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S08.E18: The Ties that Bind

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4 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Agreed. It is not Briana's and Brittany's fault that they don't have a father. Making fun of someone for that is trashy, no matter what they said to you. 

They all clearly cannot have a mature interaction and it's all inappropriate for Nova to be around. They should have a clear visitation schedule and see each other for dropoffs only. That is, if Devoin gets a license. There should not be any "co-parenting" going on here. 

But is that what he said to Bri? I am with the others who heard it differently. I heard Devoid inferring Nova has no idea what it is like to have a father in her life and shame on them for trying to feed it into her head that she has a father who is a loser. Even if Devoid did say something about Briana not having a father in her life and how would she know, so what? Big deal. Not directed at you, fyi.  If anything that would have been a chance for Bri to have said because she didn't have a father in her life, she doesn't want the same for her child and she knows Devoid can be that kind of father a daughter cherishes. Bri won't go there because it means she can't point at herself as the one who is doing it all on her own. No, it is not their fault they don't have their fathers in their lives, but looking at Roxanne, I can't help but wonder how much of that was her doing. Kail drives away good men. How do we know Roxanne didn't do the same?

Look, there are no winners in this group except for Nova and Stella. I don't want to make it a debate. Devoid has had a chance to go to court and seek visitation. Briana had a chance to file for support. Neither has done so. It is too late to go back and change things. I don't know if Devoid is only around for the cameras, but whatever amount of time he is there for his child, those sea hags need to zip it. Don't hand him a cookie for being a good dad, but don't knock him either for his faults and failures. If Briana is immune from being chastised for her outright failures, lay off the guy. It serves no one. It only serves to hurt Nova. Allow her to find out on her own what kind of parents she has. Yes, parents. This is not about only Devoid. It is about both parents needing to step up.

Edited by SPLAIN
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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

I understand what you are saying with this, but we all know for a fact that David is abusive.  He threw his pregnant girlfriend out of a car.  That is not a one-off decision normal people make.  That is what probably ended up being the last of a series of abusive situations the poor girl endured.  

The friend was probably thinking - hey, be nicey nice and maybe Jenelle and UBT will play nice too.  And with normal people, this is good advice (be the bigger person even though you KNOW you are right).  The thing is, Barb cannot play nice because she knows his true history and she fucking hates him.  I hate him from what I know to be true.

As far as her back and forth letting Jenelle have Jace, she is making decisions based on her gut.  She wants him to have a relationship with Jenelle.  She is also afraid that UBT will hurt him.  She probably goes back and forth.  I am sure it would be easier for her nerves, along with everything else if she could just cut off contact with Jenelle alltogether.  But she was actually trying to keep a relationship.  UNTIL Jace said he was afraid.  Then it stopped until the court order.  It is pretty cut and dry to me.

Yeah. If it's just a husband who's not the best on earth, or gets on your nerves, or someone with whom your daughter bickers too much, it's not bad advice. But a known abuser who films Barb secretly at restaurants? Wtf was that "advice?" I'm still scratching my head. 

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4 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

But is that what he said to Bri? I am with the others who heard it differently. I heard Devoid inferring Nova has no idea what it is like to have a father in her life and shame on them for trying to feed it into her head that she has a father who is a loser. Even if Devoid did say something about Briana not having a father in her life and how would she know, so what? Big deal. Not directed at you, fyi.  If anything that would have been a chance for Bri to have said because she didn't have a father in her life, she doesn't want the same for her child and she knows Devoid can be that kind of father a daughter cherishes. Bri won't go there because it means she can't point at herself as the one who is doing it all on her own. No, it is not their fault they don't have their fathers in their lives, but looking at Roxanne, I can't help but wonder how much of that was her doing. Kail drives away good men. How do we know Roxanne didn't do the same?

Look, there are no winners in this group except for Nova and Stella. I don't want to make it a debate. Devoid has had a chance to go to court and seek visitation. Briana had a chance to file for support. Neither has done so. It is too late to go back and change things. I don't know if Devoid is only around for the cameras, but whatever amount of time he is there for his child, those sea hags need to zip it. Don't hand him a cookie for being a good dad, but don't knock him either for his faults and failures. If Briana is immune from being chastised for her outright failures, lay off the guy. It serves no one. It only serves to hurt Nova. Allow her to find out on her own what kind of parents she has. Yes, parents. This is not about only Devoid. It is about both parents needing to step up things up.

Yes, I agree with this mostly, except that I don't think anyone could drive away a truly "good" man from his kids. I could work overtime to drive my husband away and he'd fight tooth and nail to have equal time with our daughter no matter how many times I got terrible ass implants and yelled at baby showers with my new baby daddies. To me if you do anything less you are not a parent, point blank. 

That said, the rest I 100% agree with. They need to all lay off the fighting and insults. It is totally damaging to that poor little girl. 

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18 hours ago, lasandi said:

But she did exactly that......flew off the handle after Devon said that.

Was I the only one not surprised by Roxanne's response? Maybe I'm the only weirdo who watched TM3, but this EXACT same fight played out in the Coven's living room that season when Nova was a baby. Devoid and Bri started arguing about him stepping up, he said, "You just don't know what's it's like to grow up with a father," and Roxanne swooped into the room like a bat out of hell screaming at Devoin for that comment. She even threw a huge planter at his head as he made his way down the walkway.

Remembering that exchange, I knew Roxanne was going to act a fool as soon as he said that in the restaurant, and so did Devoin.

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1 minute ago, Vandy10 said:

Remembering that exchange, I knew Roxanne was going to act a fool as soon as he said that in the restaurant, and so did Devoin.

The odds of that are pretty good at any given moment.  Because Roxanne.  

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15 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Yes, I agree with this mostly, except that I don't think anyone could drive away a truly "good" man from his kids. I could work overtime to drive my husband away and he'd fight tooth and nail to have equal time with our daughter no matter how many times I got terrible ass implants and yelled at baby showers with my new baby daddies. To me if you do anything less you are not a parent, point blank. 

That said, the rest I 100% agree with. They need to all lay off the fighting and insults. It is totally damaging to that poor little girl. 

I made a comment the other day about Kail ending up like Roxanne. I agree, a good man will be there no matter what. Even if he didn't want to be with Roxanne, there is nothing from keeping him from doing his job as a dad like Jo and Javi are doing. More than likely, Roxanne's guys were like Chris Lopez. Still, we do know Roxanne lied to her daughters about them not sharing the same dad. That is pretty damn low. It is on the level of what Kail would do. One more reason for me to believe Kail will end up like Roxanne. Briana and her sister don't seem to know much about their fathers. How do they know the narrative their mother has told them about them being dead beat dads is true? How do we know she isn't ripping them to shreds to make them look like horrible dads for being absent when in all likelihood she did something like cheat on them which made them question paternity? How do we know Roxanne wasn't some hoochie in the clubs, giving it away, ending up pregnant while not knowing who the fathers are to her children. Forgive me, if there was background information given about their dads that can be substantiated, I take all of this back. But I can't recall what was said on the family therapy show. Roxanne could be shady, too. 

