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Season 5 Discussion

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I don't think Luis is a "scary, gaslighting sociopath" at all.  I do think he's trying everything and anything to get out of this marriage.  

I think Molly but Luis and her daughters in an impossible situation.  Did Luis and her daughters ever see each other, Skype or otherwise, before he came to the US?  Molly forced this man on her daughters and then told Luis that he will be their stepfather.  To me that was just wrong.  She brought a total stranger into her home and then told her daughters they had to accept Luis, and she told Luis that he had to be a dad to her daughters.  

I wonder what Molly told Luis about her life in the US, if anything.  To Luis, Molly was a woman who liked to dance all night and hang out on the beach during the day.  Did Molly explain to Luis what she did in the US, how many hours she worked every day?  Luis was shocked when Molly showed him her "beach" which was really a lake.  Luis was like, "WTF is this?"  What did he think about where Molly was from?  Did the man even Google it?  How well did Molly explain that to him?

I think Luis should leave.  If Molly marries him, then she has less brain cells than I thought she had.  I also wonder how the father(s) of her daughters will feel when watching this show.

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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Watching the show is basically secondary to me reading these forums.  What I am saying here/admitting to  is that I basically watch the show in anticipation of what I am going to read on these boards afterwards.  Because you people are awesome and are beyond clever with your hysterical commentary.

So yeah, I got problems, too!

Me too! With some of these shows, I don't even watch anymore. I come straight to the boards, especially those that have open snarkathons during the showing. 

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On 12/11/2017 at 8:51 AM, Granny58 said:

I am really happy for you!!!  (really, that's not snarky).  I started trying to conceive in my early 30s (married at 31) and had immediate problems.   I had to have laparoscopy to look at the plumbing and blood work to determine hormone levels...not an ultrasound to determine my quantity of eggs.  In fact, I am not sure anybody mentioned that angle to me.  It seems to me, from the stories I've read, that it is one's hormones that are usually the problem, things not firing correctly...not the amount of eggs you have left.  And yet, we didn't see this "fertility specialist" discuss hormones or take any blood.  I think it is just another bogus storyline.  

I’ve recently done the whole work up. Twice In fact, different doctors. She would have had several blood tests (FSH, AMH, thyroid...) then she would have had an ultrasound for antral follicle count, which has to be done on cycle day 3. My first question when I saw her go back for testing was, “so she scheduled this appointment for cycle day 3?” I know way too much about this. You can definitely extract seman without doing a reversal, but you’d need to do an IUI (artificial insemination or IVF) IUI runs about $1,000 a cycle. If everything is ok on her end this should work after a few tries. But if after several tries it doesn’t work or if she does truly have an egg quality issue, IVF would be next step. Drugs for IVF start at $6,000. Low egg count means higher drugs and she would be looking at $8,000 plus $20,000 for the actual IVF. Most fertility doctors in this situation would start with IUIs since her tubes are open. That’s another test I doubt she had done during that appointment though because that needs done during another part of the cycle. 

Edited by CourtneyCourt
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22 minutes ago, Neurochick said:


I think Molly but Luis and her daughters in an impossible situation.  Did Luis and her daughters ever see each other, Skype or otherwise, before he came to the US?  Molly forced this man on her daughters and then told Luis that he will be their stepfather.  To me that was just wrong.  She brought a total stranger into her home and then told her daughters they had to accept Luis, and she told Luis that he had to be a dad to her daughters.  

I wonder what Molly told Luis about her life in the US, if anything.  To Luis, Molly was a woman who liked to dance all night and hang out on the beach during the day.  Did Molly explain to Luis what she did in the US, how many hours she worked every day?  Luis was shocked when Molly showed him her "beach" which was really a lake.  Luis was like, "WTF is this?"  What did he think about where Molly was from?  Did the man even Google it?  How well did Molly explain that to him?


Some of that is kind of on Luis, too. He's an adult. He could have asked her how many hours she worked, what a typical day was like for her, what his expected role would be in the family, etc. He could have pressed Molly to let him talk to her daughters online or via Skype before he met them. He could have Googled the Atlanta area, as you mentioned, and done some research about the topography and what life there was like. When I moved to a foreign country, I did all these things. When I tell people where my husband is from and they start asking him a lot of questions, he always replies that I know more about his country than he does. 

The blame here is on both of them. I agree, though, that he needs to go. This is clearly not the life he wants and Molly seems unhappy as well. Unfortunately...

