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Season 5 Discussion

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Both Shaun and Nicole's mother should have addressed Nicole's abusive behaviour toward Azan. Her not getting her way and throwing him against the wall and punching him and chasing him up the steps was many levels of wrong. Headstrong or not, that is wrong. Nicole got it from somewhere and it does need to be addressed.  She is unlikely to have a healthy relationship with anyone until she deals with her anger and how she expresses it. Behaving like a three year old is okay for May, but not her mother. Azan's absence spoke volumes.

I get the sense that Andrei likes to talk - I don't really think it's shutting up Libby or making her submissive. He has opinions and he likes to speak up. He certainly had Luis' number. Luis would be mincemeat for him.  Libby's sisters are unimportant. Focus on your own two lives. They will eventually back off. David Spain, um, there is an age difference with you and your bride. You are not equals.

Chris, if you keep giving David money and stuff, do so as a gift. You will not see one dime returned to you. It's nice to be generous, but David needs to learn to stand up on his own two feet and solve his own problems.

Ashley has issues with her father. No, she does not have to like his new wife, but don't take out your crap with him on to her. As an adult, you can choose to have a relationship with your dad's new wife.

I thought the three hours of this stuff was way too long.

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Who would have thought Andrrrrei was the voice of reason? I thought he was controlling but it’s obvious Libby is happy with him so more power to these two.

Molly and Luis ( or Louise, as Shaun pronunced it) are going to be the next Mo and Danielle, stay tuned.

Nicole is not going to see reason , can’t understand what she sees in Azan anyway. He is so not into her that’s for sure.

I think Annie will stay with David to stay in the state and to try to get more money to send to her family.  Ashley should just butt out and stay away, apparently there is some deep seated hurt there that’s not going to healed anytime soon, maybe never. 

I think Evelyn, David, Aika and Josh will all be ok. 

Wedding notes: Annie looked very pretty. Evelyn’s dad looked hot! 

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Did you see Sister Jen's unsmiling, hefty husband, with the toxic, sickly circles under his eyes? He never smiled or even looked at Jen!


No wonder she was troublemaking and trying to play superior! She was looking for a way to cast a negative light on Andrei to draw attention away from the fact that he is dreamy, and craaaaaazy about Elizabeth.


Elizabeth's hunk made Jen's dude look like furniture.

15 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Both Shaun and Nicole's mother should have addressed Nicole's abusive behaviour toward Azan. Her not getting her way and throwing him against the wall and punching him and chasing him up the steps was many levels of wrong. Headstrong or not, that is wrong. Nicole got it from somewhere and it does need to be addressed.  She is unlikely to have a healthy relationship with anyone until she deals with her anger and how she expresses it. Behaving like a three year old is okay for May, but not her mother. Azan's absence spoke volumes.

I get the sense that Andrei likes to talk - I don't really think it's shutting up Libby or making her submissive. He has opinions and he likes to speak up. He certainly had Luis' number. Luis would be mincemeat for him.  Libby's sisters are unimportant. Focus on your own two lives. They will eventually back off. David Spain, um, there is an age difference with you and your bride. You are not equals.

Chris, if you keep giving David money and stuff, do so as a gift. You will not see one dime returned to you. It's nice to be generous, but David needs to learn to stand up on his own two feet and solve his own problems.

Ashley has issues with her father. No, she does not have to like his new wife, but don't take out your crap with him on to her. As an adult, you can choose to have a relationship with your dad's new wife.

I thought the three hours of this stuff was way too long.

Andrei also understands that a couple's agreements are none of her sisters' business. Her sisters act like they have never been told to butt out, and resent any boundaries that Elizabeth tries to set.

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Luis wore a Howdy Doody shirt !       Molly, I agree with the poster who said she is an older version of Nicole. Its bad enough she brought that ignorant uneducated creep into her home the first time, but to ask him back?  I feel so sorry for her kids.  I hope the uncle protects them.

Nicole probably beat her mother after the taping, then licked her fat fingers.

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I'm almost glad that I don't have to watch these weirdos anymore. The David and Annie segments make me feel icky. Same with Molly and Luis. No respect for Molly after she had him come back. 

Is it possible Chris paid all of the wedding attendees to be there? 

Anyone else find it odd that Josh/Aika and Andrrrrei/Elizabeth ended up looking like basically normal couples? Maybe I have just developed some strange new criteria for 'normal' after watching so many seasons of this show.

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Didn't Sister Libby flat out tell Andrei that she was testing him, and that she'd test anyone involved with her sister, blah, blah, blah? Girlfriend doesn't need to help anyone lie. She sucks at it.

I can't decide if Molly has dethroned Danielle as the most pathetic person on this shoe. Oh, but he went to the grocery all alone! How amazing that the guy who is 100% sponging off of you has thrown together some lunches and bought groceries (with your money) one time! God.

