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S08.E16: Emotional Roller Coaster


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11 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

But what I will never understand is WHY She is so sprung on him.

I think if she wasn’t pregnant at the time she would’ve moved on to the next guy as an attempt to make Chris jealous.  She moves from guy to guy super fast and she clearly hates herself as much as we all hate her bc she can’t be alone.  Being pregnant by Chris meant she couldn’t move on to the next chump until it was socially acceptable to her story line. 

  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Stella's first word was Lewwwwww-eesssss?

HA! This immediately put my in the mind of Jackie Brown.

If Briana doesn't have the sense to do anything else, I wish she could at least try to make Brittany quit cussing in front of the kids.  It's so classless.  Dropping the F word doesn't make you a badass.  It makes you a dumbass.

  • Love 17
7 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I couldn't help but think how dare she pin that on him. Jace literally said he didn't want her to marry him. Now she'll probably use walking her gown the aisle against him if he tries to express again that he a problem with David.

I know, it was horrible and she does this all the time.  It's a form of mental abuse.  It will all be Jace's fault.  Sorry but I don't know what UBT means.

1 hour ago, Eater of Worlds said:

Funny you should mention that.  There have been a bunch of blind items coming out about a certain teen mom. Her mother basically pushed her to get pregnant for MTV money.  Before that blind was one that stated that Stella's father is not Luis, and he knows that he isn't her father.  He's doing the show for money.  Just yesterday a blind came out that Javi was sleeping with three women to get one of them pregnant.  One didn't want to get pregnant, one didn't get pregnant and the third happened to be on the show and is pregnant.  

 I know depending on the source blind items can be crap. I read them for entertainment, not for accuracy. However, if it is fake this is one heck of an elaborate story that is being concocted.   

Oooooh, please pm me with a link.  PLEASE!

28 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

If Briana doesn't have the sense to do anything else, I wish she could at least try to make Brittany quit cussing in front of the kids.  It's so classless.  Dropping the F word doesn't make you a badass.  It makes you a dumbass.

Very well said.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 3
11 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

She said "if only my twins were the same age, it would be easier to do stuff with both of them." I know. I shook my head and played it back a few times too. But in her defense they all looked high AF in that scene. 

It's hard to understand Leah, but I think she said "if only my twins were the same age and one didn't have a disability, it would be easier to do the same stuff with them".  

  • Love 7

Strangely.i think what irritated me the most was that Janelle "didn't have time" to wrap Jaces present so she drapes kaisers blanket over it. I mean she has no job she doesn't take care of the kids she lives with and kaiser is in daycare most of the time so. What the fuck keeps her soo busy that she can't be bothered to wrap one present?? She thinks she deserves full custody of have but she's too damn lazy to do one simple thing for him. And I say this as someone who hates wrapping presents! It's as if she forgot to get him a gift so she stopped on the way to. His party and bought him that cheap truck. 

Leah is a moron. Her girls are the same age! Leah has all.this help. But can't even manage to. Take care of her 3 kids at once. She seemed exhausted on vacation.. 

I feel.for Brianna regarding Stella's condition. My son had 2 holes in his heart. Thankfully they grew together and closed on their own before he was 2. It was definitely scary though. 

Karl is an idiot. Oh it would be cool to have the baby born in Cuba. How about worrying if the baby will be born alive u stupid cow. Preaclamysia is not something to.mess around with. 

Watson and Aubrie seem so happy. Good job Chelsea. 

  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I feel.for Brianna regarding Stella's condition. My son had 2 holes in his heart. Thankfully they grew together and closed on their own before he was 2. It was definitely scary though. 


Stella's condition does not make sense as presented.  These holes are fairly common, as you know.  But generally if there is an issue with difficulty breathing or blueness of extremities, it is extremely serious.  In that case, Stella would not have been sent home with instructions to watch her.  That makes no sense, because a baby that small can go from fine to dead in seconds, and does anyone in that household have the least medical training?  

And oh, poor them and their luck.  This is not about them.  It's about Stella.  

9 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

It's hard to understand Leah, but I think she said "if only my twins were the same age and one didn't have a disability, it would be easier to do the same stuff with them".  

