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S35.E04: I Don't Like Having Snakes Around

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I like that we started straight out with the swap, no wasted time with dynamics that would soon be irrelevant. The challenge was also a good get to know your new tribe. It never ceases to amaze me how a swap surprises them season after season. 

I'm pleased that the Joe Alan tribe lost, didn't care which order those 2 leave. Wtg Devon for reading Joe correctly, hope Joe's actions showed Desi his mo going forward. Wow, that secret disadvantage was scary. I like Devon, hope he survives that tribe.

Did anyone else have multiple interruptions in service today? 

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Shock and awe among the tribes' faces seeing that Patrick is gone!! So there are still three tribes. I guess HHH is no longer. So two crazies are on the Levu tribe (Alan and Joe). Watch-they will become best friends (NOT). I bet Lauren and Ben will gang up - we will see. I'm trying to remember which team had what color - I know Hustlers had red, I think heroes blue and Healers yellow.

You'd think those guys would start getting dizzy hopping around those ropes. Watch J.P.  and Ben not let anyone else throw the rope. Ben didn't need to. Is J.P. going to pull a Patrick? He sure is throwing wide - just got it! Alan didn't play quarterback, did he? He certainly can't throw too well. I guess Alan is pulling a Patrick. I wonder what the other side of the puzzle looked like. Was it the same thing?

I wonder if everyone will get a new wardrobe now that they've changed team colors. What will Ryan do with his red underpants??  OK, Cole, I no longer like you, telling others about the advantage. Maybe others will see you as more trustworthy but Jessica certainly won't!! I do like Jessica, I think she's cute, but she has to stop talking to Cole.

Chrissy, Ryan saved you because you looked like the weakest one on your tribe and they would have to vote out someone stronger, not because he loved you.  Oh Cole, you are a pathetic liar, too, just like Joe. Jessica, vote Cole out! You can keep your relationship with him, but don't tell him anything you don't want other people to know.

Wow, the poles on the puzzle boxes could cause some damage to the guys' jewels! Almost got Alan. Sounded like Jeff said, "And the pizzas are free now!" (actually "pieces"). Reds won! I wonder who Jessica will give her advantage to.  I was thinking Yellows would lose and she'd give it to Chrissy, but not this time. OK, I bet she will give it to Devon.  Ha!! Joe is caught in his lies! They could call this episode "Honesty is the Best Policy." Watch Devon will get the advantage and he'll cancel Joe's vote. Alan vs. Joe in the crazy contest! Alan is winning! No, Joe pulls ahead.

I knew Jessica would give it to Devon!! Watch, he will block Joe's vote. Jeff is funny, this is like a movie where they get the bad guy by going after his wife!  Joe, saying the Heroes have no cracks. Little does he know. Here comes Alan's crazy eyes!! Oh crap, Jessica misread it and I misunderstood it!! Oh what a comedy of errors this episode is. I wonder if they'll just vote him out. And Crazy Eyes Alan is voted out! He and Patrick will have good times at Losers' Lodge!

This was a fun episode. Things are livening up now!

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Damn.  That was a depressing outcome.  Joe was way too obvious to go home.  I know Alan wasn’t a favorite, but I liked him, and I’ll miss him and his crazy eyes and paranoia.  Please tell me Joe isn’t going to be around for the long haul.  Only way I will accept that is if he gets blindsided at every turn, thinks he’s in control but isn’t, and loses in miserable but hilarious fashion in the final 3.  I hope the New Heroes turn on Joe.  I want to like Desi, but not if she stays aligned with him.

I wonder if Jessica is regretting getting into a showmance with a big mouth.  I did laugh when she said he can’t keep a secret.  Ya think?  But then she started getting upset at her “relationship” with Cole and I rolled my eyes.  This isn’t The Bachelor.  I think anyway.  I can’t understand Cole’s logic in blabbing about her advantage.  Joe’s idol, okay, but not this.  Does he think it’ll make him trust worthy or something?

