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16 minutes ago, fountain said:

What is all the talking that Nicole wants to do?  I have been married nearly 20 years and don’t recall much major talking that needed to be done on a daily basis.  Sure we communicate and talk about life, current events, what’s on sale for Cybee Monday, etc.  But I couldn’t figure out what Nicole means, does she just want to hang out with Azan? Talk about him coming to the US?  The fight just had no frame of reference for me and being part of a low-key, low-drama couple I just don’t understand Nicole.

I could be wrong, but my impression is that Nicole is incredibly immature, naive and needy.  She seems to have a bizarre interpretation of what a relationship consists of - in her world its all "I love yous" and heart emoticons.  Its like shes pressuring Azan to "talk" to her but they have nothing to talk about.  Shes just nagging, nagging, nagging...following him around pressuring him.  Ugh. She needs to go home.  Shes not mature enough to have an adult relationship.  She must be exhausting to be with...

Edited by Kelly
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6 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I haven't been to Vegas but I've heard some pretty bad stories especially when it's a bachelor party or bachelorette. Have anybody had any bad experiences with people making sexual advances? I've heard that if a Vegas woman knows you're a bachelor they throw themselves at him. 

I think the sisters are trying to make Libby just like them. And I don't think she's like that. So it's really disturbing for me to watch them tell her what to do and then tell her how she is. My family likes to tell me how I am too and half of it isn't me. It's just what they've decided they want me to be. It causes depression. 

Libby and Andrei may want to move to a different city to get some space from the 'family'. Healthier for all of them. The sisters are projecting their own crap on to her. Work on boundaries would be of great help. Not flexi boundaries for family. Across the board. Andrei may be the best thing that ever happened to Libby.

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1 minute ago, Kelly said:

I could be wrong, but my impression is that Nicole is incredibly immature, naive and needy.  She seems to have a bizarre interpretation of what a relationship consists of - in her world its all "I love yous" and heart emoticons.  Shes not mature enough to have an adult relationship.  She must be exhausting to be with...

I said before that I believe Azan is never around unless the cameras are. I spend my days in isolation and it's terrible. I sometimes say I want to talk to someone even though I don't have much to talk about except for maybe the philosophies that run through my head. Maybe Nicole just wants companionship. I agree she's immature but I think she also knows deep down that Azan does not love her and she's getting desperate. I'm sort of feeling bad for her. Her dad should have never said he'd sponsor Azan. He's setting Nicole up for a lot of heartache. I don't dislike Azan. I don't blame him for not liking Nicole. But he needs to bow out in that case because she is not at the maturity level or emotional level to be able to handle heartbreak. She still lashes out like a young girl. 

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4 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I said before that I believe Azan is never around unless the cameras are. I spend my days in isolation and it's terrible. I sometimes say I want to talk to someone even though I don't have much to talk about except for maybe the philosophies that run through my head. Maybe Nicole just wants companionship. I agree she's immature but I think she also knows deep down that Azan does not love her and she's getting desperate. I'm sort of feeling bad for her. Her dad should have never said he'd sponsor Azan. He's setting Nicole up for a lot of heartache. I don't dislike Azan. I don't blame him for not liking Nicole. But he needs to bow out in that case because she is not at the maturity level or emotional level to be able to handle heartbreak. She still lashes out like a young girl. 

Maybe Nicole doesn't like to be alone.  And likes to be validated. Marriage is a long haul and at this point, it won't work.

Edited by Frozendiva
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I don't like to be alone either. And I've been in a relationship where every time I tried to talk about my feelings, I was accused of trying to argue. So it was never ever validated. Just shut down. It's like hell. 

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4 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

True.  Husband and I did not get to experience the splendor of The World's Largest Pancakes In The History of Batter.

Those were silver dollars compared to the ones they serve at the Country Pancake House in Ridgewood NJ.

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2 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Nicole: "Before I cheated on him everything was amazing. After I cheated things aren't good."




She is so aggravating and perplexing.

I get the sense that when she says she just wants to talk (how many times did she actually say that this episode) that talking just means her running her mouth and Azan agreeing with her. When she doesn't get that and/or Azan tires of the merry go round of stupid and shuts down, she accuses him of being non-communicative. 

Maybe he only talks to her for like .00000002 seconds at a time?

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Lippy should tell cro magnan man, Andreeeeei, to back the fuck up.  Shes a grown woman who wants to hang with her sisters and friend for a minute.  Thats not a crime to anyone but his controlling ass.  Many women are saying dude is handsome and sexy and shit.  I dont get it,  but then again, I'm a straight man.