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12 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

I never heard Molly say Kensley was special needs. The first night in the car ride home when Kensley was yammering away, before she knew Louise, she was really cute and speaking in full sentences. As a mom of a special needs son - who is considered higher functioning- my son was not talking so well at age 6.  I don't see it. As for the swing in the park, those are for children with cerebral palsy, so that is not proof that she is special needs- I also live in suburban Atlanta too and we have many special needs playgrounds here, which were built with special swings etc. She certainly does not seem to have any physical challenges.

I agree, I don't see anything at all that indicates an issue, although I'm not an expert. Kensley actually seemed kind of excited when Luis first got there and was chatting with him a lot. Everything seemed to change when she was drawing with chalk and he was telling her he was her new dad. I'm sure editing plays a big role, but to me it looked like she accepted him as "Luis" until he tried to say he was her dad. Kids that age know who is what and "Luis" was his role until he tried to change it to "dad", who already exists. 

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On 12/11/2017 at 8:38 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

Very well put! I really should highlight the whole thing. Bottom line is that David is one coldhearted SOB. And, he did do a number on her.

My dad was an alcoholic and could be pretty cold in his own right although when push came to shove he wasn't half the creep that David was. For one thing, he was an excellent provider, always. I did go through some anger with him mainly in my twenties, which included escorting his mistress from my mother's funeral. I was able to do it discreetly, thank God, because in the state I was in, if push came to shove, I'm not sure what might have happened. That's why I could seriously feel Ashley's pain because deep down the issue is, "Why doesn't he love me?"

I know that Ashley feels like if she were dangling off the edge of a cliff, and a bottle of Jack Daniels was also dangling off the edge of a cliff, David would rescue the Jack Daniels and make some smarmy excuse for it. And that feeling of betrayal runs deep, and it hurts. Ashley, if you're reading this, I feel your pain! Guaranteed, neither one of us could make it through the movie Father of the Bride without vomiting. 

Again, my dad wasn't nearly as big of a bastard as David Poor. He had a work ethic. And friends. He didn't want them, but he had them. People respected him. Feared him, actually. He could intimidate people without even raising his voice. It was a gift. But I digress.

By the time I was in my thirties I was able to be more forgiving and accept him for who he was, but again, my dad was no David Poor. I don't know what I would do in her situation. I do believe the best situation is to forgive, not because he deserves it, but because she does. One day he will be dead, and at the rate he is going, that will be sooner, rather than later. I hope that's not the case, but believe me, death changes everything. I was so glad I was able to forgive my dad and treat him with the respect he didn't deserve. I think that's the best route for Ashley if she can muster it.

The only reason Annie cares if he will cheat is because she's momentarily caught up in the game of being his wife. In the back of her mind she knows she will leave as soon as she finds something better. Seriously, if he finds another woman to give him blowjobs, she'll be grateful. That's one less thing on her to-do list.

I think part of the reason people  can obsess over this show is because the situations are real. Perhaps not all of them, but this certainly was. We find stuff that we can connect with or at least I can. Also, the travel stuff.

I hope I'm replying the right way. I just joined so I could reply to your post. Your post about watching Father of the Bride. My father was an abusive drunk who used to beat my mother and I. They divorced when I was 3 and the last time I saw him I was 5. So I understand your feelings about the movie. I didn't throw up. I actually loved the movie until the part when they had the father/daughter dance and I could do was sit there and sob. Lol

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On 12/11/2017 at 9:02 PM, ava111 said:

Read 4 pages so far but didn't see anyone mention Libby lips. When she was getting ready to go to club she removed all her lipstick to apply it fresh and i saw a scar on her upper left side that always looks kind of funny. So I guess she had cleft palate when she was born? Just wondering if anyone else noticed it. 

I thought it was a herpes sore.

Anyhoo - this might explain the abundant use of red lipstick.  Maybe she thinks it makes the scar/wound/herpes disappear. \

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13 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

David is never leaving Claremont.  

that sentence is so ominous.......I'm now going to see the David/Evelyn story line in a new light.  Evelyn with her crazy stares and wild mouth, her family, the eerily faltering small town.........it all adds up.  They are ALL in league with The Devil.   Claremont and its denizens are a living, breathing embodiment of evil incarnate.  GET OUT DAVID!!  DON'T LOOK BACK - JUST KEEP RUNNING!!!!

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7 hours ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

I hope I'm replying the right way. I just joined so I could reply to your post. Your post about watching Father of the Bride. My father was an abusive drunk who used to beat my mother and I. They divorced when I was 3 and the last time I saw him I was 5. So I understand your feelings about the movie. I didn't throw up. I actually loved the movie until the part when they had the father/daughter dance and I could do was sit there and sob. Lol

Lucky, I appreciate that so much! Thank you! 

