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Season 5 Discussion


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8 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

90% love LOL

Could "nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic" be an overstatement?

Annie complained to her girl friend that David Poor had done "this" several times before. What exactly did he do? He embarrassed her somehow? He got tipsy? He raised his voice during an argument? Started on-too-many conga lines? Annie said the girl friend had to change seats bc of what David Poor was doing? What exactly was he doing? Or was he just being himself and am inebriated Annie just couldn't contain her total repulsion by him?

Didn't he own a business before he suffered a stroke? If so, I'm not sure you can label him nonfunctioning. Not clear on whether he works at all in Thailand. How long has he been there? It prbly started as an Eat, Pray, Love thing and just went on too long. LOL

Yeah it definitely went on too long, and he did way too much of the eating! 

Based on my limited observations of people, David Pour just seems way to comfortable with taking money from people to be a real self-sufficient self-starting kind of guy. Let's just say that I question his work ethic.

People who keep taking money from others and calling it "loans" are generally moochers. David did so and did so again without a flicker of discomfort. 

And no doubt Annie was repulsed by an elderly Pillsbury doughboy getting sweaty and jumping around. He's an irritating drunk, and he was drunk. And, it wasn't just Annie.  His own best friend said that he had a drinking problem that he wouldn't own up to so clearly it's been a problem in the past. He said he would run her off if he didn't stop.

Then when David Pour came up and was nuzzling on Annie, I think she vomited in her mouth a little. If he's just being himself then himself sucks.

Drinking alcohol after a stroke is questionable. Getting drunk after a stroke is playing Russian roulette. Just the fact that he was doing it indicated a problem to me.

If you knew you had a deadly fig allergy, would you ever pick up another fig again? Of course not!

Gauging by the fact that he had to borrow money from his friend just to pay the dowry, I would say David Pour been low functioning for several years. He's had only himself to care for and he has nothing saved. Maybe he will get his act together when he gets back to the states, but why am I thinking that more than likely he'll wind up on disability.

BTW, I got a kick out of Annie's 90% because it reminded me of Mohamed's 50% or whatever number he put on his percentage that he was there because of his love for Danielle... we all knew it was 0% anyway!

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Maybe BFWF is the new “White Elephant”?

And, since I can’t find the earlier post, the doughboy looking creature from Ghostbusters (Nicole and David Bahtman were both compared to this) was actually a The Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man. 

I've heard the targeted American and European women referred to as "pink elephants."  Danielle and Nicole are the stereotypical pink elephants because of their size and stupidity. Potential green card scammers share tips on how to hunt and bag the beasts. Some of them naively think that they should go for larger women because they have more money because just look at all of the food they're buying for themselves.

I'm thinking that some of them must envision America as this place where all of the streets look like Rodeo Drive and are just crawling with men and women who are hapless duds -- rude, ignorant, narcissistic and otherwise so highly flawed -- stuffing french fries in their faces with both fists and wiping the grease off of their faces with $20 bills.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I've heard the targeted American and European women referred to as "pink elephants."  Danielle and Nicole are the stereotypical pink elephants because of their size and stupidity. Potential green card scammers share tips on how to hunt and bag the beasts. Some of them naively think that they should go for larger women because they have more money because just look at all of the food they're buying for themselves.

I'm thinking that some of them must envision America as this place where all of the streets look like Rodeo Drive and are just crawling with men and women who are hapless duds -- rude, ignorant, narcissistic and otherwise so highly flawed -- stuffing french fries in their faces with both fists and wiping the grease off of their faces with $20 bills.

Imagine their shock when the mail orders find they are right except for the Rodeo Drive portion.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I searched this quickly.  It looks like you can marry someone else in the US, but you cannot petition for a change in status based upon that marriage.  She would need to leave the US before the 90 days was up and then apply for a new visa based upon the marriage and it is not guaranteed that it would be approved. 

True, but if you think about it, she'd need to find a brand new fiance in 3 months. What kind of a man would it be? Someone who'd marry a woman he met less than 3 months ago, probably knowing that she came here for another man. Would this kind of adventurous person be a good husband?

8 minutes ago, Ivanova said:

True, but if you think about it, she'd need to find a brand new fiance in 3 months. What kind of a man would it be? Someone who'd marry a woman he met less than 3 months ago, probably knowing that she came here for another man. Would this kind of adventurous person be a good husband?