Of course they are the same age, and even without the disability they would still be two different people wanting to do different things.  What Leah meant - what she always means - was "Darn, these pillses makes it all so fuzzy."

Edited by Sprockets
  • Love 17
11 hours ago, jumper sage said:

How he just sat there is beyond me.  This may not be a popular opinion but Briana is no prize and both of them were complete idiots to not use protection.  I guess drunk in a bathroom, or corner or whatever, does not make for spot on decisions.  Any progress he makes is quickly undone by Endora and her daughter.  Endora is especially vile.  She cuts down Luis for not being there even though he is working and yet her trashy mouth and screaming were ok?  Babies and kids, even those in infancy, can sense what is going on around them.  Why would you scream in earshot of a sick infant.  My blood pressure was raised watching that shit and I could mute it.  Poor baby.  They have their priorities completely mixed up.  Luis could be like Chris and not admit to being the father and make her hunt him down.  She could always just get support from court and let him develop a relationship on his own but Briana cares more about herself and she wants Luis to magically become Prince Charming.  Not.going.to.happen.

Hey, Endora is cool! Roxane doesn't deserve to be her. What Roxane does deserve is a muzzle. Jesus, woman, give it a rest. The whole coven is going to milk poor little Stella's condition for all it's worth. It makes them important and it gives them another club to beat Luis with. They are crass and heartless. Poor baby deserves better.

9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Oh geez, seeing Briana in those damn tight grey shorts was too much. That humongous and gross fake ass is disgusting. The way that fake ass juts out! *ewww* 


I watch Briana's segments specifically for the treasured glimpses of her comically huge enhanced ass. Damn thing needs its own zip code.

5 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Well, that explains Leah's hairdo. Those braids made her look straight outta Hee Haw. 

I actually said out loud "Leah's gone full Daisy Mae". or maybe Elly May Clampett.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So it looks like Barb and Jenelle had separate parties for Jace. I'm curious as to WHY Jenelle didn't have time to wrap Jace's present, and just had to throw a blanket it around it. She has no job. What was she doing? Getting high? Hiding in the bathroom from her "demanding" kids or psycho boyfriend? I mean, really. 

And now she's an expert on childhood mental health? "Pediatricians don't know anything about mental illness!" Um....pretty sure they know SOMETHING. And then she tells Barb that if SHE were handling things from the start....then, what, Jenelle? Jace would be even more fucked up than he is now. Quit kidding yourself. 

I see the kid is still dropping truth bombs followed by a "JK". Poor guy. 


I too am baffled by the huge gift with no wrapping. WTF? Why not just go to the drugstore and buy a bow to slap on it, at least? That half-assery with the blanket was just bizarre. As you say, she is not busy with anything. So many questions!

Her tirade about Jace's medications was equally bizarre. A pediatrician can prescribe ADD medication, since they are doctors. As I understand it some insurance requires that a psychiatrist or neurologist prescribe it. The way Jenelle was framing it was weird--as if Barb did not know what was indicated, and was somehow getting Jace's medication from some quack? Never mind that the doctor is Jace's regular pediatrician? Bitch is scooters.

Jace was less than enthusiastic about going to NYC, wasn't he? I can't imagine what that poor child endures, stuck in a hotel with Jenelle. She offered nothing as an enticement to an 8 year old. Jace was brave to say he didn't want Jenelle to marry David. Even if he did hastily add "only joking". He's telling you the truth, Jenelle.

11 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

Stella's condition does not make sense as presented.  These holes are fairly common, as you know.  But generally if there is an issue with difficulty breathing or blueness of extremities, it is extremely serious.  In that case, Stella would not have been sent home with instructions to watch her.  That makes no sense, because a baby that small can go from fine to dead in seconds, and does anyone in that household have the least medical training?  

Oh I'm sure Roxane went on to WebMD and looked up heart conditions in infants. You know she loves the drama of it all.

  • Love 18
18 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Strangely.i think what irritated me the most was that Janelle "didn't have time" to wrap Jaces present so she drapes kaisers blanket over it. I mean she has no job she doesn't take care of the kids she lives with and kaiser is in daycare most of the time so. What the fuck keeps her soo busy that she can't be bothered to wrap one present?? She thinks she deserves full custody of have but she's too damn lazy to do one simple thing for him. And I say this as someone who hates wrapping presents! It's as if she forgot to get him a gift so she stopped on the way to. His party and bought him that cheap truck. 