My first wedding was huge, but I was barely older than Evelyn, and I was about as involved as Luis was in the details.  My first husband was pond scum (think David Pour work ethic), and my dad knew it. He [dad] was so drunk that when the moment came, I was literally holding him up. I walked him down the aisle. This huge antique church had no air conditioning and it was hotter than hades, and the preacher droned on an on about something or other oblivious to the fact that my dad was starting to sway and was about to fall down. At one point I wiped his forehead off with my veil. I was so worried about him. 

At least he was there though. I'm very sorry for what you went through!

Something about that emotionally spoiled little woman in that movie and her dad being all tenderhearted and crap. The movie that made me really cry was Speed. I was happily single again, having dumped my ratfaced first husband, and, I was newly clean and sober (and have been for many years, thank you ), and it came on TV late at night, and there was dumb ol' Keanu Reeves, I think he was gonna like, handcuff himself to a pole and die for a woman he hadn't even nailed nor ever would he, and it was, like courtly love, high chivalry, and true love in a dark and fallen world and all, and I just started bawling. A thing of beauty is a joy forever, I suppose... 

BTW, at that first wedding, maid of honor had a silver flask and she gave me a shot. And before I walked into the church, she told me, "If you are having second thoughts, my car is gassed up and waiting to go in the back." I should have listened.

There's a lot of things my dad did to disappoint me, but not my first wedding. On that day during that pagan pastel ritual, he was the only one who was pure in spirit. Everyone else thought it was the heat.

Sorry, Drogo that was a bit of an autobiographical digression on my part although I did mention the cast.

I am aware that previously tv is not a support group.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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3 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I wonder how Annie will handle her newfound knowledge next week?

It really bothered me how Ashley took a perverse pleasure in dumping deets about her dad on Annie.  Nothing surprising to us when we consider speculating on Annie’s prior life, but she’s trying hard to have  a new life and be respectable. 

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15 hours ago, magemaud said:

I don't think Nicole is the least bit motivated to lose weight, exercise, or eat healthy no matter how much Azan asks her to try. She has continually expressed the reasoning that if he loves her, he should "love her the way she is" and that "she's not going to change for anyone other than herself." Besides, "It's HAAAAARD" and although she won't admit it, it's obvious she's very lazy. The ball is in Azan's court, if he wants a green card badly enough, he has to accept "Big a Little Bit" because what you see is what you get.  I think that now that she's snagged a man who is totally "beholden" to her, she's only going to get worse. 

One thing that kills me is that he must accept her body type as is, but we don't see her -- or any of the 90 day folks -- bringing back someone who is also morbidly obese.   How often did Nicole chat it up with someone with her body type?  

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27 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It really bothered me how Ashley took a perverse pleasure in dumping deets about her dad on Annie.  Nothing surprising to us when we consider speculating on Annie’s prior life, but she’s trying hard to have  a new life and be respectable. 

Annie gets more respect from me than Ashley, regardless of any stereotypical notions about her past.  She's in a shit situation but still manages to conduct her self with dignity that Ashley only wishes she could emulate.

7 hours ago, Horrified said:

Anyhoo - this might explain the abundant use of red lipstick. 

Another angle would be that cro magnon man, Anrrrrrreeeeii, takes some perverse pleasure in all that red lipstick.  I envision some 90 Shades of Gray shit going on behind closed doors.

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20 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

 Luis, growing up in a strict, Pentacostal home, sees all "idols" as evil,

He had no problem with that symbolism while he was partaking of Molly's "treasures" every time he got the urge.   But, now that' he's through with her, he wants to use it as a lame excuse to leave?  That's fucked up.  Just leave, you gutless, bug eyed, low budget ET looking fucker.  It's not that hard.

Edited by tincansailor981
correct spelling and grammar
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55 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It really bothered me how Ashley took a perverse pleasure in dumping deets about her dad on Annie.  Nothing surprising to us when we consider speculating on Annie’s prior life, but she’s trying hard to have  a new life and be respectable. 

I agree. She wasn't telling Annie to "help" her. She was telling Annie because she thought it might make her go away. She had no idea how futile that was. 

Also, I think she floated the "prostitute" story out there to see if Annie would cringe.

Annie absolutely deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. She wants to make a good life for herself! I hope she finds some good friends. It would be good for her to find some Thai people also because it would be relaxing for her to speak in her native language for an evening.

That being said, I totally understand Ashley's anger and her pain. She's just taking it out on the wrong person. 