What will that spin off be named? Escape from the 90 Days? 90 Days - the Do-Over? 

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, Sprockets said:

There are situations where, statistically, children are at increased risk.  "Great risk" is a bridge too far.  If anyone could accurately predict the risk of child abuse, it would almost never occur.  To get back to the show, there is zero evidence that Luis is any kind of a risk to Mollys' children or anyone else.  IMO this kind of speculation in regard to a specific person, in the absence of evidence, is highly irresponsible.  The label of "abuser" is impossible to remove, once applied.  

I think any adult parent who moves a stranger in with minor children is putting their kids at risk and is selfish and possibly abusive. Sadly, this encompasses many of the shows participants. Nicole doesnt have azan living with her but encourages her daughter to call him daddy, which is so so heart breaking to me. not fair to that sweet little girl.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

 You mean a "drunk," right? Not someone abusing steroids? (I've always heard "juicehead" to refer to a steroid abusing athlete or bodybuilder.)

Google search gave as the first definition someone who abuses alcohol. Social media info is available on what David Pour has been up to in Asia in terms of work, etc. 

Edited by Tuneful
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

I eat meat, but no organ meat, brains or tongue. Just my preference. I won't eat venison or veal either.

I didn't view "Aunt" as being elderly...older than Nicole but not elderly. She's his aunt, she is probably in her 50's.  JMO but that is far from elderly! (Being in my 50's, I would hate to be referred to as "elderly").

I just thought she was much older (70s) and just aging well as many POC do.  


Either way, it was disrespectful (she is clearly the head of the household and respected within the family). And I still feel it's silly to refuse to try while also eating mystery meat items in your daily life (gelatin, sausage, etc)


That's simply my opinion though :) 

On 11/14/2017 at 10:41 AM, 3girlsforus said:

I would agree except that I don't for a minute believe this was made in her honor or with love or even because it was one of their family traditions. I get that it's served in Morocco, but it is not served the way it was presented here and neither Azan or his Aunt were eating it. Either it was production driven or it was done by Azan's family specifically to upset and make fun of Nicole. To me that's just as crappy as the bad behavior Nicole exhibited. 

Never thought of this. That would be really rude. Like a Pedro/Chantel parents  and the chicken feet scenario. 

On 11/14/2017 at 7:31 AM, balisticnikki said:

I love unusual foods...that appeal to me. That did not. And since when is it proper form for a host to push, coerce, nag, guilt and force a GUEST to eat something the guest doesn't want?? That's absurd. As host, you cook what you want to cook. And if our guests don't want it or don't like it, c'est la vie. You don't force feed anyone or bully them to t he point of vomiting! Age has nothing to do w/ it. Yes, I know it was a production stunt.

If it was a traditional meal and part of the culture you want to share with the person who may be marrying into your family - you'd probably push it a bit before giving up. Especially if it was more expensive, hard to get, or took a long time to prepare. Or if in your culture it was  simply very rude to refuse what's prepared for you. Those are all scenarios I would find realistic. I don't know the details of the lamb or their culture, btw.

  • Love 1
On 2017-11-14 at 3:01 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

Any sex out of wedlock can carry many of the same repercussions.  Generally speaking the younger the person is, the greater the repercussions will tend to be.  As for Luis' comment, making it to a minor child makes it creepier to me.  But if he made it when Olivia was 18 it would still be both inappropriate and bad advice, IMO.  

"Wedlock" So quaint. 

  • Love 4

My mom worked for a woman who had gastric bypass surgery and changed her food addiction to alcohol and sex addictions. She actually kicked her husband out of the house because he wouldn't go drinking and dancing with her every evening, because he had to be at work at 6:00 a.m. It was a known side effect of the surgery, but she refused to admit it applied to her until the man she met on Tinder had a stroke while they were having sex. He then kept asking for her and why she wouldn't come to the hospital to sit all day, and she realized it was just a momentary need of sex for her, and attended an AA meeting. She eventually had to have additional abdominal surgeries and and recuperated with alcohol and sex. If David Poor is an alcoholic (not even going to consider sex addiction with him), he is on a fast path to death. I don't know why it is, but there is something about the surgery that makes alcoholism and drug abuse more dangerous than for those of us who haven't had that surgery. It has to do with the absorption or something.

