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5 minutes ago, Artsda said:

How does Lani have any right to keep the baby from Ben? Unless it's Rafe's, Ben is next of kin.

I don't know I'm kinda confused at how lani ends up with custody.I mean as much as I don't like him rafe would make more sense since Jordan asks him to go get her baby.I could see her asking him to watch after the bsby.

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Lani fighting for custody of a baby she has zero ties to except for an emotional attachment and keeping the baby from a blood relative is really, really far fetched. I hope when this plays out it makes more sense than what it seems like now.

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2 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Lani fighting for custody of a baby she has zero ties to except for an emotional attachment and keeping the baby from a blood relative is really, really far fetched. I hope when this plays out it makes more sense than what it seems like now.

I have no problem with that.   If Lani is given guardianship over that baby, she has every right to not let a serial killer with mental issues near the baby. What if he has a delusion and he believes the baby is a threat to him and harms the baby, then what?  Furthermore, an uncle does not have any rights to his nephew, unless the mother or father consents.  Jordan believes that Ben is dangerous, so she would not want him anywhere near her baby. This is just a cheap ploy by Ron to make us feel bad for the poor misunderstood serial killer. Lani is being so mean to him, well, what the hell does he expect. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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40 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

I have no problem with that.   If Lani is given guardianship over that baby, she has every right to not let a serial killer with mental issues near the baby. What if he has a delusion and he believes the baby is a threat to him and harms the baby, then what?  Furthermore, an uncle does not have any rights to his nephew, unless the mother or father consents.  Jordan believes that Ben is dangerous, so she would not want him anywhere near her baby. This is just a cheap ploy by Ron to make us feel bad for the poor misunderstood serial killer. Lani is being so mean to him, well, what the hell does he expect. 

A serial killer with mental issues who has also kidnapped a baby. I'd be upset with Lani if she does let Ben spend time with this baby. 😄 Your last few sentences are spot on, and I have no doubt that's what Ron is really going for here. 🙄

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This doesn't seem to even be much about Ben there's a couple spoilers hinting that lani is going to become too attached to the baby.plus Jordan is going to be back in september not sure how long but she is still taping right now.

I wonder who the father will end up being for some reason I'm getting the feeling Stefan might end up being the father I just don't think the father will be someone random.

Edited by Harmony233
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4 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Lani fighting for custody of a baby she has zero ties to except for an emotional attachment and keeping the baby from a blood relative is really, really far fetched. I hope when this plays out it makes more sense than what it seems like now.

Yep. Imma wait and see for more spoilers on this story instead of preemptively negging Ben for anything in this story but I truly doubt Lani gets any type of legal guardianship and likely her actions relate to her overstepping due to imprinting on that child. Jordan asked Rafe to care for her child. She doesn't know Lani to trust her with anything like that. Abe worrying about Lani makes me think this story is more about Lani's mental state when seeing someone else's baby named David triggering her feelings of losing her own child and her growing unnaturally attached. I am guessing this will be Lani dealing with her grief, tho I thought that already happened and she explained that being the reason to Eli about why she kept pushing him away after their David died. 

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1 hour ago, Chick2Chic said:

Yep. Imma wait and see for more spoilers on this story instead of preemptively negging Ben for anything in this story but I truly doubt Lani gets any type of legal guardianship and likely her actions relate to her overstepping due to imprinting on that child. Jordan asked Rafe to care for her child. She doesn't know Lani to trust her with anything like that. Abe worrying about Lani makes me think this story is more about Lani's mental state when seeing someone else's baby named David triggering her feelings of losing her own child and her growing unnaturally attached. I am guessing this will be Lani dealing with her grief, tho I thought that already happened and she explained that being the reason to Eli about why she kept pushing him away after their David died. 

Yes exactly. Believe me I make no excuses for Ben and his past. My issue here is I'm curious if Lani, who is a complete stranger in every legal way has any right to stake claim on this baby as if he were her own. I mean I despise Rafe and yet I would understand him having some claim since Jordan, as the babies mother thought enough to trust him getting the baby. 