I realized I have no real vested interest in anyone left.  I still like Ryan and Lauren, but everyone else is either just there, or annoys the crap out of me.  This season is dragging.  I couldn’t believe we’re only one episode 4.  I did enjoy the challenges this episode, though.

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2 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

But then she started getting upset at her “relationship” with Cole and I rolled my eyes. 

I know. There's no crying about showmances in Survivor. Just play the frigging game!

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Well, that was interesting.  All season I've hated both Joe and Alan, yet by the end of TC I didn't particularly hate either of them.   (I'm sure Joe will annoy me again next week.)

I'm not sure why Alan and Ashley didn't split their vote between Joe and Desi if they thought Joe had an idol, but if they had, Desi might be gone now.  I like her, so I'm glad it worked out the way it did.

The secret not-so-much-of-an advantage would have been funny if I didn't like Devin.  But I do like him, so that part kinda sucked.  

Whoever was responsible for the nut-buster poles in that immunity challenge must be a sadist.

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I wish they would have merged to two tribes instead of staying with three. I'm having a hard time getting to know all the players. I didn't know there was a Roark or a Jessica.

Cole has a big mouth. I can't wait for Joe to go.

An advantage, an idol, a blindside, a person in open mouth shock (Ashley), a good tribal counsel. 

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Finally! An almost "washing machine" tribe swap.  No huge advantage for any gang on any tribe.

Cole, you poor deluded pretty man.  I was going to defend him for his previous blabbermouthing, (I had typed this yuuuge thing and thankfully the machine ate it :)) but I can't anymore.

Joe and Allen.  A whirlwind of paranoid stupid.

Devon pulls the vote block advantage and.....it's a fucking penalty!!  WTF Burnett!

At least Allen is gone , Joeny is now idol-free and marked for eviction. (hope springs eternal.....)

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What the hell, Cole?  

It was a win-win for viewers tonight. Alan or Joe was leaving.  I have to hand it to Joe though for trying to attract votes to himself to protect his ally. Devon's and Ashley's expressions at TC were classic. 

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 I know Alan wasn’t a favorite, but I liked him, and I’ll miss him and his crazy eyes and paranoia.

His paranoia had me against him from the start, but he didn't seem to bring it as much to the new tribe.  By the time he was calling out the six healers as being potentially more solid than the other (smaller) original teams, I was beginning to think I could actually root for him.  Alas, that was the kiss of death for him and he was gone. 

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1 minute ago, PaperTree said:

Finally! An almost "washing machine" tribe swap.  No huge advantage for any gang on any tribe.

Cole, you poor deluded pretty man.  I was going to defend him for his previous blabbermouthing, (I had typed this yuuuge thing and thankfully the machine ate it :)) but I can't anymore.

Joe and Allen.  A whirlwind of paranoid stupid.

Devon pulls the vote block advantage and.....it's a fucking penalty!!  WTF Burnett!

At least Allen is gone , Joeny is now idol-free and marked for eviction. (hope springs eternal.....)

I didn't mind Cole blabbing about Joe's idol.  Jessica's reaction was pretty immature about it, but I think it could have proved an advantage potentially.  Now blabbing about Jessica's advantage?  Made no sense.  And he's got no common sense. 

That stupid advantage is why I hate idols/advantages on this show.  At least they're trying to change it up this year.  But please, idols or advantages.  Not both, and especially not a ton this early.

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Still barely caring. Maybe I'm that used to returning players,where I can't bother to keep track of the current cast with their advantages and alliances. All I know is Joe = Tony; hence, Joeny.Just a big, bulky spazz.

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9 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Now blabbing about Jessica's advantage?  Made no sense.  And he's got no common sense. 

He's a typical golden boy. He wants to be everyone's "bro". But there's a way to do that so it's not so transparent.  He has no subtly.    

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Well, @BryroseA summed up what I had to say about Cole. Dumb.