38 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

Oh my dear fiancée, I am concerned for you.  It appears from your usage you may have a touch of Jenellitis.  Have you been feeling dramastic?  Please take very good care of yourself.  

I'm tryin'. Or as Jenelle would say, "I'm tryin', babe." lol 

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14 hours ago, leighroda said:

Question... am I the only one whose parents/grandparents used country crock containers as Tupperware and had a moment of nostalgia... At first glance I didn’t think anything of it because I assumed it was leftovers, until about 3/4ths of a second later when I realized it was actually butter (or margerine I guess) 

At my house, it always took at least 3 tries to find the real Country Crock or Cool Whip. #rednecktupperware

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Thanks, @GreatKazu for the links to the articles about the Barb/Jenelle custody issue. It seems that MTV has actually been giving Jenelle a positive edit for years, so it's rich that she's been threatening to leave the show because of "negative editing."

Edited by TheRealT
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12 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Can't he not drive? Or at least he couldn't for a long time? Where else is he supposed to see her? I don't think they can be reasonably expected to drive somewhere to drop Nova off with someone who has no reliable transportation. Especially since the lack of transportation is likely due to law breaking, and for years it appears they all worked and he did not.  

Oh he's still a total deadbeat don't get me wrong, but he doesn't have to see her there. He even said that his mother is dying to see her but won't go to the covens den and she shouldn't have to. I'm sure devoids mother would pick up nova and drop her off. Im just glad that devoid called them out. They have never made it easy for Luis or devoid to be around them. It actually keeps them from seeing their kids when they know the whole time they are there they have to listen to their rants and raves about what deadbeats they are. 

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1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

Thanks, @GreatKazu for the links to the articles about the Barb/Jenelle custody issue. It seems that MTV has actually been giving Jenelle a positive edit for years, so it's rich that she's been threatening to leave the show because of "negative editing."

You are welcome.  Yes, it is rich! So much has been either edited out or was not available for the camera to capture. 

2 hours ago, Sprockets said:

The odds of that are pretty good at any given moment.  Because Roxanne.  

Right? Roxanne is the common denominator. 

2 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

She even threw a huge planter at his head as he made his way down the walkway.

Remembering that exchange, I knew Roxanne was going to act a fool as soon as he said that in the restaurant, and so did Devoin.

I cringe when I think about that vase being thrown. If any vases should be thrown, throw them at your slutty ass daughter, Roxanne.  Roxanne is always itching for a fight to go down. She is the instigator. Devoin or Luis show up and they can't wait to dig into them. For fuck's sake, Devoin mentions he has two jobs and all hell breaks loose. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

But is that what he said to Bri? I am with the others who heard it differently. I heard Devoid inferring Nova has no idea what it is like to have a father in her life and shame on them for trying to feed it into her head that she has a father who is a loser. Even if Devoid did say something about Briana not having a father in her life and how would she know, so what? Big deal. Not directed at you, fyi.  If anything that would have been a chance for Bri to have said because she didn't have a father in her life, she doesn't want the same for her child and she knows Devoid can be that kind of father a daughter cherishes. Bri won't go there because it means she can't point at herself as the one who is doing it all on her own. No, it is not their fault they don't have their fathers in their lives, but looking at Roxanne, I can't help but wonder how much of that was her doing. Kail drives away good men. How do we know Roxanne didn't do the same?

Look, there are no winners in this group except for Nova and Stella. I don't want to make it a debate. Devoid has had a chance to go to court and seek visitation. Briana had a chance to file for support. Neither has done so. It is too late to go back and change things. I don't know if Devoid is only around for the cameras, but whatever amount of time he is there for his child, those sea hags need to zip it. Don't hand him a cookie for being a good dad, but don't knock him either for his faults and failures. If Briana is immune from being chastised for her outright failures, lay off the guy. It serves no one. It only serves to hurt Nova. Allow her to find out on her own what kind of parents she has. Yes, parents. This is not about only Devoid. It is about both parents needing to step up things up.

I just don't see what others see when it comes to Briana. At least I haven't, yet. Maybe she's yet another horrible mother on the show, but so far, what I see is a bad choice in baby daddy #1 (they were young, it happens) and baby daddy #2 flaking out and she immediately got rid of him. Now, she's with Javi, who is everything she SAYS she wants in a guy - whether or not it actually IS, remains to be seen, I suppose. She apparently likes him enough to move all the way up to Delaware for him, tho. 

Devon really is Adam 2.0 lol. Found this article today (Devon's last name is Austin): 


Austin has a lengthy criminal history and even became violent during the Teen Mom 3 reunion, forcing security to step in. He has been arrested for various crimes, including marijuana possession, burglary, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. His most recent arrest was in August of this year on a 2016 warrant for failure to appear in court for traffic and drug charges.

So this dude has money (or that's what somebody said on this site, I'm not sure, I didn't watch Briana's 16&Pregnant episode or TM3), but he's breaking into houses? If he does, indeed, have money, that's indicative of some other problem, methinks, a drug problem. He doesn't appear to show signs of having that, tho, unless you consider weed a drug, which I don't, really, or, at least, not the type of drug ppl steal over. 

If he has money and a father, which he point out Briana does not have, then what's his excuse? B/c he behaves like someone who does NOT. And that's not meant as an insult, I don't put people down over shit they can't help, it's just reality, it is what it is. Being a deadbeat dad, ditching the baby mama soon after the child is born, not being around for her, multiple run-ins with the law, including at least one felony charge (burglary)...I see problems. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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10 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Devoin mentions he has two jobs and all hell breaks loose. 

Or Devoid mentions that he has no job, or has joined the military, or that the sun came up, and all hell breaks loose.  Because Roxanne.  It is difficult to imagine any man getting close enough to her to impregnate her at least twice.  Maybe she was passed out face down in her own vomit.  

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39 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

Oh he's still a total deadbeat don't get me wrong, but he doesn't have to see her there. He even said that his mother is dying to see her but won't go to the covens den and she shouldn't have to. I'm sure devoids mother would pick up nova and drop her off. Im just glad that devoid called them out. They have never made it easy for Luis or devoid to be around them. It actually keeps them from seeing their kids when they know the whole time they are there they have to listen to their rants and raves about what deadbeats they are. 

I highly doubt Devion is telling us the entire truth regarding his Mom dying to see Nova OR would participate in pick-ups and drop offs etc. She’s dying to see her but won’t send her a bday card or speak to her on the telephone?! 

