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S08.E02: Let Them Eat Cake

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13 hours ago, Kiki777 said:


i like Margaret now and will stop calling her Pigtails.  I didn't think her memorial was a sneaky way to exclude Siggy and Delores.  I do think though that while it was really sweet she did want to suck up to queen bee Teresa at least a little.


LOL - I thought the same thing - I now officially like her.  Because of the memorial, which I think was sincere, but what cinched it for me was "Soggy Flicker".


And Siggy embarrassed herself in that restaurant as soon as she walked in and started screeching. 

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 19

Siggy has her issues, but she's not a cold hearted bitch like the others. Why is it so hard to fucking apologize when you've hurt someone' feelings? T might be a certified yoga teacher, but she has no fucking idea what yoga is about. I may have to step back from this show for my own well being. A show can be entertaining without people being so cruel.  A birthday party can be fun without throwing the cake, you trashy bitches. Kudos to Delores for being human and supporting her friend.

  • Love 10
25 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Let's get right down to the most essential element of the episode.   Grief is easier to manage when 3 out of 4 of your instructors look. like. that.   Catholics have a traditional universal response to an invocation spoken out loud - Lord, hear our prayer.    Paddle board guy, then lifeguard, by the time we saw the tennis coach I said Father you're a faithful and benevolent God.  Lord, you've heard our prayer. 

Chef SexZ, I gotta leave you out on several counts bruh.  You're about 12 years old, that name is awful and I don't see one wedge of citric acid near this seafood.

Moving on.....

Nah girl.  TattleTeeny, Jextella and I are waiting for you in the van.    Bring some mace, Ike Turner's in here too.

lmao!!!  I believe the hell outta this.  Parting shots of the table show their wine goblets with their name emblazoned on em.    Not that it would've necessarily changed anything for the ladies Gorga but, perspective, this was not Lutece.  

She said (paraphrasing) it was clear she had the highest IQ of everybody in this group.   That's how you pause a bitch throwing cake.  Lol!!

{{raises hand}}.  here/present.    I think everybody sees the issue but may agree more (not completely but more) with Melissa and Tree because for fuck's sake it's a cake.  One is having a birthday, both just lost a family member, they were having fun.    Which I get.  I promise I do.  My problem is you're doing it at somebody else's expense with an unawareness/disregard for their feelings and that makes it disrespectful.    Then she makes you aware and as opposed to acknowledging, you kanyeshrug and tell her to calm the fuck down, which in this history of pissed off women, has worked exactly zero times.    I'm not defending Siggy's behavior or subsequent rant I'm saying I see how she got there.   For Meliss and Tree's part, I don't disagree that Siggy needed to calm the fuck down, but dismissal isn't how that was going to happen.  

Man if that shit didn't look like every woman's fight I've ever seen?   State why you're mad and/or hurt and what I can do to rectify it.  Either I'll agree or disagree and then it'll be over.  That read my mind while I sit here and mentally set all your bras on fire, shit?  annoying af.

Last episode I said I liked Margaret.  I still do but now I'm watching her all squinty eyed and close and stuff.   The wreath ceremony was lovely, hubble.  I want to trust her....but.     I was also near tears until Tree's voice crack.  (no need to point out my shiddiness, I know).  The part about that that seemed completely organic was the spontaneity.   Siggy and Delores had already made the decision to separate themselves that morning, she talked about it in a TH, all, considering how last night ended, I didn't think it was a good idea, blahblahcakes, so what was supposed to happen?  Margaret was supposed to send you a(nother) text to tell you to come meet them on the beach because of what she had planned?  Girl GTFOH.  You were all supposed to go then you backed out. 

I liked Lori immediately.   Her pearl clutch when Siggy told her the story was everything I wanna be when I grow up.   Girl, no!  I don't know people who behave this way!  LOL!!!  Yesssss mother, come give me all your Eliza Doolittle.

The dinner.   Father, we need you in here this evening.   I don't even remember what she said to set it off but I was like, how do you regularly give talks but have no fuggin idea how to communicate?   Wait, though, the BEST was when she said I didn't say that (about having to explain that they were from Jersey) and Bravo played the tape back.  No, even better? When they all told her how messy and loud she was for dumping her wine glass and entering the steakhouse like a class A-1 donkey and she told them their points were stupid. 

Good times.   Tree ended that argument like a true Jersey girl.   And keep your salty ass crabcakes, bitch!     Thank God for uber, huh?

I don't find Frank as threatening seeming as some of ya'll have mentioned.  Maybe because we're neat freak twins.  I really don't care if mom left the dishes, what you finna do, stare at em all weekend until she comes home? 

So....how much do I love this post and all your other recaps, ZM???  Thank you again, for getting in my brain and saying exactly what I was thinking, only sooo much better than I!!!!  

One more thing, though - who knew that "trash" was such a super trigger word for Danielle?  I guess it stems from when Caroline called her garbage?  (I just watched a marathon repeat of the season yesterday, LOL!!).  I get that calling someone "trash" to their face is low and super insulting, but I really thought that Danielle was going to flip the table at Siggy's!!  Also, I wasn't overly crazy about Siggy's Boca house, especially the homage wall and the HUGE poster of her in the living room...a little tacky, no??  

