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Nicole & Azan: Supersize My Tagine

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On 8/5/2018 at 4:22 PM, silverspoons said:

I still do not have the best feeling about Alan. I know countless LDS missionaries that brought their brides home from other countries. Many of these couples I know very well. and there are varying degrees of long term happiness (mostly for the brides and usually after 10-15 years of marriage) . Alan I think is still being controlling. Maybe Kirlyam is happy with her life, but my gut says she does not know that she could have a better life. 4 years after marriage and after a child, she still seems to have limited friends, a few women from the church and Alan's family. Alan marrying Kirlyam is still very controversial in the LDS community I live in. In fact some bishops use it as an example of what not to do.  Again I hope they are happy but I still think an adult male on his Mission going back to marry a 11 year old girl he met when she turned 18 is creepy.

Not to go off topic but this is my issue with Alan too! Everyone holds them up as 90DF's wholesome success story, but between the nine year age gap and the fact that he met her when he was 19 or so, did he spend the entirety of his 20s fantasizing about a preteen girl? How did he even know when her birthday was?  If he really did go rushing back the second she turned 18, he must have been infatuated with her for years. Skeevy as fuck and totally glossed over. David Spain got way more shit, and while both are creepy and inexcusable (especially after it came out that David supposedly slid into Evelyn's DMs when she was underage), Alan is much worse imo.

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I guess her parents are LDS too?  But even so, I don't know how they would be okay with that.  Kiralynn and Alan seem normal now, but yeah their "courtship" is gross.  Alan seems like a big nerd and he's not that good looking; so he probably couldn't find a partner stateside amongst the LDS community.  he had to find a sheltered young girl with potential to be "hot"; so gross.  He probably visited every year until she turned 18 to push the idea that God brought them together or something.  Her parents should have been responsible about shutting that down.  If they allowed it, I'm sure she sees nothing wrong with the way he pursued her.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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4 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

I guess her parents are LDS too?  But even so, I don't know how they would be okay with that.  Kiralynn and Alan seem normal now, but yeah their "courtship" is gross.  Alan seems like a big nerd and he's not that good looking; so he probably couldn't find a partner stateside amongst the LDS community.  he had to find a sheltered young girl with potential to be "hot"; so gross.  He probably visited every year until she turned 18 to push the idea that God brought them together or something.  Her parents should have been responsible about shutting that down.  If they allowed it, I'm sure she sees nothing wrong with the way he pursued her.


I'm sure it's shades of Karine's parents where they're poor and/or desperate for her to go to America, so they'll gratefully accept any American man who wants to marry her. Under the guise of "continuing the mission," Alan probably groomed both Kirlyam and her parents to believe it was God's will. Kirlyam is stunning and has a very doll-like appearance, so her parents have probably gotten compliments on her appearance since she was a young child and saw her beauty as a ticket to a better life for her. It would be one thing if they hadn't seen each other in like 15 years and fell in love when Kirlyam was around 25, but it's another thing to fly there annually to stake your claim on a barely pubescent girl and salivate over being one year closer to ethically bedding her. I guarantee you Alan was the one who initially suggested their relationship become romantic.

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On 8/6/2018 at 8:39 PM, doyouevengohere said:

She will always send him money.  And he knows it.  He doesn't have to ghost her; just keep her poor enough to never be able to buy airline tickets.  That actually might be beneficial for her, in a weird roundabout way.  It keeps her from getting involved (and May involved) with any losers stateside with immediate effects.

Take this with a pound of salt, but Keith Brooks is saying that recently, Nicole sent Wafa money to buy her a plane ticket. Why she wouldn't buy her own plane ticket I don't know... big red flag there because as we all know, Wafa didn't buy the ticket.

I'm sure they told Nicole that they needed the money for something else.

Anyway, it's just a rumor of course, but it is consistent with this idea of keeping Nicole just broke enough to where he doesn't have to deal with her face to face.  

Of course if TLC wants to film her, they're going to get her ass over there.

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On 8/3/2018 at 3:38 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

I cannot believe I am about to defend Nicole <sigh>

I agree with everything you've said, above. On the other hand....