Aika reminds me of Ukranian Alla in that she plans on trying to make a real marriage work not just a way to get to this country. Since everyone else has a family member ask the foreigner if they just want a Green Card, I wasn't surprised or irritated by his friend asking her if she just wanted an American. I've never used a dating app myself, but it's my understanding that you put in your preferences, such as age range, race, religion, etc., so if she wanted an American, of course her previous boyfriends would have also been American. Did he notice that his friend was on a dating app searching for a Filipino? 

When it came to Before the 90 Days, I never believed any of them were in an actual relationship and thought the all just wanted airtime. When it came to last season of After the 90 Days, I had to bail because Loren and Pao were overacting to the extreme, and I didn't care for the others much either. With this show, I think that Nicole truly believes she is in a true relationship, and Elizabeth/Andrei and Evelyn/David may be real couples, but all of them overact in hopes of getting on the next season After show. Nicole, Elizabeth and Evelyn make themselves look worse every week. It worked for Loren and Pao, though. Nicole is like Danielle in that she is completely delusional and couldn't come across as a decent person if she tried, which she won't, because she's delusional.

  • Love 5

OK I finally got to see this episode.

I'm going to go against the grain here.  Erp.  So here it goes.

Could be because I'm foreign too but I think Luis is getting the short end of the stick here trying to communicate in English because for whatever reason I "got" what he said.  Coupled with the fact that this is scripted AF and the words he does say are edited and chopped together (and hers as well...that was bad splicing there for the last segment),  I think the daughter pearl clutching at the word "fuck" is ridiculous.  She was happy when he said he would be on her side about her boyfriend staying later than her mom wanted but then when he called her out on basically sleeping with her boyfriend with no intentions of marrying him then she gets all "this is so inappropriate." 

Didn't understand the double talking head at the end either.   "this is not how we parent in america" seems like the incorrect angle for me.  Since he's her "friend" or "stepdad" or whatever we are calling this, he basically just talked to her like that.  "so you aren't serious with your boyfriend and you are just fucking?  Oh well.  You can do whatever you want anyway."   Which obviously she does and she will.   His whole other babbling was explaining to her the way they talk about basically "friends with benefits."   Would this have been less jarring if the translation would have come across that way?  Or "one night stands?"  Or "guy you are sleeping with but you are too young to get married so it is just transitional sex?"   Well Luis doesn't have command of the english language for that.   If Molly wants to be pissed at anything just go with the blanket "i'll do the parenting" angle instead of the "Luis has a long way to go to learn about parenting."   I'm not thinking so Molly.....he seems WAY more pragmatic than you honey.

What if we actually assume that Luis isn't a child predator and he actually does love Molly and a green card and actually give zero fucks about her teenager daughter..(as in he doesn't remotely want to bang her because she's 17)...... because he likes older women and curvy girls.....so he just does want to form a reasonable friendship with her daughter?  So he can't ask her about her boyfriend that she is sleeping with that she wants him to not tell her mom about so that when she appears on another TLC show about getting pregnant and not knowing who the father is, Luis will be like "welp it's apparently american culture that I absolutely don't have a conversation with a 17 year old about any boyfriends or sex so what could I do?"  Molly pick a side...you can't have it both ways.

Luis was explaining his angle perfectly...people have to grow up fast in poor areas....it's no different than the poor areas of the USA.   If you are watching Before the 90 days.....see ABBY.   Where he's from a 17 year old is an adult....I'm sure 11 and 12 year olds get pregnant and sex conversations happen way faster there.   He's right that the Molly areas of the world have very sanitized lives.   So he's not going to freak out over her 17 year old daughter having sex with her boyfriend. 

I wish we would just get off this angle altogether and manufacture some drama between Molly and Luis and let's see where that goes.  I don't like Luis being painted as some child predator and this On Demand step parenting sans english sucks.  If he's going to be an epic douchenozzle then let's expose him for wanting a green card and taking Molly for a ride.  Anything that has to do with her kids is a bad angle....if NOTHING happens then he's being edited like a shady ass and it's undeserving.   He has a different perspective from a poor country.  His opportunistic nature may come from seducing this older lady with money.   If something were to happen and Luis was a predator then TLC is just documenting doom and that's truly ridiculous.  Of course this is TLC so......

Moving on.....Aika shocks me.  I stare at her and wonder someone can appear on TV to be wearing so much makeup it actually looks excessive ON TV.   If you've ever been on camera then you know how much it sucks the color from your face.  Sheesh.