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12 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

And how could he chew the fillet he was eating at dinner with mom and step dad if he has no upper teeth?

I actually Googled "Does Josh from 90, Day Fiance have upper teeth" & believe it or not, it came up as a common search! I did find a picture of him where you could see upper teeth..would not allow me to save the picture, not sure if it's ok to post the link.

Re: Molly & her new son...right before she blurted that they signed the papers, she had a voice over saying 90 days is not very long to make such a life altering decision. She made it in much less than 90 days!

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9 hours ago, magemaud said:

Evelyn's mother is 44, her father is 41 (both of them could be my kids) 

I had the impression that Evelyn's parents had married really young, but 21 and 24 is not unreasonable at all, especially 20 years ago. Makes it even more odd that they were on board with the whole teenage wedding. Especially when Evelyn does not come across as someone mature beyond her years. 

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Molly shockingly reveals that she married Luis; David invites Ashley to his wedding; Nicole gets an update about Azan's visa application; Evelyn and David, and Elizabeth and Andrei get married; the couples discuss this season's biggest moments.

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I don't understand Libby's hair on the tell all. Was that her end goal? Did she not get to finish curling it? And the parts she curled look odd as all get out. 

P.S. I really love Andrei something about him makes me smile everytime I hear him talk.

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Aika looked like she gained considerable weight.  Is she doing fertility treatments and they didn't want to mention it?

Chris should be banned from ever using the word "posse" again.  EVER.

Libby's hair was a hot mess.  It looked like she was using a broken crimper from the 80s.   It finally died mid crimp so she threw it on the floor and kicked it across the room.   Her makeup artist on her wedding day gave her that little lip bow to balance her face.  She needs to go with that look.

Nikki's blue smurf dress made of tinsel looked like a fire hazard.  I also was mesmerized at how she was arm entwined with Chris the entire time.   She was gripping him like grim death.  She's such a confident speaker, I'm surprised she needed this crutch.   Odd.

Did I mention already that Luis is positively creepy in person?   His eyes.   Oh his eyes.

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

 If she wanted to party on her birthday she shouldn’t have gone to the wedding.  But Ashley strikes me as the type who never met a TV camera she didn’t like.

Who the hell makes a big deal about their 28th birthday? It’s not like it’s some kind of milestone. 

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Molly just wants sex, pure and simple.  That’s all she cares about, sex.

Don't we all?...but Luis, come on, he isn't the 26 year I would waste my sex on. He isn't that hot. 

19 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Aika looked like she gained considerable weight.  Is she doing fertility treatments and they didn't want to mention it?

American food can do it as well. Seriously hope she didn't listen to that con of a Doc and decided on fertility treatments. She was a huckster.

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I loved Molly dismantling Nicole in her southern way. The Nicole that is OFFENDED that Luis said the word "fuck" to a teenager is the same Nicole that wouldn't let her 2.5 year old sit next to her boyfriend because it made her jealous.

STFU Nicole. 

Also, Molly might be a starry eyed idiot, but she's possibly only damn female idiot up there who PAID HER OWN FIANCEE'S WAY. Nicole and Evelyn both had to get parental help, so they can have all the seats.

I'm not sure of Libby's status, but she's growing on me so I'll assume she brought Andreiiiii over herself. 

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
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13 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I don't know that I would believe that David Poor hid money with Chris. His attitude doesn't reflect that, IMO. He's basically grovelling, profusely thanking Chris and Nikki every time there's an opportunity, and other embarrassing things. He acts like a typical mooch.

ITA.   Tonight when they were showing David Poor & Annie's "made for TV" fight TLC didn't do such a good job in completely blurring out what was printed on the Hummer.   I'm guessing this is one wa900000000000000d2.jpg.521ca31d9db10b49977cc6c9d8be13b7.jpgy that David Poor feels he's "paying" Chris back by driving around a rolling advertisement for "Fort Locks." 

A quick scan of Google (why do I spend so much time that I'll never get back on this trainwreck of a show?) revealed that "Fort Locks"  are self storage facilities that are located (and no doubt owned by Chris) in Louisville.  Perhaps the "fire station" they're living in could potentially become a fourth location - which would be the perfect  "employment" opportunity for David Poor (not to mention he'd be more than 2000 miles away from Chris and Nikki). 

Edited by zoemom
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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

Both Shaun and Nicole's mother should have addressed Nicole's abusive behaviour toward Azan. Her not getting her way and throwing him against the wall and punching him and chasing him up the steps was many levels of wrong. Headstrong or not, that is wrong. Nicole got it from somewhere and it does need to be addressed.  She is unlikely to have a healthy relationship with anyone until she deals with her anger and how she expresses it. Behaving like a three year old is okay for May, but not her mother. Azan's absence spoke volumes.