Jessica, though, managed her secret advantage pretty well. (She didn't misread it. If her tribe lost, she would give it to someone on her tribe when it was time to vote and it would block their vote. If her tribe was immune, she would send it to someone on the losing tribe, thus blocking their vote.) By choosing Devon, she takes the swing vote who is probably against the numbers-heavy healers out of the voting, evening up the votes. Then she hopes that Joe plays his idol and that he was his usual annoying self and they voted for him. That removes a non-healer from the game and gets the idol away from Joe. Win-win.

She's definitely the brains of that twosome. Hope she votes Cole off soon.

I don't really see Desi wanting to keep Joe around either. I can easily see future votes in that tribe being 3-1 against Joe.

I wonder if/when they'll switch to two tribes?

Weirdly, I enjoyed seeing Ashley and Alan work together this ep.

I also didn't expect to like Devon at the beginning of the season, but I do. He has common sense and a low-key sense of humor. Also, his brain appears to function with some level of intelligence and without a high level of asshattery, which puts him miles beyond several of the other men they cast this season.

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Joe is the literal WORST.  And I mean that quite literally.  Ass.

Man that was heartbreaking watching how sad Devon got.  Don’t do that again, show.

”I’m Joe!  I can read people’s faces!  I’m so goddamned brilliant I am going to tell you that over and over!  I am SO. DAMN. SMART.”

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11 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Still barely caring. Maybe I'm that used to returning players,where I can't bother to keep track of the current cast with their advantages and alliances. All I know is Joe = Tony; hence, Joeny.Just a big, bulky spazz.

I was actually thinking today 'I kind of wish this was returning players, in some form.  At least I'd be interested.'  After last season, the last thing I think I'd want is another returning player season any time soon.  However, at this point it seems pretty good right now.


Man that was heartbreaking watching how sad Devon got.  Don’t do that again, show.

That was really crappy.  I'm sure Jeff will have the usual Probst spin on what great TV it made, but I'm curious to hear his thoughts anyway.  I wonder if Devon finds out it was Jess and holds a grudge.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Cole is an old scene from Sports Night (paraphrased):

Jessica: Cole is [my showmance], he's the only one I told.

Cole: I told many, many people.

Did anyone cry during Game Changers confessionals at all? I feel like the last time we've seen crying in confessionals, it was over almost-dead parents. I'm torn between being irritated at Jessica for crying about some guy she's known for five seconds, and the show for making us think we should be irritated with Jessica for crying about some guy she's known for five seconds.

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Not how I wanted this to go down.  I hate the comparisons between Tony and Joe because I like Tony a lot. I have no idea how to feel about Joe but so far no go.

I was coming around on Alan. He had a good episode. I wonder if Desi is the only non-white contestant left.

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First, Cole is not good at this game. But Jessica was dumb for telling anyone to begin with.

I did not like Alan before the switch but I liked him tonight and was bummed he went. But I like Devon more so I was worried it would be him. Wish it had been Joe though. That stupid advantage that wasn't. But Joe is a sly dude. Hope they get him out ASAP or he could win and that would suck.

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8 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I wonder if Devon finds out it was Jess and holds a grudge.

I'm thinking too many people know about it for it not to come up again. Lauren will tell Devon if she gets any chance.

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Funnily enough,I was starting to be okay with Alan( don't judge me) 
It was a good TC! I thought Devon had an advantage, and while I explained that to my husband, he didn't.lol! 

I like a couple of people on each tribe, and none of them are named Joe! What an @ss! Throws Desi under the bus, and pretends he might use the idol on her, knowing full well he wouldn't.

Chrissy and Ryan, a very nice couple.

Edited by NeverLate
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58 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I can NOT wait for Joe to get got!!

What an obnoxious asshat!

I've hated him since he treated that one guy terribly over looking for an idol.  Yet he goes and does the same thing.  Then uses loose lips Curt to help figure out the clue, that he was way off on guessing.  If only he had wasted hours searching water...... 