Roxanne is an instigator (I think both Brittany and Briana would benefit if she wasn’t in the vicinity), and Briana is awful, but she’s not wrong about everything. Neither Devion or his family have an interest in being a consistent part of Nova’s life. Yes that’s probably because they are embarrassed by Devion and don’t like the DeJesus women so they don’t bother (of course that isn’t Nova’s fault).  My problem with Devion is that he isn’t in a position to criticize Briana- Briana (and her family) are doing something (consistently) to contribute to Nova’s well being. The day he does something consistently he can speak about what Briana is NOT doing. Now that day may be close if he is through his “phase” and now that Nova is of an age where she can interact in a way HE wants but time will tell. 


I dont disagree that Roxanne needs to fucking sit down. 

8 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

I just don't see what others see when it comes to Briana. At least I haven't, yet. Maybe she's yet another horrible mother on the show, but so far, what I see is a bad choice in baby daddy #1 (they were young, it happens) and baby daddy #2 flaking out and she immediately got rid of him. Now, she's with Javi, who is everything she SAYS she wants in a guy - whether or not it actually IS, remains to be seen, I suppose. She apparently likes him enough to move all the way up to Delaware for him, tho. 

Devon really is Adam 2.0 lol. Found this article today (Devon's last name is Austin): 

So this dude has money (or that's what somebody said on this site, I'm not sure, I didn't watch Briana's 16&Pregnant episode or TM3), but he's breaking into houses? If he does, indeed, have money, that's indicative of some other problem, methinks, a drug problem. He doesn't appear to show signs of having that, tho, unless you consider weed a drug, which I don't, really, or, at least, not the type of drug ppl steal over. 

If he has money and a father, which he point out Briana does not have, then what's his excuse? B/c he behaves like someone who does NOT. And that's not meant as an insult, I don't put people down over shit they can't help, it's just reality, it is what it is. 

I KNEW Devion had a history of criminal habits (from the first time they said he lost his license). 

Devion came from a stable background, with a decent amount of disposible income (having money is relative). What I know of life he’s probably the family embarrassment, and his sisters have benefited from the adage “Black women love their sons but we raise our daughters.” His parents support him because they don’t want their own flesh and blood out on the street but no one wants to deal with Briana or HER child so they don’t. 

I certainly took his comment to mean, “Briana has never had a Dad, what does she know what a good Dad is like.” Such a comment is a kin to a woman telling her friend that said friend shouldn’t have to put up with a cheating husband and the married friend going “you don’t have a husband what do you know?!!”......you don’t need to have had a Dad to see Devion is a shitty one. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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3 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

I just don't see what others see when it comes to Briana

I am not clear what you mean. 


1 minute ago, Sprockets said:

Or Devoid mentions that he has no job, or has joined the military, or that the sun came up, and all hell breaks loose.  Because Roxanne.  It is difficult to imagine any man getting close enough to her to impregnate her at least twice.  Maybe she was passed out face down in her own vomit.  

Exactly. You breath wrong and Roxanne wants to throw down. 

Agree with the others that Devoin and Briana's truth is questionable. I don't know if his family wants to see Nova. There are ways to be involved without having to spend it in the coven cave. We see Luis spending the night to help with his child and look at how the coven hovered over him like vultures. Both Devoin and Briana need to put Nova first and that doesn't mean Briana gets to chastise him every time in Nova's presence. That shit is old. Move the fuck on. 

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The coven are not the easiest people to get along with and they're most definitely overbearing, but how are they any different from Babs, really? They shoot from the hip and call it as they see it - they're not the types to hold their tongue when they see bullshit behavior, like a father not stepping up and fulfilling his responsibilities as a man and father. What are they supposed to do, ignore it? Pretend all is good? They could, I suppose, but that's just not their style. 

If you truly care about your daughter, you'll tolerate them, regardless, in order to see her! And maybe if these dudes would step up and help out financially and otherwise, the coven wouldn't treat them the way they do!

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15 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I highly doubt Devion is telling us the entire truth regarding his Mom dying to see Nova OR would participate in pick-ups and drop offs etc. She’s dying to see her but won’t send her a bday card or speak to her on the telephone?! 

Roxanne is an instigator (I think both Brittany and Briana would benefit if she wasn’t in the vicinity), and Briana is awful, but she’s not wrong about everything. Neither Devion or his family have an interest in being a consistent part of Nova’s life. Yes that’s probably because they are embarrassed by Devion and don’t like the DeJesus women so they don’t bother (of course that isn’t Nova’s fault).  My problem with Devion is that he isn’t in a position to criticize Briana- Briana (and her family) are doing something (consistently) to contribute to Nova’s well being. The day he does something consistently he can speak about what Briana is NOT doing. Now that day may be close if he is through his “phase” and now that Nova is of an age where she can interact in a way HE wants but time will tell. 


I dont disagree that Roxanne needs to fucking sit down. 

I KNEW Devion had a history of criminal habits (from the first time they said he lost his license). 

Devion came from a stable background, with a decent amount of disposible income (having money is relative). What I know of life he’s probably the family embarrassment, and his sisters have benefited from the adage “Black women love their sons but we raise our daughters.” His parents support him because they don’t want their own flesh and blood out on the street but no one wants to deal with Briana or HER child so they don’t. 

I certainly took his comment to mean, “Briana has never had a Dad, what does she know what a good Dad is like.” Such a comment is a kin to a woman telling her friend that said friend shouldn’t have to put up with a cheating husband and the married friend going “you don’t have a husband what do you know?!!”......you don’t need to have had a Dad to see Devion is a shitty one. 

So then he's basically Adam all over again, to a T. Adam comes from a good family, too, etc. 

Some people are just born to be trouble, they have a stable family and enough money, but their personality is such that it doesn't matter, they still have trouble complying with rules and adhering to their responsibilities. smh. 

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I'll take back my defending of the coven if I see next season that they treat Javi the same way they treat Luis and Devon. B/c while they may be over-bearing, it's not like their criticism of Devon and Luis is unwarranted. I'd say there's 100% validity to it, in fact. They are not wrong in anything they say to them about fulfilling their responsibilities. Sure, their delivery can be kind of abrasive and off-putting, but one could say the same about Babs, no? If both men really loved their daughters as much as they profess to the cameras that they do, they'd man the fuck up and suck it up in order to spend time with and be there for their daughters. 

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

According to Jenelle, Barb is this evil bitch and terrible mother. If Barb was such an evil and terrible mother to her, what does that say about Jenelle for having put Jace in her mother's care and custody? For all this jibberish about Barb not keeping Jace away from Jenelle, how about pointing the finger at the BIO MOTHER? The one who started this whole thing in the first place. The one who had chance after chance to redeem herself and keep her son from being put with evil Barb in the first place.  