That being said, she's so keeping it real I am proud of her.  She knew that modeling agency would drop her if she mentioned kids and they did.  She knows exactly what Josh wants and is parading her around for and she's annoyed.  God Bless Aika.   I hope that someday she can wear some sweats in public with some nikes.   I'm starting to really loathe Josh.

BahtlessDavid.....yeah.  Well....um....yeah.

And the last grenade is the sheeps head.  Not my preference and I don't like brain and tongue and Kill on Demand pollo for tonight but this over dramatic hysteria over eating food seems ridiculous.   It's almost like they hype it up in their brains (hahaha) and it makes the anxiety even worse.  Part of me wonders if people do this to exert a weird control over themselves because it doesn't seem like it's worth it to freak out over pea sized pieces of meat.  Or brain.  Or testicles.  Hell anything tripey or in that area is far worse since it still tastes like the shit that is in it.  Gross AF but the hysteria seems immature and insulting.  Why the stereotype of the ugly american who can't blend in foreign land??  Gah.   It's not like they were making you eat LIVE SPIDERS.  That head was overcooked to hell...there wasn't anything scary about it.  Scary is raw brain sitting in a pool of coagulated blood and them using some bread to sop it up and they hand you a big piece that looks like toast with placenta and tell you to eat it.  THEN YOU BLINK.  You don't blink over boiled meat.  You find the cheek, it tastes like lamb (cuz it is) you smile and make a joke..yell "OPA!!!!" (opa works in EVERY country and it's distracting and celebratory).... and send mamma to the kitchen to make you a big pot of honey tea.   I guess she can get back at Azan in Florida by making him eat a plate of fried chicken nuggets.

OK I'll pull that pin now and walk away.....(sorry to be antagonistic to the rest of most of posts here....I didn't think i'd be in abject disagreement!!!!)

  • Love 13
19 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

I eat meat, but no organ meat, brains or tongue. Just my preference. I won't eat venison or veal either.

I didn't view "Aunt" as being elderly...older than Nicole but not elderly. She's his aunt, she is probably in her 50's.  JMO but that is far from elderly! (Being in my 50's, I would hate to be referred to as "elderly").


Same here - and add bunny to the list!

When I was about 7 years old, my parents took me with them on a trip to Montreal to visit friends. We went to the friend's house for dinner. I took a few bites (it was delicious), and then someone (I think it was my dad) said something like: "Isn't that good? Do you know what it is?" and I shook my head "No". Then our host said "It's rabbit!"

At which point I burst into tears and sobbed "I'm eating THUMPER??" I refused to eat another bite.

I now have a pet bunny. So my eating rabbit would be all kinds of wrong now.

I'm with you on the "elderly" thing. When I was 38 years old , I was at a doctor's appointment and my chart was in the room. While waiting for the doctor, I started browsing through it and saw I was described as being "middle-aged."  I WAS 38. 38 IS NOT "MIDDLE AGED." Damn! I gave THAT doctor an earful!

19 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Off-topic a bit, but . . . 

On our local news yesterday, they reported about a "92-year-old elderly woman."  Really?  They had to tell us that 92 is elderly?

Maybe that reporter has met a couple of 92-year-olds that have been particularly youthful and spry?


Edited by TwirlyGirly
  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Mmmm. Much more succinct than "outside of marriage" or any other phrasing that I can think of. Hell, ppl r willing 2 spel lik dis just to save a character here or there. Using "wedlock" saves 12 (TWELVE!) characters. :D

That's right!  And if we don't conserve characters there might not be any left for our children and grandchildren to snark with. :)

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Brother Cletus lost me when he didn't throat punch Luis in the basement.

I thought Larry was pathetic but he aint got shit on David Poor. Look up pathetic in the dictionary and there's David Poor in one of his scrub outfits. What a fucking embarrassment, don't do it Annie.

Larry isn't even in the same ball park of pathetic as David Poor. He has a decent job, a 401K (albeit a diminished one), a home , a bank account the 2nd largest collection of logoless baseball caps in America, and doesn't appear to have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.  Larry is also somewhat SYM-Pathetic, while David Poor is totally UNSYM-Pathetic.   Jenny is getting an absolute catch compared to Annie.   :)

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I'm with you on the "elderly" thing. When I was 38 years old , I was at a doctor's appointment and my chart was in the room. While waiting for the doctor, I started browsing through it and saw I was described as being "middle-aged."  I WAS 38. 38 IS NOT "MIDDLE AGED." Damn! I gave THAT doctor an earful!