He's such a jerk,  but Alan got crazy too before.  They both were expendable.  

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I think Lauren will be in a much better position and will gel with the new tribe. Chrissy, too. Then hopefully will reunite with Ben at the merge and that three plus Allie and Ryan will go to the end. 

I also wish it were two tribes now. Three, and mixed up, is so confusing. Plus dealing with a merge at some point.  It's harder to keep track of previously existing relationships this way. 

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1 minute ago, awaken said:

I think Lauren will be in a much better position and will gel with the new tribe. Chrissy, too. Then hopefully will reunite with Ben at the merge and that three plus Allie and Ryan will go to the end. 

Ben is my fave, I'd love him to win.

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Regarding Joe, I don't know if it's funny or scary that he was considered a Healer because of his job.  The theme this season, and the reasons for the divisions, were stupid to begin with.  But Joe isn't what I would have called a Healer.

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25 minutes ago, susannot said:

I'm bored but I like Desi, Chrissy, Lauren, Ryan, and Devon.  Jessica showed a glimmer of intelligence.  If she votes out dumb beefcake Cole I will have high hopes for her.


20 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Not how I wanted this to go down.  I hate the comparisons between Tony and Joe because I like Tony a lot. I have no idea how to feel about Joe but so far no go.

I was coming around on Alan. He had a good episode. I wonder if Desi is the only non-white contestant left.

She was invisible tonight, but let's not forget about Ali, on both counts!

I don't pay super-close attention to the instructions, but I assumed that Jessica giving the "advantage" to Devon meant that he would be able to exercise it as Jessica would, that is, cancel the vote of someone on his tribe. I like that structure better - giving an advantage to someone on another tribe is one thing; crippling someone on another tribe rubs me the wrong way. 

Nevertheless, I am enjoying these "one-council-only; if you don't go, you've gotta gift it blind" games. I like the cross-tribal dynamic it introduces. In this particular case, it also increases the impact of Cole's big mouth, but sharing the info with others was not Jessica's best judgment.

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4 minutes ago, awaken said:

There's something odd about the shape of joe's mouth. Almost obscene. I can't look away, yet it makes me uncomfortable. 

That and his oddly shaped head makes me uncomfortable.  Along with his obnoxious smug superior attitude.    ;)

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I do NOT like Joe, but I can't blame him for the fist pump and exuberance for correctly playing the idol.  He probably shouldn't have let Ashley know that he finds her easy to read.  I hope Desi dumps him and jumps to the other two.

I didn't like Alan, but he left in a good way, and showed some self-awareness in his TH.

I don't get why Jessica thought cancelling the swing vote would protect her former Healer friends.  Common sense would say cancelling Devon's vote would most likely end in a tie.  Why not cancel the votes of Ashley or Alan?  I wish Joe would have gone home, and we'd get a close shot of Jessica's face when she realized it.  Rooting for team Yellow, or as Jeff called them tonight - "Yella".

Roark looks so much like Nell from The Last Exorcism.  It's distracting.  http://i.ytimg.com/vi/K3OlOJoRKSI/maxresdefault.jpg

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Shock and awe among the tribes' faces seeing that Patrick is gone!! So there are still three tribes. I guess HHH is no longer. So two crazies are on the Levu tribe (Alan and Joe). Watch-they will become best friends (NOT). I bet Lauren and Ben will gang up - we will see. I'm trying to remember which team had what color - I know Hustlers had red, I think heroes blue and Healers yellow.

You'd think those guys would start getting dizzy hopping around those ropes. Watch J.P.  and Ben not let anyone else throw the rope. Ben didn't need to. Is J.P. going to pull a Patrick? He sure is throwing wide - just got it! Alan didn't play quarterback, did he? He certainly can't throw too well. I guess Alan is pulling a Patrick. I wonder what the other side of the puzzle looked like. Was it the same thing?