Jenelle is definitely to blame, both for the situation arising in the first place and for fighting in front of Jace, but that doesn't make Barb blameless.  There can be more than one person to blame, as this situation shows.


4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Barb did keep Jace from going with Jenelle up until May, when the court matter was finalized. Now, she was court-ordered to send Jace to be with his bio mother. It was when Jace began to say he didn't want to be around David. Kidding. Not kidding. Jace has been voicing his concerns in a "just kidding" manner.  Barb cannot pursue it in a courtroom because chances are Jace is taking back his statements out of fear. Poor Jace is probably getting brain washed while at Jenelle's after his scenes were aired where he told Jenelle he didn't care for David. 

A clarification--the court order was based on an agreement between Barb and Jenelle--the court didn't order her to send Jace to Jenelle's over her objection. 

And...Barb cannot pursue it in a courtroom?  So Jace gets sent over to Jenelle's even though he said he's afraid of David.  I'd say "kidding" "not kidding" too if I said something and nobody took me seriously.

When I criticized Barb upthread for not keeping Jace away from Jenelle after he said he was afraid of David, this was a response:


SHE DID! She stopped allowing him to go to The Land. She stopped it for months.

But GreatKazu is saying he didn't say it until after the court date.  So that can't be why she did something before the court date. 

In one of the articles linked to above, it said she kept him away from Jenelle for weeks, not months. And it said Barbara said she did it because Ensley tested positive for marijuana, but Ensley was born in January.  Maybe it takes a few months to get the results?  I'm pretty sure I recall seeing photos of Kaiser, Jace, and Ensley together in April.

Barb was also quoted as saying this: "That's the reason we were going to court. I can't send him over there when that's happened [Ensley testing positive for drugs]. I don't want to put him in that atmosphere."  (The bracketed material is from the original, not me.)  But I thought Jenelle had filed the suit for custody, at David's urging.  It was actually Barb?


3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

As far as her back and forth letting Jenelle have Jace, she is making decisions based on her gut.  She wants him to have a relationship with Jenelle.  She is also afraid that UBT will hurt him.  She probably goes back and forth.  I am sure it would be easier for her nerves, along with everything else if she could just cut off contact with Jenelle alltogether.  But she was actually trying to keep a relationship.  UNTIL Jace said he was afraid.  Then it stopped until the court order.  It is pretty cut and dry to me.

Well now you're saying he said it before the court date, and others are saying it was after.  Do we actually know one way or the other?  I mean, I know the vast majority of the knowledge outside what MTV shows us is from gossip websites, so I'm using "know" in that sense. 

We'll never know all the facts, but it would be nice to get the ones we do know straight.

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51 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

I'll take back my defending of the coven if I see next season that they treat Javi the same way they treat Luis and Devon. B/c while they may be over-bearing, it's not like their criticism of Devon and Luis is unwarranted. I'd say there's 100% validity to it, in fact. They are not wrong in anything they say to them about fulfilling their responsibilities. Sure, their delivery can be kind of abrasive and off-putting, but one could say the same about Babs, no? If both men really loved their daughters as much as they profess to the cameras that they do, they'd man the fuck up and suck it up in order to spend time with and be there for their daughters. 

Not sure why the comparison to Barb. No one likes when she has opened her mouth and said things in the presence of Jace.

Whatever can be said to Devoin, the same could be said to Briana, but it is only one-sided. I'd love to hear Roxanne tear into Briana the same way she tears into Devoin. Let's make it an equal playing field.

Devoin is a dead-beat. No one is arguing that point. No one ever alluded to the idea that the coven's feelings are not warranted. The issue at hand is why do they continue to browbeat Nova's dad? And in her presence? It doesn't even stop there. They do the same thing when it is Luis. What benefit does this trio get out of doing this to Nova and the fathers in question? Whatever the reason is, it is at the expense of those two little girls who didn't ask to be put in that situation.

Briana needs to look at the bigger picture. This is 6 years in the making as far as Nova is concerned. File that child support and let the chips fall where they may. It is out of her control. She needs to set aside her own agenda and just be the best mother she can to her child and that includes not bashing the father that she chose for her child. Kids should never be in the middle of any dispute. Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne must get over their disappointments and anger and focus on the kids’ well-being.

It goes without saying that anytime one parent puts down another parent, even if they feel it is warranted, all it serves is to make the child feel inferior. Nova will feel a part of her is a loser because she is a part of her dad, and her dad is constantly being referred to as a loser. Destructive comments about Briana's exes will impact her children in many negative ways. It can create insecurity and anxiety. It will likely raise their level of fear. Those children may begin to question Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne and their opinions. It also adds a level of unhappiness into their lives that they do not need or deserve.

I know it’s challenging sometimes not to criticize a so-called parent who is not up to par or pulling their weight, especially when one feels totally justified in doing so. But that is what friends and therapists are good for when the need to vent arises. They should never do it around those poor kids. Look at how it has affected Briana and Brittany. Whenever possible, they should try and find some good things to say about the other parents — or hold their sharp tongues.

Edited by SPLAIN
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9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Butter containers = Mexican Tupperware. 

Growing up, my mom re-used those containers for leftovers alongside her actual Tupperware stuff. Hard to know what was butter and what had leftovers in it until you opened it. Ahh memories. That was so long ago. I miss my mom. Fuck you, Jenelle for disrespecting and hating the mom you have in your life because I sure would do just about anything to have five minutes with mine who I haven't held in my arms for decades. 

I will respond only to this since this particular topic has been done to death and everyone has already responded. We don't need the mods to remind us of the rules.

Barb did keep Jace from going with Jenelle up until May, when the court matter was finalized. Now, she was court-ordered to send Jace to be with his bio mother. It was when Jace began to say he didn't want to be around David. Kidding. Not kidding. Jace has been voicing his concerns in a "just kidding" manner.  Barb cannot pursue it in a courtroom because chances are Jace is taking back his statements out of fear. Poor Jace is probably getting brain washed while at Jenelle's after his scenes were aired where he told Jenelle he didn't care for David.  

He apparently didn't have a license. I think Briana was cool with that being the case because it gave her more control over Nova. There is public transportation. Somehow, Devoin was able to visit here and there with Nova. How he got there, I have no clue. 

As for the coven working, they had to work. They didn't have a cushy MTV check to fall back on. I have a feeling if Briana was still pulling in TM3 money, she would park her fat fake ass on the couch like Amber. 

I am so sorry your Mom is gone GreatKazu:(  I hope you have lots of sweet memories of her.

I really wonder if Jenelle will even miss Barb some day, when she is gone.

I could never imagine talking to my Mom the way she talks to Barb.

It is just so vile.

I was so lucky to have spent this afternoon with my own Mom:)

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1 minute ago, mittsigirl said:

I am so sorry your Mom is gone GreatKazu:(  I hope you have lots of sweet memories of her.