Nicole is in an impossible position, one that even an attractive, smart, mature individual might find difficult to gracefully extricate themselves from (and we all know Nicole is NOT attractive, smart, and mature - so she's already at a disadvantage).

Fact is, Nicole is an overweight single mother of (most likely) less-than-average intelligence, with no outstanding positive personality traits or talents. All of these things work against her insofar as attracting a quality man. Hence the reason she went trawling for foreign men online in the first place. Most young women her age (24) have completed their education (many college graduates), have begun their careers, and have boyfriends, are engaged, or already married. Nicole had a dead-end job with little hope for advancement, and was/is desperate for male attention (as many young women her age are).

Yes, she is lazy. Yes, she manipulates people to get what she wants as opposed to making personal sacrifices to better herself.

But life does not have a rewind button.

Even though SHE created the mess she's in, she really can't "take it back." It's DONE.

What makes Nicole's situation unique is it has played out ON TV in front of millions of people (yes - it was HER CHOICE to do that. But again, what's done is done).

It may very well be she does realize she's been had by Azan, and in fact she may have realized it quite some time ago. But....the situation is such that she's so deep into it now the two options she has both suck.

She can admit to herself, her family, her friends - and the millions of viewers of "90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days" - that she made some bad choices and was scammed, and by extension admit Azan never did love her, never had any intention of marrying her. To someone who is already emotionally/intellectually stunted and insecure, that's devastating and soul-crushing. In addition, such an admission means she will be forced to endure years of "I KNEW it!" and "I TOLD you so" from not only her family and friends, but those millions of viewers as well. It will be humiliating, and the humiliation will likely continue for years.

Her other option is to keep the dream alive as long as her wallet holds out. Yes, in reality taking that route only delays the inevitable. Maybe she's hoping if she holds on long enough, Azan will get hit by a bus, or she'll meet someone better - allowing HER to dump HIM to save face (neither one is likely, of course).

My point is, at this juncture it's a "lesser of two evils" choice, except there is NO "lesser." Either way, Nicole loses in a very personal, and public - way.

And while the situation is of her own making, it's obvious Nicole doesn't have the emotional fortitude to deal with the fallout regardless of the choice she makes, and will likely come out on the other side much worse for wear.

Because of that, I do feel a bit sorry for her.

Of course, May is a victim of both her mother, Nicole, and Azan. May should NEVER have been involved I this mess - Nicole is a mother-in-name-only.

What you've written here is very insightful and very good.  

Even if there were an graceful, face-saving way for her to bow out of her relationship with Azan, I'm not sure that Nicole is ready to do it at this point. If she wanted to end it on some level, would she have given him all her money? Would she have held onto, perhaps, $1000, and a semblance of dignity along the way? (Of course there's no telling how Azan bullies and berates her in private. One thing we do know is that the tables have turned in that regard. No longer does he tiptoe around her. Never again would he humiliate himself by asking his aunt (in vain obviously) if they could share a room because he was afraid of her reaction.

Something happened and Nicole has been beaten into submission, figuratively speaking (I hope!).

She's not the most likable person in the world. She revels in being cruel to her mom, the one person she feels she has control over. After Mom said no to sponsoring Azan, I still think of how Nicole swelled with pride and joy at telling her mom she was taking Mae to Morocco. The fear in her mother's eyes seemed to thrill her because she felt like she had won something.

It's not that she's causing pain, it's that she's enjoying it that makes me not like her. 

She could say she suddenly wised up, something many women don't do before it's too late (meaning over 60 and having given away their life savings). She could take a little sick, smug pride in that.  I'm brainstorming here.
Just the way she kept asking Azan when, WHEN would they get married. At least, in the moment, she was still hoping for her yes.

Here's what she does have working for her in this situation: She's lazy. Once she gives up on her dream she will realize that it is hard work. Maybe she will come to any delusional rationalization that works in order to quit traveling and start keeping her own money again? Date someone closer who will give her the D.

Not sure what lazy rationalization that could be, but perhaps it will be slightly better than my lazy brainstorming.

