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S12.E12: Farm-To-Table Manners

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9 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

Her blind allegiance to Vicki is beyond annoying.  I don't think the two kept in touch at all over the years. 

And it's so clearly just to get her back on the show because there is no way in hell she didn't at least binge watch before she started filmimg.

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18 hours ago, Normades said:

You know, a lot of people said how nice and loving Michael was during her surgery, however I feel like (tm Lydiot) he was just acting for the cameras and trying to manipulate the audience and those around him.  It seemed like all show and no substance to me.  I've unfortunately known someone like that.  For me, the jury is still way out on him.  Kelly, however redeemed herself just a little bit last week.  I hope it continues because I can't stand her vile behavior.  I hate people who do horrible things to others and then say, "when I'm hurt I hit back  hard."  That is not an excuse and no adult should behave that way.

Yes, I tend to side eye Michael a bit. Did Kelly once say he was diagnosed as a psychopath/sociopath or narcissist or something? I think she did, but I don't remember when she said it.  

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Kelly is amusing to watch at times, but she is still a wackadoo, and anyone choosing to marry and have a kid with a wackadoo like Kelly cannot be too stable themselves. Michael is an odd duck. 

If they would dump Vicki from the cast, this show could have some rejuvenation of its own- they all have a bit of a love hate thing going on, and it could actually be a similar quirky vibe as RHONY. 

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12 hours ago, swankie said:

Someone please introduce Peggy to Google.  Her "What is this phrase?" shtick is getting tiresome.  Damn!

The more everyone talks about Peggy's lack of understanding, the more I really, really wonder how the heck she graduated from UCLA with a degree in English Lit. How on earth did she read Shakespeare, Chaucer, poetry, and so on--and then go on to discuss and write about it--while being so "obtuse" about symbolism, turns of phrase, idioms, plays on words, et cetera? And getting grades that were good enough to graduate? I am at such a loss. At MINIMUM, someone who studies all that stuff wouldn't get huffy if someone uttered a colloquialism.

Edited by ivygirl
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1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

Kelly is amusing to watch at times, but she is still a wackadoo, and anyone choosing to marry and have a kid with a wackadoo like Kelly cannot be too stable themselves. Michael is an odd duck. 

If they would dump Vicki from the cast, this show could have some rejuvenation of its own- they all have a bit of a love hate thing going on, and it could actually be a similar quirky vibe as RHONY. 

If Tamra ends up dumping Shannon as a friend, she can go have a seat with her friend Vicki. Then they can cut her from the show with Vicki, Lydia and Peggy.

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

Yes, I tend to side eye Michael a bit. Did Kelly once say he was diagnosed as a psychopath/sociopath or narcissist or something? I think she did, but I don't remember when she said it.  

She said he was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder - which seems to be one criteria used for hiring at Bravo.

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You know, I have a DVR filled with shows, and the best way to get through RHOOC is to fast forward through any Kelly or Vicki segments.  Voila!  An hour turns into about half an hour.  Very manageable, and I feel like I am not contributing to either Kelly or Vicky's egotism.  I have no interest in even a second of their plotlines.

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On 9/27/2017 at 6:20 AM, Crazydoxielady said:

Lydiot can go anytime now. I am so sick of her anorexic bug eyed persona, the ball cutting is tiresome, she is entitled as hell, and is indeed a pin head.

I'm quoting and bolding this merely because it needs to be said again and again...and again!

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16 hours ago, ChitChat said:

 Yes, I can't believe Doug let her go on and on about this, and on TV to boot.  It would be bad enough around friends.  I swear, these people have no modesty whatsoever.  At the risk of sounding like a prude (not that there's anything wrong with that!) I was brought up with the notion that there are certain things that are kept private.  My husband wouldn't be happy with me shouting something like that to the roof tops.  However,   I could see her telling  a few close friends about his vasectomy, but for the love of all that's holy,  you don't go on TV screaming like Chicken Little  "his balls are being cut off, his balls are being cut off!" Sheesh!

I can respect someone preferring to keep certain things private and not finding humour or entertainment in others talking about very personal matters (especially as it pertains to their body or their relationship) but what I can't get behind is that Lydia is a walking contradiction. Why does she feel uncomfortable with people talking about breasts while men are in the room but she's okay with talking about balls on national television - what's worse is that she's forcing a conversation that isn't even about her - she's talking about someone else's body! I'm fed up of hearing Lydia blame all of her unreasonable discomforts on her being a Christian.