I wonder if everyone will get a new wardrobe now that they've changed team colors. What will Ryan do with his red underpants??  OK, Cole, I no longer like you, telling others about the advantage. Maybe others will see you as more trustworthy but Jessica certainly won't!! I do like Jessica, I think she's cute, but she has to stop talking to Cole.

Chrissy, Ryan saved you because you looked like the weakest one on your tribe and they would have to vote out someone stronger, not because he loved you.  Oh Cole, you are a pathetic liar, too, just like Joe. Jessica, vote Cole out! You can keep your relationship with him, but don't tell him anything you don't want other people to know.

Wow, the poles on the puzzle boxes could cause some damage to the guys' jewels! Almost got Alan. Sounded like Jeff said, "And the pizzas are free now!" (actually "pieces"). Reds won! I wonder who Jessica will give her advantage to.  I was thinking Yellows would lose and she'd give it to Chrissy, but not this time. OK, I bet she will give it to Devon.  Ha!! Joe is caught in his lies! They could call this episode "Honesty is the Best Policy." Watch Devon will get the advantage and he'll cancel Joe's vote. Alan vs. Joe in the crazy contest! Alan is winning! No, Joe pulls ahead.

I knew Jessica would give it to Devon!! Watch, he will block Joe's vote. Jeff is funny, this is like a movie where they get the bad guy by going after his wife!  Joe, saying the Heroes have no cracks. Little does he know. Here comes Alan's crazy eyes!! Oh crap, Jessica misread it and I misunderstood it!! Oh what a comedy of errors this episode is. I wonder if they'll just vote him out. And Crazy Eyes Alan is voted out! He and Patrick will have good times at Losers' Lodge!

This was a fun episode. Things are livening up now!

It looks like one did get Devon.  By the way, those poles could have done some damage to female genitalia, too.

40 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Not how I wanted this to go down.  I hate the comparisons between Tony and Joe because I like Tony a lot. I have no idea how to feel about Joe but so far no go.

I was coming around on Alan. He had a good episode. I wonder if Desi is the only non-white contestant left.

I liked Tony, too.  Joe doesn't remind me of Tony, but he definitely reminds me of Rodney - the guy who tattooed his dead sister on his arm to pick up women.  I could see Rodney wearing the big diamond earrings, too.  Douche.

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I liked Tony, too.  Joe doesn't remind me of Tony, but he definitely reminds me of Rodney - the guy who tattooed his dead sister on his arm to pick up women.  I could see Rodney wearing the big diamond earrings, too.  Douche.

Rodney, yes!  I like Tony, too, and I don't think he was anywhere near as bad as Joe is.  Joe is just an ass, and I can totally see the Rodney comparison.

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I don't think telling someone about an advantage you find that is only good for one night is such a stupid thing to do - you basically have a 3 day window, and it could be a good way to buddy up/earn trust points, like Ryan did with Devin, and Jessica did with Cole and Mike tonight.  Cole telling ALL of the others about Jessica's advantage, on the other hand, marks himself as untrustworthy to everyone.

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24 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Regarding Joe, I don't know if it's funny or scary that he was considered a Healer because of his job.  The theme this season, and the reasons for the divisions, were stupid to begin with.  But Joe isn't what I would have called a Healer.

No way he's a healer.  No disrespect to parole/probation officers, but I would place them in with the hustlers.  They aren't really working to heal anybody.  They are wading through the lies, BS, and excuses of their clients, which probably makes them cynical, suspicious people - like Joe.

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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

The scene between Chrissy and Ryan was actually sweet. It's rare we see genuine bonding. (I know it was  strategy, but still.)

I did have to laugh at Chrissy being all, "aw, it's sweet that he felt we had a connection" then I assumed Ryan's logic was "give the idol to the older woman that was dry-heaving after losing the first challenge."

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49 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I wonder if Desi is the only non-white contestant left.

Isn't Joe Hispanic?