I can't imagine why David thought it would be a good idea to send Annie in his stead other than the fact that he is a coward.

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6 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I agree. She wasn't telling Annie to "help" her. She was telling Annie because she thought it might make her go away. She had no idea how futile that was. 

Also, I think she floated the "prostitute" story out there to see if Annie would cringe.

Annie absolutely deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. She wants to make a good life for herself! I hope she finds some good friends. It would be good for her to find some Thai people also because it would be relaxing for her to speak in her native language for an evening.

That being said, I totally understand Ashley's anger and her pain. She's just taking it out on the wrong person. 

I can't imagine why David thought it would be a good idea to send Annie in his stead other than the fact that he is a coward.

Yes, I didn't like the way Ashley handled things at all.  I think David Pour, Annie, Chris, Nicki, Antonio are all in on pimping this story out for $$ and fame.  They deserve everything that comes with it including the negativity.  Ashley has no doubt been very hurt by her father.  If she really felt so strongly about his awful behaviour, she could have opted out of putting their bad relationship on display.  I think she also liked her taste of "fame."  She acted like an ass. Even if David is everything I've read about him, she dragged herself down to his level. The person I really felt sorry for was her brother.  She didn't think of him at all when she acted out like that. In fact, no one did.   He seemed like he wanted to forge some sort of relationship with his father.  He was probably showing up to help with the story line, but with hopes of some kind of new start with his father.  He seemed sad and defeated at that table.  I hope he has good support in his life.

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12 minutes ago, Normades said:

Yes, I didn't like the way Ashley handled things at all.  I think David Pour, Annie, Chris, Nicki, Antonio are all in on pimping this story out for $$ and fame.  They deserve everything that comes with it including the negativity.  Ashley has no doubt been very hurt by her father.  If she really felt so strongly about his awful behaviour, she could have opted out of putting their bad relationship on display.  I think she also liked her taste of "fame."  She acted like an ass. Even if David is everything I've read about him, she dragged herself down to his level. The person I really felt sorry for was her brother.  She didn't think of him at all when she acted out like that. In fact, no one did.   He seemed like he wanted to forge some sort of relationship with his father.  He was probably showing up to help with the story line, but with hopes of some kind of new start with his father.  He seemed sad and defeated at that table.  I hope he has good support in his life.

I think Ashley might be enjoying her ten minutes, but I have a bit of a different take on why. If there hadn't been cameras on him, no way would David have listened to her. He would have swept everything under the rug. Ashley knew this, and perhaps, without the cameras, she wouldn't have even tried, or at least she wouldn't have tried as hard. But she knew that with TLC and, subsequently, the rest of us, there, he would be forced to hear her.

And, when he watches the show, he'll be forced to hear her, to hear her side, to hear her pain.

She did take the low road. She handled it badly. She is the daughter David raised her to be. Even so, I hold out a whole lot more hope for her than I do for David. 

Also, David knew he abandoned his kids. If he really wanted to be the understanding father, he could have listened to her patiently instead of antagonizing her by bringing up her teen pregnancy, or by defending his bad behavior, or by insulting his daughter. 

The only way they will have a relationship with him is to forget everything that ever happened. It's one thing to forgive a person for stepping on your foot. It's another thing to forgive them if they're still standing there standing on your foot.

David Pour is unrepentant. He can't wait to get drunk again! 

The only reason the brother wants to see his dad is because he doesn't understand what an ass his dad is. He doesn't realize that he's just lining up to get hurt again.

Still, when David Pour is dead and gone, they'll be happy even for the bad moments.

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Just now, CoachWristletJen said:

I think Ashley might be enjoying her ten minutes, but I have a bit of a different take on why. If there hadn't been cameras on him, no way would David have listened to her. He would have swept everything under the rug. Ashley knew this, and perhaps, without the cameras, she wouldn't have even tried, or at least she wouldn't have tried as hard. But she knew that with TLC and, subsequently, the rest of us, there, he would be forced to hear her.

And, when he watches the show, he'll be forced to hear her, to hear her side, to hear her pain.

She did take the low road. She handled it badly. She is the daughter David raised her to be. Even so, I hold out a whole lot more hope for her than I do for David. 

Also, David knew he abandoned his kids. If he really wanted to be the understanding father, he could have listened to her patiently instead of antagonizing her by bringing up her teen pregnancy, or by defending his bad behavior, or by insulting his daughter. 

The only way they will have a relationship with him is to forget everything that ever happened. It's one thing to forgive a person for stepping on your foot. It's another thing to forgive them if they're still standing there standing on your foot.