I actually liked Lydia during her previous stint and gave her the benefit of the doubt upon her return since I thought Shannon was being unreasonable during their first encounter with one another. But since then, Lydia has been a shit stirrer who has been trying to go undercover as this sweet butterfly who just wants everyone to love each other and get along. She's also had this nasty habit of giving opinions on situations that she doesn't know in full. If you don't know the whole backstory to a situation, a person who is actually well intentioned and trying to be fair would acknowledge and show empathy to how both parties feel, not immediately take sides and then apologize the moment someone gets emotional about how Lydia is handling things. Lydia would be better off if she just shut her mouth. She hasn't offered anything of value so far and at this rate, I doubt that's going to change.

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On September 26, 2017 at 1:04 PM, WireWrap said:

Add in that when Meghan tried to help explain what Kelly meant, Peggy cut her off and said she understood exactly what Kelly meant! She and Ditko are trying to make us believe they are the Lucy/Ricky of the HW world and failing miserably at it. LOL

I'm beginning to think that Peggy is being deliberately obtuse about the cancer/not cancer with the other women because she wants them to be confused and ask a lot of questions. So that then, Peggy and Vickie can exclaim "see?? You guys are obsessed with cancer! You think everyone is lying! See?? You even think Peggy is lying!!". I feel like they cooked this up to intentionally have the rest of the women look discredited by now questioning Peggy. Like they're obsessed with people lying about cancer. I think the rest are being baited. I have no other explanation for why Peggy is so downright bizarre about the way she goes about explaining her situation. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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1 hour ago, Red Bridey said:

You know, I have a DVR filled with shows, and the best way to get through RHOOC is to fast forward through any Kelly or Vicki segments.  Voila!  An hour turns into about half an hour.  Very manageable, and I feel like I am not contributing to either Kelly or Vicky's egotism.  I have no interest in even a second of their plotlines.

I agree in general, however, Kelly calling Peggy out on her UCLA degree was priceless and not to be missed. 

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The whole scene with shannon trying to explain to Lydia why she was squeezing a leg, and Lydia furiously shaking her head and saying "nope! No! Not listening to your explanation!" is a perfect illustration of someone looking to start a fight. Lydia knew that she made a mistake by jumping to a conclusion about why Shannon squeezed Kelly's leg, but refused to hear her out, and continued to be snotty and passive aggressive to Shannon about it. A normal person would just say, I think you were making fun of me when u were squeezing Kelly's leg while I was talking. Then Shannon would explain. Then everyone would be satisfied. But nope. Not Lydia. She had to keep it going and spin a whole thing about it and make Shannon nuts (not hard to do). I HATE people that start fights intentionally. I remember her doing that to Slade with the hamburger thing, but enjoyed it then, because he so deserved to get slapped around a little :)

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On September 26, 2017 at 1:51 PM, LilaFowler said:

Shannon tells David that Spinning is her least favorite exercise, so he buys her an exercise bike. A more paranoid person might wonder if Hostage Eyes was trying to sabotage her exercise goals.

Something tells me she never even told david that it's her least favorite exercise. That she only told us. That he only found out about that when we did, in her talking head. I can't imagine them watching the show together every week, and seeing her repeated barbs lobbed at him. Yikes!

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13 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Then Shannon would explain. Then everyone would be satisfied. But nope. Not Lydia. She had to keep it going and spin a whole thing about it and make Shannon nuts (not hard to do).

Further proof that Shannon hates spinning. Whether it's on her dang exercise bike or by Lydia. 

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

She said he was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder - which seems to be one criteria used for hiring at Bravo.

Ah, thanks nexxie! Definitely wasn't that he was a psychopath, hey? For some reason that is swimming around in my head.

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I wish Lydia's mom would write a parenting book because sometimes it's more helpful to know what not to do when raising kids. Lydia is that horrible combination of entitled, sanctimonious and delusional. I say delusional because I think she really thinks she's being nice by "including everyone" (and I'm guessing someone didn't get invited to enough birthday parties in her childhood), but who wants to be included in a personal attack festival? 

Time to redecorate that rainbow, Lydia. Or whatever you do with rainbows. More sparkles or less ... so hard to know.

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29 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Something tells me she never even told david that it's her least favorite exercise. That she only told us. That he only found out about that when we did, in her talking head. I can't imagine them watching the show together every week, and seeing her repeated barbs lobbed at him. Yikes!

I wish she would just divorce the beady-eyed skeeve.