Maybe that reporter has met a couple of 92-year-olds that have been particularly youthful and spry?


Think about it this way:  38 x 2 = 76.  You're in the middle between birth and 76.  Doesn't sound so bad that way.

And the "92-year-old elderly woman" comment was read off a teleprompter by the anchorwoman, so it was written by someone else.  This channel has the WORST local news reputation in our area. 

A few months ago when the London bombings took place, I actually got on their Facebook page to tell them that every bit of geographical information they gave was WRONG - including pointing out the London Aquarium as the Parliament building.  The reporter (who had just gotten off camera about 5 minutes before) responded back immediately.  He thanked me for the info, conceded that because it was a breaking story they hadn't had a chance to do the research before putting the map up, and promised me they'd get it right for the next report during their 6:00 PM show.  Sure enough, they did!  They even showed the path of the vehicle going on the correct side of the bridge (which is opposite of what we have there, but spot-on for England).  He's the only person I've ever seen on that station who makes half an effort not to look like an idiot.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I'm with you on the "elderly" thing. When I was 38 years old , I was at a doctor's appointment and my chart was in the room. While waiting for the doctor, I started browsing through it and saw I was described as being "middle-aged."  I WAS 38. 38 IS NOT "MIDDLE AGED." Damn! I gave THAT doctor an earful!

There's a term, something like "elderly primagravida," that refers to someone having a first child in what's considered "middle age" based strictly on the slight dangers of having a first child later in life. Was that it? I'd be insulted too unless I thought it was a medical term like that.

8 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

BahtlessDavid.....yeah.  Well....um....yeah.

My brain read that as "Bath-less David" and.... yeah.   He is the saddest of all sacks.  Part of me sometimes feels bad that so many people are taking advantage of him -- I really feel that Chris is happily handing him money to eventually hold over his head for something.  AND WHAT IF THAT "SOMETHING" IS A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY?  Another part of me does NOT feel bad because he is a grownup. 

Should I not watch Investigation Discovery as much between 90DF episodes?  

Something bad is happening in Bathless David's life, something more than what TLC is aware of, and can we start a thread on what his eventual 48 Hours episode will be titled?

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, PinkieT said:

I'm not understanding what Chris is getting out of enabling and paying for everything for a grown adult. (David) Instead of trying to get David some help and a job, he is paying for him to get a wife he cannot afford and travel?? I just don't get what Chris is getting out of any of this.

Check David's thread.  He and Chris are in business together, and David's appearance is pretty much just a big advertisement for hooking losers men up with women in Thailand.  

Edited by AZChristian
  • Love 2

Ok, someone needs to keep a running list of Molly' brother's nicknames. I know I'm forgetting some. Plz add to the list:

Uncle Jess

Uncle Corn pone

Uncle Useless

Brother Molly

Duck Dynasty 


Uncle Jughandle


Unemployed lout #2

One Who Stands There & Looks Like a Fool

Uncle Cracker

Uncle Corn hole

the unemployed uncle

Uncle Waste-of-Space

Brother Cletus



keep 'em coming, y'all!

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 3
On 11/12/2017 at 10:17 PM, Lemons said:

Talk about stubborn!  Luis should have stopped giving his opinion when they clearly didn't want him it.  Maybe Molly's brother can tell Luis out on what NOT to do or say.

Olivia needs to stop using the word stepfather. She will be an adult within the year and he won't be her stepfather. He will be her mother's husband. But I loved how Olivia asked for Luis not to tell on her and the first chance she got she ran to mom to tell on Luis. 

She wouldn't be on any runways but they always need women to be mothers or wives or friends or office workers, etc. in print ads.  it's not all high fashion. She wasn't into it though. 

Have to disagree with the stepfather comment. Olivia is using that to set a boundary.  

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, Bridget said:


Right?!? God forbid something happens to him and he's stuck in the hospital, or left with complications/debilitating issues that will require Annie to play nurse...and not in the fun way! He strikes me as the type of person who would not have health insurance either, leaving another $$$ mess for Chris & Nikki to take care of. I really hope their kids won't need braces!

I have the same ponderings as you re: how do the foreign (to us) women NOT realize what losers guys like DavidPoor are, especially when they have the benefit of interacting with the guys in person over a period of time instead of "falling in love" in two days via a dating app and THEN realizing they are stuck with a freakin' Pole or Larry?