David Pour is unrepentant. He can't wait to get drunk again! 

The only reason the brother wants to see his dad is because he doesn't understand what an ass his dad is. He doesn't realize that he's just lining up to get hurt again.

Still, when David Pour is dead and gone, they'll be happy even for the bad moments.

I do agree she took the low road.  But at the same time, I understand her pain as well.

She might've been gleeful when describing her dad's penchant for women and hookers, but I also think she knows Annie isn't in this for love so why spare her feelings?  This is an arrangement and Annie has chosen to get into an arrangement with a man who can give her absolutely nothing.  Nothing but pain which is about all he seems to offer his own children.  

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8 hours ago, Horrified said:

that sentence is so ominous.......I'm now going to see the David/Evelyn story line in a new light.  Evelyn with her crazy stares and wild mouth, her family, the eerily faltering small town.........it all adds up.  They are ALL in league with The Devil.   Claremont and its denizens are a living, breathing embodiment of evil incarnate.  GET OUT DAVID!!  DON'T LOOK BACK - JUST KEEP RUNNING!!!!

I swear, they have a lottery every year. Not a "win a million dollars lottery". A Shirley Jackson lottery. "Its not fair!" he cried.....

56 minutes ago, tincansailor981 said:

He had no problem with that symbolism while he was partaking of Molly's "treasures" every time he got the urge.   But, now that' he's through with her, he wants to use it as a lame excuse to leave?  That's fucked up.  Just leave, you gutless, bug eyed, low budget ET looking fucker.  It's not that hard.

So, where was Luis hiding his Bible?

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6 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Now Claremont is getting a very Children of the Corn vibe about it.

Yes!  I picture David Spain all sweaty running for his life to the edge of town, sighing with relief that he finally made it, only to see a "Welcome to Claremont" sign a few feet ahead.  

It's like a Twilight Zone episode!!  There is no escape!!

One of us! One of us! Gooble Gobble!

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1 hour ago, tincansailor981 said:

Another angle would be that cro magnon man, Anrrrrrreeeeii, takes some perverse pleasure in all that red lipstick.  I envision some 90 Shades of Gray shit going on behind closed doors.

I seem to recall that in most shots with Andreiiii, she's toned down the lipstick.  Even when she flew into Ireland to see him, she wasn't wearing the bright red lipstick when she met him at the airport.  I thought maybe HE doesn't like it, but she does - so she only wears it when she's not with him?

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28 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I seem to recall that in most shots with Andreiiii, she's toned down the lipstick.  Even when she flew into Ireland to see him, she wasn't wearing the bright red lipstick when she met him at the airport.  I thought maybe HE doesn't like it, but she does - so she only wears it when she's not with him?

Good point; i didn't pay that close attention, but i will from now on.

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Isn't Ashley the person that spread the "news" that Annie gave BJs at a bar in Thailand?  Ashley is a low-life!  I have no doubt that DavidPoor was/is a shitty father but that gives you no right to be a mean-spirited and narcissistic piece of shit yourself!  I'm sure Annie is no saint, but she's just trying to make the best of it in a foreign country.

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I seem to recall that in most shots with Andreiiii, she's toned down the lipstick.  Even when she flew into Ireland to see him, she wasn't wearing the bright red lipstick when she met him at the airport.  I thought maybe HE doesn't like it, but she does - so she only wears it when she's not with him?

The wedding look will probably tell.

2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

It's one thing to forgive a person for stepping on your foot. It's another thing to forgive them if they're still standing there standing on your foot.

I love this & must use it in my life, if you don't mind of course.

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3 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Any man who starts a conversation with "Baby, are you on your period? You are acting crazy." is not acting out of desperation to escape his home life. He is looking to start some serious shit.. And in Luis' case, he does it just for sport. Remember that little self satisfied smile he displayed at the end? 

Who smiles like that after having a terrible fight with someone you supposedly love? Shouldn't distraught be the first emotion he expresses as oppose to unmitigated glee? 

I am super on team Luis Go Home You're Terrible, but as much as I hated him in that conversation, I wasn't sure the smile at the end was "I am a psychopath."  It might have been "Er, well.  Um, hi America on tv and in my bedroom, hi camera person and sound person and lighting person and producer ... that happened I guess?" kind of didn't-affect-me face-saving machismo.  

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2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Aika looked very pretty in this episode to me with her makeup toned down.

Agree.  She is never more beautiful than when she's looking at Josh with pure disdain/disgust.