  • Love 5

I thought the salty-crabcake remark was funny--like the "I said good day" of RH-world (though it would have made more sense if Siggy had mad the food; that chef was an innocent bystander!). I also laughed at Siggy saying something like, "I'm sorry, Sexy Chef; the crab cakes were delicious."



Because of the memorial, which I think was sincere, but what cinched it for me was "Soggy Flicker".

I thought she said "Slicker"--like she's crying so much that she needs a raincoat, haha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 10
1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

Teresa storming out of Siggy's dinner party: "And the crab cakes were too salty". Loud enough for the chef to hear. Never change, Tre. Never change.

I don't like Teresa much, but this was so unnecessary yet so hilarious. She does provide me with inappropriate laughs.

In her blog this week Siggy actually says that Teresa DID apologize the same night as the cake throwing. I think that if Siggy hadn't started in on the insults that night, things would have worked out differently. Those insults pushed them into a "What? Well fuck her, then!" defensive mode. Speaking of, she dug in just as hard in refusing to apologize for what she said. I can't say I'm on anyone's "side", but I'm the least sympathetic by far to Siggy.

  • Love 12
11 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

So....how much do I love this post and all your other recaps, ZM???  Thank you again, for getting in my brain and saying exactly what I was thinking, only sooo much better than I!!!!  

One more thing, though - who knew that "trash" was such a super trigger word for Danielle?  I guess it stems from when Caroline called her garbage?  (I just watched a marathon repeat of the season yesterday, LOL!!).  I get that calling someone "trash" to their face is low and super insulting, but I really thought that Danielle was going to flip the table at Siggy's!! 

lol.  thanks lovie :P

This whole episode was gold for me, I swear.  

12 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Also, I wasn't overly crazy about Siggy's Boca house, especially the homage wall and the HUGE poster of her in the living room...a little tacky, no??  

quint-e-ssential Jersey.    that's why she can miss me with all her:


  • Love 11

They all behaved badly. It was tacky to throw birthday cake , but, Siggy handled it poorly. Had she said right away- " wow, I thought the cake would be a special treat- that hurts my feelings" and then let it go, the whole buildup could have been avoided. 

Siggy and Delores did not respond to the group text about am yoga, so don't cry about being excluded. Had they answered that they were not feeling like yoga, perhaps Margaret could have privately mentioned her memorial plans. 

Siggy's friend had a lovely home, and seemed like a gracious host. Siggy's home, with the life size poster of herself was unwelcoming, and Siggy was not a gracious host. 

Soggy's tears happening so frequently could indicate something is going on with her- depression, menopause, marital problems, etc. It is still no excuse for the way she has behaved. She cannot act outgoing, loud, and obnoxious and then take exception with her friends when they do the same....

Edited by Juliegirlj
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought Frank Sr. was overreacting. I've got boys, it could be WAY messier than it was. Also, we don't know what's going on with editing. That scene could have been filmed the afternoon they left for Boca. They COULD have been Delores's dishes. 


I thought they were saying "Sobby" at first. But I think I like Soggy even better!


You're not alone. This is MUCH more fun than OC. I'm enjoying it so far. 


I love those simple, at-home scenes with the girls. When Papa Gorga told Milania to eat a banana, I cracked up so hard. 

Papa gorga seems like he may be a jerk, but i honestly think thats just the way old school italian men are. My nono was the same way...he came off like a grumpy mean old man, but was the most loving, caring grandfather/father anyone could ever have. He'd always have some old italian sayings about life in general...always made us food and joked with us the same way. 

  • Love 17

In her blog this week Siggy actually says that Teresa DID apologize the same night as the cake throwing. I think that if Siggy hadn't started in on the insults that night, things would have worked out differently. Those insults pushed them into a "What? Well fuck her, then!" defensive mode. Speaking of, she dug in just as hard in refusing to apologize for what she said. I can't say I'm on anyone's "side", but I'm the least sympathetic by far to Siggy.

Wait so Teresa apologized the night of the cake throwing and Siggy was still crying and going on about it the next day? Sigh, I am going to have to read the blogs now.

  • Love 9

I noticed during the cake throwing that the bottom layer (pillowish looking part) was connected to the cake stand, it never came off or got dented in the cake hurling event.  Siggy was right in her feeling embarrassed, it was childish behavior but honestly she is with a group of women who have done far more in public places so she cannot be surprised.  Siggy doesn't remember the weekend in Vermont where Jac went off on Melissa and Tre in a restaurant making her so upset that she would not/could not participate in the next day's activities, much like Boca she did not partake in beach yoga and missed the floral Viking funeral.  She should be mad at herself for missing out and mad at herself for thinking dinner would have turned out any other way.  

At least nobody brought a dildo to the beach.