Shouldn't there be Caution signs posted in bathrooms or have classes available (taught either by Anfisa or her fellow "alumni") about how to at least choose someone relatively normal and self-sufficient? 

No one is forcing anyone to choose a DavidPoor/Pole/LarryLove/Sean, but from the extreme poverty we have seen that these girls/women live in, I can understand just how desperate some, not all, are to escape and put up with Grade A morons.

The dismal scenario you paint is highly likely if he doesn't change his ways. No doubt he will rake up thousands and thousands of dollars worth of hospital bills. He strikes me as one of those guys who would say, "Take me to the ER because I'm feeling unsteady again." And, he wouldn't give a second thought to the financial burden he would leave with his wife once he's gone.

She will not be a good nurse! She'll be a resentful and neglectful nurse who is giddy with relief when he finally passes and takes her burden with him.

(I'm picturing an Elaine from Seinfeld with David Pour puking in the next room, and her yelling, falsely cheerful, "USE THE BUCKET, LOVE!") (Why not borrow from Jenny as well as Elaine? She's going to need all the help she can get!)

She'll do better to divorce him and not get stuck with his inevitable medical bills. He's had one stroke. He's regaining the weight. And, he drinks like a fish. I hope he doesn't get sick, but good grief, buddy, care about yourself, at least a little! Hormone Replacement Therapy Chris (actually that's probably the other Chris, too) is bragging about what a changed man he is, leading the parade, and I'm thinking, this is the same unhealthy guy. (BTW, David Pour looked more masculine when he actually had lost the weight. He could use some testosterone or something.) 

Annie, as bad as you fear it might be, it's gonna be worse. I can't remember the exact words, but David Pour said something about "90 days will be long enough for us to get settled in..." He was speaking of the basement as if he envisioned it to be a more longterm base of operations than Nikki did. Does anyone remember exactly what he said? BTW, kick him to the curb, Nikki! You've already got one baby to raise. Seriously, I think Nikki may be one of the only sane people on this show!

They really do need to start posting caution signs in the bathrooms that not all American guys are zeta males skulking around. There are better ones to hitch your wagon to if you want to go west. Signs that warn and educate. Hell, I'd spring for that!

There's a photoshop project for someone.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Deafening Roar said:

I am catching up on the latest episode and I am getting borderline furious listening to Molly. Her baby talk and exaggerated accent is enough to make me want to shoot someone! I swear to y'all, we do not all talk that way in Georgia!! My goodness, if I had to hear that 24/7 all around me, I would move! ?

I would say that even if Luis is a Sanky, he will EARN his green card having to listen to that voice of hers.  Molly sounds like she’s a nice lady and has done a lot of good things, but I wouldn’t be able to hang with her very long.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I would say that even if Luis is a Sanky, he will EARN his green card having to listen to that voice of hers.  Molly sounds like she’s a nice lady and has done a lot of good things, but I wouldn’t be able to hang with her very long.

You are 100% correct, even tho he's a bit skeezy, he has definitely earned his "path to citizenship" as Father Molly says. She does seem to at least have it together when compared to the other 90 dayers (lol) but Olivia and even Kensley have heir sh*t together more than their mom

I will also say, as a female, I've probably been known to do a little baby talking to get my way, ya know like "but babyyyy, I really really want to go" or something along those lines but to me it's something used once in a blue moon, not 24/7 every day talking the way Molly does. I can't take her serious even when she's trying to be

  • Love 1
44 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

Ok, someone needs to keep a running list of Molly' brother's nicknames. I know I'm forgetting some. Plz add to the list:

Uncle Jess

Uncle Corn pone

Uncle Useless

Brother Molly

Duck Dynasty 


Uncle Jughandle


Unemployed lout #2

One Who Stands There & Looks Like a Fool

Uncle Cracker

Uncle Corn hole

the unemployed uncle

Uncle Waste-of-Space

Brother Cletus



keep 'em coming, y'all!

Jess Hangin Around My Sister's House

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

OK I finally got to see this episode.

I'm going to go against the grain here.  Erp.  So here it goes.

Could be because I'm foreign too but I think Luis is getting the short end of the stick here trying to communicate in English because for whatever reason I "got" what he said.  Coupled with the fact that this is scripted AF and the words he does say are edited and chopped together (and hers as well...that was bad splicing there for the last segment),  I think the daughter pearl clutching at the word "fuck" is ridiculous.  She was happy when he said he would be on her side about her boyfriend staying later than her mom wanted but then when he called her out on basically sleeping with her boyfriend with no intentions of marrying him then she gets all "this is so inappropriate." 