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On 8/5/2018 at 12:56 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

My guess is regardless of whether she put money down or not, Azan expected Nicole to reimburse his sister for her mistake.  (Her bringing that xeroxed form was a gift that fell into his lap.) 



Am I the only one that thinks Azan bribed that clerk to say the Xeroxed form was not acceptable?

We only saw the scene that played out, not what happened before it.  Azan didn't want to get married, and Nicole didn't speak one word of the language.  So how easy would it be for him to convince that clerk (maybe his friend or relative even) to go on camera and do a scene, saying that a xeroxed form wouldn't work.  Voila!  No wedding!  And not Azan's fault!

Edited by BlueSky88
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31 minutes ago, BlueSky88 said:


Am I the only one that thinks Azan bribed that clerk to say the Xeroxed form was not acceptable?

We only saw the scene that played out, not what happened before it.  Azan didn't want to get married, and Nicole didn't speak one word of the language.  So how easy would it be for him to convince that clerk (maybe his friend or relative even) to go on camera and do a scene, saying that a xeroxed form wouldn't work.  Voila!  No wedding!  And not Azan's fault!


From what I understand, it really is supposed to be a sealed copy. Nicole blew it, but it played perfectly into Azan's agenda.

That being said, he certainly could have bribed the clerk although I don't think she would have risked her job for an idiot like Azan. 

Of course, I don't know. In small towns in the U.S., strange things like that happen. If he knew the clerk's family, who knows?

That's why Nicole is a walking cautionary tale. You don't marry anyone unless you trust them, and when they're from another country if you can't trust them, they can really pull the wool over your eyes because it's harder to understand exactly how things work, and what to look out for. You don't know what you don't know.

Their story really fascinates me. Immaturity, lust, betrayal, exotic travel, stupidity, mystery... it's all there.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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On 8/8/2018 at 4:05 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

She could say she suddenly wised up, something many women don't do before it's too late (meaning over 60 and having given away their life savings). She could take a little sick, smug pride in that.

Yes she could come out and say:  "The nature of our relationship has changed, for now, to friendship.  I am here for him but with all that has happened I need to concentrate on May, on myself and bettering me so perhaps there can be a better "we"."  Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Then again, I just ordered pigs in a blanket for breakfast and giggled while doing it.

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4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Yes she could come out and say:  "The nature of our relationship has changed, for now, to friendship.  I am here for him but with all that has happened I need to concentrate on May, on myself and bettering me so perhaps there can be a better "we"."  Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Then again, I just ordered pigs in a blanket for breakfast and giggled while doing it.

It would be very refreshing!

Unfortunately, I think Nicole plans to cling to him like a barnacle until he cuts her loose. And, I'm not sure when he would ever do that as long as the money keeps trickling in. This dude is shameless! 

I'm sure Nicole is on the edge of her seat, barely able to contain herself in anticipation of lugging her cookies to Morocco again. Since it's cheaper to travel alone, that might be Mae's saving grace.  More money for Azan that way.  They're gonna need it for his 'store.' After all, Nicole, you don't want to lose everything you've already put into it, do you?

If I were Nicole's mom I would be strategizing night and day until I figured out a way to get custody of Mae! No way should Nicole be living with her sister, either. Mae, yes, lardass, no.

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20 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

It would be very refreshing!

Thank you!  If Nicole said something like that, it 1) lets her off the hook 2) saves face 3) telling people she has an appearance of caring about her daughter 4) yet still is hopeful of her and Azan getting back together, even if she knows deep down that ain't gonna happen.


20 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

If I were Nicole's mom I would be strategizing night and day until I figured out a way to get custody of Mae!

Yes but that is VERY difficult to do - I know we all want that but huge neglect would have to happen.  Sadly we have not seen a LEGAL definition of neglect.  Her hair and clothes are clean, her medical care seems good, no bad teeth, she seems fed (with fries and junk but she is fed) she is not overweight nor underweight.  She is small for her age but that could just be cause she is small.   She spends A LOT of time on an IPAD, yes, but frankly so do a lot of kids.  

Edited to add:  It is kinda sad that I went to the DMV and my new place of employment with more records of who I am, where I was born and Gov't issued ID than Nicole did when she went overseas to......get married.  In a foreign country.  

