredith could win a Harper Avery, when Christina couldn't win one because of the hospital. Christina wouldn't have called. Christina would have been there. (i know. no Sandra. but they could have had a Christina back of the Head model or something). 

Ben wants to be a firefighter now? 

the episode had its moments. but it just bothered more than felt like a nice homage to me. (but i am not feeling hot, and super cranky so that could be a big part of it)

  • Love 11

I really enjoyed this episode and surprised myself by tearing up at the end. I was happy for Meredith and surprised to she Ellis up in the gallery. Too bad we couldn't have had the ghost of Derek with her. I liked the way the new patients reminded them of young Christina, George and Izzie and they didn't have to look exactly like them-it was the spirit. Not a fan of DeLuca's new girlfriend-I thought he had good chemistry with Maggie actually.

Loved the music, and like others have said, I liked the photograph of Sofia and her parents, and the call out to those who are no longer around. Also found Alex and Jo cute, and love the friendship between Alex and Meredith. Well done Gray's!

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Also....loved the scene of the interns all exhausted on the gurneys down in the basement hall, just like MAGIC used to do.  And then Alex & Mere kicked them out, to drink their champagne.  That was a nice touch.  I'd have loved to see them go to Joe's, though, and have some tequila shots and dance it out!  In happiness for a change.  With Christina on Face Time, dancing with them in spirit.

Alex's imagining of Izzie's life was perfect.  It smells like muffins, she does surgery all day, but refuses to hire help, so her house is a mess.  Her Christmas lights are up year round, because she won't let her husband take them down.  That small bit of dialog evoked so many awesome memories of early Grey's.  LOVED IT.  And also that Jo understood what Alex was saying. Time to move on for them.  Put the future where it belongs, right in front of them.

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The episode's explained nostalgia was predicated on a fairly big narrative leap -- that we also were supposed to find the patients reminiscent of George, Izzie, and Cristina. I knew what to expect here, adjusted my expectations accordingly (a.k.a. lowered them), but still couldn't quite get there.

The rest of the script, though, was fairly capable and its many moments of self-indulgence were more joyful than congratulatory, and I thought the gratuitous allusions worked (but perhaps that's because we were all in on the gimmick in advance; I'd cringe if this was tried -- to this degree -- outside of the hour). Also, every character was well-served, and that's never been an easy feat with an ensemble of this size.

So, all in all, it was another success for Vernoff and her new tonal mandate, reinforcing the show's commitment to Meredith as the series' anchor.  

Edited by upperco
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I guess it was nice that the episode referenced all the really important characters who have died (often stupidly) or left, but I was pretty meh on this episode.

Meredith's not going to the awards ceremony was so stupid and, frankly, unbelievable (to me); I can't even imagine what Cristina would've said to her had she been there.

Ben's two shades of smug and dick were out in full force tonight.  Team Bailey all the way on that one.

I loathe DeLuca's ex-chippy.  Yay for DeLuca getting some sex – the boy deserves it – but she seriously sucks.

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Who knew what I really needed was Alex creating a happy life for Izzie in his mind, but apparently, I did really need that. Definitely my favorite scene of the night. And I know this episode was supposed to make me feel nostalgic, but instead it made me sad. Sad that we don’t get to see George, Izzie, Derek, Mark and, especially, Christina anymore. Sorry, Jo, Maggie, Amelia and DeLuca - you just don’t quite measure up. Man, tonight also underscored what a gaping hole Christina left. Not only because she’s just plain awesome, but because they now feel the need to write Meredith as the BEST SURGEON EVER since Christina isn’t there to fill that role. Meredith’s so much more enjoyable as the underdog. 

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Count me in with all of you that were crying. Started when everyone showed up in the OR for Mer, then Jackson's speach, memories... I liked the opening theme and the music.


The only thing that shouldn't have been in this episode was Owen/Carina/Amelia scene from the beginning. Felt stupid and weird and out of place

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2 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

The only thing that shouldn't have been in this episode was Owen/Carina/Amelia scene from the beginning. Felt stupid and weird and out of place

And not to mention - unrealistic. I don't care who you are - if you walked in on your ex (not even ex yet actually) in that situation, it would have been much, MUCH more awkward than that! And you definitely would not have some of the french toast.  Don't really like any of those characters (Owen, Amelia or nymphomaniac sister of Deluca) anyway, but that scene was just all kinds of wrong.

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I thought it was fantastically done. Having watched the show since I was in 8th grade and being 26-years-old now, it really did feel like a crazy trip looking back on everything. It's cheesy, but I've grown up with these characters, and my life has changed along with theirs over the years. I can track each season of the series by what was going on with my life, where I was living, who I was with, etc. I liked that they didn't just do a nostalgia-filled episode but also continued to push the plot forward, which seems to be the general thesis of this season: appreciating & understanding our past, but always moving ahead. 

In particular, I loved Alex talking to Jo about Izzie. The life he imagined for her was so spot-on and had me tearing up. Especially the bit about Christmas lights being up all year 'round. I was worried that Izzie would get shit on here, but I actually finally feel a sense of closure with her character after last night. I also love that Jo was mature enough to tell Alex that he should call Izzie if he really wanted to. 

Arizona doing an impression of Mark was also spot-on. I could hear Mark saying it. It was a nice touch to have the photo of Callie, Mark, Arizona, and Sophia at the end. Baily and Weber reminiscing about the original interns was great, too. 

Meredith winning the award and seeing Ellis gave me chills. I just rewatched season 1 over the last week, and it's amazing to see how far Meredith has come. Jackson's speech was obviously a bit on-the-nose but it summed up Meredith Grey and the series so well. She really has become a superhero for so many girls watching, and I love that they've decided to focus on really keeping her mature and fun and focused on medicine this year. The ending with just her and Alex and a phone call from Cristina was brilliant. Grey's is finally feel-good again rather than just depressing as it has been for much of the last few seasons. It's not perfect, but it never has been and it doesn't need to be. 