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Fuck me.  I'm falling for the Kelly redemption tour.  I have always been loud in my proclamations of her being a garbage person, but if she can keep being vulnerable and funny and getting along with others instead of being totally ratchet, I could totally end up liking her.

Editors, please.  When we hear heavy breathing at Shannon's house we know it isn't sexy times no matter how much bow-chicka-wow-wow music you play over it.  I can't decide if David just tunes Shannon out and only heard "spinning" not that she hates it and bought the bike to be nice or if he listens to her and knows she hates it and bought the bike to be passive aggressive.  I laughed at her getting her feet stuck -- been there, done that, almost fell.  The bike repeatedly telling her to disengage reminded me of my car repeatedly telling me to make a legal U-turn when possible, but I was in Switzerland and didn't know if U-turns were even legal and was fleeing from almost being hit by a light rail and I just flipped the fuck out and started yelling at the navigation.  

I don't blame anyone for being confused about Peggy's cancer situation.  She is incoherent when she talks.  But it wasn't cool to talk about it while she was in the bathroom.  I can understand them taking a once bitten twice shy approach to cancer stories even given the fact that Peggy had her tits cut off, but I don't want to watch another cancer gate.  And Peggy, I don't mean that anyone was actually bitten or that there is an actual gate.

I laughed out loud at Meghan's MRN joke about Vicki.  

Peggy thought she was so clever in her art gallery talking head and when she made her point at the table about actually standing behind everyone.  She was so smug in that talking head.  The thing with Peggy is that most people even if they don't understand an idiom know not to treat it literally.  I mean three year olds probably don't, but after that you gain some basic reasoning skills.  I took French through college and know enough to shop and eat.  When I hear or read something and the literal translation makes no sense I assume it is an idiom.  I don't speak Italian, but I know that orecchiette are pasta and not really small ears.  Hell, I speak English and don't know the origin of most English idioms and still don't assume they are literal and try to reason out what they mean from context and if i don't get it I don't make a big show out of saying I don't go to galleries that have peanuts because I'm too classy.

14 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

What is this phrase, The Trots?  In Armenia, only horses trot.  You call me horse?  You a piece of work!

How dare you imply I have to work.  Diko make the money and I just spend at Tom Ford.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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5 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

What is this phrase, The Trots?  In Armenia, only horses trot.  You call me horse?  You a piece of work!

... Now excuse me while I edit my paper on D.H. Lawrence.

Whoever said she was doing the Sophia Vergara schtick was right on the money.  

(And speaking of Armenians, I happened to be watching Keeping Up with The Kardashians the other day (don't ever watch, but couldn't sleep, it was on, ... and pfft! take it up with my attorney! ;) and in one TH Kim had the faux hawk going and looked so much like Peggy.)

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22 minutes ago, Jel said:

I wish Lydia's mom would write a parenting book because sometimes it's more helpful to know what not to do when raising kids. Lydia is that horrible combination of entitled, sanctimonious and delusional. I say delusional because I think she really thinks she's being nice by "including everyone" (and I'm guessing someone didn't get invited to enough birthday parties in her childhood), but who wants to be included in a personal attack festival? 

Time to redecorate that rainbow, Lydia. Or whatever you do with rainbows. More sparkles or less ... so hard to know.

I wonder if Lydia's uptight "Christian" ways are her response to being raised by a freewheeling hippie chick - I recently met a young guy similar to Lydia in outlook, who told me his choices were a reaction to being raised by "two hippies who lacked structure."

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1 minute ago, nexxie said:

I wonder if Lydia's uptight "Christian" ways are her response to being raised by a freewheeling hippie chick - I recently met a young guy similar to Lydia in outlook, who told me his choices were a reaction to being raised by "two hippies who lacked structure."

That's why the hippies gave birth to the me generation.

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14 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

That's why the hippies gave birth to the me generation.

So the me generation has lots of rigid faux Christians?

on edit - the me generation and hippies are both boomers

Edited by nexxie
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On 9/25/2017 at 7:07 PM, Straycat80 said:

It was nice seeing some of the ladies having dinner and not screaming or throwing plates. Ok, there was a little snark but at least it was funny.

I particularly liked it when they were discussing medical records and Meghan proclaimed that she'd retired.  It's that sort of self-aware jocularity, with some ribbing, that I enjoy.


On 9/26/2017 at 4:20 AM, diadochokinesis said:

Dude, you would be amazed.  I started editing dissertations for fun and some extra money after I finished my doctorate and OMG. You would think people who are going for their doctorate would have a strong gasp of the English language but nope.