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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In regards to Nicole's mom trying to get custody of Mae. I am a 56 year old grandmother. Let me tell you there is a reason that women in their 50's cannot be mothers. I love my grandbabies (ages 10, 3, 1) very much, they live with me. There are many times I just have to go to my room and take a break. That is with their parents in the house. So I totally understand what a HUGE undertaking it would be for Robalee and her hubby to take on a 4 year old. Also, it is very, very, very hard to get the courts to take a child away from its mother. We all know Nicole has her head up her azz, that being said Mae appears to be clean, clothed and fed. 

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No amount of weight loss will get that smug expression off Nicole's face or change her crappy behavior. As fun as this train wreck was, I'm over these two. If May weren't involved, I'd be OK with it, but what she's doing to that child disgusts me. Will May remember this whole Azan situation? Probably not, but still, she has shown her daughter over and over that she's isn't the priority in her life, and I don't think that will ever change. There will be a string of Azans in Nicole's life...and therefore, in May's life. That will definitely impact her.

Edited by jackjill89
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1 hour ago, jackjill89 said:

No amount of weight loss will get that smug expression off Nicole's face or change her crappy behavior. As fun as this train wreck was, I'm over these two. If May weren't involved, I'd be OK with it, but what she's doing to that child disgusts me. Will May remember this whole Azan situation? Probably not, but still, she has shown her daughter over and over that she's isn't the priority in her life, and I don't think that will ever change. There will be a string of Azans in Nicole's life...and therefore, in May's life. That will definitely impact her.

Kensley and Olivia deal with the same. At least Kensley has a father in her life.

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These two are disgusting. He hasnt had a job in how long? His mother is absolutely in agreement with him scamming. Nicole seems like the type of female that says haha he wants me not you no matter what a loser he is. 

I disagree that her mother should have Mae. She enables dredful Nicole. Nicole sends her money to her lazy ass Arabian Prince, her mother gives her money to pay her bills for Mae. Bullshit. She can pretend to complain all she wants but she’s complicate in it. 

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Although May might not remember this part of her life, she will never get away from it as Nicole and Azan (and May) will live on through the internet and other formats.  May may distance herself from her mother at one point, but she'll never get true distance from this part of her life.

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On 8/6/2018 at 5:06 AM, silverspoons said:

LDS men are missionaries from ages 19-21 when Alan served (today men can leave at 18). , Kirylam is almost 9 years younger then Alan so he was 19 and she just turned 11 or if he met her on the last day of his mission (which is not likely when he talks about having weekly dinners with her family on his mission) he would be 21 and she would have been just turning 13. Anyway you look at it, not good. While dating or even developing feelings is not allowed on a mission, many guys come back with a girl but that girl is usually the same age! and the vast majority of the time the women come not only for the missionary but for an education and go to college right away and even if they stay home with kids for a time, they get a degree. 

I'm going to hell for sure, because reading this I had these two songs from the musical "The Book of Mormon" going through my head:  



What's weird is that I have known exactly three LDS in my life -- all men, all gay.  I know that's not representative of LDS, and yes, this was in New York, but it has always seemed interesting to me.

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On 8/5/2018 at 9:48 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

He was very controlling, and she doesn't realize how much better her life could be. That being said, there's always the possibility that someday she will realize that she can do better than a so-so looking controlling, rapidly aging guy.

I'm not sure about this.  Not in Alan's case.  But are they happy?  If so that's all that matters.  I don't know why people always think, "you could do SO much better."  Maybe the life they have is the best they could have had. 

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8 hours ago, ohgoodgolly said:

There is no way that's Nicole.   Look how small that arm is.

The green haired woman isn’t Nicole. Her hair has no green.

However Nicole is photoshopping her double chin.

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11 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

LOL!  She's photoshopped her chin in like all her pictures on IG!  Oh and she's dyed May's hair purple as well. Mom of the year!

She’s turnng May into a mini me.

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On 8/25/2018 at 2:41 PM, SevenCostanza said:

I actually think her hair looks nice. I think it’s pretty when blonds go the funky colors (IF they take care of it and work in an environment where it’s fitting). 