Come on guys. Janelle works from home. Since she lives in swampland away from civilization she doesn't have time to get away from her home office to buy wrapping paper. 

  • Love 12

Hey Jenelle, ever hear of gift bags?   Lazy ass!   

Were all three of Leah's girlses on the wheelchair at Busch Gardens?  If Leah wanted to go on a ride with Gracie for some one on one time, how about letting Gracie choose the ride?  She looked terrified at the beginning so I was relieved that she enjoyed it.  Leah has enough hillbilly helpers that it shouldn't be hard for her to find someone to watch one twin and Addy while she spends time with the other twin.   If she had any organizational skills she could make a schedule to do that on a regular basis, but since she's Leah, that won't happen. 

I don't like Luis but I felt kind of sorry for him.   Roxanne was just over the top.  Brianna needs to grow a pair (I'm not talking about butt cheeks) and handle her own life. 

I had pre-e and HELLP Syndrome with my youngest and the last thing on my mind was planning boat trips and trying to choose the coolest country in which to deliver my premature baby.  All I could think of during Kail's segments was how upsetting that probably was for Isaac. 

Watson and Aubree make me smile.

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, Sprockets said:

That bothered the hell out of me.  She left out an entire syllable.  She goes on about her superior education and then can't pronounce the condition she thinks she might have?  Is she Leah?  


More like Jenelle. They are both hypochondriacs and they mar the English language. That "Things Kail and Jenelle have in common" list is getting longer. 

Now that I think about it, Leah as well. They are all addicted to dick. 

  • Love 5

I don't think I will ever watch this show without feeling terrible for Jace.  Why those two women cannot shut the fuck up around him when they decide to argue about stupid shit is beyond me.  Barb, you are also to blame for the fact he has anger problems considering you can't keep your goddamn mouth shut any better than Jenelle can.  Jace should be taken away from both of them until they can learn to talk to each other without the constant back biting and screaming at each other.  That poor kid just needs some effing peace in his life.  No matter where he goes he's dealing with someone yelling.

Roxanne needs to leave the arguing about what Luis does and doesn't do to Briana.  Briana asked her twice to stop and she kept going, even ramping it up to start slinging insults and names.  He isn't handling his responsibilities but she's not helping.  

I feel bad for Leah.  

  • Love 16
12 hours ago, TexasGal said:

The expressions on the doctor’s faces while they were examining Kail at the beach - they were all of us.  If you really think there’s something wrong go to the hospital you moron!  No, you’re right - get on a boat to Cuba, much better idea.


This times 1,000. I laughed out loud (and rewound this scene) just to watch the dr's reactions again. Priceless!

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

So if Janelle makes an asshole out of herself in public by acting all dramastically and randon people notice a crazy bitch screaming, they must be FANS. Yes. Fans. Girl is delusional.

They looked like two normal people who were probably just wondering why there was a camera crew in the parking lot.  Most likely had no idea who Janelle was.

  • Love 19
15 minutes ago, Mldh598 said:
12 hours ago, TexasGal said:


This times 1,000. I laughed out loud (and rewound this scene) just to watch the dr's reactions again. Priceless!

Pretty sure those were low-level nurses, but if your BP is normal you don't have pre-eclampsia, or even preclampsia.  And even low-level nurses can have their time wasted and their credulity stretched, as their expressions clearly showed.  

I'm surprised Kale dares to  up on the beach, in case Greenpeace tries to haul her out to sea again.  

  • Love 18
9 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

They looked like two normal people who were probably just wondering why there was a camera crew in the parking lot.  Most likely had no idea who Janelle was.

Not to stereotype either but they were both older black guys correct? Not exactly the target demo. Probably just passing, laughing, and telling each other white people problems. 

  • Love 12

Oh, I see UBT's "sing song voice" was alive & well on the FaceTime to Jace...I don't have kids. I spent about an hour with my friend's 5 year old twins yesterday, and I have more of a bond with them, than UBT has with Jace, or Kaiser...or any human. And I'm so on board the "yeah, Jenelle. FANS (?!?!?!)" train.