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6 minutes ago, Drogo said:
9 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Aika looked very pretty in this episode to me with her makeup toned down.

Agree.  She is never more beautiful than when she's looking at Josh with pure disdain/disgust.

I guess hating on Josh just brings out the pretty. I must say I have noticed an improvement in my own appearance since I started hate watching him. ;-) 

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19 hours ago, Normades said:

Sorry I took your comment the wrong way.  I guess it's one of those sore subjects with me, and I apologize if my response was a little over the top!  I agree with you Molly has no control over her children.  Probably because she's been busy chasing men around all her/their lives.  It's sad.  They are beautiful girls with lots of potential, but she puts her needs above their all the while screaming how THEY COME FIRST!!!  Give me a break!!  It's obvious who comes first in that house.  I also think she so on board with this marriage because he's the first person who actually asked her.  I think it was his go to line, but she bought it hook, line and sinker.  She's said multiple times how she's never been married.  I guess the fathers of her children weren't interested.  I really feel sorry for those girls and after last week's tirade from Luis, I am seriously worried about their safety.  Did you notice how she brought up that he drinks all day?  It seemed like that just slipped out in her anger.  I really think there are lots of nasty little things about Luis that Molly is hiding from the public.  So scary!!!

Fun Fact: Those who scream loudly that their kids are FIRST, or how hard they work to make sure their kids are cared for is full of crap.  Mr. Funky's cousin is one.  Two of her kids don't live with her and refuse to speak to her.

16 hours ago, jmonkey said:

David and Evelyn: You wanna talk about sex? Really? These two weren't on very much, but Evelyn still seems intent on selling Claremont to David Spain. The family band will be over practicing at all hours with them just eight houses away. Will David ever get out of Claremont? Evelyn has gotten her way so far, so methinks no. After the sex, she'll have him by the balls.


Heh.  I have a friend who is a stand-up comic.  He's not an A-lister (although he has worked with some) or even a B-lister, but he's funny, and a sweet guy.  He does a song parody of Bailamos by Enrique Iglesias, and he changes it to By The Balls, all about a guy who was excited to get married, and now regrets it.  He usually asks for newlyweds in the audience, and dedicates the song to one of them.  I sometimes have that song playing in my head when I see those two.


3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I agree. She wasn't telling Annie to "help" her. She was telling Annie because she thought it might make her go away. She had no idea how futile that was. 

Also, I think she floated the "prostitute" story out there to see if Annie would cringe.

Annie absolutely deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. She wants to make a good life for herself! I hope she finds some good friends. It would be good for her to find some Thai people also because it would be relaxing for her to speak in her native language for an evening.

That being said, I totally understand Ashley's anger and her pain. She's just taking it out on the wrong person. 

I can't imagine why David thought it would be a good idea to send Annie in his stead other than the fact that he is a coward.

She reminds me of my brother-in-law.  He treated me like that a number of years ago, spilling dirt on my husband from years ago (none of which was even bad - just petty stuff).  Turned out that my late evil MIL was at the center of it.  She was never happy unless she was playing people against each other, and she wanted me gone.  It hurt their relationship for a long time, but they compared notes after she died, and they're on better terms, but still not very close.  So I wonder how much Ashley's mom plays a part in this.  It's probably been happening for years.  Ashley got pregnant young - my BIL had substance abuse issues.  He got arrested a number of times, and my MIL would always bail him out and get him a lawyer, but when she died, my (now deceased) step FIL told him that he couldn't afford a lawyer for him, and let him sit in jail, and it made him a better person.  We wrote him, and put money in his account, but that was it.

14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

 If that were the case he would borrow some cash and buy a plane ticket home.

3 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

Really, hmm, has he really tried everything? How about

"Molly, honey, I love you, but after living together for 90 days, we just don't work. We had a great vacations fling, but I don't  want to be the stepfather and manservant you want. Let's cut our losses and go back to our rocking (at least for me) single lives.."

Or if that is too much for Luis, he could just back a bag, steal some cash from Molly, hock her owls, and abscond in the middle of the night back to the DR. No fuss. No muss. No drama.

Clearly our mileage varies, but I think these two possibilities are are a lot easier than creating all that filthy drama by needling and baiting Molly relentlessly/. But then, that wouldn't as fun as watching her freak out  just for you on national TV. Any man who starts a conversation with "Baby, are you on your period? You are acting crazy." is not acting out of desperation to escape his home life. He is looking to start some serious shit.. And in Luis' case, he does it just for sport. Remember that little self satisfied smile he displayed at the end? 