Didn't understand the double talking head at the end either.   "this is not how we parent in america" seems like the incorrect angle for me.  Since he's her "friend" or "stepdad" or whatever we are calling this, he basically just talked to her like that.  "so you aren't serious with your boyfriend and you are just fucking?  Oh well.  You can do whatever you want anyway."   Which obviously she does and she will.   His whole other babbling was explaining to her the way they talk about basically "friends with benefits."   Would this have been less jarring if the translation would have come across that way?  Or "one night stands?"  Or "guy you are sleeping with but you are too young to get married so it is just transitional sex?"   Well Luis doesn't have command of the english language for that.   If Molly wants to be pissed at anything just go with the blanket "i'll do the parenting" angle instead of the "Luis has a long way to go to learn about parenting."   I'm not thinking so Molly.....he seems WAY more pragmatic than you honey.

What if we actually assume that Luis isn't a child predator and he actually does love Molly and a green card and actually give zero fucks about her teenager daughter..(as in he doesn't remotely want to bang her because she's 17)...... because he likes older women and curvy girls.....so he just does want to form a reasonable friendship with her daughter?  So he can't ask her about her boyfriend that she is sleeping with that she wants him to not tell her mom about so that when she appears on another TLC show about getting pregnant and not knowing who the father is, Luis will be like "welp it's apparently american culture that I absolutely don't have a conversation with a 17 year old about any boyfriends or sex so what could I do?"  Molly pick a side...you can't have it both ways.

Luis was explaining his angle perfectly...people have to grow up fast in poor areas....it's no different than the poor areas of the USA.   If you are watching Before the 90 days.....see ABBY.   Where he's from a 17 year old is an adult....I'm sure 11 and 12 year olds get pregnant and sex conversations happen way faster there.   He's right that the Molly areas of the world have very sanitized lives.   So he's not going to freak out over her 17 year old daughter having sex with her boyfriend. 

I wish we would just get off this angle altogether and manufacture some drama between Molly and Luis and let's see where that goes.  I don't like Luis being painted as some child predator and this On Demand step parenting sans english sucks.  If he's going to be an epic douchenozzle then let's expose him for wanting a green card and taking Molly for a ride.  Anything that has to do with her kids is a bad angle....if NOTHING happens then he's being edited like a shady ass and it's undeserving.   He has a different perspective from a poor country.  His opportunistic nature may come from seducing this older lady with money.   If something were to happen and Luis was a predator then TLC is just documenting doom and that's truly ridiculous.  Of course this is TLC so......


I hear what you are saying, but I feel that talking about sex to any woman, asking her about her sex life, no matter how old, no matter what the relationship, is not polite. I have had men make comments to me like that, asking me if I am getting fucked, and I'm in my 50s. It's no one's business. You can ask your male friends and very very close female friends if they are fucking, but otherwise it's not really a topic of conversation. What is their relationship? Trying to become closer, 17 year old daughter of his fiance. Is this who you should be asking about their sex life? It isn't that he is a child molester or after her, it is that he has no common courtesy or common sense that talking about a woman's sex life is just not done. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, OhIgetit said:

Have to disagree with the stepfather comment. Olivia is using that to set a boundary.  

I wouldn't give her that much credit. She was asking him to cover for her and her boyfriend. You don't ask a "stepfather" to do that. 

The only credit Luis gets is that he's not the one who keeps bringing up the subject of Olivia's boyfriend and them having sex. Everyone else keeps bringing it up and asking him to get involved. 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I wouldn't give her that much credit. She was asking him to cover for her and her boyfriend. You don't ask a "stepfather" to do that. 

The only credit Luis gets is that he's not the one who keeps bringing up the subject of Olivia's boyfriend and them having sex. Everyone else keeps bringing it up and asking him to get involved. 

Actually, when you are a teen, you DO ask your new stepparent if he/she will cover for you.  The stepparent is supposed to say, "No!".

Olivia mentioned the boyfriend staying too late, or something to that effect.  After that it was all Luis asking her questions about their relationship and if they are in love or just "effing", despite her telling him it was inappropriate.   

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

OK I finally got to see this episode.

I'm going to go against the grain here.  Erp.  So here it goes.