I have a friend who was applying to a doctoral program, and his personal statement or whatever started with, "Me and my sister..."  They accepted him. 


On 9/26/2017 at 9:19 PM, Mu Shu said:

I hate spinning too.  Fucking hate it.   I hate those damn classes with people yelling at you.  Fuck that, I'm paying.  Shut up.  That's why I don't spin. 

A million thumbs up.  I've done one spin class in my life, under coercion, and hated every fucking second of it.  Yelling at me does not motivate me or make me like something.


19 hours ago, ChitChat said:

Shannon is pretty vocal about her disdain of all things exercise, so having a nice workout room doesn't mean a person will use it.   Maybe she would like it better if she found a few different kinds of equipment, or walking on trails, etc. with a friend.  Not everybody enjoys gym equipment.  I like to get outside and ride my bike.  I find that much more enjoyable than sweating it out on a stationary bike.  I also like lighter weight free-weights for muscle toning.  YMMV. 

I despise exercising just for exercise's sake.  One of the happiest days of my life was when I was out running one morning, which I'd been doing for some time, and I thought, "I don't like this," and stopped and walked back home and never ran again. 

So I feel for Shannon.  I hope she finds something she actually enjoys doing because if it feels like a sentence to her, it's going to be tough going even if she gets a post-workout high and see results--she'll be one bad day from stopping completely.  I do really hope that David didn't know she didn't like spinning when he bought that bike for her, because otherwise, that's just a dick move.  Nobody deserves to have her word ignored.

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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

How dare you imply I have to work.  Diko make the money and I just spend at Tom Ford.

VICKI is the only Housewife allowed to work!!!!


3 hours ago, Wicked said:

So do we know who actually arranged the dinner and didn't invite Lydia?

Shannon. Tamra was quick to throw her under the bus when Lydia called. I don't see that friendship lasting longer than the end of the season. I think Tamra took that call on purpose. 

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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I can respect someone preferring to keep certain things private and not finding humour or entertainment in others talking about very personal matters (especially as it pertains to their body or their relationship) but what I can't get behind is that Lydia is a walking contradiction. Why does she feel uncomfortable with people talking about breasts while men are in the room but she's okay with talking about balls on national television - what's worse is that she's forcing a conversation that isn't even about her - she's talking about someone else's body! I'm fed up of hearing Lydia blame all of her unreasonable discomforts on her being a Christian.

I actually liked Lydia during her previous stint and gave her the benefit of the doubt upon her return since I thought Shannon was being unreasonable during their first encounter with one another. But since then, Lydia has been a shit stirrer who has been trying to go undercover as this sweet butterfly who just wants everyone to love each other and get along. She's also had this nasty habit of giving opinions on situations that she doesn't know in full. If you don't know the whole backstory to a situation, a person who is actually well intentioned and trying to be fair would acknowledge and show empathy to how both parties feel, not immediately take sides and then apologize the moment someone gets emotional about how Lydia is handling things. Lydia would be better off if she just shut her mouth. She hasn't offered anything of value so far and at this rate, I doubt that's going to change.

She was uncomfortable talking about boobs in a mixed party that was a "boob" party for couples to begin with! LOL

2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm beginning to think that Peggy is being deliberately obtuse about the cancer/not cancer with the other women because she wants them to be confused and ask a lot of questions. So that then, Peggy and Vickie can exclaim "see?? You guys are obsessed with cancer! You think everyone is lying! See?? You even think Peggy is lying!!". I feel like they cooked this up to intentionally have the rest of the women look discredited by now questioning Peggy. Like they're obsessed with people lying about cancer. I think the rest are being baited. I have no other explanation for why Peggy is so downright bizarre about the way she goes about explaining her situation. 

I would put nothing past Vicki, including this! Maybe this is why production keeps reshowing exactly what Peggy did/did not say each time her story changes.

1 hour ago, Jel said:

Ah, thanks nexxie! Definitely wasn't that he was a psychopath, hey? For some reason that is swimming around in my head.

I think you are confusing what Kelly claimed Michael was diagnosed with and what she was most likely diagnosed with! LOL 

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

She was uncomfortable talking about boobs in a mixed party that was a "boob" party for couples to begin with! LOL

She just acts so dense, I don't understand how that can be real. She thinks it's inappropriate for women to talk about their breasts in front of men. Well then is it okay for her to talk about her husband's balls in front of other women? I did like that the dinner crew acknowledged the ridiculousness of Lydia not only constantly talking about her husband getting his 'balls chopped off' but that they began joking about how he was really going to get the wrinkles out, haha.