Who smiles like that after having a terrible fight with someone you supposedly love? Shouldn't distraught be the first emotion he expresses as oppose to unmitigated glee? 

He was 100% gaslighting.  As someone who has had it done by others, and watched while it was done to my husband, I know it when I see it.  Definition: Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity. I don't know if I'd call him a sociopath, and I don't think he's a psychopath, but I'd put money on it (if I had some) that he's got Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and people with NPD are good at gaslighting.   My late evil MIL was particularly good at it.  She was so good at twisting stuff that I'd lose myself after a bit, and couldn't remember what really happened anymore.  She was 100% narcissist.  All her, all the time.  And she also loved to scream loudly about how much she sacrificed for her kids (100% BS).  Molly's mention of his porn made me cringe.  It's exactly what he wanted, so he could fire back at her.  Telling my MIL she did something would just get her to fire back that you're remembering it wrong, it never happened, she can prove it, etc.  Telling her something that my husband told me she did would get her to fire back that he's lying, that never happened, I wasn't there so how would I know, etc.  I actually had to keep notes with her so I could keep it all straight.  It was exhausting.

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13 hours ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

I hope I'm replying the right way. I just joined so I could reply to your post. Your post about watching Father of the Bride. My father was an abusive drunk who used to beat my mother and I. They divorced when I was 3 and the last time I saw him I was 5. So I understand your feelings about the movie. I didn't throw up. I actually loved the movie until the part when they had the father/daughter dance and I could do was sit there and sob. Lol

LOVE your screen name!

I understand Ashley's anger at David Poor.  His women (and Chris) will always come before his kids.  Annie need to run.  UNLESS she wants a kid with a father in name only.

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A good friend of mine went to Al-anon for years as he dealt with his partner's drinking, and told me about an expression he learned there called, "crazy-maker," and to me, that's what Luis is. The thing with people that are crazy-makers is that they will not change and they can only be crazy-makers if the other person gives them that power. Molly needs to grow up, take a good look at herself, and ditch him. I don't feel sorry for her totally though, she's a ditz and imported a much younger man that she didn't know well. She should have just screwed his brains out in the DR and left it at that (sorry to be so crude). 

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13 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

A good friend of mine went to Al-anon for years as he dealt with his partner's drinking, and told me about an expression he learned there called, "crazy-maker," and to me, that's what Luis is. The thing with people that are crazy-makers is that they will not change and they can only be crazy-makers if the other person gives them that power. Molly needs to grow up, take a good look at herself, and ditch him. I don't feel sorry for her totally though, she's a ditz and imported a much younger man that she didn't know well. She should have just screwed his brains out in the DR and left it at that (sorry to be so crude). 

I'm a Grateful Member of Al-Anon, and yes, this is something that comes up from time to time.  There's also Pink Clouding, where you think that everything is fine and dandy, when it's really not.  Methinks that Molly has experienced both.

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Drogo, is Sharp Entertainment or anyone at TLC aware of these forums and the deeply analytical and insightful conversations that take place?   We have some heavy hitter (very intelligent) contributors here.   I particularly have learned so much about all kinds of subjects.  Truly impressive.  Some of you, I light up when I see your name because I know I'm going to learn something or I'm going to laugh my ass off.  To all posters, thanks for all that and have a wonderful holiday season.

A rare case where -- in terms of content and depth -- the forum is better than the actual show.

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5 minutes ago, AmyBre said:

Drogo, is Sharp Entertainment or anyone at TLC aware of these forums and the deeply analytical and insightful conversations that take place?   We have some heavy hitter (very intelligent) contributors here.   I particularly have learned so much about all kinds of subjects.  Truly impressive.  Some of you, I light up when I see your name because I know I'm going to learn something or I'm going to laugh my ass off.  To all posters, thanks for all that and have a wonderful holiday season.

A rare case where -- in terms of content and depth -- the forum is better than the actual show.

I'm 99% sure that Sharp Entertainment is not at all interested in "very intelligent people" or the things they say.  

p.s. I think you'll find that most of the forums on PTV are better than the actual shows.  Especially garbage reality shows. 

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On 12/11/2017 at 10:47 AM, Trackdawg said:



Since y'all beat me to it, I'll have to go with...maybe his winning fashion sense?

Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 8.39.33 AM.png

YES!...well, almost. Because, as I thought about it, I knew I had seen him somewhere before. Not Pinocchio, though

Tweedledee, Tweedledum and...TweedleDave?tweedledee-tweedledum-2.jpg

David reminds me of the penguin from Batman. The one with Danny Devito

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6 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

David Pour is unrepentant. He can't wait to get drunk again! 