  • Love 4


That's exactly how I feel! Like, I cannot understand how the others don't see the issue--come on, man! Regardless of Siggy being a loon, she did procure a personalized "fabulous" cake (quotes only because, while it looked like it took talent to create, it was way overdone and ostentatious [just like the ladies themselves, haha!]--and probably tasted horrible). And without weighing in on whether people should be having a food fight in public, I'll add that I'd understand their behavior better if, say, they'd all had some cake and then tossed around the leftovers. But it was still uncut (right?) so I can see where Siggy would feel like her gesture was rudely ignored.

As for being excluded the next day, someone in the van said that neither Siggy nor Dolores had replied to the group text about the beach.

Was it not Melissa who started the cake fight by smushing it onto Teresa's head? I feel like everyone's recounts start with/focus on Teresa hurling the thing across the floor. 


OK, I'm a dork for quoting my own old post, but it turns out, per Melissa's blog, that Teresa started the cake fight (I really thought it started when Drunk [and kind of funny!] Melissa put it on Teresa's head), and that they did eat actually eat some of the cake first.

"I had no idea Teresa was going to throw it in my face, but it was all in good fun. I was teasing her for being a little troublemaker with me and Joe at my bachelorette party. The guy I was dancing with was Arturo Gatti, God rest his soul. And before I knew it I had cake in my face! Hey, just a bunch of Jersey girls in Florida, drinking and having a little fun! We did get to eat the cake first and it was soooo good." 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Misslindsey said:

Wait so Teresa apologized the night of the cake throwing and Siggy was still crying and going on about it the next day? Sigh, I am going to have to read the blogs now.

I know. I don't like how that was edited out - either the actual scene or just a MENTION of it. I was already team Tre/Melissa, but now even more so. Tre apologized and Siggy still had to sulk around and act like someone killed her puppy all day? 

  • Love 14

I really liked that Tre and Melissa felt comfortable with each other enough that  could play like that with the cake - they were liquored up and having fun celebrating ...you would think Siggy knowing their history would take joy in that.

I suspect too if Siggy hadn't been bragging on herself before the meal, her turning into a vulgar Miss Manners after may have gotten a pass.

Siggy's obnoxious & loud restaurant  arrival was a worse faux pax than a fun b'day party cake throwing IMO

Edited by sheetmoss
  • Love 14

If someone threw a cake that I spent a thousand dollars on, I'd have said a lot more. It was childish and not classy. However, Siggy, try and remember you did slam down the wine that went all over pigtails white sweater, did you say sorry!?

Nice touch with the wreath. We saw something like this in Hawaii. Can that be enough now, I don't want to see Theresa and Joe and the father all season. It's very sad, I get it. I don't tune in for sad.


At least nobody brought a dildo to the beach.

I knew something was missing! LOL 

  • Love 6

I just watched this, and I have a few thoughts.

Siggy's entrance into the restaurant, braying like a donkey, was obnoxious to a degree. No, not everyone in the restaurant knew you, honey, and not everyone was pleased to see you prancing around and bawling at them. (We saw the reaction shots. We know.)

Cake-throwing is silly and childish. Considering the history between Teresa and Melissa, a little fun confection-tossing is nothing.  Siggy, angry wine-throwing is worse.

About the memorial on the beach, Siggy and Dolores *would* have been there for it if they'd bothered to answer the group text. They were not excluded by Margaret. Siggy and Dolores were excluded by Siggy and Dolores.  (And I absolutely did NOT cry during the reading of the notes. I did not. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.)

Quoth Siggy: "I expect my friends to have a level of class when you're in a public restaurant." Immediate video: Siggy entering restaurant, bellowing, disrupting everyone and everything. Perfection.

Gosh, I really wanted to talk about more than Siggy.

Siggy, (sorry, apparently I'm stuck in Siggy-mode) you're not as intelligent as you think you are. I associate with people in the MENSA bracket. You, honey, aren't even close.

Dolores asks what happened? (Hey, not-Siggy!)  Siggy (oops) happened.

I didn't like Siggy much last year. I am rapidly learning to despise her this year.

Oh, and Danielle isn't making my eyeballs itch. Yet. (Hey! A whole thought that's Siggy-free!)

  • Love 20
12 minutes ago, Sai said:

Melissa needs to stay away from sweets.  First there was the sprinkle cookie scandal and now the cake.  Desserts are not her friend.

Speaking of desserts, Delores does not look like she owns two gyms.

I was going to ask about Dolores: Has she "grown"? I remember her being shapely but smaller. Or am I imagining it? I mean, she looks 30 pounds heavier to me. And, sadly, I know what 30 pounds heavier looks like ((hangs head in shame)).

Wait! There was a huge POSTER of Siggy in her Boca house? I must have been distracted by the sit-commy various poses of Our Wacky Siggy! in the entry way. That s*it was priceless. I mean, did her husband agree with that hilarious mess? It could only be a joke. Right? Right?

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

Wait! There was a huge POSTER of Siggy in her Boca house? I must have been distracted by the sit-commy various poses of Our Wacky Siggy! in the entry way. That s*it was priceless. I mean, did her husband agree with that hilarious mess? It could only be a joke. Right? Right?

No, no. It wasn't one big poster. It was about a dozen framed photos of her in different poses. WHO does that???? I think that's even worse than  Kim Z style bedroom photo. 