I really wonder if Jenelle will even miss Barb some day, when she is gone.

I could never imagine talking to my Mom the way she talks to Barb.

It is just so vile.

I was so lucky to have spent this afternoon with my own Mom:)

You are so sweet. :-) Yes, lots of beautiful memories. The only bad memory I have of her is seeing her in a coma shortly before she died.  Give your mom a hug for me the next time you see her. I am sure she is a lovely lady. 

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5 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

You are so sweet. :-) Yes, lots of beautiful memories. The only bad memory I have of her is seeing her in a coma shortly before she died.  Give your mom a hug for me the next time you see her. I am sure she is a lovely lady. 

:) Now I have tears. Life sure is never fair.

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I believe that if something were to happen to Barb; Jenelle would be completely devastated. I feel she really loves her underneath all this mess but they are in so deep now she may never be able to show it.

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14 minutes ago, Emkat said:

I believe that if something were to happen to Barb; Jenelle would be completely devastated. I feel she really loves her underneath all this mess but they are in so deep now she may never be able to show it.

Fully agree. Worded so well. 

47 minutes ago, mittsigirl said:

:) Now I have tears. Life sure is never fair.

I feel blessed to have had her for the time I had her.  Thanks for your kind words. 

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She seems to come around and be semi decent to Barb whenever she is single which is not often. I am not holding my breath this time as UBT seems to have broken her and I really think it is until death (most likely early and tradgically). I am also afraid the one day when Jace is older that he will have had enough and take UBT on, he is already angry so I do not see it getting better with the new set visitation. I have my fingers crossed that UBT's bobcat comes to life and takes him out (I may have watched Maximum Overdrive too many times in my teenage years)

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Just to point out, I'm not sure if you know this, but Brittany and Briana have two different fathers. Roxanne lied to Brittany her whole life pretending the girls had the same dad. Roxanne kept Brittany from her  real dad and dads family. Her real dad ended up dying when she was an infant so it wasn't that he didn't want to be around, he tragically was murdered I believe. Roxanne refused to let his family be a part of Brittany's life. You can see this all on family therapy. So maybe this is part if what devoid meant when he made that comment. It's in the covens pattern to alienate the baby daddies and their families. I don't think it was a cruel jab I think he was trying to point out that it's a pattern with the coven women.  Who knows though devoid is a "slug" as someone else put it (which I loved by the way). Devoid is also the only one who pointed out that they shouldn't be talking shit about him or acting crazy in front of his daughter. It's disrespectful and I think he had enough of it! I don't blame him for his outburst, he was instigated and pushed. Even a slug like him still deserves Some resided as novas father deasbeat or not. No one deserves that kind of emotional and almost physical  abuse. I just wanted to put this info out there so it's known what garbage mother coven is. 

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3 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

Just to point out, I'm not sure if you know this, but Brittany and Briana have two different fathers. Roxanne lied to Brittany her whole life pretending the girls had the same dad. Roxanne kept Brittany from her  real dad and dads family. Her real dad ended up dying when she was an infant so it wasn't that he didn't want to be around, he tragically was murdered I believe. Roxanne refused to let his family be a part of Brittany's life. You can see this all on family therapy. So maybe this is part if what devoid meant when he made that comment. It's in the covens pattern to alienate the baby daddies and their families. I don't think it was a cruel jab I think he was trying to point out that it's a pattern with the coven women.  Who knows though devoid is a "slug" as someone else put it (which I loved by the way). Devoid is also the only one who pointed out that they shouldn't be talking shit about him or acting crazy in front of his daughter. It's disrespectful and I think he had enough of it! I don't blame him for his outburst, he was instigated and pushed. Even a slug like him still deserves Some resided as novas father deasbeat or not. No one deserves that kind of emotional and almost physical  abuse. I just wanted to put this info out there so it's known what garbage mother coven is. 

Thanks KittyKat for the insight. I barely remember the therapy show other than the info about Roxanne withholding the information about the girls having different fathers which in itself is a pretty shitty thing to do. 

Ugh, how disgusting of Roxanne to keep her child's father's family away from her. Unless it had to do with any misconduct (I am sure if that were the case she would have mentioned it), what reason could there be to keep children from paternal relatives? I swear, it is sounding more and more Kail-like. The only reason Kail maintains relationships with her childrens' fathers is because she needs them around as her nannies. 

I agree about the pattern being set forth by these females. Roxanne set the tone and now, Briana and Brittany are following suit. It is all they have ever known. 

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3 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Not sure why the comparison to Barb. No one likes when she has opened her mouth and said things in the presence of Jace.

Whatever can be said to Devoin, the same could be said to Briana, but it is only one-sided. I'd love to hear Roxanne tear into Briana the same way she tears into Devoin. Let's make it an equal playing field.

Devoin is a dead-beat. No one is arguing that point. No one ever alluded to the idea that the coven's feelings are not warranted. The issue at hand is why do they continue to browbeat Nova's dad? And in her presence? It doesn't even stop there. They do the same thing when it is Luis. What benefit does this trio get out of doing this to Nova and the fathers in question? Whatever the reason is, it is at the expense of those two little girls who didn't ask to be put in that situation.

Briana needs to look at the bigger picture. This is 6 years in the making as far as Nova is concerned. File that child support and let the chips fall where they may. It is out of her control. She needs to set aside her own agenda and just be the best mother she can to her child and that includes not bashing the father that she chose for her child. Kids should never be in the middle of any dispute. Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne must get over their disappointments and anger and focus on the kids’ well-being.

It goes without saying that anytime one parent puts down another parent, even if they feel it is warranted, all it serves is to make the child feel inferior. Nova will feel a part of her is a loser because she is a part of her dad, and her dad is constantly being referred to as a loser. Destructive comments about Briana's exes will impact her children in many negative ways. It can create insecurity and anxiety. It will likely raise their level of fear. Those children may begin to question Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne and their opinions. It also adds a level of unhappiness into their lives that they do not need or deserve.

I know it’s challenging sometimes not to criticize a so-called parent who is not up to par or pulling their weight, especially when one feels totally justified in doing so. But that is what friends and therapists are good for when the need to vent arises. They should never do it around those poor kids. Look at how it has affected Briana and Brittany. Whenever possible, they should try and find some good things to say about the other parents — or hold their sharp tongues.

100% agree

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4 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I'll take back my defending of the coven if I see next season that they treat Javi the same way they treat Luis and Devon. B/c while they may be over-bearing, it's not like their criticism of Devon and Luis is unwarranted. I'd say there's 100% validity to it, in fact. They are not wrong in anything they say to them about fulfilling their responsibilities. Sure, their delivery can be kind of abrasive and off-putting, but one could say the same about Babs, no? If both men really loved their daughters as much as they profess to the cameras that they do, they'd man the fuck up and suck it up in order to spend time with and be there for their daughters. 