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13 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

Yes exactly. Believe me I make no excuses for Ben and his past. My issue here is I'm curious if Lani, who is a complete stranger in every legal way has any right to stake claim on this baby as if he were her own. I mean I despise Rafe and yet I would understand him having some claim since Jordan, as the babies mother thought enough to trust him getting the baby. 

It's the same with Eric and Holly.  He has no blood connection to her, either.  But then, neither does Chloe, she was a surrogate, not a blood relative.  Why did Maggie have more a say over who got the baby over Nicole's family?

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43 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

It's the same with Eric and Holly.  He has no blood connection to her, either.  But then, neither does Chloe, she was a surrogate, not a blood relative.  Why did Maggie have more a say over who got the baby over Nicole's family?

Where is Nicole's family? I think Maggie got a say as a blood relative of Holly. Sarah also has a blood relation to Holly but Days wasn't consistent playing that beat. Holly being with her half brother is something. I really didn't care about that story, though. 

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Brandon is in South Africa with Theo I don't know where Taylor is.

Course that would make too much sense on this show.

If LG had come on the show as Taylor instead of Sarah that would've been preferable to me too now that I think about it.

3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

It's the same with Eric and Holly.  He has no blood connection to her, either.  But then, neither does Chloe, she was a surrogate, not a blood relative.  Why did Maggie have more a say over who got the baby over Nicole's family?

Eric strangely makes more sense than Lani at least he had history with Nicole. Lani doesn't have history with Jordan. Ben only because she arrested him for the NTK.

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6 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

A serial killer with mental issues who has also kidnapped a baby. I'd be upset with Lani if she does let Ben spend time with this baby. 😄 Your last few sentences are spot on, and I have no doubt that's what Ron is really going for here. 🙄

For those who dislike both characters like I do I can watch this and not be bothered. Yay for me.

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That promo confirms what I suspected, Jordan tells Rafe "take" my baby. Which sounds like she wants Rafe to have the baby. Im no law expert but I would think in reality a birth mothers wishes would overrule a stranger. That is of course if this leads to a custody battle.  And why am I expecting Days to do anything realistic?

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32 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

That promo confirms what I suspected, Jordan tells Rafe "take" my baby. Which sounds like she wants Rafe to have the baby. Im no law expert but I would think in reality a birth mothers wishes would overrule a stranger. That is of course if this leads to a custody battle.  And why am I expecting Days to do anything realistic?

Yeah how lani comes into the mix is confusing but the fact t hat eli and abe seem concerned about lani makes me think that lani will get too attached.

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Is it confirmed that there will be a serial killer storyline in the next six months? I keep hearing that...

If so, which of these soon-to-be-departed characters should die?








(I think they're all confirmed departures).

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VK/Ciara hasn’t confirmed she leaving. That’s just a speculation since she’s so popular and young and is booking lots of modeling jobs/sponsorships that she’d try her hand at prime time or movies. 

I didn’t know Tripp Ted and Rex we’re leaving. I like Rex. 

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7 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Is it confirmed that there will be a serial killer storyline in the next six months? I keep hearing that...

Really?????  Another serial killer?   Hopefully just speculation or a rumour.

7 hours ago, MsTree said:

Claire, Rex and Ted...or Rex & Ted w/Claire as the serial killer.

Claire as the serial killer could make sense, as she's certainly spiraling now.  

7 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I didn’t know Tripp Ted and Rex we’re leaving. I like Rex. 

Daytime Royalty keeps track of comings and going.  Not sure if it's 100% accurate, as it's based on rumours, social media posts, etc. But here's the link:  https://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/casting-news-rumors-2019-t40498.html

BTW, NB was interviewed last week and said Chloe is not being killed off, and that she'd be open to returning. Right now, however, the writers (Ron?) didn't know what to do with her character.

Edited by buffynut
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8 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Is it confirmed that there will be a serial killer storyline in the next six months? I keep hearing that...

If so, which of these soon-to-be-departed characters should die?








(I think they're all confirmed departures).

It's not. I think that was mainly social media speculation after it was revealed that so many people are leaving, but there's no indication they're doing another serial killer arc. Having said that, there's not really anyone on that list who I couldn't live with, so it wouldn't hurt me to have any of them killed off. Buffynut correctly pointed out that Chloe isn't dying, based on Nadia's interview, but they can always reverse it down the road if any of these characters do kick the bucket on their way out.