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

The whole scene with shannon trying to explain to Lydia why she was squeezing a leg, and Lydia furiously shaking her head and saying "nope! No! Not listening to your explanation!" is a perfect illustration of someone looking to start a fight. Lydia knew that she made a mistake by jumping to a conclusion about why Shannon squeezed Kelly's leg, but refused to hear her out, and continued to be snotty and passive aggressive to Shannon about it. A normal person would just say, I think you were making fun of me when u were squeezing Kelly's leg while I was talking. Then Shannon would explain. Then everyone would be satisfied. But nope. Not Lydia. She had to keep it going and spin a whole thing about it and make Shannon nuts (not hard to do). I HATE people that start fights intentionally. I remember her doing that to Slade with the hamburger thing, but enjoyed it then, because he so deserved to get slapped around a little :)

Everyone would be satisfied? Shannon's explanation was that she was squeezing legs and making fun of Peggy, not Lydia. She acknowledged the bad behavior but felt that she was completely in the right since it wasn't intentionally directed at Lydia. Regardless, it made Lydia uncomfortable and Shannon never apologized for that, she kept repeating that she was actually talking about Peggy (who was right there!).  In my view, Shannon was the one who wouldn't let go of that conversation. I think Shannon really needs for others to support her and understand her point of view, but she doesn't always show that same courtesy especially when she feels on the defensive. According to the show, Lydia also called Shannon that same evening to apologize for overreacting, but Shannon still feels hostile towards Lydia. The two ladies don't click but that doesn't mean one of them is purposely trying to goad the other. Shannon has also had a hard time clicking with several of the others at the outset (including Meghan and Heather) and the simplest explanation is that she is the common denominator - not because she is a bad person but because the way she interacts socially is a bit different. I appreciate that she values authenticity over politeness, but by not necessarily sticking to the expected superficial script, she can come across as abrasive in early encounters.

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6 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Kelly is amusing to watch at times, but she is still a wackadoo, and anyone choosing to marry and have a kid with a wackadoo like Kelly cannot be too stable themselves. Michael is an odd duck. 

If they would dump Vicki from the cast, this show could have some rejuvenation of its own- they all have a bit of a love hate thing going on, and it could actually be a similar quirky vibe as RHONY. 

I agree that Vicki needs to go. And Lydiot. I actually enjoyed these crazy bitches when they were out to dinner without those two. Shannon's expression cracked me up when Tamra totally threw her under the bus about not inviting Lydia. And when Kelly said to what's her name, "Didn't you go to UCLA?" I also cracked up because that woman is dense as fuck. Like someone said, I think she may have done some sort of ESL program, but she did not earn a degree.

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3 hours ago, Normades said:

I agree in general, however, Kelly calling Peggy out on her UCLA degree was priceless and not to be missed. 

I did watch that segment because I like Meghan, and I like Shannon, for whom I feel a reasonable amount of pity.  She gets so "het up" and becomes inarticulate when she's upset.  I think I would like to be friends with her.  I would also like to be friends with Meghan, who I think is rational and clear-headed (baby brain notwithstanding).  I would not want to be in the same room with Tamra, Kelly, Vicki or Lydia, and Peggy is just, no thank you.

RE Shannon's outburst last week over the knee squeezing: I loved Quantum Leap and there was an episode where Sam leaped into the body of a mentally disabled young man.  Of course there was nothing wrong with Sam's brain, but the way he was treated by everyone made him frustrated and angry and emotional, much like Shannon last week.

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1 hour ago, crocodile said:

Everyone would be satisfied? Shannon's explanation was that she was squeezing legs and making fun of Peggy, not Lydia. She acknowledged the bad behavior but felt that she was completely in the right since it wasn't intentionally directed at Lydia. Regardless, it made Lydia uncomfortable and Shannon never apologized for that, she kept repeating that she was actually talking about Peggy (who was right there!).  In my view, Shannon was the one who wouldn't let go of that conversation. I think Shannon really needs for others to support her and understand her point of view, but she doesn't always show that same courtesy especially when she feels on the defensive. According to the show, Lydia also called Shannon that same evening to apologize for overreacting, but Shannon still feels hostile towards Lydia. The two ladies don't click but that doesn't mean one of them is purposely trying to goad the other. Shannon has also had a hard time clicking with several of the others at the outset (including Meghan and Heather) and the simplest explanation is that she is the common denominator - not because she is a bad person but because the way she interacts socially is a bit different. I appreciate that she values authenticity over politeness, but by not necessarily sticking to the expected superficial script, she can come across as abrasive in early encounters.