Actually, I don't think it's been shown or convincingly documented how Luis has been a deadbeat dad. From what we've seen on the show, he's pretty much done what could be reasonably expected of him up to the point they're at on the show. He did all (or most of, which I think is actually reasonable under the circumstances) the prenatal fatherly duties, he was there at Stella's birth, and he did his best to be there after she was born. I think the Coven handled his attempt to spend nights at their apartment helping take care of Stella really badly, to the point where it was understandable that he bailed. From what was shown, they didn't really let him take care of the baby and he was expected to sit/sleep on their couch while they glared at him and bitched about how useless he was. I can see how he could have thought that he wasn't really doing anything for Stella and the whole situation was awkward and negative, which wasn't good for Stella. Since Stella is a breastfeeding infant, I could see how he wouldn't think it would be in her best interest to insist on seeing her away from her mom (and how the thought of that would be intimidating to him). Does that make him an amazing person/father? No. Is it understandable? Yes. I'm the last person to give men (especially) cookies for doing the bare minimum as a parent, but I'm not sure how much more Luis could do under his current circumstances with his current resources.

With Devoin, there's more evidence that he sucks as a dad, but he started out on that path as a teenager who, apparently, had less family support around parenting than Briana did. He's been a shitty dad and he's responsible for that, but I feel like the Coven have worked harder to undermine him as a dad and his relationship with Nova than they've worked to support those things. They don't owe it to Devoin to support him, but their choices have been shitty for Nova. They act like Devoin is 100% responsible for the problems that Briana having Nova has caused, but, in reality, Briana has made a series of bad choices (throughout Nova's life). Devoin is certainly not a good father by my standards, but he probably would be a better father if the Coven tried harder to work with him, appreciate his good behavior, and be positive about his relationship with Nova. They're not obligated to do so, but it would be much better for Nova if they did. To me, they can't really claim to be awesome in comparison to Devoin's suckiness if they refuse to put Nova's well-being above their right to be pissed at and judgmental of Nova's dad (because it make them feel better).

4 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Not sure why the comparison to Barb. No one likes when she has opened her mouth and said things in the presence of Jace.

Whatever can be said to Devoin, the same could be said to Briana, but it is only one-sided. I'd love to hear Roxanne tear into Briana the same way she tears into Devoin. Let's make it an equal playing field.

Devoin is a dead-beat. No one is arguing that point. No one ever alluded to the idea that the coven's feelings are not warranted. The issue at hand is why do they continue to browbeat Nova's dad? And in her presence? It doesn't even stop there. They do the same thing when it is Luis. What benefit does this trio get out of doing this to Nova and the fathers in question? Whatever the reason is, it is at the expense of those two little girls who didn't ask to be put in that situation.

Briana needs to look at the bigger picture. This is 6 years in the making as far as Nova is concerned. File that child support and let the chips fall where they may. It is out of her control. She needs to set aside her own agenda and just be the best mother she can to her child and that includes not bashing the father that she chose for her child. Kids should never be in the middle of any dispute. Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne must get over their disappointments and anger and focus on the kids’ well-being.

It goes without saying that anytime one parent puts down another parent, even if they feel it is warranted, all it serves is to make the child feel inferior. Nova will feel a part of her is a loser because she is a part of her dad, and her dad is constantly being referred to as a loser. Destructive comments about Briana's exes will impact her children in many negative ways. It can create insecurity and anxiety. It will likely raise their level of fear. Those children may begin to question Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne and their opinions. It also adds a level of unhappiness into their lives that they do not need or deserve.

I know it’s challenging sometimes not to criticize a so-called parent who is not up to par or pulling their weight, especially when one feels totally justified in doing so. But that is what friends and therapists are good for when the need to vent arises. They should never do it around those poor kids. Look at how it has affected Briana and Brittany. Whenever possible, they should try and find some good things to say about the other parents — or hold their sharp tongues.


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I'll take back my defending of the coven if I see next season that they treat Javi the same way they treat Luis and Devon.

But Briana doesn't have a child with Javi. Apples and oranges.

Shouldn't Briana be held to a higher standard than Devoin? After all, she is the one Nova depends on to support her. Briana failed her child for six years by not filing for support. Whether or not Devoin would have had any money is a different issue. At least Briana could sit there and say she did what was necessary for her child's welfare. She has no excuse for not filing for support the same way Devoin has no excuse for not stepping up financially. Then, she creates a bigger financial burden upon herself which in turn affects the very daughter she claims to profess to love when she decided to keep the baby by a guy she likely had drunken sex with within hours of meeting.



To me, they can't really claim to be awesome in comparison to Devoin's suckiness if they refuse to put Nova's well-being above their right to be pissed at and judgmental of Nova's dad (because it make them feel better).

Thank you. It is deeply disturbing to know Nova requested her dad be at the restaurant to celebrate her first day of kindergarten only to have the coven pull the rug out from under her when Roxanne decided to start up with her questioning of Devoin. She turned to him and said in a tone, "So, what's up with you?" I see what she is doing there. Her little interrogation of Devoin in order to get information serves only to give Roxanne that much-needed reason to go on the attack. She already was annoyed with him when he showed up at the school and started ragging on how he was dressed. As if the coven crew were so well-dressed. Roxanne's over-the-top theatrics which seem to mirror a Real Housewives episode are tiresome and repulsive. Save that repulsion over what your daughter does at the clubs and how she throws that ass around. 


1 minute ago, starfire said:

Is 9 months not enough time for some people to come up with a name for their baby (or even 2 names if they don't find out the gender prior to birth)?

Generally, yes. But most women know who the father of their child is when they are pregnant. 

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If I read or hear Briana repeat "I'm going to put him (Devoin) on child support!" I will throw something at her stupid face. Who in the hell does she think she is? Did it ever occur to her that Devoin could try and do the same thing to her? What culture is this where these dumb bitches feel the need for this power? I'm actually feeling very sorry for any man that dares walk past the Coven's Den because Roxanne is surely inside brewing up a bad baby daddy potion to feed the next poor SOB that dares impregnate Briana (I'm sorry but a second out of wedlock baby is a CHOICE not an accident). I have NO doubt there will be a third. Probably Javi.

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I'm really interested to see how it plays out when javi impregnates Briana and then gets deployed. Will this count as being a deadbeat dad and abandoning them? At least the baby will have his benefits, but what if he fails to immediately marry Briana? What if she gets pregnant next month and he smartly realizes it's too soon to even think of marriage? I could see all sorts of situations playing out where javi ends up the target of the coven's wrath. Hell, maybe he even wants that, to make him a more sympathetic character! Just being a decent guy doesn't guarantee that the coven will treat you fairly. I do know one thing for sure though...Briana is hoping and praying to trap him with a baby, so he had better be careful! I mean, at this point, what in the world does she have to lose?