Bitch ass Evil-twin was fucking that apple up.  It helps to have a mouth full of teeth like a damn shark.  Elitist my ass, spoiled ass little bitch is more like it.

Slicky boy Luis's true colors are showing. His punk ass only wants his green card and if he has to endure boning a brash older woman to get it, so be it.  Molly needs to send his ass back and exchange him for a upgraded model.

Drunk ass bowling pin better wise up and put the bottle down or Annie is going back to Thailand. Or, he will get his ass kicked.  She seems like a decent enough woman who deserves so much more than the blob who drank Hollywood can offer.  Dude really needs to waddle his fat ass down to the employment office.

Nicole and Azan, AKA The Big Game Hunter, should chalk it up to a learning experience and move on.   Hes going to get tired of her shit and her getting physically and verbally abusive.  Im afraid someday hes going to slap the shit out of her and that is not a good thing

Broke down Jeremy Rennner wanna be, Josh, needs to give it  up too with his sack full of dead swimmers.  Aika is the coolest person on the show and she should run away, very, very fast. 

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1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

I've never wanted to go to a strip club or have strippers at a party. I think it's embarrassing. The sisters are pushing Elizabeth to do things she doesn't want to do. It's not just Andrei. Elizabeth DOES NOT WANT TO GO! Her sisters are bullies. They don't want her relationship to work. They're jealous.

"And she's not gonna have a curfew.  I'LL bring her home when I want to." - Sister Libby

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Uh.. the BEST breakfast place in Claremont! Let's not forget THAT!   I think David Poor's friend Chris not only is footing the bill for David Poor and poor Annie in California, didn't he also foot the bill for EVERYTHING in Thailand?? I remember old Poor always saying stuff like " I'll have to borrow the money for the water buffalo, borrow the money for the gold, borrow, borrow, borrow.... Yep, he definitely knows where ALL the bodies are buried!

I'm still confused as to how good old spoiled abusive girl; Nicole couldn't have found some idiot schlub to marry right there in Florida?? . Somebody in her own fricking time zone. Ugh! That poor baby girl.

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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Maybe they can have the bachelorette party at Sephora.

That would be my kind of party! What's the big deal with wanting to see strippers? Why ogle something you can't have? Plus you already have someone in the first place! BTW I didn't have bachelorette party, didn't have any desire to do so.

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33 minutes ago, Real4real said:

Annie, Annie, Annie--smh.  When she asked him not to drink until their wedding, 1) I could see David Poor counting on his fingers the number of days until the wedding and then considering carefully if he would be able to make it (doubt it) and 2) you know he will be plastered at the wedding now.  What a special day that will be.

I totally forgot about that! That is a big mistake by Annie! She is going to get embarrassed at the wedding....

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I've been out of the loop these last couple of weeks due to birthday and holiday merriment (damn life obligations!), but I'm caught up now.

Yeah.  I still really, really hate Evelyn. IMO, she is exactly the definition of sheltered, ignorant, fundamentalist white privilege and I just cannot with her.   I'm fine with her not being worldly, but she doesn't even want to entertain thinking about life outside of this tiny 96% white town.  Did our family word of the day calendar include "elitist" today:?  And David?  You're a douche for **allegedly** grooming Evelyn as a young teen and punishing her for being exactly who she has always been.  

Nicole.  Girl.  Azan hates your ass, and is trying to live his con.  Take your baby home and do better.

Azan.  Boy.  Nicole is an abusive childish asshole.  Figure out your life and walk away.  

I like that Andrrrreeeiii and The Coven have decided Libby's life for her.  How about some of these people that "care" about her ask her thoughts about decisions in her life?  Her father and brother come off as assholes.  Her sisters seem like shrews.  And her fiance, while a little better than I originally thought, has the sensibilities of a caveman (I do, however, applaud his demeanor with her family).  Libby needs to grown a pair and handle her life.  Whatever that ends up being.  My blood boiled watching her just sit there while the back and forths were happening.  

I'm with many of you with saying "helllll nahhh" to a male strip club...not my kind of thing...my favorite bachelorette party was going dancing at a gay club b/c I find patrons at LGBTQ+ clubs tend to have a fun, yet respectful mentality.  Thus, we were able to dance our night away to great music without getting grinded upon by random skeevy dudes, and that's a damn good night.

David Pour (Poor?) is just a hot mess.  Annie may be a golddigger, but girlfriend is in way over her head.  Walking her around California was cute, but it just reinforces the shock she is in for when they get to Kentucky.