Lydia called Shannon "crazy" on camera and this wasn't her first time in doing so either, so an apology off camera isn't going to cut it IMO. Especially when you consider, which I am sure Shannon has, that Lydia's technically not a newbie, she knows how to play the HW game. Lydia, is gaslighting Shannon on purpose and Shannon realizes this. As for Peggy, she is trying to gaslight all of them except for Vicki! LOL

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23 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

In Armenia we don't get the trots when we eat raw meat.  Maybe diarrhea but not the trots.

I don't know what part of Armenia you are from.  Probably that part that's not really Armenia.  In my Armenia, no one poops because the food is so good and there is no waste.   Plus, the food is so insanely hot that you would die if you pooped.  

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1 hour ago, crocodile said:

Everyone would be satisfied? Shannon's explanation was that she was squeezing legs and making fun of Peggy, not Lydia. She acknowledged the bad behavior but felt that she was completely in the right since it wasn't intentionally directed at Lydia. Regardless, it made Lydia uncomfortable and Shannon never apologized for that, she kept repeating that she was actually talking about Peggy (who was right there!).  In my view, Shannon was the one who wouldn't let go of that conversation. I think Shannon really needs for others to support her and understand her point of view, but she doesn't always show that same courtesy especially when she feels on the defensive. According to the show, Lydia also called Shannon that same evening to apologize for overreacting, but Shannon still feels hostile towards Lydia. The two ladies don't click but that doesn't mean one of them is purposely trying to goad the other. Shannon has also had a hard time clicking with several of the others at the outset (including Meghan and Heather) and the simplest explanation is that she is the common denominator - not because she is a bad person but because the way she interacts socially is a bit different. I appreciate that she values authenticity over politeness, but by not necessarily sticking to the expected superficial script, she can come across as abrasive in early encounters.

That entire scene was a continuous shit-show, but it played out as Lydia, very much, trying to start a fight with Shannon. And I don't even like Shannon. Or Lydia. Or any of them but Archie. 

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Glad to see Lydia never makes situations about her.  From her blog:

"I called her after Kelly's volleyball party and our fight, because I really don't like drama and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep unless she heard my heart and where I was coming from. I felt we ended the conversation with a fresh start and a chance for a friendship. I was trying to leave Kelly's party and stay calm even though Shannon upset me, and if that came off dismissive, I apologize for that. I feel like Shannon was looking for a fight so I just wanted to leave and not engage with her."

"I wanted her to know that my feelings were hurt when I felt she was squeezing legs under the table and I didn't want to get into it then. So, when the farmhouse dinner happened and she didn't invite me, I felt extra sensitive because I thought. . . . "

This kind of makes it all about Lydia-the very thing she accuses Shannon. Sorry Lydia, you are too busy mugging for the camera to listen to what people are saying.  From her debut this season she has been saddled with the reality she just forges on ahead and ignores what people are trying to tell her.  Lydia would not have to get her side out so often, if she listened in the first place.  Saying Shannon and Vicki are the same person.  Fighting words.  Claiming she was trying to say because they are both hurt is what she meant but she will not listen.  Vicki can't say how Shannon hurt her.   Lydia does not see, Vicki isn't hurt, she is just angry the others don't want to film with her.  She is also the most insulting little twit.  You really don't get to tell someone they are crazy and then expect to be best buds.

Lydia feels like she has nailed Shannon in some great big lie because Shannon had invited Meghan to dinner.  Shannon had never been to the  Farm to Table or whatever it is called.  Didn't set up the dinner as it seems Lydiot got a copy of the production schedule and decided to call  Tamra during filming.  Production schedule is where you get the big hint-you are NFI.  Why would Shannon invite grabby Peggy?   It must be arduous to invite 'Peggy what you mean HAGnoian' (or whatever her last name is) to anything.   

So if Vicki was so deathly ill, and Kelly was such a great rebounder from surgery, why did she go see her friend, if she was deathly ill. with a rare form of influenza?  Kelly claims she bounced back two days after surgery-just had the 24 hour post surgical nausea, to resume her post surgery social life.     