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7 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I'm really interested to see how it plays out when javi impregnates Briana and then gets deployed. Will this count as being a deadbeat dad and abandoning them? At least the baby will have his benefits, but what if he fails to immediately marry Briana? What if she gets pregnant next month and he smartly realizes it's too soon to even think of marriage? I could see all sorts of situations playing out where javi ends up the target of the coven's wrath. Hell, maybe he even wants that, to make him a more sympathetic character! Just being a decent guy doesn't guarantee that the coven will treat you fairly. I do know one thing for sure though...Briana is hoping and praying to trap him with a baby, so he had better be careful! I mean, at this point, what in the world does she have to lose?

No truer words. 

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50 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I wonder if now that she can possibly trap Javi, if she regrets even getting involved with Luis!

See. Thats what happens when you dont plan. Can't trap any ole body. If she had thoughtit out just a little bit she could have given it up to Javi in the club.

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On 11/6/2017 at 11:25 PM, AmandaUnbidden said:


Devoin can also go suck an egg! How dare he make me be on the side of the coven! And how funny will it be when he realizes that child support and custody are two very different things? I would love to be there when that arrogant smirk is wiped off his face when he realizes he has to pay whether he sees Nova or not. And he'll never get a lawyer to secure visitation rights so the coven has nothing to worry about there. It was nice seeing Roxanne trying to be civil with him at first. I'm glad to see that she knows she's OTT. She needs counseling to help her calm down and keep her anger in check. With her awareness of the problem, she could really make a lot of progress.


Roxanne will never change. She is so emotionally immature and thinks she's so cute and adorable acting like a bin of trash in public. She thinks it makes her a good mom. She hates men and is always the victim. And has taught her daughters the same. And will be teaching her granddaughters the same. Deep down, she thrives off the attention she gets. She needs to grow and up and stop with the "I can't-ing" every fucking thing any man does. DeJesus women are awful. All of them. 

I was also creeped out at UBT "I get to be your stepdad" to Jace and Kaiser. Sure, scare them so they poop their pants right before walking down the aisle. Then he took it one step further with Jace "yeah but this makes me even more of your dad now". At that moment I saw fear in Jaces eyes and saw him gulp. Poor kid. 

I was also creeped out at UBT "I get to be your stepdad" to Jace and Kaiser. Sure, scare them so they poop their pants right before walking down the aisle. Then he took it one step further with Jace "yeah but this makes me even more of your dad now". At that moment I saw fear in Jaces eyes and saw him gulp. Poor kid. 

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19 hours ago, TonAmi said:

Well at least Addie was eating the butter at The Table. 

And not a pot or pan (chair) in sight. 


19 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I just don't see what others see when it comes to Briana. At least I haven't, yet. Maybe she's yet another horrible mother on the show, but so far, what I see is a bad choice in baby daddy #1 (they were young, it happens) and baby daddy #2 flaking out and she immediately got rid of him

I don't know if I'd call her a "horrible mother", but she certainly isn't a GOOD one. A good mother would use more discernment when picking a father for their children. Good mothers don't get pregnant by random dudes at the club. Not at the age of 25. One mistake I can overlook. I firmly believe this bitch got knocked up again on purpose to get her ass back on the show. And that does not demonstrate the kind of priorities I would assign to a good mother. 


15 hours ago, Emkat said:

I believe that if something were to happen to Barb; Jenelle would be completely devastated. I feel she really loves her underneath all this mess but they are in so deep now she may never be able to show it.

I don't. I don't believe Jenelle knows how to feel for anyone but herself. But I believe she'd retcon the hell out of their relationship and ACT like she was devastated. 


14 hours ago, crazychicken said:

She seems to come around and be semi decent to Barb whenever she is single which is not often

Yes, she does. But I think this is simply because she NEEDS Barb when she doesn't have a man. Not only does she need Barb to help her out more (scumbags though they are, her men seem to do most of the heavy lifting around the house), but she relies on Barb for the validation she normally gets from dudes. She needs someone in her life to prop her up and make her feel good about herself. When she's on the outs with a dude, suddenly she'll kvetch about him with Barb. Barb just gets used. I don't know that I've ever seen any true affection from Jenelle towards her mother. I don't know that she's capable of it. 

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53 minutes ago, ghoulina said:



I don't know if I'd call her a "horrible mother", but she certainly isn't a GOOD one. A good mother would use more discernment when picking a father for their children. Good mothers don't get pregnant by random dudes at the club. Not at the age of 25. One mistake I can overlook. I firmly believe this bitch got knocked up again on purpose to get her ass back on the show. And that does not demonstrate the kind of priorities I would assign to a good mother. 


also, she complained about being "stuck with" each daughter while she was pregnant with them.  AND she constantly complains about Nova's dad, who Nova obviously adores, causing the poor little girl to freak out whenever she's in the same room with all of them;  she feels bad if she's loyal to any of them.  That is an awful big burden for a kindergardener!

Edited by teapot
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In Briana's 16 and Pregnant and during Teen Mom 3, the DeJesus' were exactly the same as they are here. Absolutely no growth. Both Luis and Devoid were rumored to sell drugs, Devoid's being documented because of his arrests. Briana was receiving cash from both of them that she wouldn't have received on court ordered child support, because Devoid didn't have a job with documented income and Luis works as a DJ. That's why she didn't "put Devoid on child support" and not because she was afraid he would lose his license again. She used to tweet photos of the cash Devoid would bring over, along with photos of porn. She's a class act, that one. She also had been tweeting that she needed a man to impregnate her, and had sex with several men before becoming pregnant by Luis. She wanted a baby but not the man and advertised for it. Roxanne was always ready to physically fight anyone who she thought looked at her funny, except when she was hyperventilating and gasping out, "I can't!"

I think that someone mis-typed something causing some confusion, because the same paragraph said two different things. I thought I had quoted them, but apparently did not since they are not showing up. Jace told Barb and his therapist that he was afraid of UBT and Barb stopped making him go. She allowed him to go a few times last season when MTV was there, and Jenelle said something on the show about how Barb wasn't letting Jace come over. In truth, she was on vacation and partying with UBT and posting her activities on social media and probably wasn't asking for him much.

Barb said that she didn't allow Jace to go to The Land at all after Ensley tested positive for THC at birth, in January. This show was on hiatus then, so I think people may be running the seasons together and therefore, not realizing the gap in time because it seems like Jace is over there every episode. 