Karl's legs were horribly sunburned. Way to take care of your 36 week pregnant ass. Dick. 

  • Love 14

Forgive me for not watching this fully yet, it takes me several tries to get through an episode.

Last week Kail said this was their last "family" vacation, meaning just her and the boys.

So if she gave birth somewhere in the Carribean, what was her plan for the boys?  Just hand them over to a producer to babysit until Kail gets discharged?  Send them alone as unaccompanied minors on a plane home?

  • Love 17
44 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Oh, I see UBT's "sing song voice" was alive & well on the FaceTime to Jace...I don't have kids. I spent about an hour with my friend's 5 year old twins yesterday, and I have more of a bond with them, than UBT has with Jace, or Kaiser...or any human. And I'm so on board the "yeah, Jenelle. FANS (?!?!?!)" train.

Karl's legs were horribly sunburned. Way to take care of your 36 week pregnant ass. Dick. 

Kail was sunburned from her previous vacation a week before. To then lie out in the sun again and get so burnt. She had to be doing that on purpose in the hopes of having her labor induced. She was looking rough with that tan. Bad enough she was looking like a leather purse that you find in Tijuana, Mexico in last week's episode where she was angered about the court case ruining her trip. She looked like she was going to go up and land on Javi like an orca trying to kill its prey. 

I think Kail needs to be harpooned and put out of her misery. 

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought Leah was making Ali get out to put on a life jacket? She then suggested a nap because Ali was having a fit over it. But Ali does tire more easily than others. I think Leah is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't in this situation. Gracie has been acting out lately, because she likely feels Ali gets a lot of extra attention - plus she admitted to feeling that SHE caused her sister's disability. But Ali also struggles because she sees her sister and peers doing stuff she can't do. I'm sure it's very hard to balance all that, and I do see Leah TRYING. 

I think Leah tries when the cameras are rolling.  To rephrase something I said upthread, I think she planned the one-on-one time at the amusement park with Gracie way in advance for storyline purposes.  Gracie had been acting out and Corey mentioned getting her therapy, so she knew she had to address the topic.  Gracie didn't look too excited about the ride or her "special time" with her mother, but Leah was making a big deal about it.  Kind of talking to Gracie in that way that Janelle talks to Jace: "Are you excited?"  Forcing the kids to follow the script.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Hey, Endora is cool! Roxane doesn't deserve to be her. What Roxane does deserve is a muzzle. Jesus, woman, give it a rest. The whole coven is going to milk poor little Stella's condition for all it's worth. It makes them important and it gives them another club to beat Luis with. They are crass and heartless. Poor baby deserves better.

Endora is cool but she did marginalize Darrin quite a bit.

  • Love 7

Medical Assistant Jen-yell knowwwwssss sssssoooooo muchhhhhhhh about what pediatricians know and don't know.  She is ridiculous with her transparent bullshit trying to discredit Barb but sounding like a braying jackass.   She is learning some good mental abuse tactics from The Neanderthal.  Once she got Barb all worked up then she was like "What's your problem? Why are you yelling? You're yelling so I'm not talking to you."  Oh, how I loathe her!

The whole wedding business of having Jace walk her down the aisle and "give her away" is totally inappropriate in every way.

I just can'tttttt anymoreeeeee withhhhhh Theeeee Covennnnnn!  Mother Witch Roxanne... oh, nevermind.  Those losers aren't even worth talking about.  The rumor that Luis isn't Stella's father and he hired on as an extra in their bullshit to get mtv money really sounds plausible.

Garbage Pail Kail really is an idiot.  All I can say to her bullshit is that if I was called to assess for pre-eclampsia on a sunburned, 35-weeks pregnant woman on the beach and she was awake, alert, oriented x4,  I would do my assessment but my only advice would be "You need to go to the hospital."  It was obviously what GPK wanted to hear anyway.

Aubree and Watson are absolutely adorable together.  I love it.

One last thing about Leah...well, two things.  Her mom helped her shamelessly plug her over-priced MLM lipstick and at Busch Gardens she had all 3 kids piled on Ali's motorized wheelchair.  Wait, one more thing that is confusing me.  This episode they are going back and forth between calling Gracie Aleeanah or whatever.  Even in the subtitles it switches her name.


leah 5.jpg

Edited by AirQuotes
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, TaxNerd said:

Forgive me for not watching this fully yet, it takes me several tries to get through an episode.