Could be because I'm foreign too but I think Luis is getting the short end of the stick here trying to communicate in English because for whatever reason I "got" what he said.  Coupled with the fact that this is scripted AF and the words he does say are edited and chopped together (and hers as well...that was bad splicing there for the last segment),  I think the daughter pearl clutching at the word "fuck" is ridiculous.  She was happy when he said he would be on her side about her boyfriend staying later than her mom wanted but then when he called her out on basically sleeping with her boyfriend with no intentions of marrying him then she gets all "this is so inappropriate." 

Didn't understand the double talking head at the end either.   "this is not how we parent in america" seems like the incorrect angle for me.  Since he's her "friend" or "stepdad" or whatever we are calling this, he basically just talked to her like that.  "so you aren't serious with your boyfriend and you are just fucking?  Oh well.  You can do whatever you want anyway."   Which obviously she does and she will.   His whole other babbling was explaining to her the way they talk about basically "friends with benefits."   Would this have been less jarring if the translation would have come across that way?  Or "one night stands?"  Or "guy you are sleeping with but you are too young to get married so it is just transitional sex?"   Well Luis doesn't have command of the english language for that.   If Molly wants to be pissed at anything just go with the blanket "i'll do the parenting" angle instead of the "Luis has a long way to go to learn about parenting."   I'm not thinking so Molly.....he seems WAY more pragmatic than you honey.

What if we actually assume that Luis isn't a child predator and he actually does love Molly and a green card and actually give zero fucks about her teenager daughter..(as in he doesn't remotely want to bang her because she's 17)...... because he likes older women and curvy girls.....so he just does want to form a reasonable friendship with her daughter?  So he can't ask her about her boyfriend that she is sleeping with that she wants him to not tell her mom about so that when she appears on another TLC show about getting pregnant and not knowing who the father is, Luis will be like "welp it's apparently american culture that I absolutely don't have a conversation with a 17 year old about any boyfriends or sex so what could I do?"  Molly pick a side...you can't have it both ways.

Luis was explaining his angle perfectly...people have to grow up fast in poor areas....it's no different than the poor areas of the USA.   If you are watching Before the 90 days.....see ABBY.   Where he's from a 17 year old is an adult....I'm sure 11 and 12 year olds get pregnant and sex conversations happen way faster there.   He's right that the Molly areas of the world have very sanitized lives.   So he's not going to freak out over her 17 year old daughter having sex with her boyfriend. 

I wish we would just get off this angle altogether and manufacture some drama between Molly and Luis and let's see where that goes.  I don't like Luis being painted as some child predator and this On Demand step parenting sans english sucks.  If he's going to be an epic douchenozzle then let's expose him for wanting a green card and taking Molly for a ride.  Anything that has to do with her kids is a bad angle....if NOTHING happens then he's being edited like a shady ass and it's undeserving.   He has a different perspective from a poor country.  His opportunistic nature may come from seducing this older lady with money.   If something were to happen and Luis was a predator then TLC is just documenting doom and that's truly ridiculous.  Of course this is TLC so......

I'm in a step mom position to a teenager (a boy) and treading those waters is just WRONG. It's just inappropriate. Unless the step and the skid are EXTREMELY close and have had a solidly established, long term, near-parental relationship, you just do not discuss sex. Even under the most ideal circumstances, you listen and refer back to the biological parent. And to make the Luis and Olivia scenario even worse, the male is older, putting him in a double-higher status position (older/adult and male), while Olivia occupies two low status roles (younger/child and female). You just do not go there. I also have a daughter, and my partner (male) is very careful not to cross the line w/ her. Ever. A man who is not bio dad or doctor should never engage in a sexually explicit conversation w/ a girl, esp not a step daughter. It's rife w/ potential problems and every reasonable person should know this. At that point (3 weeks in) Luis is still a wild card, an unknown, a big question mark. And he should be trying to solidify his reputation as a decent, responsible, trustworthy, stand up guy. Not the guy we saw last week, asking if Olivia is getting poked. If he has concerns about Olivia's behavior, he should bring it up to Molly asap. This is kinda like Common Sense 101.

I think Luis is oversexed and creepy. But no, I have never called him a pedophile (attracted to toddlers and pre-pubescent children) and I have no reason to think he is. However, I think Olivia is a beautiful young woman and if the two of them continue to have sexually explicit conversations, he will likely start fantasizing about her.

Edited by balisticnikki
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