  • Love 3

Siggy was upset, I think, because it's clear that Teresa and Melissa simply DGAF what she thinks.  And either does the lady who makes those little cosmetic bags and phone cases in silver and gold with worlds like "Classy" and "Loved" written on them in pink script.  Siggy brought her in and expected a little more, a show of some appreciation would be nice, but pig tails sees the quickest way to relevance on that show, and it's not through Siggy Flicker (how is anyone actually named Siggy Flicker, btw?).

I'm not a fan of any of these broads.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

No, no. It wasn't one big poster. It was about a dozen framed photos of her in different poses. WHO does that???? I think that's even worse than  Kim Z style bedroom photo. 

I think there was another large poster (on an easel, maybe-?) in the background when they were at her dining table.  It was kind of hard to see, but I believe that's what it was.

It all reminded me of Schaena from Vanderpump Rules and her wedding photos/posters all over the place!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 5

Soggy screaming about her guests. Can’t someone remind her that the first rule of being a good host is making your guests feel comfortable? Margaret, please! 

Also Soggy’s condo — yikes. If she wanted to front like she’s part of Boca society, she should have had that dinner in their hotel suite. 

Edited by jennyf
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Jel said:

Siggy was upset, I think, because it's clear that Teresa and Melissa simply DGAF what she thinks.  And either does the lady who makes those little cosmetic bags and phone cases in silver and gold with worlds like "Classy" and "Loved" written on them in pink script.  Siggy brought her in and expected a little more, a show of some appreciation would be nice, but pig tails sees the quickest way to relevance on that show, and it's not through Siggy Flicker (how is anyone actually named Siggy Flicker, btw?).

I'm not a fan of any of these broads.

The memorial was a show.  It was to show how wonderful Piggy is - as she continued to trash talk the person who brought her in the group.  Dolores was right.  Of all the women, she actually had known Theresa's mother the longest.  Piggy is very transparent in her motives to wedge herself into the show - after all, she did cheat on her ex of 17 yrs with her current husband.

  • Love 5

Lori, FTW. Her house, her beauty without trying, her lifeguard and tennis guy, her good sense, classy hostessing, her white shortie robe, all of it. Yassssss! 

I was HORRIFIED at the cake throwing . That wasn’t cake throwing that was a table flip man into must have taken effort. The base plus the bottom layer of that cake were heavy. It did a full rotation. The cake was custom, of her wallpaper, and a thoughtful impressive gift. She was throwing  a birthday gift essentially not some tray of tiramisu made on an assembly line in a catering kitchen, and that is just appalling sorry not sorry.  That wasn’t a little food fight and it wasn’t cake throwing it was like the frying pan toss at the Highland games. Disgusting and ridiculous. 

Danielle is looking a little long in the tooth compared to the others . Rough living catches up to you . 

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:



11 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Let's get right down to the most essential element of the episode.   Grief is easier to manage when 3 out of 4 of your instructors look. like. that.   Catholics have a traditional universal response to an invocation spoken out loud - Lord, hear our prayer.    Paddle board guy, then lifeguard, by the time we saw the tennis coach I said Father you're a faithful and benevolent God.  Lord, you've heard our prayer. 

Chef SexZ, I gotta leave you out on several counts bruh.  You're about 12 years old, that name is awful and I don't see one wedge of citric acid near this seafood.

Moving on.....

Nah girl.  TattleTeeny, Jextella and I are waiting for you in the van.    Bring some mace, Ike Turner's in here too.

lmao!!!  I believe the hell outta this.  Parting shots of the table show their wine goblets with their name emblazoned on em.    Not that it would've necessarily changed anything for the ladies Gorga but, perspective, this was not Lutece.  

She said (paraphrasing) it was clear she had the highest IQ of everybody in this group.   That's how you pause a bitch throwing cake.  Lol!!

{{raises hand}}.  here/present.    I think everybody sees the issue but may agree more (not completely but more) with Melissa and Tree because for fuck's sake it's a cake.  One is having a birthday, both just lost a family member, they were having fun.    Which I get.  I promise I do.  My problem is you're doing it at somebody else's expense with an unawareness/disregard for their feelings and that makes it disrespectful.    Then she makes you aware and as opposed to acknowledging, you kanyeshrug and tell her to calm the fuck down, which in this history of pissed off women, has worked exactly zero times.    I'm not defending Siggy's behavior or subsequent rant I'm saying I see how she got there.   For Meliss and Tree's part, I don't disagree that Siggy needed to calm the fuck down, but dismissal isn't how that was going to happen.  


Man if that shit didn't look like every woman's fight I've ever seen?   State why you're mad and/or hurt and what I can do to rectify it.  Either I'll agree or disagree and then it'll be over.  That read my mind while I sit here and mentally set all your bras on fire, shit?  annoying af.