Molly is making some really bad decisions for some dick and a (long awaited) wedding.  Luis is problematic as a man about to get married; calling the bachelor party his day off and how sad he was about the death of his single life was pretty telling.  He also has no interest, ability, or desire to be a stepfather, and those girls are the ones who are going to be in a potentially bad situation.   Also...and maybe I'm a prude...Luis's behavior at the bachelor party was piggish, and I fucking WISH Mr. Trini would EVER try that shit on me (I can talk big b/c my dude isn't that guy).

Re Josh and Aika - Aika.  Girl.  Bitch, run.  You deserve much better than this waste of time.

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3 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

For me the issue isn't Vegas or strippers. Some people like them, some people don't. The issue is that while everyone is going back and forth about what Elizabeth can and can't do, Elizabeth herself is sitting back, saying nothing, and just beaming. What is wrong with this grown-ass woman that she's happiest when people are fighting over her? She seems to manage every situation, including her choice of spouse, for maximum tug-of-war. I liked her at first but now I think she's a manipulative creep. 

Which brings me to Evelyn who, if she ever had me, lost me in two seconds tonight with this exchange: 

Evelyn: At least I don't think I'm an elitist [ed. note: no one THINKS s/he's an elitist, you smug moron. What you mean is 'at least I'm not an elitist,' which, fun fact, you actually are.] 

David: What was that? 

Evelyn, smugly: Nothing. 

That kind of nonsense is relationship poison. I hope she is (or more likely, her parents are) so ashamed when she watches that. God, she is such a piece of shit! 

That exchange got to my wife and I. English is one of her 7 languages but we both use words the other doesn’t know. We always stop and define the word. Not say, nothing...

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Did Nicole just compare herself to Trump?

Azan knows that Nicole will cheat on him, if she feels she’s not getting enough attention from him.

She said because Trump is America’s President they act like all Americans are racists.  And apparently she made fun of their bootleg dvds so she was accused of making fun of their culture. 

She did blame her loudness on being American though. 

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3 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Molly, let Luis go. He is telling you he loves his single life. You are in for a world of hurt if you marry him. You both are. 

He’s saying such bizzare things that don’t really make sense. It’s obvious a lot of the discourse is set up by producers so I wonder if they are pushing the “second thoughts” story on him and he is mangling it with his beginner English. If it is true then I don’t think he will make it to the altar. 

If he was trying to get a green card or whatever Americans accuse foreigners of doing, he’s terrible at it. You’re supposed to pretend you love it!

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42 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

Evelyn: At least I don't think I'm an elitist [ed. note: no one THINKS s/he's an elitist, you smug moron. What you mean is 'at least I'm not an elitist,' which, fun fact, you actually are.] 


Nice catch.  So not only is Evil-yn a rollicking bitch, she's an idiot, too.

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4 hours ago, eggsnbacon said:

Did Nicole just push Azan? Not once but twice. 

Am I the only one who thought that it looked like Nicole also pushed Azan (in the low back/butt) as he walked up the stairs?

It looked to me like he tripped and/or lost his balance (unless that's hidden too, along with his damn mind!) because she pushed him, on purpose, as he was ascending to the staircase landing.

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3 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Am I the only one who thought that it looked like Nicole also pushed Azan (in the low back/butt) as he walked up the stairs?

It looked to me like he tripped and/or lost his balance (unless that's hidden too, along with his damn mind!) because she pushed him, on purpose, as he was ascending to the staircase landing.

Nicole has assaulted him before. This is not a good situation. 

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1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

I haven't been to Vegas but I've heard some pretty bad stories especially when it's a bachelor party or bachelorette. Have anybody had any bad experiences with people making sexual advances? I've heard that if a Vegas woman knows you're a bachelor they throw themselves at him. 

I think the sisters are trying to make Libby just like them. And I don't think she's like that. So it's really disturbing for me to watch them tell her what to do and then tell her how she is. My family likes to tell me how I am too and half of it isn't me. It's just what they've decided they want me to be. It causes depression. 

Vegas:  You don't have to be part of a Bachlor/rette party.  The prostitutes are everywhere.  In the taxi line at the Bellagio, the hotel lobby, near the elevators etc.  And it doesn't matter if you say you are married, they just say "oh that's even better!"  And often times they offer up a 3 some LOL.   Last trip we were waiting for a cab and the girl just sidled in line next to my husband.  It was awkward.  She pulled out her lip gloss, primped and primed herself and when it was our turn to get in the taxi she just stood there.  The guy who calls the taxis just stood there like it's normal.  You can "invite" her to come with you.  Pun intended.  If not she just goes back to the line.  If you can get over the fact that these girls have a lot of miles on them, especially in the same night they are propositioning you, a lot of them are surprisingly beautiful and not rough and fake looking.  For a normal guy you can get a spectacular girl way hotter than you'd ever get IRL.  Cost ya tho.