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Why is Sofia returning to live with Arizona now? Why would her parents have her switch schools at this point in the school year (I'm assuming, sort of, that it's late autumn on the show, as it is for us viewers)? Something must be wrong with Callie, that's all that I can guess - because it seems odd to yank a young child out of her school and have her move cross-country and have to start a new school without some very serious reason for doing so.

Naturally, the second DeLuca's former girlfriend says, "We're bad for each other," ravenous sex ensues. What about them was so bad? Did they enable each other's drug habits? Commit crimes? Go on killing sprees? What? DeLuca seems like a nice, down to earth young man, based on pretty much everything he's said and done on the show to date; am I supposed to now believe that when he's with this woman, he's some sort of horrible person? What is it about this woman that reduces him to a sex-crazed weasel? This is stupid, and as a result, I have NO interest in their upcoming story line. 

I'm also not interested in Owen and Carina either. Doesn't seem like they have anything in common, they're just sort of there in the background, having sex, which is great for them but boring otherwise. I can't imagine them collaborating on a patient's care, or even having lunch together. 

I thought this was a moderately underwhelming episode, and if not for being told, I never would have realized this was a milestone episode. I'm glad for Meredith winning the award, that's fine, and seeing her mother for a moment was a poignant touch, but I feel as if that could have happened in any other episode as well. I, too, have watched this show since Day One, and I do miss certain characters very much, so I did feel a little sad at moments, in a bittersweet way. Selfishly, I'd have loved to see some Derek flashbacks, and any with Mark and Christina as well. But the focus must remain on the current characters, so perhaps showing flashbacks would distract from that - and with such a long-running show that has had so many characters, it would have to be three hours long to include them all! 

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Sam kind of seems like season 9 Jo in that she's come in primarily as a love interest for an established character. The only difference is they've built in the backstory. I don't mind her and DeLuca if they'd play it for laughs. What I like the most about DeLuca is that he's a good regular guy so I don't want him to suddenly become an emotionally crippled mess now that his ex is back. 

The only thing I'm struggling with is that was only with Jo a few episodes ago so seems weird he supposedly loved Sam the entire time but I guess I see why they dropped that storyline even if I do miss the Jo/DeLuca friendship. 

Im actually really going to miss Ben. Probably an unpopular opinion but I really liked how he got on with everyone and I thought he and Bailey could often provide a lot of comedy. This spin off so far is just making him seem like a flake. 

Can I ask who was responsible for the seasons 12 and 13 as I can't get over what a difference this season has made when you sprinkle some development around all the characters and not just the writers favourites (cough, Maggie, Mer, Amelia sometimes)

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The Harper Avery awards are held on the East Coast, right? Imagine if Christina had flown in only to find that Meredith was still in Seattle.

I felt a little bad for April on the outside looking in as Meredith and Alex reminisced about absent friends since two of her friends got mortally shot on the same day at the hospital.

The one character I missed getting a tribute was Richard Weber's wife Adele.

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I liked that while Meredith, Alex, and Weber were getting all nostalgic about the GIC in MAGIC, Bailey said she knew they weren't the same people and that she'd already cried over the real George.

We know that Jackson is a little jealous and resentful that Meredith won that award for a surgery that he had to take his name off of, but that made it all the more poignant when he had such nice things to say about her in his acceptance speech.

But I rolled my eyes when he started nagging Bailey to see if she had already set up the competition already. He said that he gave her the money LAST WEEK. Where I work, you can't even get a reimbursement check processed in a week, let alone set up a brand new competition. Plus it's not like she farmed out this task to one of her underlings. That means she is still doing her administrative work and surgeries on top of trying to get all the necessary ducks lined up in order to have this competition. In other words, calm the fuck down, Avery.

For everyone who was freaking out that Sofia was going to be aged up to a teenager because of Arizona's remark a few weeks ago, we got confirmation that she is still seven years old.

On another timeline note, the Harper Avery award and medical publications are hilariously fast tracked on this show. Wasn't it just last week that Meredith found out she'd been nominated for the award? You know, the same day that Jackson bought his boat and then gave Bailey $100 million? And a week after being notified, they have the award ceremony? Okay then. But this is the same universe where you can publish a scientific article like two weeks after you do a groundbreaking new surgery so of course.

Cute to see Zola spending time in the skills lab with Maggie. Also sweet to see Katherine with Zola. I guess since she is now referring to Maggie as Jackson's sister, she is going to acknowledge that Zola is kind of family too? After all, Zola is Katherine's stepdaughter's half-sister's child!

I like Deluca and part of me wants to be glad that he's finally getting some sex again, but it's obvious that Sam is just there for drama which I'm not interested in. I'm disappointed because I liked Jeanine Mason on SYTYCD so I was moderately pleased when she showed up as a new intern, but I feel like her character is useless.

1 minute ago, Qoass said:

The Harper Avery awards are held on the East Coast, right? Imagine if Christina had flown in only to find that Meredith was still in Seattle.

Yes, Jackson and Katherine both mentioned that they had to be in Boston for the award ceremony.

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@ElectricBoogaloo The timeline is definitely sped up from reality, but they mentioned that 2 weeks had passed since the last episode. So, Jackson gave her the money a week after they first discussed it, and this was one week after that. And Meredith was informed of her nomination 2 weeks ago. In season 10, Cristina was nominated for the Harper Avery in episode 19 and the ceremony was in episode 20. 

Edited by BaseOps
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