Last episode I said I liked Margaret.  I still do but now I'm watching her all squinty eyed and close and stuff.   The wreath ceremony was lovely, hubble.  I want to trust her....but.     I was also near tears until Tree's voice crack.  (no need to point out my shiddiness, I know).  The part about that that seemed completely organic was the spontaneity.   Siggy and Delores had already made the decision to separate themselves that morning, she talked about it in a TH, all, considering how last night ended, I didn't think it was a good idea, blahblahcakes, so what was supposed to happen?  Margaret was supposed to send you a(nother) text to tell you to come meet them on the beach because of what she had planned?  Girl GTFOH.  You were all supposed to go then you backed out. 

I liked Lori immediately.   Her pearl clutch when Siggy told her the story was everything I wanna be when I grow up.   Girl, no!  I don't know people who behave this way!  LOL!!!  Yesssss mother, come give me all your Eliza Doolittle.


The dinner.   Father, we need you in here this evening.   I don't even remember what she said to set it off but I was like, how do you regularly give talks but have no fuggin idea how to communicate?   Wait, though, the BEST was when she said I didn't say that (about having to explain that they were from Jersey) and Bravo played the tape back.  No, even better? When they all told her how messy and loud she was for dumping her wine glass and entering the steakhouse like a class A-1 donkey and she told them their points were stupid. 



Good times.   Tree ended that argument like a true Jersey girl.   And keep your salty ass crabcakes, bitch!     Thank God for uber, huh?


I don't find Frank as threatening seeming as some of ya'll have mentioned.  Maybe because we're neat freak twins.  I really don't care if mom left the dishes, what you finna do, stare at em all weekend until she comes home? 


This entire post is probably one of the best I've ever read on here. I think I've posted on 5 things since I first came here years ago, but I had to sign back in to tell you.
Hilarious and SPOT ON. Please tell me you have a blog. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Lori, FTW. Her house, her beauty without trying, her lifeguard and tennis guy, her good sense, classy hostessing, her white shortie robe, all of it. Yassssss! 

I was HORRIFIED at the cake throwing . That wasn’t cake throwing that was a table flip man into must have taken effort. The base plus the bottom layer of that cake were heavy. It did a full rotation. The cake was custom, of her wallpaper, and a thoughtful impressive gift. She was throwing  a birthday gift essentially not some tray of tiramisu made on an assembly line in a catering kitchen, and that is just appalling sorry not sorry.  That wasn’t a little food fight and it wasn’t cake throwing it was like the frying pan toss at the Highland games. Disgusting and ridiculous. 

Danielle is looking a little long in the tooth compared to the others . Rough living catches up to you . 

I agree - if they had thrown a couple of bites, it would’ve been juvenile but not so bad; throwing the whole cake and platter was way out of line. Thing is, these women are bringing the drama for a tv show, not having a normal birthday dinner.

(That cake looked delicious - yum!)

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5

It seemed to me....... that with the ruining of Siggy's (show off!) cake, that Theresa and Melissa were subtly thumbing their noses at her.  It seems pretty obvious she's trying to hijack the show.  I mean, it's ALL about HER.  Every little thing. Watching the other womens faces as Siggy made her foghorn grand entrance to her restaurant full of her friends (heh..) was very telling. Her ego is so huge that she now seems to think she's running the ladies, she's the Star and they are her supporting players--- and this is something Tree and Mel aren't going to take lying down. (they have both been clawing to be this shows Star for years now and aren't going to give it away so easily) A little liquor and 'here's what we think of YOU Siggy !'   That's just how it came across to me.  And I have to admit, even tho normally I'd be appalled at how they acted in making such a mess and not just a few pieces thrown, in this case a little demon in me was rooting them on!  What kind of person is Siggy that makes her so over the top grandiose?!  Is she hormonal?  Delusional? Neurotic? Narcissistic?  She would be a tough one for me to be in a room with for more than 10 minutes.  Has she ever been on this show without being fully made up and ready for the cameras?  I'm just curious, I don't remember it but maybe she has and it doesn't have anything to do with anything. 

I'm LOVING this season.  I guess it's fun to have someone to hate.  :) 

PS-- I snickered at Pigtails shivering that Delores is scary-- I think if anyone is a 'thug in a cocktail dress' it's Delores! 

  • Love 12

I can understand why Siggy was upset about the cake, but she loses any credibility wanting an apology without offering one up first because her reaction was way more out of line than what Teresa and Melissa did.  Siggy had no issues walking into a restaurant and making a public spectacle of herself. She didn't mind walking around obnoxiously proclaiming Boca as 'her town'. Being a little drunk and throwing cake at a birthday party in fun (especially between two people who are rebuilding their relationship and who have both been stressed with their personal grief) is not the worst thing in the world in the grand scheme of things. Siggy throwing her wine glass was far more rude and out of place than the cake. Calling the women animals and insulting their intelligence, well after that you can just fuck right off. If you're so posh and sophisticated to point out other people's behaviour, you best believe you should be the first one to apologize for your own behaviour when you demonstrated the worst behaviour among the pack. Then instead she doubled down and went on to call them trashy. She's far too controlling and really does think she's smarter than everyone else, hence why she thinks she can probably be allowed to feel however she wants and react however she wants so long as she feels she's justified - guess it doesn't matter whether other people have feelings...so long as you don't hurt hers.  