Male Revue:  Went once....it's not as awkward as much as it's a weird waste of time.  Helps to be drinking and in the right mood.  If you have people who are going to be buzz kills with you, you'll be hampered because it's cheesy already without dragging people who are uptight to the venue IMO.  The thing with guys is that no guy will ever "not appreciate" seeing well toned women parade around in a variety of non clothing.  Women like to strut and men like looking.   The male revue is "fine" it's just not all that stimulating in the way that female strip clubs are.  I'd never a push a group to do it and it doesn't crack my Top 1000 things I'd like to do again any time soon.   Fine if someone else plans it but it's kinda lame.

I like that Molly & Company went to a drag club.  That seemed fun.  Being home by 10pm is weird.  I'm not home by 10pm for regular girls DINNER outs, let alone a bachelorette thing.

I think the show is pushing Blow up Doll mouth and sisters to go to a venue so they can parade themselves around in small clothing and the producers will get to set up a variety of awkward situations with men hitting on them and watch how she reacts to them.  She might want to take everyone's cell phones away because from experience I know that the pics always look like the ppl were having more fun than they actually were.

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1 hour ago, tincansailor981 said:

Lippy should tell cro magnan man, Andreeeeei, to back the fuck up.  Shes a grown woman who wants to hang with her sisters and friend for a minute.  Thats not a crime to anyone but his controlling ass. 

But she has said she doesn't want to do what her sisters want.  So as a grown woman, her sisters should respect her wishes.

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54 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

its not the cultural difference, Molly. It's the age difference. Luis is acting like a young man in his twenties who has no kids and no career. He can't even legally work, so why wouldn't he want to go do things younger people do? Why would he want to babysit all day and be alone at night because Molly has so much to do all the time? I'm sick of her acting like this is cultural. It's his maturity level! Plain and simple. Don't complain about the maturity level of a 25-yr-old man. Most don't have a fully developed frontal lobe. If you want a young man at the age of 43, then enjoy certain benefits and accept the fact that they haven't experienced as much life as you and they have a ton of energy and can drink all night, not die, and then get wasted again the next night. Theyre just fuckboys to you. NOT HUSBAND MATERIAL. You have no right to complain when you go in knowing all this.  Luis isn't even husband material for women his own age who could keep up with him. This is why I can't hang out with people in their twenties anymore. They are so freakin active. Cougars, please take my advice and don't marry your cub. Just have sex with him. Don't expect him to be your children's new daddy. 

Molly wants a slave. I'm convinced.

Your post made me laugh!

I think Molly thinks she can have it all.  She really does.  There are *times* when I'm impressed how patient she is with him and understands his frustration.  There are other times when it's comical to listen to her try to get this young guy to be a stepdad to her daughter.   How she really thinks this is going to work is beyond me.  Maybe things will be better when he can get a job as a bartender again and get out of the house.  The whole step dad thing could be producer driven.  It's the only thing that makes sense....these 2 are living in 2 different worlds, even in America.

Cougars and cubs.  LOL

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1 hour ago, Pachengala said:

Evelyn: At least I don't think I'm an elitist

I highly doubt Evelyn even understands what the term means and is just parroting "big girl words" that she has heard her parents say. 

Edited by magemaud
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I would like to challenge Nicole to attempt to express herself without using the word "talk."    

And the second......SECOND.....Hassan opens his mouth to say anything to her, she just gets shouty and repetitive at him.   He's damned no matter what.  She switches from a low....gutteral voice that is trying to scrape her teeth across his forehead to a passive aggressive baby voice.   She made my ears bleed.

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15 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Josh, your best friend is a douche. That's probably why he's treated like one. And if he's spent sooooo much money on her, maybe a little of that money should have been spent on her own damn ring. What? Is Aika the only woman in the world who wanted a ring when she got engaged? 

In defense of Josh (I can't believe I just wrote that) Aika is insisting on a $13,000+ , 2 carat ring.   That's the equivalent of about 3-4 years pay for the average Filipino.  And when the storekeeper mentioned the price, she said, with a straight face, that it wasn't so expensive. 


Josh giving her the ex-wife's ring was a classless move, but she has more than a bit of Anfisa in her with her financial demands to be "taken care of."


14 hours ago, NinaH said:


Aika should just bow out and let those two live happily ever after. Just like she would if she would realize Josh is a jackass loser and that she can do much better. Hell, even being alone is better than with a broke ass man that is only in this for his own self serving reasons. 