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1 hour ago, buffynut said:

BTW, NB was interviewed last week and said Chloe is not being killed off, and that she'd be open to returning. Right now, however, the writers (Ron?) didn't know what to do with her character.

I'm very glad they're not killing off Chloe.

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1 hour ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I'm very glad they're not killing off Chloe.

Shame on Ron for not being able to write for Chloe.  She has a rich history on the show.  How about Philip comes back after she and Brady fall in love and she finds out that Parker is in fact Philip's.. 

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Wait, Ciara needs to be rescued again?? Are you freaking kidding me? I never would have imagined BO BRADY's daughter would end up to be such a weak damsel in distress (ok I admittedly worshiped Bo, but c'mon he really was a badass!) Blech. Bo's daughter should be feisty and STRONG.

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2 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Wait, Ciara needs to be rescued again?? Are you freaking kidding me? I never would have imagined BO BRADY's daughter would end up to be such a weak damsel in distress (ok I admittedly worshiped Bo, but c'mon he really was a badass!) Blech. Bo's daughter should be feisty and STRONG.

She was feisty and strong when she was a little girl. Then, they aged her and she became a generic boring and weak.. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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But we need Ciara in these kinds of scenes for her to keep Ben's hero status intact. lol. We need to keep hearing her gush over how amazing and terrific he is. And if anyone dare say something mean about precious Ben she'll give you that nasty smug look of hers. lol

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It's not my favorite thing to see Days put Ciara in a damsel role but I'll take that over what they gave Theresa, which was no one giving a damn.

I would like Ron to stop dipping back into the well and come up with something fresh cause not everything needs to be recycled and he's already recycled this plot point for Ciara 4 times in less than a year.

3 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Bo's daughter should be feisty and STRONG.

I learned a long time ago to not look at who a character's parents are as to how a character should be (which is also the case in IRL like when folks have crap parents but turn out well). Especially considering how soaps nowadays constantly change characters personalities to fit or to push a story. 

Curious to see what JJ does now that he's suspicious of Claire. Plus Claire blowing up the wedding. 

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Can Chandler, who is perpetually bored, carry such a story? 

If they’re using the “brain tumor” story for Will then I guess they can’t use that as an excuse for Claire’s outlandish behavior. 

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Hey---a brain tumor.  Maybe he'll be the unconfirmed, but currently speculated on, serial killer.  Why else do a brain tumor story if it's not an excuse for murder?

Edited by Irlandesa
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7 hours ago, buffynut said:

Let me try ...  and  SIGH ....

I have to agree with this tweet.  Sonny and Will should’ve been happy for at least a week before the next calamity.  Everything doesn’t have to be high drama all the time.  I have to agree with another tweet that said Ron must not be happy in his personal life to come up with such nonsense.

At least it’s not an interloper keeping Sonny and Will apart.  For now.  I can see Ron toss one up in there just because.

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I'm not a Will/Sonny fan, as I've probably made clear, but this veer straight from Leo into brain tumor seems weirdly paced.  Can't they just be (silently, background-ishly) happy for a bit?

When's the Paul visit supposed to happen?  I wonder if the brain tumor, like, squashes Will's brain and makes him think he's still with him.

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On 4/4/2019 at 1:57 PM, Apprentice79 said:

She was feisty and strong when she was a little girl. Then, they aged her and she became a generic boring and weak.. 

This is their way of turning a serial killer into a hero.

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SOD Spoilers for the week of April 8th

Ted Kisses Hope declares his love, and says he'll wait for Hope to accept she has feelings for him too;
Sarah dreams of Eric
Jennifer tries to jog Jack's memory by re-creating a scene from their past

JJ tells Jack that Jennifer still has feelings for him

Ted pressures Hope to leave Rafe for him
Eli overhears Ted declare his love for her

After a blow to the head, Jack recalls something from his past

Jack tells Jennifer he's marrying Eve
Ben asks Ciara to spend the night at his place

Source: SOD 

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