Last week Kail said this was their last "family" vacation, meaning just her and the boys.

So if she gave birth somewhere in the Carribean, what was her plan for the boys?  Just hand them over to a producer to babysit until Kail gets discharged?  Send them alone as unaccompanied minors on a plane home?

Do you really think that kail cares who she inconveniences if she were to give birth over there? She expects everyone to drop their lives and accommodate her anyway, except I believe Joe and Javi have had enough and are fighting back in their own ways.

And I never really understood the meaning of "extra" but Kail is living the dream. I fully believe she tried to give birth while she was there just so she could have extra attention on her. If the expressions on her face weren't telling enough when the nurses told her nothing was wrong, then her talking about where she wanted to give birth over and over was the final clue for me that she would do anything to cover up her shame at being shunned by Chris. I don't know where she was the week before on vacation but I believe she also hoped to give birth early there too just for the attention factor.

One last thing. I fully believe that she didn't drop that PFA on Javi and he knew it.  She pussyfooted around that conversation saying she would get "proof" from the courts and show it to him. Well, when the courts sent "proof" to Javi it was dropped they would have also sent a copy to Kail.  She went down and filed to drop the PFA that day only after Javi called her bluff and told her he would drop the court date after seeing the paperwork he knew all along she didn't even have because she never dropped it.  Javi may be a famewhore but he has Kail's number and I'm loving some of her expressions when he drops some one liners.

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, kira28 said:

Strangely.i think what irritated me the most was that Janelle "didn't have time" to wrap Jaces present so she drapes kaisers blanket over it. I mean she has no job she doesn't take care of the kids she lives with and kaiser is in daycare most of the time so. What the fuck keeps her soo busy that she can't be bothered to wrap one present?? She thinks she deserves full custody of have but she's too damn lazy to do one simple thing for him. And I say this as someone who hates wrapping presents! It's as if she forgot to get him a gift so she stopped on the way to. His party and bought him that cheap truck.

But what I don't get is - they have GIFT BAGS! You can buy them right there in the store with the cheap truck. It's like her last remaining brain cells gave up, or Jace just means that little to her. Probably both. 


3 hours ago, Abmis said:

Were all three of Leah's girlses on the wheelchair at Busch Gardens? 

No, I think she had Addy and Gracie on one of those sit n ride strollers. 


1 hour ago, LotusFlower said:

I think Leah tries when the cameras are rolling.  To rephrase something I said upthread, I think she planned the one-on-one time at the amusement park with Gracie way in advance for storyline purposes.  Gracie had been acting out and Corey mentioned getting her therapy, so she knew she had to address the topic.  Gracie didn't look too excited about the ride or her "special time" with her mother, but Leah was making a big deal about it.  Kind of talking to Gracie in that way that Janelle talks to Jace: "Are you excited?"  Forcing the kids to follow the script.

That's quite possible. Since we don't know them in real life, it's hard to say what they are doing for cameras and not. I just know that I HAVE seen some improvements in Leah lately, some awareness. I hope it's genuine. 

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Because she went to rehab for anxiety

She did, you know, because inpatient treatment for anxiety is a thing, but only if you're from Possum Holler and you also TAKE PILLSES.

2 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:


Leah did have all 3 girlses on Ali's wheelchair


Which is definitely not what the wheelchair is for, and if it is at all funded by taxpayers using it wrongly is likely to get it taken away.  NOT A TOY, LEAH.. Also not a taxi.  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Kail was sunburned from her previous vacation a week before. To then lie out in the sun again and get so burnt. She had to be doing that on purpose in the hopes of having her labor induced. She was looking rough with that tan. Bad enough she was looking like a leather purse that you find in Tijuana, Mexico in last week's episode where she was angered about the court case ruining her trip. She looked like she was going to go up and land on Javi like an orca trying to kill its prey. 

I think Kail needs to be harpooned and put out of her misery. 


I think you are right.  I also think she was hoping for a “complication” of some sort, a minor one, to turn it into a big thing, so she could call Chris and try to make him care.  He didn’t. 