Edited by zoeysmom
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10 hours ago, ivygirl said:

The more everyone talks about Peggy's lack of understanding, the more I really, really wonder how the heck she graduated from UCLA with a degree in English Lit. How on earth did she read Shakespeare, Chaucer, poetry, and so on--and then go on to discuss and write about it--while being so "obtuse" about symbolism, turns of phrase, idioms, plays on words, et cetera? And getting grades that were good enough to graduate? I am at such a loss. At MINIMUM, someone who studies all that stuff wouldn't get huffy if someone uttered a colloquialism.

There's NO way Peggy has an English degree. She's too dumb to be able to analyze literature.

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On 9/26/2017 at 9:19 PM, Mu Shu said:

Oh god yes.  I despise Sophia Vergara and her whole ditzy act.  I was thinking Peggy was playing the fool like SV does,  but with much worse hair and no affect. 

I hate spinning too.  Fucking hate it.   I hate those damn classes with people yelling at you.  Fuck that, I'm paying.  Shut up.  That's why I don't spin. 

I will not, cannot look at SV for ANY reason. Terrible, worthless untalented "actor". 

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11 hours ago, ivygirl said:

The more everyone talks about Peggy's lack of understanding, the more I really, really wonder how the heck she graduated from UCLA with a degree in English Lit. How on earth did she read Shakespeare, Chaucer, poetry, and so on--and then go on to discuss and write about it--while being so "obtuse" about symbolism, turns of phrase, idioms, plays on words, et cetera? And getting grades that were good enough to graduate? I am at such a loss. At MINIMUM, someone who studies all that stuff wouldn't get huffy if someone uttered a colloquialism.

       this is exactly what I was trying to say. You expressed yourself much clearer than I did. I obviously never majored in English.

      She said she majored in English we don't know if she ever graduated. I know a man who 'majored' in business law. He seems to drift from one job to another and the only reason he isn't homeless is because he has a very wealthy family. I don't think he spent more than a semester at college, but somehow majored in business law.

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6 hours ago, crocodile said:

Everyone would be satisfied? Shannon's explanation was that she was squeezing legs and making fun of Peggy, not Lydia. She acknowledged the bad behavior but felt that she was completely in the right since it wasn't intentionally directed at Lydia. Regardless, it made Lydia uncomfortable and Shannon never apologized for that, she kept repeating that she was actually talking about Peggy (who was right there!).  In my view, Shannon was the one who wouldn't let go of that conversation. I think Shannon really needs for others to support her and understand her point of view, but she doesn't always show that same courtesy especially when she feels on the defensive. According to the show, Lydia also called Shannon that same evening to apologize for overreacting, but Shannon still feels hostile towards Lydia. The two ladies don't click but that doesn't mean one of them is purposely trying to goad the other. Shannon has also had a hard time clicking with several of the others at the outset (including Meghan and Heather) and the simplest explanation is that she is the common denominator - not because she is a bad person but because the way she interacts socially is a bit different. I appreciate that she values authenticity over politeness, but by not necessarily sticking to the expected superficial script, she can come across as abrasive in early encounters.

     Why should Shannon apologize to Lydia if Lydia was uncomfortable because she thought it was all about her and misunderstood the situation, and refused to acknowledge her explanation? I don't expect an apology from others when I make a mistake.

     Shannon would not let go because Lydia refused to believe that it wasn't about her. 

     I don't think Shannon could do no wrong BTW. She gets worked up to easy. I think Lydia played on that.

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9 hours ago, nexxie said:

So the me generation has lots of rigid faux Christians?

on edit - the me generation and hippies are both boomers

Not really.  The flower children were hippies of the 60's.  Those free-spirited dreamers begat a generation of uptight, Conservative members of the me generation, that became the generation of greed in the 1980s Regan era.  It was the basis of the relationship between parents and son, Alex P. Keaton, on Family Ties.  I don't know how "faux" the Regan era Christians were, but they at least paid lip service to religion.


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I think we may have seen the real Kelly Dodd on this episode and the key to her personality quirks.  It was when Meghan came over to visit her after her surgery and Kelly innocently held up her shirt to show Meghan her breasts, then still with wide eyed innocence eagerly asked,'' You wanna see them?"  Meghan looked uncomfortable while she stuttered that maybe she shouldn't and poor Kelly's mom stood guard at her closet quickly inserting,'' No Kelly that's not a good idea." (or something similar) and we had Kelly quickly looking at her mom and parroting that it wouldn't be a good idea while she put her shirt down.  I think Kelly has a bad impulse control-- or no filter on what is appropriate to say.  I actually liked her in that whole scene with Meghan.  I'm rooting for her now--- I hope she can finagle her way through this group.  I'm sure she was brought on this show by Satan Andy because he knew she'd be explosive and inappropriate, especially when alcohol fueled. I really feel for her mom-- you just know by the ever present expression of dread in her eyes that ever since Kelly's been a little girl she's had to try to defuse her and watch from the sidelines as poor Kelly makes her poor choices..... 