Being a 36 year old tattooed ex-bargirl and living in a shack with your impoverished parents in a remote village in the Philippines is not a good life.  Her reasons for marrying him are just as self-serving as his reasons for marrying her. 

Edited by gavinmac
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3 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

There is going to be a whole generation of these who just stared at screens in their babyhood years instead of playing with blocks. We will see how they turn out...

We’ve had neglectful mothers putting kids in front of screens for years now if you include television screens. Nicole probably grew up like that. So we see those results!

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I think David Spain is the wolf in sheep's clothing in all of this.  He looks normal, appears educated and well spoken but at the heart of him is someone who preyed on an underage girl online and now is a raging dismissive twatwaffle when he blows into town.  His mark is decidedly naive and that's a good scenario for someone who is controlling and wants to make sure she stays under his thumb.  He'd be a good cult leader.  Too bad Family Fundie is equally as naive and can't see what a jerk this guy is.   He's evil and he looks like nice God loving Virginal Spanish dude. 

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2 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

  I think as Molly was going into the strip club, she said "I've got Black friends." and then she cackled insanely.  (One of her friends was Black.)

I'm White, but I've heard that's really gauche to say, right?

She said I got hot friends. Yeah, that would have been weird to say, hehe. 

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12 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I've never wanted to go to a strip club or have strippers at a party. I think it's embarrassing. The sisters are pushing Elizabeth to do things she doesn't want to do. It's not just Andrei. Elizabeth DOES NOT WANT TO GO! Her sisters are bullies. They don't want her relationship to work. They're jealous.

100%! Elizabeth’s whole family are controlling a-holes. I like Andrei. There’s nothing wrong with expressing your desire to have the woman for whom you’ve changed your life refrain from having some random dude’s junk in her face. That is reasonable. He’s holding himself to the same standard so I don’t see the problem. 

Molly is an irresponsible woman who is, again, making horrible choices: She never married baby daddy #1. OK, but then she gets knocked up again (where is Kensley’s Dad? Is he involved?), and is now bringing this boy toy into her home with two young daughters. Dangerous for them and just as hurtful. 

David Spain: I don’t know what he was expecting, marrying a dimwit, but he’s not an elitist for wanting to move to a larger city  where he can actually have a career. I think the truth hurts a bit and calling him an elitist is Family Evilyn’s way of making themselves feel better  

David Poor, Josh, and Nicole are all horrible. 

Edited by 7isBlue
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35 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I haven’t seen any other toys around her. This really bugs me. 

Robbalee forgot to pack them.

FYI: my HS students are all glued to their screens (except in my class bc I will kill them dead -  and they know this), whether they're walking down the hall or walking slowly to school. They are already late, but they still saunter and watch Netflix en route to school. They are super honest, but still tardy! What's even more sad is during lunch, when they are with their friends who are 10 inches from them, most are still glued to screens. It's bad. Really bad. 

If I had a nickel for the first week of school for each time I was asked "Can I charge my phone/tablet?", I would be loaded. Notice the omission of the word "please." I'm quoting my sweet knuckleheads verbatim! I'd also be loaded every time I caught an asshole who would plug their device in because it was at 10℅...in 2nd period! Several kids would get up & trip over a 50 foot long cord. I'm not joking! It's a straight up addiction as the research shows.

Even if half of them played with blocks as toddlers, they are doomed. Zero social skills at all. 

Edited by Bridget
Spelling is important
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4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

David Spain wants to be in a city, not a small WASP town that he feels is  going through a downturn.

He's never going to get Evil-lyn out of Clairmont. Never, ever. He may as well just give up now. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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13 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

I defense of Josh (I can't believe I just wrote that) Aika is insisting on a $13,000+ , 2 carat ring.   That's the equivalent of about 3-4 years pay for the average Filipino.  And when the storekeeper mentioned the price, she said, with a straight face, that it wasn't so expensive. 

I really think that was editing. Either that or she doesn't understand how much money he makes and the cost of living in US dollars. When I went to Tanzania, I didn't know if certain things were expensive or not unless I thought long and hard about Tanzanian shillings. But I think they are editing it to make Aika the Anfisa of the season. They made Annie look that way in the beginning too. 

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2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Father Libby can f right off with that "my daughters married men with money who asked for her hand in marriage." Sorry poppa but this is not the 1800s, a man does not need your permission or approval to marry your adult daughter. She can make her own choices thank you very much, the only one that seems to be controlling her is you.

That was a horrible thing to say and Andrei will never forget that insult. I hate that family. They think Andrei is controlling?  They grew up with a miserable controlling pig for a father but I bet the sisters think he’s great! No wonder the man is divorced.  And his son takes right after him. 

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