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, Mkay said:


I think you are right.  I also think she was hoping for a “complication” of some sort, a minor one, to turn it into a big thing, so she could call Chris and try to make him care.  He didn’t. 

I am thinking maybe she was hoping for 1) drama and 2) an excuse as to why Chris wasn't there're if she was worried he mightn't show in the US of A.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Not to stereotype either but they were both older black guys correct? Not exactly the target demo. Probably just passing, laughing, and telling each other white people problems. 

Jenelle, Jenelle - you crazy narcissistic bitch never disappoints. Fans. And the cheap ass truck she couldn't bother to wrap.

I think it was one guy and a woman? They looked to be employees of the gas station/ convenience store (wearing red jackets?) out an a break. 

And I agree probably snickering at crazy white people drama being filmed. They might have taken their break purposefully just to watch. I think I recall crazy narcissistic bitch saying part of her "victory" was having one pick-up/drop-off point for Jace now. Well done!

Well done for Barb as I notice UBT is no longer present on such occasions.

  • Love 20
8 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

She did, you know, because inpatient treatment for anxiety is a thing, but only if you're from Possum Holler and you also TAKE PILLSES.

Which is definitely not what the wheelchair is for, and if it is at all funded by taxpayers using it wrongly is likely to get it taken away.  NOT A TOY, LEAH.. Also not a taxi.  

Probably the reason why the shit broke in the first place and why it sat in her garage with her hoarding crap on it for 3 mos...

  • Love 8

Maybe kail wanted to give birth in another country because she didn't want to look stupid when Chris doesnt even show up for the birth. If she's in a foreign country without him it's a good reason for him not to be there. But if they are in Delaware and he's MIA it makes her look like he wants nothing to do with her. And judging by her calling him  And his lack of interest in answering her calls I'd say he's done with Kail. 


I don't think Leah is capable of being a good parent to any child much less one with a disability. She's a horrible caretaker to those girls. I think she wants  to look good on camera and has the capacity to love her kids  (unlike janelle) but she's lazy and probably using drugs. She doesn't seem to know their individual personalities. Gracie looked terrified going on that ride. Leah could have cared less. I'm glad they both enjoyed it but way to spend quality time with one kid while brushing off the other 2. 

Briana saying she has the papers  filled out for serving Devon regarding child support but hasn't mailed them. Um isn't nova 6 or 7 years old??*she's had years to do this!  These girls are so freaking lazy!!!!  I hope Stella is OK. 

  • Love 20
8 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think deep down, Brittany resents Briana for making such shitty life choices but since the DeJesus women seem to be so dependent on each other, she feels she can't say anything. 

I agree, and i think that brittany(and briana too, tho very little) have a moment of realization that their mother is a total fucking loon and possibly the most negative thing in their lives, however, she has them so manipulated and dependent on her that they instantly shut down and bow to whatever roxanne says. 

Roxanne is impossible, but these two grown ass woman need to "step it tf up" and move on with their lives...seeing them all cluttered in that apt, all up in each others business is a horrible enviornment for both nova and stella. Im surprised that they have more than 1 guest at time in that tiny ass space. (Btw, nothing wrong with a small apt, or living with family at all) but their situation is toxic. 

  • Love 7
42 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Leah did have all 3 girlses on Ali's wheelchair.  I posted a screenshot of it above.

I apologize, I didn't notice when I posted. 

Jesus God, Leah, when will you quit doing this shit???

26 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Maybe kail wanted to give birth in another country because she didn't want to look stupid when Chris doesnt even show up for the birth. If she's in a foreign country without him it's a good reason for him not to be there. But if they are in Delaware and he's MIA it makes her look like he wants nothing to do with her. And judging by her calling him  And his lack of interest in answering her calls I'd say he's done with Kail. 

Oooooh, I can totally see that. Good call. 


27 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Briana saying she has the papers  filled out for serving Devon regarding child support but hasn't mailed them. Um isn't nova 6 or 7 years old??*she's had years to do this!

but then she couldn't bitch about what a victim she is. 

22 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think deep down, Brittany resents Briana for making such shitty life choices but since the DeJesus women seem to be so dependent on each other, she feels she can't say anything. 