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10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

What is this phrase, The Trots?  In Armenia, only horses trot.  You call me horse?  You a piece of work!


10 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

How dare you imply I have to work.  Diko make the money and I just spend at Tom Ford.

Wait, how do you say I am only a PIECE of work. I *all* work. I work HARD. Armenians are 110% Work. Not like lazy Americans.

3 hours ago, ITALIA said:

There's NO way Peggy has an English degree. She's too dumb to be able to analyze literature.

What if this is just some long con she's pulling on us? A Borat-style thing?


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14 hours ago, Jel said:

Yes, I tend to side eye Michael a bit. Did Kelly once say he was diagnosed as a psychopath/sociopath or narcissist or something? I think she did, but I don't remember when she said it.  

Kelly said that Michael has narcissistic personality disorder. They both requested psych evals on each other the last time they separated. Kelly alleges her eval came back with no diagnosis. I find that hard to believe. She drinks too much, has horrific impulse control, and had numerous restraining orders out against her. Yet somehow Michael is the problematic one in the relationship.

13 hours ago, ivygirl said:

The more everyone talks about Peggy's lack of understanding, the more I really, really wonder how the heck she graduated from UCLA with a degree in English Lit. How on earth did she read Shakespeare, Chaucer, poetry, and so on--and then go on to discuss and write about it--while being so "obtuse" about symbolism, turns of phrase, idioms, plays on words, et cetera? And getting grades that were good enough to graduate? I am at such a loss. At MINIMUM, someone who studies all that stuff wouldn't get huffy if someone uttered a colloquialism.

I put the UCLA English coursework requirements up in Peggy's thread because I had the same questions that you did. It's so perplexing that it makes me wonder if she has some strange English degree that doesn't exist any longer at UCLA.

1 hour ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

     Why should Shannon apologize to Lydia if Lydia was uncomfortable because she thought it was all about her and misunderstood the situation, and refused to acknowledge her explanation? I don't expect an apology from others when I make a mistake.

     Shannon would not let go because Lydia refused to believe that it wasn't about her. 

     I don't think Shannon could do no wrong BTW. She gets worked up to easy. I think Lydia played on that.

Reading Lydia's blog made me want to slap the taste out of her mouth. Lydia managed to get herself upset and make herself uncomfortable all on her own. And because she grossly misread the situation and blamed Shannon, Shannon owes Lydia an apology. WTF is that even? That's some Vicki shit. I thought that Lydia was cynically taking Vicki's side. I now think it might be sincere. I was wrong. I was upset. You owe me an apology.

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8 hours ago, crocodile said:

Everyone would be satisfied? Shannon's explanation was that she was squeezing legs and making fun of Peggy, not Lydia. She acknowledged the bad behavior but felt that she was completely in the right since it wasn't intentionally directed at Lydia. Regardless, it made Lydia uncomfortable and Shannon never apologized for that, she kept repeating that she was actually talking about Peggy (who was right there!).  In my view, Shannon was the one who wouldn't let go of that conversation. I think Shannon really needs for others to support her and understand her point of view, but she doesn't always show that same courtesy especially when she feels on the defensive. According to the show, Lydia also called Shannon that same evening to apologize for overreacting, but Shannon still feels hostile towards Lydia. The two ladies don't click but that doesn't mean one of them is purposely trying to goad the other. Shannon has also had a hard time clicking with several of the others at the outset (including Meghan and Heather) and the simplest explanation is that she is the common denominator - not because she is a bad person but because the way she interacts socially is a bit different. I appreciate that she values authenticity over politeness, but by not necessarily sticking to the expected superficial script, she can come across as abrasive in early encounters.

Yeah, it's why I roll my eyes every time Shannon exclaims, "I can't just stand being accused of something so off-base!" Um, Shannon, it wasn't "so off-base" - you admitted you were squeezing legs in a juvenile way, just not toward Lydia, but toward Peggy. It's not beyond the realm of comprehension that when you're squeezing legs and whispering about someone at the table that someone else might mistake the meanness as being directed toward them. But Shannon is relentlessly dramatic - heaven forbid there be a misunderstanding without it being the Crime of the Century perpetuated against her.

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