But isnt May Too Little for all that?

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I think the hair turned out very pretty but you have to make sure to take very good care of it afterwards. And given Nicole's track record and the fact that half the time she can't even be bothered to WASH her hair, this might turn nasty and brittle very quickly. 

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2 hours ago, Morrissey said:

I think the hair turned out very pretty but you have to make sure to take very good care of it afterwards. And given Nicole's track record and the fact that half the time she can't even be bothered to WASH her hair, this might turn nasty and brittle very quickly. 

I have a co-worker who does that to her hair, she told me it costs her about $400 each salon visit.  Where is Nicole getting that kind of money?

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10 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I don't mind it. I wish I was young enough to be able to get away with it.

I'm 71 and occasionally put bright pink highlights in my hair.  I don't care what anyone thinks . . . and it washes out in a couple of weeks anyway.

ETA:  I do mine at home.  It's not that hard to do, and isn't expensive that way.  Mr. AZC has become quite the hair colorist in his retirement.  He's a good sport.

Edited by AZChristian
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On 8/27/2018 at 7:03 AM, AZChristian said:

I'm 71 and occasionally put bright pink highlights in my hair.  I don't care what anyone thinks . . . and it washes out in a couple of weeks anyway.

ETA:  I do mine at home.  It's not that hard to do, and isn't expensive that way.  Mr. AZC has become quite the hair colorist in his retirement.  He's a good sport.

@AZChristian, I love that!! My mom is in her 60s and I give her colored highlights every now and then. Sometime teal or peach or orange. I dig it!

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On 8/27/2018 at 3:57 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

I have a co-worker who does that to her hair, she told me it costs her about $400 each salon visit.  Where is Nicole getting that kind of money?

I bet someone sponsored it.  Nicole probably has enough followers to make a difference

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Just now, AZChristian said:

Can't be a recent picture . . . her hair isn't blue and purple!!

I want to screen shot the "shot" of May when she sees the bowl of french fries.  The girl practically jumped out of her high chair.  Like is that hard to cut up apples or bananas and make them into finger foods?  Or grilled chicken into strips?  I know I hammer on this a lot but this is the first generation of kids who will have shorter life spans than their parents due to obesity and inactivity.  Pediatricians are seeing Type 2 Diabetes and ARTHRITIS in little kids - both linked to heavy kids.

I would salivate at that open market in Morocco.  And to have a freshly killed chicken??  Yes please.

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IMO- The fact that we are hearing very little from Nicole and Azan is

proof that they are going to be back on next season or in the spinoff series. 

I have signed a few contracts for reality TV. They are big on keeping your mouth shut or there will be HUGE fines.

I am dying to hear more about his train wreck.

Edited by VegasDenise
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1 hour ago, VegasDenise said:

IMO- The fact that we are hearing very little from Nicole and Azan is

proof that they are going to be back on next season or in the spinoff series. 

I have signed a few contracts for reality TV. They are big on keeping your mouth shut or there will be HUGE fines.

I am dying to hear more about his train wreck.

There's that new 90 Day spinoff they're planning where the American goes to live in the foreign country, I could see Nicole doing that. 

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20 hours ago, VegasDenise said:

IMO- The fact that we are hearing very little from Nicole and Azan is

proof that they are going to be back on next season or in the spinoff series. 

I have signed a few contracts for reality TV. They are big on keeping your mouth shut or there will be HUGE fines.

I am dying to hear more about his train wreck.

They can’t collect fines from people with little money though.

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On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 6:10 PM, SevenCostanza said:

There's that new 90 Day spinoff they're planning where the American goes to live in the foreign country, I could see Nicole doing that. 

Someone has to run the makeup shop! Maybe they put in a coffee counter for her to barista at. Nicole - if you are doing this please keep a close eye on your tip jar!

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On 9/7/2018 at 3:10 PM, SevenCostanza said:

There's that new 90 Day spinoff they're planning where the American goes to live in the foreign country, I could see Nicole doing that. 

This might explain her sudden willingness to give up on the dream Moroccan wedding so meekly, or so it seemed.

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