The only reason the brother wants to see his dad is because he doesn't understand what an ass his dad is. He doesn't realize that he's just lining up to get hurt again.

Still, when David Pour is dead and gone, they'll be happy even for the bad moments

I wish Ashley would have bounced that glass off of his smug fucking face. The son just needs to watch all of 90DF and see that his "dad" is just a fucking turd posing as a human being. That should give him some closure and hopefully he can have a nice life.

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22 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Watching the show is basically secondary to me reading these forums.  What I am saying here/admitting to  is that I basically watch the show in anticipation of what I am going to read on these boards afterwards.  Because you people are awesome and are beyond clever with your hysterical commentary.

So yeah, I got problems, too!

Same here but there is getting to be so much snark in each forum that it is taking me like 3 days to get through reading the whole thing (between that and actually working) lol. 

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Not sure if I've missed an explanation, but what is that logo-'d, camouflage Hummer or whatever David Poor is driving?  I know it must belong to Chris/Chris' business - but what is it promoting and why is it so hideous?

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On 12/10/2017 at 4:40 PM, balisticnikki said:

Is that an option? I don't think the sponsor can ever just say, "you're costing me too much; I'm sending you back to your country."

I don't understand why chris won't just revoke his sponsorship...

I think you're right. He signed a contract with the US government.

And, if push comes to shove, Annie will dig her heels in. She does not want to go home. And, it has nothing to do with that fool David.

His daughter hit the nail on the head. He basically wants a slave who will clean his house, s*ck his d*ck for free and cook him Thai food.

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26 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Same here but there is getting to be so much snark in each forum that it is taking me like 3 days to get through reading the whole thing (between that and actually working) lol. 

Ha, same here!  I have to be in bed really early for work so I had to hit the sheets the minute the show was over on Sunday night and spent the entire next day at work just waiting for the day to be over so that I could get back home to come here.  Stupid job.  It distracted me all day long.  I can only admit that here.  And with all the various off shoots of threads for the different couples, it has become my second part-time job just to make it through them all.  But I enjoy the hell out of every minute of it.  Okay, hours of it, truth be told. I told a co-worker about the show and about this place and the wee problem I have developed and she told me I need to go volunteer or something.  People just don't understand. 

Edited to add something to keep this post on topic -- until someone witnesses the horror that is David's wardrobe or Libby's lipstick, who are they to judge?

Edited by Cementhead
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On 12/13/2017 at 7:11 AM, Kellyee said:

She figured out international online dating, Facetime, the K1 Visa process, manipulating her father into sponsoring Azan, and getting a plane ticket and presumably passport and/or Visa to go to Morocco twice. She also figured out how to lie to Azan about who she went out with just enough so that she could later claim she wasn't really lying. I have a cousin who really is slightly to moderately developmentally delayed, and there is no way she could have figured all that out by herself. Nicole is not suffering from mental delays.

I think Nicole is quite capable when she's motivated. But she's not often motivated. And I think her family both enables her and lives in fear that she'll take May and disappear. There is no reason someone her age with a child does not have a steady full time job. And to top it off, she aided in Azan getting fired (although he could have just stopped answering his phone at work) and now helps to pay his bills, while probably taking money from her parents to pay her own bills.

Steady, full time jobs are not necessarily easily found by everyone in this economy.

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Now that she's had the opportunity to witness herself being made a fool of on international TV, I wonder what mental gymnastics Molly has to go through to tell herself things are going to work out with the giggling, sadistic Luis?

How intense is her desperation that she hasn't thrown him out of the second story window of her fancy suburban home?

No doubt Luis will continue to up the ante to keep the game fun. Molly, do you get it? Hurting you is fun to him. That's what we call a 'red flag.'

Also, even though he's a very sexual being (remember what's that it's Pat from SNL? "I'm a very sexual being?" *giggle*), as was evidenced by the way Luis went gaga over the younger, more slender dancers at the strip club, he clearly has a type, and Molly, you ain't it.

If you search for a boy-man to bring to your bed, odds are his type is not an obese woman old enough to be his mother. Don't get me wrong because you would be perfectly attractive to some man out there who is your age, but he's not going to look like he can be your son. 

If Molly was slender and well-maintained like sans-filler Darcey, she might stand a chance, but she's not. Something tells me that if Molly were introduced to a man of her age and her body type, she wouldn't be interested. It's called a double standard.

Also, as much as I don't care for Josh, Aika is really showing her edge talking about his lack of masculinity and how she might go with another man. Kitty has claws!

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