Jenelle, while secure in her delusional belief that she was about to regain custody of the object known as Jace said, on camera, that she wasn't going to allow Barb to see him for at least as long as he had been kept from her. We also have the Cinco de Mayo incident where they tracked her down to video her driving drunk to use in court. Of course, she didn't actually call the police and report a drunk driver, because she knew Barb wasn't drunk. We also have her tracking down Barb on Mother's Day. Barb saw her out and about and rushed home to get the kids in the house before she arrived. Jenelle was looking through the windows and trying to get in the doors to no avail, finally calling the police to do a well person check. Barb opened the door for the police, showed them everyone was fine and that Jace did not want to go with Jenelle. Court was coming up and the cops told Jenelle to leave because she was trespassing. After the hearing, Barb retained primary custody and they were ordered to attempt a visitation schedule at mediation. If the judge ruled on custody based on the filings (my guess) or if he actually heard testimony we don't know because no one has said. They agreed on the visitation days, with Jenelle receiving the deadbeat parent visitation schedule. 

Everyone seems pretty secure with their opinions and I don't see any reason to rehash this, but think one of my prior posts added to the confusion so I wanted to clarify the facts as I know them. The way Jace looked when Barb told him he had to go to Jenelle's almost brought me to tears. This entire season has been so hard to watch that I largely don't. The falling ratings make me happy, because as soon as this is cancelled, the sooner Jenelle forgets about Jace, Kaiser and Eggsly, and the grandparents take over. Rumors about UBT's mother don't put Eggsly in a great spot, but it has to be better than watching these two kill each other while ignoring her. 

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I'm kind of curious.  Don't know why but who works and supports the 'coven' other than TLC?  Do any of the three women work and if yes..where?

Is Javi really getting mixed up with this bunch?  You can surely bet there will be another big belly by next season.  Bet on it!

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I don't know if I'd call her a "horrible mother", but she certainly isn't a GOOD one. A good mother would use more discernment when picking a father for their children. Good mothers don't get pregnant by random dudes at the club. Not at the age of 25. One mistake I can overlook. I firmly believe this bitch got knocked up again on purpose to get her ass back on the show. And that does not demonstrate the kind of priorities I would assign to a good mother. 

Exactly. Also, I'm not particularly impressed with Briana's/the Coven's parenting/life skills in general. For people who are so critical of others and who claim to have their shit so together, they don't seem to be doing very well. They essentially had three parents to raise one child for 5 years, but, to hear them tell it, everything was a huge struggle every day. Why? Raising kids is challenging for everyone, but not that challenging. There are single parents who take care of multiple children by themselves without constantly bitching and moaning. Briana has had plenty of help with Nova and even had Brittany drop out of school to support Briana going to school (if I recall correctly), yet she has no degree and some shitty job.

And she's STILL waiting for her baby daddies to somehow save her, which is the opposite of a strong, independent woman. A strong, independent mom would have filed for child support for Nova years ago, then worked on getting her own shit together so she wasn't so needy and desperate for Devoin to "step up." She knows she can't depend on him, but instead of moving forward working on doing for herself, she whines about what an asshole he is (while failing to do what she could to get support from him). That's poor role modeling for her daughter, as is the Coven's whole, "We're so strong (because we curse people out and threaten to fight them)!/ Poor us! We're the victims of these useless men! Why won't they step up and take care of us?!" thing. 

Then, on top of all that, she got knocked up by a stranger (and started the cycle all over again). 

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18 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

"We're so strong (because we curse people out and threaten to fight them)!/ Poor us! We're the victims of these useless men! Why won't they step up and take care of us?!" thing. 

Exactly.  They are attempting to be both the aggressors and the victims, and that simply does not work.  

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Wouldn’t it be great if MTV decided to end the series right here. Kail has an ending, Chelsea has a happy ending, Jenelle for married.  Javi and Brianna are together for a story, at least on Javi’s part. I don’t watch Brianna.  I’d laugh like crazy if they removed Brianna or ended the series.  Wishful thinking though.  We already know they have a season 8B. 

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On 11/9/2017 at 9:44 PM, SPLAIN said:

Not sure why the comparison to Barb. No one likes when she has opened her mouth and said things in the presence of Jace. 

Yeah but people overall seem to get that she's HUMAN and is overall RIGHT in what she says. Chelsea does the same thing! But people get it, b/c Adam IS a deadbeat. You think Nova doesn't notice her father doesn't come around? She knows, believe me, she knows! She even asked him, in one of the earlier episodes, where he'd been. 


Whatever can be said to Devoin, the same could be said to Briana, but it is only one-sided. I'd love to hear Roxanne tear into Briana the same way she tears into Devoin. Let's make it an equal playing field.

I completely disagree. Briana didn't abandon her child! Briana's been there and raised her! You're comparing that to a dude whose barely come around since his kid was born? I don't see the comparison at all. 


Devoin is a dead-beat. No one is arguing that point. No one ever alluded to the idea that the coven's feelings are not warranted. The issue at hand is why do they continue to browbeat Nova's dad? And in her presence? It doesn't even stop there. They do the same thing when it is Luis. What benefit does this trio get out of doing this to Nova and the fathers in question? Whatever the reason is, it is at the expense of those two little girls who didn't ask to be put in that situation.

Babs and Chelsea do the same thing, but people seem to understand that, b/c it's the truth! You think the kids don't know? 


Briana needs to look at the bigger picture. This is 6 years in the making as far as Nova is concerned. File that child support and let the chips fall where they may. It is out of her control. She needs to set aside her own agenda and just be the best mother she can to her child and that includes not bashing the father that she chose for her child. Kids should never be in the middle of any dispute. Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne must get over their disappointments and anger and focus on the kids’ well-being.

Agreed she should file for child support.

I just don't see how she's different from Chelsea, Randi, Babs, etc. I mean no, it's not ideal for Parent A to bash Parent B in front of their kid, but I mean, we're all human. If anything, at some point, I think it's good to give a kid realistic expectations about their deadbeat parent so they don't keep getting their hopes up. 



It goes without saying that anytime one parent puts down another parent, even if they feel it is warranted, all it serves is to make the child feel inferior. Nova will feel a part of her is a loser because she is a part of her dad, and her dad is constantly being referred to as a loser. Destructive comments about Briana's exes will impact her children in many negative ways. It can create insecurity and anxiety. It will likely raise their level of fear. Those children may begin to question Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne and their opinions. It also adds a level of unhappiness into their lives that they do not need or deserve.

I know it’s challenging sometimes not to criticize a so-called parent who is not up to par or pulling their weight, especially when one feels totally justified in doing so. But that is what friends and therapists are good for when the need to vent arises. They should never do it around those poor kids. Look at how it has affected Briana and Brittany. Whenever possible, they should try and find some good things to say about the other parents — or hold their sharp tongues.


I don't see how that would make a kid feel like a loser. I don't think kids think that deeply into it. I think what sucks is when a kid is constantly hoping and expecting you to come, or call or follow through on your promises and then you DON'T. 

I just feel like Devon and Luis are a lot more in the wrong than the coven. 

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