Siggy has managed to make everything about her these past couple of episodes. She's going to really try me this season if this is going to be her storyline. She's fucking annoying and we're only two episodes in. 

Soggy...that was well timed, haha. 

Dolores - there's loyalty and there's knowing when to shut your face. You need to work on the latter. 

  • Love 11
21 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Now, could Tre and Mel have apologized the next morning?

I think Melissa could have but not Teresa. The problem I have with Teresa is her lack of sympathy or respect for other people. No matter how she has behaved she just will not apologize, except on very rare occasions when it´s too late to count, and it´s totally obvious that she doesn´t put any feeling into the words. This behavior goes across the board for most of the housewives though, especially in New York but I like their way of not saying sorry better. Teresa just sits there and looks like she doesn´t understand or care whats going on. She´s always looking for something to be angry at the others about, she accuses people of undermining her and acts really cold over just minor things and can´t really explain it, so it´s just frustrating to see it play out, granted I think she might have turned a corner (I hope) after going to jail and dealing with all that. She has some good qualities as well.

I neither dislike or like Teresa as a character on this show. I think the way she treated Melissa and her brother has been  atrocious, and she is very narcissistic and stupid, but she´s also always been more enjoyable to watch than most of the others in the New Jersey cast.

  • Love 2

The difference to me between Siggy's boorish behavior and Melissa and Tre's behavior regarding apologies due is that Siggy's personal feelings were hurt and M and T and the others were merely embarrassed. It's a distinction I feel is important. I think they all should apologize instead of escalating and making excuses but it just seems bitch level advanced not to acknowledge the hurt the cake throwing caused. 

  • Love 9

What I don't get is this (and I am saying this with the understanding that, while events are likely staged, we are all agreeing to pretend to believe them to be spontaneous and natural):

I understand being embarrassed over any kind of cake-throwing in public--fine, whatever, many people rightfully would be. But while I was initially also understanding of Siggy's hurt feelings over the careless destruction of a high-end cake she selflessly (go with it for now) presented to Melissa, I don't understand the hurt feelings over the same destruction of the remains of that cake. Like, they already ate the cake (per Melissa's blog, anyway) and I assume its leftovers would have been left at the table and subsequently trashed. Would Siggy have felt hurt by that? 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Dolores says in her TH that Siggy brought Margaret into the group and Margaret should have shown more loyalty.

With that motto - Dolores and Siggy should be off the show next to Jacqueline.

Dolores - gurl bye and take Shiddy Flicker and her sugared PlayDoh cake with you


Edited by KungFuBunny
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I have a different take on the wreath ceremony.  It was a regular wreath built on a metal ring and probably used Styrofoam and lots and lots of tape.  Where do these dumasses think this unraveling mess is going to go. Dissolve nice and easy into the ocean? The same with those lit lanterns people float over water.  I've read that while the claim is that the frame completely burn up, this is not true,  This junk (balloons too) wreaks havoc for the creatures - turtles, birds, fish, dolphins.  They try to eat it or get wrapped up in this crap.  Please think about this when planning events. 

  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

What I don't get is this (and I am saying this with the understanding that, while events are likely staged, we are all agreeing to pretend to believe them to be spontaneous and natural):

I understand being embarrassed over any kind of cake-throwing in public--fine, whatever, many people rightfully would be. But while I was initially also understanding of Siggy's hurt feelings over the careless destruction of a high-end cake she selflessly (go with it for now) presented to Melissa, I don't understand the hurt feelings over the same destruction of the remains of that cake. Like, they already ate the cake (per Melissa's blog, anyway) and I assume its leftovers would have been left at the table and subsequently trashed. Would Siggy have felt hurt by that? 

I agree with you.  That cake throwing will now be the entire season, as it draws a line in the sand between Siggy/Dolores and Melissa/Theresa (and, peripherally, you can include Margaret and Danielle with M/T, I guess).  We've seen the previews - we see Siggy bringing it up again at another event somewhere, so this is going to carry through until the end.  For that, I believe that there was some producer manipulation going on behind the scenes.  Obviously, the producers do not want all the women to get along, so something has to start, right from the beginning.

I understand Siggy's embarassment and hurt feelings, but it is not like the women were sitting in the middle of an inside dining room and other patrons were getting pelted with fondant or fruit filling.  They were in what appeared to be a private outdoor dining space, with  no one else around.  Yeah, there was a mess to clean, but again, I'm sure the restaurant had been appropriately warned about this prior to the filming.  And, you are right about what would have happened to the leftover cake.  That looked like a really big cake for six women - even with the bottom layer being fake.

As far as Siggy is concerned, I think she feels it is okay for her to be loud and make a spectacle of herself, but no one else is allowed to do that.  When she walked into NY Prime and starting screaming "Hello"..."Hi!!" and grabbing food off other patrons' plates, I was embarrassed for her.  She was trying to be Norm from "Cheers", but yet, she didn't get half the love that Norm did every time he walked through the door!  ;-)

6 minutes ago, blueiris said:

I have a different take on the wreath ceremony.  It was a regular wreath built on a metal ring and probably used Styrofoam and lots and lots of tape.  Where do these dumasses think this unraveling mess is going to go. Dissolve nice and easy into the ocean? The same with those lit lanterns people float over water.  I've read that while the claim is that the frame completely burn up, this is not true,  This junk (balloons too) wreaks havoc for the creatures - turtles, birds, fish, dolphins.  They try to eat it or get wrapped up in this crap.  Please think about this when planning events. 