I feel like Brittany is a lot closer to, and more forgiving of, her sister as opposed to her mother. I swear last night I heard her call Roxanne "extra". MTV asked her how she thought her sister was doing in light of Stella's diagnosis. Her response was very complimentary. She basically said she knows Brianna is having a hard time with this, but she (Brianna) has to keep her shit together for her kids - unlike Roxanne, who's flipping out very openly.  I think Brittany sticks around for the kids and, to a lesser degree, her sister. I think she simply tolerates her mother. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, citychic said:

Do you really think that kail cares who she inconveniences if she were to give birth over there? She expects everyone to drop their lives and accommodate her anyway, except I believe Joe and Javi have had enough and are fighting back in their own ways.

And I never really understood the meaning of "extra" but Kail is living the dream. I fully believe she tried to give birth while she was there just so she could have extra attention on her. If the expressions on her face weren't telling enough when the nurses told her nothing was wrong, then her talking about where she wanted to give birth over and over was the final clue for me that she would do anything to cover up her shame at being shunned by Chris. I don't know where she was the week before on vacation but I believe she also hoped to give birth early there too just for the attention factor.

One last thing. I fully believe that she didn't drop that PFA on Javi and he knew it.  She pussyfooted around that conversation saying she would get "proof" from the courts and show it to him. Well, when the courts sent "proof" to Javi it was dropped they would have also sent a copy to Kail.  She went down and filed to drop the PFA that day only after Javi called her bluff and told her he would drop the court date after seeing the paperwork he knew all along she didn't even have because she never dropped it.  Javi may be a famewhore but he has Kail's number and I'm loving some of her expressions when he drops some one liners.

I might be mistaken, but I though Kail sent him the proof. I thought the conversation was she went to the court to get proof, took a photo of it and then sent it to him. The court would have a stamp on it showing when it was dropped. 

I had posted yesterday the idea that Kail planned to give birth out of the country, but now that you mentioned her wanting the extra attention on her (which I think is also the case), I am with the other poster who felt this was to see if Chris would fly his ass down there to be with her and it would just prove to her he wants her, and it would be something to showcase to the "hatters". If not that, the excuse would be that Chris wasn't with her for the birth because she was out of the country. Going by next week's "peak preview" she is all upset at the idea of Chris not being there for the birth. In real time, we know he was there at the hospital which is why she paid that security company to send one of their employees to "protect her from the paps" while also calling the paps to let them know she was being released from the hospital. 

This bitch is fucking insane! 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, kira28 said:

I don't think Leah is capable of being a good parent to any child much less one with a disability. She's a horrible caretaker to those girls. I think she wants  to look good on camera and has the capacity to love her kids  (unlike janelle) but she's lazy and probably using drugs. She doesn't seem to know their individual personalities. Gracie looked terrified going on that ride. Leah could have cared less. I'm glad they both enjoyed it but way to spend quality time with one kid while brushing off the other 2. 

Yup.  And besides the fact that Gracie hated the ride, no amusement park ride is a substitute for actual therapy.  Leah wants the girls to be less work.  She wants them to be all the same so she can put in minimal effort.  

Edited by Sprockets
  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

Yup.  And besides the fact that Gravie hated the ride, no amusement park ride is a substitute for actual therapy.  Leah wants the girls to be less work.  She wants them to be all the same so she can put in minimal effort.  

Good point. 

Leah doesn't even have her children full-time like most SAHM.  The twins are in school full-time. Cory and Miranda have them every week for their visitation. The percentage of time she has her kids is very minimal. How many times has Leah had the luxury of dropping her kids off with her countless family members? Many SAHP would kill to have the extra time this girl has to herself. I love my kids dearly, but when they were in school full-time and I was home for the time I wasn't working, it was like paradise! Yeah,  a lot of it was spent doing housework and other chores, but other times it was time to dote on myself. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I loved Jenelle's little "woe is me, I don't have a daddy to walk me down the aisle" speech...which she gave to her son...who has no father in his life.

Above all, this idea shows how utterly clueless she is about Jace's issues regarding David, DESPITE having been told about them.  I think she should have Keifer walk her down the aisle - assuming he isnt in prison, of course.  

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