I get the sense that Andrei likes to talk - I don't really think it's shutting up Libby or making her submissive. He has opinions and he likes to speak up. He certainly had Luis' number. Luis would be mincemeat for him.  Libby's sisters are unimportant. Focus on your own two lives. They will eventually back off. David Spain, um, there is an age difference with you and your bride. You are not equals.

Chris, if you keep giving David money and stuff, do so as a gift. You will not see one dime returned to you. It's nice to be generous, but David needs to learn to stand up on his own two feet and solve his own problems.

Ashley has issues with her father. No, she does not have to like his new wife, but don't take out your crap with him on to her. As an adult, you can choose to have a relationship with your dad's new wife.

I thought the three hours of this stuff was way too long.

Andrei also understands that a couple's agreements are none of her sisters' business. Her sisters act like they have never been told to butt out, and resent any boundaries that Elizabeth tries to set.

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3 hours ago, greekmom said:

What social media is Shaun referring to? I mean we have all be supportive of Olivia 100%

They usually mean Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.   

I think Olivia was playing a part, which was to be kind of whiny with a “what about me?” attitude.  She absolutely knew that they were already married.  She couldn’t even fake surprise or shock.  And Molly trying to say they just signed a paper and were married and how confusing it all was.  No.  That’s not how it works.

And she gives his engagement ring back, yelling about not getting married when they both knew fully well that they were married.  I doubt luis was gone more than a few hours.  So fake.  

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

What is going on between Dani and Mo....I mean Luis and Molly?

Shawn Robinson is out of her league.

Greekmom, PTV isn’t social media, a lot of folks on SM said Olivia was selfish.


3 hours ago, PityFree said:

 What I hate most about Shaun is that she spends every single reunion show just opening up old wounds. I don’t want to see the old wounds opened up; I want to know what’s happened since the show and what their plans for the future are. I want an update. I don’t want to rehash the show I just spent an entire season watching!! Go away, Shaun!!!

I’d like to know who is working now

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2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Shit Annie, do you think you drove it home that she’s fat and undesirable?  You beetle browed rumpkin.  And yeah, I believe you would give Chris a happy ending.

Dead.  That’s such a glorious insult on a par that one would expect to find in a Shakespearean play! 

Annie is not a supermodel, but wouldn’t you have a beetle browed countenance if you had to hitch your wagon to the likes of David Poor?

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23 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I loved Molly dismantling Nicole in her southern way. The Nicole that is OFFENDED that Luis said the word "fuck" to a teenager is the same Nicole that wouldn't let her 2.5 year old sit next to her boyfriend because it made her jealous.

STFU Nicole. 

Also, Molly might be a starry eyed idiot, but she's possibly only damn female idiot up there who PAID HER OWN FIANCEE'S WAY. Nicole and Evelyn both had to get parental help, so they can have all the seats.

I'm not sure of Libby's status, but she's growing on me so I'll assume she brought Andreiiiii over herself. 

With Libby working only part time, and based on her redneck father, probably at low wages, you have to wonder about that.  

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3 hours ago, kacesq said:

I lost all the respect i briefly had for Molly when we found out she invited him back. She's so desperate and for no good reason.

I don't believe for a second Chris is going to cut off Penguin but wow, did you see Annie's stank expression when he said that?

The Nicole / Azan special tomorrow is three. hours. long. I can't sit thru three hours of that. I'll be under the table with May...

Ive gone from disliking Andrei to totally loving him!

I think he’s my fav. Out of all the men I have the most respect for him. I can’t stand Elizabeth’s familt

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As a busty woman myself, it’s hard to find clothes that work. One wants to wear tops/ dresses that skim the figure: Wearing something flowy on top just makes us look heavier than we are. That said, Molly’s top was waaay too tight. Even the same outfit in navy or black would have been much more flattering. 

Edited by 7isBlue
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On 12/17/2017 at 5:36 PM, Neurochick said:

I kind of liked her dress, and getting married in Vegas has always been my dream.

Got married in Vegas. I highly recommend - 15 minutes and 3 Elvis songs and done. 


Is Molly's furniture made out of duct tape?

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David and Evelyn really look happy.  I was pretty sure David being all uptight about sex had to do with talking about it on camera, and I was relieved to learn that’s what the pearl clutching was all about.  She had a shit eating grin plastered all over her face and glowing, so he must have rung her bells.  He actually didn’t look so uptight anymore, and we know why.  

I thought it was really sweet how the other couples commended them for waiting rather than giving them stank faces.  It was really evident that the salty language some people used made them uneasy, but I found them gracious instead of smug, which was nice.

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

The shittier Azan treats Nicole the more she loves him.  

Like Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse. Gooogle it!

2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

The shittier Azan treats Nicole the more she loves him.  

Like Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse. Gooogle it!

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