I don't think these thoughts ever cross any of their minds.  When we saw film of Theresa's mother's funeral, it looked like they had a balloon release outside the church, as well.  

As pretty as that flower ceremony is, I agree with you about the residual trash that remains once the flowers break down - especially the styrofoam.

  • Love 6

I was raised in the west near mountains for the most part and then went to high school in a town outside of Atlantic City and college in the midwest.  I recall noticing a difference in the people with each move.  Where I was from in the west, people were very casual and relaxed in most things.

In New Jersey, people wore their hearts on their sleeves for all to see, and everything was "more".  More emotion, more hair, more make-up, more jewelry, etc.  They were loud and passionate and you always knew where they stood on things.   The physical landscape was also different.  On our first night in, we experienced a hurricane.  The Atlantic Ocean is dark blue and looks strong and aggressive compared to the light blue and gentle/inviting look of the Pacific Ocean.

When I went to college in the midwest, I found everything to be very homogenous and emotionally flat.  Personalities were subdued and everyone was just "pleasant" in sort of a mind-your-manners kind of way.  They were moderate in their hair, make-up and apparel.  I had a lot of foreign friends in college and they all said the same.   (My unscientific belief is that my town can't seem to rustle up strong professional sports teams because the fan base is too even-keeled.  They don't have the spirited mojo that motivates teams).  The landscape is also pretty homogenous.  No grand ocean, no beautiful mountains.  Lots of trees and lakes but still "flat" and not inspiring in the same way mountains and oceans are.

The crew on RHONJ is from Northern Jersey.  I was from Southern Jersey.  I think the "more" I experienced moving to NJ from the west is even more "more" in Northern Jersey.   They are over the top in most things, but it's not abnormal for where they come from.

Sidenote - my parents moved to NYC after I graduated college and I was fortunate enough to spend some time there.  This was years ago, mostly in the 90's I'd say.  I love that town.  It and San Francisco are two of my favorites.  Anyway, I always found the people I came across to be a really great blend.  They were direct and upfront but pleasant and kind and not over the top.  That was a special time in the city....right when it was changing from a scary place to a great place.   

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Jextella said:

The crew on RHONJ is from Northern Jersey.  I was from Southern Jersey.  I think the "more" I experienced moving to NJ from the west is even more "more" in Northern Jersey.   They are over the top in most things but it's not abnormal for where they come from.

South Jersey tends to be more suburban Philly, whereas North Jersey is suburban NYC, so that observation is totally believable and, I'm sure, completely accurate.


As for the bolded, anyone remember the show Jerseylicious?  I could  not believe people actually walked around in public wearing all that spandex, makeup, hairspray and "jewlerry" as a norm, but the RHNJ would blend right in.

Edited by SweetieDarling
please know my "assessment" of Jersey people is a gross generalization.
  • Love 7
21 hours ago, Jel said:

Siggy was upset, I think, because it's clear that Teresa and Melissa simply DGAF what she thinks.

Siggy was upset (IMO) because they were having their own fun and not launching into an hour long monologue, praising her cake. 


20 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think there was another large poster (on an easel, maybe-?) in the background when they were at her dining table.  It was kind of hard to see, but I believe that's what it was.

Oh my word, I missed that then. She is really too too. 


13 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Dolores - there's loyalty and there's knowing when to shut your face. You need to work on the latter. 

I just can't with Dolores. I said this in my original post, but this is a woman who's ex cheated on her and seems to be a "scary" presence in her son's life. But she still lets him control her life; he's even moved back in with her! I think she has really screwy ideas about relationships and boundaries, so she's the last person I'd want a lecture about loyalty from. 


8 hours ago, halkatla said:

I think Melissa could have but not Teresa. The problem I have with Teresa is her lack of sympathy or respect for other people. No matter how she has behaved she just will not apologize, except on very rare occasions when it´s too late to count,

According to the blogs, Tre apologized to Siggy THAT night. So I'm not sure what she was expecting the next day. A casserole? 

  • Love 11

The crew on RHONJ is from Northern Jersey.  I was from Southern Jersey.  I think the "more" I experienced moving to NJ from the west is even more "more" in Northern Jersey.   They are over the top in most things but it's not abnormal for where they come from.

For my entire life, with the exception of a year in Philly, I have lived within 15 minutes, give or take, of this particular batch of Housewives and I rarely see anyone like them "in the wild" of North Jersey (though you may be surprised to learn that I do see plenty of "hick"-types; Jersey is a damn mish-mosh).