I can't stand Joe.  Hate everything about him.  The way he talks, the weird head, the body that he thinks is rockin (I saw him say he has a six pack in an interview somewhere) but seems to be an average dad bod, his attitude and personality.  He is the kind of player that makes me want to run to the spoiler thread to make sure he doesn't win.

Cole is just all sorts of dumb.  Why would he blab to others and sell out his pseudo-girlfriend?  He says he wanted to gain trust.  Why did he need it?  Jessica, he and Mike were going to be a strong bloc vote, so I'm confused as to why he thought he needed Ben.   It's only 11 days in, surely he hasn't gone that island crazy yet.

I feel bad for JP, he is the only muscle on his team.  He is saddled with Skinny Ryan, an "old" lady, and two younger women.  I'm amazed they were able to avoid TC.

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I'll give a hat tip to the editors...they fooled me for once. Ten minutes into the episode and suddenly Desi getting screen time told me she was going to be out by the end of the episode so they got me!

Don't understand everyone being all agape at Patrick being gone...they didn't even know him. Only thing I can think of is they expected Lauren who looks like the world' s easiest boot.

How did the Beefcake guy not realize that an advantage is not an advantage if you tell everyone about it? And how did he think Blondie Virgin wouldn't find out  about him giving up the secret? Is she really that into him after 9 days that's she's crying over his actions? They haven't even kissed have they?

Cue the sad trombone music when Ashley got stuck with Allan...interestingly enough they put their differences aside to work together but it was a little to llittle a little too late.

Who is this Roarke character...she literally seems to have appreared out of nowhere from behind a palm tree?

Edited by North of Eden
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9 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I'll give a hat tip to the editors...they fooled me for once. Ten minutes into the episode and suddenly Desi getting screen time told me she was going to be out by the end of the episode to they got me!

Don't understand everyone being all agape at Patrick being gone...they didn't even know him. Only thing I can think of is they expected Lauren who looks like the world' s easiest boot.

How did the Beefcake guy not realize that an advantage is not an advantage if you tell everyone about it? And how did he think Blondie Virgin wouldn't find out  about him giving up the secret? Is she really that into him after 9 days that's she's crying over his actions? They haven't even kissed have they?

Cue the sad trombone music when Ashley got stuck with Allan...interestingly enough they put their differences aside to work together but it was a little to llittle a little too late.

Who is this Roarke character...she literally seems to have appreared out of nowhere from behind a palm tree?

I agree, I read about this Desi and it wasn't until tonight that I figured out who she is.  I was sure she was going home.  And I agree that this Roark person still isn't really on the show.

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Jeez, shut up, Jessica.  You act like a 12 year old school girl with her first crush.

It's confusing to figure out which team is which because their clothes don't match the colors of their buffs any more.

Jessica, never play poker.

Never. Tell. Cole. Anything.

Joe is as crazy as Allen.

Well, at least one of the crazies is gone.

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Just now, blackwing said:

I feel bad for JP, he is the only muscle on his team.  He is saddled with Skinny Ryan, an "old" lady, and two younger women.  I'm amazed they were able to avoid TC.

And if the challenges involved pure strength, that would be a problem. But so far, I think the challenges have actually been a good mix of agility/dexterity, teamwork/communication, mental/puzzling, swimming, and such. The team with the biggest guys on it did the worst at unbraiding, flipping themselves, throwing a hoop with a rope on it accurately, and doing a puzzle. Joe, in fact, sucks at the agility and communication bits. 

Lauren, Ben, and Cole were great at unbraiding their ropes and flipping themselves over/around  the beams, as were Roark, Ryan, and JP. The biggest problem for the smallest people (Roark and Ryan) in that challenge appeared to be managing all the rope and, of course, hauling the heavy sled.

I don't know that Jessica was crying over Cole, exactly, though with the way she's been edited of course that's the conclusion folks will jump to. I think she had an emotional moment when she realized she trusted someone (her closest supposed ally) and got burned. Some of us get a bit snivelly when we feel backstabbed. >.>

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