Of course, different areas and neighborhoods vary, and of course I don't know everybody in every one--and I'll admit that I would not frequent the types of restaurants and clubs as they do (or any "clubs"; I'm a dive-bar girl). But I wholeheartedly disagree that these women (and those Jersey Shore people) are "not abnormal" for the region. Even as a lifelong denizen, I'd totally do a double-take at that breed of over-the-topness...even if I were in one of our stereotypical 24-hour diners in the middle of the night after the clubs let out...or at the mall (not pronounced "mawl," haha!)...or on the A.C. boardwalk in mid-July!

Edited by TattleTeeny
YIKES--computer noncompliance!
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

According to the blogs, Tre apologized to Siggy THAT night. So I'm not sure what she was expecting the next day. A casserole? 

According to my research, a RH-apology story-line almost always results in one of these examples:

A) if you hurt someone or say something really inappropriate to them or about them, then no matter how easy or basic it would be to say sorry, you never ever think about saying sorry to them. Not even when they´re totally down and it would be extremely easy to just throw them a little bone and therefore become the bigger person. At least not for a few episodes. If you want to be really pro about it then you make yourself the victim and get offended when the other person starts to break down in tears and asking you why you just can´t say you´re sorry or at fault in some way.

B) if you deserved an apology and got one (a rare phenomenon indeed) then you say everything is forgiven but the day after you decide that the apology wasn´t enough and take your grievances to the next level.

C) the person who offended someone or did something bad says sorry but the other person doesn´t hear it. She continues to say sorry again and again but it´s never quite good enough. This can take up a whole season if done correctly.

D) the offending persons says she has said sorry, but in reality no-one remembers it or heard it so no-one knows if it actually happened. The offender refuses to say it again.


I think Teresa and Siggy are doing version B (maybe it´s D though, I haven´t read the blogs but I would believe it if Siggy said so). It´s a step up for Teresa, who was a pro at A, but there´s still a whole lot of A mixed in there. If she´s just acting so cold because she hates Siggy then I´m all for it, good on her, but due to her past behavior I just can´t be sure that that´s the reason and not just her general inability to empathize with other people.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

For my entire life, with the exception of a year in Philly, I have lived within 15 minutes, give or take, of this particular batch of Housewives and I rarely see anyone like them "in the wild" of North Jersey (though you may be surprised to learn that I do see plenty of "hick"-types; Jersey is a damn mish-mosh).

Of course, different areas and neighborhoods vary, and of course I don't know everybody in every one--and I'll admit that I would not frequent the types of restaurants and clubs as they do (or any "clubs"; I'm a dive-bar girl). But I wholeheartedly disagree that these women (and those Jersey Shore people) are "not abnormal" for the region. Even as a lifelong denizen, I'd totally do a double-take at that breed of over-the-topness...even if I were in one of our stereotypical 24-hour diners in the middle of the night after the clubs let out...or at the mall (not pronounced "mawl," haha!)...or on the A.C. boardwalk in mid-July!

You are right in that New Jersey is a mish-mash.  It has tremendous diversity... and this includes tons of Tre's, Siggy's, and JoGo's.  Not to mention Jersey Shore and Jerseylicious type.  I came across plenty in my time there.

And, I stand by the "more" notion.  Both in general and in the South vs. North.  

Edited by Jextella
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Oh, totally agree. Just saying that I see far more "ordinary" suburban folks, who don't even outwardly appear to belong in any kind of category style-wise (unless "norm core" is still a thing), than I see stereotypical Jersey ones (though, yes, there are hints of that style pretty frequently--a bad tan here, too much sparkle there, makeup "masks" over there, wildly expensive shoes [on some crazy who probably cannot walk in them]--just not usually all at once). So, OK, while they are here and there--and maybe even by the ton--in my opinion, they're far from as prevalent as one might believe based on shows like this. Closer to "abnormal" than "not abnormal," if we're sticking to those terms (though I really do see many little kids dressed not unlike the ones on this show).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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17 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, totally agree. Just saying that I see far more "ordinary" suburban folks, who don't even outwardly appear to belong in any kind of category style-wise (unless "norm core" is still a thing), than I see stereotypical Jersey ones. So, OK, while they are here and there--and maybe even by the ton--in my opinion, they're far from as prevalent as one might believe based on shows like this. Closer to "abnormal" than "not abnormal," if we're sticking to those terms (though I really do see many little kids dressed not unlike the ones on this show).

Yeah, I probably overstated the quantity, but I wouldn't say abnormal. Although who's to say what that is.  My brother stayed in AC and married a woman who was born and raised on the AC boardwalk (the first two properties of the Monopoly board game!).    My brother (we are from a WASP family - Finnish, English, and Swedish) speaks with a thick Jersey accent and wears blue jean cut-off shorts and flip-flops and is a licensed boat captain of some sort.  He was a huge Bruce Springsteen fan in his younger years.  He's a walking stereo-type too.   NJ is very, very diverse.  I think another thing that you alluded to was hicks. NJ is the garden state and its pretty rural in the western regions.  That's a whole 'nuther range of personality types.

Side note regarding my brother....Both he and his wife are super smart and educated but one wouldn't be pick that up at first glance.   I kinda love that about them, though. 

Edited by Jextella
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